Muscle Tables of The Upper Extremities From Netter's

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The document describes different muscles and their origins, insertions, innervations, actions and blood supply.

The tables describe different muscles of the body like muscles of the hand, forearm, arm and back.

For each muscle the tables provide information about their proximal attachment (origin), distal attachment (insertion), innervation, main actions and blood supply.

Muscle Tables 6

Medial side of base
Pisiform bone and
Abductor digiti of proximal Ulnar nerve (deep Deep palmar branch
tendon of flexor Abducts little finger Hand
minimi phalanx of little branch) of ulnar artery
carpi ulnaris
finger (5th digit)
Flexor retinaculum, Lateral side of base
Median nerve Superficial palmar
Abductor pollicis tubercles of of proximal
(recurrent Abducts thumb branch of radial Hand
brevis scaphoid and phalanx of
branch) artery
trapezium thumb
Posterior surface of
Radial nerve Abducts and extends Posterior
Abductor pollicis ulna, radius, and Base of 1st Posterior
(posterior thumb at interosseous
longus interosseous metacarpal forearm
interosseous) carpometacarpal joint artery
Oblique head: bases
of 2nd and 3rd
metacarpals and
capitate and Medial side of base
adjacent bones of proximal Ulnar nerve (deep
Adductor pollicis Adducts thumb Deep palmar arch Hand
phalanx of branch)
Transverse head: thumb
anterior surface
of 3rd
Posterior surface Lateral surface of Assists triceps in
of lateral olecranon and extending elbow,
Anconeus Radial nerve (C5–T1) Deep brachial artery Arm
epicondyle of posterior abducts ulna in
humerus proximal ulna pronation
Long head:
tubercle of Radial tuberosity,
scapula fascia of Muscular branches
Musculocutaneous Flexes and supinates
Biceps brachii forearm via of brachial Arm
nerve (C5,C6) forearm at elbow
Short head: tip of bicipital artery
coracoid aponeurosis
process of
Radial recurrent
Distal half of anterior Coronoid process Musculocutaneous
artery, muscular
Brachialis surface of and tuberosity nerve and radial Flexes forearm at elbow Arm
branches of
humerus of ulna nerve (C7)
brachial artery
Proximal 2/3 of
lateral Weak flexion of forearm
Lateral side of distal Radial recurrent Posterior
Brachioradialis supracondylar Radial nerve when forearm is
end of radius artery forearm
ridge of midpronated
Tip of coracoid Middle third of Muscular branches
Musculocutaneous Flexes and adducts arm
Coracobrachialis process of medial surface of brachial Arm
nerve at shoulder
scapula of humerus artery
Clavicular part: flexes and
medially rotates arm
Posterior circumflex
Lateral third of
Acromial part: abducts humeral
anterior clavicle,
Deltoid tuberosity of arm beyond initial 15 artery, deltoid
Deltoid lateral acromion, Axillary nerve Shoulder
humerus degrees done by branch of
inferior edge of
supraspinatus thoraco-acromial
spine of scapula
Spinal part: extends and
laterally rotates arm
Abduct digits from axial
Base of proximal
line of hand (3rd
Adjacent sides of phalanges,
Dorsal interosseous Ulnar nerve (deep digit); flex digits at
two metacarpal extensor Deep palmar arch Hand
muscles branch) metacarpophalangeal
bones expansion of
joint and extend
digits 2–4
interphalangeal joints
Dorsal base of 3rd
Extensor carpi Lateral epicondyle of metacarpal and Radial nerve (deep Extends and abducts Radial artery, radial Posterior
radialis brevis humerus slip to 2nd branch) hand at wrist recurrent artery forearm
Distal third of lateral Dorsal base of 2nd
Extensor carpi supracondylar metacarpal and Extends and abducts Radial artery, radial Posterior
Radial nerve
radialis longus ridge of slip to 3rd hand at wrist recurrent artery forearm
humerus metacarpal

Variations in spinal nerve contributions to the innervation of muscles, their arterial supply, their attachments, and their actions are common themes in human
anatomy. Therefore, expect differences between texts and realize that anatomical variation is normal.

Muscle Tables Table 6-1

Muscle Tables
Lateral epicondyle of
Radial nerve Posterior
Extensor carpi humerus and Dorsal base of 5th Extends and adducts Posterior
(posterior interosseous
ulnaris posterior border metacarpal hand at wrist forearm
interosseous) artery
of ulna
Radial nerve Posterior
Extensor digiti Lateral epicondyle of Extensor expansion Posterior
(posterior Extends 5th digit interosseous
minimi humerus of 5th digit forearm
interosseous) artery
Extensor expansions Radial nerve Extends medial four Posterior
Lateral epicondyle of Posterior
Extensor digitorum of medial four (posterior digits, assists in wrist interosseous
humerus forearm
digits interosseous) extension artery
Posterior surface of
Radial nerve Extends 2nd digit and Posterior
ulna and Extensor expansion Posterior
Extensor indicis (posterior helps extend hand at interosseous
interosseous of 2nd digit forearm
interosseous) wrist artery
Posterior surface of Dorsal base of
Radial nerve Extends proximal phalanx Posterior
Extensor pollicis radius and proximal Posterior
(posterior of thumb at interosseous
brevis interosseous phalanx of forearm
interosseous) carpometacarpal joint artery
membrane thumb
Posterior surface of Extends distal phalanx
middle third of Dorsal base of distal Radial nerve of thumb at Posterior
Extensor pollicis Posterior
ulna, phalanx of (posterior interphalangeal and interosseous
longus forearm
interosseous thumb interosseous) metacarpophalangeal artery
membrane joints
Medial epicondyle of Base of 2nd Flexes and abducts hand Anterior
Flexor carpi radialis Median nerve Radial artery
humerus metacarpal at wrist forearm
Humeral head:
epicondyle of
humerus Pisiform bone, hook
of hamate, base Flexes and adducts hand Posterior ulnar Anterior
Flexor carpi ulnaris Ulnar nerve
of 5th at wrist recurrent artery forearm
Ulnar head: metacarpal
olecranon and
posterior border
of ulna
Medial side of base
Flexor retinaculum
Flexor digiti minimi of proximal Ulnar nerve (deep Flexes proximal phalanx Deep palmar branch
and hook of Hand
brevis phalanx of little branch) of little finger of ulnar artery
hamate bone
Medial and anterior Medial part: ulnar
surface of Palmar base of nerve Flexes distal phalanges Anterior interosseous
Flexor digitorum proximal 3/4 of distal phalanges of medial four digits, artery, muscular Anterior
profundus ulna and of medial four assists with flexion of branches of forearm
interosseous digits Lateral part: median hand at wrist ulnar artery
membrane nerve

Humero-ulnar head:
epicondyle of
humerus and Bodies of middle Flexes middle and
Flexor digitorum coronoid phalanges of proximal phalanges Ulnar and radial Anterior
process of ulna Median nerve
superficialis medial four of medial four digits, arteries forearm
digits flexes hand at wrist
Radial head:
superior half of
anterior radius
Lateral side of base
Flexor retinaculum Median nerve Superficial palmar
of proximal Flexes proximal phalanx
Flexor pollicis brevis and tubercle of (recurrent branch of radial Hand
phalanx of of thumb
trapezium branch) artery
Anterior surface of
Palmar base of Median nerve
radius and Flexes phalanges of Anterior interosseous Anterior
Flexor pollicis longus distal phalanx of (anterior
interosseous thumb artery forearm
thumb interosseous)
Infraspinous fossa of Middle facet of
Lateral rotation of arm
Infraspinatus scapula and greater tubercle Suprascapular nerve Suprascapular artery Shoulder
(with teres minor)
deep fascia of humerus

Table 6-2 Muscle Tables

Muscle Tables 6
artery, dorsal
Spinous processes perforating
of T7–L5 branches of 9th,
Intertubercular Extends, adducts, and
vertebrae, 10th, and 11th
Latissimus dorsi sulcus of Thoracodorsal nerve medially rotates Shoulder
thoracolumbar posterior
humerus humerus at shoulder
fascia, iliac intercostal,
crest, last 3 ribs subcostal, and
first three
lumbar arteries
Dorsal scapular
Posterior tubercles Medial border of artery,
Ventral rami of C3– Elevates scapula
of transverse scapula from transverse
Levator scapulae C4 and dorsal medially, inferiorly Superficial back
processes of superior angle cervical artery,
scapular nerve rotates glenoid cavity
C1–C4 to spine ascending
cervical artery
Extend digits at
Lateral two tendons Lateral sides of
Lumbrical, first and of flexor extensor Median nerve (digital Superficial and deep
joints, flex Hand
second digitorum expansion of branches) palmar arches
profundus digits 2 and 3
Extend digits at
Medial three Lateral sides of
Lumbrical, third and tendons of extensor Ulnar nerve (deep Superficial and deep
joints, flex Hand
fourth flexor digitorum expansion of branch) palmar arches
profundus digits 4 and 5
Flexor retinaculum Draws 5th metacarpal
Opponens digiti Palmar surface of Ulnar nerve (deep Deep palmar branch
and hook of anteriorly and rotates Hand
minimi 5th metacarpal branch) of ulnar artery
hamate bone it to face thumb
Flexor retinaculum Median nerve Draws 1st metacarpal Superficial palmar
Lateral side of 1st
Opponens pollicis and tubercle of (recurrent forward and rotates it branch of radial Hand
trapezium branch) medially artery
Bases of proximal Adducts digits toward
phalanx and axial line of hand (3rd
Palmar interosseous Sides of metacarpals extensor Ulnar nerve (deep digit); flexes digits at
Deep palmar arch Hand
muscles 2, 4, and 5 expansion of branch) metacarpophalngeal
digits 2, 4, and joint and extends
5 interphalangeal joints
Palmar aponeurosis Superficial palmar
Skin of medial Deepens hollow of hand, Superficial palmar
Palmaris brevis and flexor branch of ulnar Hand
border of palm assists grip arch
retinaculum nerve
Distal half of flexor
Flexes hand at wrist and
Medial epicondyle of retinaculum Posterior ulnar Anterior
Palmaris longus Median nerve tenses palmar
humerus and palmar recurrent artery forearm
Sternal half of
Pectoral branch
clavicle, sternum
of thoraco-
to 7th rib, Lateral lip of
acromial artery,
cartilages of true intertubercular Medial and lateral Flexes and adducts arm, Pectoral region/
Pectoralis major perforating
ribs, sulcus of pectoral nerves rotates arm medially axilla
branches of
aponeurosis of humerus
internal thoracic
external oblique
Pectoral branch of
Outer surface of Lowers lateral angle of thoraco-acromial
Coracoid process of Medial pectoral Pectoral region/
Pectoralis minor upper margin of scapula and and intercostal
scapula nerve axilla
ribs 3–5 protracts scapula lateral thoracic
Median nerve
Distal fourth of Distal fourth of Anterior interosseous Anterior
Pronator quadratus (anterior Pronates forearm
anterior ulna anterior radius artery forearm
Two heads: medial
epicondyle of Pronates forearm and
Midway along lateral Anterior ulnar Anterior
Pronator teres humerus and Median nerve assists with elbow
surface of radius recurrent artery forearm
coronoid flexion
process of ulna

Muscle Tables Table 6-3

Muscle Tables
Dorsal scapular OR
deep branch of
cervical artery,
Medial border of Fixes scapula to thoracic
Spinous processes dorsal
scapula below Dorsal scapular wall and retracts and
Rhomboid major of T2–T5 perforating Superficial back
base of spine of nerve rotates it to depress
vertebrae branches of the
scapula glenoid cavity
upper five or six
arteries artery
Dorsal scapular
artery OR deep
branch of
Ligamentum nuchae, Fixes scapula to thoracic cervical artery,
Medial border of
spines of C7 Dorsal scapular wall and retracts and dorsal
Rhomboid minor scapula at spine Superficial back
and T1 nerve rotates it to depress perforating
of scapula
vertebrae glenoid cavity branches of the
upper five or six
Costal surface of Protracts and rotates
Lateral surfaces of Lateral thoracic
Serratus anterior medial border of Long thoracic nerve scapula and holds it Shoulder
upper 8–9 ribs artery
scapula against thoracic wall
Upper border of 1st Inferior surface of Clavicular branch
Anchors and depresses
Subclavius rib and its middle third of Nerve to subclavius of thoraco- Shoulder
cartilage clavicle acromial artery
Medially rotates arm at
Upper and lower shoulder and Subscapular artery,
Lesser tubercle of
Subscapularis Subscapular fossa subscapular adducts it, helps hold lateral thoracic Shoulder
nerves humeral head in artery
glenoid cavity
Lateral, posterior,
Lateral epicondyle Radial recurrent
and anterior
of humerus, Radial nerve (deep artery, posterior Posterior
Supinator surfaces of Supinates forearm
supinator crest branch) interosseous forearm
proximal third of
of ulna arteries
Supraspinous fossa Superior facet of Initiates arm abduction,
Supraspinatus of scapula and greater tubercle Suprascapular nerve acts with rotator cuff Suprascapular artery Shoulder
deep fascia of humerus muscles
Medial lip of
Posterior surface of
intertubercular Lower subscapular Adducts and medially Circumflex scapular
Teres major inferior angle of Shoulder
sulcus of nerve rotates arm artery
Upper 2/3 of
Inferior facet of
posterior surface Circumflex scapular
Teres minor greater tubercle Axillary nerve Laterally rotates arm Shoulder
of lateral border artery
of humerus
of scapula
Superior nuchal line,
Transverse cervical
artery, dorsal
occipital Lateral third of Elevates, retracts, and
protuberance, clavicle, Accessory nerve rotates scapula;
Trapezius branches of Superficial back
nuchal ligament, acromion, and (cranial nerve XI) lower fibers depress
spinous spine of scapula scapula
processes of
Long head:
tubercle of
scapula Extends forearm at
elbow; long head
Lateral head: upper Posterior surface of stabilizes head of
Branch of profunda
Triceps brachii half of posterior olecranon Radial nerve abducted humerus Arm
brachii artery
humerus process of ulna and extends and
adducts arm at
Medial head: distal shoulder
2/3 of medial
and posterior

Table 6-4 Muscle Tables

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