Term Paper OF Consumer Behaviour ON: Topic

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Topic: student perception toward Lovely UMS


Mr. Amit Lal Rajesh Chilwal

RT1901 A-18

Reg no. 10902424


I feel immense pleasure to give the credit of my term paper not only one individual as this
work is integrated effort of all those who concerned with it. I want to owe my thanks to all
those individuals who guided me to move on the track.

The contribution of my Faculty at Lovely Institute of Management (Lovely Professional University)

has made this project possible.

I owe a debt of gratitude to many people. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude towards Lect.
Mr. Amit Kumar Lal for inculcating such a project in the academic syllabus which has immensely
helped me to develop my creative abilities.

This report entitled student perception towards Lovely UMS

Finally, I would like to thank our learning Resource Centre Coordinators. Their support and
coordination in providing study material has helped tremendously to make the project informative and


AS MBA Degree requires equal attention practical as well as theoretical aspect of the
business, various problems are to be dealt with in these courses, that is why research
programs are there to give deep as well as through knowledge of the subjects.

I have attempted to live up these requisites while preparing this term paper. It is part of
professional courses. With the help of term paper we can able to understand the deep
knowledge about the specific topic assign to us.

During my project work I observed some the aspect of student perception towards Lovely

It is hoped that this report meets the given expectations and various requirement of the


Abstracts …………………………………………………………………………………..5



Scope and need……………………………………………………………………………9

Review of literature………………………………………………………………………10

Research methodology……………………………………………………………………12

Data analysis…………………………………………………………………………….15


Limitation ………………………………………………………………………………..32





UMS (university management system) is very good software which is used by university for
make work easy for student as well for administration. So the purpose of the study is to know
the perception of student toward lovely UMS by this to make UMS more effective and user
friendly. The research descriptive in nature and the research are performed at the university
level through the questionnaire and the method for analysis of data is SPSS AND test is
factor analysis. The finding of the research is there is positive perception for ums in the mind
of student. Some factor came out through analysis of data more important among other.


Organizing and managing student records into a cohesive and efficient system might seem
like an impossible task. There is a wide array of existing information and information needs,
yet schools are often limited by personnel and financial concerns. Large districts can be
overwhelmed by the sheer number of students. Further, each institution has its own unique
way of keeping track of and reporting on the details of their student's academic and
behavioural data. To help schools meet this challenge, several vendors market flexible, high-
end software commercial software packages.

To overcome this problem LPU applies software for maintaining all the data of university
called UMS (university management system). Lovely UMS make work easy for all who fully
or partially linked with university for student they can be check anything related to them like
attendance, assignment etc from anywhere any time. For faculty they can display any notice
anytime from anywhere, for college administration they can check the status of student any
time, for parents they can check progress report of his child anytime. It is not wrong if we can
say it is anytime anywhere software which make work easy for all.

The need of this software realize to University when the number of student increasing day by
day and to maintain record in effective way was very tough a lots of discrepancy happened
day by day than university think to introduce such type of software who will make work easy
for them. And then UMS came on picture. By the use of UMS a lots of time be saved.

University need to weigh features and requirements of the software against their own unique
needs, desires and capabilities. This research paper provides practical advice on evaluating
such high-end record-keeping software products. Emphasis here is on the evaluation process
and the identification of value-based evaluative criteria.

Evaluations often start with a process to identify of the decisions that will be made. An
evaluation of record-keeping software should start with a process to identify of the individual
needs the software product must meet in order to be considered for purchase. How in-depth
this process should be depends on the size of the school and the number of officials involved
in the decision making process. Large school districts may need to draft detailed requirements
and solicit proposal requests from vendors. Small public or private independent schools may
need to go through a less formal process. Regardless of size and bureaucratic structure, each
school must consider the formation of a school-wide committee, the role the administrator
will take in this process, the requirements of the school, the design of the system, the
implementation of the chosen product, and the ability to consult the software company.

The uses of UMS for student are-

1-View of attendance

2-Fee related issue

3-Results ( number and grades)




7-Placement service

8-HR detail

9-Library search

10-Policies and services

11-Academic calendar

12-Awards and scholarship

13-Instruction plan

14-Interacting timing

15-Lab manual

For faculty members

1- Mark attendance
2- Display notice
3- Check information
4- Upload assignment
5- Upload marks
6- Update the data

To know the students perception toward Lovely UMS.


To know the effectiveness of UMS.

To know the important factors of UMS.

Open a vista for new researcher.

This research is carried on to examine the perception of students regarding lovely UMS used
by University. Similar researches is conducted to determine the factors which make the
software more useful. This will help the university in making their software more effective
and overcome the drawback .


The primary purpose or need of the research is to gain an insight of the perception of student
in relation to the software used by university. Through my research I tried to locate the
specific factors such as RMS, Online Booking etc which are facility provided to students. My
basic aim is to determine the behaviour of student and scope for further improvement in


Oliver B. K., Mitchell G. C., (1996),The standard workflow for the assessment of student
work in tertiary education has been relatively stable for a very long time, with students
submitting work on paper, lecturers annotating this work with comments and possibly
completing an additional feedback sheet and students collecting their work in class. The shift
towards blended learning incorporating face-to-face and online environments, along with the
widespread availability of Internet technologies, have led to a reassessment of this standard
approach by many educators. Price, Petre (1997) in an evaluation of electronic and paper
assignment marking found that the nature and quality of feedback were comparable. They
identify benefits of electronic marking to be improved legibility over hand written feedback,
the ability to more clearly correct students’ work, the ability to revise and undo erroneous
corrections and generally better presentation in the feedback provided to students. They
reported that 22% of students found hand-written comments difficult to Read. Valcke (1999)
argues that with the advent of technologies the instructor is no longer considered as the sole
actor responsible for the assessment and evaluation process, and notes that the availability of
computer-based test systems helps students to monitor their learning process. Wilson B.,
Douglas A.(2003) This case highlights some of the problems experienced by teachers in
writing school reports and in formulating records of achievement, and indicates how
computerized technology can assist in the production of high-quality reports and records.
Attention is drawn to perceived advantages and drawbacks in using a computerized system.
Suggestions are made for the implementation of computerized report and record writing
systems in schools and possible future developments are indicated. Steven M. G.(2006), The
following report illustrates how educational researchers and software developers can work in
conjunction with teachers to optimize learning and provide an empirical basis for software
revision. Using the Design Experiment Technique, teachers and researchers together
determined, through successive classroom implementations, how to optimize the use of new
software. Objective assessments made along the way indicated whether the curricular
adjustments led to improved learning. The current research involved four implementations of
software that teaches science content and inquiry skills. After each implementation, the data
were analyzed, and classroom activities were revised. Revisions included the addition of time
tables, the jigsaw method for doing background research, daily questions, and activity
summaries. These revisions will also be incorporated into future versions of the software.
Vecchioli L. (2006), the purpose of this study was to know the effect of using software for
record the student activity and findings as the student was more comfort with this new
method for maintain student activity. Barney, Dalgarno (2007), The objective of this study
was to know the perception of distance learning student toward paperless assessment This
paper reports on a survey of students who participated in a large-scale trial of paperless
submission, marking and return of assignments. The results suggest that students in general
are strongly in favour of paperless approaches. Advantages identified included reductions in
time delays, ability to retrieve feedback while away from home, improved legibility of
feedback, reduced printing, and more convenient storage of past assignments. Disadvantages
identified included the cost of printing returned assignments and problems with uploading
over slow Internet connections David E. (2008)This study describes how Regents College
(soon to be Excelsior College), an accredited, private, distance education institution with
administrative offices in Albany, New York addressed the structural, management, and
resource issues that came into play when converting distance education programs from print-
based and telephone delivery to online delivery. The study uses a systems framework to

10 | P a g e
describe and analyze the circumstances and issues surrounding the creation of six student
support services: electronic advising, an electronic peer network, an online database of
distance courses, an online bookstore, a virtual library, and an alumni services website.
Shailey, Minocha(2009), The purpose of this paper is to discuss the results of an empirical
investigation of the effective use of social software in further and higher education. The aims
of the research are to: identify situations where social software tools had been employed in
learning and teaching; elicit the experiences of the staff and students; and to draw out the
benefits, challenges and issues (and their resolutions) associated with the use of social
software. The findings of this study provides insights about the benefits to the students,
educators and institutions; challenges that may influence a social software initiative; and
issues that need to be considered in a social software initiative. Kendall Olsen (2009) this
article shows the uses of Computers in the Educational Field. Computers are used in a variety
of settings within the educational field. They can be used by guidance counsellors,
administrators, web masters, library media specialists, students, teachers, clerical workers and
food service employees for many different reasons. Computers lend an organizational hand to
schools, and they also improve productivity in several areas. For these
reasons, computer technology has become an essential part of the educational system. Sultan
Al-Daihani, (2010), the purpose of this paper is to explore the perceptions of master of
library and information science (MLIS) students of social software. The findings of this study
was the majority of students from the two schools are aware of social software applications
and their use. Blogs, video sharing, collaborative authoring, communication and social
networking received the highest mean scores. Their perceptions about online activities, their
use of social software and the obstacles to its use were not significantly affected by
institutional affiliation. It was further found that the institutional affiliation exhibited
significant differences for their perceptions of social software applications in education.

11 | P a g e

Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research
as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. According
to Clifford Woody research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating
hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making
deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusions to
determine whether they fit the formulating hypothesis.

Types of research design- The study was descriptive in nature with survey method being
used to complete the study because this research is the most commonly used and the basic
reason for carrying out descriptive research is to identify the effect of go green advertisement.
Descriptive research is also called Statistical Research. The main goal of this type of research
is to describe the data and characteristics about what is being studied. Here we are also going
to find out the perception of consumer toward lovely UMS


POPULATION - Population will be student or employee of lovely professional university.

SAMPLING UNIT- Sampling unit will be the various institute of Lovely professional
university like- LIM.

SAMPLING ELEMENTS- Individual’s respondent will be the sampling elements.

SAMPLING TECHNIQUE- Convenience sampling technique will be used. Because due

to the lack f time and money. UMS is used by everyone in LPU so everyone is aware of it.


Primary data will be collected by means of preparing a questionnaire and getting it filled by
a large sample space. These questionnaires will help in drawing conclusions about the case.
Secondary data will be gathered from the company documents, books, internet sites, articles
and journals on software used by any college to record the student data any college. Any new
information that could be a source of good learning will be given prime importance. The
main objective of this research will be to analyze and draw conclusions about the

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DATA ANALYSIS- Primary and secondary data so collected will be analyzed with the help
of various statistical tools. These tools will be of two basic forms: tabular and graphical
presentation. Under the graphical presentation, tools such as pie-charts, histograms, line
graphs, bar diagrams etc. will prove to be handy. With the help of the primary and secondary
data so collected, along with the various statistical tools i.e SPSS, an analysis will be
performed. A conclusion will be drawn based on this analysis. These tools will thus provide a
conclusion for the case so framed.

With the help of the primary and secondary data so collected, along with the various
statistical tools, an analysis will be performed. A conclusion will be drawn based on this
analysis. These tools will thus provide a water tight conclusion for the case so framed.

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Male 64 64%
Female 36 36%

INTERPRETATION- Out my 100 respondents 64% are mail and 36% are female. This
question is asked because perception of male and female may be differ.

Student 97 97%
Faculty 3 3%
Any other 0 0%

INTERPRETATION- My research topic is student perception towards lovely ums so my

most of respondents are student 97% are student and 3% are faculty just to know there

14 | P a g e
2-How often you use ums daily?
Once 26 26
twice 48 48
Occasionall 26 26
y %

INTERPRETATION- 26% student use ums once daily, 48% use twice a daily and 26% use
occasionally when they realize the need of ums. It means all my respondents are regular user of lovely
UMS or we can say there is heavy need of ums.

3-What is the purpose of using ums

Attendance 4 4
Assignment 2 24
4 %
any other 0 0
information %
for up to date 7 72
2 %

INTERPRETATION- The main purpose of using ums is for up to date from all the
information my 72% respondents said they use ums for up to date, and 24% for
assignment related information and rest only 4% only for attendance.

4-Are you able to access the ums everywhere

ilit yes 91 91%
No 9 9%

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INTERPRETATION- The accessibility of ums is very good my 91% respondents said
they can use ums easily and only 9% said they face some problem. It means it is very easy
to use. They can login from anywhere.

5-Are you getting benefits by using ums

yes 100 100%
no 0 0%

INTERPRETATION- All my respondents are benefitted from ums so this question

shows the importance of UMS. There is huge benefit behind using ums.

6-Do you get proper updated information in ums?

yes 89 89%
no 11 11%

16 | P a g e
INTERPRETATION- 89% of my respondents said they get proper information or
updated information from ums or we can say the reliability of ums is good. It means
there is every news in on ums which is related to student.

7-Do you like the new format of lovely ums?

yes 67 67%
no 33 33%

INTERPRETATION- The new format of ums is like by most of respondents but

there is 33% people said they feel more problem new format is not such user friendly
as previous one.

8-Is lovely ums is easy tool to get updated information when you are not in
yes 87 87%
no 13 13%

INTERPRETATION- When students are not in campus they easily get information
from lovely ums. It is very good tool for know about the campus when students are
not in campus.

9- Rate the following factor according to your importance of ums on the scale of
1-5. (1-most important, 2- important, 3- average, 4- least important, 5-
unimportant) –


17 | P a g e
1 94 94%
2 3 3%
3 2 2%
4 0 0%
5 0 0%

INTERPRETATION- 94% respondents said

attendance is most important factor among other, 3%
said important, and 2% said average.

1 32 32%
2 45 45%
3 16 16%
4 1 1%
5 5%

INTERPRETATION- The data show that fee related factor is most important for
32% respondents, important for 45% respondents, average for 16% respondents, least
important for 1% and unimportant for 5%.

1 46 46%
2 47 47%
3 3 3%
4 2 2%
5 0 0%

18 | P a g e
INTERPRETATION- The data show that result is most important
for 46%
respondents, important for 47% respondents, average for 3% and
unimportant for 2%.

1 26 26%
2 60 60%
3 9 9%
4 3 3%
5 0 0%

INTERPRETATION- 60% respondents said RMS is an important

factor of ums and 26% said it is most important factor.


1 22 22%
2 15 15%
3 31 31%
4 8 8%
5 23 23%

19 | P a g e
INTERPRETATION- There is mix response for hostel related information in ums the
reason behind this is because most of my respondents are not stay in hostel.


1 21 21%
2 44 44%
3 24 24%
4 10 10%
5 0 0%

INTERPRETATION- after the analysis of data there is

equally importance of timetable variable in the mind of


1 7 7%
2 30 30%
3 31 31%
4 13 13%
5 18 18%


20 | P a g e
1 21 21%
2 18 18%
3 12 12%
4 28 28%
5 19 19%

INTERPRETATION- HR detail variable also show mix importance in the mind of

respondents there is not such use of hr information due to this it show mix response.


1 1 1%
2 21 21%
3 20 20%
4 28 28%
5 29 29%

INTERPRETATION- According to the data search in book from ums is not such
effective. They said they not much benefited from ums in searching of book from
ums. There is not such information of books in on ums.


1 0 0%
2 32 32%
3 42 42%
4 18 18%
5 6 6%

21 | P a g e
INTERPRETATION- after the analysis of data 32% student said policies and rules
are important 42% said average and 18% and 6% said least or unimportant
respectively. There is no one student said it is most important factor.

1 26 26%
2 36 36%
3 33 33%
4 2 2%
5 2 2%

INTERPRETATION- about the academic calendar the after the analysis of data we
can say it is also important factor and mix perception of student came for it.


1 0 0%
2 49 49%
3 34 34%
4 15 15%
5 1 1%

INTERPRETATION- The data show awards and scholarship also play in important
role of using ums. 49% said it is important and 34% said average use of this
information because not everyone is benefitted from this information.

22 | P a g e
1 58 58%
2 35 35%
3 4 4%
4 1 1%
5 0 0%

INTERPRETATION- IP is a most important factor of ums 58% of my respondent

said it is very useful and 35% said it is important.


1 14 14%
2 44 44%
3 21 21%
4 16 16%
5 4 4%

INTERPRETATION- 44% my respondents said interacting timing with higher

authority play an important factor of ums, 21% said it is average and 16%said least

1 7 7%
2 19 19%
3 36 36%
4 9 9%
5 28 28%

23 | P a g e
INTERPRETATION- The data show lab manual is average factor of ums not too
much important nor too less importance.

10-Is the RMS is effective?

yes 86 86%
no 14 14%

INTERPRETATION- RMS facility is effective 86% of my respondents said RMS is

effective service in UMS and 14% said it is not effective no action is taken against the
complain of RMS.

24 | P a g e
ANALYSIS OF SPSS- Factor Analysis
Total Variance Explained
Extraction Sums of Rotation Sums of
Initial Eigenvalues Squared Loadings Squared Loadings
% of % of % of
Compone Tota Varianc Cumulativ Tota Varianc Cumulativ Tota Varianc Cumulativ
nt l e e% l e e% l e e%
1 3.89 3.89 3.25
25.954 25.954 25.954 25.954 21.679 21.679
3 3 2
2 2.25 2.25 2.18
15.055 41.009 15.055 41.009 14.581 36.260
8 8 7
3 2.18 2.18 2.04
14.588 55.598 14.588 55.598 13.626 49.887
8 8 4
4 1.43 1.43 1.72
9.539 65.137 9.539 65.137 11.479 61.366
1 1 2
5 1.11 1.11 1.67
7.406 72.543 7.406 72.543 11.176 72.543
1 1 6
6 .973 6.485 79.027
7 .801 5.342 84.369
8 .709 4.727 89.096
9 .427 2.845 91.941
10 .344 2.294 94.235
11 .280 1.864 96.098
12 .203 1.355 97.453
13 .183 1.222 98.675
14 .112 .747 99.422
15 .087 .578 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal
Component Analysis.

25 | P a g e
Rotated Component Matrixa
1 2 3 4 5
.042 -.661 .126 .038 .026
Component Matrixa
FEE RELATED .042 -.227 .281 .224 .736
RESULT Component
.752 -.385 .240 -.016 -.193
RMS 1.458 2-.550 3.033 4-.132 5.237
VIEW OF -.058 .029 .726 .347 .237
.096 -.250 .620 .009 -.028
TIME TABLE .509 .553 .025 -.433 -.168
PLACEMENT .207 .471 .500 .458 .026
.812 .032 .148 -.045 -.142
RESULT .757 -.391 .221 -.083 -.165
RMS .929
.402 .057
-.321 .133
.423 .132
.346 .013
.346 .098
.572 .711
.340 .003
-.156 .040
TIME TABLE AND.432 -.200 -.727 .103 .125
.594 .506 .084 -.080 .464
ACADEMIC .767 -.226 -.175 -.014 -.189
SERVICE .080 .759 .258 .351 .109
HR DETAIL .871 -.057 -.135 .056 -.344
LIBRARY AND.693 .187 .054 -.097 .366
-.194 .083 -.112 -.120 .791
INSTRUCTIONAL .567 .311 -.439 .471 -.075
RULES -.014 .170 .034 .888 -.060
INTERACTING .229 .691 -.477 -.158 .046
CALENDER .341 -.224 .498 .475 .106
.178 .370
-.093 .075
.693 .712
-.409 .070
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
PLANRotation Method:.045Varimax
.619 with.107Kaiser-.474 -.447
.569 .309 .434 -.194 -.075
26 | P a g e
LAB MANUAL .482 -.267 .065 -.174 .644
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
a. 5 components extracted.
a. Rotation converged in 6 iterations.

Component Transformation Matrix

onent 1 2 3 4 5
1 .856 .012 .513 .045 .026
2 -.228 .475 .289 .625 .498
3 -.176 -.870 .277 .289 .226
4 .153 -.047 -.257 -.456 .837
5 -.400 .120 .714 -.561 -.007
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.


Null hypothesis Alternative hypothesis

27 | P a g e
1)H0- all factor have same effect of student H1 – all factors have not same effect
perception towards Lovely UMS for student perception towards Lovely


We have taken 15 variables after using factor analysis the data was reduced to the 5 factors
according to the table rotated component matrix. According to table variance analysis my 5
factors cover 72.543% and 27.457% data is lost. As we have taken null hypothesis “all factor
have same effect of student perception towards Lovely UMS” and alternative hypothesis is
“all factors have not same effect for student perception towards Lovely UMS”. Through my
different tables we found that my 5 factors contribute only 9 variables hence my null is
rejected so my alternative is accepted.

Factor 1- from table component rotated matrix includes- Result, HR detail, placement service
and the respective loadings are .752, .812, .929 and we call this academic update factor.

Factor 2- from table component rotated matrix includes only one variables academic calendar
and loadings .759. We call this year planner factor.

Factor 3- from table component rotated matrix includes two variables are Hostel or library
search and loadings .726 and .711. We call this convinence.

Factor 3-- from table component rotated matrix one variable Instructional plan and loadings .
888. We call this course pedagogy

Factor 5- from table component rotated matrix two variable Fee related and Award&
Scholarship and loadings are .736 and .791 we call this financial rewards factor.


28 | P a g e
After the analysis of data through SPSS and EXCEL sheet I interpret and recommend to Lovely

following recommendation.

1- Lovely should have not change the format of UMS because student feel comfort of using one format regularly

and thy face problem when new format is introduce they should have make UMS more user friendly.

2- There are very less information about books in the UMS student cant know about the status of book in library

they should have updated the status of book from library.

3- The document related to assignment and term paper there is problem faced by student during changing the

document into 2003 lovely should have update the software.

4- HR policy is also not updated properly.

5- There is very less information regarding to placement no such information available on ums related to

placement service.

6- Interacting timing is very important factor rated by student lovely should have more emphasize on

interacting timing with higher authority most of the time the interacting timing are wrong in this case

the student face problem.

7- Most of the student think the complain which they register in ums is not taking serious by respective

authority they should take care about the RMS.

8- IP also play an important role in the mind of student as a variable so they should make IP more properly

or more narrow some time student face problem search the topic in books.

9- About academic calendar it is changes time to time without prior information.

10- Policies and rules are described properly in ums due to this student faces problem.

11- There is not proper information regarding to awards and scholarship.

12- Hostel related information also updated time to time.


29 | P a g e
1) The data collection was difficult from few students.

2) The study was restricted to LPU only.

3) The time constraints were a restriction in using a Sample size of 100.

4) In the Likert scale we can only examine whether respondents are more or less favourable
to a topic; we cannot tell how much more or less favourable they are. The interval between
strongly agree and agree may not be equal to the interval between Agree and undecided.

5) The information provided by the respondent is may be not definitely true.

6) There is no measure to check out whether the information provided by the respondent are
correct or not.

7) the cost is one of the main constraints.


At the last I want to conclude after the analysis of data which is filled by student through questionnaire
there is different- different perception of student for UMS. And we also see the perception of is differ

30 | P a g e
between male and female there is lots of benefits of UMS came after my research which is feel by
student for UMS. To make more effective to UMS the Lovely should more focus on some factor ie-
information regarding to placement service, hostel, library, result, fee, awards because all these factor
are important for student lovely should more emphasize on it.

Lovely UMS make work easy for all who fully or partially linked with university for student they can
be check anything related to them like attendance, assignment etc from anywhere any time. it is very
help full student as well as for faculty they can display any notice anytime from anywhere, for college
administration they can check the status of student any time, for parents they can check progress report
of his child anytime. It is not wrong if we can say it is anytime anywhere software which make work
easy for all.

There is need of improvement in ums lots of time student faces a problem most of the time of the
server problem so lovely should work on it.

At the last I want conclude the UMS is very good tool by using this tool student as well as university
save money, time and human resource. so to make university more updated it should be apply on every


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10-Kendall Olsen (2009), “Uses of Computers in the Educational Field”,
eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/about_5432548_uses-computers-educational-field.html#ixzz12okQFOlg

11-Sultan Al-Daihani(2010), “Exploring the use of social software by master of library and
information science students”, computer and education Vol. 59 No. 2, pp. 117-131



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Contact no…………………………………….

Student Faculty
Any other
2-How often you use ums daily
Once Twice
3-What is the purpose of using ums
Attendance Assignment
Any other information for up to date

4-Are you able to access the ums everywhere

Yes No
5-Are you getting benefits by using ums
Yes No
6-Do you get proper updated information in ums
Yes No
7-Do you like the new format of lovely ums
Yes No
8-Is lovely ums is easy tool to get updated information when you are not in campus?
Yes No

9-Rate the following factor according to your importance of ums on the scale of 1-5.
(1-most important, 2- important, 3- average, 4- least important, 5- unimportant)

1 2 3 4 5

33 | P a g e
View of attendance
Fee related
Time table
Placement service
HR detail
Library search
Policies and rules
Academic calendar
Awards and
Instruction plan
Interacting timing
Lab manual

10-Is the RMS is effective?

Yes No

11-Any suggestion to make UMS more effective…


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