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Name: Aakida Fayaz.

Name of school: GGHS

Student level: High school.


“Democracy is a government in which everybody has a share.”

Sir John Seeley.

From the above quote, it is clear that democracy is a universal form of

government. It is the only form of government which ensures the overall
happiness of an individual, a nation and the world. Let us first get introduced
to democracy and then prove the point of how important and ideal
democracy is.

Democracy is a derivation from two Greek terms “Demos” and “Kratos”.

The former word means the people and the latter word means power. So
democracy means “power of the people”. In democracy the preeminent
factor is the people. In a democracy the government is run by the people and
the main concern is the welfare of people.

Democracy has a great educative force, because it strives for the

development of the personality of the citizens. So democracy is not only a
form of government but a kind of upgraded society.

For Spencer Basset-“Democracy is a political method by which every

citizen has the opportunity of participating through discussion in an attempt
to reach voluntary agreements as to what shall be done for the good of the
community as a whole.”As a matter of fact, democracy is both a form of
government and a way of life.

Although democracy has a definite and set method of its own, it has such
a strong appeal that everybody and every institution tries to go by the name
of democracy. The position has been nicely delineated by Carl J. Friedrich-
“Democracy has been the battle cry of the twentieth century.”

Everyone is for democracy as he understands it. In the USA democracy

means the existing scheme of things or some idealized version of it. In Britain
too it means whatever one considers the government and the politics of the
country to be. In the USSR and communist china such American and British
views are laughed at as reactionary. According to each, their particular brand
of communism is ‘true’ democracy. Thus, democracy can be adjusted as one
perceives ideal way of forming the government.

In broad terms, democracy is of two main types- direct and indirect.

Direct democracy is that government in which all the adult persons gather in
a public place to make laws, pass budgets and elect the executive. This type
of government was possible in small city – states of Greece where the entire
population of the city could assemble. It is not suitable for a large state.
Presently it is found in five cantons of Switzerland.

Indirect democracy is also called the representative form of democracy. It

is that form of government in which the people themselves do not make law,
pass the budget and elect the executive. People elect representatives and
they do the job. In all modern states democracies are indirect. Thus, England,
USA, France and India have indirect democracies.

“Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the


-Abraham Lincoln

Democracy is a very important form of government as it gives a lot of say to

the people by promising them an accountable government, better decision
making, regular chances to change their leaders and assurance of having a
life of dignity and prosperity.

Democracy gives full governance (or power of governance) to the

collective majority of people. Everyone has a small amount of power, instead
of one group having all the power. People elect their leaders and its totally
up to their jurisdiction, that who will rule them and what principles they will
be ruled according to. This arouses healthy competition between
competitors who think they are able to guide the country, no matter if they
are rich or poor, black or white coloured, men or women. In this way people
get the opportunity to choose best of the best. Wisdom of the crowd is the
ultimate goal of democracy.
Democracy gives representation to people. Many officials are elected
both nationally and locally. In this way, residents feel confident that their
cities have elected officials they can go to.

In a democracy, elections happen frequently. This ensures that if a

leader fails to work up to the promises made to the general public, people
can choose another leader in the next elections. Mostly, these elections are
held after a span of five or six years. Thus democracy is a form of government
which is open to change. With the presence of many political parties, there
are be many potential leaders to choose from.

Democracy allows people to voice out their issues. A democratic

government allows people to speak their minds, start rallies and take their
issues to streets if they are not satisfied with the government or are against a
certain government policy.

Anybody can contest elections in a democracy. In a democracy, it is

assured that every person, irrespective of their religion, caste, creed, gender,
race, etc can contest elections, if they think they have the potential to rule
the nation. Aristotle has very well said, “Democracy is when the indigent and
not the men of property are the leaders”.

Similarly anybody can vote in elections. Anybody of legal age and a

citizen of a country have the right to vote regardless of status, gender and
religious affiliation. Thus, democracy promotes equality.

Democracy is important because it is based on the notion of “people’s

sovereignty”. In other words, people are the main source of power, and they
can form and diffuse the government.

Furthermore, democracy allows public participation in decision

making, they can raise their opinions regarding their needs, grievances and
so on and on that basis, policies are formulated.

In addition to that democracy guarantees liberty, equality and

fraternity in every field, with various fundamental rights regarding education,
employment, religion, culture, food, livelihoods etc. Thus, democracy is a full
package of well being. It is based on the ideals of fundamental rights such as
equality and liberty, along with power of electing our government.
In nutshell, democracy enhances and guarantees human rights which
are important for better livelihoods of the people. It enhances the dignity of

According to Alan Moore, “people shouldn’t be afraid of their

government, governments should be afraid of their people”. And this is only
possible in a democracy. Democracy ensures overall happiness of people.
Democracy is where there is law and order, where there is no kind of
oppression, where the collective majority of people rules their nation, where
human rights and human dignity is guaranteed, where leaders work only for
the betterment of nation as a whole and where the ultimate leaders are the
people. Thus, it is absolutely important to live in a democracy as it ensures
overall happiness to people.

Human beings are born with a dominant nature. They want to oppress
others and be the leaders. Without any accountability, history is a clear
account of oppressor nature of humans, where leaders have crossed all the
limits of brutality in ruling people. But, democracy as a rescue has saved the
world from the menace of oppression and everybody lives with equal dignity
today, which is the biggest reason that world has moved so forward in its
expedition of exploring the unknown. Thus, democracy is not only a utopian
concept but an ideal practice in the present world, which has made the world
a better place to live. With people being the ultimate leaders, let us today
pledge to make our world a more better place to live and let us be active
participants of shaping our nation.

“Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not alien powers over
us.The Ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a president and senators
and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country”.

- Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32ND president of USA.

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