Patho Worksheet Right Heart Failure

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Pathophysiology Worksheet Expected Lab Ranges (WNL):

Disease Process: Right-sided Heart Failure AKA Right Ventricular Heart Failure/Cor Pulmonale

Right ventricle does not pump efficiently into pulmonary circulation, causing back up into venous
circulation/body and can be due to many factors – causes decreased pulmonary perfusion and
systemic congestion – usually always from LVHF or lung disorders that produce pulmonary HTN
Risk Factors
These factors include: Left-sided or left ventricular heart failure (causes the right ventricle to work
harder (also take note that the RV myocardial walls are not as thick as the LV myocardial walls)
Pulmonary HTN: caused by narrowing of vessels within the lung, usually due to COPD, but can be
from valvular heart disease, and liver disease
Valve Stenosis/Regurgitation (causes increased BP in lungs)
Expected Findings
*Systemic/Central edema (JVD, ascites, peripheral/dependent edema, etc) *Anorexia
*Hepatomegaly and Splenomegaly *GI distress *Weight gain
*Venous stasis *Exertional syncope *Dyspnea/SOB
*Cough, pink-tinged sputum
Diagnostics/Laboratory Data
BNP, hemodynamic monitoring to measure BP in vessels, heart, and arteries, echo for EF
determination ( would see <45% in RV EF), ECG, CVP for right atrial pressure (norm is 2-6), PCWP ( for
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure) normal is 4-12, coronary angiography, stress test
Nursing Care/Interdisciplinary Care
A main goal is to decrease workload (pre/afterload) while increasing cardiac output (contractility)
**Monitor weight for volume status*, *Asses for worsening of symptoms, such as peripheral swelling
and response to interventions and meds, *VS, *I/Os, *Elevate LE, *Restrict fluids and Na, *High-
Fowlers *safety measures, watch for orthostatic hypotension and falls from ^ feet swelling,
*Administer O2 and any ordered meds

Interdisciplinary team: cardiologist, dietary, RT, pulmonologist, general doctor, possibly a

Client Education
Exercise within capabilities, notice signs of overexertion, limit Na, limit h20 intake to 2L/day, daily
weights, weight loss/control, smoking cessation, limit ETOH, educate them on the fact that there is no
cure, but that medications taken as prescribed can help alleviate symptoms and increase quality of
Organ failure, heart valve complications that may require repair or prostheses, MI, arrythmias,
cardiogenic shock, angina
ACE, ARBs, Diuretic, BB, Anticoagulant, Vasodilator, *Digoxin can help the heart muscle pump more
efficiently by increasing strength of contractions, helps restore normal rhythm, and improve blood
circulation.) Entresto is also used for treatment and is a mixture of valsartan, which is an ARB and
sacubitril which is a neprilysin inhibitor - it increases bioavailability of BNP, bradykinin, helping with

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