Elastosil M 4630 Ab

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Product description
Comprehensive instructions are given in our leaflet
Pourable, addition-curing, two-component silicone "ELASTOSIL® - PROCESSING RTV-2 SILICONE
rubber that vulcanizes at room temperature. RUBBERS".

Special features Detailed information on other mold-making

- very good flow compounds in the ELASTOSIL ® M range is contained
- fast and non-shrink cure at room temperature which in our brochure "ELASTOSIL ® M. Mold-Making
can be accelerated considerably by the application Compounds For Maximum Precision".
of heat
- low Shore A hardness (approx. 28)
- high tear strength Storage
- excellent long-term stability of the mechanical
properties of the vulcanizate The 'Best use before end' date of each batch is shown
- outstanding resistance to concrete on the product label.

Storage beyond the date specified on the label does

Application not necessarily mean that the product is no longer
usable. In this case however, the properties required
Due to its outstanding resistance to concrete and for the intended use must be checked for quality
superior mechanical properties, ELASTOSIL® M 4630 assurance reasons.
A/B is ideal for use in molds for making concrete
reproductions of models with deep undercuts. Additional information

As a low-Shore, addition-curing RTV-2 silicone rubber, Please visit our website www.wacker.com.
which cures without dimensional shrinkage,
ELASTOSIL® M 4630 A/B is also extremely suitable
for casting all other common reproduction materials, Safety notes
especially casting resins where absolutely accurate
copies of models with pronounced undercuts are Components A and B of the addition-curing grade
required. ELASTOSIL® M 4630 A/B contain only constituents
that over many years have proved to be neither toxic
nor aggressive. Special handling precautions are
Processing therefore not required, i.e., only the general industrial
hygiene regulations apply.
The platinum catalyst is contained in component B. Comprehensive instructions are given in the
corresponding Material Safety Data Sheets. They are
Caution: available on request from WACKER subsidiaries or
Only components A and B with the same lot number may be printed via WACKER web site
may be processed together! http://www.wacker.com.

Technical data sheet for ELASTOSIL® M 4630 A/B / Version: 1.5 / Date of last alteration: 10.11.2014 1/2
Product data

Typical general characteristics Inspection Method Value

Product data (uncured)

Component A
Color light gray
Density at 23 °C 1,14 g/cm³
Viscosity at 23 °C, after stirring ISO 3219 15000 mPa s

Component B
Color white
Density at 23 °C 1,01 g/cm³
Viscosity at 23 °C, after stirring ISO 3219 800 mPa s

Product data (catalyzed A + B)

Mix ratio A:B 10 : 1 pbw
Viscosity at 23 °C ISO 3219 10000 mPa s
Pot-life at 23 °C (up to 60,000 mPas) 90 min
Cure time, tack-free 12 h

Product data (cured)

Color white
Density at 23 °C in water ISO 2781 1,13 g/cm³
Hardness Shore A ISO 868 28
Tensile strength ISO 37 6,50 N/mm2

Elongation at break ISO 37 700 %

Tear strength ASTM D 624 B > 30 N/mm
Linear shrinkage < 0,1 %

Vulcanizate after 24 h at 23 °C

These figures are only intended as a guide and should not be used in preparing specifications.

The data presented in this medium are in accordance with the present state of our knowledge but The management system For technical, quality, or
do not absolve the user from carefully checking all supplies immediately on receipt. We reserve the has been certified product safety questions,
right to alter product constants within the scope of technical progress or new developments. The according to please contact:
recommendations made in this medium should be checked by preliminary trials because of DIN EN ISO 9001 and
conditions during processing over which we have no control, especially where other companies’ DIN EN ISO 14001 Wacker Chemie AG
raw materials are also being used. The information provided by us does not absolve the user from Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4
the obligation of investigating the possibility of infringement of third parties’ rights and, if necessary, WACKER® is a trademark 81737 München, Germany
clarifying the position. Recommendations for use do not constitute a warranty, either express or of [email protected]
implied, of the fitness or suitability of the product for a particular purpose. Wacker Chemie AG.
ELASTOSIL® is a www.wacker.com
trademark of
Wacker Chemie AG.

Technical data sheet for ELASTOSIL® M 4630 A/B / Version: 1.5 / Date of last alteration: 10.11.2014 2/2

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