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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII
Felix Caneja Lafuente National High School
Caneja, Calubian, Leyte

Efficacy of technology as an aid for classroom instruction towards

academic performance of the Grade 12 students of Felix Caneja
Lafuente National High School, SY 2017-2018.
Table of Contents
As what H.E Luccock has once said. “No one can whistle a symphony, it takes a whole orchestra
to play it”. This research would have not been successful without the aid of personalities who participated
in this study. A flower cannot bloom without sunshine, yes, that’s why we are very much thankful to our
families who gave support not just financially but also physically and psychologically. To our professor,
Mr. Rodrigo A. Yari Jr., students, friends and teachers. Lastly and specially God, who gave us intellect
and strength to overcome the trials our team has ever faced, and through his gift, this research became a
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects that computer technology used in
classroom had on students’ grades, motivation, attitude, attendance and overall academic performance.
Teacher/student technology surveys were used to measure teacher use, student use and the overall use of
technology in the classroom. Selected teachers and students were asked by the following questions:
1. What are the benefits of using technologies in your studies?
2. What are the advantages of using technologies in the classroom?
3. What have you learned from traditional way of teaching?
To answer the following questions, the researchers used survey methods as well as personal
interviews. The responses were consolidated, tallied and analyzed.
Results obtained revealed that majority of the respondents believed that technologies in
classrooms will provide greater academic performance of the students and can help students to be
competent and be literate in terms of media and technology.
Furthermore, it was recommended that: (1) The computer laboratory must have an internet
connection as suggested by students and teachers interviewed for information to be accessible, (2)
teachers should not just do the “chalk and talk” process but rather use technology as a tool for building
strong knowledge, (3) students should be taught different aspects on how to use technologies properly, (4)
teachers should be teaching properly even without technology being integrated to the classroom, (5)
teachers should undergo training about proper tools to be put in the classroom and not just be a teacher
that uses technology for change, but instead be a teacher that uses technology for learning.

Keywords: greater academic performance; competency, literacy, technology enhanced learnings,

effective teaching

Student access to technology is no longer a privilege: it is a prerequisite for full participation is high-
quality education opportunities. Increasingly, important learning resources used by students and teachers
are digital, making access to the internet as basic as access to a library.
Technology has increasingly become an integrated part of our lives- so much so that it seems
preposterous to even think of doing the most simple, routine tasks without the use of cellular phone,
laptop, computer and other gadgets. While people of all ages increasingly use technology for routine
tasks, children are among the most frequent users of technology. Just as technology has changed aspects
of our daily lives, it is undoubtedly changing education.
Education is necessary for everyone. Education is very important, without education, no one can lead
a good life. Teaching and learning are the most important elements in education. The teacher use different
methods and material teach to their students and their effective learning. With the passage of time,
different methods and techniques are entered in the field of education and teacher use different kind of
aids to make effective learning.
In this study, students and teachers in Felix Caneja Lafuente National High School, situated at
Caneja, Calubian, Leyte were asked. Technologies plays a big role for classroom instruction, it has the
ability to enhance the learning capacity of students and actually opens their mind to modernization. It’s
quite a big change for them to face that it is really necessary to have different technologies during the
teaching process, but how does technology aids them for classroom instruction?
Certainly, students without access to technology- based environments and opportunities will be
tremendously disadvantaged in efforts to organize and plan their intellectual pursuits and achieve in
academic endeavors. While this fundamental right to technology access for learning is nonnegotiable, it is
also just the first step to equitable learning opportunities.
The then grade 7 students are now in their last grade, we continually asked them questions if they
even learned with the use of traditional learning materials (visual aids) for teaching and how does
technology helps them in their study and how does it increase their learning capacities and academic

Students should benefit from the use of technology in the classroom. Research in this area has the
potential to prove that when teachers use technology tools in the classroom, students become more
motivated to learn the material and are more involved in the lesson. In addition, their attention spans may
increase when a teacher uses technology tools. Some of these tools includes the internet and many other
options available today.
If teachers understand the importance of integrating technology in their lessons and receive the
professional development needed in their fields, they could become accustomed to use technology tools,
therefore student learning and motivation could increase. This study attempted to show that teachers who
use technology tools in their classrooms would improve student learning and motivation.
Statement of the Problem
The problem is although many new technology tools are available for teachers to use in their
classrooms, training must be provided and continuously encouraged for implementation to be successful.
Teachers should realize if they spend initial time to use technology tools such as the internet, the tools
could benefit their students. With practice and a little extra planning time, teachers should be able to
integrate technology into their classrooms and soon witness the benefits, such us improved student test
scores and motivation.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to prove the importance of adding technology tools into a teacher’s
instruction and to know the efficacy of technologies as an aid for classroom instruction. When teachers
add technology tools to proven instructional strategies in their curriculum, students could be more excited
about learning, their attitudes could be positive about technology, they could be more engaged in the
lesson, and their grades could improve. Any teacher who can use computer can integrate technology tools
in his/her classroom. This study specifically hoped to show significant improvement in “at risk” students
attendance and grades. The fact classroom contain computers with an abundance of software does not
mean teacher technology use and student technology use will have an immediate and sustained positive
effect in students. For these benefits to occur, instructors must undergo professional development in
combining use of technology tools with effective instructional strategies.
Research Questions
Technology in education is a very broad topic, and many questions could have been asked of
teachers and students to gather information for this study. The researchers narrowed down the topic by
focusing on teachers and students motivation, learning capacities, learning adequacy from traditional
teaching, and self-assessment about technologies help to their studies. As a result the study considered the
following research questions.
For teachers:
1. As a teacher, is technology a helpful tool in providing great academic knowledge than the
traditional one?
2. Are you contented on teaching with the use of traditional instructional materials?
3. Is the presence of computer laboratory can provide more knowledge to the students?
For students:
1. Is the presence of technologies very helpful in providing greater academic performance in
classroom instruction?
2. With the use of traditional teaching methods, have you ever learned?
3. Being a technologically-advanced students does benefit you a lot in your studies than that of
traditional one?
4. Do you agree if all classrooms in FCLNHS will have technologies to provide more learnings
effectively to students?
5. As a learner, is your learnings enough from traditional way of teaching?
Assumption of the study
The researches assumed the teachers in the study used proven instructional strategies and are
competent in their subject matter and their classroom management and teaching styles are already in high
quality. Also the researchers assumed the teachers in the study would try to the best of their ability to add
technology tools into their already existing curriculum.
Limitations of the Study
Teachers’ schedules are already filled to capacity with deadlines, regarding extra requirements
other than teaching and time is limited for those teachers to learn new technology tools. Many teachers
stay very late in the afternoon or take papers home to grade just to keep up with the day-to-day
requirements of their jobs. Rarely is a teacher given enough time to work in their classroom or on lesson
plans during school days, so much of a teachers’ work is done during off duty hours. Additionally, the cost
of technology requires expensive maintenance, so if any of technology tools that are used breaks, the tool
is not likely to be replaced, and repair takes a very long amount of time. For instance, the presence of
computer laboratory in FCLNHS plays an important role, where the students encode and make
presentations, the main problem is no internet connection. The presence of Wi-Fi before did not last long,
and the school do not have sufficient funds to sustain the needed necessities in the laboratory, leaving the
computers in use, but not loaded with greater information.

Technology has been a growing force in education, business and private life for quite some time.
Many schools across the country use technology to enhance student learnings; tools such as Internet
access, digital cameras, email, laptops, computer, projector, and course specific software that supports the
curriculum. Most teachers should have a basic understanding of how to use word processing software,
such as Microsoft Word, which is available to all school computers. Many teachers allowing students to
use the internet as a source of information for research project and assignments.
However, the technological tools themselves should not be the focus. Technology is not the
teacher; it is a tool the teacher use to widen the students’ reach and should complement and enhance what
a teacher does naturally. Bassett (2005) acknowledged the digital age is not about technology, it is about
what the teachers and the learners are doing with the technology to extend their capabilities.
Furthermore, the question is not wither technology tools are available for teachers and students to
use. Technology tools are more available to teachers and students than ever before.

Students learning with Technology

Computers are being used in part to enable teachers to improve the curriculum and enhance
student learning. One potential target are “at-risk” students. Teachers can draw on technology applications
to stimulate real word situations and create actual environments for experiments so students can carry out
authentic tasks as real workers would, explore new terrains, meet people of different culture and use a
variety of tools to gather information and solve problems.
Technology brings about changes to the classroom roles and organization, especially as it allows
students to become more self-reliant. Student may use peer coaching, and teachers may function more as
facilitators rather than teachers.
Students are allowed to work on their own, at their own pace, when working on computer
projects. These students may not be afraid to fail when their failure is personal instead of in a large
classroom discussions.
Student interest in computer did not decline with routine use, and teachers sought support from
one another. Teachers and students started to show mastery of technology and to integrate several kinds of
media into lessons or projects. Classrooms were a mix of traditional and nontraditional learnings, as
teachers changed the physical layout of the classroom along with daily schedules to give students more
time on projects. Both teachers and students were motivated to team with others while analyzing and
solving real world problems with the use of carefully planned project.
The Use of Technological Tools to Support Reading Skill Development
“Talking books” is an example of a technological tool that support reading skill development.
When using it, learners do not need to be able to read well in order to access a text. The text of the story is
highlighted from left to right while a narrator reads expressively and animations aid understanding. Many
students’ textbooks are very difficult to read because of long sentences and an extensive vocabulary, so a
learning-disabled student would not be able to read and understand the content of the book. Students do
not have to stumble over unknown words, which aids in content comprehension.
Writing and Technology Tools
The use of a word processor may mean a student identified as being “at risk” of falling major
literacy outcomes could access and create texts they otherwise could not. Spell and grammar check
capabilities included in computer software are helpful tools for these students. In terms of programming
and assessment, students and teachers can focus on literacy tasks and not lack of literacy skills while
using these and other technology tools. Teachers must use these tools to aid students in completing a
project, not as the project itself.
Barriers to Teachers Use of Computers
New and improved modules of teaching are often considered the best way to teach students,
however they change regularly just us technology does. Other barriers to using technology in education
include lack of teacher time, training, support, limited access, high costs of equipment, lack of vision or
rationale for technology use and assessment practices that may not reflect what is learned with
technology. In particular the lack of teacher training and expertise is a major barrier to using the computer
and related equipment.
However with adequate training, technology tools can be quite effective in the classroom. With
computer competence, teachers anxiety decreases, and their attitude towards computer improves with
hands-on computer literacy courses. Adequate time allows teachers to experiment with new technologies,
to share those experiences with other teachers, and to prepare lessons using the technology.
A major problem with technology in schools is many schools cannot afford to have full-time
school-level computer coordinators, even though this is an important step in having technology work in
schools. Training and support within a school district may not always be planned or may not meet the
needs of the teachers.

In order to obtain the needed data, the researchers used the educational survey method. A set of
questionnaires were distributed and collected them immediately after they had finished answering. The
instruments used for this study consisted of two types of questionnaires. The first was for the students and
the second one is for the teachers. Each questionnaires consisted of items related to their perception on
the efficacy of technologies nowadays in classroom instruction. The answer were then tabulated.
Percentage and frequency were used to treat the gathered data.



Q1. Is the presence of technologies very helpful in providing greater academic

performance in classroom instruction?
Yes % No % TOTAL %
MALES 18 100% 0 0% 18 50%
FEMALES 18 100% 0 0% 18 50%
TOTAL 36 100% 0 0% 36 100%

According to the data gathered by this question, 36 (100%) of the respondents said Yes because they
believed that through technologies nowadays, they can learn a lot and it brought a great impact to them.
Research is very rampant nowadays, therefore technologies are more accessible than that of traditional
one such as (dictionary, books and IM’S). Due to our exposure to technologies, it’s now easier to gain
informations for classroom instruction. None of them said no for they want technologies to gain more
learnings and to have higher order thinking skills through media.


Q2. With the use of traditional teaching methods, have you ever learned?

Yes % No % TOTAL %
MALES 14 78% 4 22% 18 50%
FEMALES 15 83% 3 17% 18 50%
TOTAL 29 81% 7 19% 36 100%

The figure presents that 29(81%) of the respondents said Yes but only a little, because traditional
teaching methods isn’t that effective according to them. Posting long lanes of visual aids to be reported
and written, it’s very exhausting and informations are not discussed properly by some teachers. Through
technologies, there they said that knowledge can be gained effectively and easily. While on the other
hand, only 7 (19.4%) said no. they can’t learn with use of traditional teaching methods, they need
visualization of information to catch it up easily.

Q3. Being technologically advanced students does benefit you a lot in your studies
than that of traditional one?

Yes % No % Total %
MALES 18 100% 0 0% 18 50%
FEMALES 18 100% 0 0% 18 50%
TOTAL 36 100% 0 0% 36 100%

This figure presents the attitude of the respondents if being a technologically advanced human being or as
a student benefits them in their studies than that of traditional way of teaching. As reflected in the total
response, 100% (36) of them said yes because in this way, they learned a lot and the way of teaching
brought a great impact towards the students through the presence of technology. They also said that it
helps them so much when it comes to assignments and projects, in motivating their skills in terms of
media and technology. None of them, said no, technology helps them to be literate as they said.

Q4. Do you agree if all classrooms in Felix Caneja Lafuente National High School
will have technologies to provide more learnings effectively to students?

Agree % Disagree % Total %

MALES 18 100% 0 0% 18 50%
FEMALES 18 100% 0 0% 18 50%
TOTAL 36 100% 0 0% 36 100%

Figure 4 bestows their responses if they are Agree or Disagree on the question: “Do you agree if all
classrooms in Felix Caneja Lafuente National High School will have technologies to provide more
learnings effectively to the student? 36 (100%) of the respondents agreed that all classrooms should have
technologies. None of them disagreed because they believed that in order for the student to make
improvement in terms of their performance, learning and etc. Also, it’s easier for the students to access
social media and to be aware so that they can have a strong knowledge about the modernized world.

Q5.As a learner, is your learnings enough from traditional way of teaching?

MALES 2 11% 16 89% 18 50%
FEMALES 3 17% 15 83% 18 50%
TOTAL 5 14% 31 86% 36 100%

Defines the learnings adequacy of student from traditional way of teaching. Out of 18 male respondent,
16 (89%) of them said yes, because according to them even though it is properly discuss by the teacher
are not enough. They need more knowledge to quench their thirst about the natural world. Only 2(0%) of
them said that their learning are just enough. While coming to female, only 15(83%) out of 18 students
said yes, while 3(17%) of them said no.



Q1. As a teacher, is teaching a helpful tool in providing greater knowledge than

traditional one?
Yes % No % Total %
Males 2 100% 0 0% 2 29%
Females 5 100% 0 0% 5 71%
Total 7 100% 0 0% 7 100%
Figure 1 exhibits their answers on the efficacy of technology than the traditional one. 7(100%) of the
teachers said yes because they believe that through technology, student can learn better than using the
“chalk and talk” which is the traditional one. There is really a big difference if technology is efficiently
used in classroom instruction. Nobody said no because technology as they said is very helpful, although
most of the teachers are still using the traditional way of teaching because it is still effective in some way
but technology helps in providing more concrete knowledge through film/video showing. Nothing does
better than technology and also it saves time, better presentation of topics and students were provided
with visual auditory material.


Q2. Are you contented on teaching with the use of traditional instructional
Yes % No % Total %
Males 2 100% 0 0% 2 29%
Females 0 0% 5 100% 5 71%
Total 2 29% 5 71% 7 100%
Figure 2 unravels their attitudes about traditional way of teaching. 2(29%) of the teacher said yes,
because since the availability of other technological materials for instruction is limited, they are
contented using the traditional materials for instructional materials. They suggest that teachers should
be provided all means of improved and modernized instructional materials for teaching.5 (71%) said no
because nowadays, the world is changing so fast as much as technology does. Besides we are in the 21 st
century as they said, one must supposed to be very competitive. With the use of tradition learning
materials, they felt ineffective and left behind.


Q3. Is the presence of the computer laboratory can provide more knowledge to the
Yes % No % Total %
Males 2 100% 0 0% 2 29%
Females 4 80% 1 20% 5 71%
Total 6 86% 1 14% 7 100%
According to the data gathered by this question, 6(86%) of the teachers said that it can provide more
knowledge to the learners and it will boost the interest of the students to learn and to participate in the
discussion. 1(14%) only said no for there is no internet connection.

Technology in the classroom is already a reality in most schools. The extent to which technology
is integrated into the curriculum is likely to increase exponentially as technological advances continue
and cost of technology decreases. This meta-analysis sought to understand if technology could enhance
students’ learning experience and overall academic performance as well as to provide additional
understanding of the role of technology-enhanced learnings program in curriculum.

The researchers conclude that technology can enhance learnings, but cannot solely be relied upon
to increase student academic performance. As the use of technology in the classroom continues and
expands, an understanding of what technology to use, when to use the technology, and why technology
should be used is imperative.
Since FCLNHS is not that highly-advance with technologies, and avoid the common mistake of
employing unnecessary technology, or technology that is not most desirable to achieve academic goals,
teachers must be provided with adequate training prior to technology integration and continued has
training throughout the technology-enhanced learning program.
Information is our friend, believing that cultures may suffer grievously from a lack of information
which of course, they do. It is only now beginning to be understood that cultures may also suffer
grievously from information glut, information without meaning, information without control mechanism.
Finally, students and teachers should be literate in terms of media, technology and information to
have a life we ever wanted.
As technology continue to be an integral part of children’s lives, both inside and outside of the
classroom, there is really a must for them to be literate in all aspects of their lives. Every student has their
own will to share what they really think about that can make the world a better place. Here below are
recommended things to be done for the technology to become a tool for change, and knowing that these
technologies will be injected then we can promote and develop life-long learners.
1. The computer laboratory must have an internet connection as suggested by teacher and students being
interviewed for informatory to be accessible and not going anywhere just to have it at hand.
2. Teachers should not do the chalk and talk process but rather use technology as a tool for building strong
3. Students should be taught different aspects on how to use technology properly for them not to be
ignorant someday.
4. Lastly, teachers should undergone training about the proper tools to be put in the classroom and not just
be a teacher that uses technology just for change, but rather be a teacher that uses technology for learning.

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