Sanwa LCR700

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Table of Contents [5] MEASURING PROCEDURE
5-1 Connection of DUT (Device Under Test)………………… 22
[1] SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 5-2 Pre-operational Check……………………………………… 24
1-1 Explanation of Warning Symbols…………………………… 1 5-3 Auto LCR Mode Measurement…………………………… 25
1-2 Warning Instructions for Safe Use…………………………… 2 5-4 Manual LCR Mode measurement………………………… 26
[2] APPLICATIONS AND FEATURES 5-4-1 Inductance (L) measurement……………………………… 27
2-1 Applications…………………………………………………… 3 5-4-2 Capacitance (C) measurement…………………………… 28
2-2 Features………………………………………………………… 3 5-4-3 Resistance (R) measurement……………………………… 29
[3] PART IDENTIFICATION 5-4-4 DC Resistance (DCR) measurement……………………… 29
3-1 LCR meter and clipping leads………………………………… 4 5-5 Device Value Sorting………………………………………… 30
3-2 Display………………………………………………………… 6 [6] MAINTENANCE
[4] DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS 6-1 Simple Examination………………………………………… 32
4-1 Power Switch…………………………………………………… 7 6-2 Battery Replacement……………………………………… 32
4-2 Auto Power Off………………………………………………… 7 6-3 Storage……………………………………………………… 33
4-3 Buzzer…………………………………………………………… 7 [7] AFTER-SALE SERVICE
4-4 Low Battery Indication………………………………………… 7 7-1 Warranty and Provision…………………………………… 34
4-5 Measuring Mode Selection…………………………………… 8 7-2 Repair………………………………………………………… 34
4-5-1 Auto LCR Mode………………………………………………… 8 7-3 SANWA web site…………………………………………… 35
4-5-2 Manual LCR Mode and DC Resistance Measurement……… 9 [8] SPECIFICATIONS
4-6 Measuring Frequency Selection…………………………… 10 8-1 General Specifications……………………………………… 36
4-7 Series/Parallel Mode………………………………………… 11 8-2 Measuring Range and Accuracy…………………………… 38
4-8 Auto Range Selection……………………………………… 11
4-9 Data Hold…………………………………………………… 11
4-10 Relative Measurement……………………………………… 11
4-11 OPEN/SHORT Calibration………………………………… 13
4-12 Device Sorting……………………………………………… 17
4-13 Backlight……………………………………………………… 17
4-14 PC (Personal Computer) Interface………………………… 17
4-15 Measuring Principles……………………………………… 19
4-15-1 What is impedance?………………………………………… 19
4-15-2 Impedance measurement………………………………… 20
4-15-3 Principles of OPEN/SHORT Calibration………………… 21
1-2 Warning Instructions for Safe Use
*Before use, read the following safety precautions.
This instruction manual explains how to use your LCR meter LCR700.
Before using, read through this manual to reduce the risk of fire , The following instructions are intended to prevent injury such as
electric shock and so on. These instructions must be followed.
electric shock, and/or injury. And save it together with the product so
that you can refer to the manual as necessary. 1. Do not apply any voltage or current to the measuring
Use the instrument only as specified in this manual or the protection 2. Never attempt to repair the instrument by yourself and ask
provided by the instrument may be impaired. the nearest SANWA authorized agent, distributor, or service
provider for repair.
The instructions given under the headings of " WARNING" and
3. Do not use the instrument if the meter or clip leads look damaged.
must be followed to prevent accidental electric shock and so on.
4. Never operate the meter with the case or battery lid removed.
5. Remove all lead wires from the instrument when replacing the battery.
1-1 Explanation of Warning Symbols
6. Do not use any unspecified type of clip leads.
The meanings of the symbols used in this manual and attached to 7. Do not touch any measuring terminals.
the product are as follows. 8. Do not operate the meter when it is wet or with wet hands.
9. Inspect the instrument at least once a year.
:Extremely-important instructions for safe use 10. Use the instrument indoors.
11. Only the specified AC/DC adopter (AD-30-2) can be used with
・ WARNING identifies conditions and actions that could result in the instrument.

accidental electric shock and so on.

・ CAUTION identifies conditions and actions that could cause
damage the instrument.
1. Do not apply any voltage or current to the measuring terminals.
2. Discharge before making capacitance measurement.
3. Incorrect measurement may be performed in a ferromagnetic
or intense electric field near transformers, high-current
circuits, or radio equipments.

―1― ―2―
2-1 Applications 3-1 LCR meter and clipping leads
LCR700 is a full-featured high-performance handy LCR meter
which rivals the capabilities and options of many of its bench ① ⑯ ⑰ ⑱
counterparts. This instrument features a device value sorting
function, allowing users to quickly sort passive devices in situations
such as incoming inspections.
2-2 Features
• 20,000/2,000-count display
• Automatically selectable L/C/R measurement ⑮ ②
• Selectable Series/Parallel mode ⑭ ③
• Ls/Lp/Cs/Cp measurement with sub parameters (D/Q/θ/ESR)
• DC resistance function (6 ranges: 200.00 Ω ~ 200.0 MΩ) ④
⑬ ⑲
• 5 different measuring frequencies (100/120/1 k/10 k/100 kHz) ⑤

• Measuring signal source level: 0.63 Vrms (Typical) ⑥
• Measurable ranges (ex. f=1 kHz) ⑪ ⑦
L: 20.000 μH ~ 20.000 kH ⑩ ⑧
C: 200.00 pF ~ 20.00 mF
R: 20.000 Ω ~ 200.0 MΩ
• 5-terminal measurement (4 terminals plus guard shielding) ⑨ ⑳
• Multi-level low battery indication
• Auto Power Off feature to prevent unexpected battery wearing out
• Backlight to allow for easy visibility in low-lit area
• Automatic range selection ① LCD display ⑧ ENTER button ⑮ Device value sorting
• Data hold function button
• Relative measurement ② Calibration button ⑨ Measuring terminals⑯ AC adopter inlet
• Device Sorting mode to allow users to quickly sort passive devices ③ Frequency ⑩ Relative button ⑰ Holster
such as L, C, and R selecting button
• Separately available companion software and "LCR-USB" ④ Hold button ⑪ D/Q/θ/ESR/Rp ⑱ Optical communication
communication unit will allow you to transfer the measured data to selector button unit connector
your PC with ease. ⑤ Sorting mode ⑫ POWER button ⑲ Stand
• Accepts a single standard 9 V battery, setting button
and specified AC/DC adopter (AD-30-2). ⑥ PC connection ⑬ Backlight button ⑳ Battery door
⑦ Series/Parallel ⑭ LCR AUTO/MANUAL
selector button selector button

―3― ―4―
Clipping leads CL-700 (Bundled item) 3-2 Display
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦

Alligator clips ㉒
㉑ ⑧

⑲ ⑨

⑯ ⑮ ⑭ ⑬⑫ ⑪
SMD Clipping leads CL-700SMD (Separately available accessory)
① Data hold indicator ⑬ Indicator of AC resistance in
parallel mode
② OPEN/SHORT calibration ⑭ Equivalent series resistance mode
mode indicator indicator
③ Auto Power Off mode indicator ⑮ PC connection indicator
④ Series/Parallel mode ⑯ Battery capacity indicator
automatic detection indicator
⑤ L/C/R automatic detection ⑰ Measuring frequency indicator:
indicator 100 Hz, 120 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz
⑥ Range setting indicator for the ⑱ Tolerance indicator in sorting mode:
Shorting plate (Bundled item) sorting mode ±0.25 %, ±0.5 %, ±1 %, ±2 %, ±5 %,
±10 %, ±20 %, -20 ~ +80 %
⑦ Relative mode indicator ⑲ Sorting mode indicator
⑧ Unit of readings for main display ⑳ DC resistance mode indicator
⑨ Main display ㉑ Indicator of AC resistance in series
or parallel mode
⑩ Unit of readings for sub ㉒ Indicator of capacitance in series
display or parallel mode
⑪ Sub display ㉓ Indicator of inductance in series or
parallel mode
⑫ Indicator of Dissipation
factor (D), Quality factor (Q)
or Phase angle (θ) for L/C
measurement mode

―5― ―6―
[4] DESCRIPTION OF FUNCTIONS 4-5 Measuring Mode Selection
4-5-1 Auto LCR Mode
4-1 Power Switch After power-on, the meter is in the Auto LCR mode as a default
Press the POWER button to turn on the meter. All segments of the setting, and shows [AUTO LCR] on the display. The meter
LCD display will be turned on for 2 seconds after power-on, and then automatically selects a function, parameter, and series/parallel mode.
the meter will be ready to use in the Auto LCR mode (described later). The function and the sub parameter on the sub display will be
Press the POWER button again to turn off the meter. [OFF] will be selected based on the following conditions.
indicated for 2 seconds when terning off.

Conditions for automatic selection of functions and sub parameters.

4-2 Auto Power Off θ Functions Sub parameters Example
When the meter is powered by the battery, Auto Power Off feature is -11.3° ≦ θ ≦ 11.3° Resistance θ Fig. 4-5-1-1
active and is shown on the display. The buzzer beeps three times θ > 11.3° Inductance Q Fig. 4-5-1-2
(approx. for 15 sec.) to remind the user after approx. 5 minutes of no θ < -11.3° Capacitance D Fig. 4-5-1-3
activity. If no activity is made before beeping finishes, the meter will If C < 5 pF, Rp is shown on the sub display.
show [OFF] and automatically turn its power off. Selection of series/parallel mode depends on the total equivalent
To turn on the meter, press the POWER button again. impedance measured. (Refer to 4-7)
Note: Note:
When the meter is powered through an AC/DC adopter, the Auto S/P button and D/Q/θ button are not available in the Auto LCR mode.
Power Off feature is inactive.

4-3 Buzzer
Whenever an available button is pressed in the function, the buzzer
beeps one time to indicate the meter has accepted the command.
Pressing an unavailable button makes the buzzer beep 2 times.
The buzzer cannot be disabled.
Fig. 4-5-1-1 Fig. 4-5-1-2 Fig. 4-5-1-3
4-4 Low Battery Indication
The battery condition is continuously indicated. means that the
battery capacity is full. means that battery power is low and the
battery needs to be replaced. Replace the battery with new one. If you
use the instrument under "Low battery", it will beep twice and show
[bAtt], then turn power off.

―7― ―8―
4-5-2 Manual LCR Mode and DC Resistance Measurement Quality factor (Q)
As already descr bed, the default setting is the Auto LCR mode after = Inductance (L) component / Resistance (R) component
power-on, the main function can be switched to the manual LCR mode Dissipation factor (D)
or DC resistance mode by pressing the L/C/R AUTO/MANU button. = Resistance (R) component / Capacitance (C) component
Pressing this button ( ⇒ ) sequentially switches the functions as follows. • ESR is used for measuring equivalent series resistance of a
Auto LCR mode ⇒ Ls or Lp function ⇒ Cs or Cp function ⇒ Rs or Rp capacitor under a measuring frequency.
function ⇒ DCR function ⇒ Auto LCR mode

Example of resistance measurement


4-6 Measuring Frequency Selection

The meter provides 5 different frequencies
(100 Hz/120 Hz/1 kHz/10 kHz/100 kHz)
for more accurate measurement.
The default setting is 1 kHz, and the measuring frequency can be
In the manual LCR mode, the meter automatically selects the series/ selected by pressing the TEST FREQ button as follows.
parallel mode depending on the total equivalent impedance measured 1 kHz ⇒ 10 kHz ⇒ 100 kHz ⇒ 100 Hz ⇒ 1 kHz
similarly to the Auto LCR mode. (Refer to 4-7) Note:
The function of Ls, Lp, Cs, or Cp in the manual LCR mode shows The LCR impedance scale ranges and accuracies depend on the
following parameters, being switched by pressing D/Q/θ button. measuring frequency.
Refer to the accuracy table in Chapter 9.
Functions Selectable parameters
Dissipation factor (D), Quality factor (Q), Equivalent
Ls, Cs
series resistance (ESR), and Phase angle (θ)
Dissipation factor (D), Quality factor (Q), Equivalent
Lp, Cp
parallel resistance (Rp), and Phase angle (θ)

• Usually quality factor (Q) is used for inductance measurement.
Inductor with higher Q has lower resistance component.
Usually dissipation factor (D) is used for capacitance measurement.
Capacitor with lower D has lower resistance.component.

―9― ― 10 ―
4-7 Series/Parallel Mode The meter uses the following formula to calculate relative
When measuring L/C/R with multiple element in its equivalent circuit, measurements.
an appropriate measuring mode needs to be selected, assuming REL% = (DCUR – DREF) / DREF * 100%
actual circuit to be measured. REL% = Difference in percent
Select the series mode if a series circuit is assumed, or select the DCUR = Device currently under test
parallel mode if a parallel circuit is assumed. DREF = Device used as a reference
In the Auto LCR mode or manual LCR mode, the meter automatically
selects the series/parallel mode depending on the total equivalent To enter the relative mode, proceed as follows.
impedance measured. (The display shows [AUTO].) 1. Perform the OPEN/SHORT calibration.
10 kΩ and lower: Series mode (Ls/Cs/Rs) For details, refer to the section of "OPEN/SHORT calibration".
Higher than 10 kΩ: Parallel mode (Lp/Cp/Rp) 2. Select a function from L, C, R, or DCR.
In the manual LCR mode, pressing S/P button manually switches 3. Connect a device to the measuring terminals as a reference and
assumed series/parallel mode. wait until the readings become stable.
When manually selecting series/parallel mode, the display turns 4. Press the ⊿ button to save the reading as a reference value.
[AUTO] off. Now, the display indicates [Δ], and the sub display shows [0.0%].

4-8 Auto Range Selection

A measuring range in each function will be automatically selected, and
cannot be manually selected.

4-9 Data Hold

Press HOLD button to freeze present reading for later view. (The 5. Remove the reference device, then connect a DUT to the
display shows [HOLD].) Even if the DUT is disconnected from the measuring terminals.
measuring terminal, the current reading will remain on the display. The main display shows the value of the DUT and the sub display
Press the HOLD button again to disable the data hold feature and go shows the difference from the reference in %.
back to the normal measurement mode. (The display turns [HOLD] off.) Pressing the ⊿ button again shows the reference value saved
Note: in the previous step. You can check the reference value. ([Δ] is
When the reading is indefinite, the data hold feature is not available. blinking.)
Pressing the ⊿ button again allows you to measure in the relative
4-10 Relative Measurement mode.
Relative measurement allows you to read directly the deviation in % 6. Repeat Step 5 for each DUT.
from a reference value. Note: The range for the difference in percent is -99.9% to 99.9%.
Pressing the ⊿ button activates the relative mode, and the display If the DUT falls outside that range, the sub display will show [OL].
turns [Δ] on. 7. To exit this mode, press the ⊿ button for 2 seconds.
This function is not available in the Auto LCR mode.
Nor can it be activated when the reading is outside of the meter limits
(Ex. [OL] is displayed.).

― 11 ― ― 12 ―
4-11 OPEN/SHORT Calibration 3. Insert the bundled shorting plate to the
The OPEN/SHORT calibration before measurement reduces the parasitic directly connectable measuring terminals.
effect of the test fixture to get better accuracy especially for high/low 4. Press the CAL button again.
impedance measurement. (For the calibration principle, see 6-3.) The display shows [Srt].
5. Press the CAL button again.
Procedure of the OPEN/SHORT calibration
The meter shows a countdown on the display
This section explanations how to perform the OPEN/SHORT calibration
while it performs the SHORT calibration. It
for a measurement using the directly connectable measuring terminals,
takes 30 seconds to complete.
and one for a measurement using the clipping leads "CL-700". (Perform
the OPEN/SHORT calibration according to each procedure.)
[Measurement using the directly connectable measuring terminals]

1. Press the CAL button for 2 seconds.

The display shows [OPEn].

After the countdown is complete,

the display should show [PASS].
Shorting plate

2. Press the CAL button again.

The meter shows a countdown on the
display while it performs the OPEN
calibration. It takes 30 seconds to complete. If the display shows [FAIL], this procedure has to be performed

After the countdown is complete, the display should show [PASS].

6. Press the CAL button once again to exit the OPEN/SHORT
calibration mode.

― 13 ― ― 14 ―
[Measurement using the clipping leads "CL-700"] 4. Connect the test leads to make a
short circuit.
1. Make sure the leads are completely 5. Press the CAL button again.
disconnected. The display shows [Srt].
2. Press the CAL button for 2 seconds. 6. Press the CAL button again.
The display shows [OPEn]. The meter shows a countdown on the
display while it performs the SHORT
cal bration. It takes 30 seconds to

3. Press the CAL button again.

The meter shows a countdown on the display
while it performs the OPEN calibration.
It takes 30 seconds to complete. After the countdown is complete,
the display should show [PASS].

After the countdown is complete, the display If the display shows [FAIL], this
should show [PASS]. procedure has to be performed again.

7. Press the CAL button once again to exit the OPEN/SHORT

cal bration mode.

For measaurement using the SMD clipping leads "CL-700SMD"

(separately available accessory), the same procedure as above can
be taken to perform the OPEN/SHORT calibration.

― 15 ― ― 16 ―
4-12 Device Sorting The display shows the readings.
The meter can sort device values into PASS/FAIL based on
resistance, capacitance, or inductance. This feature is useful in
situations such as incoming inspections for mass production parts.
This function is not available in the Auto LCR mode.
Use this function in the manual LCR mode.
For details, refer to the section 5-5.
2. Press the PC button.
4-13 Backlight The display shows [PC] to indicate PC connection is active.
To turn the Backlight on, press button.
To turn it off, press button again.
The Backlight is disabled automatically after the meter is inactive for
60 seconds.

4-14 PC (Personal Computer) Interface

The instrument equips with an IR interface port at the meter back for
data communication. LCR-USB, dedicated USB communication unit 3. To make the PC connection inactive, press PC button again.
for LCR (separately available accessory), and the dedicated software
allow you to transfer real time readings to your PC and save them.

The connecting procedure is as follows.

1. Snap on LCR-USB and connect the USB plug to your PC on which
the dedicated software is running.
USB Communication unit
(LCR-USB) The display turns [PC] off to indicate the PC connection is inactive.

USB Communication unit connection

― 17 ― ― 18 ―
4-15 MEASURING PRINCIPLES 4-15-2 Impedance measurement
Impedance can be measured in series or in parallel.
4-15-1 What is impedance? In parallel mode, impedance can be represented as reciprocal of
Impedance Z extends the concept of resistance to AC, which is admittance (Y).
mathematically handled as a vector quantity on a complex plane. The admittance can be defined as Y = G + jB.
As shown, the impedance vector consists of the real part (the where: G = Conductance B = Susceptance
resistance R) and the imaginary part (the reactance X). Series
impedance Zs can be represented as Rs + jXs in Cartesian Series impedance Parallel admittance
form, and also can be represented as |Zs| ∠ θ (magnitude and Rp
Rs jXs
phase angle) in the polar form. The figure shows a mathematical
relationship between Rs, Xs, |Zs|, θ.
Imaginary axis (series mode) Zs = Rs + jXs or |Zs| ∠ θ
Rs = |Zs| cos θ Z = Rs + jXs Y = 1/Z = 1/Rp + 1/jXp = G+jB
Xs Xs = |Zs| sin θ
Xs/Rs = tan θ Rs = Series resistance Rp = Parallel resistance
Xs = Series reactance Xp = Parallel reactance
θ = tan-1(Xs/Rs)
Cs = Series capacitance Cp = Parallel capacitance
Real axis
Rs Ls = Series inductance Lp = Parallel inductance

Series Parallel Dissipation factor

Rs ±jXs G


There are two types of reactance. One is inductive reactance XL, Capacitance Cs=Cp(1+D ) 2
and the other is capacitive reactance XC.
If θ > 0, the reactance is inductive. If θ < 0, the reactance is Inductance Ls=Lp/(1+D2) Lp=Ls(1+D2) D=G/B=ωLpG=ωLp/Rp
capacitive. Resistance Rs=RpD2/(1+D2) Rp=Rs(1+1/D2) ―
The inductive reactance (XL) and the capacitive reactance (XC)
Q = Xs/Rs = 2πf Ls/Rs = ½πf CsRs
can be defined as follows. Q = B/G = Rp/│Xp│= Rp/2πf Lp = 2πf CpRp
XL = 2πƒL
XC = 1 / (2πƒC)
where: To understand the ratio of resistance and reactance, it is important
L = Inductance to consider Quality factor (Q) and Dissipation factor (D). Usually, Q
C = Capacitance is used when measuring inductance and D is used when measuring
f = signal frequency capacitance. Q is defined as the reciprocal of D.
Q = 1 / D = tan θ

― 19 ― ― 20 ―
Both Rs and Rp are part of the equivalent circuit of capacitors and [5] MEASURING PROCEDURE
To measure capacitance and inductance, refer to the settings as 5-1 Connection of DUT (Device Under Test)
shown in the table below. DUT's (Devices Under Test) may be connected to the meter as follows.

Value Setting • Directly insert axial or radial component leads to the directly
Low Parallel connectable measuring terminals.
High Series
Low Series
High Parallel
For details, refer to the section 4-7.

4-15-3 Principle of OPEN/SHORT calibration

Rs Ls


• Attach the clipping leads "CL-700" (bundled item).

ZM is defined as total impedance measured to a DUT by a test fixture
which has some parasitic impedance.
ZM = (Rs + jωLs) + ((Go + jωCo)-1 // ZDUT)
ZDUT is impedance of the DUT.

The OPEN/SHORT calibration reduces the effect of (Rs + jωLs) and

(Go + jωCo).

― 21 ― ― 22 ―
• Attach the SMD clipping leads "CL-700SMD" 5-2 Pre-operational Check
(separately available accessory).

1. Do not use the instrument if the meter or the clipping leads look
2. Make sure the clipping leads are not broken.

• Make sure the battery condition is good after power-on.
Replace the battery with new one if the battery power is low.
• The directly connectable measuring terminals accept axial or
radial component leads up to 1.0 mm in diameter. Inserting
thicker leads may damage the measuring terminals.

Perform the OPEN/SHORT calibration before measurement to

ensure the safety and the accuracy.
CL-700SMD Electrical Characteristics
Parameter Test Condition 100/120 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz
For details, refer to the section 4-11.
Resistance: Rs Clip opened < 0.05 Ω < 0.10 Ω < 0.10 Ω < 0.10 Ω
Capacitance: Cp Clip closed < 5.0 pF < 5.0 pF < 5.0 pF < 5.0 pF
Inductance: Ls Clip closed < 1.0 μH < 1 0 μH < 0.5 μH < 0.5 μH
• Temperature: 23 ℃ ±5 ℃ , Humidity: ≦ 80 % R.H.

The guard line provides a shield for DUT, preventing interference

when measuring high-impedance devices.

― 23 ― ― 24 ―
5-3 Auto LCR Mode Measurement 5-4 Manual LCR Mode measurement

1. Do not apply any voltage or current to the measuring terminals. 1. Do not apply any voltage or current to the measuring terminals.
2. Measuring live circuit may damage the meter. 2. Measuring live circuit may damage the meter.
3. Do not touch any metal part of the clipping leads nor the leads 3. Do not touch any metal part of the clipping leads nor the leads
of the DUT while measuring. of the DUT while measuring.

• Discharge the capacitor before any measurement. • Discharge the capacitor before any measurement.

1) Measuring ranges The meter will be in Auto LCR mode after power-on.
L: 20.000 μH ~ 2000 H (auto-range) Pressing the L/C/R AUTO/MANU button switches to Manual LCR
C: 200.00 pF ~ 20.00 mF (auto-range) mode and this button allows you to select the L/C/R as follows.
R: 20.000 Ω ~ 200.0 MΩ (auto-range) Auto LCR mode ⇒ Ls or Lp ⇒ Cs or Cp ⇒ Rs or Rp ⇒ DCR
⇒ Auto LCR mode
2) Measuring procedure (Above each function except Auto LCR mode is in Manual mode.)
① Press the POWER button to turn the meter on.
② Press the TEST FREQ button to select a measuring frequency.
③ Connect a DUT to the measuring terminals.
④ Read the display.

Note: D/Q/θ/ESR/Rp button is not available.


― 25 ― ― 26 ―
5-4-1 Inductance (L) measurement 5-4-2 Capacitance (C) measurement
1) Measuring ranges 1) Measuring ranges
L: 20.000 μH ~ 2000 H (auto-range) C: 200.00 pF ~ 20.00 mF (auto-range)

2) Measuring procedure 2) Measuring procedure

① Press the L/C/R AUTO/MANU button to select Ls or Lp function. ① Press the L/C/R AUTO/MANU button to select Cs or Cp function.
② Press the TEST FREQ button to select a measuring frequency. ② Press the TEST FREQ button to select a measuring frequency.
③ Press the S/P button to select Ls or Lp. ③ Press the S/P button to select Cs or Cp.
④ Connect a DUT to the measuring terminals. ④ Connect a DUT to the measuring terminals.
⑤ Press the D/Q/θ/ESR/Rp button to select a sub parameter. ⑤ Press the D/Q/θ/ESR/Rp button to select a sub parameter.
The sub parameter in the Ls function includes Q, ESR, θ, and D. The sub parameter in the Cs function includes D, Q, ESR, and θ.
The sub parameter in the Lp function includes Q, Rp, θ, and D. The sub parameter in the Cp function includes D, Q, Rp, and θ.
⑥ Read the display. ⑥ Read the display.

Example Example

― 27 ― ― 28 ―
5-4-3 Resistance (R) measurement 5-5 Device Value Sorting
1) Measuring ranges 1) Measuring ranges
R: 20.000 Ω ~ 200.0 MΩ (auto-range) L: 20.000 μH ~ 2000 H (auto-range)
C: 200.00 pF ~ 20.00 mF (auto-range)
2) Measuring procedure R: 20.000 Ω ~ 200.0 MΩ (auto-range)
① Press the L/C/R AUTO/MANU button to select Rs or Rp function.
② Press the TEST FREQ button to select a measuring frequency. 2) Setting and Measuring procedure
③ Press the S/P button to select Rs or Rp. ① Perform the OPEN/SHORT calibration.
Any sub parameter will not be shown. For details, refer to the section of "OPEN/SHORT cal bration".
④ Connect a DUT to the measuring terminals. (The OPEN/SHORT calibration is recommended for more
⑤ Read the display. accurate measurement.)
② Press L/C/R AUTO/MANU button to select an appropriate
manual measurement function.
This button allows you to select it as follows.
Auto LCR mode ⇒ Ls or Lp ⇒ Cs or Cp ⇒ Rs or Rp ⇒ DCR
⇒ Auto LCR mode
• The sorting mode is not available in the Auto LCR mode.
Example • S/P button allows you to select the series mode (Ls/Cs/Rs) or the
parallel mode (Lp/Cp/Rp).
5-4-4 DC Resistance measurement ③ Connect a device to the measuring terminals as a reference.
1) Measuring ranges After the reading has stabilized, press the SORT button to launch
R: 200.00 Ω ~ 200.0 MΩ (auto-range) the sorting mode, and the reading will be saved as a reference.
[PASS] will be indicated as shown below.
2) Measuring procedure
① Press the L/C/R AUTO/MANU button to select DCR function.
② Connect a DUT to the measuring terminals.
③ Read the display.

If you press the SORT button while the meter is reading outside
limits (OL) or while the reading is less than 200 counts, the sorting
mode is not available.
④ To set the decimal point, range, or tolerance against the
Example reference value, press the SETUP button. The saved reference
value will be shown on the display.

― 29 ― ― 30 ―
1. The followings are important to safety. Read this manual
throughly to maintain the instrument.
2. Calibrate and inspect the instrument at least once a year to
The following shows how to set up the details of the sorting mode. ensure safety and maintain its accuracy.
a. Use and/or keys to adjust the position of the decimal point 6-1 Simple Examination
as necessary. Press the ENTER button when finished. 1) Appearance
b. Use , , , and/or keys to adjust each digit as • Check for damaged appearance by dropping down and so on.
necessary. Press the ENTER button when finished. 2) Measuring terminals/Clipping leads
c. Use and/or keys to adjust the tolerance as necessary. • Check for loose contacts between the measuring sockets and
The tolerance options will be indicated sequentially as follows. the DUT, or between the measuring terminals and the plugs.
±0.25 %, ±0.5 %, ±1 %, ±2 %, ±5 %, ±10 %, ±20 %, • Check for damaged clipping lead wires.
-20 % ~ +80 % • Check for exposed core wire anywhere on the clipping leads.
Press the ENTER button when finished.
Now, the devices can be sorted. If you find any problem on the above items, stop using immediately
and ask us to repair it.
⑤ The main display will show either [PASS] or [FAIL] as each Check for the clipping leads without breaking wires, referring to the
device is measured. The sub display will show the value of the section 4-11.
measured component, as shown in the examples below.
6-2 Battery Replacement
Make sure the meter power is OFF, before starting the replacement.

Pre-installed battery
Examples Since the pre-installed battery is for monitoring, it may not be
• L/C/R AUTO/MANU button, D/Q/θ/ESR/Rp button, ⊿ button, durable as typically expected.
S/P button, and HOLD button will be unavailable while the *The purpose of the battery for monitoring is to check for the
instrument is in the sorting mode. functions and performances of the product.

⑥ To exit the sorting mode, press the SORT button. Replacement procedure
① Remove the holster and loosen the Philips-head screw fixing
LCR-USB, dedicated USB optical communication unit for LCR the battery door using appropriate screw driver.
(separately available accessory), and the dedicated software allow ② Remove the battery door and replace the battery with new one.
you to record the test results in your PC. Caution: Observe correct polarity.
③ Re-fasten the screw and set the holster again.

― 31 ― ― 32 ―
Rear case
7-1 Warranty and Provision
SANWA offers comprehensive warranty services to its end-users
and to its product resellers. Under SANWA's general warranty
Battery door policy, each instrument is warranted to be free from defects in
workmanship or material under normal use for the period of one
(1) year from the date of purchase.
This warranty policy is valid within the country of purchase only,
and applied only to the product purchased from SANWA authorized
agent or distributor.
for the battery door
SANWA reserves the right to inspect all warranty claims to
determine the extent to which the warranty policy shall apply. This
warranty shall not apply to disposables batteries, or any product or
parts, which have been subject to one of the following causes:
1. A failure due to improper handling or use that deviates from the
instruction manual.
6-3 Storage
2. A failure due to inadequate repair or modification by people other
CAUTION than SANWA service personnel.
1. The panel and case are not resistant to volatile solvents. Do 3. A failure due to causes not attributable to this product such as
fire, flood and other natural disaster.
not wipe out with solvents or isopropyl alcohol. Clean the
4. Non-operation due to a discharged battery.
instrument up with a dry soft cloth. 5. A failure or damage due to transportation, relocation or dropping
2. The panel and case are not resistant to heat. Keep it away after the purchase.
from heat-generating devices such as solder irons.
3. Do not save the instrument into vibratory places or where the 7-2 Repair
Customers are asked to provide the following information when
instrument may fall off.
requesting services:
4. Do not expose the instrument to direct sunlight and do not 1. Customer name, address, and contact information
save it into any places with extreme temperature, humid, or 2. Description of problem
condensation. 3. Description of product configuration
5. Remove the battery for saving the instrument over a long 4. Model Number
period of time. 5. Product Serial Number
6. Proof of Date-of-Purchase
7. Where you purchased the product
Save the instrument into an appropriate place, according to the Please contact SANWA authorized agent / distributor / service
precautions above. (Refer to the section 8-1.) provider, listed in our website, in your country with above

― 33 ― ― 34 ―
information. An instrument sent to SANWA / agent / distributor
without above information will be returned to the customer. 8-1 General Specifications

Note: LCD display Main display 20,000 counts: Ls / Lp / Cs / Cp / Rs / Rp / DCR

1) Prior to requesting repair, please check the following: (with Backlight) Sub display 2,000 counts: D/Q/θ/ESR/RP
Capacity of the built-in battery, polarity of installation and Over-range While the meter is reading outside limits, numeric
discontinuity of the test leads. indication part of the display indicates [OL].
2) Repair during the warranty period: Battery power
The failed meter will be repaired in accordance with the 4 levels
conditions stipulated in 8-1 Warranty and Provision. Measurable Ls / Lp / Cs / Cp / Rs / Rp / DCR
3) Repair after the warranty period has expired: parameters (including D/Q/θ/ESR/RP)
In some cases, repair and transportation cost may become Measuring
higher than the price of the product. Please contact SANWA Series / Parallel
authorized agent / service provider in advance. Range
The minimum retention period of service functional parts is 6 Automatic
years after the discontinuation of manufacture. This retention Measuring 4 terminals plus guard shielding
period is the repair warranty period. Please note, however, terminals Accepts banana plugs.
if such functional parts become unavailable for reasons of Auto LCR L: 20.000 μH ~ 20.000 kH
discontinuation of manufacture, etc., the retention period may measurement C: 200.00 pF ~ 20.00 mF
become shorter accordingly. ranges R: 20.000 Ω ~ 200.0 MΩ
4) Precautions when sending the product to be repaired: DCR
To ensure the safety of the product during transportation, place measurement R: 200.00 Ω ~ 200.0 MΩ
the product in a box that is larger than the product 5 times or ranges
more in volume and fill cushion materials fully and then clearly Measuring
100 Hz / 120 Hz / 1 kHz / 10 kHz / 100 kHz
mark “Repair Product Enclosed” on the box surface. The cost frequencies
of sending and returning the product shall be borne by the Measurement 1.2 times / second (LCR mode)
customer. rate 0.5 times / second (DCR mode)
Selectable ±0.25 %, ±0.5 %, ±1 %, ±2 %, ±5 %, ±10 %, ±20 %,
7-3 SANWA web site tolerances -20 % ~ +80 % Measuring
E-mail: [email protected] 0.63 Vrms (nominal), 0.9 Vdc (nominal)
signal level
Altitude: < 2,000 m Pollution degree: II
18 ~ 28 ℃ < 80 % RH

― 35 ― ― 36 ―
Temperature [0.15 x (specified accuracy)]/℃ 8-2 Measuring Range and Accuracy
coefficient 0 ~ 18 ℃ , 28 ~ 50 ℃ Accuracy: ±(% rdg + dgt) " % + d " is an abbreviation.
Operating rdg: reading
temperature/ 0 ~ 50 ℃ < 80 % RH dgt: least significant digit
humidity Temperature: 23 ℃ ±5 ℃
Storage Humidity: ≦ 80 % R.H.
temperature/ -20 ~ 60 ℃ < 80 % RH ( ≦ 60 % R.H. for the range of 2 MΩ, 20 MΩ, and 200 MΩ)
humidity Accuracies after the OPEN/SHORT calibration are shown below.
Safety " - ": the accuracy is not guaranteed.
IEC61326-1 Resistance: Rp, Rs
Under a condition field strength CS 3 V (0.15-80 MHz): Range Resolution DCR 100/120 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz
The following shows a total accuracy of the DC
0 01 Ω - 0.7 % + 8 d - - -
resistance measurement. 20 Ω
EMC 0.001 Ω - - 0.7 % + 8 d 0.7 % + 8 d 0.7 % + 8 d
Total accuracy = specified accuracy ± 150 dgt
200 Ω 0 01 Ω 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.8 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d
In other ranges or a condition which is worse than
2 kΩ 0.0001 kΩ 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d
the above-described condition, the accuracy is not
20 kΩ 0 001 kΩ 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.5 % + 5 d
200 kΩ 0.01 kΩ 0.5 % + 5 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0 9 % + 10 d
Single alkaline 9 V battery 6LR61(IEC6LF22, 2 MΩ 0.0001 MΩ 0.5 % + 5 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.5 % + 5 d 2 0 % + 10 d -
Power source NEDA1604A) or an external AC/DC adopter 0 001 MΩ 2.0 % + 8 d 2 0 % + 10 d 3 0 % + 20 d - -
(separately available: AD-30-2) 20 MΩ
0.01 MΩ - - - 5 0 % + 80 d -
Auto Power 200 MΩ 0.1 MΩ 5.0 % + 80 d 5 0 % + 80 d - - -
5 minutes after the last operation
Power Capacitance: Cp, Cs (When D < 0.1)
Approx. 110 mW
consumption Range Resolution 100/120 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz
Battery life Approx. 35 hours (Auto LCR Mode, 1 kHz) 200 pF 0.01 pF - - 0.8 % + 10 d 2.0 % + 10 d
1 pF 0.5 % + 5 d - - -
without holster Approx. L 175 mm × W 80 mm × H 40 mm 2000 pF
Dimensions 0.1 pF - 0.5 % + 5 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.7 % + 10 d
with holster Approx. L 184 mm × W 87 mm × H 45 mm 20 nF 0.001 nF 0.5 % + 5 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.3 % + 3 d
without holster Approx. 320 g 200 nF 0.01 nF 0.3 % + 3 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.7 % + 10 d
Mass 2000 nF 0.1 nF 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.5 % + 5 d 3.5 % + 10 d
with holster Approx. 400 g
20 μF 0.001 μF 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 1.0 % + 10 d -
Clipping leads (CL-700),
0.01 μF 0.3 % + 3 d 0.8 % + 10 d - -
Holster (H-701) 200 μF
Accessories 0.1 μF - - 3.5 % + 10 d -
Shorting plate for he directly connectable measuring terminals
0.1 μF 2.0 % + 10 d - - -
Instruction manual 2000 μF
1 μF - 1.5 % + 10 d - -
AC/DC adopter (AD-30-2), 20 mF 0.01 mF 1.5 % + 10 d - - -
SMD clipping leads (CL-700SMD)
LCR USB communication unit (LCR-USB) • Accuracy when D ≧ 0.1: Ae×
(PC communication sftware bundled) Ae means an accuracy of rdg in the main display.

― 37 ― ― 38 ―
Inductance: Lp, Ls (When D < 0.1) Accuracy of Θ θe: θe=±(180/π) × Ae (deg)
Range Resolution 100/120 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz Ae means an accuracy of rdg in the main display.
20 μH 0.001 μH - - - 1.0 % + 10 d
200 μH 0.01 μH - - 0.8 % + 10 d 1.0 % + 10 d • In the capacitance measurement
2000 μH 0.1 μH - 0.8 % + 10 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.8 % + 10 d Range 100/120 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz
20 mH 0.001 mH 0.8 % + 10 d 0.3 % + 3 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.8 % + 10 d
200 pF - - ±0.46 ±1.15
200 mH 0.01 mH 0.5 % + 5 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.8 % + 10 d -
2000 mH 0.1 mH 0.3 % + 3 d 0.5 % + 5 d 0.8 % + 10 d - 2000 pF ±0.29 ±0.29 ±0.29 ±0.40
20 H 0.001 H 0.3 % + 3 d 0.3 % + 3 d 5.0 % + 20 d - 20 nF ±0.29 ±0.17 ±0.29 ±0.17
200 H 0.01 H 0.5 % + 5 d 0.8 % + 10 d - - 200 nF ±0.17 ±0.29 ±0.29 ±0.40
2000 H 0.1 H 0.8 % + 10 d 3.0 % + 20 d - -
2000 nF ±0.17 ±0.17 ±0.29 ±2.01
20 kH 0.001 kH 5.0 % + 20 d - - -
20 μF ±0.17 ±0.17 ±0.57 -
• Accuracy when D ≧ 0.1: Ae× 200 μF ±0.17 ±0.46 ±2.01 -
Ae means an accuracy of rdg in the main display. 2000 μF ±1.14 ±0.86 - -
20 mF ±0.86 - - -

• In the inductance measurement

Range 100/120 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz
20 μH - - - ±0.57
200 μH - - ±0.46 ±0.57
2000 μH - ±0.46 ±0.29 ±0.46
20 mH ±0.46 ±0.17 ±0.29 ±0.46
200 mH ±0.29 ±0.29 ±0.46 -
2000 mH ±0.17 ±0.29 ±0.46 -
20 H ±0.17 ±0.17 ±2.87 -
200 H ±0.29 ±0.46 - -
2000 H ±0.46 ±1.72 - -
20 kH ±2.87 - - -

― 39 ― ― 40 ―
Accuracy of D value De: De = ±Ae < MEMO >
Ae means an accuracy of rdg in the main display.
Ex. Capacitor to be measured: 180 nF
Test frequency: 1 kHz
Measuring accuracy: ±(0.3 %rdg + 3 dgt)
Ae = 0.3 %rdg
Calculation for De (Accuracy of D value):
De= ±0.003
Accuracy of ESR: Re = ±ZM×Ae(Ω)
Calculation for ZM: 1/(2πfC) or 2πfL
Ex. Capacitor to be measured: 180 nF
Test frequency: 1 kHz
Measuring accuracy: ±(0.3 %rdg + 3 dgt)
Ae = 0.3 %rdg
ZM = 1/(2 x 3.14 x 1000 x 180 x 10-9)
= 884.6 Ω
Re = ±0.003 x 884.6
= ± 2.65 Ω

Accuracy of Q value Qe:

Condition: Q・De < 1

Ex. Inductor to be measured: 180 μH
Test frequency: 10 kHz
Measuring accuracy: ±(0.5 %rdg + 3 dgt)
Assumption: De = Ae = ±0.005
Measured Q value: 20
Qe = ±20 x 20 x 0.005 / (1- 20 x 0.005)
= 2.22

4-terminal measurement with guard shielding:

The DUT measuring leads are implemented by 4-terminal
measurement. It is necessary to perform the OPEN/SHORT
calibration to obtain the accuracy shown above. The measuring leads
for DUT should be as short as possible. If long extended cables are
used, the guard shielding will be necessary.

The product specifications and its appearance described in

this manual are subject to change without prior notice for
improvements or other reasons.

― 41 ― ― 42 ―
Dempa Bldg., 4-4 Sotokanda2-Chome Chiyoda-Ku,Tokyo,Japan

This manual employs soy ink. 01-1301 5008 6010

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