Introduction To The World of Computers

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Chapter 1:

Introduction to the
World of Computers
What Is a Computer and What Does
It Do?
• Computer
– A programmable, electronic device that accepts data,
performs operations on that data, and stores the data or
results as needed
– Computers follow instructions, called programs, which
determine the tasks the computer will perform
• Basic operations
– Input: Entering data into the computer
– Processing: Performing operations on the data
– Output: Presenting the results
– Storage: Saving data, programs, or output for future use
– Communications: Sending or receiving data

Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, 14th Edition 2

Data vs. Information

• Data
– Raw, unorganized facts
– Can be in the form of text, graphics, audio, or video
• Information
– Data that has been processed into a meaningful form
• Information processing
– Converting data into information

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Information Hierarchy

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Does this mean anything to anyone?

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Now did this add context?

Now what is a SSN?

SSN - Unique text
corresponds 1 to 1 with an individual
=> This corresponds to Knowledge

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Computers Then and Now

• The computer as we know it is a fairly recent invention

• The history of computers is often referred to in terms of
• Each new generation is characterized by a major technological
• Pre-computers and early computers (before 1946)
– Abacus, slide rule, mechanical calculator
– Punch Card Tabulating Machine and Sorter

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Computers Then and Now

• First-generation computers (1946-1957)

– Enormous and powered by vacuum tubes
– Used a great deal of electricity and generated a lot of heat
• Second-generation computers (1958-1963)
– Used transistors
– Computers were smaller, more powerful, cheaper, more
energy-efficient, and more reliable
– Punch cards and magnetic tape were used to input and
store data

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Computers Then and Now

• Third-generation computers (1964-1970)

– Used integrated circuits (ICs)
– Keyboards and monitors introduced
• Fourth-generation computers (1971-present)
– Use microprocessors
– IBM PC, Apple Macintosh
– Use keyboards, mice, monitors, and printers
– Use magnetic disks, flash memory, and optical disks for
– Computer networks, wireless technologies, Internet

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Computers Then and Now

• Fifth-generation (now and the future)

– Infancy stage
– No precise classification
– May be based on artificial intelligence (AI)
– Will likely use voice and touch input
– May be based on optical computers and utilize

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• Hardware: The physical parts of a computer

– Internal hardware
• Located inside the main box (system unit) of the
– External hardware
• Located outside the system unit
• Connect to the computer via a wired or wireless
– Hardware devices are associated with all five computer

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• Input devices
– Used to input data into the computer
– Keyboards, mice, scanners, cameras, microphones,
joysticks, touch pads, touch screens, fingerprint readers,
sensors, etc.
• Processing devices
– Perform calculations and control computer’s operation
– Central processing unit (CPU) and memory
• Output devices
– Present results to the user
– Monitors, printers, speakers, projectors, sensors, haptics,

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• Storage devices
– Used to store data on or access data from storage media
– Hard drives, CD/DVD discs and drives, USB flash drives, etc.
• Communications devices
– Allow users to communicate with others and to
electronically access remote information
– Modems, network adapters, etc.

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• Software
– The programs or instructions used to tell the computer
hardware what to do
• System software
– Operating system starts up the computer and controls its
– Without OS, computer cannot function
– Boots the computer and launches programs at the user’s
direction - please research the Boot Process located here:

– Most use a GUI to interact with the user via windows,

icons, menus, buttons, etc.
– Windows, Mac OS, Linux, etc.

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Application Software
• Application software
– Performs specific tasks or applications
• Creating letters, budgets, etc.
• Managing inventory and customer databases
• Editing photographs
• Scheduling appointments
• Viewing Web pages
• Sending and receiving e-mail
• Recording/playing CDs and DVDs
• Designing homes
• Playing games

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Computer Users and Professionals

• Computer users (end users)

– People who use a computer to obtain information
• Computer professionals include:
– Programmers
• Write programs computers use
– Systems analysts
• Design computer systems
– Computer operations personnel
• Manage day-to-day computer operations
– Security specialists
• Secure computers and networks against hackers

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Computers To Fit Every Need

• Six basic categories of computers:

– Embedded computers
– Mobile devices
– Personal computers
– Midrange servers
– Mainframe computers
– Supercomputers

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Thin Client and Internet Appliances

• Thin client or network computer (NC)

– Device designed to access a network for processing and
data storage
– Lower cost, increased security and easier maintenance
– Limited or no local storage
– Not able to function as a computer if network is down
• Internet appliance
– Specialized network computer designed for Internet access
and/or e-mail exchange
– Some designed to be used in the home

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Computer Networks and the Internet

• Computer network
– A collection of hardware and other devices that are
connected together
– Users can share hardware, software, and data
– Users can communicate with each other
• Network servers
– Manage resources on a network

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What are the Internet and the
World Wide Web?
• Internet
– The largest and most well-known computer network in the
– Individuals connect to the Internet using an Internet
service provider (ISP)
• World Wide Web
– One resource (a vast collection of Web pages) available
through the Internet
– Web sites contain Web pages stored on Web servers
– Web pages viewed using a Web browser (Internet Explorer,
Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, etc.)
– A wide variety of information is available through the Web

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Accessing a Network or the
• Need a modem or network adapter to connect
• Some networks require a username and password
• Internet connections can be:
– Direct (always-on) connections
– Dial-up connections
• Internet addresses are used to access resources on the
– IP (Internet Protocol) address
• Numeric address that identifies computers

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Accessing a Network or the
– IP addresses and domain names
• Text-based address that identifies computers
– Uniform resource locators (URLs)
• Identify Web pages
– E-mail addresses
• Identifies people for e-mail exchange
([email protected])

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IP Addresses and Domain Names

• IP addresses are numeric and unique

• Domain names
– Correspond to IP addresses
– Top-level domains (TLDs)
identifies type of organization
or its location
– Custom TLDs may soon be

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Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

• Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)

– Uniquely identifies a Web page
• Protocol or standard being used
• Identification of the Web server
• Names of folders in which the Web page file is stored
• Web page’s filename

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E-mail Addresses

• E-mail addresses consist of:

– Username
• A person’s identifying name for a particular domain
– The @ symbol
– Domain name for the computer that will be handling the
person’s e-mail (mail server)
• Pronouncing Internet addresses

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Searching the Web

• Search site:
• Web page that helps you find Web
pages containing the information
you are seeking
– Typically search using keywords
• Reference Sites
– Look up addresses,
telephone numbers, ZIP codes,
maps, etc.

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– Can contain photos, attached files, etc.

– Mobile e-mail may require a fee
– Other types of mobile communications
• Short Message Service (SMS)
• Multimedia Message Service (MMS)

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Computers and Society

• The vast improvements in technology over the past decade

have had a distinct impact on daily life, both at home and at
• Many benefits of a computer-oriented society
– Ability to design products before construction leads to
safer products
– Earlier medical diagnoses and more effective treatment
– Devices that allow physically and/or visually challenged
individuals to perform job tasks
– Documents e-mailed or faxed in moments
– Download information, music, programs, movies, and
more on demand

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Computers and Society

• Computer-oriented society also has risks

– Stress and health concerns
– Spam
– Computer viruses and malware
– Identity theft and phishing
– Privacy issues
• How data is collected
• How secure is the collected data

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Computers and Society

• Differences in online communications

– Less formal than traditional
– Netiquette
• Be polite and considerate of others
• Refrain from offensive remarks
– Abbreviations (acronyms) and emoticons
• Acronyms such as BTW (by the way)
• Illustrations of faces-- 

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Computers and Society

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Computers and Society

• The Anonymity Factor

– Gives many individuals a sense of freedom
– Can also be abused
• Information Integrity
– Use common sense when evaluating online content
– Check your source--not all information on the Internet
is accurate

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