Proportional Reasoning - Part Whole

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Learning Plan: 1 of 3
Class: Standard 5 Term: Theme: Measurement – Time
Duration: 45 minutes Topic: Proportional Reasoning – Part-Whole
Young learners need to recognise proportional relationships as they
are encountered in their daily lives. The key to solving problems is  HFLE:
remembering that proportional reasoning involves multiplication Effective Communication
comparisons. In Part – Whole type of proportional reasoning Problem Solving
problems, the subset is compared with its complement or with the
whole. Strategies best used to solve these problems include Literacy
counting, adding, building up and multiplying. Writing
 Oral Communication
☐ Literary Appreciation
Outcomes: ☐ Media & Information
At the end of this learning experience students will:
 solve real-life, one step and multi-step problems involving Numeracy
whole numbers  Problem Solving
 Critical thinking
 solve routine and non-routine problems using a variety of  Communication
strategies  Representation
 use proportional reasoning to solve real life problems  Reasoning
involving time. ☐ ICT Skills

 Differentiated
Activities: Instruction
Presenting the Problem  Assessment for
1) The written problem is presented to the students in the
Problem to Solve Worksheet. During a 60 minute workout,
40 minutes is allocated for walking and the rest is for
running. For 5 such workout sessions, how much time is
spent on walking and running?

2) The following instructions are given by the teacher

o Identify any words from this problem that are difficult
to understand.
o State what you were asked to find.
o Rephrase the problem using your own words.
o Draw a picture or diagram, or use numerals that might
help you to understand this problem.
o Identify the information that would help you find the
3) Students work in their groups and solve the problem. They
present their solution with explanations.
4) Teacher guides students to use various strategies to solve
the problem.
Strategy 1 - Making a Table
5) The students are given a copy of the Table and are told by
the teacher that they will use the strategy Making a Table to
solve the problem.
6) The students read the headings of the table and determine
the method to find the duration of time spent on running.
(take 40 from 60.)
7) Students fill the blank heading for the 3rd column with the
answer found.
8) Students complete the Total Number of Minutes column for
each session, by adding sets of 60s for 5 sets of 60 minute
9) Then they match the total number of minutes with the
corresponding number of minutes for walking and running by
adding multiples of 40 and 20 respectively (40 + 40 = 80
(running) and 20 + 20 = 40 (running) etc.)
10) This is repeated until the 5th 60-minute session is completed
(200 minutes walking, 100 minutes running).

No. of 60-mins. Total number 40 minutes 20 minutes.

sessions of minutes Walking Running
1 60 40 20
2 120 80 40
3 180 120 60
4 240 160 80
5 300 200 100

11) The students are asked

o What was the total time spent on walking and running
for 5 sets of 60-minutes sessions? (200 minutes
walking and 100 minutes running).
Strategy 2 - Look For A Pattern
12) (See Looking for a Pattern Teacher’s Sheet)

a) Repeated addition of 40 minutes for the five sessions

(e.g. 40 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 40 = 200). Then also use
repeated addition of 20 minutes for the five sessions ( 20
+ 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 100)

b) Multiplication – by
reasoning that 40
minutes is added 5
times, so 40 x 5 makes
200, then 20 x 5 makes

13) Students explore which method they prefer and why.

14) Students solve the additional problems included in the

Extended Activity Worksheet using a variety of strategies,
working in groups and individually. They present their
solutions to the class with explanations.

 Pencils
 Worksheets
 Table
 Looking for a Pattern sheet

 Observation Checklists – to record observations on individual
students as they solve problems.
 Performance Tasks –
o Solve the following story problem - During the 30
minute period it takes to copy a DVD, 14 minutes is
spent on the simulation and the rest for burning the
DVD. How much time is spent to burn 6 DVDs back to
o Explain how you solved the problem
Problem to Solve Worksheet

During a 60 minute workout, 40 minutes is allocated for walking and the rest
is for running. For 5 such workout sessions, how much time is spent on
walking and running?

Complete the statement.

I have been asked to find ______________________________________________________.

The problem in my words.

My drawing of this problem

A number sentence to represent this problem is: __________________________________


No. of 60-mins. Total number 40 minutes ……………………………..

sessions of minutes Walking Running

Teacher’s Copy - TABLE

No. of 60-min. Total number 40 minutes 20 minutes

sessions of minutes Walking Running

1 60 40 20

2 120 80 40

3 180 120 60

4 240 160 80

5 300 200 100

Looking for a Pattern Teacher’s Worksheet

1) Repeated Addition

2) Multiplication
Extended Activity Worksheet

1) If 9 hours a day is spent sleeping and the rest is spent awake, how much time
is spent being awake for 4 such days?

2) During a 60 minute TV program, 44 minutes is spent on the actual TV show,

while the rest is on advertisements. How much time is spent on actual TV
shows and advertisements for 8 similar shows?

3) During a 60 second interval, a light bulb lights up for 32 seconds and

remains unlit for the rest of the interval. How much time will the light bulb
be lit and unlit during a 10 minute duration?

4) Discount prices are available on Monday and Tuesday for a popular store.
How many days would the discounted and the regular price be available
during a 3 week period?

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