Qhrngrrss FQR Jqilippiurs: J1Uhli - Lif FLRT Jlplippints

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H. No.

S. No. 3206

~J1uhli.lIf flrt Jlplippints

Qhrngrrss of fqr Jqilippiurs
~iffttnflr Q1llngrtzs

mlprb ~tgnlar ,;%sessilln

Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third
day of July, two thousand twelve.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House oj Representatives oj the

Philippines in Congress assembled:

SECTION 1. Short Title. - This Act shall be known as

the "Early Years Act (EYA) of2013".

SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is hereby declared the

policy of the State to promote the rights of children to survival,
development and special protection with full recognition of the
nature of childhood and as well as the need to provide
developmentally appropriate experiences to address their needs;
and to support parents in their roles as primary caregivers and
as their children's fIrst teachers. Further, the State hereby
recognizes the age from zero (0) to eight (8) years as the first
crucial stage of educational development of which the age from

zero (0) to four (4) years shall be the responsibility ofthe Early
Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Council. Therefore,
the responsibility to help develop children in the forml\tive years
between age five (5) to eight (8) years shall be with the Department
of Education (DepED). .
The State shall institutionalize a National System for Early
Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) that is comp~ehensive,
integrative and sustainable, that involves multisectoral and
interagency cOllaboration at the national and local levels among
government; among service providers, families and communities,
and among the public and private sectors, nongovernment
organizations; professional associstions and academic nurtitutions.

The System shall promote the inclusion of children with

special needs, provide for reasonable accommodation and
accessible environments for children with disabilities and advocate
respect for cultural and linguistic diversity, inc! uding the use of
Filipino Sign Language as the visu·al language of the deaf
community. It shall be anchored on complementary strategies
for ECCD that include service delivery for children from age zero
(0) to four (4) years, educating parents and caregivers, encpuraging
the active involvement of parents and communities mECCD
programs, raiSing awareness about the important eff~rts that
improve the quality oflife for young children and families.

SEC. 3. Objectives. - The National ECCD Syst,!,m shall

pursue the following objectives:

(a) To achieve improved infant and child survival rates

by ensuring that adequate health and nutrition progrllms are
accessible to young children and their parents, from the prenatal
period throughout the early childhood years; 'I

(b) . Toenhancethe physical-motor, socio-em9tional,

cognitive, language, psychological and spiritual development of
young children;

(c) To facilitate a smooth transition from care and education

provided at home to community or school-based setting and to
kindergarten; I

(d) To ensure that young children are adequately prepared

for the formal learning system that begins at kindergarten;

(e) To establish an efficient system for early identification,

prevention, referral and iotervention for the wide range of children
with special needs from age zero (0) to four (4) years;

(f) To upgrade and update the capabilities of service

providers and their supervisors to comply with quality standards
for various ECCD programs;

(g) To reinforce the role of parents and other caregivers

as the primary caregivers and educators of their children
especially from age zero (0) to four (4) years;

(h) To enhance and sustain the efforts of communities to

promote ECCD programs and ensure that special support is
provided for poor, disadvantaged and linguistic minority

(i) To improve the quality standards of public and private

ECCD programs through, but not limited to, a registration and
credential system for ECCD service providers and facilities;

(j) To ensure that the education of persons, and io particular

children, who are blind, deaf or deafblind, are conducted io the most
appropriate languages, modes and means of communication for the
iodividual, and io environments which maximize acadentic and social
development; and

(k) To employ teachers, iocludiog teachers with disabilities,

who are qualified io sign language andlor braille, and to train
professionals and staff who work at all levels of education.

SEC. 4. Definitions. - The following terms are defined

as follows:

(a) Early GhildJwod Gareand Development (EGGD) System

shall refer to the full range of health, nutrition, early education and
social services development programs that provide forthe basic holistic
needs of young children from age zero (0) to four (4) years; and to
promote their optimum growth and development.

These programs shall include:

(1) Center-based programs, such as the day care service

established under Republic Act No. 6972, otherwise known as
the "Barangay - Level Total Development and Protection of
Children Act" , and hereinafter referred to as the child development
service, community or church-based early childhood education
programs initiated by nongovernment organizations or people's
organizations, workplace-related child care and education
programs, child-minding centers, health centers and stations;

(2) Home·based programs, such as the neighborhood-based

play groups, family child care programs, parent education and home
visiting programs.

(b) ECCD Service Providers shall include the various

professionals, paraprofessionals and volunteer caregivers who are .
directly responsible for the care and education of young cJ;:ri1dren
from age zero (0) to four (4) years through the various ¢enters
and home·based programs. They shall include, but sh~ not be
limited to, day care workers hereinafter referred to a~ child
development workers, child development teachers, teache,·aides,
rural health midwives, social workers, community health workers,
barangay nutrition scholars, parent effectiveness service
volunteers, and family day care providers.

(c) ECCD Curriculum shall refer to the developmentally-

appropriate educational objectives and practices, progr{ims of
activities, organized learning experiences, recommended lelu-ning
materials and appropriate assessment for children from age zero
(0) to four (4) years that are implemented by service pro~iders
through center and home-based programs. It shall consist of
national program goals and guidelines, instructional objectives,
and content outlines that are age-appropriate, individually
appropriate and culturally relevant.

(d) Parent Education shall refer to the various formrl and

alternative means of providing parents with information, ~kills,
and support systems to assist them in their roles as their chilflren's
primary caregivers and educators. These include public and
private parent education programs linked to center, home and
media-based child care and education programs.

SEC. 5. System Framework and Components. - The

ECCD System shall ensure that the National ECCD Program is
implemented in accordance with quality standards for
accreditation and for this purpose there shall be established a
National ECCD Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. The
ECCD System shall include the following components:

(a) ECCD Curriculum. - The curriculum shall focus on

children's total development and take rnto account age, individual
and socio'cultural appropriateness. It shall promote the delivery
of complementary and integrative services for health, nutrition,
early childhood education, sanitation and cultural activities. It
shall use the child's first language as the medium of instruction;

(b) Parent Education and Involvement, Advocacy and

Mobilization of Communities. - This component shall harness
and develop parents' strengths as providers ofECCD programs
at home, as active partners of other stakeholders, as advocates
for community concerns that affect children, and as pillars of
support for local and national ECCD programs through
community organization efforts;

(c) Human Resource Development Program. - The

program shall establish mechanisms for the systematic
professionalization ofECCD service providers through enrolment
in educational program in site-based or distance education modes,
through pre-service or in-service training including continuing
education programs, whereby a registration and credential system
shall be developed in the ECCD System; and

(d) ECCD Management. - This component shall consist

of a continuing process of planning, implementation, supervision,
financial management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting to
persons concerned and shall encourage the active involvement of
and build the capabilities of service providers, parents and local
government officials to sustain the program.

SEC. 6. Expanding the EGCD System. - The National

ECCD System shall henceforth apply to all provinces, cities,
municipalities and barangays as may be determined by the ECCD
Council to achieve universal ECCD coverage for all children from
age zero (0) to four (4) years.

SEC. 7. Implementing Arrangements and Operational

Structures. - The implementation of the National ECCI) System
shall be the responsibility of the ECCD Council.

(a) Responsibilities of the ECCD Council. - The ECCD

Council shall be responsible for establishing national standards,
developing policies and programs, ensuring compliance thereof,
providing technical assistance and support to the ECCD service
providers in consultation with coordinating committees at the
provincial, city, municipal and barangay levels.

The Department of Education (DepED), the Department of

Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), the Department of
Health (DOH), the National Nutrition Council (NNC) and the
Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) shall meet
in an annual workshop to prepare work and financial plans that
will coordinate their technical assistance and support for the
National ECCD Program. They shall observe existing
implementing guidelines that ensure consistency in integrated
service delivery within the National ECCD System, as fllllows:

(1) The DepED shall recognize the National ECCD Program

as the foundation of the learning continuum and shall promote it
for all children from age zero (0) to four (4) years; and

(2) The DepED, the DSWD, the DOH and the NNC shall
provide continuing professional development program support,
supplementary learning materials, reference materials,
supplemental nutrition and health care services.

(b) Responsibilities of Local Government Units. ~ Local

government units (LGUs) shall include allocations from their
Special Education Fund (SEF) and Gender and Development
(GAD) Fund in addition to other local funds to be utilized for the
following purposes:

(1) Support the implementation of their ECCD Program;

(2) Organize and support parent cooperatives to ¢stablish

community-based ECCD programs;

(3) Provide counterpart funds for the continuing professional

development of their ECCD public service providers; and

(4) Provide the facilities for the conduct of their ECCD


(e) Responsibilities of Families and Communities. -

Families and communities shall support the local ECCD programs
by participating in various community-based projects such as,
but not limited to, health, nutrition, social development and early
childhood educaiion projects for the overall development of their
children from age zero (0) to four (4) years.

SEC. 8. Strengthening the ECCD Council. - The ECCD

Council shal! be strengthened to ensure the Siate's focus on
building a strong foundation for the development and learning of
children during the early years from age zero (0) to four (4) years,
to support the full range of health, nutrition, early education and
social development programs for the child's holistic development
and ensure sustained interagency and multisectoral collaboration.
The Council shall be attached to the DepED.

SEC. 9. Organization of the ECCD Council. - The ECCD

Council shall be composed of the following:

(a) ECCD Governing Board. - The ECCD Govermng Board

shall be composed of:

(1) Secretary of the DepED, as ex officio Chairperson;

(2) Executive Director of the ECCD Council, as Vice


(3) Secretary ofthe DSWD, as member;

(4) Secretary ofthe DOH, as member;

(5) Executive Director ofthe NNC, as member;

(6) President of the ULAP, as member; and

(7) One (1) private individual who is an ECCD practitioner

and expert shall be appointed by the President upon the
recommendation of the Board, as member.

The Board shall meet once a month or upon the call of the
Cbairperson or three (3) members of the Board.

(b) Council Secretariat. - There shall be established an

ECCD CouncilSecretariatto be headed by an Executive Director.
The Secretariat shall provide support services for the coordination
and monitoring of the implementation of policies and plans
formulated by the Council subject to the Compensation llnd
Position Classification System and other existing civil service
rules and regulations.

SEC. 10. Functions of the ECCD Council. - The ECCD

Council shall carry out the objectives of the National ECCD System
by performing the following functions:

(a) Promulgate policies and implement guidelines for ECCD

programs in consultation with stakeholders, including the regional
level when appropriate, consistent with the national policy ~nd
program frameworks as defined in this Act;

(b) Establish ECCD program. standards that reflect

developmentelly appropriate practices for ECCD programs, which
shall interface with the kindergarten curriculum of the DepED;

(c) Develop a national system for the recruitment,

registration, a=editation, continuing education and equivale!lCY,
and credential system of ECCD service providers, supervisors
and administrators to improve and professiona1ize the ECCD sebtor
and upgrade quality standards of public and private ECCD

(d) . Develop a national system o{awards and recognition to

deserving ECCD program implementers and service providers;

(e) Promote, encourage and coordinate the various EqCD

programs of the DepED, the DSWD, the DOH {Uld the NNC, and
monitor the delivery of services to the ECCD program beneficiaries

(f) Evaluate and assess the impact and outcome of various

ECCD programs nationwide through an effective information

(g) . Develop a national system for early identification,

screening and surveillance of young children from age zero (0) to
four (4) years;

(h) Develop various support mechanisms that maximize

public and private resources for implementing ECCD programs,
giving pdority to the needy and high risk children from poor

(i) Provide funds to poor and disadvantaged communities

for the establishment and expansion of public ECCD programs,
improvement of physical facilities and for hiring ofECCD service

0) Promote and encourage private sector initiatives for

the establishmentofECCD programs;

(k) Provide guidelines for the conduct of solicitations from

local and international civic organizations, and request private
foundations to supplement available resources; and

(1) Perform such other functions as the ECCD Council may

deem necessary.

SEC. 11. Appropriations. - The amount needed for the

initial implementation of this Act shall be charged against the
current year's appropriations of the DepED, the DSWD, the DOH
and the NNC for the purpose. Thereafter, such sums as may be
necessary for the continued implementation of this Act shall be
included in the annual General Appropriations Act (GAA).

In addition, the Philippine Amusement and Gaming

Corporation shall contribute an amount of Five hundred million
pesos (p500,OOO,OOO.OO) per year for five (5) years from its gross
income to fund the establishment of National Child Development
Centers and the conversion of existing Day Care Centers into
Child Development Centers in various LGUs upon approval of
this Act. Said amount shall be directly remitted in four (4)
quarterly installments to a special account of the ECCD Council.

SEC. 12. Financing EGGD Programs. - ECCD programs

shall be financed through a combination of public and private
funds. All public ECCD program providers shall prioritize children
from age zero (0) to four (4) years from families who are in greatest
need and who can least afford private ECCD programs.

(a) Financial and Technical Support. - The DepED, the

DSWD and the DOH shall support the implementation of the
National ECCD System by providing financial and tech\lical
support packages to ECCD programs.

(b) Other Forms of Support for ECCD Programs. - LPUs

shall be encouraged to support public ECCD programs in ~heir
respective localities. Additional funds may be generated £rom
intergovernmental donors and government financial institutions
to support the public programs including the urban poor.

There shall be established a fund for an ECCD Program

Contracting Scheme with accredited private providers at the
community levels.

(c) Fees and Contributions. - Fees and contributions

collected for both public and private ECCD programs shal! be
monitored by the ECCD Council to ensure that these are affordable
and within reasonable limits. Families are encQuraged to
contribute their time and services to support the ECCD programs.

SEC. 13. Annual Report. - The ECCD Council shall, at

the close of each calendar year, submit annual physical and
financial reports to Congress, giving a detailed account of its
proceedings and accomplishments during the year,ma~ing
recommendations for the adoption of measures that will improve
the National ECCD System and ensuring achievement of
universal coverage ofECCD benefits to-all children from age iero
(0) to four (4) years, within a period of five (5) years.

SEC. 14. Implementing Rules and Regulations. - The

ECCD Council, in consultation with appropriate governm\lnt
agencies and nongovernment organizations, shall formulate:lpd
issue the necessary rules and regulations within sixty (60) d~ys
aftsr the effectivity of this Act. .

SEC. 15. Repealing Clause. - Republic Act No. 8980,

otherwise known as "An Act Promulgating A Comprehensive
Policy And A National System For Early Childhood Care And
Development (ECCD), Providing Funds Therefor And For Other
Purposes", is hereby repealed.

All laws, decrees, executive orders, presidential

proclamations, rules and regulations or parts thereof contrary to
or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed
or modified accordingly.

SEC. 16. Separability Clause. - If, for any reason, any

portion of this Act shall be declared unconstitutional, other parts
or provisions hereof which are not affected shall continue to be in
full force and effect.

SEC: 17. Effectivity Clause. - This Act shall take effect

fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in
at least two (2) newspapers of general circulation.


Speaker of the House
of Representatives

This Act which is a consolidation of House Bill No. 6694 and

Senate Bill No. 3206 was finally passed by the House of
Representatives and the Senate on November 28, 2012 and
January 23, 2013, respectively.

~ ~tfu~
Secreta of the Senate Secretary General
House of Representatives

Approved: MAR 2 6 2013

v'\. ( s. .:v

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