Sybms (Sem-Iii) IT in Business Management - I: Question Bank With Answers

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IT in Business Management - I

Q1. Explain the concept of data information and knowledge?

1.DATA is the facts and figures that can be recorded in a system and have
special meaning assign to it.
Example: 12012012 is just a sequence of numbers without apparent
importance. But if we view it in the context of ‘this is a date’, we can easily
recognize 12th of January, 2012. By adding context and value to the numbers,
they now have more meaning.
2.Information is the next building block. This is data that has been “cleaned”
of errors and further processed in a way that makes it easier to measure,
visualize and analyze for a specific purpose. Which means this is data that
has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful to the person who
receives it
Example: A telephone service centre supplies telephone numbers to
public on request.
3. Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or
something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is
acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering, or
learning. When we don’t just view information as a description of collected
facts, but also understand how to apply it to achieve our goals, we turn it into
knowledge. This knowledge is often the edge that enterprises have over their


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4. Wisdom is the top of the DIKW hierarchy and to get there, we must answer
questions such as ‘why do something’ and ‘what is best’. wisdom is knowledge
applied in action.

Q2. What is Business Information technology or Business environment.

Explain the characteristics of Business environment?
It refers to the surrounding in which business exist is called business
environment. The complete awareness & understanding of business
environment is called business scanning.
Business Information technology helps organizations in all industries
to automate processes & systems to achieve objectives, increase revenue
and reduce waste & inefficiency.
The purpose of business Information technology is to meet the growing
need of companies at the expanding expectations of customers.
Characteristics -
1. Totality of external force:
Business environment is the sum total of all those factor/forces which
are available outside the business and which the business has no
2. Specific and General forces:
The forces present outside the business can be divided into two parts
1. Specific: These forces affect all the firms of an industry separately.
For example~ customers, suppliers, competitive firms, investors
2. General: These forces affect all the firms of an industry equally.
For example~ social, political, legal and technical situations.
3. Interrelatedness:
The different factors of business environment are co-related. For
example let us suppose that there is a change in the import export
policy with the coming of a new government.
4. Uncertainty:
Nothing can be said with any amount of certainty about the factors of
the business environment because they continue to change quickly. The
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professional people who determine the business strategy take into
consideration the likely changes beforehand.
5. Dynamic:
As it is clear that environment is the mixture of many factors and
changes in some or the other factors continue to take place. Therefore,
it said that business environment is dynamic.
6. Complexity:
Environment comprises of many factors. All these factors are related to
each other. Therefore their individual effect on business cannot be
recognized. This is perhaps the reason which make it difficult for a
business to face them.
Q3. Explain the concept of Database in detail?
DATA is the facts and figures that can be recorded in a system and have
special meaning assign to it. Example: Name of a person, price of book, pin
code of a city etc.
DATABASE is a collection of related data items stored at one place.Most
databases contain multiple tables, which may each include several
different fields. For example, a company database may include tables for
products, employees, and financial records.
For searching or entering data into the database, a database
management system is used also known as DBMS.
DBMS is a collection of related data items and set of programs that used
to access and store the data in a easy and efficient manner.Some DBMS
examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access,Oracle.
DBMS architecture : It is logically divided into two parts
2-tier client server architecture.
o The 2-Tier architecture is same as basic client-server. In the two-tier
architecture, applications on the client end can directly communicate
with the database at the server side. For this interaction, API's
like: ODBC, JDBC are used.
o The user interfaces and application programs are run on the client-side.
o The server side is responsible to provide the functionalities like: query
processing and transaction management.
o To communicate with the DBMS, client-side application establishes a
connection with the server side.


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3-tier client server architecture.

o The 3-Tier architecture contains another layer between the client and
server. In this architecture, client can't directly communicate with the
o The application on the client-end interacts with an application server
which further communicates with the database system.
o End user has no idea about the existence of the database beyond the
application server. The database also has no idea about any other user
beyond the application.
o The 3-Tier architecture is used in case of large web application.


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Q4. What is memory and explain different types of memory

Memory is a physical device used to store applications, program or to store

data and instructions. It can be permanent or a temporary storage. Memory is
divided in to two parts -
1. Primary memory 2.secondary memory.
Primary memory: It is divided into two parts cache memory and main

Cache memory:
Cache memory is a very high speed semiconductor memory which can
speed up the CPU.>It is used to hold those parts of data and program
which are most frequently used by the CPU.
It is located between Processor and RAM. It is smallest and fastest
It is volatile and temporary memory.
Cache memory has limited capacity.


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Main memory:
Primary memory holds only those data and instructions on which the
computer is currently working.
It has a limited capacity and data is lost when power is switched off.
It is generally made up of semiconductor device. These memories are
not as fast as registers.
It is divided into two subcategories RAM and ROM.

It stands for random access memory.
It performs read/write operations which stores data until the machine is
It provides temporary storage
It is a volatile memory
RAM is of two types −
• Static RAM (SRAM)
• Dynamic RAM (DRAM)

Static RAM:
The word static indicates that the memory retains its contents as long
as power is being supplied. However, data is lost when the power gets
down due to volatile nature.
Data is stored in SRAM with the help of flip flops. As it is fixed, there is
no need to refresh the memory.
Characteristic of Static RAM
• Long life
• No need to refresh
• Faster
• Used as cache memory
• Expensive
• High power consumption


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Dynamic RAM:
DRAM, unlike SRAM, must be continually refreshed in order to
maintain the data. DRAM is used for most system memory as it is cheap
and small.
All DRAMs are made up of memory cells, which are composed of one
capacitor and one transistor.
Data is stored in DRAM with the help of capacitors and transistors, has
it is having a changing nature.
Characteristics of Dynamic RAM
• Short data lifetime
• Needs to be refreshed continuously
• Slower as compared to SRAM
• Used as RAM
• Less expensive
• Less power consumption
It stands for Read only memory.
The memory from which we can only read but cannot write on it.
This type of memory is non-volatile.
The information is stored permanently in such memories during
A ROM stores such instructions that are required to start a computer.
ROM is of three types −
• PROM(programmable read only memory)
PROM is read-only memory that can be modified only once by a user.
The user buys a blank PROM and enters the desired contents using a
PROM program.
Inside the PROM chip, there are small fuses which are burnt open
during programming. It can be programmed only once and is not
• EPROM(Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)
EPROM can be erased by exposing it to ultra-violet light for a duration
of up to 40 minutes.
• EEPROM(Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)


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EEPROM is programmed and erased electrically.
It can be erased and reprogrammed about ten thousand times. Both
erasing and programming take about 4 to 10 ms (millisecond).
In EEPROM, any location can be selectively erased and programmed.
EEPROMs can be erased one byte at a time, rather than erasing the
entire chip. Hence, the process of reprogramming is flexible but slow.

Secondary memory:
This type of memory is also known as external memory or non-volatile.
It is slower than the main memory. These are used for storing
data/information permanently.
CPU directly does not access these memories, instead they are accessed
via input-output routines.
The contents of secondary memories are first transferred to the main
memory, and then the CPU can access it.
It is known as the backup memory.
Data is permanently stored even if power is switched off.

Secondary memory is subdivided into three

1. Magnetic storage device
2.Optical storage device
3.Flash memory
Magnetic storage devicesuses minute magnetic particles to store data.
It is subdivided into magnetic tapes and magnetic disk.
Magnetic tape is a long and narrow strip of plastic that
thin magnetic material is coated on. Nearly all recording tape is of
this type, whether used for recording audio or video or computer data
Magnetic disk is a storage device that uses a magnetization process to
write, rewrite and access data. It is covered with a magnetic coating and
stores data in the form of tracks, spots and sectors. Hard disks, zip
disks and floppy disks are common examples of magnetic disks.

Optical storage devices save data as patterns of dots that can be read
using light. A laser beam is the usual light source.
Dots can be created using the laser beam (for media that is writable such as
CD-Rs). The beam is used in a high-power mode to actually mark the surface


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of the medium, making a dot. This process is known as ‘burning’ data onto a
CD-ROM (Compact Disc - Read-Only Memory)discs can hold
around 800MB of data. The data cannot be altered (non-volatile), so
cannot be accidently deleted. It used to distribute all sorts of
data: software, music, electronic books.
DVD-ROM(Digital Versatile Disc - Read-Only Memory) discs can hold
around 4.7GB of data. It is used in the same way as CD-ROMs but,
since they can hold more data, they are also used to store high-
quality video.
BLU-RAY are a recent replacement for DVDs. A Blu-Ray disc can
hold 25 - 50GB of data.Blu-Ray discs are used in the same way as
DVD-ROMs (see above) but, since they can hold more data, they are
also used to store very high-quality, high-definition (HD) video.

Flash memory storage is a form of non-volatile memory that was born out of
a combination of the traditional EPROM and E2PROM.Flash memory is
a non-volatile memory chip used for storage and for transferring data between
a personal computer (PC) and digital devices. Easily portable (e.g. USB
memory sticks, camera flash cards, etc).

Q5. What is computer networking. Explain the classification of computer

networking based on distance covered?
A network is two or more computers, or other electronic devices, connected
together so that they can exchange data.
The system in which two or more computers connected using cable or
wireless technology for sending and receiving of data for the purpose of
communication is called Computer Network
The sharing resources can be in the form of hardware and software.
Hardware resources are printers, scanners, CD-drive, hard drives. The
software resources are sharing of files, applications, software etc.
Classification based on distance covered
1. PAN (personal area network): A personal area network, or PAN, is a
computer network organized around an individual person within a single


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building. This could be inside a small office or residence. A typical PAN would
include one or more computers, telephones, peripheral devices, video game
consoles and other personal entertainment devices.
This type of network provides great flexibility. For example, it allows you to:
• Send a document to the printer in the office upstairs while you are
sitting on the couch with your laptop.
• Upload a photo from your cell phone to your desktop computer

2. LAN:
A local-area network (LAN) is a computer network that spans a relatively small
area. Most often, a LAN is confined to a single room, building or group of
buildings. The smallest LAN may only use two computers, while larger LANs
can accommodate thousands of computers. Local Area Networks cover a small
physical area, like a home, office, or a small group of buildings, such as a
school or airport.
LAN is generally limited to specific geographical area less than 2 K.M.,
supporting high speed networks. A wide variety of LANs have been built and i
nstalled, but a few types have more recently become dominant. The most wide
ly used LAN system is the Ethernet system based on the bus topology.

A metropolitan area network, or MAN, consists of a computer network across
an entire city, college campus or small region. A MAN is larger than a LAN,
which is typically limited to a single building or site. Depending on the
configuration, this type of network can cover an area from several miles to
tens of miles. A MAN is often used to connect several LANs together to form a
bigger network.
The network size falls intermediate between LAN and WAN. A MAN typically c
overs an area of between 5 and 50 km diameter. Many MANs cover an area th
e size of a city.
Characteristics of MAN
1) It generally covers towns and cities (50 kms)
2) It is developed in 1980s.
3) Communication medium used for MAN are optical fibers, cables etc.
4) Data rates adequate for distributed computing applications.


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Wide Area Network (Figure 8) is a network system connecting cities, countries

or continents, a network that uses routers and public communications links.

The largest and most wellknown example of a WAN is the Internet.
WANs are used to connect LANs and other types of networks together, so that

users and computers in one location can communicate with users and
computers in other locations.
Characteristics of WAN
1) It generally covers large distances (states, countries, continents).
2) Communication medium used are satellite, public telephone networks whic
h are connected by routers.
3) Routers forward packets from one to another a route from the sender to th
e receiver.

Q6. Explain difference between Decision Support System and Executive

Information System.

Ans :

Dimension EIS DSS

Full form Executive Information System Decision Support System

Focus Analysis, decision Support Status Access

Typical Users Analysts, professions, Senior Executives

Served managers (via intermediaries) Expediency.

Application Diversified Areas where Environmental scanning,

Managerial Decisions are performance evaluation,
made identifying problems and


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Decision Supports semi-structured Indirect support, mainly
Support and unstructured decision high level and unstructured
Capabilities making; mainly ad-hoc, but decisions and policies
sometimes repetitive

Hardware Mainframes, micros or Distributed system


Construction By users, either alone or with By Vendors or IS

specialists from IS or IC Specialists

Supporting Can be programmed into DSS Instant access to the

Detailed supporting details of any
Information summary

Q7. What is Digital Economy? What are the components of digital



Digital Economy :

“Digital economy is an umbrella term used to describe markets that focus on

digital technologies.” It refers to the full range of our economic, social and
cultural activities supported by the Internet and related information and
communications technologies.

Components of digital economy :

1) e-business infrastructure :

business infrastructure refers to the combination of hardware such as

servers and clients PCs in an organization, the network used to link this
hardware and the software applications used to deliver services to workers
within the e-business and also to its partners and customers.


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E-infrastructure can also be considered to include the methods for
publishing data and documents accessed through e-business applications.

• (hardware, software, telecoms, networks, human capital, etc.),

2) e-business:

Online Business or e-business is any kind of business or commercial

transaction that includes sharing information across the internet.

Commerce constitutes the exchange of products and services between

businesses, groups and individuals and can be seen as one of the
essential activities of any business.

• (how business is conducted, any process that an organization

conducts over computer-mediated networks),

3) e-commerce :

E-commerce is the activity of buying or selling of products on online

services or over the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies
such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain
management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic
data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and
automated data collection systems.

Q3. What is Operating System? Explain different operating systems in



Operating System :

An operating system (OS), is software that allows a user to

run other applications on a computing device.The operating system manages
a computer's hardware resources, including: Input devices such as a


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keyboard and mouse. Output devices such as display monitors, printers and

Types of Operating system

• Batch Operating System

• Multitasking/Time Sharing OS
• Multiprocessing OS
• Real Time OS
• Distributed OS
• Network OS
• Mobile OS

1. Batch Operating System

Some computer processes are very lengthy and time-consuming. To speed

the same process, a job with a similar type of needs are batched together
and run as a group.
The user of a batch operating system never directly interacts with the
computer. In this type of OS, every user prepares his or her job on an
offline device like a punch card and submit it to the computer operator.

2. Multitasking/Time-sharing Operating systems

Time-sharing operating system enables people located at a different

terminal(shell) to use a single computer system at the same time.
The processor time (CPU) which is shared among multiple users is termed
as time sharing.

3. Real time OS

A real time operating system time interval to process and respond to

inputs is very small.
Examples: Military Software Systems, Space Software Systems.

4. Distributed Operating System

Distributed systems use many processors located in different machines to

provide very fast computation to its users.

5. Network Operating System


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Network Operating System runs on a server. It provides the capability to
serve to manage data, user, groups, security, application, and other
networking functions.

6. Mobile OS

Mobile operating systems are those OS which is especially that are

designed to power smart phones, tablets, and wearables devices.


IT in Business Management - I

Q1. What are header and footer? How to insert it in word? Explain with
Header and Footer:

Headers and footers allow you to repeat text at the top or bottom of the
page. Page numbers and dates are frequently inserted in footers.

Headers appear at the top of the page.

Footers appear at the bottom of the page.

How to Insert Header and Footer in MS Word :

Header and Footer allow you to add additional information like dates, file
names, page numbers at the top or bottom of your document. The basic steps
to set up a header and footer are given below;

o Select the Insert tab

o Locate the Header & Footer group
o It shows Header and Footer commands
o As required click either Header or Footer command
o It displays a list of built in Header or Footer options
o Select the desired option

If you select the Blank option it displays Design tab with header and footer
Once the Design tab is active you can add Date and Time to Header or Footer
by clicking the Date & Time command. On clicking it displays 'Date & Time'
dialog box. Select the desired date format, time format or date & time format.
Example :

A header is text at the top of a page in an electronic document or hard copy.

For example, in Microsoft Word, a header could be created in a document to
display the page number in the top corner of each page. By contrast,
a footer is at the bottom of a page in an electronic document or hard copy.


IT in Business Management - I
Q2. Explain MS Excel logical functions and its uses in detail.
Logical Function :
It is a feature that allows us to introduce decision-making when executing
formulas and functions. Functions are used to;
Check if a condition is true or false
Combine multiple conditions together

1. IF Function

Judging by the number of IF-related comments on our blog, it's the most
popular function in Excel. In simple terms, you use an IF formula to ask
Excel to test a certain condition and return one value or perform one
calculation if the condition is met, and another value or calculation if the
condition is not met:
IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])
For example, the following IF statement instructs Excel to check the value
in A2 and return "OK" if it's greater than or equal to 3, "Not OK" if it's less
than 3:
=IF(A2>=3, "OK", "Not OK")

2. AND & OR :
These are the two most popular logical functions to check multiple criteria.
The difference is how they do this:
AND returns TRUE if all of the conditions are met, FALSE otherwise.
OR returns TRUE if any of the conditions is met, FALSE otherwise.
While rarely used on their own, these functions come in very handy as
part of bigger formulas.
For example, to check the quantity in 2 columns and return "Good" if both
values are greater than zero, you use the following IF formula with an
embedded AND statement:
=IF(AND(A2>0, B2>0), "Good", "")
If you are happy with just one value being greater than 0 (either A2 or B2),
then use the OR statement:


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=IF(OR(A2>0, B2>0), "Good", "")
3. NOT :
Returns true if the condition is false and returns false if condition is true.
Returns the expression value if no error occurs. If an error occurs, it
returns the error value.

Q3.Explain difference between Vlookup and Hlookup.

Sr.No VLookup HLookup
1. lookup and retrieve data from a HLOOKUP searches for a value
specific column in table. in the first row of a table.

2. Full Form is Vertical Lookup Full Form is Horizontal Lookup

3. Item to be found is on Left Item to be found is on Right

4. We Write Column number of Area We Write Row number of Area

5. We drag down or copy paste We drag down or copy paste on

downwards the right

6. Vlookup searches on Right Side of Vlookup searches Downwards of

the item the item

7. =VLOOKUP( value, table, =HLOOKUP( value, table,

index_number, index_number,
[approximate_match] ) [approximate_match] )


IT in Business Management - I

Q4. Write short note on Mail merge.

Mail merge :
Mail merge is a feature within most data processing applications that
enables users to send a similar letter or document to multiple recipients.
It enables connecting a single form template with a data source that
contains information about the recipient’s name, address and other
predefined and supported data.
The steps of mail merge are:
Select the Mailings on the Ribbon.
Select the Start Mail Merge command.
Select Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard.

Create the main document with the fixed contents you need,
Choose an existing Data Source, or create a new one,
Add the merge field placeholders into the main document taking into
account that when you perform the mail merge, the mail merge fields
become filled with information from your data file. Since the information
can be of different size, make sure the placeholders are big enough to
contain the most lengthy one, and set the desired alignment, anchorage,
etc. of the placeholder.
Merge the data with the main document, and preview the result. If
possible, preview each copy of the document before you print the whole set.
Advantages :
1. Time saving as it does lots of letters.
2. It is quick and easy to do.
3. Easy to store the information.
4. Only one letter needed to be created.


IT in Business Management - I

Q1. How to configure Microsoft Outlook in your PC? Write all possible
Outlook :
Outlook is a great tool for communication, time and information
and collaboration.
Outlook is comprehensive tool that enables you to manage you email,
calendar, contacts, tasks and more all in one place.
Outlook is versatile component for users to manage personal information
and to communicates with others.
Follow the steps detailed below to use microsoft office outlook express to
send/receive email.
Steps :
1. Open Outlook. Select Account Settings... from the Tools menu
2. On the E-mail tab, click New
3. Select "Manually configure server settings or additional server types" and
click Next >
4. Select Internet E-mail and click Next >
5. Your Name: Enter the name you wish recipients to see when they receive
your message.
6. Click on the Outgoing Server tab, and check the box labeled My outgoing
server (SMTP) requires authentication.
7. Click on the Advanced tabUnder Incoming Server (POP3), the port number
should be set to 110.
Under Outgoing Server(SMTP), the port numbershould be set to 587.
8. Click OK Click Next. Click Finish.


IT in Business Management - I
Q2. What is E-Commerce ? List and explain advantages
anddisadvantagesof E-Commerce.
Ans :
E-commerce :
E-commerce consists of the buying and selling of products or services over
electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.
Advantages of E-commerce :
1. Always available to customers
E-commerce services are usually available round the clock. The
customer can avail or enquire about the services or products any time
they wish. The payment can also be done by transferring money at any
time of the day.
2. Plenty of options available
There are a hell lot of options available for the customer for every single
product or service. Different websites and businesses market for their
services in ways to attract the consumers who can choose the one which
suits their budget.
2. Environment friendly
Making all the transactions through internet has paved the way to
becoming more environment friendly. There is very less paper work
involved in e-commerce. The electronic transactions have helped to
digitize all the information thereby reducing the use of paper.
4. Lesser travels
Shopping was a tiring affair in the bygone days where ‘going shopping’
meant traveling. Now that you can shop from the comfort of your home,
there is no traveling involved. Keeping people at home also means lesser
5. Reviews available
Almost all the e-commerce sites have a review or comments page. The
customers who have already availed the service or bought the product
can write their reviews about the same in this page. So, it becomes easy
for a new customer to take a decision about using the service or product.

6. Attractive offers
There is a lot of competition happening online. The e-commerce sites are
flooded with offers and discounts to attract customers. These are
their marketing techniques which are profitable for the customers too.


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The same product may cost a lot lesser when bought online rather than
from a shop. Discounts of up to 80% have become very common.
Disadvantages of E-commerce :
1. High set up cost
The initial cost of setting up an e-commerce site is high. It calls for
experts in the fields of software, marketing and good decision makers to
sell the product. Even the delay or inexperience of the people involved
can result in loss of money.
2. Unsure about the quality
When you go to a shop, you can actually see and touch the product
before paying for it. This option is absent when shopping online. It is
commonly seen that when the product is delivered, it may differ in size
or color.

3. Security issues
Online transactions always face the threat of lack of security. Many sites
do not have Cash On Delivery (COD) option. It is risky for the customers
to give all the card details while doing online payment.
4. No delivery in remote areas
Most sites boast of delivery in every nook and corner. But in reality,
when the product arrives it can be noticed that it has been redirected
many times. Finally it is the quality of the product that is being
5. Technical difficulties
Lack of enough bandwidth is a problem in many countries. There are
also problems of compatibility of the e-commerce application with
certain operating systems. As the software field is developing fast, many
utilities become outdated within no time.
6. Late Delivery
The products ordered online may not reach you at the correct time. Even
though they say that it takes only a few days, it rarely reaches on time.
You then have to take the pain of tracking it and wait patiently till it is


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Q2. What is E-Commerce ? Explain different types of E-Commerce.
E-commerce :
E-commerce consists of the buying and selling of products or services over
electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.

Types of Ecommerce :

1. Business-to-Business (B2B)
2. Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
3. Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
4. Consumer-to-Business (C2B)

1) Business-to-Business (B2B):

This kind of eCommerce consists of all the electronic transactions and

dealings related to the goods and services. These basically are conducted
between companies and include conventional wholesalers and producers
dealing with retailers.

Example : a wholesaler places an order from a company's website and after

receiving the consignment, it sells the end product to the final customer
who comes to buy the product at the wholesaler's retail outlet.
2) Business-to-Consumer (B2C) :


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In B2C model, a business website is a place where all the transactions take
place directly between a business organization and a consumer.

In the B2C model, a consumer goes to the website, selects a catalog, orders
the catalog, and an email is sent to the business organization. After receiving
the order, goods are dispatched to the customer. Following are the key
features of the B2C model −

• Heavy advertising required to attract customers.

• High investments in terms of hardware/software.
• Support or good customer care service.

Example :
3) Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) :
This consists of electronic transactions of products and services between
two customers. These are mainly conducted through a third party that
provides an online platform for these transactions. Sites, where old items
are bought and sold, are examples of C2C eCommerce.
Example :
4) Consumer-to-Business (C2B) :
In this, a complete reversal of the selling and buying process takes place.
This is very relevant for crowd sourcing projects. In this case, individuals
make their items or services and sell them to companies. Some examples
are proposals for company site or logo, royalty free photographs, design
elements and so on.


IT in Business Management - I
Q1. What is risk mitigation? Explain its strategies.
Risk Mitigation :
Risk mitigation is the process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing the
risks to minimize, monitor, and control the probability of unfortunate events.
Risk mitigation strategies is a term to describe different ways of dealing
with risks. These strategies include risk avoidance, transfer, elimination,
sharing and reducing to an acceptable level.
Risk Acceptance
Risk acceptance does not reduce any effects however it is still considered a
strategy. This strategy is a common option when the cost of other risk
management options such as avoidance or limitation may outweigh the cost of
the risk itself. A company that doesn’t want to spend a lot of money on
avoiding risks that do not have a high possibility of occurring will use the risk
acceptance strategy.

Risk Avoidance
Risk avoidance is the opposite of risk acceptance. It is the action that avoids
any exposure to the risk whatsoever. It’s important to note that risk avoidance
is usually the most expensive of all risk mitigation options.

Risk Limitation
Risk limitation is the most common risk management strategy used by
businesses. This strategy limits a company’s exposure by taking some action.
It is a strategy employing a bit of risk acceptance along with a bit of risk
avoidance or an average of both. An example of risk limitation would be a
company accepting that a disk drive may fail and avoiding a long period of
failure by having backups.

Risk Transference
Risk transference is the involvement of handing risk off to a willing third party.
For example, numerous companies outsource certain operations such as


IT in Business Management - I
customer service, payroll services, etc. This can be beneficial for a company if
a transferred risk is not a core competency of that company. It can also be
used so a company can focus more on their core competencies.

Q2. Write short note on Trojan Horse.

A virus is a computer code or program, which is capable of affecting your
computer data badly by corrupting or destroying them.
Computer virus has the tendency to make its duplicate copies at a swift pace,
and also spread it across every folder and damage the data of your computer
A computer virus is actually a malicious software program or "malware" that,
when infecting your system, replicates itself by modifying other computer
programs and inserting its own code.

Trojan Horse
A Trojan Horse is also a sort of destructive program that remains disguised in
a normal software program. It is not exactly a virus, as it cannot replicate
itself. However, there is possibility that virus program may remain concealed
in the Trojan Horse.

Trojans can be employed by cyber-thieves and hackers trying to gain access to

users' systems. Users are typically tricked by some form of social engineering
into loading and executing Trojans on their systems. Once activated, Trojans
can enable cyber-criminals to spy on you, steal your sensitive data, and gain
backdoor access to your system. These actions can include:

Deleting data
Blocking data
Modifying data
Copying data
Disrupting the performance of computers or computer networks.


IT in Business Management - I
Q3. Shared hosting:
Web hosting is a service of providing online space for storage of web pages.
These web pages are made available via World Wide Web. The companies
which offer website hosting are known as Web hosts.
The servers on which web site is hosted remain switched on 24 x7. These
servers are run by web hosting companies. Each server has its own IP
address. Since IP addresses are difficult to remember therefore, webmaster
points their domain name to the IP address of the server their website is
stored on.
It is not possible to host your website on your local computer, to do so you
would have to leave your computer on 24 hours a day. This is not practical
and cheaper as well. This is where web hosting companies comes in.
Shared Hosting
In shared hosting, the hosting company puts thousand of website on the same
physical server. Each customer has their own allocation of physical web space
and a set of bandwidth limit. As all websites share same physical memory,
MYSQL server and Apache server, one website on the server experiencing high
traffic load will affect performance of all websites on the server.

Q4. Write short note on Domain Name System

Domain Name System :
DNS is used to map an alias address to the IP address. DNS is used by
application programs for mapping.
Why DNS is needed?
Divide huge amount of information into smaller parts and store each part on
different computer. Now, when the host needs the mapping it can contact the
closest computer holding the information . This is DNS method.
Working of DNS ::
When user enter a host name ( into browser , request will go ahead
to FTP client. Then FTP client will forward the same host name to DNS client.
For mapping DNS client will send host name as query to DNS server where
actual data is stored in the form of host name and their respected IP address.
DNS server will send response back to DNS client to FTP client. At last FTP
will transfer desired IP address to transport layer to show web page available
besides given IP.


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