MBI Sample CRC Questionnaire PAC PDF

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APPENDIX 12: Sample Questionnaire on Drinking Water Services

Name of Investigator: ______________________ Starting Time: ______________________

Date: ___________________________________ Ending Time: _______________________

Investigator Introduction:
Hello, my name is ______________, and I work for ____________, a Social Science Survey Agency
that is collecting information on drinking water services in ____________. May I speak to an adult
member of your household? (Modify the introduction to sound as natural as possible.)
Instruction to investigator: please use pencils and circle the code where applicable and write the
answers in legible handwriting in the spaces provided for responses.

Section I. Demographic Questions

1 What is your name?

2 Gender of respondent 1- Male

2- Female
3 What is your age? ----- years
4 Location/ Address:

5 Type of family 1-Nuclear

2-Joint/ extended
6 a. Number of adult males in the household

b. Number of adult females in the household

c. Number of male children

d. Number of female children

7 How many members in the household are

8 What is the monthly household income? 1- <1000 Rs
2- 1001-2500 Rs
3- 2501-5000 Rs
4- 5001-10000 Rs
5- > 10000 Rs

Section II. Drinking Water

9 Which of the following sources of drinking water are 1- Bore well/ hand pump
available in your neighborhood? (Multiple responses 2- Public tap
are possible) 3- Community well
4- Household water supply (piped)
5- Other
10 Which of the following sources of drinking water does 1- Bore well/ hand pump
your household use? (Multiple responses are possible) 2- Public tap
3- Open well
4- Household water supply (piped)
5- Other

This document is the Intellectual Property of Public Affairs Centre (PAC). Any quotation from it should duly
acknowledge PAC.
11 What is your main source of water? Single response 1- Bore well/ hand pump (skip to q. 12)
2- Public tap (skip to q.18)
3- Open well (skip to q.28)
4- Household water supply/ piped (skip
to q. 32)
5- Other specify ------------------ (skip to

Bore well/ hand pump

12 How far (in meters) is the bore well/ hand pump that
you use?
13 How long (in minutes) does it take to fetch water
and return home?
14 Who fetches water most often ? 1- Adult male
2- Adult female
3- Male child
4- Female child
15 Has the bore well / hand pump broken down in the 1- Yes
past one year? 2- No (skip to q. 36)
16 How frequently has the bore well/ hand pump 1. Once a week
broken down during the past one year? 2. Once a fortnight
3. Once a quarter
4. Once in six months
5. Once a year
17 Is the bore well/ hand pump fixed promptly when it 1- Yes
breaks down? 2- No

Public tap

18 How far (in meters) is the public tap that you use?

19 How long (in minutes) does it take to fetch water

and return home?
20 Who fetches water most often? 1- Adult male
2- Adult female
3- Male child
4- Female child
21 What is the frequency of water supply? 1- More than once a day
2- Once a day
3- Once in two days
4- Once in three days
5- Once a week
6- Other
22 Is this frequency sufficient for your needs? 1- Yes (skip to q. 24)
2- No
23 How often would you like to get water? 1- More than once a day
2- Once a day
3- Other
24 On the days that you get water, how many hours do
you usually get water for?

This document is the Intellectual Property of Public Affairs Centre (PAC). Any quotation from it should duly
acknowledge PAC.
25 Has the public tap broken down in the past one 1- Yes
year? 2- No (skip to q. 36)

26 How frequently has it broken down? 1- Once a week

2- Once a fortnight
3- Once a quarter
4- Once in six months
5- Once a year
27 Is the public tap fixed promptly when it breaks 1- Yes
down? 2- No

Open well

28 How far (in meters) is the open well from which you
get water?
29 How long (in minutes) does it take to fetch water
and return home?
30 Who fetches water most often? 1- Adult male
2- Adult female
3- Male child
4- Female child
31 What is the frequency of cleaning the well? 1- Once in a quarter
2- Once in six months
3- Once a year
4- Not cleaned in the last year

Household water supply (piped)

32 What is the frequency of water supply? 1- 24 hour supply (skip to q. 36)

2- More than once a day
3- Once a day
4- Once in two days
5- Once in three days
6- Other
33 Is this frequency sufficient for your needs? 1- Yes (skip to q. 36)
2- No
34 How often would you like to get water? 1- More than once a day
2- Once a day
3- Other
35 On the days that you get water, how many hours do
you usually get water for?

Common Questions

36 Is the quantity of water that you receive (from your 1- Yes

main source of water) adequate? 2- No
37 Is water available (from your main source) 1- Yes (skip to q. 39)
throughout the year? 2- No
38 Which months do you face scarcity? Multiple 1- January

This document is the Intellectual Property of Public Affairs Centre (PAC). Any quotation from it should duly
acknowledge PAC.
response 2- February
3- March
4- April
5- May
6- June
7- July
8- August
9- September
10- October
11- November
12- December
39 Generally, how does the water smell? 1- No smell
2- Foul smell
40 Generally, does the water have a taste? 1- Yes
2- No (tasteless)
41 Generally, what does the water look like? 1- Clear
2- Cloudy/ dirty
42 Do you pay for water? 1- Yes
2- No (skip to q. 45)
43 How much do you pay a month?
44 Are the bills that you receive accurate? 1- Yes
2- No
45 Have you made a complaint related to your drinking 1- Yes
water service in the past one year? 2- No (skip to q. 48 )
46 To whom did you complain?

47 What was the result of the complaint? 1- Prompt action taken

2- Delayed action taken
3- No action taken
48 Overall, are you satisfied with your drinking water 1- Satisfied
service? 2- Dissatisfied (skip to q. 50)
49 What is the extent of your satisfaction? 1- Complete (skip to q. 51)
2- Partial (skip to q. 5)
50 What are the reasons for your dissatisfaction? (list
up to three)

51 Have you paid a bribe for any service related to 1- Yes

drinking water in the last one-year? 2- No (interview complete)
52 For what purpose have you most recently paid a 1- To get a connection/ to access
bribe? water supply
2- To finish repair work
3- Other
53 How much did you pay?

54 Was the bribe demanded (or did you pay on your 1- Demanded
own) 2- Paid on my own
55 Did the work get done after paying the bribe? 1- Yes
2- No

(Interview Complete)

This document is the Intellectual Property of Public Affairs Centre (PAC). Any quotation from it should duly
acknowledge PAC.

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