Part One: Writing Strategies and Mechanics

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English Reading / Writing


The writing test has a total of 15 questions. Read the directions and sample questions
carefully to be sure you understand how to answer the questions in that part of the test.

Part One
Directions: In this part of the test, you will see sentences with blanks. Choose the
words that belong in the blanks. Then mark the box of the correct answer.
Sample Question:

Choose the word that belongs in the blank.

I can’t my pencil.

A found

B finds

C find

D finding

The word that elo gs i the la k is fi d, so the orre t a swer is C .

When you take the test, you will mark the box next to the answer you choose as shown
in the example.

Page 4
Reading/Writing 7-V1
Choose the word that belongs in the blank.
Those dishes are made of glass and will break very ______________.

A easy

B easier

C easiest

D easily

Choose the word that belongs in the blank.

Our trip to the park was ________ because the weather was nice.

A prepared

B pleasant

C handsome

D intelligent

Choose the word that belongs in the blank.

Yesterday the weather was bright and ____________.

A sun

B sunned

C sunny

D sunning

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Reading/Writing 7-V1
Choose the word that belongs in the blank.
Many animals go to sleep when the temperature _______ below zero degrees.

A falling

B fallen

C falls

D fall

Choose the word that belongs in the blank.

It is ___________ to finish this work by tomorrow morning.

A dispossible

B impossible

C mispossible

D unpossible

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Reading/Writing 7-V1
Part Two
Directions: In this part of the test you will read some paragraphs and notes. The
paragraph or notes are followed by some questions. Choose the correct answer for each
question. Then mark the box of the correct answer.

Question 6: Read the sentences below and answer the question that follows.

(1) Some animals travel long distances to warmer climates before the winter.
(2) __________ animals spend the winter sleeping.

Choose the word that best begins sentence (2).


A Another

B Either

C Neither

D Other

Question 7: Read the paragraph below and answer the question that follows.

When I go to the beach, I love looking at the ocean. The light from the sun makes the
water sparkle brightly. When the waves come up on the sand, I can smell the salt from
the water. Sea shells of different sizes and colours sit on the sand. I can also see small
fish swimming close to the shore. __________________________.

Which sentence best ends the paragraph?


A The water is warm and lovely to swim in.

B I would really like to see some birds today.

C There are many interesting things at the beach.

D The water moves deeper onto the shore as the waves come in.

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Reading/Writing 7-V1
Questions 8: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.

(1) All around the world, people enjoy looking up at the night sky. (2) Studying the stars
and planets is a very popular hobby. (3) ________, it has become more difficult to see
the stars at night in recent years. (4) Some people say that hu a s ause light
pollutio with our brightly lit buildings, airports, and roadways. (5) An orange glow
appears over most cities. (6) The orange glow hides the light from the stars.
(7) Nowadays, someone ________ of the night sky must travel to an unpopulated place
like a desert.

Which is the best way to begin sentence (3)?


A At once

B In other words

C Unfortunately

D Immediately

Which is the best way to join sentence (5) and sentence (6) together?

A An orange glow appears over most cities because it hides the light from
the stars.
B An orange glow appears over most cities, hiding the light from the stars.

C An orange glow appears hidden in the light of the stars over most cities.

D An orange glow appears, but it hides the light of most cities over the stars.

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Reading/Writing 7-V1
The reading test has a total of 15 questions. You will see samples below. Read the samples
carefully to be sure you understand how to answer the questions in that part of the test.

Directions: In this part, you will see some texts. Read each text and answer the questions
about it. Your answers should be based on what is stated or implied in the text.

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

What Is a Desert?
A desert is a very dry place. It does not get much rain. The weather there is hot
and windy.
The largest desert in the world is the Sahara. It is in Africa. There are other
large deserts in Australia and America. In fact, there are deserts all over the world.

What is the text mainly about?

A deserts

B animals

C cities

D people

The correct answer is A , deserts.

Look at the word large in the text. What does large mean?

A hot

B big

C far

D old

The correct answer is B , ig.

When you take the test, you will mark the box next to the answer you choose.

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Reading/Writing 7-V1
Questions 10-12: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Dear Students,
Our school staff has decided to organise an event as a reward for your hard work and
success. The programme will include two days of both outdoor and indoor activities. It
will be fun!
Indoors Activities:
Explore shared interests with your friends!
1- Drama Center: This center gives you the opportunity to design a play, including
writing the scripts and dressing in the costumes! Then, you can present it to your

2- Art Center: Use paints, coloured pencils, markers, and paper to create your own
picture and display it in the school art gallery.

Outdoors Activities:
1- Nature walk: Experience nature and learn how to take care of the environment. We
will walk through the Mountain Forest and study the many animals and plants that live
2- Boating Trip: We will take a boat ride and explore the lake near the city. Each student
will get the opportunity to drive the boat!
It would be a good idea to take pictures with your friends and of the beautiful area.
For more information, please call Mr. Khalid Mohammed at 844222. We hope to see
everyone there!
Best Wishes,
Mr. Adel Hassan

Activities Advisor

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Reading/Writing 7-V1
Why was this programme arranged for the students?

A because the students have worked very hard

B because the students wanted to surprise their teachers

C because the students voted on different activities they could do

D because the students did better than students at other schools

What does the school hope that students will learn from their nature walk?

A how to live in the forest

B how to play in the water

C how to take pictures of the plants

D how to take care of the environment

How are the activities organized in the programme?


A the program lists the most interesting activities first

B by whether the activity will be outdoors or indoors

C the program lists the most difficult activities first

D by order of the time the activity will take place

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Reading/Writing 7-V1
Questions 13-15: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

Ron’s Ambulance Ride

The score was tied one to one in the last football game of the year when Ron saw the
chance to score a goal. As he watched the ball slide into the goal, he slipped and fell. As
he fell, Ron twisted his knee. After a moment, Ron sat up on the field, but he was in too
much pain to stand.
Ron’s coach, Mr. Jones, called an ambulance, and it arrived in just a few minutes. A
worker wearing a blue uniform rushed out of the ambulance and sat down beside Ron.
Hi, Ron. I’m Tony, said the worker. I am here to help you feel better.
Tony looked at Ron’s knee. It was red and swollen. I think you sprained your knee. You
need to go to the hospital, he said.

Tony helped Ron into the ambulance and got in the back. As the ambulance started to
move, Tony put a cold bag of ice on Ron’s knee.
This should make your knee feel better, said Tony.
Ron looked around the ambulance. It was filled with different equipment and medicines.
He asked Tony how he knew what medicine and equipment to use. Tony explained that
he took classes to learn how to take care of sick people.
Ron felt the ambulance slow down. They were at the hospital. Ron realised that he
already felt better. His knee was not as red and swollen. Tony helped Ron inside. The
doctor in the hospital examined Ron’s knee.
Well, Ron, said the doctor, you have sprained your knee, but thanks to Tony, you'll be

Page 12
Reading/Writing 7-V1
Based on the text, which of these is true?

A Ro ’s tea lost the foot all ga e.

B Ron is the best player on his team.

C Ro ’s tea is o e of the est tea s.

D Ron scored a goal during the football game.

14 Based on the text, what is true about calling for an ambulance?

A An ambulance worker can only help players with small injuries.

B An ambulance comes to bring help to sick or injured people.

C People who play sports are likely to ride in an ambulance.

D People call for an ambulance quite often.

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Reading/Writing 7-V1

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