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Heirs of Juan and Ines Panganiban vs. Dayrit it was unregistered, sold a portion of it to respondent.

The latter
G.R. No. 151235. July 28, 2005 subsequently discovered that what she had bought was registered land.
TINGA, J. 6. Unable to annotate the deed of sale at the back of OCT No. 7864,
respondent fraudulently filed a petition for issuance of the owner’s copy
Doctrine: If a certificate of title has not been lost but is in fact in the of said title, docketed as Misc. Case No. 90018 in March 1990. This
possession of another person, the reconstituted title is void and the court petition of the respondent alleged that the copy issued to Erlinda was lost
rendering the decision has not acquired jurisdiction over the petition for in the fire that razed Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City in 1981. While the
issuance of a new title. petition mentioned Erlinda as the last one in possession of the alleged
Issues: lost owner’s duplicate copy of the title, she was not notified of the
1. Who are the true owner of the subject property? - Petitioners proceedings.
2. Whether the petitioners are entitled to its possession. -NO. 7. The petition in Misc. Case No. 90018 was subsequently granted and the
Register of Deeds of Misamis Oriental issued an owner’s duplicate
Nature: This is a petition for review on certiorari seeking the partial reversal certificate of OCT No. 7864 to respondent. This second duplicate
of the Decision and the Resolution denying the motion for reconsideration certificate issued to respondent contained Entry No. 160180, the
rendered by the Court of Appeals. annotation of a Notice of Adverse Claim filed by Erlinda. The Notice of
Adverse Claim dated 24 February 1992 alleged in part that Erlinda is one
Facts: of the lawful heirs of Juan and Ines, the registered owners of the property,
1. The property subject of controversy is a 2,025 square meter portion of a and as such, she has a legitimate claim thereto.
lot denominated as Lot 1436, situated at Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro 8. Petitioners further alleged that the newly issued owner’s duplicate
City. certificate of OCT No. 7864 to respondent was prejudicial to their
2. It constitutes (3/4) of Lot 1436, one of the three lots covered by OCT No. previously issued title which is still in existence. Thus, they prayed
7864, the other two being Lots 1441 and 1485. OCT No. 7864 was among others that they be declared as the rightful owners of the property
registered in the names of Juan Panganiban (Juan) and Ines Panganiban in question and that the duplicate certificate of OCT No. 7864 in their
(Ines), father and daughter respectively, on 17 April 1940. Juan died possession be deemed valid and subsisting.
sometime in June 1942 while Ines, his only child, died in April 1944. 9. In her answer to the amended complaint, respondent denied all the
3. In the amended complaint filed with the trial court, petitioners alleged material allegations of the complaint and set up affirmative and special
that they are the possessors and owners of Lot 1436 which they inherited defenses. She alleged that Lot 1436 was actually sold sometime in 1947
from the late Juan and Ines. They acknowledge that Lot 1436 was the by the petitioners themselves and their father, Mauricio Baconga. The
only remaining lot covered by OCT No. 7864, Lots 1485 and 1441 sale was purportedly covered by a Deed of Definite Sale. Salcedo then
having been sold in 1949 to Galo Sabanal and Pablo Dagbay came into ownership, possession and enjoyment of the property in
respectively, by virtue of a deed denominated as Extrajudicial Settlement question. On 14 February 1978, Salcedo sold a portion of Lot 1436 with
of Estate Among Heirs and Sale. an area of two thousand 2,025 square meters, more or less, to respondent.
4. The owner’s duplicate copy of OCT No. 7864 covering Lot 1436 had From then on, the property in question has been in her actual and physical
been lost but upon petition with the trial court in 1977 by Erlinda B. enjoyment, she added.
Pacursa (Erlinda), one of the heirs of Ines and a petitioner herein, the trial 10. Respondent further alleged that the complaint was barred by the
court granted the petition. Accordingly, the Register of Deeds of principles of estoppel and laches by virtue of the sales executed by
Misamis Oriental issued an owner’s duplicate certificate of OCT No. petitioners themselves and their father. The complaint, according to her,
7864 to Erlinda. also failed to include as defendants, the heirs of Salcedo who are
5. Petitioners further alleged that unknown to them, a certain Cristobal indispensable parties.
Salcedo (Salcedo) asserted ownership over Lot 1436 and believing that
11. On 10 August 1992, upon motion duly granted, respondent filed a third- The CA correctly ruled that the duplicate certificate of title in petitioners’
party complaint against the heirs of Salcedo alleging that as such heirs, possession is valid and subsisting. This Court had already ruled in Serra Serra
they carry the burden of warranting that their predecessors in interest v. Court of Appeals that if a certificate of title has not been lost but is in fact
were the true, legal and rightful owners of the property in question at the in the possession of another person, the reconstituted title is void and the court
time of the sale. Hence, she prayed therein that she be maintained in rendering the decision has not acquired jurisdiction over the petition for
peaceful and legal ownership, possession and enjoyment of the issuance of a new title. Since the owner’s duplicate copy of OCT No. 7864
questioned property. earlier issued to Erlinda is still in existence, the lower court did not acquire
12. Answering the third-party complaint, the heirs of Salcedo effectively jurisdiction over respondent’s petition for reconstitution of title. The duplicate
admitted the existence of the 1978 deed of sale in favor of respondent by certificate of title subsequently issued to respondent is therefore void and of
their parents and considered the sale as within the personal and legal right no effect.
of their parents and an act outside their control.
13. Regional Trial Court ruled in favour of the respondent. The registered owners of OCT No. 7864 on the face of the valid and subsisting
14. The Regional Trial Court Decision was modified by the CA on appeal duplicate certificate of title are still Juan and Ines, petitioners’ predecessors
by petitioners. The appellate court held that contrary to the ruling of the in interest. Per Section 46 of the Land Registration Act, no title to registered
trial court, the valid and subsisting duplicate certificate of OCT No. 7864 land in derogation to that of the registered owner shall be acquired by
was the one issued to Erlinda, not to respondent, considering that prescription or adverse possession. This rule taken in conjunction with the
respondent had failed to comply with the mandatory jurisdictional indefeasibility of a Torrens title leads to the conclusion that the rightful
requirements of law for the reconstitution of title under Sec. 13 of owners of the property in dispute are petitioners. They are indisputably the
Republic Act No. 26. The CA invoked the doctrine that a trial court does heirs of the registered owners, both of whom are already dead.
not acquire jurisdiction over a petition for the issuance of a new owner’s
duplicate certificate of title if the original is in fact not lost. Citing Strait 2. NO. Petitioners are no longer entitled to recover possession of the property
Times, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, the CA held that the reconstituted by virtue of the equitable defense of laches. Thus, petitioners’ argument that
certificate is itself void once the existence of the original is laches is not applicable to them has no merit. In our jurisdiction, it is an
unquestionably demonstrated. Nonetheless, the CA affirmed in all other enshrined rule that even a registered owner of property may be barred from
respects the ruling of the trial court, including the critical holding that recovering possession of property by virtue of laches. Thus, in the case of
respondent was the owner of the subject property. Lola v. Court of Appeals, this Court held that petitioners acquired title to the
land owned by respondent by virtue of the equitable principles of laches due
Petitioners: They contend that the CA erred in finding that the tax to respondent’s failure to assert her claims and ownership for 32 years. In
declarations and the alleged adverse possession of respondent and her Miguel v. Catalino, this Court said that appellant’s passivity and inaction for
predecessor-in-interest are conclusive proofs of their ownership of Lot 1436. more than 34 years (1928-1962)justifies the defendanta-ppellee in setting up
They further contend that the CA erred when it found them guilty of laches. the equitable defense of laches in his behalf. Likewise, in the case of Mejia
de Lucas v. Gamponia, we stated that while the defendant may not be
Rule considered as having acquired title by virtue of his and his predecessor’s long
1. PETITIONERS. The resolution of the foregoing issues hinges on the continued possession for 37 years, the original owner’s right to recover
question of which owner’s duplicate certificate of title is valid and subsisting, possession of the property and the title thereto from the defendant has, by the
the one in petitioners’ possession or the one issued to respondent. What latter’s long period of possession and by patentee’s inaction and neglect, been
appears on the face of the title is controlling in questions of ownership since converted into a stale demand.
the certificate of title is an absolute and indefeasible evidence of ownership
of the property in favor of the person whose name appears therein. In this case, both the lower court and the appellate court found that contrary
to respondent’s claim of possession, it was Salcedo, respondent’s
predecessorininterest who had been in actual possession of the property. In
fact, when the lower court conducted an ocular inspection on the subject
premises sometime on 16 March 1993, the courtappointed Commissioner
elicited from the people residing near the subject property, more particularly
Celso Velez, Nieto Abecia and Paquito Nabe, that Salcedo was the owner and
the one in possession of the land until 1978 when respondent became the
possessor thereof.It was only in 1992 or fortyfive (45) years from the time
Salcedo took possession of the property that petitioners made an attempt to
claim it as their own.


All the four (4) elements of laches prescribed by this Court in the case of Go
Chi Gun, et al. v. Co Cho, et al. and reiterated in the cases of Mejia de Lucas
v. Gamponia, Miguel v. Catalino and Claverias v.
Quingco are present in the case at bar, to wit: conduct on the part of the
defendant, or of one under whom he claims, giving rise to the situation of
which complaint is made for which the complaint seeks a remedy; delay in
asserting the complainant’s rights, the complainant having had knowledge or
notice, of the defendant’s conduct and having been afforded an opportunity
to institute a suit; lack of knowledge or notice on the part of the defendant that
the complainant would assert the right on which he bases his suit; and injury
or prejudice to the defendant in the event relief is accorded to the complainant,
or the suit is not held to be barred.

Petitioners’ inaction for fortyfive (45) years reduced their right to recover the
subject property into a stale demand.

WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The challenged decision of the Court
of Appeals is AFFIRMED insofar as it ruled that the claim of petitioners is
barred by laches. No pronouncement as to costs.

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