Stephanie Winder Grade: 10 PE Unit: Outdoor Games Dates: September 5

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Unit Plan

Stephanie Winder
Grade: 10 PE
Unit: Outdoor Games
Dates: September 5th-19th

Lesson General Specific Learning Activities/Teaching Strategies Assessment Equipment Safety

Outcomes Outcomes /Resources

Sept. 5: A- Activity A10-5 Outline unit outcomes Observation  Outside - Ball must be
Lesson 1 C- C10-3  Emphasis on effort, participation, team-work, Converation field thrown low to the
(Bocce) Cooperation C10-5 and positivity space ground
D- Do it D10-3 Introduce the basics of bocce ball  Bocce - Ball must be on
Daily for Life  Grip Balls (2 the ground unless
 Stance per you are throwing
 Shots/Throwing player) - Once the first
Group throwing activity  Pallino person in each pair
 Gather students in a line (groups of 4 one  Score has taken their turn,
behind another) cards then their partner
 Give the students in the front of a line a target  Rubric/Ou can throw
to hit. Whoever gets closet is the winner and tcomes to - Do not walk
the others will do a give of fitness (push-ups, be forward when
sit-ups, etc.) Assessed anyone is throwing
Objective & Rules:
 Objective of the game is to roll you bocce balls
closer to the pallino (jack) than your opponent
 Rules (how to determine who starts, who
throws when, points)
 Strategy in relation to offence and defence
 Demonstration
Game play:
 Create teams
 Games go up to 12- then find a new team to
 Record scores

Sept 6: A A10-5 Basics of lawn bowling Observation  Outside - Ball thrown on

Lesson 2 C C10-3  Determine student knowledge/past experiences Discussion field the ground
(Lawn D C10-5 with this sport Score cards space - Ensuring
Bowling) D10-3  Objective of lawn bowling  Lawn everyone is behind
 Ball selection, stance, grip, point of origin bowling you before you
 Stance and follow through pins and throw
 Rules (turns, keeping score) balls - Waiting until the
 Demonstration with adding points  Score
 Game play in pairs (2 vs. 2) cards
 Rubric

Sept 9: A A10-5 Basics of soccer Observation  Outside - Spatial awareness

Lesson 3 C C10-3  Determine student knowledge Conversation field - No tripping,
(Soccer) D C10-5  Dribbling space pushing, shoving,
D10-3  Passing  Soccer kicking, etc.
 Shooting balls - Proper footwear
 Contact point  Pylons - Proper warm up
 Dribbling activity with pylons  Pinnies and cool down
 Scrimmage
 Goal soccer (rules, teams)
 Game play (rules, teams)
Sept 10: A A10-5 Basics: Observation  Outside - Ensure students
Lesson 4 C C10-3  Determine student knowledge Conversation field have enough space
(Ultimate D C10-5  Demonstrate different throwing techniques and space when throwing
Frisbee) D10-3 grip (backhand, forehand, etc.)  Frisbees - Activity readiness
 Introduce different ways to catch the frisbee (2 - Spatial awareness
hand, 1 hand) - No contact
Drills & Activities  Pylons (to - Do not throw to
 Partner throwing activities- students will indicate someone who is not
practice several throwing and catching end lines) making eye contact
techniques and will see how many passes they  Pinnies with you
can make without dropping the frisbee
 Catching game- 1 thrower and 4 catchers
Two line drill-
 Frisbee bocce
 Rules (scoring, no running with the frisbee,
certain amount of team members must touch
the frisbee before scoring, etc.)
 Playing area
 Mini games focusing on catching, passing,
Sept 11: A A10-5  Review basics of lesson 4 (throwing, catching, Observation  Outside - Ensure students
Lesson 5 C C10-3 grip, scoring) Conversation field have enough space
(Ultimate D C10-5  Warm up partner activities (throw and go) - regarding space when throwing
Frisbee) D10-3  Review rules of the game which  Frisbees - Activity readiness
 Play ultimate (changing the amount of team throwing and  Pylons (to - Spatial awareness
members who have to touch the frisbee, only catching indicate - No contact
boys or girls can score, etc.) techniques end lines) - Do not throw to
students  Pinnies someone who is not
found the making eye contact
most success with you
Sept 12: A A10-5  Emphasize that students must be following Observation  Frisbee - Following the
Lesson 6 C C10-3 rules related to safety as we are playing in Conversation golf correct order when
(Frisbee D C10-5 central park and not at the school - based on course playing (moving
Golf) D10-3  Disc golf etiquette before playing our previous (central from one hole to
 Brief review of throwing lessons, what park) another in the
have students  Frisbees correct order)
 Discussion about throwing technique and learned that  Score - Ensuring those
strategy will assist sheets who are not
 Disc golf etiquette them in being throwing are
 Warm up activity (throwing & accuracy) successful standing behind the
 Hand out sheets to record “strokes” or throws when playing person who is
for each hole frisbee/disc - Do not throw if
 Give students the teams they will play on (pick golf someone is in front
on partner and then pair them up with another of you
pair) - Proper throwing
Sept 13: A  Brief review of lesson 6 (rules, etiquette) Observation  Frisbee - Following the
Lesson 7 C  Class discussion about successes/tips they have Conversation golf correct order when
(Frisbee D found to help when playing - regarding course playing (moving
Golf)  Reminder of technique (ensuring you are what students (central from one hole to
pointing your finger at the target when found to help park) another in the
throwing) them in  Frisbees correct order)
 Warm up (throwing & accuracy) relation to  Score - Ensuring those
 Game play focusing on beating personal scores throwing sheets who are not
techniques throwing are
and strategy standing behind the
person who is
- Do not throw if
someone is in front
of you
- Proper throwing
Sept 16:  Brief review of lesson 7 Observation  Frisbee - Following the
Lesson 8  Discussion on successes/improvements I have Conversation golf correct order when
(Frisbee observed course playing (moving
Golf)  Strategies used to make throws more accurate (central from one hole to
 Reminders to assist students with their throws park) another in the
(height of frisbee, accuracy, follow through)  Frisbee correct order)
 Partner warm up
 Game play with different teams  Score - Ensuring those
 Closure (Overall take away, relation to golf) sheets who are not
throwing are
standing behind the
person who is
- Do not throw if
someone is in front
of you
- Proper throwing
Sept 17:  Determine student knowledge with slo-pitch Observation  Tennis - No contact
Lesson 9  Explain similarities to slo-pitch/differences Conversation rackets - No forced plays
(Tennis  Review concepts of slo-pitch that are being  Hula - Using spongy
Baseball) reinforced in this game hoops balls or tennis balls
 Demonstrate skills (throwing, catching, batting, (bases) - Teacher will pitch
diving)  Two - Proper footwear
 Rules (no forced plays, commitment line, cones/pyl
diving, scoring, etc.) ons (as
 Positions (in-field, out-field) end line)
 Partner warn up (catching- grounders, pop-flys,  Baseball
throwing) Gloves
 Divide the students into teams (preferred
 Give the students a specific batting order but not
 Game play required)
Sept 18:  Review of lesson 9 (rules, strategies) Observation  Tennis - No contact
Lesson 10  Get students to demonstrate skills through Conversation rackets - No forced plays
(Tennis warm up/partner activities – regarding  Hula - Using spongy
Baseball)  Introduce different strategies if students have game play hoops balls or tennis balls
not demonstrated them (bunting) strategies  Cones/pyl - Teacher will pitch
 Divide the students into different teams ons (2) - Proper footwear
 Batting order  Baseball
 Game play gloves
Sept 19:  Brief Review of lesson 10  Tennis - No contact
Lesson 11  Review proper technique of throwing, catching, rackets - No forced plays
(Tennis batting, diving  Hula - Using spongy
Baseball)  Review rules hoops balls or tennis balls
 Divide the students into separate teams  Cones/pyl - Teacher will pitch
 Emphasise that students should be sharing roles ons (2) - Proper footwear
and alternating positions (in-field and outfield  Baseball
 Batting order gloves
 Game play
 Unit closure- (What students have learned,
what I have observed, improvements
throughout the unit)
*warm-ups are included in each lesson

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