Cayley Hamilton

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Sp12 The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem Use of similarity

We give an outline of one of the most striking theorems of Linear Algebra.
1. Recall that a square matrix G is said to be similar to H if G = P HP −1
for some invertible P . In symbols, we write G ≈ H.
By taking powers of the similarity equation, we see that for any positive
integer m, we have:

Gm = P HP −1 P HP −1 · · · P HP −1 where we have written m terms

and by multiplying out, we see that Gm = P H m P −1 .
2. Now, if f (X) = a0 + a1 X + · · · + an X n is any polynomial and A is any
square matrix, then we define
f (A) = a0 I + a1 A + · · · + an An .

Thus, it makes sense to define A to be a root of the polynomial

f (X) if f (A) = 0.
3. The Cayley Hamilton Theorem states that:
If A is a square matrix and if f (X) is its characteristic polynomial,
then f (A) = 0. In other words, every square matrix is a root of its
characteristic polynomial!!
4. Idea of the proof.
The theorem is easily seen to be true for a diagonal matrix diag(a1 , a2 , · · · , an ).
We note that the characteristic polynomial is simply f (X) = (a1 −
X)(a2 − X) · · · (an − X). Then we see that
f (A) = (a1 I − A)(a2 I − A) · · · (an I − A)
= diag(0, a2 , · · · , an )diag(a1 , 0, a3 , · · · , an ) · · · diag(a1 , a2 , · · · , an−1 , 0)
= diag(0, 0, · · · , 0) = 0

Next we observe that the theorem must be true for any matrix similar to
a diagonal matrix, i.e. for a diagonalizable matrix.. To see this, note
that If G = P AP −1 , then
(G − λI) = (P AP −1 − λI) = P (A − λI)P −1
and so taking determinants, G and A have the same characteristic polyno-
mials, say f (λ).
f (G) = f (P AP −1 ) = P f (A)p−1 = P 0P −1 = 0.
Thus the theorem is proved for all diagonalizable matrices.
Now we finish the proof for any square matrix. However, this depends on
some general ideas which, at first, may seem too abstract. They will become
clear after some thought.

• In this part, we may find it easier to replace λ by a variable X,
so that the results seem more natural. These ideas are standard
in a course in theory of equations.
Suppose a square matrix A has characteristic polynomial f (X) =
det(A − XI) and suppose that f (X) and its derivative f 0 (X) have
no common factors. Then all roots of f (X) are simple (i.e. of
multiplicity 1).
Moreover, if we replace our ground field by its algebraic closure,
then f (X) would have exactly n distinct roots, if A is n × n.
• Thus, we may assume that our f (X) has n distinct linear factors
X − a1 , X − a2 , · · · X − an , so that A has n distinct eigenvalues
a1 , a2 , · · · , an .
• Then we know that A is diagonalizable and hence f (A) = 0 as
• Now assume that A is a matrix with n2 different variable entries
{yij } so that

y11 y12 · · · ynn

 
 y21 y22 · · · y2n 
A= .
 
 ··· ··· ··· ··· 
yn1 yn2 · · · ynn
We shall prove that the theorem is true for such a matrix A and
then it will follow for all special n × n matrices by specializing the
variables to desired special values.
• We only have to prove that the characteristic polynomial f (X) =
det(A − XI) has only simple roots. But the condition for this is
that GCD(f (X), f 0 (X)) is not identically zero.
But we note that this GCD is not zero when we specialize A to
a diagonal matrix with distinct entries, so the GCD cannot be
identically zero as a polynomial in {yij }. This proves our claim.

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