Piglet Scour: Chilling
Piglet Scour: Chilling
Piglet Scour: Chilling
Diarrhoea (scour) is one of the most common ailments good early suck) and can bathe the gut without being
affecting the young piglet before weaning. absorbed for many days beyond that. (Colostrum is also a
It can vary from mild to severe, brief or persistent, creamy to vital source of essential nutrition in the post-natal period.)
watery, trivial to fatal. Scour is a clinical sign representing Chilling
the result of a wide range of insults to the piglet gut - causes The body has an inbuilt protective mechanism whereby
are often complex with a mixture of infectious agents, when the body temperature drops, the blood supply is cut off
environmental insults, and nutritional and managemental or reduced to non-life essential organs - preserving blood
influences. supply to vital structures such as brain and heart. The gut
Sponsor Content will be part of this shutdown mechanism and its normal
The Piglets' Gut Function ability to push through food (peristalsis) and absorb nutrients
The gastrointestinal system comprises mouth, oesophagus will be compromised. This has the effect of essentially
(gullet), stomach and intestine. Each component has specific allowing undigested material to pass down into the large
functions but it is when the intestine is malfunctioning that intestine where bacteria that may normally live in balance in
scour occurs. Food, mostly mothers' milk in the young the gut will overgrow on a rich supply of food. Malfunction
piglet, is pre-digested in the stomach before arriving in the and scour are obvious results.
small intestine (SI) for chemical breakdown (digestion) and Hygiene
absorption. It then passes into the large intestine (LI) whose Following birth (and indeed in a few cases during passage
main function is reabsorption of water, before the waste through the birth canal) the piglet picks up microbial agents
material is voided as faeces. that colonise the gut. Many of these are harmless and form
Scour can result from any of the following malfunctions: part of the normal and essential gut flora that the pig requires
1. Failure of pre-digestion in the stomach as it matures.
2. Failure of digestion/absorption in the small intestine Environmental hygiene will determine the quantity of such
allowing undigested food material to pass into the large uptake (this includes both contamination of the udder as well
intestine where bacteria can thrive as the accommodation) and it is essential that whatever is
consumed is maintained in balance. This beneficial
3. Outpouring of excess fluid into the small intestine as a
colonisation depends upon the range of contaminants
result of toxins
(harmful versus harmless), the levels of protection provided
4. Failure to reabsorb fluid in the large intestine from colostrum, the quantities of microbes consumed and a
Table 1 provides a brief summary of the types of insult, normal functioning gut preventing overgrowth. Routine
which can lead to each of these malfunctions. administration of antibiotics at birth can cause considerable
It can thus be seen that scour results from a range of often and long lasting disturbance to the development of normal
interacting factors and it is always necessary to identify and gut microbial population (microbiome)
correct the various insults to achieve prevention and control. In commercial, particularly indoor systems, maximum
We will discuss some of the major infectious agents later but hygiene is essential, with "all in, all out" procedures,
it is necessary to expand on the more basic principles first. washing, disinfection and drying - preferably with detergents
as part of the washing process - standard practices. This is
not necessarily always the case in the smaller system where
Table 1. Causes of gut malfunction
long-term occupation of pens etc. allows a balanced flora to
develop in the environment, which provides the new-born
Piglet Protection piglet with the correct balance and challenge of beneficial
The piglet is born vulnerable to the individual challenges it microbes that compete with the pathogens. One of the worst
will meet. Immunity does not pass across the placenta to the actions that can be taken in such a set up is to attempt to
piglet unlike the situation in human babies. Nature's way of clean but not do it thoroughly - the result being
protecting it against infection is for the sow to provide contamination remains with a disturbed balance. There can
immunity through the colostrum (pre-milk, bitlings) which be no half measures:
contains protective antibodies which can be absorbed by the If cleaning, disinfecting and drying are done as policy it
piglet for the first twelve hours of life (hence the need for a must be done to the highest standards