Strength of Materials Important 2-Mark Questions

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UNIT – 1: Simple Stresses & Strains and Strain Energy

Short Questions – 2 MARKS:

Simple stress and strain

1. Draw the stress – strain diagram for mild steel?

2. What do you mean stress and strain?
3. Define different types of stress and strain.
4. What is Hooke’s law?
5. What do you mean by principle of superposition?
6. Explain about factor of safety and lateral strain?
7. Draw and explain the stress strain diagram for a mild steel subjected to a tensile test.

Temperature stress and strain:

8. What do you mean by thermal stress/ temperature stress and thermal strain?
9. What is the stress developed in a body due to change in temperature?
10. What is the temperature stress in a bar of varying section?

Elastic constants:

11. Define (i) Poisson’s ratio and (ii) Volumetric strain.

12. Define and explain the terms longitudinal strain, lateral strain.
13. What is the relationship between Young’s modulus and bulk modulus?
14. What is the relationship between Young’s modulus and rigidity modulus?
15. State the principle of complementary shear stress.

Strain energy and Impact loading:

16. What do you mean by strain energy? Give an example

17. Define Resilience, Proof resilience and Modulus of resilience.
18. What are the different types of loading that can be applied on a member? Give examples.
19. Explain the Strain Energy and deduce the express ion due to gradual loading.
20. Deduce the total extension of a uniformly tapering rod of diameters d and D over a length of
L, when the rod is subjected to an axial load P.
21. Deduce the expression for Strain Energy due to suddenly applied loads.

UNIT – 2: Flexural stresses & Shear Stresses

Short Questions – 2 MARKS:
Bending stress:

1. What is pure bending?

2. What are the assumptions considered in the theory of pure bending?
3. What is the bending equation?
4. Write about bending stress?
5. Define Neutral axis.
6. Define of moment of resistance and give the equation to find it for a beam.
7. Define section modulus. What is its expression for rectangular and circular section?
8. Derive the section modulus of a hollow rectangular section.
9. Find the section modulus for a hollow circular section of external diameter, D and internal
diameter, d, if internal diameter is 60% of external diameter.

Shear stress:

10. What is the shear stress equation?

Obtain the expression for shearing stress at a section of a loaded beam?
11. How many times is the maximum shear stress in rectangular compared to triangular section?
12. What is the relation between the maximum shear stress and average shear stress in circular
13. Draw the shear stress distribution diagrams for rectangular, circular, triangular, I – section, T
– section and hollow section.
14. How that the ratio of maximum shear stress to average shear stress is 1.5 in case of a
rectangular section (bxd).
15. Show that the ratio of maximum shear stress to average shear stress is 4/3 in case of a circular
section of diameter d.
16. Where the maximum shear stress occurs in an I – section.
17. Draw Shear stress distribution for rectangular section

UNIT – 3: Principal Stresses & Strains &Theories of Failures

Short Questions – 2 MARKS:

Principal stresses and strains:

1. What is meant by plane stress condition?

2. Define the following terms:
a) Principal plane
b) Major and minor Principal planes
c) Principal stress
d) Major and minor Principal stresses
3. What is a Mohr’s circle?
4. What are Normal and tangential stresses on an inclined plane.

Theories of Failures:

5. Write a note on significance of theories of failure.

6. Explain briefly the maximum shear strain energy theory.
UNIT – 4: Torsion of Circular Shafts And Springs
Short Questions – 2 MARKS:


1. Define the term pure torsion.

2. Explain the Theory of pure torsion?
3. Write the assumptions made in the theory of torsion.
4. What is Torsion equation?
5. What is angle of twist and what is it for a circular section under pure torsion?
6. What is the expression for the power transmitted by a circular shaft?
7. Define Polar modulus. What is its expression for circular shaft?
8. Define torsional rigidity.


9. What is a spring? Name different types of springs.

10. Write about close and open coiled helical springs.
11. What is meant by stiffness of a spring?
12. Define helical spring and name two important types of helical springs.

UNIT – 5: Columns and Struts

Short Questions – 2 MARKS:

1. What is the difference between column and strut?

2. What are the classifications of column?
3. What us buckling or critical or crippling load?
4. Explain the failure of different types of columns.
5. What are the assumptions made in Eular’s theory?
6. Define different types of end conditions of columns.
7. What is meant by effective length of a column?
8. Define the slenderness ratio.
9. What is Prof. Perry’s formula?
10. What is Secant formula?

UNIT – 6: Thin and Thick Cylinders

Short Questions – 2 MARKS:

Thin shell/cylinders:

1. What is a thin shell?

2. Define circumferential stress and longitudinal stress in case of a thin cylindrical shell.
3. Derive an expression for circumferential stress for a thin spherical shell of internal diameter
d, wall thickness t, is subjected to an internal pressure p
4. Deduce the longitudinal stress for a thin cylindrical shell subjected to an internal pressure of
intensity ‘p’ with a thickness ‘t’ and diameter ‘d’.
5. Explain about compound cylinders?
6. Explain about longitudinal and Volumetric strains?
7. Describe the limitations of thin cylinders when applied to pressure vessels.
8. A seamless pipe 800 mm diameter contains a fluid under a pressure of 2 N/mm2. If the
permissible or safe tensile stress be 100 N/mm2, find the minimum thickness of the pipe.
Thick shell/cylinders:

9. What do you mean by thick shell?

10. State the assumptions made in deriving lame’s equation.
11. How the compressive and tensile stresses vary due to internal pressure in compound
12. What is Hoop stress?
13. Explain about Lame’s theory for thick cylinders?
14. How the compressive and tensile stresses vary due to internal pressure in compound

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