Eeas - European External Action Service - Teaching The Eu Bringing Modern Europe To Your Classroom - 2018-11-26
Eeas - European External Action Service - Teaching The Eu Bringing Modern Europe To Your Classroom - 2018-11-26
Eeas - European External Action Service - Teaching The Eu Bringing Modern Europe To Your Classroom - 2018-11-26
ATTEND OUR WEBINAR on February 21, 2019 to learn more about teaching the EU.
Visit the EU Teacher's Corner to learn more and check out some of our resources below:
Kid's Corner
Kid's Corner is a portal designed for the youngest. It contains plenty of games and quizzes about the
EU and can be used by both parents and teachers in learning process. It is a part of EU Teacher's
Corner website. Learn more.
Learn Europe
This portal presents a global view to general information about the EU, especially based on its history,
geography and economics. It also contains more resources, such as documents, graphs, maps,
videos, images, educational games and external links. Learn Europe is a project led by the University
of Lleida, with the collaboration of the Universitat Oberta the Catalunya. It has been funded with
support from the European Commission under Lifelong Learning Programme. Learn more.
Schuman Challenge
The Schuman Challenge is an academic competition for undergraduate students from DC-area
colleges and universities to engage in rigorous dialogue on transatlantic issues. Student teams, under
the guidance of a faculty mentor, analyze the opportunities and challenges for effective transatlantic
implementation of one of the five priorities of the EU’s Global Strategy and present and defend their
strategy in front of a panel of judges at the EU Delegation. Learn more.
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