Draft PSG For The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering BSCpE Effectiv

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Version 01- November 3, 2016


2 SERIES of 2016
7 EFFECTIVE AY 2018-2019
8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722, otherwise
11 known as the “Higher Education Act of 1994,” in pursuance of an outcomes-
12 based quality assurance system as advocated under CMO 46 s. 2012 and as
13 addendum to CMO 37, s. 2012, and by virtue of Commission en banc Resolution
14 No. ___________ dated __________________ the following Policies and
15 Standards (PS) are hereby adopted and promulgated by the Commission.
21 Sec.1 Rationale
23 Based on CMO 37, s 2012 and the Guidelines for the Implementation of
24 CMO 46 s 2012, this PS implements the shift to learning competency-
25 based standards/outcomes-based education. It specifies the core
26 competencies expected of BS Computer Engineering graduates
27 regardless of the type of HEI they graduate from. However, in recognition
28 of the spirit of outcomes-based education and the typology of HEIs, this
29 PSG also provides ample space for HEIs to innovate in the curriculum in
30 line with the assessment of how best to achieve learning outcomes in
31 their particular contexts and their respective missions.
37 Sec. 2 Government Recognition
39 All private higher education institutions (PHEIs) intending to offer B.S.
40 Computer Engineering must first secure proper authority from the
41 Commission in accordance with this PSG. All PHEIs with an existing BS
42 Computer Engineering program are required to shift to an outcomes-
43 based approach based on CMO 37, s. 2012 and guided by this PSG.
44 State universities and colleges (SUCs), and local colleges and
45 universities should likewise strictly adhere to the provisions in these
46 policies and standards.

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51 Sec. 3 Minimum Standards
53 The Articles that follow give minimum standards and other requirements
54 and guidelines. The minimum standards are expressed as a minimum
55 set of desired program outcomes which are given in Article IV Section 6.
56 This PSGprovides a curriculum to attain such outcomes. This curriculum
57 is given in Article V Section 10 as minimum standards. The number of
58 units of this curriculum is here prescribed as the minimum unit
59 requirement under Section 13 of RA 7722. To assure alignment of the
60 curriculum with the program outcomes, this PSG providesa sample
61 curriculum map in Article V Section 10 (Details in Annex II) for the HEI to
62 refer to in compliance with the implementing guidelines of CMO 37,
63 s.2012.
65 Using a learner-centered/outcomes-based approach as basis, the
66 Commission provided a description of Outcomes Based Teaching and
67 Learning delivery method in Article V Section 11. A sample course
68 syllabus is also given in Article V Section 12 as support to the outcomes-
69 based delivery method.
71 Based on the curriculum and the means of its delivery, the
72 Commissiondetermined the physical resource requirements for the
73 library, laboratories and other facilities and the human resource
74 requirements in terms of administration and faculty. These are provided
75 for in Article VI.
77 Sec. 4 Curriculum Design
79 The HEIs are allowed to design curricula suited to their own contexts and
80 missions provided that they can demonstrate that the same leads to the
81 attainment of the required minimum set of outcomes, albeit by a different
82 route. In the same vein, they have latitude in terms of curriculum delivery
83 and in terms of specification and deployment of human and physical
84 resources as long as they can show that the attainment of the program
85 outcomes and satisfaction of program educational objectives can be
86 assured by the alternative means they propose.
88 The HEIs can use the CHED Implementation Handbook for Outcomes-
89 Based Education (OBE) and the Institutional Sustainability Assessment
90 (ISA) as a guide in making their submissions for Sections 19 to 24 of
91 Article VII.
93 This PSG isaligned with the new K-12 basic education system and the
94 new General Education requirements, following the OBE system.

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99 Sec. 5 Program Description
101 5.1 Degree Name: Graduates of the program shall be given the Degree of
102 Bachelor of Science inComputer Engineering (BSCpE).
104 5.2 Nature of the Field of Study
106 The Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering (BSCpE) is a program
107 that embodies the science and technology of design, development,
108 implementation, maintenance and integration of software and hardware
109 components in modern computing systems and computer-controlled
110 equipment.
112 Refer to Annex I for the revised Competency Standards for Computer
113 Engineering practice, aligned with the Washington Accord requirements.
115 5.3 Characteristics of Computer Engineering Graduates
117 With the ubiquity of computers, computer-based systems and networks
118 in the world today, computer engineers must be versatile in the
119 knowledge drawn from standard topics in computer science and
120 electrical engineering as well as the foundations in mathematics and
121 sciences. Because of the rapid pace of change in the computing field,
122 computer engineers must be life-long learners to maintain their
123 knowledge and skills within their chosen discipline.
125 An important distinction should be made between computer engineers,
126 electrical engineers, other computer professionals, and engineering
127 technologists. While such distinctions are sometimes ambiguous,
128 computer engineers generally should satisfy the following three
129 characteristics.
131 1. Possess the ability to design computers, computer-based systems
132 and networks that include both hardware and software and their
133 integration to solve novel engineering problems, subject to trade-offs
134 involving a set of competing goals and constraints. In this context,
135 “design” refers to a level of ability beyond “assembling” or
136 “configuring” systems.
138 2. Have a breadth of knowledge in mathematics and engineering
139 sciences, associated with the broader scope of engineering and
140 beyond that narrowly required for the field.
142 3. Acquire and maintain a preparation for professional practice in
143 engineering.

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146 5.4 Program Educational Objectives

148 Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are broad statements that
149 describe the career and professional accomplishments that the program
150 is preparing graduates to achieve within 3–5 years from graduation.
151 PEOs are based on the needs of the program’s constituencies and these
152 shall be determined, articulated, and disseminated to the general public
153 by the unit or department of the HEI offering the BSCpE program. The
154 PEOs should also be assessed and evaluated periodically for continuing
155 improvement.
157 5.5 Knowledge Areas
159 The knowledge areas include the following but not limited to:
160 a) Circuits and Electronics
161 b) Computing Algorithms
162 c) Computer Architecture and Organization
163 d) Digital Design
164 e) Embedded Systems
165 f) Computer Networks
166 g) Professional Practice
167 h) Information Security
168 i) Signal Processing
169 j) Systems and Project Engineering
170 k) Software Design
171 l) Occupational Health and Safety
172 m) Technopreneurship
174 5.6 Allied Programs
176 The allied programs of the BSCpE program are the following:
178 a) Electrical Engineering
179 b) Electronics Engineering
180 c) Software Engineering
181 d) Computer Science
182 e) Information Technology
184 These programs are those that may be considered as equivalent to the
185 program for the purpose of determining faculty qualifications to handle
186 allied and related courses to the program.
188 Sec. 6 Institutional and Program Outcomes
190 The minimum standards for the BS Computer Engineering program are
191 expressed in the following minimumset of institutional and BSCpE
192 program outcomes.
194 6.1 Institutional outcomes

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196 a) Graduates of professional institutions must demonstrate a

197 service orientation in one’s profession,
198 b) Graduates of colleges must participate in various types of
199 employment, development activities, and public discourses,
200 particularly in response to the needs of the communities one
201 serves
202 c) Graduates of universities must participate in the generation
203 of new knowledge or in research and development projects
204 d) Graduates of State Universities and Colleges must, in
205 addition, have the competencies to support “national,
206 regional and local development plans.” (RA 7722).
207 e) A PHEI, at its option, may adopt mission-related program
208 outcomes that are not included in the minimum set.
209 f) Graduates of higher educational institutions must preserve
210 and promote the Filipino historical and cultural heritage.
212 6.2. BSCpE Program Outcomes
214 By the time of graduation, the students of the program shall have the
215 ability to:
217 a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve
218 complex engineering problems;
219 b) Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
220 interpret data;
221 c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired
222 needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental,
223 social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and
224 sustainability, in accordance with standards;
225 d) Ability to function on multidisciplinary teams;
226 e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering
227 problems;
228 f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
229 g) Ability to communicate effectively;
230 h) Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering
231 solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context;
232 i) Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long
233 learning
234 j) Knowledge of contemporary issues;
235 k) Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
236 necessary for engineering practice; and
237 l) Knowledge and understanding of engineering and management
238 principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and
239 in multidisciplinary environments.
241 Sec. 7 Sample Performance Indicators
243 Performance Indicators are specific, measurable statements identifying
244 the performance(s) required to meet the outcome; confirmable
245 throughevidence.

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247 Table 1. Sample Performance Indicators of a Program Outcome
f Understanding of professional 1 Demonstrate knowledge of
and ethical responsibility professional code of ethics
2 Evaluate the ethical and
societal implications of a design
solution to a problem in CpE
250 Sec. 8 Program Assessment and Evaluation
252 Program Assessment refers to one or more processes that identify,
253 collect, and prepare data to evaluate the attainment of Program
254 Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives.
256 Program Evaluation pertains to one or more processes for interpreting
257 the data and evidence accumulated from the assessment. Evaluation
258 determines the extent at which the Program Outcomes and the Program
259 Educational Objectives are achieved by comparing actual achievement
260 versus set targets and standards. Evaluation results in decisions and
261 actions regarding the continuous improvement of the program.
263 All HEIs are encouraged to form a Consultative Body to be part of the
264 assessment and evaluation processes to be represented by the
265 stakeholders.
267 8.1. Assessment and Evaluation of PEOs
269 The Assessment of Program Educational Objectives may include the
270 following: the stakeholders of the program have to be contacted
271 through surveys or focus group discussion to obtain feedback data on
272 the extent of the achievement of the PEOs.
274 8.2. Assessment and Evaluation of POs
276 In the case of Program Outcomes Assessment, the defined
277 Performance Indicators shall be connected to Key Courses (usually the
278 Demonstrating or “D” courses in the Curriculum map), and an
279 appropriate Assessment Methods (AM) may be applied. These
280 methods may be direct or indirect depending on whether the
281 demonstration of learning was measured by actual observation and
282 authentic work of the student or through gathered opinions from the
283 student or his peers. Refer to the

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291 Table 2.Sample Matrix Linking Performance Indicators with
292 Key Courses, Assessment Methods, Set Targets and Standards
Performance Assessment Targets and
Key Courses
Indicators Tools Standards
1 Demonstrate OJT Employer 60% of
knowledge of Assessment students
professional Form (EAF) enrolled in the
code of ethics course shall
get at least a
rating of 70%
in the EAF
2 Evaluate the Design Project Rubric for 60% of
ethical and 2 (Project Design students
societal Implementation) Presentation enrolled in the
implications of a (RDP) course shall
design solution get at least a
to a problem in rating of 70%
CpE in the RDP
294 Other Methods of Program Assessment and Evaluation may be found in the
295 CHED Implementation Handbook for Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) and
296 Institutional Sustainability Assessment (ISA).
298 Sec. 9 Continuous Quality Improvement
300 There must be a documented process for the assessment and evaluation of
301 program educational objectives and program outcomes.
303 The comparison of achieved performance indicators with declared targets or
304 standards of performance should serve as basis for the priority projects or
305 programs for improving the weak performance indicators. Such projects and
306 programs shall be documented as well as the results of its implementation.
307 This regular cycle of documentation of projects, programs for remediationand
308 their successful implementation shall serve as the evidence for Continuous
309 Quality Improvement.
311 By AY 2018-2019, after a benchmarking project of the Technical Committee
312 for Computer Engineering, the Commission shall release a set of minimum
313 standards for a number of key performance indicators for selected program
314 outcomes, and these shall serve as the common targets for achievement by
315 all HEIs offering BSCpE programs for their Continuous Quality Improvement
316 program.

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321 Sec. 10 Curriculum Description
323 The BSCpE curriculum is designed to meet the SOs/POs stated in Article
324 IV Section 6. This is articulated in a curriculum map discussed in
325 Section 12 to develop graduates of the program to have a strong
326 background in mathematics, natural, physical and allied sciences. Also,
327 it contains complementary courses such as general education courses to
328 ensure that the graduates are articulate and understands the nature of
329 their role and impact of their work in the society and environment.
331 The BSCpE curriculum is designed to guarantee breadth of knowledge of
332 the discipline through a set of professional courses and to ensure depth
333 and focus in certain disciplines through cognates/tracks. Also, it develops
334 student’s ability to use modern tools necessary to solve problems in the
335 field of computer engineering.
337 The curriculum has a minimum total of 165 credit units, comprising of
338 115 units of technical courses. These technical courses include 12 units
339 of mathematics, 8 units of natural/physical sciences, 6 units of basic
340 engineering sciences, 11 units of allied courses, 69 units of professional
341 courses, and 9 units of elective/cognate courses.
343 The general education courses in accordance with CMO 20 s. 2013 -
344 The New General Education Curriculum consists of 24 units of general
345 education courses, 12 units of GEC electives/mandated courses, 8 units
346 of Physical Education (PE), and 6 units of National Service Training
347 Program (NSTP).
349 Sec. 11 Sample Curriculum
351 11.1. Components:
353 Below is a sample curriculum of the BSCpE program. The institution
354 may enrich the sample curriculum depending on the needs of the
355 industry and community, provided that all prescribed courses are
356 offered and pre-requisite and co-requisite are observed.

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Minimum no. of hours Minimum
Classification/Field/Course / week Credit
Lecture L/F/D Units
A. Mathematics
Calculus 1 3 0 3
Calculus 2 3 0 3
Engineering Data Analysis 3 0 3
Differential Equations 3 0 3
Subtotal 12 0 12
B. Natural/Physical Sciences
Chemistry for Engineers 3 3 4
Physics for Engineers 3 3 4
Subtotal 6 6 8
C. Basic Engineering Sciences
Computer-Aided Drafting 0 3 1
Engineering Economics 3 0 3
Engineering Management 2 0 2
Subtotal 5 3 6
D. Allied Courses
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits 3 3 4
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits 3 3 4
Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors 3 0 3
Subtotal 9 6 11
E. Professional Courses
Discrete Mathematics 3 0 3
Numerical Methods 3 0 3
Computer Engineering as a Discipline 1 0 1
Computer Engineering Drafting and Design 0 3 1
Programming Logic and Design 0 6 2
Data Structures and Algorithms 0 6 2
Object Oriented Programming 0 6 2
Software Design 3 3 4
Microprocessors 3 3 4
Logic Circuits and Design 3 3 4
Methods of Research 2 0 2
Operating Systems 3 0 3
Computer Architecture and Organization 3 3 4
Data and Digital Communications 3 0 3
Computer Networks and Security 3 3 4
Embedded Systems 3 3 4
Digital Signal Processing 3 3 4
Feedback and Control Systems 3 0 3
Introduction to HDL 0 3 1
Seminars and Fieldtrips 0 3 1
Basic Occupational Health and Safety 3 0 3
CpE Laws and Professional Practice 2 0 2
Emerging Technologies in CpE 3 0 3

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CpE Practice and Design 1 0 3 1

CpE Practice and Design 2 0 6 2
On the Job Training 3 240 3
Subtotal 50 297 69
F. Cognates/Electives(Please refer to Suggested
Cognate/Track Course 1 3
Cognate/Track Course 2 3
Cognate/Track Course 3 3
Subtotal 9
A. General Education Courses
Science, Technology, and Society* 3 0 3
Contemporary World 3 0 3
Readings in Philippine History 3 0 3
Understanding the Self 3 0 3
Art Appreciation* 3 0 3
Purposive Communication 3 0 3
Mathematics for Engineers* 3 0 3
Ethics 3 0 3
Subtotal 24 0 24
B. GEC Electives / Mandated Courses
Environmental Science and Engineering 3 0 3
Technopreneurship 3 0 3
Free Elective 3 0 3
Life and Works of Rizal 3 0 3
Subtotal 18 0 12
C. Physical Education
PE 1 2 0 2
PE 2 2 0 2
PE 3 2 0 2
PE 4 2 0 2
Subtotal 8 0 8
D. National Training Service Program
NSTP 1 3 0 3
NSTP 2 3 0 3
Subtotal 6 0 6
GRAND TOTAL 132 312 165

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Total No. of Hours / Minimum
Classification/Field/Course week Credit
Lecture Lab Units

A. Mathematics 12 0 12
B. Natural/Physical Sciences 6 6 8
C. Basic Engineering Sciences 5 3 6
D. Allied Courses 9 6 11
E. Professional Courses 50 297 69
F. Cognates/Electives 9
Subtotal 82 312 115
A. General Education Courses 24 0 24
B. GEC Electives/Mandated Courses 12 0 12
C. Physical Education 8 0 8
D. NSTP 6 0 6
Subtotal 50 0 50
GRAND TOTAL (including PE and NSTP) 132 312 165
375 11.2. Program of Study
377 The institution may enrich the sample/model program of study depending on
378 the needs of the industry, provided that all prescribed courses required in the
379 curriculum outlines are offered and pre-requisites and co-requisites are
380 complied with.
382 The sample Program of Study listed below is meant for HEIs operating on a
383 Semestral System. HEIs with CHED approved trimester or quarter term
384 systems may adjust their courses and course specifications accordingly to fit
385 their delivery system, as long as the minimum requirements are still satisfied.
387 The HEIs are also encouraged to include other courses to fulfill their
388 institutional outcomes, as long as the total units for the whole program shall
389 not exceed 192 units, including PE and NSTP.

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FIRST YEAR, 1st Semester
No. of
Courses Hours Units Prerequisites
Lec Lab
Calculus 1 3 0 3
Chemistry for Engineers 3 3 4
Computer Engineering as a Discipline 1 0 1
Programming Logic and Design 0 6 2
Mathematics for the Modern World 3 0 3
Science, Technology, Engineering and
3 0 3
Understanding the Self 3 0 3
Physical Education 1 2 0 2
NSTP 1 3 0 3
TOTAL 21 9 24

FIRST YEAR, 2nd Semester

No. of
Courses Hours Units Prerequisites
Lec Lab
Calculus 2 3 0 3 Calculus 1
Physics for Engineers 3 3 4 Calculus 1
Object Oriented Programming 0 6 2 Programming Logic and Design
Engineering Data Analysis 3 0 3 Calculus 1
Discrete Mathematics 3 0 3 Calculus 1
Readings in Philippine History 3 0 3
Physical Education 2 2 0 2 Physical Education 1
NSTP 2 3 0 3 NSTP 1
TOTAL 20 9 23

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SECOND YEAR, 1st Semester
No. of Hours
Courses Units Prerequisites
Lec Lab
Differential Equations 3 0 3 Calculus 2
Art Appreciation 3 0 3
Data Structures and Algorithms 0 6 2 Object Oriented Programming
Engineering Economy 3 0 3 2nd Year Standing*
Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits 3 3 4 Physics for Engineers
Environmental Science and
3 0 3 Chemistry for Engineers
Computer-Aided Drafting 0 3 1 2nd Year Standing*
Physical Education 3 2 0 2 Physical Education 2
TOTAL 17 12 21

SECOND YEAR, 2nd Semester

No. of Hours
Courses Units Prerequisites
Lec Lab
Numerical Methods 3 0 3 Differential Equation
Software Design 3 3 4 Data Structures and Algorithms
Purposive Communication 3 0 3
Fundamentals of Electrical
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits 3 3 4
Life and Works of Rizal 3 0 3
Physical Education 4 2 0 2
Contemporary World 3 0 3
TOTAL 20 6 22

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THIRD YEAR, 1st Semester
No. of Hours
Courses Units Prerequisites
Lec Lab
Fundamentals of Electronic
Logic Circuits and Design 3 3 4
Operating Systems 3 0 3 Data Structures and Algorithms
Fundamentals of Electronic
Data and Digital Communications 3 0 3
Programming Logic and Design;
Introduction to HDL 0 3 1 Fundamentals of Electronic
Numerical Methods
Feedback and Control Systems 3 0 3 Fundamentals of Electrical
Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Fundamentals of Electronic
3 0 3
Sensors Circuits
Computer Engineering Drafting and Fundamentals of Electronic
0 3 1
Design Circuits
Cognate / Elective Course 1** 3 3rd Year Standing*
TOTAL 15 9 21

THIRD YEAR, 2nd Semester

No. of Hours
Courses Units Prerequisites
Lec Lab
Basic Occupational Health and Safety 3 3 3rd Year Standing*
Data and Digital
Computer Networks and Security 3 3 4
Microprocessors 3 3 4 Logic Circuits and Design
Engineering Data Analysis
Methods of Research 2 0 2 Purposive Communication
Logic Circuits and Design
Technopreneurship 3 0 3 3rd Year Standing*
Cognate / Elective Course 2** 3 Cognate / Track Course 1
Engineering Ethics 3 0 3 3rd Year Standing*
CpE Laws and Professional Practice 2 0 2 3rd Year Standing*
TOTAL 19 6 24

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FOURTH YEAR, 1st Semester
No. of Hours
Courses Units Prerequisites
Lec Lab
Engineering Management 2 0 2 Engineering Economy
Embedded Systems 3 3 4 Microprocessors
Computer Architecture and
3 3 4 Microprocessors
Emerging Technologies in CpE 3 3 4thYear Standing*
CpE Practice and Design 1 0 3 1
Methods of Research
Digital Signal Processing 3 3 4 Feedback and Control Systems
Cognate / Elective Course 3** 3 Cognate / Track Course 2
GE Elective 3 0 3
TOTAL 17 12 24

FOURTH YEAR, 2nd Semester

No. of Hours
Courses Units Prerequisites
Lec Lab
CpE Practice and Design 2 0 6 2 CpE Practice and Design 1
Seminars and Fieldtrips 0 3 1 4thYear Standing*
On the Job Training 3 240*** 3 Candidates for Graduation only
TOTAL 3 246 6

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405 Suggested Cognates/Electives
406 Embedded Systems
No. of Hours No. of
Lab Lab Hours
Embedded Systems 1 3
Embedded Systems 2 3
Embedded Systems 3 3
408 Microelectronics
No. of Hours No. of
Lab Lab Hours
Microelectronics 1 3
Microelectronics 2 3
Microelectronics 3 3
410 Software Development
No. of Hours No. of
Lab Lab Hours
Software Development 1 3
Software Development 2 3
Software Development 3 3
412 System and Network Administration
No. of Hours No. of
Lab Lab Hours
System and Network Administration 1 3
System and Network Administration 2 3
System and Network Administration 3 3
414 Technopreneurship
No. of Hours No. of
Lab Lab Hours
Technopreneurship 1 3
Technopreneurship 2 3
Technopreneurship 3 3
416 * The nth year standing means that the student must have completed at least 75% of the load
417 requirements of the previous year level.
418 ** The courses in track specializations should be related.
419 *** 80 hours per unit of field work.

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421 Sec. 12 Sample Curriculum Map

423 Refer to Annex II for the Minimum Program Outcomes andaSample
424 Curriculum Map. The HEI may develop own Curriculum Map.
426 Sec. 13 Description of Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning
428 Outcomes-based teaching and learning (OBTL) is an approach where
429 teaching and learning activities are developed to support the learning
430 outcomes (University of Hong Kong, 2007). It is a student-centered
431 approach for the delivery of educational programs where the curriculum
432 topics in a program and the courses contained in it are expressed as the
433 intended outcomes for students to learn. It is an approach in which
434 teachers facilitate and students find themselves actively engaged in their
435 learning.
437 Its primary focus is the clear statement of what students should be able
438 to do after taking a course, known as the Intended Learning Outcomes
439 (ILOs). The ILOs describe what the learners will be able to do when they
440 have completed their course or program. These are statements, written
441 from the students' perspective, indicating the level of understanding and
442 performance they are expected to achieve as a result of engaging in
443 teaching and learning experience (Biggs and Tang, 2007). Once the
444 ILOs have been determined, the next step in OBTL is to design the
445 Teaching / Learning Activities (TLAs) which require students to actively
446 participate in the construction of their new knowledge and abilities. ATLA
447 is any activity which stimulates, encourages or facilitates learning of one
448 or more intended learning outcome. The final OBTL component is the
449 Assessment Tasks (ATs), which measure how well students can use
450 their new abilities to solve real-world problems, design, demonstrate
451 creativity, and communicate effectively, among others. An AT can be any
452 method of assessing how well a set of ILO has been achieved.
454 A key component of a course design using OBTL is the constructive
455 alignment of ILOs, TLAs, and ATs. This design methodology requires the
456 Intended Learning Outcomes to be developed first, and then the
457 Teaching / Learning Activities and Assessment Tasks are developed
458 based on the ILOs. (Biggs, 1999)
460 “Constructive” refers to the idea that students construct meaning through
461 relevant learning activities; “alignment” refers to the situation when
462 teaching and learning activities, and assessment tasks, are aligned to
463 the Intended Learning Outcomes by using the verbs stipulated in the
464 ILOs. Constructive alignment provides the “how-to” by stating that the
465 TLAs and the assessment tasks activate the same verbs as in the ILOs.
466 (Biggs and Tang, 1999)
468 The OBTL approach shall be reflected in the Course Syllabus to be
469 implemented by the faculty.

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472 Sec. 14 Course Syllabus and Course Specifications:
474 The Course Syllabus must contain at least the following components:
476 14.1. General Course Information (Title, Description, Code, Credit Units,
477 Prerequisites)
478 14.2 Links to Program Outcomes
479 14.3 Course Outcomes
480 14.4 Course Outline (Including Unit Outcomes)
481 14.5 Teaching and Learning Activities
482 14.6 Assessment Methods
483 14.7 Final Grade Evaluation
484 14.8 Learning Resources
485 14.9 Course Policies and Standards
486 14.10 Effectivity and Revision Information
488 See Annex IIIfor Sample Course Specifications for the courses listed in
489 the suggested Curriculum Map as prepared by some institutions already
490 implementing OBE.
496 Sec. 15 Administration
498 The administration of the college of engineering must provide
499 academic governance and leadership to engineering programs by
500 exerting efforts to achieve program educational objectives and program
501 outcomes. As such, the college must have a full-time dean and full-time
502 department or program chairwho are adept in the principles of outcomes-
503 based education and are trained to implement the elements of OBE and
504 OBTL required by CMO 37 s2012.
506 There must be a full-time Department/Program Chair/Coordinator who
507 will lead the program in curriculum planning, implementation, monitoring,
508 review, and evaluation of BSCpE program. The College Dean may
509 serve as concurrent Department or Program Chair when appropriate.
511 The qualifications of the Department/Program Chair/Coordinator of
512 BSCpE program:
514 a) Shall be a Professional Computer Engineer;
515 b) Shall be holder of master’s degree in CpE; and
516 c) Shall have a minimum teaching experience of not less than three (3)
517 years preferably with industry practice.

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520 The college dean may serve as concurrent department or program chair in extreme
521 cases of low enrolment.
523 The Department/Program Chair to carry out his/her administrative
524 function must be given a teaching load of not more than 50% of regular
525 teaching load.
527 Sec. 16 Faculty
529 16.1 Requirements
531 Faculty with BSCpE degree handling professional courses must be a
532 Certified Computer Engineer.
534 There shall be adequate number of competent and qualified faculty to
535 teach professional courses of BSCpE program and appropriate student-
536 faculty ratio to effectively implement the minimum curricular
537 requirements. The program shall not be dependent one single faculty
538 handling professional courses.
540 In addition, by AY 2018-2019, all full-time faculty members teaching
541 professional courses in BSCpE must be holder of Master’s degree in
542 CpE or allied programs and preferably Doctoral degree in CpE or allied
543 programs.
545 All other full-time faculty of the program, including those teaching
546 Mathematics, Sciences, Computing, and General Education courses,
547 must also possess at least Master’s degrees relevant to their courses
548 being taught and research specializations by AY 2018-2019.
550 Faculty members teaching CpE Design preferably must have relevant
551 industry immersion or experience.
553 All faculty members must undergo training in the principles of OBE and
554 the practice of OBTL using various modes of teaching and learning
555 activities and appropriate outcomes-based assessment.
557 16.2 Assignment
559 The teaching assignment and responsibility of each faculty member shall
560 be limited only within the area of his specific training and/or experience.
562 The full-time faculty member shall have a maximum teaching load of
563 twenty-four (24) units per semester. However, faculty member with at
564 least above average performance rating may be allowed an additional six
565 (6) units beyond the allowed normal teaching load. The full-time faculty
566 member shall devote time for student consultation.

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568 The full-time faculty member shall devote time for research, development
569 of OBE-related instructional materials, community and other extension
570 services.
572 The part-time faculty member shall have a maximum teaching load of
573 twelve (12) units per semester. The part-time faculty member shall
574 devote time for student consultation.
576 The maximum number of course preparations of faculty members shall
577 not be more than four (4).
579 16.3 Duties
580 The faculty must be actively involved in the following areas of
581 implementation of CpE program:
583 (1) curriculum review, decision-making, and implementation of the
584 academic program
585 (2) program assessment and evaluation, and implementation of
586 continuous improvement of the program
587 (3) development, improvement, and achievement of course outcomes
588 (COs)
589 (4) enrichment of teaching and learning activities(TLAs)
590 (5) development and improvement of assessment tasks, constructively
591 aligned with COs and TLAs
592 (6) student advising activities of the program
593 (7) research and scholarly work
594 (8) professional services offered by the program
595 (9) linkage and extension work
597 16.4 Teaching Performance
599 The resultsof regular faculty evaluation should show that majority of the
600 faculty shall achieve a good or above satisfactory performance.
602 The administration of each school/college of engineering must have a
603 defined set of procedures for improving the classroom performance of its
604 faculty members, which shall include evaluation by students and by
605 peers or immediate head.
607 The chair or assigned senior faculty shall observe and evaluate the
608 teaching capabilities of the faculty members at least once during the
609 school year. The chair shall discuss with the concerned faculty the
610 summary evaluation of teaching performance.
612 16.5 Hiring Policies
614 The school/college of engineering shall have an established procedure
615 for recruitment of new faculty members. The recruitment process shall
616 involve the president or his authorized representative, the dean(s) and
617 department heads.

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Version 01- November 3, 2016

619 16.6 Faculty Development Plans/Activities
621 A faculty development plan shall be developed and implemented by the
622 institution. There shall be sufficient funds allotted to support the faculty
623 members in pursuing graduate studies and professional trainings or
624 seminars. An assessment mechanism shall be developed to assess and
625 evaluate the faculty development plan on a regular basis.
627 There shall be a set of policy and procedures permitting every full-time
628 engineering faculty member a leave of absence for professional
629 development, with or without pay at the discretion of the administration,
630 and provision to ensure that the faculty member shall be allowed to
631 return to his regular position at the end of the leave period. Such policy
632 shall be published or defined in the school rules and regulations.
634 Sec. 17 Laboratory and Physical Facilities
636 17.1 Facilities
638 Classrooms, offices, laboratories, and associated equipment must be
639 adequate to support attainment of the program and course outcomes
640 and to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. Modern tools,
641 equipment, computing resources, and laboratories appropriate to the
642 program must be available, accessible, and systematically maintained
643 and upgraded to enable students to attain the student outcomes and to
644 support program needs. Students must be provided appropriate
645 guidance regarding the use of the tools, equipment, computing
646 resources, and laboratories available to the program.
648 17.1.1 Laboratories for the BSCpE Program
650 The program must provide laboratories for the following courses:
652 1. Chemistry for Engineers
653 2. Physics for Engineers
654 3. Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
655 4. Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits
656 5. Microprocessors
657 6. Logic Circuits and Design
658 7. Computer Architecture and Organization
659 8. Computer Networks and Security
660 9. Embedded Systems
662 The program must provide computing laboratories for the following
663 courses:
664 1. Computer Engineering Drafting and Design
665 2. Programming Logic and Design
666 3. Data Structures and Algorithms
667 4. Object Oriented Programming

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Version 01- November 3, 2016

668 5. Software Design

669 6. Digital Signal Processing
670 7. Introduction to HDL
673 Sec. 18 Modernization of Facilities
675 18.1. Modern Tools in CpE
677 The institution must provide access to modern tools in CpE. Examples
678 of these tools are spreadsheet software, graphing software,
679 mathematical software, statistical software, programming language
680 environment, open or commercial simulation tools in CpE, and
681 computer-aided design software. These modern tools must be
682 sufficient so that students can achieve the course outcomes.
684 18.2 Modernization of Equipment
686 Each school/college of engineering shall have a program for the
687 continuing modernization and upgrading of its instructional laboratories,
688 facilities, and equipment. The said program shall have an adequate
689 annual allocation in accordance with the financial capability of the
690 school.
696 Sec. 19 Full Compliance with CMO 37, s. 2012
698 Before the start of AY 2018-2019, all HEIs offering BSCpE program
699 must show evidence of full compliance with CMO 37, s. 2012
700 (Establishment of an Outcomes-Based Education System) by the
701 following actions:
703 19.1 CMO 37 Monitoring Workbook and Self-Assessment Rubric
705 The Commission, through its Regional offices or the TPET Website
706 shall make available to al HEIs currently offering or applying to offer
707 BSCpE program a Monitoring Workbook and Self-Assessment Rubric
708 (Self-Assessment Rubric. The current five-year BSCpE Curriculum
709 shall be the basis of the monitoring. The completed Monitoring
710 Workbook with a List of Supporting Evidences and Self-Assessment
711 Rubric must be submitted to the appropriate CHED Regional offices
712 before the end of AY 2016-2017.
714 19.2 Monitoring Visits by Technical Committee
716 In order to verify the validity of the submitted Monitoring Workbook, the
717 Technical Committee for Computer Engineering shall schedule

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Version 01- November 3, 2016

718 Monitoring Visits to all HEIs within the period Ay 2016-2017 and AY
719 2017-2018. These visits shall determine the extent of compliance of the
720 concerned HEI with CMO 37, s. 2012
722 19.3 Exemptions
724 HEIswith BSCpEprogram who have applied as CODs/COEs during AY
725 2015-2016 and whose applications have been approved as COD or
726 COE shall not be required to comply with Section 19.1 and 19.2. Those
727 HEIs whose COD/COE applications were disapproved are however
728 advised to re-apply again for COD/COE status by AY 2017-2018.
730 19.4 Submission and Monitoring of Development Plan
732 Within three (3) months after the visit, the concerned HEI shall be
733 asked to submit a one-year or two-year Development Plan to the
734 appropriate CHED Regional Officewhich should address all the
735 weaknesses of the program identified during the Monitoring visit. Upon
736 approval of the Plan by the Commission, the Regional Offices shall
737 regularly monitor the implementation of the Development Plan.
740 Sec. 20 Application Workbook for AY 2018-2019
742 All HEIs planning to open or continue with its BSCpEprogram by AY
743 2018-2019 shall be asked to complete a new Application Workbook
744 which shall be made available by AY 2016-2017. The Application
745 Workbook must be submitted to the CHED Regional offices by the end
746 of AY 2016-2017.
748 Sec. 21 Approval of Application
750 All HEIs submitting their completed Application Workbook and those
751 concerned HEIs which have submitted Development Plans shall be
752 given approval to start the offering of their new BSCpE Curriculum
753 following this new PS effective AY 2018-2019. The Technical
754 Committee for Computer Engineering shall however conduct periodic
755 monitoring to assure compliance of this PS beginning AY 2018-2019.
761 Sec. 22Transitory Provision
763 HEIs that have been granted permit or recognition for the BSCpE
764 program are hereby given a non-extendable period of four (4) years from
765 the date of effectivity hereof, within which to fully comply with. State
766 Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Universities and Colleges
767 (LUCs) shall also comply with the requirements herein set forth.

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Version 01- November 3, 2016

769 Students currently enrolled in the BSCpE program shall be allowed to
770 graduate under the old curriculum. However, students enrolling for the
771 abovementioned program beginning AY 2018-2019 shall be covered by
772 this PS.
774 Sec. 23Repealing Clause
776 All issuances, including but not limited to CMO No. 25, s. 2005 and CMO
777 13, s. 2008 and/or any part thereof inconsistent herewith, are deemed
778 repealed or modified accordingly.
780 Sec. 24Effectivity Clause
782 This PS shall take effect starting 1st semester of AY 2018-2019, after
783 publication in an official gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
785 An HEI applying to offer new BSCpE program shall likewise comply with
786 all the provisions of this PS.

Draft PSG BSCpE 24

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