Simulation Analysis of Compression Refrigeration Cycle With Different Refrigerants

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ISSN: 2277-3754

ISO 9001:2008 Certified

International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 10, April 2013

Simulation Analysis of Compression Refrigeration

Cycle with Different Refrigerants
P.Thangavel, Dr.P.Somasundaram, T.Sivakumar, C.Selva Kumar, G.Vetriselvan
Abstract --- In this analysis, the performance of In nature, heat transfer occurs from the region of
compression cycle is assessed theoretically with different higher temperature to lower temperature without
refrigerants. In compression refrigeration system, requiring any external devices. The reverse process
hydrocarbon refrigerants such as R290 and R600a are
cannot occur by itself. The transfer of heat from lower
considered as a refrigerant by mixing of these at different
mass fractions about 20%+80%, 25%+75%, 50%+50% and
temperature to higher temperature requires special
75%+25% respectively. Various performance measures like devices called refrigerators. Refrigerator works under the
compressor discharge temperature, pressure ratio, volumetric principle of reversed Carnot cycle. Many types of
cooling capacity (VCC), volumetric efficiency and mass flow refrigerants are available for getting cooling effect. It is
rate are analyzed. The results are compared with halogenated very much important to use a suitable refrigerant, which
refrigerants such as R134a, R12 for different condenser and gives the maximum cooling effect by consuming
evaporator temperatures. Halogenated compounds are having minimum power. In present situation, most of the
direct environmental impacts in turns of ODP and GWP. domestic vapour compression refrigerators are equipped
Among the hydrocarbon refrigerants group, the mixture of
with R134a due to its thermodynamic properties.
R290 and R600a at concentration of 50% each has optimum
performance in terms of higher refrigeration effect, better
However, it is known that it have a higher global
heat transfer and COP. warming potential. So it is important to find alternative
refrigerant to R134a. Here R134a is compared with R290
Key Words: compression system, R290 and R600a, COP and R600a of different mass fraction. Mohanraj et al. [1]
have done an experimental investigation with
Nomenclature hydrocarbon refrigerant mixture (composed of R290 and
T Temperature (˚C) R600a in the ratio of 45.2:54.8 by weight) as an
P Pressure (bar) alternative to R134a in a domestic refrigerator. They
performed a continuous running test under different
M Mass flow rate (kg/s)
ambient temperatures (24, 28, 32, 38 and 43˚C), and
H Enthalpy (kJ/kg) cycling test (ON/OFF) were carried out at 32˚C ambient
S Entropy (kJ/kg) temperature. The results show that the hydrocarbon
Cp Specific heat at constant pressure (kJ/kg K) mixture has lower values of energy consumption; pull
C Clearance ratio down time and ON time ratio by about 11.1%, 11.6% and
13.2%, respectively, with 3.25–3.6% higher Coefficient
N Speed (rpm)
of performance (COP). Maclaine-Cross [2] shows that
N Polytrophic index the usage of hydrocarbon refrigerants in the refrigeration
Η Efficiency (%) systems instead of halogenated refrigerants (such as
Q Heat flow rate (kW) R134a and R12) reduces energy consumption by 20%.
V Specific volume (m3/kg) Fatouh et al. [3] conducted an experiment in domestic
Pr Pressure ratio refrigerators with hydrocarbon refrigerants such as
propane and isobutene and shows that the performance of
VCC Volumetric cooling capacity (kJ/m3)
hydrocarbon refrigerants matches with that of R134a.
PI Power input (kW) Baskaran et al. [4] performed an analysis on a vapour
compression refrigeration system with various refrigerant
Subscripts mixtures of R152a, R170, R600a and R290 at various
1-4 States of the given system mass fractions. From their results, the alternative
Comp Compressor refrigerants except R431a (which is a combination of
Cond Condenser R152a, R290 at 29% and 71% respectively) have a
E Evaporator slightly higher performance than R134a at the
condensation temperature at 50˚C and evaporator
vol Volumetric
temperature ranging between -30˚C and 10˚C. Dongsoo
G Gas Jung et al. [5] examined the performance of a
L Liquid propane/isobutane (R290/R600a) mixture for domestic
refrigerators. This thermodynamic cycle analysis
signified that the propane/isobutene mixture in the
composition range of 0.2 to 0.6 mass fraction of propane

ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 10, April 2013
yields an increase in the coefficient of performance atmospheric temperature. In some cases flash chamber is
(COP) of up to 2.3% as compared to R12. The used after the expansion device which separates the
experimental results obtained indicated that the vapour refrigerant from the liquid and sends it to
propane/isobutane mixture at 0.6 mass fraction of compressor inlet.
propane has 3±4% higher energy efficiency and faster
cooling rate than R12. The above literature reviews show
that the performance analysis on vapour compression
refrigeration system with the various possible The thermodynamic analysis of the compression cycle
alternatives. However the possibility of using propane was performed using the following assumptions. (a) The
and isobutane in different combinations as alternative to system is in steady state; (b) The vapour is saturated at
halogenated refrigerants needs further investigation. The the inlet of the compressor; (c) The isentropic efficiency
present work is aimed to study the possible refrigerant of the compressor is 75%; (d) There is no pressure loss
combinations in vapour compression refrigeration system along the pipe and in the valves; (e) Speed of the
by calculating the performance characteristics such as compressor is 2640 rpm; (f) The condenser (T3) and
COP, volumetric cooling capacity, amount of heat evaporator (T4) temperatures are assumed to suitable
rejected in condenser, compressor input power of temperatures. The important parameters considered for
compression system. the analysis of the system are compressor discharge
temperature, mass flow rate, pressure ratio, volumetric
II. CYCLE DESCRIPTION cooling capacity (VCC) and volumetric efficiency.
Table1 shows the mass and energy balance of the
A. Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
compression refrigeration system and based on that, the
Vapour compression refrigeration system is the most following equations are considered the analysis of the
commonly used among all refrigeration systems. In this compression refrigeration system.
system, the working fluid is mentioned in the state of Table 1. Mass Balance and Energy balance of Vapour
liquid and vapour. It must readily evaporate and condense Compression Refrigeration System
or change alternately between the vapour and liquid Component Mass balance Energy balance
phase without leaving the system. Figure 1 illustrates the
main components of the vapour compression refrigeration Compressor
system namely compressor, condenser, expansion device,
and evaporator. Condenser



The temperature (T2) at the exit of the compressor can be

found by

The enthalpy at the inlet of the compressor is given by
Fig 1. Vapour Compression Refrigeration System
The refrigerant vapour at low temperature and low (2)
pressure enters the compressor (state 1) where it is The enthalpy at the exit of the compressor is given by
compressed isentropically to high temperature and high
pressure. The high temperature refrigerant vapour then
enters the condenser (state 2) where it is condensed to (3)
high pressure liquid. The high pressure liquid refrigerant The enthalpy at the exit of the condenser is given by
then enters into expansion device (state 3) where its
pressure is decreased. Ultimately the liquid refrigerant
will attain lower temperature. This low temperature liquid
refrigerant absorbs the latent heat from the evaporator The volumetric efficiency of the compressor can be found
(state 4) undergoes phase change to vapour state. This by
high temperature vapour refrigerant then sucked by the
compressor and the cycle continues which keeps the
temperature in the evaporator much below the

ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 10, April 2013
The pressure ratio is given by mass flow rate of (R290+R600a) mixture is less as
comparing to the conventional refrigerants like R12 and
R134a. This mixture is having better performance and the
(6) mass flow rate is about 0.0638 kg/s.
Table 3. Properties of R290 and R600a at different points
The mass flow rate of the refrigerant is given by
T P h R290/R600a
(K) (bar) (kJ/kg) (kg/s)

1 272.5 3.25 555 0.0638
The VCC is calculated by using
2 315.31 8.68 621.31 0.0638
3 313 8.68 302.1 0.0638
(8) 4 263 3.25 302.1 0.0638
The amount of heat rejected in the condenser is given by

The amount of heat absorbed in the evaporator is given

The power given to the compressor is given by

The COP is defined as the ratio between the
amount of heat absorbed in the evaporator to the power Fig 2. Mass flow rate Vs Condenser Temperature at
given to the compressor. It can be expressed as constant evaporator temperature (T3=263K)
The variation in COP with the condenser temperature
is shown in Figure 3. It is observed that when the
condenser temperature increases, the COP of the
compression system reduces by considerable amount. For
The thermodynamic properties of the system at this analysis the evaporator temperature is assumed as a
various points shown in Figure 1 are calculated for constant temperature. The refrigerant R290/R600a at
different refrigerants by using the equations from (1) to (75%+25%) has low value of COP. Among the
(12) and shown in Table 1. The results given in Table 2 investigated refrigerants R290/R600a of (50%+50%) has
are analyzed at T3=263 K & at T4=313 K evaporator and the better performance and having the COP about 3.81.
condenser temperatures respectively. As seen from the R12 and R134a are having highest COP values in this
Table 2, R290/R600a (50%+50%) has optimum COP group of refrigerants and these hydrocarbon mixtures also
compared as compared to other refrigerants considering having the COP close to the conventional refrigerants.
all factors. R134a and R12 are halogenated compounds
which have high environmental impacts. Eventhough
they have more COP value, they will pollute the nature.
Even though 25%+75% and 20%+80% concentration
have high COP, they are not opted because in this case
there is increase in entropy of the refrigerant from the
beginning which should not occur in ordinary cases. So
using these two concentrations are practically not
possible. Therefore R290/R600a (50%+50%)
concentration might be the suitable one.The properties of
R290/R600a (50%+50%) at various points of the
compression system are listed in the Table 3. The
analysis has been done by taking different condenser and
evaporator temperatures and the results are represented in
the following figures. As seen from the Figure 2, when
the condenser temperature increases, the mass flow rate Fig 3. COP Vs Condenser Temperature at constant
of the compression system remains almost constant. The evaporator temperature (T3= 263 K)

ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 10, April 2013
Figure 4 represents the VCC of the investigated
refrigerants with the other refrigerants. This shows that
when the condenser temperature increases, the volumetric
cooling capacity of the compression system is reduced.
Even though R134a and R12 are having highest value of
VCC, they will harmful to the environment. The mixture
R290/R600a at (50%+50%) having the optimum cooling
capacity of 993.63 kJ/m3.

Fig 6. Volumetric cooling Capacity Vs Evaporator

Temperature at constant Condenser temperature (T3= 313

A simulation analysis was performed theoretically for
different refrigerant mixtures for vapour compression
refrigeration system and from the analysis it is concluded
Fig 4. Volumetric Cooling Capacity Vs Condenser
temperature at constant evaporator temperature (T3= 263
K)  R134a and R12 are halogenated compounds which
The variation of COP with the evaporator temperature will cause harmful effects to the environment in
is shown in Figure 5. Whenever evaporator temperature terms of global warming and ozone layer depletion.
increases, the COP value is also increases for all the So the attention is focused on alternative refrigerants
refrigerants. For this analysis the condenser temperature for vapour compression refrigeration system with
is assumed as a constant temperature. Among the hydrocarbon refrigerants.
investigated hydrocarbon refrigerants, R290/R600a at  R290 and R600a offer many desirable characteristics
(50%+50%) has the better COP value. such as low operating pressure, mass flow rate and
discharge temperature. The COP of these mixtures is
close to the conventional refrigerants.
 Hence propane and isobutene with the concentration
of 50% each is the suitable refrigerant among all the
investigated refrigerants for vapour compression
 This mixture provides better performance in terms of
pressure ratio, volumetric efficiency, heat rejection
and COP for the compression refrigeration system.
 Hydrocarbon refrigerants are having less impact on
the environment in terms of global warming.
 In domestic refrigerators and industrial refrigeration
systems, the mixture of R290 & R600a can be used
as alternate refrigerant instead of R12 and R134a.
Fig 5. COP Vs Evaporator Temperature at constant
Condenser temperature (T3= 313 K) REFERENCES
From the Figure 6, it is observed that, when the [1] Mohanraj.M, Jayaraj.S, Muraleedharan.C and
evaporator temperature increases, the volumetric cooling Chandrasekar.P (2009) “Experimental investigation of
capacity of the compression system is also increased. The R290/R600a mixture as an alternative to R134a in a
domestic refrigerator”, International Journal of Thermal
mixture R290/R600a at (50%+50%) has VCC closer to Sciences Vol.48, pp.1036–1042.
R134a for the wide range of evaporator temperatures.
The various performance parameters of vapor [2] Maclaine-Cross.I.L (1997), “Why hydrocarbons save
energy”, AIRAH Journal, June 1997, Vol.51, pp.33-37.
compression refrigeration system are analysis and
compared with the other refrigerants. From these results, [3] Fatouh.M and El Kafafy.M (2006), “Assessment of
it is clear that the refrigerant mixture of propane and propane/commercial isobutene mixtures as possible
alternatives to R134a in domestic refrigerators”, Energy
isobutene with mass fraction of 50% each having the
conversion and management, Vol.47, pp.2644-2658.
better performance among the investigated refrigerants.

ISSN: 2277-3754
ISO 9001:2008 Certified
International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT)
Volume 2, Issue 10, April 2013
[4] Baskaran.A and Koshy Mathews.P (2012) “A Performance
comparison of vapour compression refrigeration system
using various alternative refrigerants”, International
Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.3
No.10, pp.1-7.
[5] Dongsoo Jung, Chong-Bo Kim, Kilhong Song, Byoungjin
Park (2000) “Testing of propane/isobutene mixture in
domestic Refrigerators”, International Journal of
Refrigeration Vol.23 pp.517-527.


P.Thangavela is working as Assistant Professor

(Selection Grade) in Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,
and Erode, India. He completed his Bachelor Degree in
Mechanical Engineering from Bharthiyar University
and Master Degree in Energy Engineering from NIT
Trichy. He has executed various projects in the field of
refrigeration, computational fluid dynamics and heat
exchangers. He is life member in Indian Society for Technical
Education (ISTE).

Dr.P.Somasundaramb is working as Professor in

Department of Mechanical Engineering, KSR
College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Namakkal,
India. He had his Bachelor and Master degree in
Mechanical Engineering. He had completed Ph.D.
degree from Anna University, Chennai and he has
13 years of teaching experience & 2 years of
industrial experience. He is guiding 6 research scholars and his area of
expertise is low temperature applications. He has executed various
projects in the fields of refrigeration and solar energy.

T.Sivakumarc is final year student of Mechanical

Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,
Erode, India. He is a member of Society of
Automotive Engineers.

C.Selva kumard is final year student of Mechanical

Engineering, Kongu Engineering College,
Perundurai, and Erode, India. He is a member of
ISTE student chapter.

G.Vetriselvane is final year student of Mechanical

Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai,
and Erode, India. He is a member of Society of
Automotive Engineers.


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