Chapter 15 Audit of Other Items of Statement of Financial Position

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Chapter 15 Audit of Other Items of Statement of Financial



1. Describe the major types of loan accounts and design audit tests of loan account.
2. Design and perform audit tests of deferred income.
3. Design and perform audit tests of securities.
4. Design and perform audit tests of prepaid expenses.
5. Design and perform audit tests of accruals.

A u d it o f
O th e r Ite m s o f

A u d it o f A u d it o f A u d it o f A u d it o f A u d it o f A u d it o f
L o a n B a la n c e s D efe rre d S e c u r it i e s P r e p a id A c c r u a ls F in a n c e
In co m e E x penses L eases

1. Audit of Loan Balances

1.1 Major types of loan account

1.1.1 The major types of loan:

(a) Notes payable – companies raises long-term debt capital directly from a
number of financial services organizations such as banks, insurance
companies; this is known as private placement.
(b) Bonds or debentures – Another way for a company to raise long-term debt
capital is to issue publicly traded debts. The bondholders can sell their bonds
to other investors prior to maturity if they have an immediate need for cash.
(c) Bank loan and overdraft

1.2 Internal controls

1.2.1 The following are the examples of internal controls for each control objective for loan
Internal Control Descriptions
1. Existence  Adequate documentation must verify that a note or bond was
properly authorized.
 Any significant debt commitments should be approved by the
board of directors and the specific controls for borrowing and
repayment may be delegated to an executive.
 Segregation of duties between initiation and final approval
of financing activities, and loan account and general ledger
2. Completeness  Adequate detailed records of long-term debt transactions should
be maintained to ensure that all borrowings and repayments
of principal and interest are recorded.
 The debt amount recorded in the subsidiary ledger should be
reconciled to the general ledger control accounts regularly.
3. Valuation  Control procedures, such as internal verification, to ensure
that long-term debt is properly valued; for example,
premium or discount for bonds should be amortized using
effective interest method to calculate interest expense.
 Segregation of duties between valuation monitoring and

acquisition functions.
4. Classification  Controls should ensure that loans are properly classified into
short-term and long-term liability according to their due

1.3 Substantive procedures

1.3.1 A substantive strategy for auditing loans involves examining loan agreements and
confirming balances and other relevant information with outside parties.
1.3.2 Analytical procedures are useful in auditing interest expense because of the direct
relationship between the stated interest rate and the amount of loans.
1.3.3 The auditor should begin the audit of loans by obtaining schedule with analysis of
loans payable, bonds payable and accrued interest payable, and examine loan
agreements and send confirmation to lenders.
1.3.4 The examples of substantive procedures are as follows:
(Dec 12)
Audit Objectives Substantive Procedures
1. Existence /  Review board minutes for approval of new lending
Validity agreements.
 Agree details of loans recorded (interest rate, nature and
repayment terms) to the loan agreement.
 Agree overdrafts and loans recorded to bank confirmation /
confirmation to lenders.
 Agree details of leases and hire purchase creditors recorded to
underlying agreement.
 Examine trust deed for terms and dates of redemption,
borrowing restrictions and compliance with covenants.
2. Completeness  Send confirmation to lenders/banks confirming accounts of
debt and accrued interest.
 Review interest expense for payments to debt-holders not
listed on the debt analysis schedule.
 Review loan or renewal and interest payments after end of
the reporting period to determine if there are unrecorded
liabilities at the year-end.
3. Accuracy  Foot the analysis of loans payable and accrued interest
payable and agree totals to the general ledger and terms of
loan agreement.

 Agree interest payments to the loan agreement and the bank
4. Valuation  Send confirmation to lenders/banks confirming amounts of
debt and accrued interest.
 Agree loan balance and loan payables to the loan agreement.
 Recalculate the interest accrual, and discount or premium on
 Check computation of the amortization of premium or discount.
5. Cut-off  Review debt activity for a few days before and after end of the
reporting period to determine if there are unrecorded liabilities
at year-end and the transaction is recorded at the correct period.
6. Classification  Examine the due dates on loans for proper classification
between long-term and current.
 Review debt for related parties transactions or borrowings from
major shareholders.
7. Disclosure  Analyse relevant details of interest rates, amounts due (e.g.
between current and non-current payables), dates and terms of
redemption or conversion to ensure completeness and accuracy.
 Examine the debt agreements for any restrictive covenants.

Question 1
What are the possible substantive audit procedures for the mortgage loan and interest
expenses? (6 marks)
(HKIAAT PBE Paper III Auditing and Information Systems December 2012 Q5(c))

2. Audit of Deferred Income
(Pilot, Jun 11)
2.1 Substantive procedures for auditing deferred income (advanced receipts from

Substantive Procedures Audit Objectives

1. Carry out analytical procedures by comparing this year’s Existence, completeness
figure with prior year.
2. Obtain the deferred income list from the client Existence, completeness
and accuracy
3. Agree the deferred income list with the trial balance to Accuracy
ensure the correct amount is stated.
4. Select samples of the individual customer records, Accuracy
recalculate the amounts and match with the amounts stated
on the list.
5. Select samples of individual customers from the list and Existence, right and
check the individual customer records. obligation, completeness
6. Review and verify the list for large and unusual items. Existence and accuracy
7. Review the basis for computing deferring income to ensure Validity, completeness,
that it is consistently applied as in the prior year and in classification and
accordance with GAAP. disclosure

Question 2
State six substantive procedures for auditing deferred income (advanced receipts from
customers) and state the audit objectives for the procedures. (12 marks)
(HKIAAT PBE Paper III Auditing and Information Systems Pilot Q1(c))

State four substantive procedures for auditing deferred income (unearned revenue) and state
the audit objectives for the said procedures. (8 marks)
(HKIAAT PBE Paper III Auditing and Information Systems June 2011 Q1(c))

3. Audit of Securities

3.1 Internal controls

3.1.1 Following are some of the more common controls that should be present for each of
the important control objectives for investments.

Internal Control Descriptions

1. Existence /  Adequate documentation must verify that the purchase or sale
Validity of security was properly initiated and approved.
 Significant resources commitments to investment activities
should be approved by the board of directors and the specific
controls for purchase and sale of securities may be delegated to
an executive or committee.
 Adequate custodial procedures to safeguard against theft,
including storing in a safe or safe-deposit box.
 Periodic inspections by an individual independent of both the
custodial and accounting responsibilities for securities.
 Procedures for authorizing the transfer of securities to
independent custodian should be established.
2. Completeness  Securities ledger that records all securities owned by the client
should be maintained.
 The securities transactions recorded in the subsidiary ledger
should be reconciled to the general ledger control accounts
 Personnel responsible for investment activities should be
periodically review the securities owned to ensure that all
dividends and interest have been received and recorded in the
entity’s records.
3. Valuation  Control procedures to ensure that appropriate prices or fair
values are used to value investment for financial statement.
4. Classification  Internal verification to ensure that securities are properly
classified into appropriate categories of financial assets in
accordance with financial reporting standards (e.g. HKFRS 9).

3.2 Analytical procedures

3.2.1 Analytical procedures can test the overall reasonableness of investments:

(a) Compare the balances in the current year’s investment accounts with prior
years’ balances after consideration of the effects of current-year operating and
financing activities on cash and investments.
(b) Compare current-year interest and dividend income with the reported
income for prior years and with the expected return on investments.

3.3 Substantive procedures for investment transactions

Audit Objectives Substantive Procedures

1. Occurrence  Review board minutes for approval of purchase and disposal
(Dec 11) of investment securities.
 Trace the investment records to the supporting documents, for
example, bought and sold note.
2. Completeness  Trace the supporting documents to investment records, for
example, bought and sold note.
3. Accuracy  Foot schedule of securities held and agree total to securities
register and general ledger.
 Agree dividend and other investment income to the
supporting documents for investment activities and the bank
4. Cut-off  Review purchase and sale of securities for a few days before
(Dec 11) and after end of the reporting period to determine if there are
unrecorded investment activities at year-end and the transaction
is recorded at the correct period.
5. Classification  Review and inquire of management for proper categorize into
proper categories of financial assets in accordance with
financial reporting standards.

Question 3
What are the possible substantive audit procedures for the two assertions, occurrence and
cut-off, of shares transactions? Provide one substantive audit procedure for each assertion.
(4 marks)
(HKIAAT PBE Paper III Auditing and Information Systems December 2011 Q5(b))

3.4 Tests of details of investment balances

Audit Objectives Substantive Procedures

1. Existence  Physical inspection of securities such as bonds, shares and
(Jun 15) debentures.
 Obtain confirmation from bank or other third party
 Obtain confirmation from broker for unsettled transactions.
2. Rights and  Examine bought note for securities purchased and sold note
obligation / for disposed of during the year.
ownership  Obtain confirmation from bank/custodian for securities held
(Jun 15) on behalf of client.
 Physical inspection of bonds, debenture certificates and
share certificates and other title documents.
3. Completeness  Obtain confirmation from brokers or custodian confirming
amount of securities and investment income.
 Reconcile information contained in the confirmation with the
client’s investment record.
 Review dividend and investment income received and
identify non-recorded transactions.
 Search for unrecorded transactions of purchase of securities
by examining transactions for a few days after year-end.
4. Valuation  Send confirmation to banks/brokers confirming cost of
investment and investment income.
 Review bought note for cost basis of securities purchased and
recalculate interest income using effective interest rate
 Review sold note for realized gains or losses of disposal of
 Determine the basis for valuing investments by tracing values
to published quotations for securities and determining any
impairment in individual security.
5. Presentation and  Inquiry of management and examine board minutes and other
disclosure supporting documents so as to identify those securities have
been pledged as collaterals and ensure sufficient disclosures.

 Review the draft account to determine that all disclosures
requirements have been made for debt and equity securities.

4. Audit of Prepaid Expenses

4.1 The inherent risk for prepaid expenses will usually be assessed as low because this
account does not involve complex accounting issues and misstatement is often
4.2 Substantive procedures for testing the purchasing and payment cycle forms part
of the testing of transactions of prepaid expenses. In many occasions, auditors may
be able to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence on prepaid expenses by
performing analytical procedures. Detailed tests of balances of the prepaid expense
are necessary only when misstatements are expected.

4.3 Control risks assessment

4.3.1 Auditors’ assessment of control risk for prepaid expenses transactions is based on the
effectiveness of the following control procedures of:
(a) The purchasing process – for example, client’s control procedures to ensure
that maintenance contracts are properly authorized and recorded.
(b) The transactions and information – for example, an insurance register should
be maintained for all insurance policies to be effective.
(c) The systematic allocation of prepaid expense – for example, by the end of each
month, client should prepare journal entry to recognize the expired portion of
prepaid rent and also to adjust the actual amount of unexpired rent.

4.4 Analytical procedures

4.4.1 Examples of analytical procedures for verifying the prepaid expense account are as
(a) To compare the current year’s balances with the prior year’s balances, taking
into account of any changes in operations.
(b) To compare the current year’s ratio of prepaid expense and the related expense
with the prior year’s ratio.

4.5 Tests of details of balances of prepaid expenses

4.5.1 Test of details of balances for prepaid expense is necessary when the auditor suspects
that it is possible that there are misstatement in this account; examples of the tests of
balance of prepaid expenses are:

Audit Objectives Substantive Procedures

1. Existence and  Obtain confirmation from brokers or other service providers,
completeness if applicable.
 Inspect the tenancy agreement and other service contracts.
 Examine the underlying supporting documents such as
insurance policy, bills, etc.
2. Rights and  Obtain confirmation from brokers or other service providers, if
obligation applicable.
 Inspect the tenancy agreement and other service contracts.
3. Valuation and  Recalculate the amount of prepaid expenses based on client’s
allocation accounting policies.
 Evaluate client’s basis of allocation between expired portion
and unexpired portion of expenses.
4. Presentation and  Review the draft account to determine that all disclosures
disclosure required have been made.
 Check that the expired portion and unexpired portion of
expenses are properly classified and are grouped under the
appropriate heading in the financial statements.

5. Audit of Accruals

5.1 The inherent risks and control risks assessment of accruals are similar with the
prepaid expenses except that the client should prepare journal entry to recognize the
expired portion of prepaid rent and also to adjust the actual amount of unexpired rent
by the end of each month and/or year. Moreover, the analytical procedures for prepaid
expenses are similar with those for accruals.

5.2 Tests of details of balances of accruals

Audit Objectives Substantive Procedures

1. Existence  Inspect loan agreement and other relevant contracts.
 Examine the underlying supporting documents such as
demand notes from IRD, bills, etc.
2. Rights and  Send confirmation to the lender and relevant parties.
obligation  Inspect the loan agreement and other relevant contracts.
 Examine the underlying supporting documents such as
demand notes from IRD, bills, etc.
3. Completeness  Search for unrecorded transactions of accruals by examining
invoices for a few days after year-end. (cut-off)
 For all interest bearing accounts, loans, overdrafts, etc.,
ensure the correct accrual is made for interest payable.
4. Valuation  Obtain the list of accruals from client and cast it to confirm
arithmetical accuracy.
 Agree the figure per the schedule to the general ledger and
financial statements.
 Agree the calculation of the accrual by reference to supporting
documentation, e.g. previous period invoice.
 Check subsequent payments (IRD assessment and cash book
entries) against the estimated tax liabilities.
 Evaluate client’s basis of allocation between the expired
portion and unexpired portion of expenses.
5. Presentation and  Review the draft account to determine that all disclosures
disclosure required have been made.
 Check that the accruals are grouped under the appropriate
heading in the financial statements.

6. Finance Leases

6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 Finance leases are different from general long-term liabilities used by entities to
finance the normal operating business activities. They are usually arranged as a result
from acquiring fixed assets.
6.1.2 Therefore, in auditing non-current assets, the auditor may have known from the
documentation supporting the purchases of fixed assets, for example, property, plant
and equipment that a finance lease exists.

6.2 Substantive procedures over finance leases (Jun 13)

6.2.1 Similar to other long-term liabilities, the frequency of this kind of transactions is few
but the amount involved is significant and the period of lease may vary from five to
more than ten years. The main control over this type of liability is proper
authorization and should have been considered at the same time when the purchase
of the corresponding fixed assets is under audit.
6.2.2 The substantive tests of details of balance at year-end include the following:

Audit Objectives Substantive Procedures

1. Existence  Check to the minutes of board of directors’ meeting for the
proper authorization and approval.
 Check to lease agreement for the date of creation and the
period of lease.
 Send confirmation to the lessor.
2. Completeness  Perform analytical procedures like comparing to previous
year’s liabilities to identify new and existing leases which
should be included in current year-end financial statements.
3. Valuation  Check to lease agreement for the terms and implicit rate of
interest in the lease payments and ensure that the calculation
of finance lease interest and lease principle repayment is
 Send confirmation to lessor to verify the total outstanding
4. Obligation  Examine the lease agreement which should have been signed

by the two parties, lessor and lessee and the terms of the lease
to determine if it is a finance lease.
 Check to ensure that the corresponding asset has been
received on or before year-end date.
5. Presentation and  Ensure that the finance lease is presented and disclosed
disclosure according to HKAS 17 “Leases”.

Question 4
What are the two major types of substantive procedures? Elaborate and provide one
example of each type for the auditing of the finance lease and interest expenses of FLK
Limited for the year ended 31 December 2012. (6 marks)
(HKIAAT PBE Paper III Auditing and Information Systems June 2013 Q2(b))


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