Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout

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Creating a web page is like creating a work of art.

There are certain things that you need to consider in order to get
your message across. In Lesson 5, we learned some tips on how to create an effective PowerPoint presentation.
Some of those tips can help you in graphics and design layout.

Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout:

1.Balance - It is the visual weight of objects, textures, colors, and space is evenly distributed on the

2.Emphasis - Used to make certain points of the artwork stand out. It creates the center of interest or
focal point.

3.Movement - How the eye moves through the composition; leading the attention of the viewers from one
aspect to another.

4.Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm - These are the repeating visual element on an image or layout to
create unity in the layout or image. Rhythm is achieved when visual elements create a sense of organized

5.Proportion - Visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate well with one another.

6.Variety - This uses several design elements to draw a viewer's attention.


Infographics is a visual presentations of information that use the element of design to display content. It
expresses complex messages to viewers in a way that enhances their comprehension, basically it uses
pictures, objects, and images in a way for the viewers to easily understand the message of the topic.

Reasons to use Infographics:

 To communicate a message
 To present in a way that is compact and easy to comprehend.
 To analyze data in order to discover cause-and-effect relationships.
 To periodically monitor the route of certain parameters.

3 Elements of Infographics:
1. Visual Elements which includes color coding, graphics, and reference icons.
2. Content Elements which includes time frames, statistics and references.
3. Knowledge Elements which only consist of facts.

Types of Infographics:
 Cause and Effect Infographics - infographics that show the cause and effect of certain topics.
 Product Infographics - used to promote products and services.
 Quantitive Infographics - used to show statistics like bar graphs, charts, etc.
 Chronological Infographics - usually used to show a topic in a step-by-step sequence.
 Directional Infographics - similar to chronological inforgraphics where you use arrows to direct the
viewers attention to another aspect of the infographic.

Some Tips for Creating Infographics:

 Simplicity Rocks
 Nothing takes effect without a cause
 Draw your Boundaries
 Think in Color
 Layout is not just Typography
 Make it Appealing
 Be Verifiable
Creating a web page is like creating a work of art. There are certain things that you need
to consider in order to get your message across. In Lesson 5: Advanced Presentation
Skills , you learned some tips on how to create an effective PowerPoint presentation.
Some of those tipscan help you in graphics and design layout.

Basic Principles of Graphics and Layout:

1. Balance – it is the visual weigh of objects, texture, colors, and space is evenly
distributed on the screen.


2. Emphasis – an area in the design that may appear different in size, texture, shape or
color to distract the viewer’s attention.


3. Movement – how the eye moves through the composition leading the attention of the
viewer from one aspect to another.

4. Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm – these are the repeating visual element on an
image or layout to create unity in the layout or image. Rhythm is achieved when visual
elements create a sense of organized movement.

Example of Repetition and Pattern.


5. Proportion – visual elements create a sense of unity where they relate well with one


6. Variety – this uses several design elements to draw a viewer’s attention



 Visual presentations of information that ise the element of design to display content.
 Express complex messagesto viewers in a way that enhances their comprehension.
 Basically using pictures, objects, and images in a way for the viewers to easily
understand the message of a topic.

Reasons to use Infographics:

1. To communicate a message
2. To present in a way that is compact and easy to comprehend.
3. To analyze data in order to discover cause-and-effect relationships.
4. To periodically monitor the route of certain parameters.

3 Elements of Infographics:
1. Visual Elements which includes color coding, graphics, and reference icons.
2. Content Elements which includes time frames, statistics and references; and
3. Knowledge Elements which consist of facts.

Types of Infographics:
 Cause and Effect Infographics – infograpics that show the cause and effects of
certain topics.
 Chronological Infographics – usually used to show a topic in a chronological or a
step-by-step sequence.
 Quantitive Infographics – used to show statistics like charts, bar graphs, etc.
 Directional Infographics – similar to chronological infographics where you use
arrows to direct the viewers attention to another aspect of the infographic.
 Product Infographics – used to promote products and services.

Here are some Tips for Creating Infographics:

 Simplicity Rocks. Keep the infographic simple so it wont be an eyesore to the viewers
 Nothing takes effect without a cause. This just means that you need to show the
viewers the cause of the topic before discussing the effect of said topic.
 Draw your Boundaries. Just don’t overdo the pictures or images or it will look like a
collage that looks like vomit.
 Think in Color. Match the colors in your infographic like making the text in white in a
dark background and vice versa.
 Layout is not just Typography.
 Make it Appealing. Of coarse make it look good so it would attract and keep the
viewer’s attention.
 Be Verifiable. And finally, the facts in the infographic should be verified and
confirmed that the they are indeed true.

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