PP v. Orilla

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23. People of the Philippines vs. Joseph Orilla (G.R. Nos.

148939-40, February 13, 2004)

FACTS: In 1996, around 3:00 o’clock in the morning, 15-year old Remilyn Orilla was sound asleep
inside one of the rooms of their house when she was suddenly awakened by a heavy weight pressing
on her body and found her brother, Joseph Orilla, on top of her. Remilyn Orilla noticed that she was
naked from waist down. Joseph Orilla continuously pinned down Remilyn Orilla’s body with his own.
She struggled to free herself from appellant but her efforts proved futile. Appellant held both hands
of Remilyn Orilla with one hand holding a knife with his other hand. He then forced Remilyn Orilla’s
legs apart and inserted his penis into her vagina. Remilyn Orilla felt pain. She also felt “some warm
matter enter” her vagina. Appellant remained on top of Remilyn Orilla and, after a few minutes, she
again felt the same “substance enter” her vagina. Joseph Orilla was charged with two(2) counts of
RAPE, both Information are identical and reads:
x x x the above-accused, by means of force or intimidation, armed with a knife, did then
and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously have sexual intercourse with REMILYN R.
ORILLA, younger sister of accused, against her will and consent, x x x
The trial court found Joseph Orilla guilty of only one(1) crime of QUALIFIED RAPE and imposed on
him the death penalty because while appellant ejaculated twice in Remilyn’s vagina, the first and
second ejaculations occurred during “one single body connection”. However, instead of dismissing the
second case, the trial court considered it as a qualifying circumstance for the purpose of imposing the
death penalty.Hence, this automatic review.

ISSUES: WON the RTC gravely erred when it imposed death penalty based on 1) relationship; 2)
minority; 3) use of deadly weapon; 4) second ejaculation

Relationship – Article 14 does not include relationship as an aggravating circumstance.
Relationship is an alternative circumstance under Article 15 of the Revised Penal Code. The list of
aggravating circumstances in Article 14 of the Revised Penal Code is thus exclusive. Based on a
strict interpretation, alternative circumstances are thus not aggravating circumstances per se. The
Revised Penal Code is silent as to when relationship is mitigating and when it is aggravating.
Jurisprudence considers relationship as an aggravating circumstance in crimes against chastity.
However, rape is no longer a crime against chastity for it is now classified as a crime against
persons. The determination of whether an alternative circumstance is aggravating or not to warrant
the death penalty cannot be left on a case-by-case basis. The law must declare unequivocally an
attendant circumstance as qualifying to warrant the imposition of the death penalty. The
Constitution expressly provides that the death penalty may only be imposed for crimes defined as
heinous by Congress. Any attendant circumstance that qualifies a crime as heinous must be
expressly so prescribed by Congress.
Minority - Amended Information did not allege Remilyn’s minor age. The prosecution’s failure to
allege specifically Remilyn’s minor age prevents the transformation of the crime to its qualified form.
Since the Amended Information failed to inform appellant that the prosecution was accusing him of
qualified rape, the court can convict appellant only for simple rape and the proper penalty
is reclusion perpetua and not death. The information must allege every element of the offense to
enable the accused to prepare properly for his defense. The law assumes that the accused has no
independent knowledge of the facts that constitute the offense
Use of Deadly Weapon - When the accused commits rape with the use of a deadly weapon, the
penalty is not death but the range of two indivisible penalties of reclusion perpetua to death.
Second Ejaculation – It is not the number of times that appellant ejaculated but the
penetration or “touching” that determines the consummation of the sexual act. 36 Thus, appellant
committed only one count of rape. Second ejaculation is not also of one of the qualifying
circumstances of Rape. No basis in law.
Proper Penalty - To determine the proper penalty, we apply Article 63 of the Revised Penal
Code. Article 63 states that the greater penalty, which is death, will be applied when in the
commission of rape there is present one aggravating circumstance. We hold that the aggravating
circumstance that is sufficient to warrant the imposition of the graver penalty of death must be that
specifically enumerated in Article 14 of the Revised Penal Code. Since it is only relationship that is
alleged and proven in this case, and it is not an aggravating circumstance per se, the proper penalty
is the lower penalty of reclusion perpetua.

DISPOSITIVE: WHEREFORE, the Decision of the RTC is AFFIRMED insofar as it finds appellant
Joseph Orilla GUILTY of one count of rape with the MODIFICATION that the death sentence
imposed is reduced to reclusion perpetua.

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