Cruz Taboada Mitkov

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A Machine Learning Approach to Negation and Speculation Detection for

Sentiment Analysis

Article  in  Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology · June 2015
DOI: 10.1002/asi.23533

20 397

3 authors:

Noa Cruz Diaz Maite Taboada

Universidad de Huelva Simon Fraser University


Ruslan Mitkov
University of Wolverhampton


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A Machine Learning Approach to Negation and Speculation Detection

for Sentiment Analysis

Noa P. Cruz, Maite Taboada and Ruslan Mitkov

University of Huelva, Simon Fraser University, University of Wolverhampton

Noa P. Cruz, Department of Information Technology, University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain.

Maite Taboada, Department of Linguistics, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.

Ruslan Mitkov, Research Institute for Information and Language Processing, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton,

United Kingdom.

Correspondence to: Noa P. Cruz, Escuela Politécnica Superior. Carretera Palos de la Frontera s/n. 21819 Palos de la Frontera

(Huelva), +34 959 217 684, +34 959 217 703, [email protected].

Recognizing negative and speculative information is highly relevant for sentiment analysis. This paper
presents a machine learning approach to automatically detecting this kind of information in the
review domain. The resulting system works in two steps: in the first pass, negation/speculation cues
are identified and in the second phase, the full scope of these cues is determined. The system is
trained and evaluated on the Simon Fraser University Review corpus, which is extensively used in
opinion mining. The results show how the proposed method outstrips the baseline by as much as
roughly 20% in the negation cue detection and around 13% in the scope recognition, both in terms of
F1. In speculation, the performance obtained in the cue prediction phase is close to that obtained by
a human rater carrying out the same task. In the scope detection, the results are also promising and

Accepted for publication in the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Pre-publication version.
February 11, 2015.

represent a substantial improvement on the baseline (up by roughly 10%). A detailed error analysis is
also provided. The extrinsic evaluation shows that the correct identification of cues and scopes is
vital for the task of sentiment analysis.


Detecting negative information is essential in most text mining tasks such as sentiment analysis, since
negation is one of the most common linguistic means to change polarity. The literature on sentiment
analysis and opinion mining in particular has emphasized the need for robust approaches to negation
detection, and for rules and heuristics for assessing the impact of negation on evaluative words and
phrases, i.e., those which convey the author’s opinion towards an object, a person or another opinion.
Many authors (e.g., Wiegand, Balahur, Roth, Klakow, & Montoyo (2010); Benamara, Chardon, Mathieu,
Popescu, & Asher (2012)) have shown that this common linguistic construction is highly relevant to
sentiment analysis, and that different types of negation have subtle effects on sentiment. In addition,
they argue that the automatic study of opinions requires fine-grained linguistic analysis techniques as
well as substantial effort in order to extract features for either machine learning or rule-based systems,
so that negation can be appropriately incorporated.

Distinguishing between objective and subjective facts is also crucial for sentiment analysis since
speculation tends to correlate with subjectivity. Authors such as Pang & Lee (2004) show that
subjectivity detection in the review domain helps to improve polarity classification.

This paper tackles this problem by developing a system to automatically detect both negation and
speculation information in review texts, which could help to improve the effectiveness of opinion
mining systems. It works in two phases: in the first pass, the cues are identified and, in the second
stage, the full scope (i.e., words in the sentence affected by the keyword) of these cues is determined.
The system is trained and evaluated on the Simon Fraser University (SFU) Review corpus (Taboada,
2008; Konstantinova et al., 2012), which is extensively used in opinion mining and consists of 400
product reviews from the website We are not aware of other approaches that perform
the task using this corpus as a learning source and for evaluation purposes.

Applying an SVM classifier, the proposed method surpasses the baseline by as much as about 20% in
the negation cue detection and about 13% in the scope recognition, both in terms of F1. To the best of
our knowledge, this is the first system that addresses speculation in the review domain. The results
achieved in the speculation cue detection are close to those obtained by a human rater performing the
same task. In the scope detection phase, the results are also promising and they represent a
substantial improvement on the baseline (up by roughly 10%). In addition, the extrinsic evaluation
demonstrates that the proposed system could improve results in sentiment analysis.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Firstly, the most relevant related research is outlined.
Secondly, the proposed machine learning negation and speculation detection system is presented. The
evaluation framework is then detailed and the results are provided and discussed. An error analysis is
provided, and the potential of the developed method for addressing sentiment analysis is also shown.
The paper finishes with conclusions and future directions


Initial proposals, such as the ones by Polanyi and Zaenen (2006), suggested that a negative item
reverses the polarity of the word or phrase it accompanies. This is the approach taken in quite a few
papers (Wilson, Wiebe, & Hoffmann, 2005; Moilanen & Pulman, 2007; Choi & Cardie, 2008), also
referred to as switch negation (Saurí, 2008). By way of illustration, if the word good carried a positive
polarity of +3, then not good would be assigned -3. However, there are a number of subtleties related
to negation that need to be taken into account. One is the fact that there are negators, including not,
none, nobody, never, and nothing, and other words, such as without or lack (verb and noun), which
have an equivalent effect, some of which might occur at a significant distance from the lexical item
which they affect. Thus, for adjectives and adverbs, negation is fairly local, though it is sometimes
necessary to include, as part of the scope of negation, determiners, copulas, and certain verbs, as we
see in Example (1), where negation occurs at a distance from the negated item, that is, from the item
in the scope of negation. This includes negation raising, as in (1d), where the negation and the negated
element are in different clauses.

(1) a. Nobody gives a good performance in this movie. (nobody negates good).

b. Out of every one of the fourteen tracks, none of them approach being weak and are all
stellar. (none negates weak).

c. Just a V-5 engine, nothing spectacular. (nothing negates spectacular).

d. I don’t think it’s very good. (don’t negates very good).

Parsing the text would naturally be the best way to adequately deal with negation, so that the scope of
the negation can be appropriately identified. This requires, however, a highly accurate and sufficiently
deep parser.

Other approaches to negation address the complexities of negative statements by not simply reversing
the polarity of the word or phrase in question, but by shifting it. This reflects the fact that negative
statements are often not the opposite of the corresponding positive (Horn, 1989). The switch negation
method seems to work well in certain cases (Choi & Cardie, 2008), but it has been shown to perform
poorly in others (Liu & Seneff, 2009). Consider Taboada, Brooke, Tofiloski, Voll and Stede's (2011)
approach, where words are classified in a -5 to +5 scale. Negation of excellent, which is an adjective
with a positive value of +5, would result in not excellent, which intuitively is not necessarily extremely
negative, that is, not a -5 word. In fact, not excellent seems more positive than not good, which in
Taboada et al.’s dictionary would be assigned a -3. In order to capture these pragmatic intuitions,
another method of negation is proposed, a polarity shift or shift negation (Saurí, 2008; Taboada et al.,
2011). Instead of changing the sign, the word’s value is shifted toward the opposite polarity by a fixed

Benamara et al. (2012), in the context of sentiment analysis in French, distinguish between different
types of negation: negative operators (not, no more, without, or their French equivalents), negative
quantifiers (nobody, nothing, never) and lexical negations (lack, absence, deficiency). They show that
each type has different effects on both the polarity and the strength of the negation. Specifically, they
found that negation always changes the polarity, but that the strength of an opinion expression in the
scope of negation is not greater than that of the opinion expression alone. Furthermore, opinions in
the scope of multiple negatives have a higher strength than if in the scope of a single negative.
Therefore, dealing with negation requires going beyond polarity reversal, since simply reversing the

polarity of sentiment upon the appearance of negation may result in inaccurate interpretation of
sentiment expressions. Liu and Seneff (2009) put forward a linear additive model that treats negations
as modifying adverbs because they also play an important role in determining the degree of the
orientation level. For example, very good and good certainly express different degrees of positive
sentiment and not bad does not express the opposite meaning of bad, which would be highly positive.
For that reason, the authors propose an approach to extracting adverb-adjective-noun phrases based
on clause structure obtained by parsing sentences into a hierarchical representation. They also provide
a robust general solution for modeling the contribution of adverbials and negation to the score for
degree of sentiment.

Yessenalina and Cardie (2011) represent each word as a matrix and combine words using iterated
matrix multiplication, which allows for modeling both additive (for negations) and multiplicative (for
intensifiers) semantic effects. Similarly to other authors, they consider that negation affects both the
polarity and the strength of an opinion expression.

For their part, Zirn, Niepert, Stuckenschmidt and Strube (2011) affirm that in the problem of
determining the polarity of a text, in most of the cases, it is not only necessary to derive the polarity of
a text as a whole, but also to extract negative and positive utterances on a more fine-grained level. To
address this issue, they developed a fully automatic framework combining multiple sentiment lexicons,
discourse relations and neighborhood information (specifically, the polarity of the neighboring
segment and the relation between segments since this can help to determine the polarity out of
context). Their experiments show that the use of structural features improves the accuracy of polarity
predictions, achieving accuracy scores of up to 69%, which significantly outperforms the baseline
(51.60%). Polanyi and van der Berg (2011) also discuss the application of the Linguistic Discourse Model
(Polanyi, 1986) to sentiment analysis at the discourse level. They focus on movie reviews, because they
are characterized by shifting contexts of sentiment source and target. Their approach enables
aggregation of different units, based on the type of discourse relation holding between the units. For
instance, two units of positive polarity in a coordination relation will join to result in a positive larger
unit. A contrast relation, on the other hand, would have to take into account potential different
polarities in each of its component units.

Identifying speculative information is also crucial for sentiment analysis since hedging is a linguistic
expression that tends to correlate with subjectivity (Montoyo, Martínez-Barco, & Balahur, 2012). As
Saurí and Pustejovsky (2009) explain, the same situation can be presented as an unquestionable fact in
the world, a mere possibility or a counterfact according to different sources. For example, in (2a), the
author is presenting the information as corresponding to a fact in the world. On the other hand, the
author of (2b) is characterizing the information only as a mere possibility.

(2) a. The US Soccer Team plays against Spain in October.

b. The US Soccer Team may play against Spain in October.

Pang and Lee (2004) propose to employ a subjectivity detector before classifying the polarity. This
detector determines whether each sentence is subjective or not, discarding the objective ones and
creating an extract that should better represent a review’s subjective content. The results show how
subjectivity detection in the review domain helps to improve polarity classification. Wilson et al. (2005)
suggest that identification of speculation in reviews can be used for opinion mining since it provides a
measure of the reliability of the opinion contained. Recently, authors such as Benamara et al. (2012)
have studied the effect of speculation on opinion expressions according to their type (i.e., buletic,
epistemic and deontic). They highlight that, as occurs in negation, each of these types has a specific
effect on the opinion expression in its scope and this information should be used as features in a
machine learning setting for sentence-level opinion classification.

As a result of all these studies, and due to the clear need to take into consideration negation and
speculation, many authors have developed negation/speculation detection systems that help to
improve the performance in Natural Language Processing tasks such as sentiment analysis. A great deal
of the work in this regard has been done in the biomedical domain because of the availability of the
BioScope corpus, a collection of clinical documents, full papers and abstracts annotated for negation,
speculation and their scope (Szarvas, Vincze, Farkas, & Csirik, 2008). These approaches evolve from
rule-based techniques to machine learning ones.

Among the rule-based studies, the one developed by Chapman, Bridewell, Hanbury, Cooper and
Buchanan (2001) stands out. Their algorithm, NegEx, determines whether a finding or disease
mentioned within narrative medical reports is present or absent. Although the algorithm is described

by the authors themselves as simple, it has proven to be powerful in negation detection in discharge
summaries. The reported results of NegEx show a positive predictive value (PPV or precision) of 84.5%,
sensitivity (or recall) of 77.8%, and a specificity of 94.5%. However, when NegEx is applied to a set of
documents from a different domain than that for which it was conceived, the overall precision is lower
by about 20 percentage points (Mitchell, 2004). Other interesting research based on regular
expressions is the work of Mutalik, Deshpande and Nadkarni (2001), Elkin et al. (2005), Huang and
Lowe (2007) and Apostolova, Tomuro and Demner-Fushman (2011).

However, most work in the field of negation/speculation detection is based on machine learning
approaches, a notable example of which is the research conducted by Morante and Daelemans
(2009b). Their system consists of four classifiers. Three classifiers predict whether a token is the first
token, the last token, or neither in the scope sequence. A fourth classifier uses these predictions to
determine the scope classes. It shows a high performance in all the sub-collections of the BioScope
corpus: For clinical documents, the F-score of negation detection is 84.2% and 70.75% of scopes are
correctly identified. For full papers, the F-score is 70.94% and 41% of scopes are correctly predicted. In
the case of abstracts, the F-score is 82.60% and the percent of scopes correctly classified is 66.07%.
They port the system initially designed for negation detection to speculation (Morante & Daelemans,
2009a), showing that the same scope-finding approach can be applied to both negation and hedging. In
this case, the F-score of speculation detection for clinical documents is 38.16% while 26.21% of scopes
are correctly identified. For papers, the F-score is 59.66%, and 35.92% of scopes are correctly
predicted. The F-score for abstracts is 78.54% and the percentage of scopes correctly classified is

Another recent work is that developed by Agarwal and Yu (2010) who detect negation/speculation cue
phrases and their scope in clinical notes and biological literature from the BioScope corpus using
Conditional Random Fields (CRF) as a machine learning algorithm. However, due to the fact that the
corpus partitions and the evaluation measures are different, this system is not comparable with those
previously described.

An interesting approach to scope learning for negation is that presented by Zhu, Wang and Zhou
(2010). They formulate it as a simplified shallow semantic parsing problem by regarding the cue as the
predicate and mapping its scope into several constituents as the arguments of the cue. The results

show that this kind of system together with an accurate cue classifier could be appropriate for tackling
the task.

Drawing on the BioScope corpus, Velldal, Øvrelid, Read and Oepen (2012) combine manually crafted
rules with machine learning techniques. Dependency rules are used for all cases where they do not
have an available Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) parser. For the cases where they do,
the scope predicted by these rules is included as a feature in a constituent ranker model which
automatically learns a discriminative ranking function by choosing subtrees from HPSG-based
constituent structures. Although the results obtained by this system can be considered as the state of
the art, the combination of novel features together with the classification algorithm chosen in the
system developed by Cruz, Maña, Vázquez and Álvarez (2012) improves the results to date for the sub-
collection of clinical documents.

Finally, Zou, Zhou and Zhu (2013) propose a novel approach for tree kernel-based scope detection by
using the structured syntactic parse information. In addition, they explore a way of selecting
compatible attributes for different parts of speech (POS) since features have imbalanced efficiency for
scope classification which is normally affected by the POS. For negation, evaluation on the BioScope
corpus reports an F-score of 76.90% in the case of the abstracts sub-collection, 61.19% for papers and
85.31% for clinical documents. For speculation, the system yields F-score values of 84.21% for
abstracts, 67.24% for papers and 72.92% for clinical texts in the scope detection phase (using in all
cases as cues those that appear annotated as such in the corpus).

In contrast to the biomedical domain, the impact of negation/speculation detection on sentiment

analysis has not been sufficiently investigated, perhaps because standard corpora of reasonable size
annotated with this kind of information has become available only recently. However, there are a few
approaches like the system described by Jia, Yu and Meng (2009). They propose a rule-based system
that uses information derived from a parse tree. This algorithm computes a candidate scope, which is
then pruned by removing those words that do not belong to the scope. Heuristic rules are used to
detect the boundaries of the candidate scope. These rules include the use of delimiters (i.e.,
unambiguous words such as because) and conditional word delimiters (i.e., ambiguous words like for).
There are also defined situations in which a negation cue does not have an associated scope. The
authors evaluate the effectiveness of their approach on polarity determination. The first set of

experiments involves the accuracy of computing the polarity of a sentence while the second means the
ranking of positively and negatively opinionated documents in the TREC blogosphere collection
(Macdonald & Ounis, 2006). In both cases, their system outperforms the other approaches described in
the literature. Councill, McDonald and Velikovich (2010) define a system that can identify exactly the
scope of negation in free text. The cues are detected using a lexicon (i.e., a dictionary of 35 negation
keywords). A CRF is employed to predict the scope. This classifier incorporates, among others, features
from dependency syntax. The approach is trained and evaluated on a product review corpus. It yields
an 80.0% F-score and correctly identifies 39.8% of scopes. The authors conclude that, as they expected,
performance is improved dramatically by introducing negation scope detection (29.5% for positive
sentiment and 11.4% for negative sentiment, both in terms of F-score). Dadvar, Hauff and de Jong
(2011) investigate the problem of determining the polarity of sentiment in movie reviews when
negation words occur in the sentence. The authors also observe significant improvement in the
classification of the documents after applying negation detection.

In this vein, Lapponi, Read and Øvrelid (2012) present a state-of-the-art system for negation detection.
The heart of the system is the application of CRF models for sequence labeling which makes use of a
rich of lexical and syntactic features, together with a fine-grained set of labels that capture the scopal
behavior of tokens. At the same time, they demonstrate that the choice of representation has a
significant effect on the performance.

The annotated corpus used by Councill et al. (2010) and Lapponi et al. (2012) is rather small in size,
containing only 2,111 sentences in total. A large-scale corpus is needed for training statistical
algorithms to identify these aspects of the language so the use of a bigger annotated corpus such as
the SFU Review corpus (which contains 17,263 sentences) could enable the improvement of negation
recognition in this domain. In addition, although it has proven that speculation has an effect on the
opinion expression and it should be taken into account (Pang & Lee, 2004; Wiebe, Wilson, & Cardie,
2005; Benamara et al., 2012), there is, as far as we are aware, no work in detecting the speculation in
the review domain. However, the annotation of the SFU Review corpus with speculative information
will make it possible to tackle this problem efficiently.

This paper aims to fill these gaps through the development of a system which makes use of machine
learning techniques to identify both negation and speculation cues and their scope. This system is also

novel in that it uses the SFU Review corpus as a learning source and for evaluation purposes. As a
result, the proposed system will help to improve the effectiveness of sentiment analysis and opinion
mining tasks.


The identification of negation and speculation cues and the determination of their scope are modeled
as two consecutive classification tasks (see Figure 1). They are implemented using supervised machine
learning methods trained on the Simon Fraser University (SFU) Review corpus (Konstantinova et al.,

In the first phase, when the cues are detected, a classifier predicts whether each word in a sentence is
the first one of a cue (B), inside a cue (I), or outside of it (O) using a BIO representation. This allows the
classifier to find multiword cues (MWCs), which represent, in the SFU Review corpus, 25.80% of the
total number of cues in negation and 2.81% in the case of the speculation. For example, in sentence
(3), the token ca is assigned to the B class; n’t is tagged as I and the rest of the tokens in the sentence
are tagged as O class.

(3) Murphy Lee raps about him and how women ca n’t get enough of him .

In the second step, another classifier decides, at the sentence level, which words are affected by the
cues identified in the previous phase. This means determining, for every sentence that has cues,
whether the other words in the sentence are inside (IS) or outside (O) the scope of the cue. This
process is repeated as many times as there are cues in the sentence. In example (3) the classifier tags
the words enough of him as IS class whereas it assigns the class O to the rest of tokens.


Figure 1. System architecture

The classifiers are trained using a support vector machine (SVM) as implemented in LIBSVM (Chang &
Lin, 2011), since it has proved to be powerful in text classification tasks where it often achieves the
best performance (Sebastiani, 2002). As kernel, the Radial Basic Function (RBF) is used because
previous work (e.g., Cruz et al., 2012) shows its effectiveness in this task. In addition, the classifier is
parameterized optimizing the parameters gamma and cost using the values recommended by Hsu,
Chang and Lin (2003).

This is a classification problem of imbalanced data sets in which the classification algorithms are biased
toward the majority class. To solve this issue, an algorithmic level solution has been considered, i.e.,
Cost Sensitive Learning (CSL) (Kumar & Sheshadri, 2012). The purpose of CSL is usually to build a model
with total minimum misclassification costs. This approach applies different cost matrices that describe
the cost for misclassifying examples; the cost of misclassifying a minority-class example is substantially
greater than the cost of misclassifying a majority-class example (He & Garcia, 2009; He & Ma, 2013). As
authors like Cao, Zaiane and Zhao (2014) explain, assigning distinct costs to the training examples
seems to be the most effective approach to class-imbalanced data problems. The cost-sensitive SVM
algorithm (CS-SVM) incorporated in the LIBSVM package has been added as an additional benchmark
using the weight parameter to control the skew of the SVM optimization (i.e., classes with a higher
weight will count more).

There have also been experiments with a Naïve Bayes algorithm implemented in Weka (Witten &
Frank, 2005), but as shown in the Results Section, it produces lower results.

The results of the experiments are detailed in the results section.

Text Collection

The system presented in this paper uses the SFU Review corpus (Taboada, 2008), as a learning source
and for evaluation purposes. This corpus is extensively used in opinion mining (Rushdi Saleh, Martín-
Valdivia, Montejo-Ráez, & Ureña-López, 2011; Taboada et al., 2011; Martınez-Cámara, Martın-Valdivia,
Molina-González, & Urena-López, 2013) and consists of 400 documents (50 of each type) of movie,
book, and consumer product reviews from the website The corpus has several
annotated versions (e.g., for appraisal and rhetorical relations), including one where all 400 documents
are annotated at the token level with negative and speculative cues, and at the sentence level with
their linguistic scope (Konstantinova et al., 2012). The annotation indicates the boundaries of the scope
and the cues, as shown in (4) below. In the annotation, scopes are extended to the largest syntactic
unit possible and the cues are never included in the scope.

(4) Why <cue ID="0"type="speculation"> would </cue> <xcope ID="2"> anyone want to buy this
car </xcope> ?

In addition, there are cues without any associated scope. In negation, the number of cues without
scope is 192 (5.44% of the total of cues) whereas in speculation, there are 248 cues whose scope is not
indicated (4.62% of the total of cues).

Table 1 summarizes the main characteristics of the SFU Review corpus. As the third column shows, the
number of sentences of the corpus is 17,263. It is of considerable size especially compared to the only
other available corpus in the review domain described in Councill et al. (2010), which contains 2,111
sentences in total. Furthermore, the corpus by Councill et al. was annotated only for negation, but not
speculation. The SFU Review corpus is also larger than other corpora of different domains like the
ConanDoyle-neg corpus (consisting of 4,423 sentences annotated with negation cues and their scope)
and comparable in size to BioScope which contains just over 20,000 annotated sentences altogether.
Another well-known corpus in this domain is the FactBank (Saurí & Pustejovsky, 2009). It consists of
208 documents from newswire and broadcast news reports annotated with factual information.
However, the annotation was done at event level so it cannot be compared to the SFU Review corpus.

Table 1. Statistics about the SFU Review corpus

#Docume #Sentence #Words Av. length Av. Av.

nts s documents length length
(in documen sentence
sentences) ts (in s (in
words) words)

Books 50 1,596 32,908 31.92 658.16 20.62

Cars 50 3,027 58,481 60.54 1,169.62 19.32

Compute 50 3,036 51,668 60.72 1,033.36 17.02


Cookwar 50 1,504 27,323 30.08 546.46 18.17


Hotels 50 2,129 40,344 42.58 806.88 18.95

Movies 50 1,802 38,507 36.04 770.14 21.37

Music 50 3,110 54,058 62.2 1,081.16 17.38

Phones 50 1,059 18,828 21.18 376.56 17.78

Total 400 17,263 322,117 43.16 805.29 18.66

‘Av.’ stands for average.

In the case of negation, out of the total number of 17,263 sentences, 18% contained negation cues2 as
shown in Table 2. However, this proportion varies slightly depending on the domain. Negation is even
more relevant in this corpus than in others like the BioScope corpus where 13% of the sentences
contain negations. This highlights the importance of negation resolution to sentiment analysis.

Table 2. Negation statistics in the SFU Review corpus

Books Cars Computer Cookwar Hotels Movies Music Phone Total

s e s
#Negation 362 517 522 320 347 427 418 206 3,119
%Negation 22.7 17.1 17.2 21.3 16.3 23.7 13.4 19.5 18.1
#Negation cues 406 576 590 376 387 490 470 232 3,527
#Words in scope 2,139 2,939 3,106 1,944 2,038 2,537 3,019 1,146 18,868
#Scope 387 545 570 355 370 445 440 221 3,333
Av. length scope 5.53 5.39 5.45 5.48 5.51 5.70 6.86 5.19 5.66
#Words scope left 12 20 17 20 21 9 8 7 114
#Scope left 6 3 6 3 6 3 2 2 31
Av. length scope 2 6.67 2.83 6.67 3.50 3.00 4.00 0 3.68

The most frequent negation cues are not (40.23%) and no (14.85%). They constitute more than 55% of the total frequency of all the negation cues found in
the corpus

the left
#Words scope 2,127 2,919 3,089 1,924 2,017 2,528 3,011 1,139 18,754
#Scope right 383 542 568 352 367 442 438 221 3,313
Av. length scope 5.55 5.39 5.44 5.47 5.50 5.72 6.87 5.15 5.66
the right
% Scope to the 1.55 0.55 1.05 0.85 1.62 0.67 0.45 0.90 0.93
% Scope to the 98.97 99.45 99.65 99.15 99.19 99.33 99.55 100.0 99.40
right 0
‘Av.’ stands for average.
Av. length of scope is shown in number of words.
A word is counted as many times as it appears in scope.
There are scopes which extend to the left and the right of the cue, so we count them twice
(once as #Scope left and again as #Scope right)

In the case of speculation, as Table 3 shows, 22.7% of all sentences are speculative3. This proportion is
higher than the negative sentences because of the nature of the corpus, where speculation is widely
used to express opinions. By comparison, less than 20% of the sentences in the BioScope corpus are

Table 3. Speculation statistics in the SFU Review corpus

Books Cars Computer Cookwar Hotels Movies Music Phone Total

s e s
#Speculation 275 788 704 411 505 469 470 290 3,912
%Speculation 17.2 26.0 23.2 27.3 23.7 26.0 15.1 27.4 22.7
#Speculation cues 370 1,068 944 583 695 648 643 408 5,359

If (16.34%), or (15.30%) and can (14.27%) are some of the most frequent speculation cues. They do not represent the majority of speculation cases since
the number of occurrences of each cue was equally distributed across all the documents

#Words in scope 2,791 7,738 6,567 4,048 4,582 4,770 5,433 2,889 38,818
#Scope 360 1,036 919 545 655 615 608 387 5,125
Av. length scope 7.75 7.47 7.15 7.43 7.00 7.76 8.94 7.47 7.57
#Words scope left 217 554 462 505 407 315 341 149 2,950
#Scope left 66 191 153 120 128 97 88 56 899
Av. length scope 3 0.00 3.02 0.00 0.00 3.25 3.88 2.66 3.28
to the left
#Words scope 2,574 7,184 6,105 3,543 4,175 4,455 5,092 2,740 35,868
#Scope right 359 1,036 917 544 655 611 605 387 5,114
Av. length scope 7.17 6.93 6.66 6.51 6.37 7.29 8.42 7.08 7.01
to the right
% Scope to the 18.33 18.44 16.65 22.02 19.54 15.77 14.47 14.47 17.54
% Scope to the 99.72 100.0 99.78 99.82 100.0 99.35 99.51 100.0 99.79
right 0 0 0
Same notes as in Table 2 apply

3.1 Attributes

All tokens that appear in the collection of documents used for the experimentation are represented by
a set of features which are different in each of the two phases into which the task is divided. It has
been started by building a pool of baseline features for the classifier based on experience and previous
work such as Morante & Daelemans (2009b) and Cruz et al. (2012) (i.e., lemma and part of speech
(POS) of the token in focus as well as whether it is at the beginning or end of the sentence for the cue
detection; lemma and POS of the cue, token in focus and one token on both the left and right of the
token in focus in the scope detection). As features have an imbalanced classification, a greedy forward
procedure to obtain the final feature set has been followed. It consists of adding a specialized new
feature outside the basic set and removing a feature inside it, one by one, in order to check how each
feature contributes to improving the performance. This procedure is repeated until no feature is added
or removed, or the performance does not improve.

In the cue detection phase, instances represent all tokens in the corpus. As many authors like Øvrelid,
Velldal and Oepen (2010) suggest, syntactic features seem unnecessary, since cues depend on the
token itself and not the context. Therefore, lexical information is the key in this phase, which is why
token-specific features have been used; these are detailed in Table 4.

Table 4. Features in the cue detection phase

Feature name Description

Token-level features

Lemmai Lemma of token in focus

POSi Part-of-speech of token in focus

Begin Boolean tag to indicate if the token is the first token in

sentencei the sentence

End sentencei Boolean tag to indicate if the token is the last token in
the sentence

Contextual features

Lemmai-1 Lemma of tokeni-1

POSi-1 Part-of-speech of tokeni-1

Begin Boolean tag to indicate if tokeni-1 is the first token in the

sentencei-1 sentence

End sentencei- Boolean tag to indicate if tokeni-1 is the last token in the
1 sentence

Lemmai+1 Lemma of tokeni+1

POSi+1 Part-of-speech of tokeni+1

Begin Boolean tag to indicate if tokeni+1 is the first token in the

sentencei+1 sentence

End Boolean tag to indicate if tokeni+1 is the last token in the

sentencei+1 sentence

Part-of-speech tags are returned by the Stanford POS tagger4

Feature selection experiments reveal that the most informative features in this phase are the lemma of
the token, followed by the lemmas of the neighboring words in the case of negation. For speculation,
the most important information is the lemma of the token and its POS.

In the scope detection phase, an instance represents a pair of a cue and a token from the sentence.
This means that all tokens in a sentence are paired with all negation or speculation cues that occur in
the sentence. Table 5 includes the features which directly relate to the characteristics of cues or tokens
and their context used in this phase.

Table 5. Features in the scope detection phase

Feature name Description

About the cue

Lemma Lemma of the cue

POS Part-of-speech of the cue

About the paired token

Lemma Lemma of paired token

POS Part-of-speech of paired token

Location Location of the paired token in relation to the cue

(before, inside or after the cue)

Tokens between the cue and the token in focus

Distance Distance in number of tokens between the cue and the

token in focus

Chain-POS Chain of part-of-speech tags between the cue and the

token in focus


Chain-Types Chain of types between the cue and the token in focus

Other features

Lemmai-1 Lemma of token to the left of token in focus

Lemmai+1 Lemma of token to the right of token in focus

POSi-1 Part-of-speech of token to the left of token focus

POSi+1 Part-of-speech of token to the right of token focus

Place cue Place of the cue in the sentence (position of the cue
divided by the number of tokens in the sentence)

Place token Place of the token in focus in the sentence (position of

the token in focus divided by the number of tokens in the

Dependency syntactic features

Dependency Kind of dependency relation between the token in focus

relation and the cue

Dependency If the token in focus is head or dependent


POS first head Part-of-speech of the first order syntactic head of token
in focus

POS second head Part-of-speech of the second order syntactic head of

token in focus

Token ancestor Whether the token in focus is ancestor of the cue


Cue ancestor Whether the cue is ancestor of the token in focus


Short path Dependency syntactic shortest path from the token in

focus to the cue

Dependency Dependency syntactic shortest path from the token in

graph path focus to the cue encoding both the dependency relations
and the direction of the arc that is traversed

Critical path Dependency syntactic shortest path from the cue to the
token in focus

Number nodes Number of dependency relations that must be traversed

in the short path

Part-of-speech tags are returned by the Stanford POS tagger2

Besides the feature set listed above, syntactic features between the token in focus and cues are
explored in the classifier, since previous research has shown that highly accurate extraction of syntactic
structure is beneficial for the scope detection task. For example, Szarvas et al. (2008) point out that the
scope of a keyword can be determined on the basis of syntax (e.g., the syntactic path from the token to
the cue, its dependency relation, etc.), and Huang and Lowe (2007) note that structure information
stored in parse trees helps to identify the scope of negative hedge cues. Both constituent and
dependency syntactic features have been shown to be effective in scope detection (Özgür & Radev,
2009). In (1965), Gaifman proved that dependency and constituency grammars are strongly equivalent.
More recently, other authors such Ballesteros (2010) also affirmed that both type of analysis are
equivalents. In fact, an automatic method to transform a constituent tree into a dependency one exists
(Gelbukh, Torres, & Calvo, 2005). Dependency representations were opted for because they are more
compact than constituent structures since the number of nodes is constrained by the number of
tokens of the sentence. This kind of information can be provided by Maltparser (Nivre, Hall, & Nilsson,
2006), a data-driven dependency parser.

Drawing upon the research so far which examines the relationship between cues and tokens by
dependency arcs in the negation and speculation scope detection task (Councill et al., 2010; Lapponi et
al., 2012; Zhu, Zou & Zhou, 2013), the final rows of Table 5 show the proposal for an operational set of
syntactic features.

Figure 2. Illustration of the corresponding dependency tree of the sentence “The Xterra is no

Figure 2. Example dependency graph

In this example, if the token the is taken to be the token in focus to determine whether it is inside the
scope of the cue no, then the features POS first head and POS second head have the value NNP and NN
respectively. The cue is an ancestor of the token so the token is not an ancestor of the cue. The short
path is formed by the dependencies det nsubj det and the number of the nodes that must be traversed
from one node to another is 3, since we take into account the cue and the token itself. The critical path
in this case is the same as the short path. In addition, the concept of dependency graph path used in
Lapponi et al. (2012) and firstly introduced by Gildea and Jurafsky (2002) has been employed as a
feature. It represents the shortest path traversed from the token in focus to the cue, encoding both the
dependency relations and the direction of the arc being traversed. For instance, as described in Figure
2, (5) shows the dependency graph path between the (token in focus) and no (cue).

(5) det  nsubj  det

Finally, feature selection experiments show that the most informative features for both negation and
speculation in this phase are the chain of part-of-speech tags between the cue and the token in focus,
followed by the dependency graph path, critical path and short path.


The standard measures precision (P), recall (R) and their harmonic mean F1-score (Rijsbergen, 1979)
are used to assess the performance in terms of both cue and scope detection since this is the
evaluation scheme followed by all the authors in this task (e.g., Councill et al., 2010; Lapponi et al.,

2012; Morante & Daelemans, 2009a; Morante & Daelemans, 2009b) and employed in the different
shared tasks and competitions related to this topic (e.g., the CoNLL-2010 Shared Task (Farkas, Vincze,
Móra, Csirik, & Szarvas, 2010) or the SEM 2012 Shared Task (Morante & Blanco, 2012)). In addition, F1-
score is a well-established metric suited to imbalanced datasets (He & Ma, 2013).

Precision accounts for the reliability of the system’s predictions, recall is indicative of the system's
robustness, while F1-score quantifies its overall performance.

In the cue detection task, a token is correctly identified if its position has been accurately determined
to be at the beginning, inside or outside the cue. Precision and recall can be calculated as follows:

#tokens correctly negated by the system

#tokens negated by the system

#tokens correctly negated by the system

#tokens negated in the test collection

In the task of detecting the scope, a token is correctly classified if it is properly identified as being
inside or outside the scope of each of the cues that appear in the sentence. In this case, precision and
recall are computed as follows:
#tokens belonging to some scope correctly detected by
the system
#tokens belonging to some scope detected by the

#tokens belonging to some scope correctly detected

by the system
= #tokens belonging to some scope in the test

In both cases, F1= P+R

Although F1-score is very popular and suitable for dealing with the class-imbalance problem, it is
focused on the positive class only. Therefore, the Geometric Mean (G-mean) has been used as an
additional measure since it takes into account the relative balance of the classifier’s performance on
both the positive and the negative classes (He & Ma, 2013). It is a good indicator of overall
performance (Cao et al., 2014), and has been employed by several researchers for evaluating classifiers
on imbalanced datasets (Akbani, Kwek, & Japkowicz, 2004; Barua, Islam, Yao, & Murase, 2014).
G-mean is calculated as √ sensitivity*specificity, where sensitivity=R and specificity corresponds to

the proportion of negative examples that are detected by the system.

In the scope detection task, and following previous research, the percentage of scopes correctly
classified has been also measured. Specifically, two different definitions are adopted, which have been
used by other authors for the same task. Firstly, the measure proposed by Morante and Daelemans
(2009a; 2009b) has been employed, where a scope is correct if all the tokens in the sentence have
been correctly classified as inside or outside the scope of the cue (percentage of correct scopes,
henceforth, PCS). It can be considered a strict way to evaluate scope resolution systems. Secondly, the
more relaxed approach put forward by Councill et al. (2010) in which the percentage of correct scopes
is calculated as the number of correct spans divided by the number of true spans (percentage of
correct relaxed scopes, from now on, PCRS) has been applied. Therefore, in this case, a scope is correct
simply if the tokens in the scope have been correctly classified as inside of it.

The evaluation in terms of precision and recall measures considers a token as a unit, whereas the
evaluation in terms of PCS and PCRS regards a scope as a unit. It should be noted that negation and
speculation detection are evaluated separately.

Finally, a two-tailed sign test applied to the token-level predictions has been used with the aim of
assessing the statistical significance of differences in performance. This is the simplest nonparametric
test for matched or paired data that, in this case, will compare the differences in the prediction of two
given classifiers. A significance level of α=0.05 has been assumed.


The results reported in this section were obtained by employing 10-fold cross validation. For each fold,
a document-level partitioning of the data has been used, randomly selecting as well as balancing the
number of documents in each of these folds.

As detailed in the Methodology Section, experiments were undertaken with Naïve Bayes and SVM
classifiers. Simple baselines models have also been used in both phases to compare the results. The
following sections detail the results for the cue and scope detection tasks.

5.1 Cue Detection Results

Table 6 shows the results for negation and speculation cue detection.

Table 6. Results for detecting negation and speculation cues: Averaged 10-fold cross-
validation results for the baseline algorithm and both Naïve Bayes and SVM classifiers on
the SFU Review corpus training data. Results are shown in terms of Precision, Recall, F1 and
G-mean (%).

Negation Speculation

Model Prec Rec F1 G- Prec Rec F1 G-

mean mean

Baseline 93.54 55.08 69.34 74.20 91.54 57.00 70.26 75.46

Stratified Naïve 63.26 68.95 65.98 82.54 72.05 75.05 73.52 86.42
Bayes (65.91) (73.15) (69.34) (85.33)

SVM RBF 82.44 93.22 87.50 96.44 90.73 93.97 92.32 96.86
(89.64) (95.63) (89.64) (97.69)

CS-SVM 80.40 97.86 88.28 98.79 88.03 96.36 92.00 98.05

Random Naïve 63.22 68.72 65.86 82.71 72.03 74.69 73.34 86.21

Bayes (65.65) (72.52) (68.92) (84.99)

SVM RBF 82.67 93.47 87.74 96.57 90.74 94.06 92.37 96.90
(84.30) (95.52) (89.56) (97.63)

CS-SVM 80.49 97.84 88.32 98.78 88.06 96.37 92.03 98.06

Abbreviations are as follows: ‘SVM’ = Support Vector Machine; ‘RBF’ = Radial Basic Function
kernel; ‘Prec’= Precision; ‘Rec’ = Recall; ‘CS’ = Cost-Sensitive Learning.
In brackets, results obtained after applying the post-processing algorithm.

Results obtained by CS-SVM after applying the post-processing algorithm are not shown
because they are the same as without applying it. The same occurs with all the speculation
detection approaches.

Note that ‘Random’ means the #documents in each fold of the cross-validation are
randomly selected whereas in ‘Stratified’ the #documents is the same in all the folds.

A simple post-processing algorithm has been applied to the output of the classifier in order to reduce
the cases of failure to detect the most common type of multiword cues (MWCs) that appears in the
SFU Review corpus (i.e., MWCs formed by two words, the last one being n’t or not). The post-
processing algorithm works as follows: If a word is identified at the beginning of a cue and the
following word is identified as being outside it but the word is n’t or not, the algorithm changes the
type of this final word to being inside the cue. In addition, if a token is classified as being inside of a cue
and its predecessor word is classified as outside, it changes the class of this final token to the start of a
cue. Figure 3 shows the pseudocode of this algorithm.

Figure 3. Cue detection post-processing algorithm pseudocode

This post-processing is very effective in negation because the percentage of MWCs is 25.80%. In
speculation, 2.81% of MWCs cause the algorithm not to be effective in this case.

Although the results obtained in the speculation detection task are by and large slightly higher than
those achieved in negation detection, all the algorithms performed satisfactorily. In addition, no large
differences are observed between performing the cross-validation randomly or in a stratified way.

Baseline results are shown in the third row of Table 6. It has been created by tagging as cue the most
frequent negation and speculation expressions that appear in the training data set (i.e., those which
cover more than 50% of the total number of cues). In order to achieve the baseline, the two most
frequent expressions for negation (i.e., no and not) and the four most frequent expressions for
speculation (i.e., if, or, can and would) are used, since in this case the most frequent expressions are
not concentrated in a small number of cues as occurs for negation.

This baseline proves to be competitive in precision where it actually outperforms all the other systems.
In terms of F1, the results are improvable for both negation (69.34%) and speculation (70.26%).
Furthermore, the results yielded by the baseline in the negation detection are comparable with those
obtained by Naïve Bayes (the latter achieves an F1 of 68.92% using the random-selection option and
69.34% in the stratified way, both after applying post-processing). In the case of speculation, as shown
in the last column, Naïve Bayes shows a slight improvement on the baseline (73.34% or 73.52%
depending on the way the documents are selected in the cross-validation), this difference being
statistically significant according to a two-tailed sign-test (p=0.0009). In terms of G-mean, Naïve Bayes
also outstrips the baseline by about 10% (both in negation and speculation). However, these two
approaches appear to have somewhat different strengths and weaknesses. The Naïve Bayes classifier
shows higher recall whereas, as mentioned before, the baseline is stronger in terms of precision.

The best F1 and G-mean for both negation and speculation is obtained by the SVM classifier. The cost-
sensitive learning applied to SVM slightly improves the results in terms of G-mean. However, it does
not happen the same in terms of F1 (the measure used for all the authors in this task to assess the
performance of their systems). This is due to different factors. First, the precision shown by the cost-
sensitive learning approach is low since the classifier introduces many false positive errors trying to
minimize the cost function (the cost for misclassifying any example belonging to the majority class is

small). Next, the post-processing algorithm is not effective in negation detection because most errors
are derived from the fact that the classifier identifies as cues words that are not annotated as such in
the corpus (false positive errors) and not as a result of an incorrect classification of MWCs. Finally, an
SVM classifier without any modifications seems sufficient to solve this problem since it performs well
with moderately imbalanced data (Akbani et al., 2004), as is the case here.

In speculation, the results obtained by the SVM classifier represents a substantial improvement on the
baseline (up by roughly 22%). It also outstrips the Naïve Bayes results by 20% in terms of F1 and 10%
according to G-mean (see Figure 4). As shown by the two-tailed sign test, these differences (p=9.33℮-
17 compared to the baseline; p=1.69E-14 if it is compared to Naïve Bayes) are significant. The inter-
annotator agreement rates may offer some further perspective on the results discussed here. When
creating the SFU corpus, a first annotator annotated the whole corpus. Another expert annotator
worked with 10% of the documents from the original collection (randomly selected), annotating them
according to the guidelines used by the first annotator. The agreement rate between the second
annotator and the chief annotator is 89.12% and 89% in F1 and Kappa measures respectively. This
suggests that the results could be compared with those obtained by an annotator doing the same task.

100 100
80 80
60 60
40 F1 40 F1
20 G-mean 20 G-mean
0 0


Figure 4. Comparison of the results obtained by the different approaches in the cue
detection task in terms of F1 and G-mean (%).

Negation detection is more complicated. Although the most frequent negation cues are concentrated
in a small number of expressions (no and not represent 55.03% of the total number of cues), what
makes negation detection difficult is the large number of MWCs present in the corpus (25.80%). This
does not occur in speculation where the percentage of MWCs is just 2.81%. The results improve with
post-processing, nearing those obtained when identifying speculation. A two-tailed sign-test shows
that there is a statistically significant difference between the SVM results before and after applying the
post-processing algorithm (p=0.0013).

Overall, the results for negation are competitive. In fact, the SVM classifier outperforms the baseline
results by as much as about 20% both in terms of F1 and G-mean and independently of the way in
which the cross-validation is done. These differences are deemed significant (p value of 4.47E-13).
Comparing with Naïve Bayes, the proposed method outstrips it by up 20% in terms of F1 and 12% in
terms of G-mean as can be seen in Figure 4. The differences are also significant (p=1.33E-14). In
addition, the inter-annotator agreement rates for negation cues (F1 of 92.79% and Kappa value of
92.7%) in the SFU Review corpus are close to those obtained by a human rater performing the same

Finally, it is worth noting that a factor that may have slightly deflated the results, as authors like Velldal
et al. (2012) point out, is the use of a document-level rather than a sentence-level partitioning of the
data for cross-validation since the latter favors that the number of cues in each fold is more balanced,
facilitating, therefore, the detection.

5.2 Scope Detection Results

This section presents the results of the scope detection for both the gold standard cues as well as the
predicted ones. First, in order to isolate the performance of the scope recognition, the set of cues that
appear annotated as such in the SFU Review corpus has been used. Next, to measure the performance
of the whole system, the best scope detection approach has been assessed using the cues identified by
the classifier in the previous phase.

Tables 7, 8 and 9 detail the results for the gold standard cues. In general, they show how difficult the
task of identifying the scope is compared to the task of recognizing the cues. In addition, in contrast to
cue detection, the results for speculation are lower than those obtained by negation. It can be

explained by the fact that speculation leads to a text with a greater degree of complexity (e.g., the
number of scopes is higher, the average length of the scopes in number of words is longer, as shown in
Tables 2 and 3).

Table 7. Results for detecting negation and speculation scopes with gold standard
cues: Averaged 10-fold cross-validation results for the baseline algorithm on the SFU
Review corpus training data. Results are shown in terms of Precision, Recall, F1, G-
mean, PCS and PCRS (%).

Precision Recall F1 G-M PCS PCRS

Negation 78.80 66.21 71.96 80.92 23.07 58.03

Speculation 71.77 65.68 68.59 79.75 13.86 45.49

Abbreviations are as follows: ‘G-M’ = G-mean; ‘PCS’= Percentage of Correct Scopes (all
the tokens in the sentence have been correctly classified); ‘PCRS’= Percentage of
Correct Relaxed Scopes (all the tokens in the scope have been correctly classified)

Table 8. Results for detecting negation and speculation scopes with gold standard cues: Averaged 10-fold cross-validation
results for Naïve Bayes classifier on the SFU Review corpus training data. Results are shown in terms of Precision, Recall,
F1, G-mean, PCS and PCRS (%).

Random Stratified

Configuration Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS

Baseline 47.56 43.12 45.23 64.70 8.02 33.22 47.48 41.22 44.13 63.30 7.93 31.89

Negation Contextual 76.60 77.79 77.19 87.55 41.13 73.15 76.51 78.33 77.41 87.85 40.60 74.17

Dependency 72.35 80.53 76.22 88.88 38.95 71.78 72.58 81.14 76.62 89.23 38.30 77.71

Configuration Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS


Baseline 28.00 35.06 31.14 55.93 3.04 18.90 28.56 34.23 31.14 55.43 2.70 18.43

Speculation Contextual 37.96 66.14 48.24 75.90 19.20 59.76 39.41 70.23 50.49 78.20 19.33 61.00

Dependency 35.84 68.27 47.09 76.35 18.28 56.57 36.64 72.08 48.67 78.34 18.52 64.30

Abbreviations are as follows: ‘Prec = Precision; ‘Rec’ = Recall; ‘G-M’ = G-mean; ‘PCS’= Percentage of Correct Scopes (all the
tokens in the sentence have been correctly classified); ‘PCRS’= Percentage of Correct Relaxed Scopes (all the tokens in the
scope have been correctly classified)

Table 9. Results for detecting negation and speculation scopes with gold standard cues: Averaged 10-fold cross-validation
results for SVM classifier on the SFU Review corpus training data. Results are shown in terms of Precision, Recall, F1, G-
mean, PCS and PCRS (%).

Random Stratified

Configuration Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS

Baseline 59.79 38.20 46.62 61.32 10,88 29,08 59.52 37.86 46.28 61.04 10.88 28.94

Negation Contextual 84.02 80.61 82.28 89.36 53.58 77.43 83.29 80.38 81.81 89.21 52.90 77.17

Dependency 85.92 81.67 83.74 90.05 57.64 78.84 85.91 81.87 83.84 90.11 57.86 79.13

Dependency 85.59 82.28 83.91 90.32 58.23 80.14 85.56 82.64 84.07 90.42 58.69 80.26
syntactic CS

Configuration Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS

Baseline 49.49 36.75 41.18 59.25 4,62 19,20 49.29 36.04 41.64 58.69 4.29 19.91

Speculation Contextual 77.79 75.97 76.87 86.11 39.61 68.10 77.41 75.69 76.54 85.84 37.86 66.71

Dependency 79.47 77.01 78.22 86.70 43.04 69.62 79.91 77.32 78.59 86.90 43.90 69.69

Dependency 79.07 77.77 78.41 87.09 43.40 71.17 79.98 77.80 78.88 87.14 43.94 71.43
syntactic CS

Same notes as in Table 8 apply. ‘CS’ = Cost-Sensitive Learning.

Optimized values of the parameters c and g: c = 32; g= 0.03125

Different sets of features have been used for both Naïve Bayes and SVM, which aim to show how
syntactic information improves the classifier performance. First, a basic configuration consisting of the
lemma and part of speech (POS) of the cue, token in focus and one token on both to the left and right
of the token in focus. Next, fine-grained features related to the cue, the token itself and the context
have been added. The last configuration also includes the set of syntactic attributes described in Table

In addition, the results are compared with a baseline. It has been proposed as a result of the analysis
carried out by Hogenboom, van Iterson, Heerschop, Frasincar and Kaymak (2011) on a set of English
movie review sentences. In this study, the authors show that the best approach to determining the
scope of a negation cue is to consider a fixed window length of words following the negation keyword.
In the SFU review corpus, the proportion of scopes to the left of the negation cues is virtually non-
existent (0.93%). In contrast, 99.40% of the scopes extend to the right of the cue with an average
length of 5.66 words. Therefore, the baseline has been created by tagging as scope five words to the
right of the cue. In the case of speculation, almost all of the scopes are to the right of the cue (99.79%),
with their average length being 7.01 words. The proportion of scopes to the left of the cue is higher
than in negation (7.01%) with an average length of 3.28 words. However, the baseline just includes
seven words to the right of the cue as inside the scope, since adding information about the left scopes,
as Hogenboom et al. (2011) affirm, produces lower results.

This baseline, as shown in the fourth column of Table 7, achieves a promising performance value in
terms of F1 (71.96% for negation and 68.59% for speculation) and G-mean (80.92% and 79.75% for

negation and speculation, respectively). In fact, these values are higher than those obtained by the
Naïve Bayes and the SVM classifiers with the baseline configuration (see Tables 8 and 9). In the case of
speculation, the result is even higher than the best performance obtained by Naïve Bayes (68.59% vs.
50.49% in terms of F1 and 79.75% vs. 78.34% according to G-mean). This is due to the high precision
yielded by the baseline. Almost the same occurs in terms of PCS and PCRS where the baseline shows
better performance than the two approaches with the basic set of attributes. However, as the final
columns of Table 7 show, these results are subject to upgrading, for both negation (PCS=23.07%;
PCRS=58.03%) and speculation (PCS=13.86%; PCRS=45.49%). This fact highlights that a simple
configuration is not enough to detect the scope and that it is necessary to include more sophisticated
features to successfully address the problem.

As explained in the Methodology section, Naïve Bayes is not the most suitable classifier to use for the
task since its results are not satisfactory and even lower than the baseline in some cases. For both
negation and speculation, the best F1 and PCS are achieved using the contextual configuration (see
Table 8). However, the best PCRS (77.71% for negation, 64.30% for speculation) and G-mean (89.23%
in negation, 78.34 in speculation) are obtained after adding syntactic information. This results from the
fact that they are related to the recall. Conversely, F1 as well as PCS are affected by the precision (i.e., a
higher precision, higher F1 or PCS). Therefore, in this case, contextual information seems to enhance
the precision whereas syntactic information improves the recall.

The classifier that best fits the data is SVM. The best results, as Table 9 shows, are obtained by adding
syntactic information and applying cost-sensitive learning (CS-SVM) to solve the imbalanced data set
problem. This algorithmic level solution is effective in this case because the classes are highly
imbalanced. However, although the improvement introduced by CS-SVM is substantial in many cases,
it cannot be considered statistically significant as revealed by the two-tailed sign test (in negation, p
values of 0.56, 0.55, 0.50 and 0.35 for F1, G-mean, PCS and PCRS respectively; in speculation, p=0.54 for
F1, p=0.56 for G-mean, p=0.68 for PCS and p=0.10 in the case of PCRS). This configuration is favored by
the stratified cross-validation whose results are slightly higher than those achieved in the random way.
As the two-tailed sign test shows, the difference between them is not yet statistically significant
(p>0.05 in all cases).

In negation, the system yields an F1 of 84.07% as well as G-mean, PCS and PCRS values of 90.42%,
57.86% and 79.13% respectively. This means that the use of syntactic features (together with an
algorithmic level solution to tackle the imbalanced data set problem), significantly improves the basic
configuration by more than 40% in terms of F1 and PCS, 30% according to G-mean and the double in
terms of PCSR. In addition, the configuration based on contextual features is also significantly
enhanced as shown by the two-tailed sign test (p<0.05 in all cases). This improvement is higher in
terms of percentage of correct scopes identified where adding syntactic information exceeds it by
almost 6%. Under this measure, there is also a significant difference if CS-SVM is compared with both
the baseline (p=3.06E-17) and the Naïve Bayes classifier (p=2.82E-10) as Figure 5 shows. Derived from
the figure, considerable differences can also be observed between CS-SVM and the other approaches
in terms of PCRS and F1.

60 Baseline
50 Naïve Bayes
F1 G-mean PCS PCRS

Figure 5. Comparison of the results obtained by the different

approaches in the negation scope detection task in terms of F1, G-
mean, PCS and PCRS (%).

In speculation, as mentioned before, the results are lower than those obtained in negation. In terms of
F1 (78.88%) and G-mean (87.14%), there is an improvement on the baseline (by roughly 10 percentage
points in F1 and 7% according to G-mean). This proportion is higher if we compare it to Naïve Bayes
(almost 28% comparing F1 value and 9% in G-mean). In terms of PCSR (71.43%) and, especially, in PCS

(43.94%), the results could be improved on. However, CS-SVM outperforms the baseline and the Naïve
Bayes classifier by more than 24 percentage points in terms of PCS, a difference statistically significant
(p=1.58E-12 compared to the baseline; p=2.46E-15 compared to Naïve Bayes). According to the PCRS
measure, the CS-SVM classifier substantially outstrips the baseline results by more than 25% as well as
obtaining about 7% more than the Naïve Bayes classifier. All these differences in performance are
displayed graphically in Figure 6.

Naïve Bayes

F1 G-mean PCS PCRS

Figure 6. Comparison of the results obtained by the different

approaches in the speculation scope detection task in terms of F1,
G-mean, PCS and PCRS (%).

Inter-annotator agreement for negation and speculation (81.88% and 70.20% in F1 measure
respectively) reveal the difficulty of the task. At the same time, the results stress that scope is an issue
of the cue, the context and the syntactic structure of the sentence taken together.

Finally, Table 10 shows the results of the whole system, i.e., using as cues those detected by the SVM
classifier in the previous phase. These cues have been predicted applying the post-processing step. To
identify the scope, the CS-SVM classifier with contextual and dependency syntactic features has been
used since it is the configuration that yields the best result using the gold standard cues.

Table 10. Results for detecting negation and speculation scopes with predicted cues: Averaged 10-fold
cross-validation results for the CS-SVM classifier on the SFU Review corpus training data. Results are
shown in terms of Precision, Recall, F1, G-mean, PCS and PCRS (%).

Random Stratified

Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS Prec Rec F1 G-M PCS PCRS

Negation 72.09 76.72 74.33 86.77 51.33 69.58 72.06 76.98 74.43 86.86 51.49 69.69

Speculation 78.36 70.32 74.12 82.88 40.47 65.45 79.14 70.36 74.49 82.94 40.99 65.77

Same notes as in Table 9 apply

In general, the results are lower due to the errors that the classifier introduces in the cue detection and
which are accumulated in the scope recognition phase. In negation, the system performance drops by
between 4% and 10% depending on the measure (about 9% in F1, 4% in G-mean, 7% in PCS and 10% in
PCRS). This difference is lower in speculation where the results fall by 3% in terms of PCS and about 5%
with regards to F1, G-mean and PCRS measures. It can be explained by the good performance achieved
by the classifier in the speculation cue detection (F1 values of 92.32% in the random way and 92.37% in
the stratified one) which is comparable with those obtained by an annotator doing the same task. This
suggests that when a cue is correctly predicted, its scope is also properly identified.

The results are promising and the system is portable. They are higher than the baseline results,
especially in terms of PCS where the system outstrips it by about 28% both in negation and
speculation. This is relevant since PCS is a scope-based measure and not a token-based measure such
as F1. In speculation, the performance (according to F1 and G-mean) is even higher than those shown
by the Naïve Bayes classifier, while in negation, this approach only exceeds it in terms of PCS.

Lastly, no significant differences are observed between randomly selecting and balancing the number
of documents in each of the cross-validation folders.
Note that as in the cue identification phase, the document-level partitioning of the data for cross-

validation could have slightly deflated the results of the scope detection.

Comparison with previous works is not easy because they use different experimental settings,
collections of documents, evaluation measures, etc. In addition, the results presented here cannot be
directly contrasted with previous research since, to the best of our knowledge, there is no work related
to recognizing negation and/or speculation using the SFU Review corpus. This is also a novel approach
to detecting speculation in the review domain. However, there are some works which focus on
automatically identifying the negation and its scope in this domain (Councill et al., 2010; Lapponi et al.,
2012). Although these systems take different approaches and use different documents for training and
testing (as explained in the Related Work Section) which makes direct comparison not possible, this
could give an indication as to how good the results detailed in this paper are in relation to others in the
same task and domain.

As detailed in Table 11, Lapponi et al. obtained a PCRS value of 67.85% using the gold standard cues
and 48.53% using the predicted ones. On their part, Councill et al. only specify the results by the whole
system, which achieved 39.80% in terms of PCRS. The best configuration achieved in this paper yields
80.26% for the gold standard cues and 69.69% for the predicted ones. This highlights, once again, the
difficulty of the task and shows that the results obtained by our system are in line with the results of
other authors in the same task and domain.

Table 11: Performance of negation scope detection of the proposed

system and the approaches developed by Councill and Lapponi in
terms of PCRS with gold standard cues and the predicted ones (%).

Gold-standard cues Predicted cues

Councill et al. - 39.80

Lapponi et al. 67.85 48.53

Our system 80.26 69.69


An analysis of the type of errors encountered in the SFU Review corpus system is detailed in this
section. In the cue detection task, the analysis has been done on the SVM approach (using the random

cross-validation for speculation and the stratified one for negation, applying in this last case post-
processing), which performs best. The errors are summarized in Table 12 and are mainly due to the
ambiguity that characterizes this type of document. In addition, many of them are related to the
incorrect classification of MWCs.

Table 12. Errors in the cue detection phase

Negation Speculation

False negative errors

Incorrect classification of an MWC 99 -

Words annotated as cues in just a few 41 121


Words mostly annotated as the opposite 38 29


Cues with low frequencies of occurrences 28 73

Unclassified 33 95

Total = 239 318

False positive errors

Words that are cues in most of the cases 570 446

Incorrect classification of an MWC 75 23

Words mostly annotated as the opposite 27 37


Unclassified 28 8

Total = 700 514

‘MWC’ stands for multiword cue.

Errors could be divided into two different categories: false negative errors (FN) and false positive ones
(FP). In the first type of error, the system does not identify as cues words that are marked as such in
the collection of documents. In negation, a total of 99 (41.4%) of them are the result of an incorrect
classification of MWCs like does n’t or are not where the system only annotates part of the cue (85 of

them are corrected by the post-processing algorithm). In 41 cases (17.15%) for negation and 121
(38.05%) for speculation, errors are words which appear annotated as cues in just a few instances in
the corpus so distinguishing the different usages from each other can sometimes be difficult even for a
human. Another type of error is related to cues that appear mainly annotated as the opposite type.
Here, the classifier fails in 38 (15.89%) cases for negation and 29 (9.11%) for speculation. The last type
of error is caused by cues with low frequencies of occurrence in the corpus. Examining more closely
the distribution of these words, it can be seen that they appear only once and are due to annotation
errors which arise out of spelling mistakes. Therefore, it is difficult for the algorithm to learn from
examples. This error appears 28 times (11.71%) in negation and 73 times (22.95%) in speculation.

In the FP errors, the system recognizes as cues words that do not appear annotated as such in the
corpus because the vast majority of these cases are due to the fact that the system indentifies as cues
some words that appear in the corpus mostly classified as such (446 cases in speculation and 570 in
negation). In contrast, 75 times (10.71%) in negation and 23 times (4.47%) in speculation, the system
identifies only part of an MWC. In negation, all of these cases are corrected by the post-processing
algorithm. In speculation, this cannot be resolved by the post-processing algorithm since almost all the
MWCs consist of more than two words. Finally, another type of error is introduced when the classifier
identifies a word as a negation/speculation cue when it has the opposite type, simply because they
mostly appear as such in the corpus (i.e., the classifier tends to annotate them as the majority class).

In the scope detection, errors come from the CS-SVM approach (adding contextual and syntactic
features and doing the cross-validation in a stratified way for both speculation and negation), which it
is the approach that achieves the best results. The most frequent errors are detailed in Figure 7 and
described below where examples which compare the correct scope annotation for a cue (Gold
Standard, henceforth, GS) with the prediction made by the system (System Detection, hereafter, SD)
are listed:

Figure 7. Errors in the scope detection phase

1. The scope of the cue is a consecutive block of words. However, the system identifies not only
the correct scope but also identifies other separated words as belonging to it. This is one of the most
common mistakes made by the classifier which occurs in 27.65% of negation and 23.35% speculation.
I suggest [that if you are in doubt], you seek assistance. (GS)

I suggest [that if you are in doubt], you [seek assistance]. (SD)

2. As mentioned in the Text Collection Section, 5.44% of the total of negation cues and 4.62% of
the total speculation cues do not have an associated scope. In this case, the cue belongs to this kind
of keyword but the system incorrectly predicts some words as inside the scope of it. This represents
8.27% of the total errors in negation and 6.47% in speculation.
3. The beginning of the scope is correct, but the classifier fails in that it extends the scope
beyond its correct ending. This mistake appears in 10.63% of the negation instances. In speculation, it
constitutes 8.65% of the total errors.

No [multitude of frilly thin spokes] or cross-mesh design here. (GS)

No [multitude of frilly thin spokes or cross-mesh design here]. (SD)

4. This error is similar to the previous one. The beginning of the scope is correct, but the system
incorrectly reduces the number of words in the scope to the right. In negation, this type of failure
represents 28.6% whereas in speculation it occurs 21.34% of the time.
The DVD-room [could have been either a lite-on] or [a Samsung]. (GS)

The DVD-room [could have been either a lite-on] or [a] Samsung. (SD)

The gold standard annotation does not normally include the full stop as inside the scope. However,
there are some cases in which it is included (maybe due to annotation errors). This fact sometimes
confuses the classifier so that its scope detection matches with the gold standard except that the
system does not include the full stop when the annotation does.
5. Another type of error is introduced when the classifier correctly identified the beginning and
the ending of the scope but it fails by omitting some words. It constitutes 11.84% of the total errors
in negation and 6.97% in speculation.
The computer never [recognized either cards]. (GS)

The computer never [recognized] either [cards]. (SD)

6. In the last type of error, the end of the scope detected by the classifier is correct. However, it
identifies the beginning of the scope after the correct position. This kind of mistake hardly affects
negation (it occurs in 0.67% of the cases). In speculation, this error represents 6.97% of the total.
And she ain’t [no rosellini]. (GS)

And she ain’t no [rosellini]. (SD)


As proposed by authors like Councill et al. (2010), it could be useful to measure the practical impact of
accurate negation/speculation detection to check whether it helps to improve the performance in
sentiment analysis. Thus, an extrinsic evaluation is carried out with the aim of investigating whether

correct annotation of negation/speculation improves the results of the Semantic Orientation
CALculator (SO-CAL) system (Taboada, Voll & Brooke, 2008; Taboada et al., 2011), using the approach
described here as a recognizer for this kind of information, rather than the search heuristics that SO-
CAL is currently using.

SO-CAL is a lexicon-based system which extracts sentiment from text. It uses dictionaries of words
annotated with their semantic orientation (polarity and strength) to compute the sentiment polarity
(positive or negative) of each document. The SO-CAL system incorporates negation and speculation.
The negation approach consists of a backwards search to determine whether the lexical item is next to
a negator (negators are those included in a predefined list). If the item is affected by the presence of
negation, it is shifted by a fixed amount (3 or 4 depending of the item’s POS) and multiplied by 1.5.
Speculation, which is defined as irrealis, is dealt with in a crude way. The approach simply ignores the
semantic orientation of any item in the scope of an irrealis marker (i.e., within the same clause). That
includes statements with questions at the end, with modals, and conditionals.

The effect of the negation/speculation detection system on sentiment classification was evaluated on
the SFU Review corpus, employing 10-fold cross validation. As previously described, these results are
compared to those obtained by using the search heuristics implemented in the SO-CAL system. A
simple baseline model which involves not applying any negation/speculation resolution has also been
considered. This could show us more clearly the impact of introducing the treatment of this kind of
information. Table 13 shows the results for all configurations.

As in the rest of the paper, a two-tailed sign test has been used with the aim of assessing the statistical
significance of differences in performance. For comparisons between the baseline and the two other
configurations, the Paired Observation two-tailed test is employed. This statistical test is used when
two of the same measurements are taken from the same subject, but under different experimental
conditions, i.e., to compare the performance of the SO-CAL system before detecting negation and
speculation to its performance after identifying this kind of information. In both cases, a significance
level of α=0.05 has been assumed.

Table 13. Results of the SO-CAL sentiment classifier: Averaged 10-fold cross-validation results

for SO-CAL including the neg/spe detector proposed, SO-CAL without including neg/spe

treatment and SO-CAL including neg/spe search heuristics on the SFU Review corpus training

data. Results are shown in terms of F1 for positive and negative reviews. Overall accuracy is

also shown (%).


SO-CAL without neg/spe SO-CAL SO-CAL with neg/spe

treatment detector integrated

Pos-F Neg-F Accuracy Pos-F Neg-F Accuracy Pos-F Neg-F Accuracy

Books 72.00 64.00 68.00 68.00 80.00 74.00 76.00 92.00 84.00

Cars 96.00 84.00 90.00 92.00 88.00 90.00 96.00 92.00 94.00

Computers 92.00 80.00 86.00 92.00 84.00 88.00 96.00 88.00 92.00

Cookware 92.00 32.00 62.00 84.00 48.00 66.00 92.00 56.00 74.00

Hotels 92.00 52.00 72.00 88.00 60.00 74.00 96.00 56.00 76.00

Movies 76.00 84.00 80.00 76.00 88.00 82.00 80.00 92.00 86.00

Music 84.00 68.00 76.00 80.00 72.00 76.00 84.00 76.00 80.00

Phones 88.00 52.00 70.00 84.00 72.00 78.00 84.00 72.00 78.00

Total 86.50 64.50 75.50 83.00 74.00 78.50 88.00 78.00 83.00

In general, the results show that the SO-CAL system is biased towards positive polarity, with the F1-
score for positive reviews higher than it is for the negative ones. This difference is especially relevant in
sub-collections such as Cookware, where the number of positive expressions far exceeds the number
of words that suggest a negative sentiment. However, these results are slightly balanced by
introducing negation and speculation detection.

As expected, performance is improved by indentifying this kind of information. In fact, all
configurations that incorporate negation and speculation resolution outperform the baseline in terms
of overall accuracy. Our proposed configuration, as shown in the final columns of Table 13, achieves
the best performance, improving on the baseline by almost 10% and the search heuristics by about 5%.
A two-tailed sign test reveals that there is not a statistically significant difference between the
configuration proposed and the search heuristics approach (p=0.259). However, as shown by the
Paired-Observation two-tailed test, differences between the method described and the baseline are
significant (p=0.0019) while those between the search heuristics implemented in the SO-CAL system
and the baseline are not (p=0.19).

In addition, for the positive reviews, only the proposed approach outstrips the configuration which
does not include any treatment of negation/speculation (See second, fifth and eighth rows of Table
13). These results can be explained by different factors. First, the detector presented in this paper
benefits from a wider list of cues (search heuristics in SO-CAL include 14 different negation cues and 24
speculation ones while the SFU corpus contains 69 and 129 different negation and speculation cues,
respectively). This is crucial in speculation where the number of occurrences of each cue is equally
distributed across all documents. Secondly, the negation and speculation detection method proposed
shows a good performance value which suggests that when a cue is correctly predicted, its scope is
also properly identified. In the approach based on search heuristics, a cue is identified only if it appears
in the predefined list of cues, without taking into consideration whether it is actually acting as such. In
addition, the scope is limited to certain parts of the sentence but it usually goes beyond the distance of
words that the search heuristics method considers.

This illustrates that accurate detection of cues and scopes is of paramount importance to the
sentiment detection task and, at the same time, it indicates that simplistic approaches to negation and
speculation are insufficient for sentiment classification.

Finally, analyzing the cases in which the SO-CAL system does not detect the polarity of the reviews
correctly (using as negation/speculation detector those described in this paper) helps to gain insight
into the role of negation and speculation. Errors are mainly due to the fact that there many negative
reviews which include a lot of positive expressions (in many cases with a high positive value) and in

which the presence of negation/speculation is not very important. Therefore, it is very difficult for the
system to change the polarity of the review. The same occurs for positive reviews.

In addition, negation is not expressed by a cue in several cases. This means that the writer uses a
positive statement followed by a conjunction and a negative one such as in it's fine but I prefer another
model. This kind of expression is prevalent in the data.


This paper discusses a machine learning system that automatically identifies negation and speculation
cues and their scope in review texts. The novelty of this work lies in the fact that, to the best of our
knowledge, this is the first system trained and tested on the SFU Review corpus annotated with
negative and speculative information. In addition, this is the first attempt to detect speculation in the
review domain. This is relevant since it could help to improve polarity classification such as that shown
by Pang and Lee (2004).

The results reported in the cue detection task (92.37% and 89.64% in terms of F 1 for speculation and
negation, respectively) are encouraging. In the case of the speculation, the results are comparable with
those obtained by a human annotator doing the same task. In the scope detection task, the results are
promising in terms of F1 (84.07% for negation and 78.88% for speculation), G-mean (90.42% and
87.14% for negation and speculation, respectively) and PCRS (80.26% in negation and 71.43% in
speculation) but subject to improvement in terms of PCR (58.64% for negation and 43.94% for

Results show that, in line with comments by other authors, lexical information is enough to
automatically identify the cues, whereas, to effectively determine the scope of a keyword, it is
necessary to include syntactic features. An extrinsic evaluation is carried out with the aim of
investigating whether correct annotation of negation/speculation improves the results of the SO-CAL
system (Taboada, Voll & Brooke, 2008; Taboada et al., 2011), using the approach described here as a
recognizer for this kind of information, rather than the search heuristics that SO-CAL is currently using.
The results achieved demonstrate that accurate detection of cues and scopes is of vital importance to
the sentiment detection task.

Future research includes the improvement of the scope detection results. Normally, the scope includes
whole chunks, i.e., sequences of words that form syntactic groups. Figure 8 shows an example where
the cue is if and the scope consists of the phrases were to open and a restaurant. Shallow processing
(chunking) applied in the post-processing phase could help to correct the scope boundaries predicted
by the classifier in the cases where they don’t include complete syntactic group of words.

Figure 8. Example of shallow parsing

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