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Reg. No.-5021

Under the guidance of

B. Jayakar
Associate professor VVSIM

Submitted to the


In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the award of the


JUN 2010

The research provides an opportunity to a student to demonstrate application of his/her

knowledge, skill and competencies required during the technical session. Research also helps the

student to devote his/her skill to analyze the problem to suggest alternative solutions, to evaluate

them and to provide feasible recommendations on the provided data.

The research is on the topic of “Market Development in Bahraich and East UP

market in Uttar Pradesh”.

Although I have tried my level best to prepare this report an error free report every effort has

been made to offer the most authenticate position with accuracy.


This report is an outcome of mutual support and guidance of many persons towards whom I


My special thanks to Mr. Prashant Singh (State Head – East UP & Bihar), and all Sumitomo

staff to provide various facility in the summer training by which I can make my project in the

easy way.

I express my profound reverence and the artful gratitude to Associate Professor B. Jayakar

(STP guide) to suggest me a proper guideline towards the project and Prof. Sunitha

Ratnakaran (STP coordinator) for valuable guidance throughout the project.


I Amit Kumar, hereby declare that this project titled “Market Development of Leader” is an

original work carried out by me, under the guidance of B. Jayakar (Associate Professor). The

report submitted by me is a bonafide work carried by me of my own efforts and it has not been

submitted to any other University or published any time before.

Signature of the Student

Amit kumar

Date: 22 June 2010

Place: Varanasi
Bonafide Certificate

This is to certify that the project work entitled



Has been carried out by Amit kumar Reg. 5021 the student of 1st year PGDM under my

supervision, guidance and Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of

Degree Post Graduate Diploma in Management in Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems

and Management, during the academic year 2009-2011.

Director Internal Guide

(VVISM, Hyd.) (VVISM, Hyd.)

1. Introduction 7
Objectives 9
Need For The Study 10
Scope 11
Limitations 12
2. Research Methodology 13
Objective of the Survey 14
Data Collection 15

3. Company Overview 19
Sumitomo Chemicals India Pvt.lmt. 23
Competitors 28

4. Literature Review 50
Ansoff Matrix 57

5. Data Analysis 62

6. Findings 76
Recommendation 77
Conclusion 78
Questionnaire 79
Bibliography 82
Chapter 1


Market development is a marketing technique aimed at increasing a company's market in order to

widen the customer base for the purpose of selling more products. There are several approaches

that can be used to make a market larger, ranging from capturing customers of rival companies to

expanding to a previously un served segment of the market. These practices are organized and
driven by marketing personnel who can work within a company or be consulted specifically to

assist with market development.

When a company believes that it has a need to increase the size of its market, the first step is

usually a development of a profile to find out what segments of the market are currently being

served. This study includes an analysis of the kinds of customers the company has and what

those customers are buying. This information is used to develop an efficient and comprehensive

market development strategy. Companies must use cost effective strategies so that they do not

end up spending more money developing a market than they could potentially earn by expanding

the market.

Developing a strong market development strategy is an important aspect of helping companies

grow. If companies are limited by only having a small share of the market, they can find it

difficult to sell more products, raise capital, and expand their operations. Small companies with

limited marketing experience may turn to consultants for this, while experienced large

companies have internal marketing departments that may be responsible for market development.

It is an ongoing part of doing business for successful companies.


 To know the reputation of Sumitomo products in the market.

 How Sumitomo will create a good image in the market.

 To understand the 4 Ps used by the Sumitomo Pvt. Ltd. in business.

 To find the potential market for Sumitomo products.

 To know the buying process of the different Farmers.

 To attract new customers and retain the existing ones.

 To maintain sales of seasonal products.

 To meet the challenge of competition.

This project has also been undertaken to gather the details of share of product at the retail

shop by going and collecting the information behind the selling of this product as well as

the competitor’s product

Need For the study

 Immense learning with practical Exposure.

 To apply the theoretical knowledge in the practical environment

 Skills required for building a long-term relation with the employees.

 Go to know about the marketing behavior of the company.

 Experiencing the actual workplace atmosphere.

 Improved listening and communication skills.

 Got to know about the operations and hierarchical structure of the company

 Immense learning with practical exposure

 How the new product should be promote in the market

 The response of the customer

 Strategy to differentiate the product from competitors

Scope and Limitations


Every marketer who takes the responsibility of marketing development for his company, they

should know whatever he is doing for company is right or wrong which justify themselves as a

good marketer for his action. Unless a marketing management program identifies and addresses

the causes and success of the company situation is effective and fair in the specific market.

Marketing programs alone can, at best, give the illusion of control in the developing the market.

It is no secret that there are ways to beat even the best systems. The fear of market development

often only increases the desire to avoid marketing systems.

If market development is to be controlled by the company superiors and talented employees must

do it easily. In 2005-06 study on “Market Development” it was found that about 30-35%

development of total development were done by company superiors.

 There may be limitations to this study because the study duration (summer placement) is

very short and it’s not possible to observe every aspect of marketing areas.

 Findings are based on the views expressed by the consumers. So it may suffer from

biased prejudices.

 The retailer knows us as people from Sumitomo there by the responses could have been


 Information provided by the customers may or may not be true

 The guide was lead us during the training, we just fallow the instruction given by him, so

the potential of mine is not fully expose.

 We faced the problem to communicate the villagers customer, and it’s hard to tuch there

communication level.

 The product was new for the market, and hard to motivate the farmer to use a new

Chapter 2



Objectives of the survey

The main objective of the survey was to determine the impact of the sales offers on the buying

behavior of consumers of beverage products on the following factors:

 The effect on their purchase decision (whether or not the consumers are buying on the

basis of sales offers)

 The brand image of the brand offering the sales schemes (does it increase or decrease)

There were also a few secondary objectives of the survey, which included

 What are the market development tools that increase sales, are most likely to spur a

purchase decision

 Whether enlarging the existing customer segments are possible through market


 What is the media that is most suitable to communicate the sales promotion offers to the


Research Design:
The study used an exploratory research design and was conducted for the period of 8 TH MAY

2010 to 19TH JUNE 2009.

The research is done by questionnaire with random sampling in Bahraich and East UP market i.e.

Uttar Pradesh.

Data Collection:-

Primary Data:

1. Customer Interaction( Face to Face):-

After getting this task, I went to Villages and make survey of market and the main competitors

role in the market.


14% 7%

31% Bayer
21% Syngenta
Krishi Rashyan
Northern minerals ltd


Fig 2.1:-Before developing the market

2. Market Survey and research:-

After completing the above survey, I went again for interacting the retailers towards our

company and getting more profit.

Area of Study: At East UP markets the paddy craft cultivating period will very near to start so

we target the area were Paddy is the main craft.

Period of Study: 43 days.

Limitations of the study:

There are a few limitations to the study that may arise due to the following reasons:

1) Sampling plan: The sampling is done through random sampling, may be the

information given by the farmers were not correct but the percentage of that type of

customer is less, but then so it effect the result.

2) The Area of study: I was working in East UP region; the dominating behavior of the

costumer may affect the survey.

Chapter 3


Sumitomo group started their operation in 1590, the main business of of the group was Copper

smelting, they use “Namban - buki” technology a innovative copper smelting technology

Production of fertilizer using SO2 to control an environmental pollution problem caused by SO2

gas emission in smelting operation (1913), Evolution to fine chemical, petro chemical, basic

chemical, agri chemical, pharmaceutical and IT related chemical

Somitomo Group Companies by Sector

Chemicals : Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd. & 6

Metal : Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd. & 3

Electrical and Communications : Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd. & 6

Rubber : Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd. & 1

Glass and Ceramic : Nippon Sheet Glass Co., Ltd. & 3

Construction : Sumitomo Forestry Co., Ltd. & 1

Machinery : Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd. & 3

Engineering : Sumitomo Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd. & 1

Finance : Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation &1

Insurance : Sumitomo Life Insurance Company &3

Commerce : Sumitomo Corporation &4

Warehouse : The Sumitomo Warehouse Co., Ltd.

Real Estate : Sumitomo Realty & Development Co., Ltd. &1

Overseas Transport : Daiichi Chuo Kisen Kaisha & 1

Leasing : Sumisho Lease Co., Ltd.

Beverage : Asahi Breweries

• 1913 The House of Sumitomo began to Product Fertilizers.

• 1934 Sumitomo Fertilizer Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Changed its name to Sumitomo

Chemical Co. Ltd.

• 1944 Sumitomo Chemical acquired Japan Dyestuff Manufacturing Company, setting up a

base for specialty Chemicals

• 1958 Sumitomo Chemical started Petrochemical operation.

• 1984 The Petrochemical Complex in Singapore began operations.

• 1984 Sumitomo Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. Was established.

• 1998 Sumitomo Chemical Singapore Pvt. Ltd and its subsidiaries and affiliates began

production of MMA monomer and polymer, etc.

• 2003 Dongwoo STI Co., Ltd. and Dongwoo Optical Film Co., Ltd. in South Korea began

Fig. 3.1 Global market


• 100% subsidiary of Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. Japan

• A Global player in the chemicals Business

• Diversified Product Portfolio that includes basic chemicals, petrochemicals, agricultural

chemicals and pharmaceuticals having turnover of US $ 12.24 billion as on Mar 2010

Registered Office: - 7th Floor, 195 Moti Mahal, J.Tata Road, Church gate,

Mumbai- 400 020


• Total Staff Strength: 66 +2 Japanese Staff

• Headed by : Mr. Hideaki Kumagai- Managing Director

• Mr. Makoto Inouchi- Deputy Managing Director

• Mr. Ajit Gujral- Director Crop production

Product Range- Household Insecticides

• D- Allethrin - Pynamine Forte

• D- Trans Allethrin - Esbiothrin

• Prallethrin - Etoc

• S- Cyphenothrin - Gokilaht- S

• Imiprothrin - Pralle

Product Range- Agrochemicals

• For Domestic Market

Fenpropathrin 30% EC - Meothrin

Fenpropathrin 15%+ Pyriproxyfen 5% EC - Prempt

Bacillus Thuringiensis - Dipel- 8L

Gibberellic Acid - ProGibb

Sulfosulfuron 75% WG - Leader

Pyridalyl 10% EC - SumiPleo

Clothianidin 50% WDG - Dantotsu

• For Exports

Fenvalerate 20% EC - Sumicidin

3.5 Dichloro – Aniline - 3.5 Dichloro- Aniline

Bioallethrin - D- Trans Allethrin


Esbiothrin - EBT

Product Range- Public Health

• Public Health ( Products to be introduced)

Gokilaht- S 5 EC - Cockroach/ House Fly

VectoBac 12 AS - Mosquito Larvicide

Olyset Bed Net - Mosquito

Sumilarv 0.5% G - Mosquito Larvicide

Fenitrothion 40 WDP - Mosquito/ Residual Spray

Vectobac Tablet - Mosquito Larvicide

Fig. 3.2

Industry Overview

A look at the appropriate figures, (for example The World Development Report by the World

Bank) will indicate that the world is becoming increasingly interdependent for its economic

progress. In 1954, in the USA, for instance, imports were only one percent of GNP, but in 1984

they had risen to 10%. In food crops, while developing countries trade in coffee, cocoa, cotton

and sugar actually declined in value during the 1980s, developing countries as a group

experienced annual export growth rates of 4 to 11% in categories like processed fruit and

vegetables, fresh processed fish products, feed stuffs and oil seeds. High value food product

exports in 1990 totalled approximately $144 billion, the same as crude petroleum, representing

5% of world commodity trade. In 1990, more than twenty Less Developed Countries (LDCs) had

exports of high value foods exceeding $500 million including countries like Brazil, China,

Thailand, India and Senegal. Terms such as "global village" and "world economy" have become

very fashionable. Marketing goods and services on a global scale can happen in an "engineered"

way, but often it is as a result of good and meticulous planning. For example, in order to stave

off potential famine, the United Nation's World Food Programme (WFP) may purchase maize
from Zimbabwe and distribute it in Tanzania, Malawi and Kenya. This "engineered"

international marketing transaction may benefit

Zimbabwe, without Zimbabwe having to prospect markets. Most international transactions are

not like this. Most are clearly planned, involving meticulous attention to global social and

economic differences and/or similarities in product, price, promotion, distribution and

socio/economic/legal requirements.


Aero Agro Chemical Industries Ltd

We introduce ourselves as one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of Phenoxy

Herbicides i.e. 2,4-D and its esters and amines here in India since 1989. We have a production

capacity of over 1000 Mt. per annum. Aero Agro Chemical Industries Ltd., a Public Limited

Company is registered with the Registrar of Companies, India having a Authorised Capital of

INR 14 Million and has a Turnover of over INR 100 Million. Our Manufacturing facility is

located at Bhanpuri Industrial Area, Raipur (C.G.). Raipur is the capital of Chhattisgarh State

and is centrally located on the Indian Map hence gaining territorial advantage and vulnerability

to all the major port cities of India for exports. We have a well equipped lab with qualified staff

and Technical persons in our factory for testing of our product at every point of production to

ensure the quality. We are capable of making the formulations of Amines and Esters as per the

requirements of our honoured customers. The raw materials required by us are indigenously

available in India and the same are also imported from other countries from time to time. The
principal raw materials required by us are Phenol, Chlorine, Monochloro Acetic Acid, Caustic

Soda etc . We are regularly exporting the herbicides manufactured by us to various Developed

and Developing countries of the world. We have a good and prospective market in South East

Asian Countries, Latin American Countries, West Asian Countries, Europe, C.I.S., Africa and

Sri Lanka etc.web site url : http://www.aacil.com  

Aimco Pesticides

Aimco has one of the largest Chlorpyrifos manufacturing plant with the capacity of 900 MT Per

Annum. Aimco had first set up a pilot plant with a capacity of 36 MT Per Annum, before setting

up a full-scale 900 MT Per Annum plant. Thus the Chlorpyrifos manufacturing process, which is

very sensitive process, was perfected on the small scale & the main plant had started giving best

quality product from the commissioning, with the enhanced yield. Moreover, the Company has

successfully incorporated modifications in the original process including development of new

catalyst and addition of recovery systems, giving edge over competition. CPP is a

Organophosphorous broad-spectrum insecticide with quick knockdown effect. Though its

consumption in India is low, it is the largest selling insecticide in the world. CPP has the

following applications. web site url : http://www.aimcopesticides.com/

AMI Group, India

AMI GROUP was established in 1997. The company was specialized in fine, specialty chemicals

and pharmaceuticals intermediates. Company has developed the series of chemistry like,

piperazines derivatives, naphthalene derivatives, chloroethylamine derivatives, ortho esters

derivatives, catechol/anisole derivatives, benzaldehyde derivatives, coumarin derivatives, acetal

derivatives, piperidine derivatives and malonate derivatives. AMI GROUP has three

manufacturing site located in western part of India in state of Gujarat and catering to both

domestics and international market covering American Countries, Europe , Middle east and

Asian countries. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (MIS) : Ami Group is operating

its all the department as per Management Information system for basic objective of catering -

quality products in the market, constant customer care, time reply to Inquiries and taking up new

challenges . AMI GROUP has all the production facilities are as per Good Manufacturing

Practice and ISO 9001:2000 as per BVQI quality System, EMS 14001:2004, OHSAS

18001:1999. web site url : http://www.amidrugs.com  

Bora Agro Foods

The K.C. Bora Group of Industries is a professionally managed group, carrying out various

activities in the field of agricultural commodities. The Group made a modest beginning 41 years

ago, under the dynamic leadership of its chief promoter Mr. Kesharchand Bora.The K.C. Bora

Group is headed by Mr. Kesharchand Bora and is assisted by Mr. Ratilal Bora , Mr. Satish Bora ,

Mr. Rajendra Bora and Mr. Ajit Bora. web site url : http://www.boraagro.com/

Cheminova India Ltd

Cheminova is a manufacturer of fine chemicals, with its main business area within plant

protection products. Cheminova has developed a wide range of plant protection products by in-

house process and formulation development, and markets its products globally through

subsidiaries in 16 key countries and through distribution partners in most other countries. The
annual turnover is above 4 billion Danish Kroner (DKK) or more than 500 million Euros.

Cheminova employs 800 people in Denmark and 750 abroad.

web site url : http://www.cheminova.com/  

DE-NOCIL Crop Protection Ltd

DE-NOCIL becomes Dow AgroSciences, DE-NOCIL Crop Protection India Private Limited was

a joint venture company of Dow AgroSciences and NOCIL (National Organic Chemicals

Industries Limited). Consequent to Dow AgroSciences acquiring balance shares in DE- NOCIL

Crop Protection India Private Limited, we have become 100% owned subsidiary of Dow

AgroSciences with effect from February 17, 2005. We are very pleased to inform that DE-

NOCIL Crop Protection India Private Limited has been renamed as:Dow AgroSciences India

Private LimitedThe constitution, business objectives and addresses of the Company will remain

unchanged. All correspondences and transactions will be under the new name with effect from

April 1, 2005.Dow AgroSciences India Pvt. Ltd. is a fully owned subsidiary of Dow

AgroSciences LLC headquartered in Indianapolis, U.S.A. Dow AgroSciences is a global

company that provides pest management, agricultural and biotechnology products. The company

employs more than 5000 people in about 50 countries and has worldwide sales of more than $3.3

billion (Rs. 14500 crores).Dow AgroSciences began as a joint venture in 1989 between the Pest

Management Products Department of The Dow Chemical Company and the Plant Sciences

business of Eli Lilly and Company that resulted in the creation of DowElanco (DE). In 1997, the
Dow Chemical Company acquired 100 percent of Dow Elanco and the new wholly owned

subsidiary was renamed as Dow AgroSciences LLC in 1998.

web site url : http://www.dowagro.com  

Devidayal Agro Chemicals

The company DEVIDAYAL (SALES) LIMITED was established in 1949 and at present

managed by young & professional directors, Mr.Prem Devidayal and Mr. Ram

Devidayal.Starting with the business of mining various ores & exporting to Japan & export of

BHC for Locust control to Russia in sixties, today the company is an emerging leader in the

business of Agro Chemicals.The company has the most modern manufacturing plant at Kalol

(Dist.Panchmahal, Gujarat) backed by the Strong R&D facilities and Quality Control Systems,

Fifteen Branch Offices and around 25 Stock Point spread all over the country serving the need of

Indian Farmers.The Company Manufactures a wide range of Pesticides which includes

Insecticides, Fungicides, Acaricides & Chelated Micronutrient in the form of Emulsifiable

Concentrates, Soluble Liquids, Dusting Powders, Wettable Powders and Granular

Formulations.Besides having a substantial Domestic Market share the Company is exporting

various Agro Chemicals to around 20 Countries in the Far East, Middle East, Africa, Europe and

South America. The present export turnover is 1.5 Million U.S.Dollars.The Company is an ISO

9002 Company and first Company to get ISO 9002 in formulation of Agro Chemicals in India.

The Company believes in Total Quality Management.

web site url : http://www.devidayalagro.com  

Gharda Chemicals Ltd

For 32 years innovation has marked the rise of Gharda Chemicals Limited (GCL) from a small

unit in 1964 to one of the most successful and reputed companies in the Agrochemical Industry.

A strong and vibrant R&D program and expertise in proces development has enabled the

company to capitalize on superior technology. This has led to the production of vital import-

substitute products and cost effective agrochemicals on a large scale and consequently to a

strong, competitive national and international presence. And all this has been made possible by

the vision and unswerving deication and commitment of Dr. Keki Gharda, Founder and

Chairman & Managing Director of Gharda Chemicals Limited.Gharda Chemicals Limited,

established in 1967, is a research-based company with three manufacturing units. The company

has won several national awards for technical innovation in the chemical industry and has many

firsts in the field of dyestuffs, pesticides, veterinary drugs and polymers. With world-class

products, and 1997-98 (12 months) sales of Rs. 3100 million including exports of Rs. 1400

million, Gharda today is among the top-ranking chemical companies in India. Gharda has

commissioned a world-class plant which manufactures Chlorpyrifos 99% + purity.Both plants of

Gharda (Dombivli & Lote) have received ISO 9001 certification. Gharda has successfully

introduced Deltamethrin, Dicamba, Metamitron, Chlorpyrifos, Triclopyr and MPB Alcohol

during 1997 - 1998.GCL is the only Indian company which has received U.S. Registration (EPA

Approval) for the sale of Chlorpyrifos (Insecticide) and Dicamba (Herbicide) in the U.S.A.It is a

matter of great pride that Gharda has been awarded the prestigious "Chemexcil Trishul Award"

for outstanding exports among large-scale chemical manufacturers for 1995 - 96.
web site url : http://www.gharda.com

Godavari Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd.

GFCL has two trains for the manufacture of Phosphoric Fertilizers based on Conventionally

proven slurry granulation process supplied by " Tennesse Valley, USA" - Autority (TVA). The

plant was commissioned during 1988.The main manufacturing plant was designed and

commissioned by " Hindustan Dorr O'liver Limited, Mumbai" Initial Ammonia storage and

handling facilities were designed and commissioned by Toyo Engineering India Limited,

Mumbai, in association with Hitachi Zossen, Japan. Offsite and utilities were designed and

commissioned by Tata projects Ltd. Hyderabad web site url : http://www.gfcl.co.in  

Gujarat Agrochem Limited

Gujarat Agrochem Limited is a world class manufacturer of agrochemicals and its intermediates.

Began as a fledging company with annual production of 187 tons per annum. Within a short span

has achieved a stupendous growth of over a 1000% increase in production. The company is

promoted by a group of dedicated technocrats and backed by professional expertise.

web site url : http://www.gujaratagrochem.com/  

Gujarat Insecticides Limited (GIL)

Gujarat Insecticides Limited (GIL), a joint sector company, was started in 1980, by Gharda

Chemicals Limited, as a step in diversification, in association with the Gujarat Government-

owned "Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Limited". GIL is now a 100% subsidiary of Gharda

Chemicals Limited.Since inception, GIL has recorded a steady growth in sales and profits, with
turnover reaching Rs.100 crores in 2002-2003. In the process, the company has established a

strong presence in the domestic, as well as international market. It was recipient of Certificate of

Merit, in 1996, for Outstanding Export performance in Agro-Chemicals, awarded by Chemexcil,

Mumbai.GIL has impressive manufacturing facilities at Ankleshwar, where it employs 480

people. Here, sophisticated technical grade pesticides (and their formulations) like Quinalphos,

Carbendazim, Cypermethrin, Fenvalerate and intermediate (Metaphenoxy benzaldehyde) are

manufactured. GIL has introduced Metaphenoxy benzylalcohol during 1999 - 2000. An excellent

capacity utilization for all the products has led to expansion plans. The Company's R & D

programme is helping to upgrade several of its manufacturing processes, using modern

techniques and analytical equipements.GIL is the first Agrochemical Company in India to have

both ISO 9001 : 1994 Quality Management System(1997) and ISO 14001 Environment

Management System (1998). Subsequently Quality Management System has been upgraded to

ISO 9001 : 2000 in May 2003.Over the past 20 years, GIL has grown from strength to strength.

Today, together with Gharda Chemicals Ltd., the group is the largest agrochemical manufacturer

and exporter in India.GIL actively participates in educational, social and rural development

projects, and for this the company has received national recognition such as : AWARD for Social

Responsibility by ICMA, Mumbai (1998). web site url : http://www.gilgharda.com/  

Heranba Industries Ltd

As the world moves towards globalization and products transcends boundaries, only the best can

survive. At Heranba , our mission has always been to be one of the best. Heranba started in 1995

with a plant at Vapi, Gujarat in India for manufacturing D V Acid Chloride (CMAC). We were

among the first companies to produce D V Acid chloride in India. Our in-house R & D, product
development efforts and improvisation helped us in keeping an edge over the competitors. Our

products - D.V. Acid (Cypermethric Acid), D.V. Acid Chloride (Cypermethric Acid Chloride),

Cypermethrin, Alphacypermethrin, Permethrin, Deltamethrin,Temephos & Lambdacyhalothrin -

have established themselves in the international market. Today about 50% of our sales can be

attributed to our exports to various countries around the world. Our global clientele is the

testimony of our achievements and quality. Heranba pays special emphasis on people who could

make this possible. We have highly qualified and competent people to lead the key departments.

Leading this successful team are enterepreneurs Mr. Sadashiv K. Shetty, Chairman & Managing

Director and Mr. Raghuram K. Shetty - Executive Director. Heranba's success story is the

success of its philosophy Let's succeed together. web site url : http://www.heranba.com  

Highgrow Floris Chemicals Pvt. Ltd

Highgrow Floris Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., is Promoted by Mr. P. RAMAMOHAN RAO, a Post

Graduate in Chemistry having more than 30 years industrial experience in various inorganic and

non-ferrous metallurgical industries. In addition he is a lead auditor for quality management (ISO

9001) system and conducted about 100 audits in various industries in Andhra Pradesh.The

industry in the manufacture of Micro Nutrients for plants is based on compositions suggested

by Government of Andhra Pradesh with technical collaboration from S.P.Tech Inc, New Jersey,

USA headed by Dr. Murali K Parimi. web site url : http://www.florischemicals.com/

Hikal Ltd

A technology-driven company, Hikal began operations in 1988, with a clear vision. We wanted

to be a partner in growth-rather than a competitor-a partner to national and multinational

corporations as an independent source of quality fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals API's and

agrochemicals. Crop protection, industrial chemicals, healthcare... these were the spheres we set

out to make our mark in and have done so successfully for well over a decade.Over the years, we

have earned respect and recognition from some of the best-known names in the business. World

leaders in their respective fields have sought partnerships with us, and we have always lived up

to their expectations. web site url : http://www.hikal.com

Hyderabad Chemicals

Hyderabad Chemicals has been a pioneer in manufacturing pesticide formulations for over three

decades. With its backward integration venture to manufacture pesticide actives, Hyderabad

Chemicals has carved a unique image in the market by offering a vast range of products to meet

the plant protection needs of a wide spectrum of crops.Hyderabad Chemicals, an ISO 9001-2000

company is primarily focused to provide quality products at competitive prices and with

optimum customer service. web site url : http://www.hyderabadchemicals.com/  

Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt. Ltd

Indo-American Hybrid Seeds (India) Pvt. Ltd (IAHS) is a pioneering institution and one of the

most innovative enterprises of its kind in India .Since inception in 1965 , we have made

remarkable advances in every sphere of Commercial Horticulture.IAHS is at present engaged in

the production and marketing of Hybrid Seeds in Vegetables, Flowers, Agronomic crops like

Sunflower, Cotton and Rice, Ornamental plants, Biotechnology products, construction of

Greenhouses and Landscape Architecture.We have a very strong product base with an excellent

back up of R& D which has won the National Award for excellence. We have also repeatedly
won the APEDA (Agricultural & Processed Food Products Development Authority) Export

Award. web site url : http://www.indamseeds.com  

Indofil Chemicals Co

March 1962 saw the genesis of Indofil Chemicals Company at Mumbai through a Joint Venture.

Indofil's growth gained momentum just three years later with the commissioning of a

manufacturing plant at Thane ( near Mumbai). With a present manpower compliment of over

375 well-trained, disciplined and motivated go-getting professionals, the future of Indofil is well

secured. The Company has state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, recognized in-house R&D

laboratory recognised by the Department of Science & Technology, a large domestic distribution

base and a recognized Export House status conferred by DGFT.The Company has already

established it?s reputation in the field of agrochemicals, Construction, leather, textiles, paints,

paper adhesives, petroleum industry across the world through new products, Enterprised-wide

Resource Planning, customised packing and speedly delivery.

web site url : http://www.indofilcc.com  

Intox Pvt Ltd

With a mission to provide high quality, reliable research and testing services in the field of safety

assessment of chemical and biological products, and to offer better services to the technological

and research needs of clients in India and abroad, INTOX was founded in 1995 by a dedicated

group of highly qualified and experienced toxicologists.A contractual research organization

( CRO ), INTOX performs a wide range of toxicological studies for pharmaceutical,

agrochemical, biotechnological and chemical industries from private and public sectors who
wish to obtain national and international registration of their products.Today, INTOX is one of

the most trusted names in regulatory toxicology and has earned a very good respect and rapport

with the industry and the regulatory authorities. web site url : http://www.intoxlab.com  

Isagro(Asia) Agrochemicals Pvt.Ltd

Isagro Asia, the Group company set up to implement Isagro's vertical integration strategy in the

Asian market following the takeover of RPG Life Science's agrochemical business, today

administers the former RPG plant located in Panoli, in the northern Indian State of Gujarat.This

plant is equipped with multi-purpose facilities for the manufacturing of technicals and

formulations, together with packaging lines.The RPG Life Science's takeover meant that for the

first time Isagro was in a position to manufacture pesticide active ingredients previously obtained

under toll manufacturing agreements with third parties. As a first step, the Panoli plant was

upgraded to produce benalaxyl and the active ingredient for tetraconazole.Panoli also possesses

R&D competence primarily dedicated to the improvement of manufacturing processes and

formulation activities. Isagro is now investing to expand production facilities with a view to local

manufacturing of a number of its proprietary molecules. web site url : http://www.isagro.com  

Jayant Aagro Organics Ltd

Jayant Agro-Organics Limited is an emerging global oleochemical company with leadership in

the castor-based specialty chemicals industry. With proven research capabilities, strict adherence

to stringent quality controls conforming to International Standards and flawless record of

honoring delivery schedules it is no wonder that Jayant Agro-Organics Ltd. is the preferred

partner of choice worldwide for sourcing of castor oil and castor oil derivatives. With the long-
term approach we have adopted to the industry it is no wonder that we balance your requirement

equations not only chemically but also economically. Since ages, India has been known for

unique contributions in more spheres than one. Today, India has carved out a distinct name in the

field of Castor Oil and its derivatives in the world market.Castor oil?s chemical structure is of

great interest because of the wide assortment of reactions it offers to the oleo-chemical industry

and the unique chemicals that can be derived from it. These derivatives are on par with the

petrochemical products for use in several industrial applications. Infact, they are considerably

superior since they are from renewable sources, bio-degradable and eco-friendly.

web site url : http://www.jayantagro.com  


JP Pharma is one of the leading manufacturers of active pharmaceutical ingredients,

pharmaceutical raw materials and pharmaceutical intermediates for the pharmaceutical and paint

industries. Made of the premium quality raw material, our products are reputed for their high

performance. web site url : http://www.jppharma.com

Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co.Ltd.

Established in 1964 by Dr. Badrinarayan R. Barwale, Mahyco is a pioneer and leader in the

Indian Seed Industry. The company strives to provide quality hybrid seeds. Since its inception it

has been engaged in plant genetic research and production of quality hybrid seeds for the

farming community of India. Currently, it is engaged in the research, production, processing and

marketing of approximately 115 products in 30 crop species including cereals, oilseeds, fibre and

vegetables. Mahyco is also developing genetically enhanced crops with the use of gene transfer
technology. Mahyco has a national presence with its network across the country Mahyco is the

first private enterprise in India to produce and market hybrids of Cotton, Sorghum, Pearl Millet,

Sunflower and Wheat Mahyco is the first Indian company to commercially grow and market

transgenic Bollgard cotton- India's first transgenic crop in 2002.

web site url : http://www.mahyco.com/  

Meghmani Organics Limited

No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the

amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of

ultimate distinction. Charles Adams At Meghmani Organics Limited, our ideological leanings

resonate with this thought. We believe that growth is built on doing better than what is good

enough, rising above individual limitations and transgressing the borders of circumstantial

impediments. Sound fundamentals, outstanding export performance, strong presence in the

domestic market and a focused management team has seen Meghmani Organics Limited grow at

a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.5% over the past 5 years. The Rs 2500 million

Meghmani Organics Limited is: One of the largest producers of pigment blue in the world One

of the leading producers of pigment green One of the largest producers of pesticides in India

Over 80% of our pigment products and over 50% of our pesticides products are exported the

world over. We have four multifunctional production facilities in Gujarat (India) of which three

are ISO 9001-2000. Our production facilities are strategically located with high accessibility and

close proximity to source of raw material. web site url : http://www.meghmani.com  

Meridian Chem Bond Ltd.

Meridian Chem Bond Limited was formed by the leading Industrialist Mr. Anil Jain in the year

1997 with an aim of developing MonoChloro Acetic Acid & its derivatives in order to serve the

Agrochemicals, Pharma, Bulk Drugs, Pesticides, Insecticides, Heribicides and many more

intermediates to specialty Chemicals.Meridian is a leading manufacturer in India for MCAA and

its derivatives. It has more than 100 employees. Meridian enjoys its manufacturing facilities at

Ankleshwar, the largest Industrial Belt in Asia, with a chemical compound admeasuring 20000

sq.meters having different departments such as Inventory, Production Centres, R&D, Q.C.

Laboratory, Packaging Division, Maintenance division and finished goods warehouse.Meridian

always keeps enough Raw materials at its factory in order to meet the delivery schedules set by

the customers. It has the provision to store more than 700 M.T of Acetic Acid and around 225

M.T of liquid chlorine at his factory. Since we are India's largest Manufacturer of Mono Chloro

Acetic Acid we enjoy the facility of cost advantage as we procure all the raw materials in bulk

because of which we are able to supply our finished products to our customers at very

competitive prices.Meridian is proud to state that 40% of its sales come from export market. It is

operated from Mumbai, the highly developed city in India.

web site url : http://www.meridianchembond.com/  

Mitsu Industries Limited.

Manufacturing agrochemicals and agrochemical intermediates. Manufactures

Metaphenoxybenzaldehyde, Chlorpyriphos, Cypermethrin, Deltamethrin.

web site url : http://www.mitsuindia.com/  

Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Limited

Nagarjuna Group is a dream willed into reality by its visionary Founder Shri KVK Raju. Shri

KVK Raju a first generation technopreneur was born in a humble agricultural family in Andhra

Pradesh on November 28, 1928. On graduating from Banaras Hindu University and the Madras

Institute of Technology he went on to complete his Master's in Mechanical and Industrial

Engineering from Michigan State University and the University of Minnesota, USA. After a

short stint in the American Industry he returned to India and worked for short periods at Caltex

Oil Refinery, Orient General Industries and Associated Electrical Industries. Finally, he joined

Union Carbide of India and stayed there for 15 years. While working with Union Carbide,

KVK's deep-rooted urge to serve society through industry impelled him to start a venture of his

own. Thus was born Nagarjuna Group in 1973 with an investment of US$ 23 million. The Group

has since then come a long way to become a diversified conglomerate with an asset base of US$

2.5 billion. web site url : http://www.nagarjunagroup.com/  

Nath Seeds Limited

Nath Seeds is a pioneering hybrid seed and biotechnology company and is committed to provide

the Indian farmers the very best of planting material. Nath Seeds produces a wide range of seeds

of cotton, sunflower, mustard, pearl millet, sorghum, maize, rice and vegetables specially bred

for different agro-climatic conditions to meet the exacting requirements of Indian farmers.

web site url : http://www.nathseeds.com  

National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd

National Organic Chemical Industries Ltd., popularly known as NOCIL, commenced

manufacture of Rubber Chemicals in the year 1976. Today, NOCIL is the largest manufacturer

of Rubber Chemicals in India with Annual Sales close to Rs.3250 million (USD 75 million) and

a Customer Profile that spans most of the global market. Our Manufacturing plant, located in an

industrial zone designated for the Chemical Industry, about 40 kms away from Mumbai,

employs 'State of the Art' Technology for the manufacture of PILFLex - Antidegradants, PILnox

- Antioxidants, PILCure - Accelerators, Sulfur Donor, Post Vulcanization Stabilizer and

PILGarD - Pre Vulcanization Inhibitor extensively used in the Rubber Industry world over.

NOCIL has committed itself to World Class Product Quality, Customer Service and

Environmental Care Standards. In fact, this has been a 'Way of Life' for everyone employed in

NOCIL. Our challenges are defined by the drive to understand the Customer's current and

emerging needs and meet these expectations on a continuous basis.

web site url : http://www.nocilrubberchemicals.com/  

Navyug Chemicals Pvt.Ltd

In the year 1973 MR.GOBIND SIDHWANI the Chairman and Managing Director established

his first company in Bombay, India. Sensing a need for promoting specialty chemicals with

techoinnovative marketing Mr.Gobind formed a team of well qualified technical professionals to

identify the need of customers and offer value added solutions. Navyug Chemicals was the first

company to be appointed by M/s Indofil Chemicals Co (A Modi group organization) as its sole

distributors for the identified areas and was responsible for promoting in volumes chemicals for

various industries viz Textiles, Coatings, Constructions, Plastics, Leather and Paper. Today

Navyug Chemicals Group has developed a strong customer base in the Industrial key zones of

India like Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Goa. Navyug Chemicals has proudly
retained the distributorship Of Indofil Chemicals Co for the last 30 years and has won many

awards for excellence in their field. web site url : http://www.navyugchemicals.com  

Oswal Chemicals

Established in 1981, the Oswal Group is one of the fastest growing business conglomerates in

India and around the world. It leads the industry in the production of agro- based products,

petrochemicals, alcohol chemicals and nitrogenous fertilizers.

Rallis India Ltd : Agrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Fine Chemicals.

Total manufacturing capacity of about 15200 MT per annum of basic pesticides comprising

insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and intermediates. web site url: http://www.rallisindia.com/  


The history of Rallis details the adventures of the enterprising Ralli brothers from Greece who

first launched the Indian chapter of their business from across the trade routes of Europe.

web site url : http://www.rallis.co.in/agri_intro.htm  

Sabero Organics.

Manufacturer of Phosphorous Trichloride, Tri Methyl Phosphite , Phosphorus Sulphochloride ,

Diethyl Thiophosphoryl Chloride, Dimethyl Thiophosphoryl Chloride, Tri Ethyl Phosphite etc.

web site url : http://www.sabero.com/  

Sulphur Mills Ltd

Sulphur Mills Ltd. (SML), which started its operation in the early 70?s with a West German
Sulphur Processing Plant in New Bombay, is the first company in the Asian region, and one of

the only 4th or 5th in the whole world to branch out into the manufacture of new generation,

safer, environment friendly Agro chemical formulations, in the Water Dispersible Granules

(WDG), Suspension Concentrate, Micro emulsion, Capsulated Suspension etc. forms.At its

manufacturing site near Ankleshwar, Gujrat, the company has installed three large Water

Dispersible Granule manufacturing plants of a capacity 10,000 M.T. per Annum as also two

Suspension Concentrates (SC) facilities of total capacity 4.2 Million Liters per Annum.SML

holds 4 different 9 (3) ? original registrations for the products Cosavet DF, Topgun DF , Pearl

and Flosul for sale in India and also holds several registrations for different WDG?s & SC?s for

the export market.The company?s products are exported to nearly 70 countries all over the world

including some of the agriculturally most advanced countries such as U.S.A., U.K., Switzerland,

Australia, Belgium, South Africa etc. and holds several International Registrations including

EPA (USA) and in Europe.In India the company markets over 30 products under the REAP

brand, operating through 14 depots, and a country-wide distributor & dealer network.SML has

manufacturing and marketing tie-ups in India & abroad with many multinationals or their

subsidiaries, such as Bayer Crop Science, Sumitomo, Cheminova & Dow Chemicals.The

company has made significant investments in a technical manufacturing company Siris Crop

Science Ltd. SML's investments in R & D are geared towards the production of newer, safer,

more environment friendly delivery systems in the form of advanced formulations for the

farmers throughout the world. web site url : http://www.sulphurmills.com  

Swaroop Aagro Chemical Industries

The company was launched by Mr.Sameer Pathare, a Chemical Engineer from Mumbai in 1993.
The activity was only of re-packing the grape related chemicals in small packing and trading of

Agro chemicals. The activity was marked by the best quality, attractive packing, prompt services

& perfect marketing style and strategy. In 1995, manufacturing of own products started and the

goodwill of chemical business helped in acceptance of the new product launched. Presently

company manufacturers a wide range of Pesticides, Micro nutrients, Chelated and Single micro

nutrients, a range of Biofertilizers and Specially Agro Chemicals. Some speciality agro chemical

products in are still in pipeline apart from number of KEY Pesticide products to follow. The

Company has also entered in to the production of SEEDS by launching two Research Hybrid

variety of Cotton couple of years back. web site url : http://www.swaroopagro.com  

Syngenta India Ltd

In its present form, Syngenta is a young company. But it stems from an industrial tradition going

back almost 250 years. We are proud of that heritage, and of the many milestones en route to

today's leading position worldwide. Tomorrow starts by building on them further.Syngenta

inherits the strengths and traditions of two excellent companies. However, it will have a clear

personality of it own. Our name, Syngenta, has two distinct roots. "Syn" stems from Greek. It

reflects synergy and synthesis, integration, and consolidating strengths. "Genta" relates to

humanity and individuals. It stems from the Latin "gens," for people or community. So Syngenta

means "bringing people together". web site url : http://www.syngenta.com  

The Calcutta Chemical Company Limited.

Manufacturer of Margo soap, Neem toothpaste, Tuhina Lotion, Lavender Dew and Moloy
Sandal soaps, as well as Lavender Dew Talcum Powder. Company diversified into

Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Fatty Acid, Organic and Inorganic Acids and Drugs.

web site url : http://www.calchemico.com/  

The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co. Ltd

The Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co. Ltd. has a record of always venturing away from the beaten

track to blaze new trails. New situations present new challenges; new problems are not answered

by old solutions. One of the most encouraging results of this approach to business is the

development of innovative technologies to minimize effluent generation and recycle byproducts

into the basic chemical manufacturing process.With such a track record and quality culture,

DMCC has earned the coveted ISO 9001-2000 certification from BVQI to Research and

Development and Operations at Roha and Ambernath plants for innovative research and

excellence in production methodologies respectively. DMCC is seeking greater involvement

with "Responsible Care", an initiative towards greater environmental concern by industry.

web site url : http://www.dmcc.com/  

Unicorn Seeds Pvt Ltd

We have Pleasure in offering our expanded range of vegetable varieties."Grower's Choice" is our

commitment to quality. Every seed lot packed by us is produced with a lot of care and subjected

to stringent quality tests. Only the vigorous seed with high germination and purity are packed to

ensure bountiful harvest for our valued customers. web site url : http://www.choiceseed.com  
United Phosphorus Limited (UPL)

United Phosphorus Limited (UPL) is the largest producer in India of crop protection products

with a wide rangeof products that include fumigants, fungicides, insecticides, rodenticides and

herbicides. The company ranks fourth amongst the generic agrochemical companies in the

world.It is the world's largest producer of Aluminium Phosphide, which is manufactured at one

of our manufacturing sites in India and Napropamide, which is produced by one of the

company's subsidiaries in the UK.Through acquisitions, strategic alliances and subsidiaries, UPL

has built a network across the globe -- in Europe, America, Asia Pacific, CIS, Africa and

Australia with fully owned subsidiaries in Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, China, Cuba,

Denmark, Honduras, HongKong, Japan, Mauritius, Mexico, Poland, Russia, South Africa, USA,

UK, Zambia, Zimbabwe and representative offices in Sri Lanka & Vietnam.Growth Strategy,

UPL has pursued a strategy of continuous expansion, backward and forward integration, branded

product development, thrust on registration and aggressive marketing. Through acquisitions,

strategic alliances and subsidiaries, UPL has built a network across the globe and operates across

seven manufacturing sites, six in India and one in Europe, each with close support from on-site

technical services and quality control.web site url : http://www.uplonline.com

Chapter- 4

Market development

The process of growing sales by offering existing products (or new versions of them) to new

customer groups (as opposed to simply attempting to increase the company's share of current


A market development strategy targets non-buying customers in currently targeted segments. It

also targets new customers in new segment.

A marketing manager has to think about the following questions before implementing a market

development strategy:

 Is it profitable?

 Will it require the introduction of new or modified products?

 Is the customer and channel well enough researched and understood?

The marketing manager uses these four groups to give more focus to the market segment

decision: existing customers, competitor customers, non-buying in current segments, new



“Manufacturer's attempt to identify and develop new markets for marketing current products.

There are three general strategies applied in market development:

(1) Working within the demographic market to see if any particular demographic group can be

encouraged to buy more of the product or if any new group within the demographics can be

encouraged to purchase the product;

(2) Looking at the institutional market to see if these buyers can be increased;

(3) Attempting to develop markets in new geographical areas. To affect these strategies,

marketers will attempt new distribution methods, change the design of promotional efforts, and

attempt to discover and promote innovative uses for an existing product.”

Dictionary Definition:-

Expansion of the total market served by a firm by

(1) Entering new segments of the market,

(2) Converting non-users into users, and

(3) Increasing usage per user.


 To introduce new products

 To attract new customers and retain the existing ones

 To maintain sales of seasonal products

 To meet the challenge of competition

Market development process:-

A process for developing sales - new business and new markets

This process is effective for developing all types of business, and delivers business growth via:

 New products or services to existing customers,

 Existing products or services to new customers, or

 New products or services to new customers. 

Market development process:-

1. Establish market development aims and targets.

2. Identify target market(s), sectors and niches.

3. Assess your existing sales organisation and develop it as necessary.

4. Source/utilise a suitable prospect database - ensure data is clean and up to date, and

strategic decision-makers are identified.

5. Develop and agree your strategic proposition(s) - with reference to USP's, UPB's,

competitors, positioning, product mix, margins, etc.

6. Design your communication(s) and method(s) to generate enquiries.

7. Design your response and sales processes and establish or provide required capabilities.

8. Design and provide your required monitoring, measurement and reporting systems.

9. Implement your sales development activity and reinforce it through coaching, training,

meetings, executive endorsement, etc.

10. Follow-up the activity: coach as required, review, monitor, seek customer and prospect

feedback (successful and unsuccessful) and report on performance.

11. Make changes and improvements and continue your activity at the appropriate stage.


Strategy refers to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. The word is

of military origin, deriving from the Greek word στρατηγός (stratēgos), which roughly translates

as "general".

In military usage strategy is distinct from tactics, which are concerned with the conduct of an

engagement, while strategy is concerned with how different engagements are linked. How a

battle is fought is a matter of tactics: the terms and conditions that it is fought on and whether it

should be fought at all is a matter of strategy, which is part of the four levels of warfare: political

goals or grand strategy, strategy, operations, and tactics.

Strategies in Game theory:-

In game theory, a strategy refers to one of the options that a player can choose. That is, every

player in a non-cooperative game has a set of possible strategies, and must choose one of the

A strategy must specify what action will happen in each contingent state of the game—e.g. if the

opponent does A, then take action B, whereas if the opponent does C, take action D.

Strategies in game theory may be random (mixed) or deterministic (pure). That is, in some

games, players choose mixed strategies. Pure strategies can be thought of as a special case of

mixed strategies, in which only probabilities 0 or 1 are assigned to actions.

Strategy done by me:-

1. Market Survey and research:-

After getting this task, I went to market and make survey of 110 retail shop to make a share of

Sumitomo and their main competitor Bayer, Syngenta and other.


14% 7%

31% Bayer
21% Syngenta
Krishi Rashyan
Northern minerals ltd


Fig. 4.1

2. Customer Interaction (Face to Face):-

After completing the above survey, I went to the villages and meet 150 farmers acting towards

our company and getting more profitable.


A customer, also called client, buyer, or purchaser, is usually used to refer to a current or

potential buyer or user of the products of an individual or organization, called the supplier, seller,

or vendor. This is typically through purchasing or renting goods or services. However, in certain

contexts, the term customer also includes by extension anyone who uses or experiences the

services of another. A customer may also be a viewer of the product or service that is being sold

despite deciding not to buy them.

The word derives from "custom," meaning "habit"; a customer was someone who frequented a

particular shop, who made it a habit to purchase goods of the sort the shop sold there rather than

elsewhere, and with whom the shopkeeper had to maintain a relationship to keep his or her

"custom," meaning expected purchases in the future.

The slogans "the customer is king" or "the customer is god" or "the customer is always right"

indicate the importance of customers to businesses - although the last expression is sometimes

used ironically.

However, "customer" also has a more generalized meaning as in customer service and a less

commercialized meaning in not-for-profit areas. To avoid unwanted implications in some areas

such as government services, community services, and education, the term "customer" is

sometimes substituted by words such as "constituent" or "stakeholder". This is done to address

concerns that the word "customer" implies a narrowly commercial relationship involving the

purchase of products and services. However, some managers in this environment, in which the
emphasis is on being helpful to the people one is dealing with rather than on commercial sales,

comfortably use the word "customer" to both internal and external customers.

Market segmentation

Market segmentation is a concept in economics and marketing. A market segment is a sub-set of

a market made up of people or organizations sharing with one or more characteristics that cause

them to demand similar product and/or services based on qualities of those products such as

price or function. A true market segment meets all of the following criteria: it is distinct from

other segments (different segments have different needs), it is homogeneous within the segment

(exhibits common needs); it responds similarly to a market stimulus, and it can be reached by a

market intervention. The term is also used when consumers with identical product and/or service

needs are divided up into groups so they can be charged different amounts. These can broadly be

viewed as 'positive' and 'negative' applications of the same idea, splitting up the market into

smaller groups.
Chapter 5

Data Analysis

For Farmers:-

1. Main problem you are facing while cultivating the crops?

Cultivation Problem
30.00% 27.33%
11.33% Cultivation Problem


s ss al se
s rs
Gr ra in ea the
G cm s O
ild ra De
W d
Le ali
oa Th

Fig. 5.1


From the following graph it can be analyzed that Thaliracminal is the biggest problem in front

of Farmers with 27.33%, then Diseases with 24.66%, after that Wild grass and Broad leaf grass

with 21.33% and 15.33% respectively, and some Others problem with 11.33%.


Analysis is showing that Thaliracminal in the biggest problem in front of farmers, but after

adding both the grasses the grass problem became 36.66% (55) that indicates that grass is the

maser problem.

2. Do you use chemicals for handle the grass problem?

Uses of Chemicals


Can't say

Fig. 5.2


This graph is showing that 54.66% farmers are using chemicals, 31.33% farmers are not using

chemicals and 14% farmers are not able to answer.


The 82 farmers were using chemicals but the 47 farmers were solving the problem by manually

they think that the chemicals harm the craft.

3. Which brand you prefer to use?

Preferable Brand

S.F. 10
Safal 75
Can,t say


Fig. 5.3


The large no. i.e 59.33% farmers were not able to answer, 15.33% farmers prefer Safal 75 which

is from Gardha Chemicals, S.F. 10 from UPL is prefer by 14% farmers, 11.33% farmers prefer

Fateh which is from Tata Chemicels.


Most of the farmers were not aware that which product the use, the Safal 75 is the leader of

market; S.F. 10 and Faith are nearest competitors.

4. How much area you used for cultivation?

Area of Cultivation

15% 18%

1-5 acer
5-7 acer
7-10 acer
> 10 acer


Fig. 5.4


This graph shows that 38% farmers having 7-10 acer, 28.66% farmers having 5-7 acer, 18%

farmers having 1-5 acer and 15.33% farmers having more than 10 acer for cultivating


This is useful for segmentation of market to find the target costumer for promoting the product,

Target the small farmers for field demo, for this we control the promotion expenses.

5. Do you aware of the Sumitomo product “Leader”?

Aware about Leader



Fig. 5.5


This graph shows that 95.33% farmers are not aware of product, only 4.66% are aware about the



This product Leader is new for the market of UP East so the farmers are not aware of the

product; this is performing well in Punjab & Haryana, Inters in new market with new strategy to

grape the market share.

6. Way to believe?
Way to Believe
80.00% 70.00%
20.00% 11.33%
10.00% 1.33%
0.00% Way to Believe
l n e o
O ra tio vic m
da A d De
en rs ld
m aile /Fie
co t on
e Re ati
n rv
tio bse
zi a O
an al
rg ri tu
.O V
o vt

Fig. 5.6


This graph is showing the 70% farmers believe on Field Demo, 17.33% farmers believe Retailers

advice, 11.33% farmers believe on Govt. recommendation, and 1.33% are believe on Oral.


The craft is the source of income for East UP farmers so they don’t try new product easily, for

there believe we do free demo in front of farmers and the result motivate them to use the product.

Some farmers also believe on Retailer & Govt. Recommendation.

7. Satisfaction of customer after Virtual Observation/Field Demo?


50.00% 59.33%
24.66% Satisfaction

20% 11.33%

21% to 50%
51% to 70%
More than 70%

Fig. 5.7


This graph showing the Satisfaction of 59.33% farmers with 51% to 70%, Satisfaction of 24.66%

farmers with 21% to 50%, Satisfaction of 11.33% farmers with more than 70% and 4.66%

farmers says that they are 20% satisfied.


Satisfaction of customer shows they believe on the new product of Sumitomo i.e. Leader after

demo and this believe increases

For Retailer:
1. For which craft you are dealing the most with the farmers?


6% Wheat
37% Corn
14% pulses


Fig. 5.8


From the above graph it can be analyzed that the 37.27% retailers deals with farmer for Paddy,

30% with Wheat, 13.67% with Corn, 6.36% with Sugarcane followed by Pulses with 10.90%

and 1.80% with Others


The Paddy is the main craft in East UP area with Wheat and mostly the retailer’s deal with these

2. What are the main problems you are facing while dealing with the farmers to sell the


Dealing Problem

Quality of product 13.63%

Loyalty of product 3.63%

Dealing Problem
Unawareness among farmers 57.27%

Demand by farmers 6.36%

Price of product 19.09%

0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00%

Fig. 5.9


From the above graph it can be analyzed that 19.09% retailers have problem with Price of

product, 6.36% with Demand by farmers, 57.27% with Unawareness among farmers, 3.63% with

Loyalty of products, 13.63% with quality of products while dealing with the farmer.


Unawareness of the product is the biggest problem in front of Retailers, price the other aspect for

dealing, promotion of the product is needed to develop the market.

3. Dominating organization in the market?

Dominating Organistion

others 0.90%

Northern minerals ltd 19.09%

Krishi Rasayan 11.81% Dominating Organistion

Syngenta 32.72%

Bayer 33.63%

Sumitomo 1.80%

0.00% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00%

Fig. 5.10


From the above graph we can analyze that retailers feel Sumitomo with 1.80%,Bayer with

33.63%, Syngenta with 32.72%, Krishi Rasayan with 11.81% Northern minerals ltd with 19.09%

and others with 0.90% are the dominating organizations.


Bayer is dominating the market with 37 farmers and Syngenta is very close with 36 farmers,
In UP East these are 2 main dominating leaders, the brand is reliable in the market.

4. Are you aware of the new product of Sumitomo i.e. Leader?


60.00% Awareness
50.00% 80.90%
20.00% 19.09%
Yes No

Fig. 5.11


From the above graph we can analyze that 19.09% retailers out of 110 are aware of the new

product ‘’Leader’’ while 80.90% of them are not aware.

Leader is a Sumitomo product, present in the market from 2008, newely entered in East UP

market, 21 retailers aware from the product but for 89 retailers the Leader is a new product.

5. Which type of support you need by the organization?

Support needed by organisation

Availability in half litre package

Better margin
Support needed by organisation

Better farmer price

Field development activity

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Fig. 5.12


From the above graph we can analyze that 30% retailers needs Field development activity,

9.09% needs Better margin, 16.36% needs Better farmer price, and 44.54% needs Availability in

½ litre packages as support from the organization.


The product is not came less than 1liter pack, so the small farmers are not able to purchase, it is

costly in compression of other brand, margin motivate the retailer to sale the product,





From the Analysis of the results and based on the objectives of the study the following findings

can be ascertained:

Major Findings

 The problem faced by farmers due to grasses is 36.66% which is maximum

 54.66% farmers were ready to use chemicals for solving the grass problem

 15.33% Farmers were having big land for cultivation, so they don’t want to invest their

money for purchasing more chemicals from their need

 70% of Farmers believe on product when the go with the field demo

 37.27% farmers committed that Paddy is the main croft for them

 33.63% Bayer And 32.72% Sengenta dominating the East UP market

 45.54% Retailers demanding the product in ½ liter package

Miner Findings

 Low scheme for retailers and whole sellers.

 The cost of the product.

 Lake of Company focus.

 Lake of demand of the product in the market.

 Lake of small package size.


This is one of the most important part of the study. I reached at certain recommendations for

Sumitomo India Pvt. Ltd. East UP, after the analysis of the data. Some of the important

recommendations are as follows:-

 Provide sufficient training to sales man and Farmers.

 Make new scheme for improving sales.

 Focus on field development activity.

 Better farmer price.

 Availability in ½ liter packs.

 A complete survey of the every territory should be done for stands, banners, logo, racks

etc. and then a proper budget and plan should be made for their availability at the

required places, instead of doing it in bits and pieces as the current practice is this will

help with promotion at every retailer level.

There should be incentives for sales man and also retailers for every display they enroll because

they are assigned this task and if they get incentives for the same then it will greatly increase the

efficiency of the promotional activities.


From these findings it can be ascertained that market development provide a definite market to

the retailers to sell the Leader product, These findings give an indication that “Development” can

be used for increasing the short-term gain but their application in building brand image over a

long term is limited.

For the companies who seek to increase customer satisfaction can do so by improving their

“After Sales Service” or else there might be some amount of dissonance in the mind of the


For Farmer:-

I am doing my work on the study of Market development of Leader brand from Sumitomo Chemicals

Pvt. Ltd. This type of brand is used by Farmers for getting rid of grasses

1. Main problem you are facing while cultivating the crops?

a. Wild grass

b. Broad leaf grass

c. Thaliracminal

d. Diseases

e. Others

2. Do you use chemicals for handle the grass problem?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Can’t say

3. Which brand you prefer to use?

a. S.F. 10

b. Safal 75

c. Fateh

d. Can’t say

4. How much area you used for cultivation?

a. 1-5 acres

b. 5-7 acres

c. 7-10 acres

d. > 10 acres

5. Do you aware of the Sumitomo product “ Leader”

a. Yes

b. No

6. Way to believe?

a. Oral

b. Govt. organization recommendation

c. Retailers advice

d. Virtual Observation/Field Demo

7. Satisfaction of customer after Virtual Observation/Field Demo

a. 20%
b. 21% to 50%

c. 51% t0 70%

d. More than 70%

For Retailers:-

1. For which craft you are dealing the most with the farmers?

a. Paddy

b. Wheat

c. Corn

d. Sugarcane

e. Pulses

f. Others

2. What are the main problems you are facing while dealing with the farmers to sell the chemicals?

a. Price of product

b. Demand by farmers

c. Unawareness among farmers

d. Loyalty of product

e. Quality of product

3. Dominating organization in the market?

a. Sumitomo

b. Bayer

c. Syngenta
d. Krishi Rasayan

e. Northern minerals ltd.

f. Others

4. Are you aware of the new product of sumitomo i.e Leader?

a. Yes

b. No

5. Which type of support you need by the organization?

a. Field development activity

b. Better farmer price

c. Better margin

d. Availability in ½ litre package

6. Any other suggestion with regards to Sumitomo product “Leader”



1. Philip Kotler, Kevin lane Keller, Abraham Koshy And Mithileshwar Jha 2009

Marketing Management, 13th edition, Pearson

2. Spiro, Stanton, Rich 2008, Management for a Sales Force, 2nd edition TATA Mc


3. O’Guinn, Allen, Semenik 2009, Advertising & Integrated Brand Promotion 5th

edition, Pearson

4. Washborn 2007, Managing the Marketing Functions first edition. TATA Mc HILL

5. David J. Luck, Ronald S. Rubin 2003, Marketing Research 3rd Edition TATA Mc


6. Paul E. Green, Donald S. Tull, Gerald Albaum 2006, Research for Marketing

Decision 4th edition, Pearson

7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing_research

8. http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?


9. http://www.scribd.com/doc/33814983/marketing-research-problem-and-


10. http://www.scribd.com/search?


11. http://www.businessballs.com/marketdevelopmentservice.htm

12. http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/market-development.html

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