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1 Write the groups of invertebrates. Then, match them to the correct pictures.

a. They are simple aquatic invertebrates. They live attached to rocks. Their bodies are full
of pores and are sac-shaped.

They are .

b. They have got poisonous tentacles and jelly-like bodies. Jellyfish are in this group.

They are .

c. They have got long, soft bodies and no legs. Thy live in soil, in water or inside other

They are .

d. Mussels, octopuses, squids and snails are in this group of invertebrates.

They are .

e. They are marine animals. Their skeleton is made of hard plates. Starfish and sea
urchins are in this group.

They are .

f. They have got an articulated exoskeleton made up of external plates. Insects,

arachnids, crustaceans and myriapods are in this group.

They are .

2 Circle the correct word.

Invertebrates haven’t got a skeleton / spinal column.

46 Natural Science 3 Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing

3 Circle the correct words.

a. Worms, insects and spiders are vertebrates / invertebrates.

b. Mussels have got shells / exoskeletons.
c. Crabs have got hard / soft exoskeletons.
d. Jellyfish and earthworms have got / haven’t got a hard covering.

4 1 2
Complete the crossword
about insects. 3

1. These parts help insects feel and smell. 4. This part contains wings and legs.
2. These hatch from eggs. 5. This part is divided into segments.
3. Invertebrates with six legs. 6. Insects fly with these.

5 Complete the sentences about molluscs.

Molluscs have got bodies. Most of them have got one or two

to protect their bodies.

Most of them are , like clams, but some are ,

like snails and slugs.

6 Write one or two examples of each.

a. molluscs that have got two shells

b. molluscs that have got a single shell

c. molluscs that have got limbs with suction cups

Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing Natural Science 3 47
Invertebrates EXTENSION

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Cephalopods are animals such as squids, octopuses
and cuttlefish.
These sea creatures are unusual because their feet,
which are actually long tentacles, surround their mouth
and are attached to their heads. Cephalopod means
Did you know that the octopus is one of the most
intelligent of all the invertebrates in the marine world?
Octopuses also have excellent eyesight, although they cannot hear.
An octopus’s soft body looks like a large bag. It lives on the ocean floor, and its eight
tentacles help it to move about and catch food. An octopus moves by jet propulsion: it
sucks water in, then squirts it out of its head so fast that it moves through the water!
Octopuses protect themselves in two ways. They squirt dark ink which blinds their
enemies so they have time to escape. They also change the colour of their skin so that
they blend in with their surroundings. This helps them hide from their enemies.

1 Unscramble the words and find some examples of cephalopods.

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a. b. c.

2 Write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. The octopus is one of the most intelligent invertebrates in the sea.

b. Cephalopod means head-legs.

c. Octopuses move by jet propulsion.

d. Octopuses have an excellent sense of hearing.

e. Octopuses have five tentacles.

48 Natural Science 3 Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing
Invertebrates EXTENSION

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Honey bees
Honey bees are flying insects that form
colonies and live in beehives. They work
together for the good of the community, foto
and each bee belongs to a specialized abeja
group according to its work.
In a beehive, there is one queen whose
role is to lay eggs to produce new bees.
Drones are male bees that mate with
the queen.
Worker bees are the most numerous
group. When they are young, they stay in the beehive to look after it and defend it. When
they are older, they fly outside to collect nectar and pollen from flowers to make honey for
their food. They are able to indicate to other bees where to find pollen by performing a
special dance.
Bees are necessary for plant reproduction because they transport pollen from one plant to
another. They can visit over 2,000 flowers in a day!

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. What is a beehive?

b. How many queens are there in a beehive?

c. What are drones?

d. What bees are in charge of collecting pollen and nectar?

e. Why are bees important for plant reproduction?

Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing Natural Science 3 49
Invertebrates ASSESSMENT

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1 What do all invertebrates have in common?

2 Look at the illustrations and match.



B cnidarian E




3 Circle the correct word. Then, write the sentences.

a. Jellyfish have tentacles / legs. Their bodies look like jelly / rocks.

b. Worms have soft / hard bodies. They are short / long.

c. Molluscs have hard / soft bodies. They usually have shells / scales.

d. Spiders have eight / six legs.

50 Natural Science 3 Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing

4 Label the parts of the fly.

5 Number the illustrations in order.


6 Write T (true) or F (false).

a. Echinoderms live attached to rocks.

b. Sponges can live on land and in water.

c. Jellyfish have poisonous tentacles.

d. All worms are aquatic.

7 Write the group of arthropods these invertebrates belong to.


Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing Natural Science 3 51
Invertebrates TEST

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1 Invertebrate animals…
a. always live in warm places with high humidity.
b. haven’t got a spinal column.
c. have got long, soft bodies with no legs.
2 Sponges are…
a. vertebrate animals that live in the sea.
b. aquatic invertebrates that live attached to rocks.
c. marine arthropods.
3 Jellyfish are…
a. sponges. b. vertebrates. c. cnidarians.
4 Earthworms live in…
a. the sea. b. the soil. c. trees.
5 Molluscs…
a. are oviparous invertebrates with soft bodies.
b. can only live attached to rocks in the sea.
c. have got very bright colours.
6 Starfish and sea urchins are…
a. arachnids. b. echinoderms. c. arthropods.
7 Insects, arachnids, crustaceans and myriapods are all…
a. arthropods. b. vertebrates. c. herbivores.
8 Arthropods have got…
a. many legs.
b. an articulated exoskeleton.
c. wings.
9 Insects’ bodies are divided into…
a. head, thorax and abdomen.
b. antennae, legs and wings.
c. head, trunk and limbs.
10 Spiders have got…

a. ten legs. b. eight legs. c. six legs.

52 Natural Science 3 Photocopiable material © 2014 Santillana Educación, S.L. / Richmond Publishing

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