Eti - Ohe - 27 8 84
Eti - Ohe - 27 8 84
Eti - Ohe - 27 8 84
Sep, 2016
6.1 RDSO’s drawings for components and the assembly of the section insulator are for
guidance only. The manufacturer shall prepare his own manufacturing drawings incorporating
the closest tolerances attainable by him consistently on all dimensions. Closer tolerance are
required on holes, hole centers, wall thickness etc. The drawings shall be prepared in accordance
with RDSO specification No. RE/OHE/25(3/66).
6.2 The section insulator assemblies shall be manufactured strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer’s drawings approved by RDSO/CORE.
7.24 In the event of the tests not being carried through to completion at one stretch for
any reason attributable to the successful manufacturer and it is required for the representative
of Director General (Traction Installations), Research Designs and Standards Organisation,
Manak Nagar, Lucknow, to go again or more number of times to the works of the
manufacturer or other place(s) for continuing and/or completing the tests on the prototype
(s) of the equipment. The guide line of ISO documents No. ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-
7.1-10 Version No: 3.0 Date Effective: 07/05/2015 for Vendor sample type testing and
ISO9001:2008 Document No: QO-D-7.1-14 Version No: 6.0 Date Effective14/08/2015 for
Vendor registration schedule of charges shall be followed.
7.3 Acceptance Tests:
7.3.1 The manufacturer shall offer section insulator assemblies in lots of not more than 50
assemblies. Only those assemblies and their components which have already been subjected to
routine tests, as per clause-7.4, shall be offered for inspection. The results of routine tests shall
be presented to the inspector, who will record these in the inspection certificate.
7.3.2 Components of two assemblies shall be selected at random for acceptance tests.
7.3.3 Acceptance Criteria:
Provided routine tests results are satisfactory and the samples selected in accordance
with 7.3.2 are found conforming to the specification when tested as per clause-7.3.4, the lot
may be accepted. If any component fails in any test four more samples, taken at random, shall
be subjected to the test. If, there is no failure in the retest, that lot of the component may be
accepted otherwise not. If a component fails in more than one test, lot………. Of the component
may be rejected.
The assemblies shall be accepted only if all the components are acceptable and
interchangeable and the assemblies pass proof load test.
All accepted fittings and components shall be punched with the Inspector’s seal giving the initials
of Inspector and date of inspection. Alternatively, a lab carrying the initials of inspection and
date of inspection may be fixed indelibly on the each fitting/component.
7.4 Routine Tests:
7.4.1 The manufacturer shall carry out routine tests on all components and assembly. Records
of the tests shall be examined by the Inspector.
8.1 Visual examination of components:
8.1.1 All the components shall be examined for visible defects, deformation, flaws and surface
finish. Particular attention shall be paid to smooth surface finish of contact surfaces of the
runners. The galvanizing of ferrous parts shall be examined for a visible defect as defined in IS:
8.1.2 As a routine test this test shall be carried out on all the components. The components not
found satisfactory shall not be utilised and offered for acceptance tests.
8.2 Dimensional verification of components:
8.2.1 The manufacturer shall check dimensions of all the components using gauges, approved
by the Inspector, on the entire lot before offering for inspection.
8.2.2 The Inspector shall check dimensions of the components of two assemblies selected in
accordance with Clause 7.3.2 for acceptance of the lot and for the purpose of type tests. In type
tests, all dimensions shall be checked. In acceptance test, important dimensions such as wall
thickness, hole diameters, hole centers, runner profile and runner thickness only may be
checked. The inspector, at his sole discretion, may check all dimensions. The dimensions shall be
within the tolerance indicated on the approved drawings.
8.3 Examination of assembly
Two assemblies shall be made and clearance as specified in 4.2 and 4.3 shall be checked.
It shall be possible to adjust the assembly so as to obtain proper level. The level of an assembly
shall be checked by moving a straight flat copper strip of approximately 500mm length below
the assembly in a manner similar to movement of pantograph. Alternatively, arrangement can
be made to suspend the assembly over a plain table to check the level. The sectioning insulator
for the test shall be provided by the manufacturer.
8.4 Interchangeability of components
Al components shall be freely interchangeable. If the components selected in a random
manner permit assembly without any further machining of forming operation and the assemblies
s made meet the requirement of 8.3, the requirement of this test shall be deemed to have been
8.5 physical & chemical tests on aluminum bronze test bars.
8.5.1 The manufacturer shall test one of the three test bars cast for each melt for physical
properties and chemical composition. Only if the test results are found conforming to IS: 3091
the lot of the components cast from the melt shall be utilised and offered to the Inspector.
Otherwise the lot shall be re-melted.
8.5.2 one second test bar shall be tested by the Inspector for the each lot of components from
each melt for physical properties only. If the requirements of physical properties are not met,
the particular lot shall be rejected and components broken or re-melted by the Inspector in his
8.5.3 The third test bars of each lot shall be preserved for five years for testing in future if
need arises.
8.6 Test on fasteners
8.6.1 The fasteners shall be tested in accordance with RDSO’s specification No.
ETI/OHE/18(4/84) both for type tests and acceptance tests.
8.6.2 The stainless steel pins shall be tested for chemical composition and Inter crystalline
corrosion bend test as per BS: 970 (Part-4) of the test shall be made on one sample only both
for type test and acceptance tests.
8.7 Liquid dye-penetration test on castings
8.7.1 All castings shall be tested for cracks, blow holes porosity etc. by liquid dye penetrate
flaw detection method in accordance with IS: 3658-1981. The defective fittings shall be
rejected. The test shall be carried out as routine test by the manufacturer and as acceptance
test by the purchaser’s Inspector. Records of routines tests shall also be examined by the
8.8 Radiographic examination of castings
8.8.1 Radiographs of three samples of each casting shall be taken. These will be evaluated by
the Purchaser for inclusions, blow holes, cavities, cracks porosity etc. the accepted radiographs
shall be retained by manufacturer and RDSO for reference and record. Manufacturer shall
subject castings to radiographic tests from time to time to ensure that the accepted standards
are maintained.
8.9 Tests on runner stripes
8.9.1 For the purpose of type tests, chemical analysis, mechanical test and electrical resistivity
tests shall be made on three samples. The test results shall conform to IS: 1897.
8.9.2 For acceptance tests, only physical properties and electrical resistivity shall be tested.
8.10 Galvanising tests on ferrous parts.
8.10.1 The galvanized ferrous parts shall be tested in accordance with IS: 2629 for visible
defects and adherence; IS: 2633 for uniformity of Zinc coating; and IS: 6745 for weight of zinc
coating. The samples shall meet the requirements of respective specifications. The uniformity of
zinc coating shall be ascertained by seven one minute dips in the Preece Test.
8.10.2 For acceptance test only weight of zinc coating shall be checked by magnetic
method or by stripping method.
8.11 Proof load test
8.11.1 The complete section insulator together with end links will be tested for a proof
load of 3 tone for one minute for type test and 2 tonne for one minute for acceptance and
routine tests.
The position of contact wire shall be marked suitably prior to the test. There shall not be any
slipping of neither contact wires nor any deformation to any component of the assembly.
8.11.2 A suitable dummy steel plate with ends shaped exactly as the tongues of
sectioning insulator may be use in lieu of the sectioning insulator for proof load test.
9.1 The components and fittings of section insulator assembly shall be packed either in fully
assembled conditions or in knocked down condition in strong wooden boxes. Every, box shall
contain a list of components giving quantity of each component packed in the box.
9.2 Every box shall carry, in legible and indelible lettering, the following information:
i) Manufacturers trade name and brand mark.
ii) Number of assemblies/component packed.
iii) Contract/ Order number.
iv) Consignees address.
v) Date of Inspection and Inspecting Authority.
vi) Any other particulars specified by the Purchaser.