Down Syndrome and Autism
Down Syndrome and Autism
Down Syndrome and Autism
Your genes hold the keys to how your body looks and works. They’re behind everything
from your hair color to how you digest your food. So if something goes wrong with them, it can
have far-reaching effects. People with Down syndrome are born with an extra chromosome.
Chromosomes are bundles of genes, and your body relies on having just the right number of
them. With Down syndrome, this extra chromosome leads to a range of issues that affect you
both mentally and physically.
Down syndrome is a lifelong condition. Although it can’t be cured, doctors know more
about it now than ever. If your child has it, getting the right care early on can make a big
difference in helping him live a full and meaningful life.
Normally, each cell in your body has 23 pairs of chromosomes. One chromosome in each
pair comes from your mother. The other comes from your father.
But with Down syndrome, something goes wrong and you get an extra copy of
chromosome 21. That means you have three copies instead of two, which leads to the signs and
symptoms of Down syndrome. Doctors aren’t sure why this happens. There’s no link to anything
in the environment or anything the parents did or didn’t do.
While doctors don’t know what causes it, they do know that women 35 and older have a
higher chance of having a baby with Down syndrome. If you’ve already had a child with Down
syndrome, you’re more likely to have another one who has it as well.
It’s not common, but it is possible to pass Down syndrome from parent to child.
Sometimes, a parent has what experts call “translocated” genes. That means some of their genes
aren’t in their normal place, perhaps on a different chromosome from where they’d usually be
The parent doesn’t have Down syndrome because they have the right number of genes,
but their child may have what’s called “translocation Down syndrome.” Not everyone with
translocation Down syndrome gets it from their parents -- it may also happen by chance.
Trisomy 21. This is by far the most common type, where every cell in the body has three
copies of chromosome 21 instead of two.
Translocation Down syndrome. In this type, each cell has part of an extra chromosome
21, or an entirely extra one. But it’s attached to another chromosome instead of being on
its own.
Mosaic Down syndrome. This is the rarest type, where only some cells have an extra
chromosome 21.
You can’t tell what type of Down syndrome someone has just by how they look. The effects of
all three types are very similar, but someone with mosaic Down syndrome may not have as many
signs and symptoms because fewer cells have the extra chromosome.
For some people, the effects are mild. They may hold jobs, have romantic relationships,
and live mostly on their own. Others may have a range of health issues and need help taking care
of themselves.
No matter what symptoms a person with Down syndrome has, early treatment is key.
With the right care to develop physical and mental skills -- and treat medical issues -- children
with Down syndrome have a much better chance to reach their full abilities and live meaningful
Physical Symptoms
It varies, but people with Down syndrome often share certain physical traits.
At birth, babies with Down syndrome are often the same size as other babies, but they tend to
grow more slowly. Because they often have less muscle tone, they may seem floppy and have
trouble holding their heads up, but this usually gets better with time. Low muscle tone can also
mean babies have a hard time sucking and feeding, which can affect their weight.
Mental Symptoms
Down syndrome also affects a person’s ability to think, reason, understand, and be social.
The effects range from mild to moderate. Children with Down syndrome often take longer to
reach important goals like crawling, walking, and talking. As they get older, it may take more
time before they get dressed and use the toilet on their own. And in school, they may need extra
help with things like learning to read and write.
Some also have problems with behavior – they may not pay attention well, or they can be
obsessive about some things. That’s because it’s harder for them to control their impulses, relate
to others, and manage their feelings when they get frustrated.
As adults, people with Down syndrome may learn to decide many things on their own,
but will likely need help with more complex issues like birth control or managing money. Some
may go to college, while others will need more day-to-day care.
Health Conditions
People with Down syndrome are more likely to have certain health problems, such as:
Hearing loss . Many have problems hearing in one or both ears, which is sometimes
related to fluid buildup.
Heart problems. About half of all babies with Down syndrome have problems with their
heart’s shape or how it works.
Obstructive sleep apnea . This is a treatable condition where breathing stops and restarts
many times while sleeping.
Problems seeing. About half of people with Down syndrome have trouble with
their eyesight.
Blood conditions, such as anemia, where you have low iron. It’s not as common, but
they also have a higher chance of getting leukemia, a type of blood cancer.
Dementia. This is an illness where you lose memory and mental skills. Signs and
symptoms often start around age 50.
Infections. People with Down syndrome may get sick more often because they tend to
have weaker immune systems.
Autism is a brain disorder that limits a person's ability to communicate and relate to other people.
It first appears in young children, who fall along a spectrum from mild to severe. Some people
can navigate their world, some have exceptional abilities, while others struggle to speak. Autism
spectrum disorders (ASDs) affect about one child in 59, striking nearly four times as many boys
as girls.
Signs of Autism
Before a child turns three, careful observers can see signs of autism. Some children develop
normally until 18-24 months old and then stop or lose skills. Signs of an ASD can include:
Year Two
The signs of autism are more noticeable in a child’s second year. While other children are
forming their first words and pointing to things they want, a child with autism remains detached.
Signs of autism include:
People with autism sometimes may have physical symptoms, including digestive problems such
as constipation and sleep problems. Children may have poor coordination of the large muscles
used for running and climbing, or the smaller muscles of the hand. About a third of people with
autism also have seizures.
Autism affects parts of the brain that control emotions, communication, and body movements.
By the toddler years, some children with ASDs have unusually large heads and brains -- which
may be because of problems with brain growth. Abnormal genes, passed down through a family,
have been linked to poor functions in some parts of the brain. Researchers hope to find a way to
diagnose autism through brain scans.
Many children aren’t diagnosed with an autism disorder until preschool or even kindergarten,
and may miss getting the help they need in the early years. That's why guidelines call for
screening all children at nine months old for delays in basic skills. Special ASD checkups are
needed at:
18 months
24 months
As needed for children with worrisome behaviors or a family history of autism
At regular checkups, the doctor will check how your baby responds to your voice, smile, or other
expressions. Is he cooing or babbling? Problems or delays in speech call for a visit to a speech
therapist. A hearing test may be needed, too. Most children with autism will eventually speak,
but they do so later than others. Making conversation may be especially tough. Children with
ASDs also may speak in a sing-song or robotic way.
Diagnosis: Evaluation
There's no medical test for autism, but exams may be helpful to rule out hearing loss, speech
difficulties, lead poisoning, or developmental problems not related to autism. Parents may need
to answer a list of questions -- called a screening tool -- to assess a child's behavior and
communication skills. Getting treatment early, ideally before age three, can greatly improve a
child's development.
Asperger’s Syndrome
People with Asperger’s Syndrome, which is now classified as an autism spectrum disorder, do
not have low intelligence or language problems. In fact, they may have advanced verbal skills.
But they can be socially awkward and have trouble understanding nonverbal cues, such as facial
expressions. They may focus intensely on one topic that interests them but have trouble making
friends or relating to people.
Behavior Programs
Behavioral therapies are widely used to help children with ASDs learn to talk and communicate,
develop physically, and deal with other people more effectively. Step by step, these intensive
programs -- called Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) -- encourage positive actions and
discourage negative behaviors. Another approach, called Floortime, works on emotions and
social skills. The TEACCH program uses picture cards and other visual cues.
Local school systems may provide special services to help a child with autism learn and develop.
This can include speech therapy and occupational therapy. Schools are required to develop an
Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each child. Children with autism may qualify for
early intervention or extended school year services. If you are concerned about your child, be an
advocate and ask the school to develop an IEP.
There's no medical treatment for autism itself, but medicine may help with some symptoms.
Anti-psychotic medicines may be given for serious behavior problems. One drug in this
category, risperidone (Risperdal), has FDA approval to help with aggression, self-injury, and
tantrums in autistic children. And aripiprazole (Abilify) is indicated by the FDA for irritability in
people with autism. If seizures are an issue, an anti-convulsant drug may help. Drugs that treat
depression are sometimes prescribed. A child’s response to medications should be closely
Sensory Processing
Children with autism may be extremely sensitive to sounds, touch, taste, sights, or smells –
similar to a condition known as sensory processing disorder. For example, they may be upset by
bright flashing lights or a school bell. A small study by Temple University researchers found that
helping children adjust to different sensations led to fewer autistic mannerisms and better
Even nonverbal children can talk with new devices that are designed to convert pictures or text to
spoken words. The technology includes pocket-sized devices and "apps" for smart phones or
computer tablets. Autism Speaks, an advocacy organization, maintains a list of resources for
Digestive problems are common in children with autism, and about 30% of them may eat
nonfood items such as dirt or paper. Some parents have tried a diet free of gluten (found in
wheat) and casein (a milk protein). Other diet changes, including the supplements B6 and
magnesium, have been used. So far, there's not enough evidence to show that any diet plan
works. A doctor should supervise trial diets to ensure good nutrition.
Scientists don't know the exact cause of autism, but since it runs in families, genes probably play
a role. Research is under way to see whether chemicals in the environment or infections before
birth are to blame. Autism is more common among people with other genetic disorders, such as
Fragile X and tuberous sclerosis. Taking valproic acid or thalidomide during pregnancy increases
the child's risk for an ASD.
No link has been found between vaccines and autism, despite many scientific studies.
Researchers have scrutinized the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR) since a 1998
British report raised concerns. That report has been retracted by the Lancet medical journal for
poor science and fraud. Thimerosol, a form of mercury, was removed from childhood vaccines in
2001 as a precaution -- though no good evidence ever linked it to autism.
People who have one child with autism have a 19% chance that another child will have it, too,
according to one study. If two children have autism, the risk is even higher for a third sibling. A
study of twins found that when one fraternal male twin has autism, there's a 31% chance that the
other twin will have it, too. When autism affects a boy with an identical twin, there's a 77%
chance that both boys will have an ASD.
Accommodation in School
Federal law gives children with disabilities the right to a “free and appropriate education,”
beginning at age 3. This could include one-on-one services or parent training. Your child may
get an aide in the classroom or an assistive device. Placement will depend on the child’s
individual needs, whether that calls for being "mainstreamed" in a general classroom, a special
education classroom, a special school, or even home instruction.
Living with Autism
People with high-functioning autism or Asperger’s Syndrome are often able to attend college and
hold down a job. AHEADD (Achieving in Higher Education with Autism/Developmental
Disabilities) supports autistic college students with their social and academic needs. For people
with below-average intellectual ability -- about 40% of those with ASDs -- group homes and
special job training may help them to live independently.
Evaluation Questions:
1. Is a brain disorder that limits a person's ability to communicate and relate to other people.
a. Down Syndrome
b. Autism
c. Conduct Disorder
d. Specific Learning Disability
2. People with __________ are born with an extra chromosome.
a. Down Syndrome
b. Autism
c. Conduct Disorder
d. Specific Learning Disability
3. This is by far the most common type of down syndrome, where every cell in the body has
three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two.
a. Mosaic Down syndrome
b. Trisomy 21
c. Translocation Down syndrome
d. Dislocated Chromosome 21
1. B
2. A
3. B
Jumbled Letters:
The class will be divided into 6 groups. Each group will be given a chalk and a board (the
materials will be provided by the reporter) and there is where they will write their answers.