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Facilitator: ______________ Date: _____________________________

Student’s name: _____________________________ Course :__________

São Paulo is the largest city in South São Paulo has the largest underground transportation system in Brazil the
America and the third most populous of “Metro”. However, it is not as comprehensive as the trains in Europe or
the world, with more than 10 million North America but it covers the most important areas.
inhabitants. It is the economical capital
of Brazil and a very busy place. It is A) After you have read the previous text, read the next questions and choose
also the richest in culture, parks and the most accurate one.
1. What time does the traffic get worse in São Paulo ?
São Paulo is centered around the Praça a) It gets worse during rush hours.
da Sé, where there is a stone mark b) From 8 to 10 a.m. only.
symbolizing the “point zero” of the city. c) In the mornings, from 8 to 10 a.m. and in the evenings from 6 to 8. p.m.
The subway system is cheap and
efficient but it covers only a few areas 2. Where is São Paulo located?
of the city, although extensions are a) São Paulo is between Itaim and Ibirapuera park.
being made. The most interesting b) It is centered where there in a Stone Mark .
neighborhoods and places to visit c) It is near a beach.
include Jardins, Itaim and The
Ibirapuera Park. 3) Why is São Paulo the largest city in South America?
a) Because of the amount of inhabitants, it has more than 10 million people.
The main tourist attractions in the city include the different neighborhoods b) Because it has a variety in museums and parks which attracts many
with their special Italian, Japanese or Arabic influence. They have their own tourists.
characteristic atmosphere and it is a lot of fun to walk around, go to one of c) Because of its growing economics and rich culture.
the many small restaurants or have a drink somewhere.
4) Who are the Paulistanos ?
Brazilians say that Paulistanos (São Paulo locals) live to work and to eat a) People who work in popular restaurants around São Paulo.
which is certainly true. Food in São Paulo is the best in the country. You b) The local people from the largest city of South America.
can find it from a variety of restaurants from the simplest delivery place to c) It is not mentioned in the text.
the fine expensive ones.
5) What are the most interesting neighborhoods in the city?
São Paulo is also very much a party town. You can get stuck in the traffic in a) Jardins and Itaim are included as the most fascinating ones.
the middle of the night when party animals return from their hunt. b) There is only one which is Praça da Sé.
c) The most interesting ones are those who have foreign influences.
Automotive traffic in São Paulo is complicated, especially in main routes all
along the weekdays and gets worse at rush hours (from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and
from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. ). On the weekend traffic is good with some
impediments in places where there are bars, shopping centers or other
public attractions.

B) Find a synonym for the next words in the text, the words are in bold: 1.3 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the adjective.
1. London is the _______________ (big/bigger/biggest) city in the United
Inhabitants a.Laborers b. Person c. Animals d. People Kingdom.
2. Manchester is _______________ (wet/wetter/wettest) than Rome.
Main a.Unimportant b .Mild c. Principal d. Intensity 3. Moscow is _______________ (cold than/colder than/cold as) Munich.
4. I think that Istanbul is the ___________________ (more beautiful/most
Impediments a. Benefits b.Complications c.Assistance d. Aid beautiful /beautifullest) city in the world.
5. In my opinion, Tokyo is ____________________ (more interesting than/
Stuck a. Confused b.Perplexed c.Progress d.Trapped most interesting) Mumbai.

Comprehensive a. b.Complete c. Exclusive d. 2. Read through this text about Prague and decide on the best answer for
Understandable Unlimited each blank.

1.1 Answer the following questions about your city: Prague is one of the (1)________ popular tourist
1. What is the name of your city? destinations in Europe. After all the political
____________________________________________________________ changes of the early 1990's, the capital of the
2. Where is it? Czech Republic began to take advantage of its
____________________________________________________________ beautiful cultural and architectural heritage to
3. What is the city like? attract ________(2) tourists than ever before.
4. How big is the city? Prague is a ________(3) city than many people
____________________________________________________________ imagine and it is _______(4) easy to move
5. What is the best thing about it? around this wonderful city on foot. Public
____________________________________________________________ transport is ________(5) in Prague than in ________(6) other European
2. Checking your vocabulary cities but it is often _______ (7) to walk, enabling you to appreciate
marvelous buildings you might have missed if you had been sitting on a bus
1.2 Write the adjectives in the correct column. Some can go in more than or a train.
one column.
___________(8) people leave the city of Prague without commenting on
Modern, new, huge, beautiful, elegant, tall, big, quiet, rich, polluted, dangerous, the splendid food and drink available here. Eating out here is a ________(9)
fantastic, old, ugly, small, noisy, poor, safe, wonderful, sunny, dry, exciting , wet, than it used to be but you can still have a three course meal for around $15
busy, cold ,luxurious, crowded, hot, interesting , cosmopolitan, windy. without any problems.

Weather Buildings City

3. Comparatives/superlatives

2.1 After you have read the text match the best answer for each blank. ________________________________________________________
1. a. more b. most c. very
2. a. bigger b. more c. many ________________________________________________________
3. a. smaller b. more small c. smallest ________________________________________________________
4. a. very b. more c. such ________________________________________________________
5. a. very cheap b. more cheap c. cheaper
6. a. every b. most c. more ________________________________________________________
7. a. better b. more good c. most good ________________________________________________________
8. a. some b. much c. little
9. a. very cheaper b. little more expensive c. little cheaper ________________________________________________________
Writing ________________________________________________________
3. Using the information from the chart below make a comparison between ________________________________________________________
two cities Los Angeles and New York. You need to include adjectives,
comparatives and superlatives, places that people can visit and the activities
that you can do there. Do not forget to include linking words: First, second, ________________________________________________________
and , so , because, but, then, finally. (70 – 90 words) ________________________________________________________
City Places to visit Population Area Settled Temperature ________________________________________________________
Los -Malibú 3,857,799 469.3 57.2 degrees ________________________________________________________
Angeles -Beverly Hills inhabitants square 1781 F (January) ________________________________________________________
-Disneyland miles 74.1 degrees
-Grauman’s F (July)
walk of fame.
New York -Statue of 8,336,697 308.9 1625 31.8F
Liberty inhabitants square (January)
-Times Square miles 76.7 F (July)
-Central Park
-Broadway 3
-Empire State

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