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Pblock Notes

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In the sblock, group I elements are univalent and group II elements are divalent. In group
III we would expect the elements to be trivalent. In most of their compounds this is the case, but
some of the elements show lower valency states as well. There is an increasing tendency to form
univalent compounds on descending the group. Compounds with Ga( I), In(I) and Tl(I) are known.
With Ga and In the (I) oxidation state is less stable than the (III) state. However, the stability of
the lower oxidation state increases on descending the group. Tl(I) thallous compounds are more
stable than Tl(III) thallic compounds.
How and why does monovalency occur in group III? The atoms in this group have an outer
electronic configuration of s2p1. Monovalency is explained by the selectrons in the outer shell
remaining paired and not participating in bonding. This is called the „inert pair effect‟. If the energy
required to unpair them exceeds the energy evolved when they form bonds, then the selectrons
will remain paired. The strength of the bonds in MX3 compounds decreases down the group.
The mean bond energy for chlorides are GaCl3 = 242, InCl3 = 206 and TlCl3 = 153 kJ mol1. Thus
the selectrons are most likely to be inert in thallium.
The inert pair effect is not the explanation of why monovalency occurs in group III.
It merely describes what happens, i.e. two electrons do not participate in bonding. The reason that
they do not take part in bonding is energy. The univalent ions are much larger than the trivalent
ions and (I) compounds are ionic and are similar in many ways to group I elements.
The inert pair effect is not restricted to group III, but also occurs among the heavier
elements in other groups in the pblock. Examples from group IV are Sn2+ and Pb2+ and examples
from group V are Sb3+ and Bi3+. The lower oxidation state becomes more stable on descending the
group. Thus, Sn2+ is a reducing agent but Pb2+ is stable and Sb3+ is a reducing agent but Bi3+ is
stable. When the selectrons remain paired, the oxidation state is always two lower than the usual
oxidation state for the group.
Thus, in the sblock, groups I and II show only the group valency. Groups in the
pblock show variable valency, differing in steps of two. Variable valency also occurs with
elements in the dblock. This arises from using different number of delectrons for
bonding, so in this case the valency can change in steps of one (e.g. Cu + and Cu2+, Fe2+ and



(i) Reduction of boric oxide with highly electropositive metals like Na, K and Mg in the
absence of air.

B2O3 (s) + 6K(s)  2B(s) + 3K2O(s)

B2O3 (s) + 3Mg(s)  2B(s) + 3MgO(s)

The product thus obtained is boiled with HCl and filtered when K2O and MgO dissolves,
leaving behind elemental B. The powdered B thus obtained is thoroughly washed with
water to free it from HCl and is finally dried.

(ii) Modern Method

B is obtained these days by the electrolysis of a fused mixture containing boric anhydride,
MgO and MgF2 at 1100C. The electrolysis is done in a carbon crucible, which acts as
anode and Fe rod is used as cathode. The Mg discharged at cathode reduces B2O3 to B.

2MgO  2Mg + O2
B2O3 + 3Mg  2B + 3MgO
B thus obtained is heated electrically in vacuum at 1100C, when the impurities are
volatilised off and pure boron is obtained.

(iii) By thermal decomposition of BI3 over red hot tungsten filament (Van Arkel method)
2BI3 
 2B(s) + 3I2(g)
1173 K


2.2.1 Melting Points, Boiling Points and structures

The melting points of group III elements donot show a regular trend as did the metals of
group I and II. The Group III values are not strictly comparable because B and Ga have
unusual crystal structures.
Boron has an unusual crystal structure which results in the melting point being very high.
Other elements form metallic bonding, but small size and high ionisation energy make this
impossible for boron. Boron exists in four different allotropic forms, all of which contains
icosahedral units with boron atoms at all 12 corners. (Icosahedral contains 12 corners and
20 faces). Only 37% of the space is occupied by the atoms, compared with 74% for a
closepacked arrangement. This shows that icosahedra fill up space ineffectively.
The elements Al, In and Tl all have close-packed metal structures Ga has an unusual
structure. Each metal atom has one close neighbour at a distance of 2.43 Å and six more
distant neighbours at distance between 2.7 Å and 2.79 Å. This remarkable structure tends
towards discrete diatomic molecules rather than a metallic structure. This accounts for the
incredibly low melting point of gallium at 30ºC

Melting Point (ºC) Boiling Point (ºC)

B 2180 3650
Al 660 2467
Ga 30 2403
In 157 2080
Tl 303 1457

As is obvious from the above table, the melting point decreases in the group but
irregularities occur. B has very high melting point because of its unique covalent structure.
Ga has extremely low melting point again because of its unique structure.

The boiling point for B is unusually high, but the values for Ga, In and Tl decrease on
descending the group as expected. Note that the boiling point for Ga is in line with the
others, whereas its melting point is not. The very low melting point is due to the unusual
crystal structure, but the structure no longer exits in the liquid.

2.2.2 Size of atoms and ions

The metallic radii of the atoms do not increase regularly on descending the group.
However, the values are not strictly comparable because of their unique structures.

Metallic radius Ionic radius Paulings

(Å) M+3(Å) M+(Å) electronegativity

B (0.885) (0.27)  2
Al 1.43 0.535  1.5
Ga (1.225) 0.620 1.2 1.6
In 1.67 0.800 1.4 1.7

Tl 1.70 0.885 1.5 1.8

The ionic radii for M+3 increase down the group, though not in the regular way as observed
in Group I and II. There are two reasons for this.

(i) There is no evidence for the existence of B+3 under normal condition and the value of ionic
radius is an estimate.

(ii) The electronic structures of the elements are different. Ga and In have a d10 inner shell
which is poorly screening and so have higher ionisation energies than would otherwise be
expected. This contraction in size is sometimes called the d-block contraction.
In a similar way Tl follows immediately after 14 fblock elements. The size and ionisation
energy of Tl are affected even more by the presence of 14 f electrons, which shield the
nuclear charge even less effectively. The contraction in size from these f –block elements
is called the lanthanide contraction.

2.2.3 Electropositive Character

The electropositive or metallic nature of the elements increase from B to Al, but then
decreases from Al to Tl as is shown by the standard electrode potentials for the reaction:
M+3 + 3e  M

M+3|M(Volts) M+1|M(Volts)
B (0.87)*
Al 1.66 0.55
Ga 0.56 0.79f
In 0.34 0.18
Tl +1.26 0.34

* For H3BO3 + 3H+ + 3e  B + 3H2O

Value in acidic solution.
Ga, In and Tl have lesser tendency to lose electrons (and are thus electropositive),
because of the poor shielding by delectrons.

The E values show that the stability of +3 oxidation state decreases down the group
whereas that of +1 increases down the group.

2.2.4 Ionisation Energy

The ionisation energies increase as expected (first ionisation energy < second ionisation
energy < third ionisation energy). The sum of the first three ionisation energies for each of
the elements is very high. Thus, boron has no tendency to form ions, and always forms
covalent bonds. The other elements normally form covalent compounds except in solution
where the high hydration energy compensates the high ionisation energy.
The ionisation energy values do not decrease smoothly down the group.
The decrease from B to Al is the usual trend on descending a group associated with

increased size. The poor shielding by delectrons and the resulting d-block contraction
affect the values for the later elements.

Ionisation energy (kJmol-1)

1st 2nd 3rd Sum of three
B 801 2427 3659 6887
Al 577 1816 2744 5137
Ga 579 1979 2962 5520
In 558 1820 2704 5082
Tl 589 1971 2877 5437


(i) Boron is a nonmetal, while all other elements of this group are metals.
(ii) Boron forms only covalent compounds, while other elements of this group form both
covalent and ionic compounds.
(iii) Boron shows a maximum covalency of four, while other elements of this group show
a maximum valency of six, absorbs neutron and is steel grey in colour. Its density is
2.34 gm/cc.
Crystalline B is not active while amorphous B reacts. The reactions are
as follows.
(a) Reaction with air
4B + 3O2 2B2O3
2B + N2 2BN
The above reaction accompanies red flame.
High temp. & press.
BN + 3H2O  H3BO3 + NH3
(b) Action of alkali and acid are given as follows,
2B + 2NaOH + 2H2O  2NaBO2 + 3H2
High temp.
2B + 3H2O 
 B2O3 + 3H2
2B + 3H2SO4 2H3BO3 + 3SO2
2B + 6HNO3 2H3BO3 + 6NO2
(c) Boron reacts with Mg and consequent hydrolysis gives diborane.
3Mg + 2B  Mg3B2
3Ca + 2B  Ca3B2
Mg3B2 + 6HCl  3MgCl2 + B2H6
B2H6 + 6H2O  2H3BO3 + 6H2
(d) Boron reduces SiO2, CO2
3SiO2 + 4B  2B2O3 + 3Si
3CO2 + 4B  2B2O3 + 3C



B2O3 + 3CaF2 + 3H2SO4 (conc.)  3CaSO4 + 2BF3 + 3H2O (colourless liquid).
B2O3 + 6KBF4 + 3H2SO4  3K2SO4 + 8BF3 + 3H2O

Properties: BF3 undergoes hydrolysis as

4BF3 + 3H2O  B(OH)3 + 3HBF4
B(OH)3 + 4HF  HBF4 + 3H2O
Two stage hydrolysis of BF3 is
H2O + BF3  H+ (BF3 OH)– 2 H[BF2(OH)2] + HF


B2O3 + 3C + 3Cl2  2BCl3 + 3CO
(volatile liquid)
When B2O3 is heated with PCl5 at 150°C, it forms BCl3
B2O3 + 3PCl5  2BCl3 + 3 POCl3
BCl3 hydrolyses as follows
BCl3 + 3H2O  B(OH)3 + 3HCl
H[BCl4] does not exist but H[BF4]exists
BCl3 + 3NH3 B(NH2)3 + 3HCl
BCl3 + C2H5OH  BCl2 (OC2H5) + HCl
BCl3 + NOCl  [NO]+ [BCl4]–
4BCl3 + 3LiAlH4  2B2H6 + 3LiCl + 3AlCl3

Let us now discuss the acidic character of boron trihalides.

The shape of the BF3 molecule is a planar triangle with bond angles of 120°. This is
predicted by VSEPR theory as the most stable shape for three outer electron pairs around B. The
valence bond theory also predicts a planar triangle with hybridisation of one s and two p orbitals
used for bonding. However, the B atom only has six electrons in its outer shell and this is termed
electron deficient.
Electronic structure of
boron atom excited state

three singly occupied orbitals form bonds with

unpaired electrons from three halogen atoms
shape: triangular planar (sp hybridization)

The bond lengths in BF3 are 1.30 Å each and are significantly shorter than the sum of the
covalent radii (B = 0.80 Å, F = 0.72 Å). The bond energy is very high: 646 kJ mol1, which is higher
than for any single bond. The shortness and strength of the bonds is interpreted in terms of a
pp interaction, that is the bonds possess some double bond character. The empty 2p z atomic
orbital on B which is not involved in hybridisation is perpendicular to the triangle containing the sp 2
hybrid orbitals. This pz orbital may accept an electron pair from a full pz orbital on any one of
the three fluorine atoms. Thus, a dative  bond is formed and the B atom attains an octet of

electrons. If one localized double bond existed, then there would be one short bond and two
longer ones. However, all measurements show that the three bond lengths are identical. The old
valence bond explanation of this was resonance between three structures with the double bond in
different positions. The modern explanation is that the double bond is delocalised. The pz atomic
orbitals from B and the three F atoms form a fourcentre  molecular orbital covering all four
atoms which contains two bonding electrons.

The acidic strength of the trihalides is in order

BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3
The order is the reverse of what would be normally expected on the basis of
electronegativity of halogen and also on the basis of steric grounds.
This is explained on the basis of BX bonding. The tendency to form the pp double
bond is maximum in BF3 and decreases very rapidly as we move to BCl3 and BBr3.
Structure of orthoboric acid
Orthoboric acid contains triangular BO 33 units. In the solid, the B(OH)3 units are hydrogen
bonded together into twodimensional sheets with almost hexagonal symmetry. The layers
are quite a large distance apart and thus the crystal breaks quite easily into very fine






Hydrogen bonded structure of orthoboric acid

Na2B4O7 + 2HCl + 5H2O  2NaCl + 4H3BO3
2CaO + 3B2O3 + 2SO2 + 9 H2O  2CaSO3 + 6H3BO3
2CaSO3 + 2H2O + 2SO2  2Ca (HSO3)2
H3BO3 + H2O  [B(OH4)] + H+ (aq)

Acidic properties of H3BO3 or B(OH)3
Since B(OH)3 only partially reacts with water to form H3O+ and [B(OH)4], it behaves as a
weak acid. Thus H3BO3 or [B(OH)3] cannot be titrated satisfactorily with NaOH, as a sharp end
point is not obtained. If certain organic polyhydroxy compounds such as glycerol, mannitol or
sugars are added to the titration mixture, then B(OH)3 behaves as a strong monobasic acid. It can
now be titrated with NaOH and the end point is detected using phenolphthalein as indicator
(indicator changes at pH 8.3  10.0).
B(OH)3 + NaOH Na[B(OH)4]  NaBO2 + 2H2O
Sodium metaborate

The added compound must be cisdiol, to enhance the acidic properties in this way.
(This means that it has OH groups on adjacent carbon atoms in the cis configuration). The cisdiol
forms very stable complexes with the [B(OH)4] formed by the forward reaction above, thus
effectively removing it from solution. The reaction is reversible. Thus removal of one of the
products at the right hand side of the equation upsets the balance and the reaction proceeds
completely to the right. Thus all the B(OH)3 reacts with NaOH, in effect it acts as a strong acid in
the presence of the cisdiol.
 

2H2O 2H2O
+ B B + B
HO CO HOC CO OC

H3BO3 forms chelate complex with glycol and thereby shows strong acidity with Ka value.
The acidity is due to the high stability of the conjugate bone chelate complex.

HB(OH)4 + 2 B + H+ + 4H2O

Catechol, salicylic acid also form similar complexes but ethanol is failure
O O – –
O O , O

140°C strong heating

H3BO3 HBO2 –H2O H2B4O7 2B2O3
–H2O –H2O
meta boric acid Boron sesquioxide

Again B2O3 + H2O  H3BO3 (Silky, pearly white crystal)

BF3 is a strong Lewis acid and forms adduct with NH3

Uses of Boric acid

(i) Boric acid is used in the manufacture of enamels and pottery glazes.
(ii) Boric acid is used in medicines as an eye wash.
(iii) Boric acid is used for making borosilicate glass.

Illustration 1

What happens when boric acid is heated?

Boric acid on heating gradually loses its water of crystallisation to finally give borontrioxide.

4H3BO3  
375 K
4HBO2  
435 K
H2B4O7  
red heat
 4H2O H2O H2O
boric acid metaboric acid tetraboric acid boron trioxide


H3BO3 100°C (1) red heat
Boric acid heat, (2) 400°C
H2O (3) reduced pressure
½ H2O

Properties: The crystalline variety melts at 450°C. It reacts with CuO, CoO, P2O5 etc.
B2O3 + CuO  Cu (BO2)2 [Borax Bead]
B2O3 + CoO  Co(BO2)2
B2O3 + P2O5 2BPO4
Structures of some orthoborates and metaborates are given as follows,

O O 3

orthoborates (Planar triangular)

O– O–
O O O 3 B B
B ,
O– O– O–
B3O6–3 ion B2O4–2 ion

2.5.4 BORAX (Na2B4O7.10H2O)

Structure of Borax
In borax, two boron atoms are in triangular geometry and two boron atoms are in
tetrahedral geometry. The ion is [B4O5(OH)4]2 and the remaining eight water molecules are
associated with the two sodium ions. Hence, the borax contains tetranuclear units
[B4O5(OH)4]2 and therefore is formulated as Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O.
Structure of borax anion

Borax occurs naturally as tincal (contains about 55% borax) in certain inland lakes of India,
Tibet and California (U.S.A.).

Borax can also be prepared from certain other minerals such as boracite, colemanite and
boranatrocalcite. The minerals are powdered and boiled with sodium carbonate solution.
Ca2B6O11 + 2Na2CO3  2CaCO3 + Na2B4O7 + 2NaBO2
Borax is crystallised from the filtrate. Sodium metaborate, present in the mother liquor, is
converted into borax by passing carbon dioxide through it
4NaBO2 + CO2  Na2B4O7 + Na2CO3
sod. metaborate
Two important hydrates of borax are known. These are,
(i) Pentahydrate, Na2B4O7.5H2O.
(ii) Decahydrate or monoclinic borax, Na2B4O7.10H2O.
The pentahydrate is obtained when the solution is crystallised at above 60°C, while the
monoclinic variety is obtained when crystallisation is carried out below 60°C. Both the
varieties on heating form anhydrous borax.
Properties of Borax
(i) Borax is a colourless, crystalline solid sparingly soluble in cold water but dissolves readily
in hot water. It forms two important hydrates: octahedral borax Na2B4O7.5H2O and
monoclinic borax Na2B4O7.10H2O.
(ii) Basic nature
Borax is slightly hydrolysed in solution. As boric acid is a weak acid, the solution is alkaline
in nature.
B 4 O 72 + 7H2O 2OH + 4H3BO3
(iii) Action of acids
Borax reacts with HCl or H2SO4 to form boric acid. On cooling, the white flakes of boric acid
are obtained
Na2B4O7 + 2HCl + 5H2O  2NaCl + 4H3BO3
boric acid
(iv) Action of heat
When powdered borax is heated strongly in a bunsenflame, it loses water of
crystallization and forms colourless, transparent glasslike bead which is made up of
sodium metaborate and boric anhydride.
 
Na2B4O7.10H2O  Na2B4O7  2NaBO2 + B2O3
borax sod. metaborate boron oxide

transparent bead

Uses of Borax
Borax is used,
(i) for manufacturing enamels, glazes and optical glass.
(ii) as a flux for soldering and welding.
(iii) as an analytical reagent, e.g. in borax bead test.

Illustration 2

What happens when a borax solution is acidified? Write a balanced equation for the

When borax solution is acidified, boric acid is formed. Boric acid separates out as white flakes on
Na2B4O7(aq.) + 2HCl + 5H2O  2NaCl + 4H3BO3

Na2B4O7 + 2NH4Cl 2 NaCl + H2O + 2B2O3 + 2NH3
B2O3 + 2NH3  2BN + 3H2O

Structure of boron nitride Structure of Graphite


They are soft and used as lubricating material.

Structures of the boranes
The bonding and structure of the boranes are of great interest. They are different from all
other hydrides. There are not enough valency electrons to form conventional twoelectron
bonds between all of the adjacent pairs of atoms and so these compounds are termed
electron deficient.
In diborane there are 12 valency electrons, three from each B atom and six from the
H atoms. Electron diffraction results indicate the structure shown in given figure.

H 1.33 Å 1.19 Å
B B 1.19 Å
H H 1.33 Å
The two bridging H atoms are in a plane perpendicular to the rest of the molecule and
prevent rotation between the two B atoms. Specific heat measurements confirm that
rotation is hindered. Four of the H atoms are in a different environment from the other two.
This is confirmed that diborane cannot be methylated beyond Me 4B2H2 without breaking
the molecule into BMe3.
The terminal BH distances are the same as the bond lengths measured in
nonelectrondeficient compounds. These are assumed to be normal covalent bonds, with
two electrons shared between two atoms. We can describe these bonds as
twocentretwoelectron bonds (2c2e), with two electrons shared between two atoms.
Thus, the electron deficiency must be associated with the bridge groups. The nature of the
bonds in the hydrogen bridges is now well established. Obviously, they are abnormal
bonds as the two bridges involve only one electron from each boron atom and one from
each hydrogen atom, making a total of four electrons. An sp3 hybrid orbital from each boron
atom overlaps with the 1s orbital of the hydrogen. This gives a delocalised molecular orbital
covering all three nuclei, containing one pair of electrons and making up one of the bridges.
This is a threecentretwoelectron bond (3c2e). A second threecentre bond is also
It contains two 3centre 2electron banana bonds (B … H … B). Two electrons from two
H atom and two from two Boron atoms consist of four electrons. An overlap of sp 3 hybrid
orbital of B and 1s hydrogen orbital gives the delocalised molecular orbitals of a B … H …
B bridge.

 
B  
B – H –B bridge

None of the group III elements react directly with hydrogen, but several interesting
hydrides are known. The boron hydrides are sometimes called boranes by analogy with the
alkanes (hydrocarbons). Almost 20 boranes have been reported and 11 are well
characterized. They fall into two series:
1. BnH(n + 4) (called nidoboranes).
2. A less stable series BnH(n + 6) (called arachnoboranes).
Boron hydrides differ from carbon hydrides (i.e. hydrocarbons) that they don‟t occur in
nature because of their great affinity for H2O and O2. The compound BH3 which would be
analogous to BF3 doesnot exist because Hatom lacks the electrons that would be needed
to participate in BH bonding and compensate for the incomplete octet of B. BH3 can
exist only in complex formation with donors such as BH3.CO, BH3.N(CH3)3. Molecules of
BH3 apparently dimerize spontaneously when they come in contact with each other to form
diborane, B2H6.

Method of preparation
Mg3B2 + 6HCl 3MgCl2 + B2H6
3LiAlH4 + 4BF3  3LiF + 3AlF3 + 2B2H6
3LiBH4 + 4BF3  3LiBF4 + 2B2H6
heat at
3B2H6.2NH3 2B3N3H6 + 12H2

Structure of B3N3H6 is

N B N B
HB NH HB + 

B2H6 + CH3NH2 HB NCH3

H H H Cl
H – Cl
– + H 50°C
B3N3H6 + 3HCl B N ClB NH
(i) + –
Cl N B H
H H H Cl H Cl
Hydrochloride of Borazole B-trichloro borazole

(ii) B3N3H6 + 9H2O  3H3BO3 + 3NH3 + 3H2


Methods of preparation

2Al(OH)3 
 Al2O3 + 3H2O

Al2(SO4)3 
 Al2O3 + 3SO3

(NH4)2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24 H2O 
 Al2O3 + 2NH3 + 4SO3+ 25H2O
strong 
2AlF3 + B2O3  Al2O3 + 2BF3


The fluorides of Al, Ga, In and Tl are ionic and have high melting points. The other halides
are largely covalent when anhydrous. AlCl3, AlBr3 and GaCl3 exist as dimers, thus attaining
an octet of electrons. The dimeric formula is retained when the halides dissolve in non-
polar solvents such as benzene.
Cl Cl Cl

Al Al
Cl Cl

When the halides are dissolved in water, the high enthalpy of hydration is sufficient to
break the covalent dimer into [M.6 H2O]+3 and 3X ions. At low temperatures, AlCl3 exists
as a close packed lattice of Cl with Al+3 occupying octahedral holes. On heating, Al2Cl6
species are formed and the volume of the solid greatly increases. This illustrates how close
the bonding in this compound is to the ionic/covalent border.

2.6.3 ALUMS
Alums are the compounds with general formula M2SO4. M2(SO4)3.24H2O
M = Monovalent basic radical like Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, Tl+, NH4+
M = Trivalent basic radical like Al+3, Cr+3, Mn+3, Fe+3, Co+3

Alums are obtained when hot solution of equimolar quantities of their constituent sulphates
are mixed and subjected to crystallization. These are acidic and swell on heating.


On moving down the group, there is a gradual change from acidic through amphoteric to
basic character of oxides and hydroxides.

Al(OH)3 is amphoteric. It reacts principally as a base, i.e. it reacts with acids to form salts
that contain the [Al(H2O)6]+3 ion. However, Al(OH)3 show some acidic properties when it
dissolves in NaOH, forming sodium aluminate. (However, Al(OH)3 is reprecipitated by the
addition of CO2, showing that the acidic properties are very weak).

excess NaOH
Al(OH)3 
 NaAl(OH)4
Sodium metaaluminate

The structure changes with both pH and concentration.

(i) Between pH 8 and 12, the ions polymerise using OH bridges and each aluminium is
octahedrally coordinated.
(ii) In dilute solutions, above pH value of 13, a tetrahedral [Al(OH)4] ion exists.
(iii) In concentrated solutions above 1.5 M and pH > 13, the ion exists as a dimer
[(HO)3 Al –O -Al(OH)3]2-

Ga2O3 and Ga(OH)3 are both amphoteric like the corresponding Al compounds. Ga(OH)3 is
white and gelatinous and dissolves in alkali, forming gallates. Tl2O3 and In2O3 are
completely basic, and form neither hydrates nor hydroxides.

TlOH is a strong base, and is soluble in water. Thus TlOH differ from the trivalent
hydroxides and resembles the Group I hydroxides. Where an element can exist in more
than one valency state, there is general tendency for the lowest valency state to be the
most basic.



1. Covalent radii
The covalent radii increase down the group. The difference in size between Si and Ge is
less than might be otherwise expected because Ge has a full 3d shell, which shields the
nuclear charge rather ineffectively. In a similar way the small difference in size between
Sn and Pb is because of the filling of the 4f shell.

Ionisation Energy (KJmol-1) Melting Boiling

Point Point
Radius (Å) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th (ºC) (ºC)
C 0.77 1086 2354 4622 6223 4100 
Si 1.17 786 1573 3232 4351 1420 3280
Ge 1.22 760 1534 3300 4409 945 2850
Sn 1.4 707 1409 2943 3821 232 2623
Pb 1.46 715 1447 3087 4081 327 1751

2. Ionisation energy
The ionisation energy decrease from C to Si, but then change in an irregular way because
of the effects of filling of the d and f shells. The amount of energy required to form M+4 ions
is extremely large and hence simple ionic compounds are rare.

3. Melting points
Melting involves breaking the strong covalent bonds in the lattice of C and thus has
extremely high melting point. The melting points decrease on descending the group
because the M-M bonds become weaker as the atoms increase in size. Sn and Pb are
metallic and have much lower melting points. They do not use all four outer electrons for
metallic bonding.

4. Metallic and non-metallic character

The change from non-metal to metal with increasing atomic number is well illustrated in
group IV, where C and Si are non-metals, Ge has some metallic properties, and Sn and Pb
are metals. The increase in metallic character shows itself in the structures and
appearance of the elements, in physical properties such as malleability and electrical
conductivity, and in chemical properties such as the increased tendency to form M+2 ions
and the acidic or basic properties of the oxides and hydroxides.


The phenomenon of the existence of an element in different forms, which have different
physical properties but similar chemical properties, is known as allotropy. Such different
forms of an element are called its allotropes or allotropic forms. Carbon shows allotropy.
The various allotropic forms of carbon can be broadly classified into two classes.
(a) Crystalline form

Diamond and graphite are the two crystalline forms of carbon. Graphite is
thermodynamically more stable than diamond. Its free energy of formation is 1.9 kJ mol1
lower than that of the diamond under standard conditions. Thus thermodynamically,
diamonds should get transformed into graphite on their own. But it does not happen at
least on our lifetime scale. This is because, this conversion is not favoured by kinetic
factors, for example the activation energy for this reaction is very high.
Structure of diamond
In diamond, the carbon atoms are arranged tetrahedrally (sp3 hybridisation of C): each C
atom is linked to its neighbours by four single covalent bonds. This leads to a
threedimensional network of covalent bonds. It is because of this, that diamond is very
hard and has high melting and boiling points. Since, all the valence electrons of carbon are
used up in forming the covalent bonds, hence diamond does not conduct electricity.

Structure of graphite
In graphite, the carbon atoms are arranged in regular hexagons in flat parallel layers.
Each carbon in these layers is bonded to three other by sp2 covalent bonds. This gives
some double bond character to graphite. Each layer is bonded to the adjacent layers by
weak Vander Waal‟s forces. As a result, each layer can slide over the other easily. It is
because of this structure that graphite is soft and slippery and can act as a lubricant. The
presence of double bond character (the presence of delocalised electrons) makes
graphite a good conductor of electricity.
(b) Amorphous form:
Coal, coke, charcoal (or wood charcoal), animal charcoal (or bone black), lamp black,
carbon black, gas carbon and petroleum coke are the amorphous form of carbon.
Structure of CO
Electronic structure of carbon monoxide may be represented as follows
 +
:C:::O: or C O
(i) By the reduction of carbon dioxide with carbon.
CO2 + C 2CO
(ii) By the reduction of carbon dioxide with zinc or iron.
CO2 + Zn  ZnO + CO
(iii) By the reduction of oxides of heavy metal with carbon. For example,
ZnO + C  Zn + CO

(iv) By heating oxalic acid with sulphuric acid.

CO + CO2
(v) By heating formic acid with sulphuric acid. In this reaction, sulphuric acid acts as a
dehydrating agent.
H SO , 400K
HCOOH 2 4
 CO

(i) With hydrogen

Carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen when heated to 420670 K under 300 atm
pressure and in the presence of a catalyst (ZnO + Cu) to form methyl alcohol.
ZnO  Cu
CO + H2 CH 3 OH
420  670 K, 300 atm methyl alcohol

(ii) With chlorine

Carbon monoxide reacts with chlorine to give phosgene.
CO + Cl2  
phosgene (or carbonyl chloride)
(i) Carbon dioxide may be prepared by the complete combustion of carbon, hydrocarbons,
carbon monoxide etc.
2CO + O2(g)  2CO2(g) + Heat
CH4 + 2O2(g)  CO2(g) + 2H2O
CaCO3 CaO + H2O + CO2(g)
(ii) By the action of acids on carbonates
In laboratory, carbon dioxide gas is prepared by the action of dil. HCl on marble chips
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(dil.)  CaCl2(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O
(a) With Mg: CO2 + 2Mg  2MgO + C
(b) With Na: CO2 + 4Na  2Na2O + C

Chemical Properties:
(i) Acidic nature
CO2 dissolves in water to give carbonic acid. Therefore, carbon dioxide is called carbonic
CO2 + H2O H2CO3
carbon dioxide carbonic acid
Carbonic acid is a very weak dibasic acid. It ionises in aqueous solutions as,
H2CO3(aq) H+ + HCO 3 (aq) K1 = 4.2  107
HCO 3 (aq) H+ + CO 32 (aq) K2 = 4.8  1011
Carbonic acid being a dibasic acid forms two sets of salts, the hydrogen carbonates,
HCO 3 and carbonates, CO 32 .

(ii) With lime water

When CO2 is bubbled through limewater, it turns milky due to the formation of CaCO 3.
When more CO2 is bubbled, solution becomes clear due to the formation of Ca(HCO3)2. On
boiling the clear solution, milkiness reappears due to the formation of CaCO3 once again.
 CO  CO
Ca(OH)2 
 CaCO3 
 Ca(HCO3)2  CaCO3
H2O H2O  CO 2
H 2 O

lime water insoluble soluble milkiness reappears

(clear soln.) (turns milky) (clear soln.)

The reaction forms the basis of lime water test for the detection of CO 32 and HCO 3 ions in
any salt/salt mixture.

Carbonic acid (H2CO3) has never been isolated, but it gives rise to two series of salts,
hydrogen carbonates and carbonates.
Sodium bicarbonate
H2CO3 (acid salt)

Sodium carbonate
(normal salt)

 
Carbonic acid is dibasic acid and gives rise to two series of salts, carbonates (normal salts)
and bicarbonates (acid salts) due to successive removal of the replaceable hydrogens
from H2CO3.
H2CO3 + NaOH  NaHCO3 + H2O

These can also be prepared using the following methods

With NaOH

2NaOH + CO2  Na2CO3

Sodium carbonate

Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2  2NaHCO3

Sodium bicarbonate

By precipitation:
Heavy metal carbonates are precipitated from their salt solutions with washing soda.
BaCl2 + Na2CO3  BaCO3 + 2NaCl
While carbonates of many metals are known, bicarbonates of only alkali metals exist in the
solid state.
Carbon combines with all the halogens to form tetrahalides, viz, CF 4, CCl4, CBr4 and Cl4,
mixed tetrahalides like CFCl3, CF2Cl2 and CCl3Br and trihalides of the formula CHX3, viz,
CHCl3 (chloroform) and CHI3 (iodoform).
General characteristics
(i) The thermal stability of tetrahalides of carbon follows the order,
CF4 > CCl4 > CBr4 > CI4
(ii) The tetrahalides especially those containing both fluorine and chlorine are chemically inert,
noninflammable gases or liquids.
(iii) Freon (CF2Cl2) is used as a refrigerant.
Carbides are the binary compounds containing carbon and another less electronegative
element or of similar electronegativity. Compounds of carbon and a less electronegative
element are called carbides. This excludes compounds with N, P, O, S and the halogens
from this section.

Preparation of carbides
(a) Aluminium carbide is obtained by heating aluminium with carbon in an electric furnance.
4Al + 3C   Al4C3
electric furnace

(b) Silicon carbide is obtained by heating (sand) with carbon in an electric furnance.
SiO2 + 2C  
2300 K
SiC + 2CO(g)
(c) Calcium carbide is obtained by heating lime (CaO) with coke in a electric furnance.
CaO + 3C   CaC2 +
electric furnace
2300 K

Kinds of Carbides
These are of three kinds
(1) Salt like carbides
Based on the product obtained on hydrolysis, they are further subdivided into three types.
(a) Methanide (b) Allylide (c) Acetylide

Both Be2C and Al4C3 are called methanides because they react with H2O, yielding
Carbides with a C2 unit are well known. They are formed mainly by the elements in group I
(M2 C 2 ) ; group II (MIIC2); the coinage metals (Cu, Ag, Au); Zn and Cd and some of the
lanthanides (LnC2 and Ln4(C2)3). These are all colourless ionic compounds and contain the
carbide ion (CC)2. By far the most important compound is CaC2. This is made
commercially by strongly heating lime and coke:
CaO + 3C  CaC2 + CO ; H = +466 kJ mol1
The reaction is endothermic and a temperature of 2200°C is required. These carbides react
exothermically with water, liberating ethyne (formerly called acetylene). So, they are called
CaC2 + 2H2O  Ca(OH)2 + HCCH
The acetylides have a NaCl type of lattice, with Ca2+ replacing Na+ and C 22 replacing Cl.
In CaC2, SrC2 and BaC2 the elongated shape of the (CC)2 ion causes tetragonal
distortion of the unit cell, that is it elongates the unit cell in one direction. One of the two
carbides of magnesium Mg2C3 contains a C3 unit and on hydrolysis with water it yields
propyne CH3CCH. So, Mg2C3 is called allylide.
(2) Covalent carbides
These are extremely hard and chemically inert. SiC and B4C are the most important
covalent carbides. Silicon carbide is hard, infusible and chemically inert. It is widely used
as an abrasive called carborundum and about 300000 tonnes are produced annually by
heating quartz or sand with an excess of coke in an electric furnace at 20002500°C.
SiO2 + 2C  Si + 2CO
Si + C  SiC
SiC is very unreactive. It is unaffected by acids (except H3PO4), but it does react with
NaOH and air and with Cl2 at 100°C.
SiC + 2NaOH + 2O2  Na2SiO3 + CO2 + H2O
SiC + 2Cl2  SiCl4
SiC is often dark purple, black or dark green due to traces of Fe and other impurities,
but pure samples are pale yellow to colourless. SiC has a three dimensional structure of Si
and C atoms, each atom tetrahedrally surrounded by four of the other kind.
(3) Metallic / interstitial carbides

These are formed by bigger transition elements eg.Ti and V. These are formed mostly by
transition elements and some of the lanthanides and actinides. The Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni
groups form a large number of carbides with a wide range of stoichiometries. They are
typically infusible or are very high melting and are very hard. For example, TaC has a
melting point of 3900°C, and is very hard and WC is also very hard. Both are used to make
cutting tools. Interstitial carbides retain many of the properties of metals. They conduct
electricity by metallic conduction and have a lustre like a metal.

Uses of Carbides
Aluminium carbide (Al4C3) is used for the manufacture of methane. Magnesium carbide
(Mg2C3) is used for preparing alkyne.
Al4C3 + 12H2O  4Al(OH)3 + 3CH4
Mg2C3 + 4H2O  2Mg(OH)2 + CH3CCH

CS2 is prepared from natural gas by the following reaction.

CH4(g) + 4S  
600 C
CS2 + 2H2S
Al2O3 / SiO2


Silicon is the second most abundant element occurring in the earth‟s crust (about 28% by
weight). Unlike carbon, it is never found in free state but always in combined state. It is an
important constituent of igneous rocks, which consists of silicates of magnesium,
aluminium, potassium or iron. Silicon is widely present as silica (SiO2) in various forms
such as sand, quartz, flint etc.
Silicon is obtained by the reduction of silica. It exists in two allotropic forms: (a) amorphous
and (b) crystalline. The amorphous variety is obtained by heating dry powered silica with
SiO2 + 2Mg  Si + 2MgO
The crystalline variety is obtained by heating a finely powered sand or quartz with carbon in
an electric furnace, a small amount of iron is added to prevent the formation of
carborundum (SiC).
SiO2 + 2C  Si + 2CO
Amorphous silicon is chemically more reactive than crystalline silicon. Amorphous silicon is
brownish powder. It burns brilliantly in oxygen and ignites spontaneously in fluorine.
Si + O2  SiO2
Si + 2F2  SiF4
Si + 2KOH + H2O  K2SiO3 + 2H2
Na2CO3 + Si  Na2SiO3 + C
It combines with certain metals forming silicides.
2Mg + Si  Mg2Si
When amorphous silicon is strongly heated, it fuses and on cooling solidifies to the
crystalline form. It is very hard crystalline silicon, does not burn in oxygen but it readily
combines with fluorine. It dissolves in mixture of HNO3 and HF. When fused with alkali, it
gives a silicate.
Na2CO3 + Si  Na2SiO3 + C

Silicon is used in the manufacture of certain alloys such as ferrosilicon, silicon bronze,
manganese silicon bronze, etc. These alloys possess high strength and hardness and are
resistant to the attack of acids.
It is obtained when a mixture of sand, carbon, common salt and saw dust is strongly
heated in an electric furnace.
SiO2 + 3C  SiC + 2CO
Salt is added to act as flux and saw dust makes the mass porous. Two carbon rods
connected by a thin carbon core act as electrodes in the furnace. Carborundum is
formed round the central core of carbon. It is crushed, washed with H2SO4, NaOH, H2O
and then dried.
(i) Pure carborundum is colourless, but commercial samples posses yellow, green or blue
(ii) It is very hard mass. However, its hardness is less than diamond.
(iii) It is chemically inert and resists the attack of almost all the reagents except fused
caustic soda. The fused alkali dissolves it in presence of air.
4NaOH + SiC + 2O2  Na2SiO3 + Na2CO3 + 2H2O
Its structure is similar to diamond.
It is used as an abrasive instead of emery. It is used to make grinder, knife sharpeners,
etc. Two oxides of silicon SiO and SiO2 have been reported. SiO is thought to be formed by
high temperature reduction of SiO2 with Si, but its existence at room temperature is in
SiO2 + Si  2SiO
SiO2 is commonly called silica, and it is widely found as sand and quartz. Group IV
elements typically form four bonds. Carbon can form p- p double bonds and hence CO2
is a discrete molecule and is a gas. Silicon cannot form double bonds in this way using
pp orbitals. Thus, SiO2 forms an infinite three-dimensional structure and hence SiO2 is
a high melting solid.


The hydrolysis of SiCl4 is rapid because Si can use a d-orbital to form a five-coordinate
intermediate, and the reaction occurs by an SN2 mechanism.

Cl O
Cl Cl

Si add OH eliminate

Cl Cl Cl
Cl HO Cl
Cl Cl

A lone pair of electrons from the oxygen is donated to an empty d orbital on Si, forming a
five-coordinate intermediate, which has a trigonal bipyramidal structure.

3s 3p 3d
Si (in excited state)

Si having gained four

electrons in SiCl4
sp hybridization

SiCl4 having gained a

lone pair from –OH in
the intermediate 3
sp d hybridization

If the hydrolysis is performed on an asymmetrically substituted and consequently optically

active, silicon compound such as MeEtPhSi*Cl, then Walden inversion will occur, resulting
in inversion of the structure from d to l or vice-versa. In a similar way, the reduction of
R1R2R3Si*Cl with LiAlH4 to give R1R2R3Si*H also involves inversion of structure.
It is commercially called water glass. Chemically it is sodium metasilicate containing an
excess of silica. Its composition may vary from Na2SiO3 . SiO2 to Na2SiO3.3SiO2.
It is obtained by fusing soda ash (Na2CO3) with pure sand at a high temperature.
Na2CO3 + SiO2  Na2SiO3 + CO2 
The resulting mass is extracted with water and the solution is evaporated to get a syrupy
mass known as water glass.
It is soluble in water. The solution is alkaline due to hydrolysis.
Na2SiO3 + 2H2O 2NaOH + H2SiO3
If in a solution of sodium silicate of density 1.1, some coloured salts like cobalt nitrate,
nickel chloride, ferrous sulphate, copper sulphate, etc., are placed and whole solution is left
as such for a night, beautiful hollow tubes of metallic silicate gels possessing different
colours shoot up from these crystals and look like plants. This is called silica garden or
chemical garden.
Uses: It is used
(a) in fire proofing of wood and textiles.
(b) as a preservative for eggs.
(c) as an adhesive cement for joining pieces of china clay.
(d) in the soap industry as a filler for a cheaper variety of soap.
(e) in paint industry and calico printing.
(f) for making silica gel SiO2 xH2O. When a solution of Na2SiO3 is acidified with HCl, a
gelatinous precipitate of silicic acid (H2SiO3) is slowly formed.
Na2SiO3 + 2HCl  2NaCl + H2SiO3
If most of the water is carefully removed, the jelly like precipitate of H2SiO3 is converted
into a solid product, which is called silica gel. It possesses excellent absorption property of
gases and vapours.

These are organosilicon polymers containing SiOSi linkages. These are formed by the
hydrolysis of alkyl or aryl substituted chlorosilanes and their subsequent polymerisation.
The alkyl or aryl substituted chlorosilanes are prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagent
and silicon tetrachloride.
RMgCl + SiCl4  RSiCl3 + MgCl2
Grignard reagent

2RMgCl + SiCl4  R2SiCl2 + 2MgCl2

3RMgCl + SiCl4  R3SiCl + 3MgCl2
R stands for –CH3, –C2H5 or –C6H5 groups.
Hydrolysis of substituted chlorosilanes yield corresponding silanols, which undergo
Si Si
Cyclic silicone

R3SiCl on hydrolysis forms only a dimmer

R3Si OH + HOSiR3  R3SiOSiR3 + H2O

(i) The lower silicones are oily liquids but higher members containing long chains or ring
structures are waxy and rubber like solids.
(ii) Silicones are stable towards heat.
(iii) Chemical reagents have no action on silicones.
(iv) These are nontoxic.
(v) Viscosity of silicone oils remains the same at different temperatures.
(vi) Silicones are good electrical insulators.
(vii) These are water repellents.
(i) Silicone oils are used for high temperature oil baths, high vacuum pumps and low
temperature lubrication.
(ii) These are used in making water-proof cloth and paper by exposing cloth or paper to
the silicone vapour.
(iii) These are used as insulating materials for electric motors and other electrical
(iv) These are mixed with paints and enamels to make them resistant to the effects of high
temperature, sunlight, chemicals and damp.
(v) These are used in making Vaseline like greases, which are used as lubricants in
(vi) Siliconerubbers are useful as they retain their elasticity over a range of temperatures.
Silicates are metal derivatives of silicic acid, H4SiO4 or Si(OH)4. Silicates are formed by
heating metal oxide or metal carbonates with sand, e.g.
Fused with sand
Na2CO3 Na4SiO4, Na2(SiO3)n, etc.


O O

O Oxygen
 – –
O O O Silicon
Plane projection of
silicate ion
Silicates have basic unit of SiO44–, each silicon atom is bonded with four oxide ions
There are following types of silicates.

(i) Orthosilicates:
These silicates contain single discrete tetrahedral unit of SiO 44–
e.g., Zircon ZrSiO4; Forsterite or Olivine Mg2SiO4
Phenacite Be2SiO4; Willemite Zn2SiO4
(ii) Pyrosilicates:
These silicates contain two units of SiO 44– joined along a corner containing oxygen atom.
These are also called as island silicate.
–O O– O– –

Si Si
– O –


O– O
–O O–
e.g., Thorteveitite Sc2Si2O7;
Hemimorphite Zn3(Si2O7) Zn(OH)2H2O)

(iii) Cyclic structure:

Cyclic or ring silicates have general formula SiO 32   n
or SiO 3 n .

Structure and example of cyclic silicates containing Si 3 O 96 and Si 6 O12 

18 ions are given
O– –

– –
– O O O O
– –
– –
– – –
O O O O–
– –
O O–

(iv) Chain silicates
(a) Simple chain silicates or pyroxenes are formed by sharing two oxygen atoms by each
tetrahedral. Anions of such chain silicates have general formula (SiO 3 )n2n

– –

– –

– – –

O– O– O–

(b) Double chain silicates can be formed when two simple chains are joined together by shared
oxygen atoms. These minerals are called amphiboles. The anions of such silicates have
general formula (Si 4 O11 )n6n
O– O–
– –

O –
O O –
O O –O

– –

– –

– –
e.g., Synthetic silicates Li2SiO3, Na2SiO3
Spodumene LiAl(SiO3)2
Enstatite MgSiO3;
Diopsite CaMg(SiO3)2
Tremolite Ca2Mg5(Si4O11)2 (OH)2

(v) Two dimensional sheet silicates

In such silicates, three oxygen atoms of each tetrahedral are shared with adjacent SiO 44 –
tetrahedral units. Such sharing forms twodimensional sheet structure with general formula
(Si 2 O 5 )n2n .
O– O–
– –

O –
O O –
O O –O

– – –
– –

– –

O O O –

–O –O –O
e.g., Talc Mg2(Si2O5)2 Mg(OH)2
Kaolin Al2(OH)4 (Si2O5)

(vi) Three dimensional sheet silicates:
These silicates involve all four oxygen atoms in sharing with adjacent SiO 44 – tetrahedral
units. e.g. Quartz, tridymite, crystobalite, feldspar, zeolite and ultramarines.


It is known in two forms:
(i) a yellow powder commonly known as massicot and
(ii) a buff coloured crystalline form known as litharge.
It is obtained by heating lead or lead sulphide in air at 300°C (massicot form). When the
temperature of oxidation is kept at 900°C, litharge is formed.
2Pb + O2  2PbO
2PbS + 3O2  2PbO + 2SO2
It is also formed by heating lead nitrate or lead carbonate.
2Pb(NO3)2  2PbO + 4NO2 + O2
PbCO3  PbO + CO2
It is insoluble in water. It is an amphoteric oxide. It dissolves both in acids and alkalies.
PbO + 2HNO3  Pb(NO3)2 + H2O
PbO + 2NaOH  Na2PbO2 + H2O
On heating in air at 470°C, it forms red lead.
6PbO + O2  2Pb3O4 (red lead)

3.6.2 RED LEAD (Pb3O4)

It is obtained by heating litharge at 470°C in air.
470 o C
6PbO + O2  2Pb3O4

It is a red powder, insoluble in water. When heated, it becomes almost black, but it again
becomes red on cooling. On heating above 470°C, it decomposes into PbO and O2.
2Pb3O4  6PbO + O2
When treated with concentrated HNO3, lead nitrate and brownish black insoluble oxide,
PbO2, are formed. This indicates that Pb3O4 is a compound oxide containing both PbO2
and PbO in the ratio of 1 : 2.
Pb3O4 + 4HNO3  2Pb(NO3)2 + PbO2 + 2H2O
With H2SO4, it evolves oxygen,
2Pb3O4 + 6H2SO4  6PbSO4 + 6H2O + O2
It acts as an oxidising agent.
Pb3O4 + 8HCl  3PbCl2 + 4H2O + Cl2
Pb3O4 + 4C  3Pb + 4CO
Pb3O4 + 4CO  3Pb + 4CO2

It is made by adding hydrochloric acid to a cold solution of lead salt.
Pb(NO3)2 + 2HCl  PbCl2 + 2HNO3
It is only slightly soluble in cold water, but appreciably soluble in hot water. It dissolves in
concentrated HCl forming a complex ion.
PbCl2 + 2HCl H2PbCl4
(Chloroplumbous acid)
Most of the plumbic compound are unimportant because they decompose readily on
heating and are hydrolysed to PbO2 by even cold water. An exception is tetraethyl lead,
Pb(C2H5)4, a colourless liquid which is used as an antiknock agent in petrol.


SnCl2 + 2NaOH  Sn(OH)2 + 2NaCl

Sn(OH)2    SnO + H2O

Heat in CO2 Atmosphere

SnCl2 + Na2CO3   SnO + CO2 + 2NaCl

Heat in atm of CO2


(i) It is a dark grey or black powder. It is insoluble in water.
(ii) It is burns in air with incandescence forming stannic oxide, SnO2.
2SnO + O2  2SnO2
(iii) It is an amphoteric oxide. It dissolves both in acids and alkalies.
SnO + 2HCl  SnCl2 + H2O

SnO + 2NaOH  Na2SnO2 + H2O

Sodium stannite
Stannites are known only in aqueous solutions. Stannites absorb oxygen from air and
are oxidised to stannates which are stable in nature.
2Na2SnO2 + O2  2Na2SnO3
Sodium stannate


It is found in nature as Cassiterite or tin stone.

Sn + O2  SnO2
Sn + 4HNO3  H2SnO3 + 4NO2 + H2O

H2SnO3  SnO2 + H2O
Metastannic acid

It is a white powder, insoluble in water. It is somewhat unreactive. However, it dissolves in
concentrated H2SO4 forming stannic sulphate.
SnO2 + 2H2SO4  Sn(SO4)2 + 2H2O

When the solution is diluted, stannic oxide is reprecipitated.
Sn(SO4)2 + 2H2O  SnO2 + 2H2SO4
It readily dissolves in alkalies forming stannates.
SnO2 + 2KOH  K2SnO3 + H2O
(i) Hydrated stannous chloride SnCl2.2H2O is prepared by dissolving tin in hot
concentrated hydrochloric acid and subjecting the solution to crystallisation.

Sn + 2HCl  SnCl2 + H2
Hydrated stannous chloride consists of two molecules of water as water of
crystallisation (SnCl2.2H2O).
Anhydrous salt cannot be obtained by heating the hydrated salt as it undergoes
hydrolysis and a white solid of tin hydroxy chloride is formed.
SnCl2.2H2O  Sn(OH)Cl + HCl + H2O
(ii) Anhydrous stannous chloride is formed when dry HCl gas is passed over hot tin.
Sn + 2HCl(g)  SnCl2 + H2
It can also be obtained when a mixture of Sn and calculated quantity of mercuric
chloride is heated.
Sn + HgCl2  SnCl2 + Hg

(i) It is a white crystalline solid. It is soluble in water, alcohol and ether.
(ii) In water, it is soon hydrolysed. However in presence of HCl (acid), hydrolysis is
(iii) It forms a white precipitate with alkalies. The precipitate of stannous hydroxide,
however, dissolves in excess of alkali.
SnCl2 + 2NaOH  Sn(OH)2 + 2NaCl
Sn(OH)2 + 2NaOH  Na2SnO2 + 2H2O
Sodium stannite
(iv) It forms a dark brown precipitate of stannous sulphide on passing H2S through its
solution. The precipitate dissolves in yellow ammonium sulphide.
SnCl2 + H2S  SnS + 2HCl
SnS + (NH4)2S2  (NH4)2SnS3
Yellow ammonium Ammonium thiostannate

(v) It is a strong reducing agent. Few examples are given below:

(a) It reduces mercuric chloride to mercurous chloride (white ppt) and finally to metallic
mercury (dark grey or black).
2HgCl2 + SnCl2  Hg2Cl2 + SnCl4
Mercurous chloride

Hg2Cl2 + SnCl2  2Hg + SnCl4

(b) It reduces ferric salts to ferrous salts and cupric salts into cuprous salts.
2FeCl3 + SnCl2  2FeCl2 + SnCl4
2CuCl2 + SnCl2  2CuCl + SnCl4
(c) It decolourises iodine and thus can be titrated with it.

SnCl2 + 2HCl + I2  SnCl4 + 2HI
(d) Organic nitro compounds are reduced to amino compounds.
C6H5NO2 + 6HCl + 3SnCl2  C6H5NH2 + 3SnCl4 + 2H2O
Nitrobenzene Aniline

(e) It reduces gold chloride to metallic gold.

2AuCl3 + 3SnCl2  2Au + 3SnCl4
Colloidal gold
SnCl4 undergoes hydrolysis forming stannic acid which absorbs colloidal particle of gold
and thus forms purple of cassius.
Sn + 2Cl2  SnCl4
(fused) dry

(i) It is a colourless fuming liquid having disagreeable smell.
(ii) It is hygroscopic and forms crystalline hydrates containing 3, 5, 6 and 8 molecules of
water as water of crystallisation. The pentahydrate SnCl4.5H2O, is known as “butter of
tin” or “oxymuriate of tin”.
(iii) It is soluble in water in which it undergoes hydrolysis.
SnCl4 + 4H2O  Sn(OH)4 + 4HCl
It is also soluble in organic solvents showing that it is a covalent compound.
(iv) It dissolves in concentrated HCl forming chlorostannic acid. In presence of ammonium
chloride, it forms ammonium salt of this acid.
SnCl4 + 2HCl  H2SnCl6
Chlorostannic acid

SnCl4 + 2NH4Cl  (NH4)2SnCl6

Ammonium chloro stannate



(i) The first element nitrogen differs from the rest. Nitrogen is a colourless, odourless,
tasteless gas, which is diamagnetic and exists as N2. The other elements are solids and
exist as several allotropic forms. The N2 molecule contains a triple bond NN. This bond is
very stable, and the dissociation energy is consequently very high. Thus N2 is inert at room
temperature, though it does react with Li, forming the nitride Li3N. Other isoelectronic
species such as CO, CN- and NO+ are much more reactive than N2, and this is because the
bonds are partly polar, whilst in N2 they are not.

Elemental Melting point

Boiling point (C)
form (C)
N2 210 195.8
P4 44 281
As 816 615
Sb 631 1587
Bi 271 1564

(ii) The majority of compounds formed by this group are covalent. A coordination number of
4 is obtained if the lone pair is donated to another atom or ion. An example is the
ammonium ion NH 4 .
It requires too much energy to remove all five outer electrons so M+5 ions are not formed.
However, Sb and Bi can lose just three electrons, forming M+3 ions, but the ionisation
energy is too high for the other elements to do so. Both SbF3 and BiF3 exist as ionic solids.
The M+3 ions are not very stable in solution. They can exist in fairly strong acid solutions,
but are rapidly hydrolyzed in water to give the antimony oxide ion or bismuth oxide ion
SbO+ and BiO+. This change is reversed by adding 5 M HCl.
H2O +
Bi+3 BiO

BiCl3 + H2O BiOCl + 2HCl

(iii) Strength of oxoacids of group VB elements

For an oxidation state of + 5, the strengths of various acids of group 15 elements follow the
order, HNO3 > H3PO4 > H3AsO4 > H3SbO4
For the oxyacids involving the same element in different oxidation states, the strength of
an acid depends upon the number of unhydrogenated oxygen atoms attached to the
central atom. For example, for the oxyacids of the type (OH) m ZOn, the acid strength varies
directly with the value of n. Thus, nitric acid (HNO3) is stronger than nitrous acid (HNO2).
The acids H3PO2 , H3PO3 and H3PO4 are approximately of equal strength, because all
these acids contain only one unhydrogenated oxygen atom each. The order of acid
strength is H3PO2 > H3PO3 > H3PO4.


(i) NH4NO2  N2 + 2H2O
Since ammonium nitrite is very unstable, it cannot be kept as such. Hence nitrogen is
usually prepared by heating a mixture of ammonium chloride and sodium nitrite.

NH4Cl + NaNO2  NH4NO2 + NaCl

NH4NO2  N2 + 2H2O

(ii) Ammonium dichromate on heating decomposes to give nitrogen gas.

(NH4)2Cr2O7  N2 + 4H2O + Cr2O3

2NH3 + 3CuO  N2(g) + 3Cu + 3H2O
NH2CONH2 + 2HNO2  2N2 + CO2 + 3H2O
NaNO2 + HCl  NaCl + HNO2

Ionisation enthalpy (kJ mol1) H1 1402

H2 2856

H3 4577

Electronegativity 3.0

Covalent radius/pm 70

Ionic radius/pm (N ) 171


Nitrogen is also fixed as calcium cyanamide on heating it with calcium carbide at 1000°C in
an electric furnace.
electric furnace
CaC2 + N2 
 CaCN2 + C
calcium carbide calcium cyanamide

The mixture of calcium cyanamide and carbon (trade name Nitrolim) is an important
Calcium cyanamide may also be used as a source of ammonia. The ammonia so produced
can be converted into useful fertilizers. Calcium cyanamide is decomposed by water to give
CaCN2 + 3H2O  CaCO3 + 2NH3
2NH3 + H2SO4  (NH4)2SO4
P2O5 + 6NH3 + 3H2O  2(NH4)3PO4
CaCl2 + 8NH3  CaCl2.8NH3

By the hydrolysis of metal nitrides

AlN + NaOH + H2O 

NaAlO2 + NH3

Ammonia is a covalent molecule. The ammonia molecule is formed due to the overlap of
three sp3 hybrid orbital of N and 1s orbital of each of the three hydrogen atoms. The fourth
sp3 hybrid orbital of N is occupied by a lonepair. The HNH angle is 107.3°. The HNH
bond angle is slightly less than the tetrahedral angle of 109°28 due to the lone pair  bond
pair repulsions, which tend to push the NH bonds slightly inwards. In liquid and solid
state, ammonia is associated due to hydrogen bonding.


With halogens
Ammonia reacts with halogens and the nature of products depends upon the halogen and
the reaction conditions.
(a) With chlorine
With limited amount of chlorine, ammonium chloride is formed but with excess of chlorine
nitrogen trichloride is formed.
8NH3 + 3Cl2(limited)  6NH4Cl + N2
NH3 + 3Cl2(excess)  NCl3 + 3HCl

(b) With bromine

8NH3 + 3Br2  6NH4Br + N2

(c) With iodine

8NH3.NI3  5N2 + 9I2 + 6NH4I

2NH3 + CO2  
 NH2CONH2 + H2O
200 C
80 100 atm.

Action with heavy metal ions

With the metal ions of Al, Fe, Cr and Zn, it forms metal hydroxides, which are insoluble and
form precipitates.
FeCl3 + 3NH4OH  3NH4Cl + Fe(OH)3

CrCl3 + 3NH4OH  3NH4Cl + Cr(OH)3


AlCl3 + 3NH4OH  3NH4Cl + Al(OH)3


ZnCl2 + 2NH4OH  2NH4Cl + Zn(OH)2

Formation of complex compounds
It forms complex compounds with the soluble salts of copper, silver etc. With copper
sulphate solution, it gives a deep blue coloured complex compound, tetramminecopper(II)
CuSO4 + 4NH4OH  [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 + 4H2O
tetramminecopper(II) sulphate

AgOH + 2NH3  [Ag(NH3)2]OH

diammine silver(I) hydroxide

AgCl + 2NH3  [Ag(NH3)2]Cl

insoluble diammine silver(I) chloride
in water (soluble in water)


Oxides of nitrogen provide a fascinating picture from the point of view of their varied
structures and diverse chemical behaviour. They range from N2O (oxidation state of
nitrogen +1) through NO, N2O3, NO2, N2O4 to N2O5 in which the oxidation state of nitrogen
is +5. Nitric oxide(NO) is colourless, neutral, paramagnetic in which nitrogen has +2
oxidation state.
Some common methods of preparation of oxides of Group VB elements are described
below. Oxides of nitrogen can be prepared by the methods given below.

Oxide of nitrogen Preparation

(i) Nitrous oxide (N2O) By heating ammonium nitrate upto 240°C.

NH4NO3  N2O + 2H2O
N2O is collected over hot water
(ii) Nitric oxide (NO) (a) By the action of cold dil. HNO3 on copper turnings (Laboratory
3Cu + 8 dil. HNO3  3Cu(NO3)2 + 4H2O + 2NO
(b) By the action of H2SO4 on a mixture of FeSO4
and KNO3 (4 : 1).
2KNO3 + 5H2SO4 + 6FeSO4 
2KHSO4 + 3Fe2(SO4)3 + 4H2O + 2NO
(c) By catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
4NH3 + 5O2 
4NO + 6H2O
(iii) Dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3) (a) By the action of 50% HNO3 on arsenious oxide.
2HNO3 + As2O3 + 2H2O  NO + NO2 + 2H3AsO4
 250 K
(iv) Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (a) By heating nitrates of heavy metals, e.g., lead nitrate.
2Pb(NO3)2 673 K
 4NO2 + 2PbO + O2
(b) By heating copper turnings with conc. HNO3
Cu + 4 conc. HNO3  Cu(NO3)2 + 2H2O + 2NO2
(v) Dinitrogen pentoxide (a) By dehydrating HNO3 with phosphorus pentoxide

(N2O5) 4HNO3 + P4O10  2N2O5 + 4HPO3

The oxides of nitrogen differ from those formed by P, As, Sb and Bi in their structures.
The structures of nitrogen oxides are dictated by the tendency of nitrogen to form
p –p multiple bonds. The structures of nitrogen oxides are given in figure.

114 pm 113°
N N 130°
... 186 pm
N N O :N O:  121 pm
113 pm 119 pm 115 pm 117° O
Nitrous oxide Nitric oxide Dinitrogen trioxide
121 pm N O N
120 pm N N
Nitrogen dioxide Dinitrogen tetraoxide Dinitrogen pentoxide

Nitric Oxide (NO)

NO has 11 valency electrons. It is impossible for them all to be paired and hence this is an
odd electron molecule and the gas is paramagnetic. It is diamagnetic in the liquid and solid
states, because the molecule dimerizes, forming ONNO.
NO readily forms coordination complexes with transition metal ions. These complexes are
called nitrosyls. Fe2+ and NO form the complex [Fe(H2O)5NO]2+, which is responsible for the
colour in the „brownring test for nitrates. Most nitrosyl complexes are coloured. Another
example is sodium nitroprusside Na2[Fe(CN)5NO].2H2O.

Nitrogen dioxide NO2 and dinitrogen tetroxide N2O4

NO2 is a redbrown poisonous gas and is produced on a large scale by oxidizing NO in the
Ostwald process for the manufacture of nitric acid. In the laboratory, it is prepared by
heating lead nitrate:
2Pb(NO3)2  2PbO + 4NO2 + O2
The gaseous products O2 and NO2 are passed through a Utube cooled in ice. The NO2
(boiling point 21°C) condenses. The Pb(NO3)2 must be carefully dried, since NO2 reacts
with water. The NO2 is obtained as a brown liquid, which turns paler on cooling and
eventually becomes a colourless solid. This is because NO2 dimerizes into colourless
N2O4. NO2 is an odd electron molecule and is paramagnetic and very reactive. It dimerizes
to N2O4, pairing the previously unpaired electrons. N2O4 has no unpaired electrons and is


Oxoacids Structure Oxidation Basicity pKa Nature

state of N
Name Molecular

Hyponitrous acid H2N2O2 N – OH
very Highly
+1 2 (dibasic) explosive
HO – N weak

Nitrous acid HNO2 H–N=O +3 1 (monobasic) 3.3 Unstable,

weak acid
H–O–N =O Stable,
+5 1 (monobasic) + 3.0 Strong acid
Nitric acid HNO3

Manufacture of HNO3
1. Ostwald process
4NH3 + 5O2 
 4NO + 6H2O

2NO + O2  2NO2
3NO2 + H2O  2HNO3 + NO
The nitric acid prepared is of 50% concentration.

2. Birkeland Eyde process

N2 + O2   2NO
2NO + O2   2NO2
1000 C

2NO2 + H2O  HNO3 + HNO2

3HNO2  HNO3 + 2NO + H2O


Thermal stability

4HNO3  2H2O + 4NO2 + O2
HNO3 + H2O H3O +
+ NO 3

Oxidising properties
2HNO3 (conc.)  H2O + 2NO2 + [O]
2HNO3 (dilute)  H2O + 2NO + 3[O]
H2S + 2HNO3(conc.)  2H2O + 2NO2 + S
3H2S + 2HNO3(dilute)  4H2O + 2NO + 3S

2HNO3(conc.)  H2O + 2NO2 + [O]

SO2 + [O] + H2O  H2SO4

SO2 + 2HNO3 (conc.)  H2SO4 + 2NO2

2HNO3(dilute) + 3SO2 + 2H2O  3H2SO4 + 2NO

2FeSO4 + H2SO4 + [O]  Fe2(SO4)3 + H2O
6FeSO4 + 2HNO3(dil.) + 3H2SO4(dil.)  3Fe2(SO4)3 + 2NO + 4H2O
Hydrobromic acid and hydroiodic acid to bromine and iodine respectively.
2HBr + 2HNO3  2H2O + 2NO2 + Br2
2HI + 2HNO3  2H2O + 2NO2 + I2

Nonmetals like carbon, sulphur, iodine, phosphorus, etc are converted to their oxoacids
by concentrated nitric acid, which in turn, is reduced to nitrogen dioxide.
C + 4HNO3  H2CO3 + H2O + 4NO2
S + 6HNO3  H2SO4 + 6NO2 + 2H2O
Iodine is oxidised to iodic acid (HIO3).
I2 + 10HNO3  2HIO3 + 10NO2 + 4H2O
P + 5HNO3  H3PO4 + 5NO2 + H2O

(a) Metals that are more electropositive than hydrogen
(i) Action on zinc
Zn + 4HNO3(conc.)  Zn(NO3)2 + 2H2O + 2NO2
4Zn + 10HNO3(dil.)  4Zn(NO3)2 + 5H2O + N2O
4Zn + 10HNO3(v. dil.)  4Zn(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + 3H2O
4Mg + 10HNO3(v. dil.)  4Mg(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + 3H2O
(ii) Action on tin
Sn + 4HNO3(conc.)  H2SnO3 + 4NO2 + H2O
Metastannic acid

4Sn + 10HNO3(dilute)  4Sn(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + 3H2O

Stannous nitrate

(iii) Action on lead

Pb + 4HNO3 (conc.)  Pb(NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O
3Pb + 8HNO3(dilute)  3Pb(NO3)2 + 2NO + 4H2O
(iv) Action on iron
Fe + 6HNO3(conc.)  Fe(NO3)3 + 3NO2 + 3H2O
4Fe + 10HNO3(dil.)  4Fe(NO3)2 + N2O + 5H2O
4Fe + 10HNO3(v. dil.)  4Fe(NO3)2 + NH4NO3 + 3H2O

(b) Metals that are less electropositive than hydrogen

Action on copper
Cu + 4HNO3(conc.)  Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O
3Cu + 8HNO3(v. dil.)  3Cu(NO3)2 + NO + 4H2O

Formation of aquaregia
A mixture of conc. HCl and conc. HNO3 (3:1 by volume) is called aquaregia. It can
dissolve noble metals like gold and platinum.
HNO3 + 3HCl  2H2O + 2Cl + NOCl
Au + 3Cl  AuCl3 ; AuCl3 + Cl  [AuCl4]

Pt + 4Cl  PtCl4 ; PtCl4 + 2Cl  [PtCl6]2

What happens when N2H4 is treated with K3[Fe(CN)6] in alkaline media?

Phosphorus is a very reactive element, so it does not occur free in nature. The ores of
phosphorus which normally occur in nature are given as follows
(i) Phosphorite, Ca3(PO4)2
(ii) Fluorapatite 3Ca3(PO4)2.CaF2
(iii) Chlorapatite, 3Ca3(PO4)2.CaCl2
Phosphorus is obtained by heating bone ash or phosphorite rock [Ca3(PO4)2], with sand
(SiO2) and coke (C) in an electric furnace at about 1770 K. The reactions are
as follows.

2Ca3(PO4)2 + 6SiO2  6CaSiO3 + P4O10

P4O10 + 10C  P4 + 10CO


Phosphorus exists in the following five different allotropic forms.
(i) White (yellow) phosphorus is extremely reactive.
(ii) Below 800°C, its vapor density corresponds to the formula P4. Above 1700°C, it exists
as P2.
(iii) Due to its low ignition temperature P
(~ 30°C), it undergoes oxidation in the presence
of air which slowly raises its temperature and
after a few moments it catches fire P P
spontaneously. Due to this reason, it is stored
under water.

Red Phosphorus
Red phosphorus is stable allotrope at room temperature. Red phosphorus is formed by
heating white phosphorus in the absence of air at about 250°C. It is not poisonous. It is
safe to handle because it does not burn spontaneously at room temperature.

–P PP P

Structure of red phosphorus

(i) Ignition temperature of red phosphorus is high (~ 265°C).

(ii) It sublimes on heating. It melts at 610°C under pressure giving yellow liquid, which on
cooling gives white phosphorus.
(iii) It is insoluble in carbon disulphide.
(iv) Red phosphorus has a polymeric structure.

4.6.3 Properties of Phosphorus

Important chemical properties of phosphorus are

(i) Reaction with oxygen:

Yellow phosphorus readily catches fire in air giving dense white fumes of phosphorus
pentoxide. Red phosphorus combines with oxygen only on heating. Both of them form
either phosphorus trioxide or phosphorus pentoxide.

P4 + 3O2 heat P4O6

Red phosphorus Phosphorus trioxide

P4 + 5O2 heat P4O10

Red phosphorus Phosphorus pentoxide

(ii) Reaction with chlorine:

Phosphorus reacts with chlorine gas to form tri-and pentachlorides. Yellow phosphorus
reacts violently at room temperature, whereas red phosphorus reacts on heating only.

P4 + 6Cl2  4PCl3
Phosphorus trichloride

P4 + 10Cl2  4PCl5
Phosphorus pentachloride

(iii) Reaction with alkalies (sodium/potassium hydroxide):

Yellow phosphorus dissolves in caustic soda on boiling under an inert atmosphere
liberating phosphine.

P4 + 3NaOH 3H2O boil PH3(g) + 3NaH2PO2

Yellow phosphorus Phosphine Sodium hypophosphite

(iv) Reaction with nitric acid: Phosphorus gets oxidised by nitric acid to phosphoric acid.
P4 + 20HNO3 4H3PO4 + 20NO2 + 4H2O
Phosphoric acid

(v) With metals: Phosphorus reacts with metals forming phosphides. For example
6Mg + P4 2Mg3P2
Magnesium phosphide
(i) By hydrolysing metallic phosphides
Convenient methods of preparing phosphine are by the hydrolysis of metallic phosphides
with water or dilute mineral acids.

Ca3P2 + 6H2O 2PH3 + 3Ca(OH)2

AlP + 3HCl PH3 + AlCl3

(ii) Phosphine may also be obtained by heating phosphorus acid.

4H3PO3 3H3PO4 + PH3
phosphorus acid

With metallic salts: Formation of phosphides

Phosphine unlike ammonia does not precipitate hydroxides of metals on reacting with salt
solutions. On the other hand, it precipitates metals like silver, copper etc., as phosphides
when phosphine gas is passed through aqueous solutions of salts of these metals.

3CuSO4 + 2PH3 Cu3P2 + 3H2SO4

copper phosphide
(black ppt.)

3AgNO3 + PH3 Ag3P + 3HNO3

silver phosphide
(black ppt.)

Uses of Phosphine
(i) It is used for producing smoke screens. Calcium phosphide is used in smoke screens.
Phosphine obtained catches fire to give the needed smoke.
(ii) In Holme‟s signals. A mixture of calcium carbide and calcium phosphide is taken in a
container which is pierced and thrown into the sea. Phosphine liberated catches fire
and lights up acetylene. Burning gases serve as a signal to the approaching ships.


143 pm
P O 102° O

160 pm
O 123°
O 100° O P
O 166 pm O O
Phosphorus trioxide (P4O6) Phosphorus pentoxide (P4O10)

Structures of some oxides of phosphorus


Phosphorus forms a large number of oxoacids. All these acids are based on tetrahedral
four coordinated phosphorus atom containing at least one P=O unit and one P–OH group.
Condensed systems are formed by P–O–P linkage or P–P linkage. Some of the common
oxo-acids of phosphorus are given below.
Oxoacids Oxidation Structure
Name Molecular state of P
Hypophosphorus acid H3PO2 +1 1 HO – P  O

Orthophosphorus acid H3PO3 +3 2 H–PO

 
Hypophosphoric acid H4P2O6 +4 4 HO – P – P – OH


HO – P – OH
Orthophosphoric acid H3PO4 +5 3

 
HO – P – O – P – OH
Pyrophosphoric acid H4P2O7 +5 4 OH OH

Metaphosphoric acid HPO3 +5 1 O O

Phosphorus mainly forms two series of oxoacids:

1. The phosphoric series of acids, in which the oxidation state of P is (V) and in which the
compounds have oxidizing properties.
2. The phosphorous series of acids, which contain P in the oxidation state (III) and which
are reducing agents.

In all of these, P is four coordinate and tetrahedrally surrounded wherever possible.
pd back bonding gives rise to P=O bonds. The hydrogen atoms in OH groups are
ionisable and are acidic, but the PH bonds found in the phosphorous acids have reducing,
not acidic, properties. Simple phosphate ions can condense (polymerise) together to give a
wide range of more complicated isopolyacids or their salts.
The Phosphoric acid series
Orthophosphoric acid
The simplest phosphoric acid is H3PO4 (orthophosphoric acid). The acid contains three
replaceable H atoms, and is tribasic. It undergoes stepwise dissociation.
H3PO4 H+ + H2PO 4 ; K a = 7.5 × 10–3

H2PO 4 H+ + HPO 24 ; K a2 = 6.2 × 10–8

HPO 24 3
H+ + PO 4 ; K a3 = 1 × 10–12

Three series of salts can be formed

1. Dihydrogen phosphates, for example sodium dihydrogen phosphate NaH2PO4 , which is
slightly acidic in water
2. Monohydrogen phosphates, for example disodium hydrogen phosphate Na2HPO4, which is
slightly basic in water.
3. Normal phosphates such as trisodium phosphate Na3PO4, which are appreciably basic in
NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4 are made industrially by neutralizing H3PO4 with soda ash
(Na2CO3), but NaOH is required to make Na3PO4. All three salts exist in the anhydrous
state and also in a number of hydrated forms, and they are used extensively.
Phosphoric acid also forms esters with alcohols:
(HO)3P O + 3EtOH (EtO)3P O + 3H2O
acid alcohol water
(triethy phosphate)

Phosphates are detected analytically by mixing a solution of the salt with dilute HNO3 and
ammonium molybdate solution. A yellow precipitate of a complex ammonium 12-
molybdophosphate forms slowly, confirming the presence of phosphates. Arsenates form a
similar precipate but only on heating the mixture.
The orthophosphates of group I metals (except Li) and NH 4 are soluble in water. Most of
the other metal orthophosphates are soluble in dilute HCl or acetic acids. Titanium,
zirconium and thorium phosphates are insoluble even in acids. Thus in qualitative
analysis a solution of zirconyl nitrate is commonly added to remove any phosphate present
in solution.
Phosphates can be estimated quantitatively by adding a solution containing Mg2+ and
NH4OH solution to a solution of the phosphate. Magnesium ammonium phosphate is
precipitated quantitatively, and this is filtered, washed, ignited, and weighed as magnesium
pyrophosphate Mg2P2O7.
Mg2+ + NH 4  PO 34  MgNH 4PO 4

2MgNH4PO4  Mg2P2O7 + 2NH3 + H2O


HO OH H3PO4 orthophosphoric acid

Structure of orthophosphoric acid, H3PO4
Impure orthophosphoric acid H3PO4 is prepared in large amounts by treating phosphate
rock with H2SO4. The CaSO4 is hydrated to gypsum CaSO4 . 2H2O, which is filtered off,
and the F– is converted to Na2[SiF6] and removed. The H3PO4 is concentrated by
evaporation. Most of the H3PO4 made in this way is used to make fertilizer.
Ca3(PO4)2 + 3H2SO4  2H3PO4 + 3CaSO4
[3(Ca3(PO4)2). CaF2] + 10H2SO4 + 16 H2O  6H3PO4 + 10CaSO4 + 2HF
Pure H3PO4 is made by the „furnace process‟. Molten P is burnt in a furnace with air and
steam. First P4O10 is formed by reaction between P and O, and then this is immediately
P4 + 5O2  P4O10
P4O10 + 6H2O  4H3PO4
Phosphoric acid is hydrogen bonded in aqueous solution, and because of this the
„concentrated acid‟ is syrupy and viscous. Concentrated acid is widely used and contains
about 85% by weight of H3PO4 (100% pure (anhydrous) H3PO4 is seldom used, but it can
be prepared as colourless deliquescent crystals by evaporation at low pressure). Most of
the acid (solution) made in this way is used in the laboratory, and in food (Kraft cheese
Na2HPO4) and pharmaceutical preparations.
H3PO4 may also be made be the action of concentrated HNO3 on P.
P4 + 20HNO3  4H3PO4 + 20NO2 + 4H2O
Orthophosphoric acid loses water steadily on heating.
gentle heat strong heat
H3PO4 220°C H4P2O7 (HPO3)n
orthophosphoric 320°C
pyrophosphoric metaphosphoric
acid acid acid

A very large number of polyphosphoric acids and their salts, the polyphosphates, arise by
polymerising acidic [PO4] units forming isopolyacids. These consists of chains of
tetrahedral, each sharing the O atoms at one or two corners of the [PO 4] tetrahedron,
giving simple unbranched chains, in a similar way to the formation of pyroxenes
by the silicates.
The hydrolysis of P4O10 proceeds in stages, and an understanding of these stages leads to
an understanding of the wide range of phosphoric acids.
P4O10 + 6H2O  4H3PO4 (overall reaction)



Structure of pyrophosphoric acid




tripolyphosphoric acid

Polyphosphates are straight chain compounds. The basicity of the various acids, that is the
number of replaceable H atoms, can be found by drawing the structure and counting the
number of OH groups. Thus, orthophosphoric acid is tribasic, pyrophosphoric acid is
tetrabasic, tripolyphosphoric acid is pentabasic, tetrapolyphosphoric acid is hexabasic, and
tetrametaphosphoric acid is tetrabasic.
O O O = P O OH P = O HO–P–O–P–OH
O Tetrametaphosphoric
O OH acid
not actually isolated


orthophosphoric pyrophosphoric Tetrapolyphosphoric
acid acid acid
Scheme for the hydrolysis of P4O10

Illustration 3
What is super phosphate of lime?
This phosphatic fertiliser is made by the action of chamber acid (65% – 70% H2SO4) on mineral
tricalcium phosphate such as apatite or phosphorite rock, when soluble monocalcium phosphate
is formed.

Ca3(PO4)2 + 2H2SO4 + 4H2O  Ca(H2PO4) + 2(CaSO4. 2H2O)


The trigonal bipyramidal is not a regular structure. Electron diffraction on PF 5 gas shows
that some bond angles are 90 and others are 120, and the axial PF bond lengths are
1.58 Å whilst the equatorial PF lengths are 1.53 Å. In contrast nmr studies suggest that all
five F atoms are equivalent. This paradox may be explained quite simply. Electron
diffraction gives an instantaneous picture of the molecule, whilst nmr gives the picture
averaged over several milliseconds. The axial and equatorial F atoms are thought to
interchange their positions in less time than that needed to take the nmr. The interchange
of axial and equatorial positions is called „pseudorotation‟. PF5 remains covalent and keeps

this structure in the solid state. However, PCl5 is close to the ioniccovalent borderline, and
it is covalent in the gas and liquid states, but is ionic in the solid state. PCl 5 solid exists as
[PCl4]+ and [PCl6] the ions have tetrahedral and octahedral structures respectively. In the
solid, PBr5 exists as [PBr4]+ Br- and PI5 appears to be [PI4]+ and I in solution.

Illustration 4
Hydrolysis of NCl3 gives NH4OH and HOCl, while PCl3 on hydrolysis gives H3PO3 and HCl.
The hydrolysis of PCl3 may be contrasted with that of NCl3 This difference is due to the change in
+   +
polarity of P Cl bond in PCl3 in contrast to N Cl bond in NCl3.
PF3 is not sensitive to H2O due to strong PF bond. F being more electronegative than oxygen
forms a strong covalent bond with P in comparison with PO bond.
NCl3 + 4H2O  NH4OH + 3HOCl

 +
ClNCl + H+OH
ClNH + HOCl
Cl Cl

NH3 + 2HOCl

+ 
ClPCl + ClPOH + HCl
Cl Cl
HOPOH + 2HCl


The compounds trimethylamine (CH3)3N and trisilylamine (SiH3)3N have similar formulae,
but have totally different structures. In trimethylamine, the arrangement of electrons is
as follows:
Electronic structure of nitrogen atomground state

1s 2s 2p

Three unpaired electrons form bonds with CH 3
groups tetrahedral arrangement of 3 bond pairs
and 1 lone pair (sp )

In trisilylamine, three sp2 orbitals are used for  bonding, giving a plane triangular
structure. The lone pair of electrons occupy a porbitals at right angles to the plane
triangle. This overlaps with empty dorbitals on each of the three silicon atoms, and results
in bonding, more accurately described as pd bonding, because it is from a full
porbital to an empty dorbital. This shortens the bond lengths of NSi bond. Since, the
nitrogen no longer has a lone pair of electrons, the molecule has no donor properties.

Similar pd bonding is impossible in (CH3)3N because C does not possess dorbitals
and hence this molecule is pyramidal. About 200 compounds are now thought to contain
pd bonds.

Illustration 5
Write about an elastomer made up of P, N.
The compound is a polymer phosphorus chloronitrides, (PNCl2)n where n = 3, 4 ….. 7 and high.
nPCl5 + nNH4Cl  (PNCl2)n + 4nHCl
The structure is

N N PCl2 PCl2
Cl2P N
N PCl2 PCl2 PCl2
(PNCl2)3 Chain structure for
For lower polymer cyclic higher polymer‟s



Group VI(B) of the periodic table contains five elements namely oxygen, sulphur, selenium,
tellurium and polonium. They are collectively called chalcogens or ore forming elements
because many metal ores occur as oxides or sulphides. The first four members are
nonmetals while the last member polonium is a radioactive metal having very short
halflife. Atoms of the elements have the outermost electronic configuration as
ns 2np 2x np1y np1z . Thus, there are two half filled porbitals which are used for bonding with
other elements. Some properties of these elements are given in the following table:

Oxygen Sulphur Selenium Tellurium Polonium
Atomic number 8 16 34 52 84
Atomic mass 16.00 32.06 78.96 127.61 210
Atomic radius, pm 74 104 117 137 164
Oxidation states 2 2, 4, 6 2,4, 6 2, 4, 6 2, 4
Ionic radius, pm M2– 140 184 198 221 –
– – – 89 102
Ionisation energy, kJ mol–1
[M  M + e ]
+ – 1358 999 940 869 –

Electronegativity 3.5 2.5 2.4 2.1 –

Density, kg/L 1.27 2.06 4.80 6.25 9.51

Melting point, K 55 392 490 723 527

Boiling point, K 90 718 958 1663 1235

Electron affinity, kJ mol – 142 –200 – 195 – 190 –
– –
[M + e  M ] 700 332 230 – –
– 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4
[M + 2e  M ]
2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 4p 5s 5p 6s 6p
Outer electronic configuration

(i) Atomic and ionic radii

Atomic (covalent) radius increases as we go down the group.
O  S  Se  Te  Po
Ionic radius for dinegative ions (M2–-) also increases from oxygen to polonium. The order is,
O2–  S2–  Se2–  Te 2

(ii) Catenation
The self-linking property of atoms with identical atoms is called catenation. Oxygen shows
a little tendency towards catenation, e.g., in peroxides, [– O –O –]2–.
Sulphur shows a strong tendency towards catenation, e.g., in polysulphides S n2 sulphanes
(H – Sn – H), polysulphuric acid (HO3S.Sn.SO3H), and in various allotropes. The S – S bond
is very important in the biological systems. The S – S bonding is found in compounds such
as, cysteine, some proteins and enzymes. The catenation tendency decreases markedly
as we go down the group.
(iii) Density
Density of group VIB elements increases in going from oxygen to polonium, i.e., the density
of group 16 elements follows the order,
O  S  Se  Te  Po

(iv) Melting points and Boiling points

The melting and boiling points show regular increase with the increase in atomic number.
As we go down the group, the molecular size increases. As a result vander Waal forces
increase and hence the melting and boiling points also increase.

(v) Electron Affinity vs Electron Gain Enthalpy

It has been recommended by IUPAC to replace the term Electron Affinity (Eae) by a new
term, Electron Gain Enthalpy (egH).
The electron gain enthalpy is the molar enthalpy change when an isolated gaseous atom or
ion in its ground state, adds an electron to form the corresponding anion. Thus, the
enthalpy change for the reaction,
X(g) + e–  X–(g)
is called the electron gain enthalpy (egH) of the element X. The egH may be positive or
negative (like the electron affinity).
Electron affinity (Eae), or Electron gain enthalpy (egH) of oxygen and sulphur are
given below:
O(g) + e–  O–(g) Eae(O  O–) = –142 kJ mol–1
S(g) + e–  S–(g) Eae(S  S–) = – 200 kJ mol–1
O–(g) + e–  O2–(g) Eae(O–  O2–) = + 780 kJ mol–1
S–(g) + e–  S2–(g) Eae (S–  S2–) = + 590 mol–1

Thus, the electron affinities for O  O2– and S  S2– are positive.
The first electron affinity of oxygen is much smaller than those of the other elements.
Electron affinity becomes smaller as we go down the group, i.e., from sulphur to tellurium.
O < S  Se  Te  Po
(vi) Ionisation energy or ionisation enthalpy, iH
The ionisation energies of group VIB elements are quite high. Due to their high ionisation
energies, it is extremely difficult to remove electrons from the atoms of these elements.
The ionisation energy decreases as we go from oxygen to polonium.
The first ionisation energies of lighter elements of group VIB (oxygen family) are lower than
those of group VB, (nitrogen family).

(vii) Oxidation states

The outer electronic configuration of group VIB elements can be described as ns2np4.
Being strongly electronegative, these elements complete their outer shells by gaining two
electrons. Thus, all the elements of group 16 shows an oxidation state of –2. However,
these elements also show other oxidation states as follows. Oxygen shows an oxidation
state of + 2 in F2O, and –1 in peroxides (O22–). Other elements of group VIB exhibit
oxidation states of + 2, + 4 and + 6 also. The oxidation states of + 4 and + 6 being
more stable.
For sulphur, selenium and tellurium, the oxidation states of + 4 and + 6 are important. The
+ 4 state is more stable for Se, Te and Po, than + 6 state. This is due to the availability of
d-orbitals in the valence shells of the atoms of these elements.
(viii) Molecular structure (or atomicity)
Oxygen forms stable diatomic (O2) molecules, while sulphur, selenium, tellurium and
polonium are octatomic molecules, viz., S8, Se8, Te8 and Po8 with puckered-ring structures.
The puckered ring structure of sulphur is shown in figure. Under ordinary conditions,
oxygen exists as a gas, while all other elements of this group are solids.
Explanation: This is because oxygen has a tendency
to form p – p multiple bonds. So, oxygen forms a
diatomic (O = O) molecule. Due to weak Van der
Waals‟ forces between the oxygen molecules, oxygen S
212 pm
exists as a gas. S 105° S
Because of their large atomic size, sulphur and other S S
heavier elements of this group do not form stable p – S
p bonds. So, these elements do not occur as diatomic
molecules. Instead, S and other heavier elements of S S
Puckered ring structure of sulphur
this group form M – M single bonds giving rise to (S8) molecule
polyatomic molecules. For example, sulphur forms
octatomic (S8) molecules. Due to stronger Van der
Waals‟ forces between these polyatomic molecules,
these elements (sulphur and others) exists as solid.
Allotropic forms of sulphur
Sulphur exists in several allotropic forms, the important ones are described below.

Rhombic or octahedral or sulphur

This is the common form of sulphur. It is pale yellow in colour. It melts at 114.5°C. Its
specific gravity is 2.06. It is insoluble in water but readily soluble in CS2. It is a crystalline
variety and consists of S8 structural units packed together into octahedral shape. This is the
stable variety at ordinary temperature and all other forms gradually change into this form.

Monoclinic or prismatic or sulphur
This form is formed by melting sulphur in a dish and cooling till crust is formed. Two holes
are made in the crust and liquid is poured out. On removing the crust, needle shaped
crystals of monoclinic sulphur are obtained.
This form of sulphur is stable above 95.6°C. Crystals melt at 119°C. It is also soluble in
CS2. Below 95.6°C, it changes into rhombic form. Thus, 95.6°C is the transition
Rhombic sulphur Monoclinic sulphur
Plastic sulphur
This is obtained when boiling sulphur is passed into cold water. It is soft rubber like mass
which hardens on standing and gradually changes into rhombic sulphur. It is amberbrown
in colour and has specific gravity of 1.95. It is insoluble in CS2 and has no sharp melting
point. It consists of a completely random arrangement of chains of sulphur atoms.
(ix) Metallic character
The metallic character of group 16 elements increases with atomic number, i.e., as
we go down the group. Thus, oxygen and sulphur are typical non-metals and are
insulators; so Se and Te are semiconductors, and polonium is metallic in nature.


Oxygen is quite reactive. It reacts with almost every element, except lighter noble gases.
Rest of the elements of this group are relatively less reactive. Oxygen differs from other
elements of group 16 due to,
(a) its small size,
(b) high electronegativity,
(c) tendency to form p – p double bonds,
(d) its inability to expand its valence shell due to the absence of d-orbitals in its valence
However, oxygen resembles nitrogen and fluorine in the following respects.
(a) Like nitrogen and fluorine, oxygen forms strong hydrogen bonds.
(b) Like nitrogen, oxygen can also form stable p – p bonds.

Oxygen can be synthesised in the laboratory by the following methods:
(a) Thermal decomposition of metal oxides
450o C
2HgO 
 2Hg + O2
350o C
2Ag2O 
 4Ag + O2

3MnO2  Mn3O4 + O2

3Pb3O4  6PbO + O2
(b) Thermal decomposition of oxygen rich salts

KNO3  2KNO2 + O2
400o C
4K2Cr2O7 
 4K2CrO4 + 2Cr2O3 + 3O2
250o C
2KMnO4 
 K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2
400o C
2KClO3 
 2KCl + 3O2
(c) Heating MnO2, KMnO4 or K2Cr2O7 with concentration H2SO4

2MnO2 + 2H2SO4  2MnSO4 + 2H2O + O2
4KMnO4 + 6H2SO4  2K2SO4 + 4MnSO4 + 6H2O + SO2
2K2Cr2O7 + 8H2SO4  2K2SO4 + 2Cr2(SO4)3 + 8H2O + 3O2

Practically all the elements react with O2 to form oxides, which may be classified according
to their structure as normal oxides, peroxides or suboxides.
Oxidising property
Ozone acts as a powerful oxidising agent due to the reaction,
O3  O2 + [O]
4O3 + PbS  4O2 + PbSO4
O3 + 2KI + H2O  2KOH + O2 + I2
2HCl + O3  O2 + H2O + Cl2
O3 + 2K4[Fe(CN)6] + H2O  2K3[Fe(CN)6] + 2KOH + O2

Reducing property

H2O2 + O3  H2O + 2O2

BaO2 + O3  BaO + 2O2

Structure of ozone
The structure of ozone is given in below figure. The bond length of 127.8 pm is
intermediate between a single bond (bond length 148 pm) and a double bond (bond length
110 pm.) Ozone is, therefore, considered to be a resonance hybrid of the following
canonical forms:
Structure of O3
+ .. +
O . ..
O. O O ..

.. O .. O–.. .. .. .. O .. .. O .. .. O ..
.. .. O .. .. .. O .. .. O ..
+ .. +

[Resonance structure of O3]
bond length = 1.278 A°,
bond angle = 116°49‟ 30‟

Test for O3
When O3 comes in contact with the moist starch iodide paper, then the paper turns blue
due to the oxidation of I ions and I2, which gives blue colour with starch.


Shape and structure
All these hydrides (H2M type) have angular structure. The central atom in these hydrides
shows sp3 hybridisation. Thus, there are two bond pairs and two lone pairs of electrons in
the molecules of these hydrides. Due to stronger lone pair bond pair repulsions, the HMH
angles in hydrides are less than the tetrahedral angle of 109° 28. The bond angle in H2M
hydrides of group VIB elements decreases as we go from oxygen to tellurium in the group.
Hydride: H2O H2S H2Se H2Te
Bond angle: 104.5° 92.5° 91° 90°

Physical state
Thus, water has unusually high boiling point as compared to other hydrides of this group.
The volatility of these hydrides follow the order
H2O  H2S  H2Se  H2Te
The existence of hydrogen bonds between water molecules is mainly responsible for its
abnormally high melting and boiling points, (or for its low volatility).

Thermal stability
The thermal stability of hydrides of group 16 elements decreases with the increase in the
size of the central atom.
H2O  H2S  H2Se  H2Te

Acidic nature
The hydrides of group VIB elements are weakly acidic. The acidic character of these
hydrides increases with increasing atomic number. Thus, the acid strength of these
hydrides increases as we move from O to Te because of the increase in the distance
between central atom and hydrogen, which favour the release of hydrogen as proton.
H2O  H2S  H2Se  H2Te
Ka 1.8  1016 1  107 1.7  104 2.3  103

Reducing character
All hydrides of group VIB elements except H2O, are reducing agents. The reducing power
of these hydrides increases in going from H2S to H2Te, which may be due to increase in the
size of the central atom and hence decrease in the MH bond energy.
Some physical properties of hydrides of group VIB elements

Property H2O H2S

Melting point / K 273 188

Boiling point / K 373 213
M – H distance / pm 96 134
HMH angle (°) 104 92
fH° / kJ mol –286 20
E(M – H) / kJ mol 463 347
–16 –7
Dissociation constant, Ka 1.8 × 10 1.3 ×10

Sulphur forms halides of the type, S2X2 (X = F, Cl, Br, I), SX2 (X = F, Cl, Br), SX4 (X = F,
Cl) and SF6. Selenium and tellurium form hexafluorides. Fluorides, chlorides and bromides
of selenium and tellurium in the oxidation states of + 1, + 2 and + 4 are also known.
Formulae of known halides of group VIB elements are summarised in table.

Element Fluorine Chlorine Bromine Iodine

Oxygen F2O Cl2O, ClO2 Cl2O7 Br2O I2O5
Sulphur SF6, S2F10 SF4, S2F2 SCl4, S2Cl2 S2Cl2 S2Br2 –
Selenium SeF6, SeF4, Se2Fe2 SeCl4, SeCl2, Se2Cl2 SeBr4, SeBr2, Se2Br2 –
Tellurium TeF6, Te2F10, TeF4 TeCl2, TeCl4 TeBr4, TeBr2 TeI4

Polonium PoF6 PoCl4, PoCl2 PoBr4, PoBr2 PoI4

Certain important features of halides of group VIB elements are described below.
(i) The stability and variety of halogen compounds formed by the elements of group
16 decreases with the increasing atomic number of the halogen, i.e., in the order
Fluoride  Chloride  Bromide  Iodide
This means, fluorides are the most stable, while iodides are the least stable of the halides
of group VIB elements.
Sulphur, selenium and tellurium show maximum valency of six only in their fluorides. It is
due to the small size and the most electronegative nature of fluorine atom.
The central atom in hexafluorides shows sp3d2 hybridisation. So, hexafluorides have
octahedral structures.
(iii) The compounds of fluorine with oxygen are called oxygen fluorides. For example, the
compound F2O is actually written as OF2 and is named as oxygen difluoride. This is
because fluorine is more electronegative than oxygen.
The compounds of chlorine, bromine and iodine with oxygen are called halogen oxides,
because oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine, bromine and iodine. For example,
ClO2 is named as chlorine dioxide, Cl2O7 is named as chlorine heptaoxide etc.

5.5.3 OXIDES

Normal oxides
These oxides contain only MO bonds e.g., H2O, MgO and Al2O3. The oxidation number
of M can be deduced from the empirical formula MxOy taking the oxidation number of
oxygen as 2.

These oxides contain more oxygen than would be expected from the oxidation number of
M. Some are ionic and contain the peroxide anion O 22 , e.g., Na2O2 and BaO2. Others are
covalently bonded and contain OO in the structure e.g., H2O2, H2SO5 and H2S2O8.
2 2
HOOH 2H+ OSOO 2H+ OSOOSO
Hydrogen O O O
peroxide Peroxymonosulphuric acid Peroxodisulphuric acid

Peroxo compounds are strong oxidising agents and are hydrolysed by water to give H2O2.
H2SO5 + H2O  H2SO4 + H2O2
Superoxides e.g., KO2, contain still more oxygen than would be expected.
These contain less oxygen than would be expected from the oxidation number of M.
They involve MM bonds in addition to MO bonds, for example carbon suboxide
The oxides may also be classified as basic, acidic, amphoteric or neutral oxides depending
on the products formed when they react with water.
Basic oxides

Metallic oxides are generally basic. The oxides of more electropositive metals having high
lattice energy are ionic in nature e.g., Na2O, MgO, La2O3 etc. These oxides have high
melting points and when they react with water O2 ion is converted into OH ion.
However many metal oxides with formulae M2O3 and MO2 though ionic do not react with
water e.g. Tl2O3, Bi2O3, ThO2 etc. These oxides are also basic in nature because they react
with acids to form salts. Where a metal can exist in more than one oxidation slate and thus
form more than one oxide e.g., CrO, Cr2O3, CrO3, PbO, PbO2, Sb4O6 and Sb4O10, the
lowest oxidation state is the most ionic and the most basic. Thus, CrO is basic, Cr 2O3
amphoteric and CrO3 is acidic.

Amphoteric oxides
Many metals yield oxides, which are amphoteric and react with both strong acids and
strong bases. This includes BeO, Al2O3, Ga2O3, SnO, PbO and ZnO.
Al2O3 + 6HCl  2AlCl3 + 3HO
Al2O3 + 2NaOH  2NaAlO2 + H2O
PbO + 2HNO3  Pb(NO3)2 + H2O
PbO + 2NaOH  Na2PbO2 + H2O

Acidic oxides
Nonmetal oxides are usually covalent compounds having low melting and boiling points.
Many of them occur as discrete molecules e.g., CO2, NO, SO2, Cl2O while some of them
such as B2O3 and SiO2 form infinite giant molecules having high melting points. They are
all acidic. Many of them are anhydrides of acids.
B2O3 + 3H2O  2H3BO3
P4O10 + 6H2O  4H3PO4

N2O3 contains N(+III) and N2O5 contains N(+V). HNO3 is a stronger acid than HNO2.

Neutral oxides
A few covalent oxides e.g., N2O, NO and CO have neither acidic nor basic properties.


SO2 being a discrete molecule exist in the gaseous state. ..
Hybridisation of S in SO2 in the gaseous state is sp2 as shown O:
in the figure. The double bond between sulphur and oxygen : S 119.5°
arises due to pd overlap.
143 pm
Selenium and tellurium dioxides are solids having polymeric ..:
chain or layer structure. Structure of SeO2 in the solid state is Structure of SO2 in the
given in figure. It consists of a zig-zig chain. Hybridisation of gaseous state

Se in SeO2 is sp3.
TeO2 and PoO2 are crystalline ionic solids.
98° a b 90° 98°
125° c 125°
178 pm Se Se
 

90° Se 90°

O Structure of SeO2 (Solid) O

Preparation of sulphur dioxide
(i) By roasting sulphides
4FeS2 + 11O2  2Fe2O3 + 8SO2(g)
iron pyrite

(ii) By heating copper with concentrated H2SO4

Cu(s) + 2H2SO4 (conc.)  CuSO4 + 2H2O + SO2(g)

Properties of SO2
Bleaching Action: Sulphur dioxide in presence of water, acts as a strong bleaching agent.
In the presence of water, it reduced the colour matter to colourless product. Thus, it is used
for bleaching coloured matter to colourless product. Thus, it is used for bleaching coloured
wool, silk, sponges and straw. The bleaching action of sulphur dioxide in the presence of
water is due to its reducing properties.
SO2 + 2H2O  H2SO4 + 2H
nascent hydrogen

2H + X (coloured material)  XH2 (colourless product)

When the colourless product is allowed to stand in the air, it is reoxidised by the
atmospheric oxygen to its original colour. So, bleaching with sulphur dioxide is temporary.
Colourless vegetable product + [O]  Coloured vegetable matter
from air

The bleaching action of chlorine, however, is due to its oxidising nature, and is permanent.

All the group 16 elements form trioxides, MO3. Sulphur trioxide in the gas phase exists as
planar triangular molecular species, although in the solid state it can exist as a linear chain
or a cyclic trimer.
Selenium trioxide (SeO3) solid is a cyclic tetramer (Se4O12) as shown in figure. TeO3 is a
solid with a network structure in which TeO6 octahedra share all vertices. SO2 and SO3 are
the most important oxides from industrial point of view.
Structures of some oxides of sulphur and selenium are shown in figure.
(a) O S
(b) O
Se O
Se Se
Structures of (a) gaseous SO3 (b) cyclic trimer of SO3(s), (c) linear chain form of
solid SO3, and (d) cyclic tetrameric form of SeO3(s)

Preparation of sulphur trioxide

Sulphur trioxide is prepared by the following method.

From SO2: Sulphur trioxide is usually prepared in the laboratory by heating a mixture of
sulphur dioxide and oxygen to about 450°C over platinised asbestos.
Pt or V2O5 catalyst
2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g)
450 – 500°C
The oxoacids of sulphur are more numerous and more important than those of Se and Te.
Many of the oxoacids of sulphur do not exist as free acids, but are known as anions and
salts. Acids ending in –ous have S in the oxidation state (+IV), and form salts ending in
–ite. Acids ending in –ic have S in the oxidation state (+VI) and form salts ending in –ate.
As discussed previously under bond lengths and p–d bonding, the oxoanions have
strong  bonds and so they have little tendency to polymerise compared with
the phosphates and silicates. To emphasize structural similarities the acids are listed in
four series.
1. sulphurous acid series
2. sulphuric acid series
3. thionic acid series
4. peroxoacid series.

1. Sulphurous acid series

H2SO3 sulphurous acid S= O S(IV)
O O S(V),
H2S2O5 di- or pyrosulphurous acid HO–S–S–OH S(III)

H2S2O4 dithionous acid S(III)

2. Sulphuric acid series

H2SO4 sulphuric acid S(VI)
H2S2O3 thiosulphuric acid S(II)
H2S2O7 di or pyrosulphuric acid HO–S–O–S–OH S(VI)

3. Thionic acid series


H2S2O6 dithionic acid HO–S–S–OH S(V)



H2SnO6 polythionic acid HO–S–(S)n2–S–OH S(V),

(n = 1 – 12) S(0)
4. Peroxoacid series
H2SO5 peroxomonosulphuric acid S(VI)

H2S2O8 peroxodisulphuric acid HO–S–O–O–S–OH S(VI)

Bond lengths and pd bonding
The bonds between S and O, or Se and O, are much shorter than might be expected for a
single bond. In some cases they may be formulated as localized double bonds. A  bond is
formed in the usual way. In addition a  bond is formed by the sideways overlap of a
porbital on the oxygen with a dorbital on the sulphur, giving a pd interaction.
This pd bonding is similar to that found in the oxides and oxoacids of phosphorous and
is in contrast to the more common pp type of double bond found in ethene.


pd overlap
To obtain effective pd overlap, the size of the dorbital must be similar to the size of
the porbital. Thus sulphur forms stronger bonds than the larger elements in the group.
On crossing a period in the periodic table, the nuclear charge is increased and more
s and pelectrons are added. Since these s and pelectrons shield the nuclear charge
incompletely, the size of the atom and the size of the dorbitals decreases from Si to P to S
to Cl. The decrease in the size of the 3dorbitals in this series of elements leads to
progressively stronger pd bonds. Thus, in the silicates there is hardly any pd
bonding. Thus, SiO4 units polymerise into an enormous variety of structures linked by
SiOSi bonds. In the phosphates, bonding is stronger, but a large number of
polymeric phosphates exist. In the oxoacids of sulphur, bonding is even stronger and
has become a dominant factor. Thus, only a small amount of polymerization occurs and
only a few polymeric compounds are known with SOS linkages. For chlorine, pd
bonding is so strong that no polymerization of oxoanions occurs.
In cases where there is more than one  bond in the molecule it may be more appropriate
to explain the  bonding in terms of delocalized molecular orbitals covering several atoms.

Sulphuric acid, (H2SO4)

Manufacture of Sulphuric Acid by Contact Process
(i) Production of SO2
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) is obtained by burning sulphur or iron pyrites.
S + O2  SO2(g)
4FeS2 + 11O2  2Fe2O3 + 8SO2(g)
iron pyrites

(ii) Catalytic oxidation of SO2 to SO3

Sulphur dioxide is oxidised by air in the presence of a catalyst to give sulphur trioxide.
2SO2(g) + O2(g) 2SO3(g) H = –196.6 kJ
(a) Air or oxygen required for the oxidation of sulphur dioxide must be in excess.
(b) The temperature must be low. A temperature between 350–450°C gives the maximum
yield of the product.
(c) The pressure of about 2 atmospheres is used to carry out the above reaction.
(d) Platinised asbestos was used as a catalyst previously, but now-a-days it is replaced by
must cheaper vanadium pentoxide (V2O5).
(e) The gases used (SO2 and O2) must be free of impurities, viz., dust particles, arsenious
oxide etc., to prevent catalyst poisoning.
(iii) Conversion of sulphur trioxide into sulphuric acid. Sulphur trioxide is dissolved in
concentrated sulphuric acid to produce oleum or fuming sulphuric acid.
SO3(g) + H2SO4  H2S2O7
(conc.) oleum
(iv) Conversion of oleum to sulphuric acid
Oleum is diluted with a calculated amount of water to get sulphuric acid of desired
H2S2O7 + H2O  2H2SO4
Chemical Properties of Sulphuric Acid

H2SO4 
 H2O + SO3(g)
Reaction due to H+:
NaOH + H2SO4  NaHSO4 + H2O
sodium hydrogen sulphate

Reaction due to sulphate ions:

BaCl2(aq) + H2SO4 (aq)  BaSO4(s) + 2HCl(aq)
barium sulphate

(CH3COO)2 Pb(aq) + H2SO4(aq)  PbSO4(s) + 2CH3COOH(aq)

Lead sulphate

Affinity for water

Charring of sugar is another example of dehydration by sulphuric acid.
C12H22O11 + H2SO4  12C + H2SO4. 11H2O
sugar brown

HCOOH + H2SO4  CO + H2SO4. H2O

formic acid

(COOH)2 + H2SO4  CO + CO2 + H2SO4.H2O

oxalic acid

Oxidising property
Hot concentrated sulphuric acid gives nascent oxygen and, therefore, acts as an oxidising agent.
H2SO4  H2O + SO2 + O

2H2SO4 + C  2SO2 + 2H2O + CO2

10H2SO4 + P4  4H3PO4 + 10SO2 + 4H2O
H2SO4 + H2S  2H2O + SO2 + S

H2SO4 + 2HBr  2H2O + SO2 + Br2
2NaBr + 3H2SO4  2NaHSO4+ 2H2O + SO2 + Br2

Structure of Sulphuric acid and Sulphate ion

H 
 O  
2– O 2–
  O  

142 pm

157 pm
O 
  
   
   
149 pm
   S OSO
        S
 
     
 H  
  O OO O   O OO
O  
sulphuric acid sulphate ion


(i) Na2SO3 + S 
 Na2S2O3
(ii) Springs reaction Na2S + I2 + Na2SO3  2NaI + Na2S2O3

215o C 
(i) Na2S2O3.5H2O 
 Na2S2O3 + 5H2O  Na2SO4 + Na2S

(ii) Na2S2O3 + 2HCl  2NaCl + SO2 + S + H2O

Na2S2O3 + H2SO4  Na2SO4 + H2O + SO2 + S

(iii) 2Na2S2O3 + I2  2NaI + Na2S4O6

(iv) Na2S2O3 + Cl2 + H2O  Na2SO4 + 2HCl + S

(v) 2AgNO3 + Na2S2O3  Ag2S2O3 + 2NaNO3

White ppt

Ag2S2O3 + H2O  Ag2S + H2SO4

Black ppt

(vi) AgBr + 2Na2S2O3  Na3[Ag(S2O3)2] + NaBr

(vii) CuSO4 + Na2S2O3  CuS2O3 + Na2SO4

2CuS2O3 + Na2S2O3  Cu2S2O3 + Na2S4O6

3Cu2S2O3 + 2Na2S2O3  Na4[Cu6(S2O3)5]


Fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Iodine (I) and astatine (At) are grouped together to
form group 17 of the periodic table. Their salts are present in seawater and hence they are also
known as halogens (Halos, in Greek, means sea salt producers). The group collectively is called
halogen family.

The general electronic configuration of halogens is ns2np5. They are just one electron short
of stable electronic configuration of inert gas elements. They have a very strong tendency to

All the halogens are nonmetals because of their very high ionisation energies.
The nonmetallic character, however, decreases with the increase in atomic number. Iodine
shows some of the distinct metallic properties, e.g., it possesses metallic lustre and forms positive
ions like I+, I3+ etc.

(vii) Electron affinities

The halogens have strong tendency to accept electrons. Their electron affinities are
highest in their respective periods. On moving down the group the electron affinity values generally
decrease with the increase in size of the atom. The exception to this general rule is fluorine which
has lower electron affinity than chlorine. It is due to the small size of fluorine atom, the incoming
electron experiences repulsion due to existing electrons in the 2p subshell resulting in low value of
electron affinity.

(viii) Oxidation states

The most common oxidation state of all the halogens is 1, as they attain stable
configuration by accepting one electron. In fact this is the only oxidation state shown by fluorine
because it is the most electronegative element known. Other elements of this group also show
oxidation states of +1, +3, +5 and +7. Higher oxidation states of these elements are due to the
presence of vacant and orbitals.


All the halogens are very reactive and amongst them fluorine is the most reactive.
As we move down the group, reactivity decreases. This is due to the decrease in electronegativity.
In general, a halogen of low atomic number oxidises halide ions of higher atomic number i.e.,
F2 displaces Cl2, Br2 and I2 from their salts, Cl2 displaces Br2 and I2 whereas Br2 displaces I2 from
its salts.
F2 + 2X  2F + X2 (X = Cl, Br, I)
 
Cl2 + 2X  2Cl + X2 (X = Br, I)
 
Br2 + 2I  2Br + I2
(a) Preparation of Fluorine
(i) Moisson’s method
Materials for electrolytic bath: Alloy of Pt, Ir
Electrodes : PtIr electrodes
Electrolyte: KHF2 (1 part) + HF (5 part)
Temp. of the bath : 23°C
Reaction at the electrode:
KHF2  KF + HF
KF  K+ + F
At cathode: K+ + e  K
At anode: F  F + e
2F  F2
(ii) Dennis method
Electrolyte : KHF2
Temperature : 240°  250°C
Electrolytic cell : „V‟ shaped copper tube
Electrode material : Graphite
Current : 5 (Amps)
Voltage : 12 volt
Reaction at the electrodes
KHF2  KF + HF
KF  K+ + F
At cathode: K+ + e  K 2K + HF  2KF + H2 
At anode : 2F  2e  F2

(b) Properties
Physical properties
It is a pale greenish yellow gas having pungent odour and is highly poisonous. It is heavier
than air. It is the most electronegative element (electronegativity 4.0) which condenses to
yellow liquid at 188°C and yellow solid at 223°C.

Chemical properties
(i) It combines with most of the metals and nonmetals to form fluorides.
2Ag + F2  2AgF
2Al + 3F2  2AlF3
However, Cu does not appreciably react with F2 due to deposition of CuF2 layer. Hydrogen
reacts violently with F2 even in the dark
H2 + F2  H2F2
Wood charcoal, phosphorus, arsenic, antimony, boron, silicon react with F2 producing
a flame.
C + 2F2  CF4 ; Si + 2F2  SiF4
P4 + 6F2  4PF3 ; 2B + 3F3  2BF3
(ii) Fluorine reacts vigorously with H2O giving O2 and O3
2H2O + 2F2  4HF + O2
3H2O + 3F2  6HF + O3
(iii) Fluorine reacts with dilute alkali to form oxygen difluoride (OF2) and with concentrated
alkali to form O2
2NaOH + 2F2  OF2 + 2NaF + H2O
4NaOH + 2F2  4NaF + 2H2O + O2
(iv) It acts as a strong oxidising agent when it oxidises chlorates to perchlorates, iodates to
periodates, bisulphates to peroxysulphates.
KClO3 + F2 + H2O  KClO4 + H2F2
KIO3 + F2 + H2O  KIO4 + H2F2
2NaHSO4 + F2  Na2S2O8 + H2F2
(iv) It attacks glass (SiO2) at about 100°C. However dry F2 reacts slowly.
SiO2 + 2F2  SiF4 + O2
(vi) It reacts with NH3 to form N2 and H2S burns in an atmosphere of F2 to form SF6
2NH3 + 3F2  N2 + 6HF
H2S + 4F2  SF6 + 2HF
(a) Preparation of chlorine

1. Starting material
Powdered MnO2 (Manganese dioxide) and concentrated HCl
Reaction: 2MnO2 + 8HCl  2MnCl3 + Cl2 + 4H2O
2MnCl3  2MnCl2 + Cl2
2MnO2 + 8HCl  2MnCl2 + 2Cl2 + 4H2O
or, MnO2 + 4HCl  MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O
Chlorine thus produced becomes moisture free by passing through concentrated H2SO4
2. 2NaCl + 3H2SO4 + MnO2  2NaHSO4 + MnSO4 + 2H2O + X2 (X = Cl, Br, I)
3. K2Cr2O7 + 14HCl  2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3Cl2 + 7H2O
4. PbO2 + 4HCl  PbCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O
5. 2KMnO4 + 16HCl  2KCl + 2MnCl2 + 5Cl2 + 8H2O
6. Ca + 2HCl  CaCl2 + Cl2 + H2O
(b) Properties of Cl2
Physical properties : Greenish yellow gas having a choking and irritating smell, 2.5 times
heavier than air, liquefied to a yellow liquid by compressing it at 15°C. Electronegativity is
3.0 (Pauling‟s scale).

Chemical properties
(i) Arsenic catches fire in Cl2 but P burns.
2As + 3Cl2  2AsCl3
2Sb + 3Cl2  2SbCl3
2P + 3Cl2  2PCl3
2P + 5Cl2  2PCl5
(ii) It reacts with water forming hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid. The chlorine
water shows bleaching action due to oxidation by the nascent oxygen obtained by
dissociation of hypochlorous acid.
Cl2 + H2O  HCl+ HOCl
HOCl  HCl + [O] 
(iii) Cold and dilute solution of NaOH, KOH react with halogens Cl2 , Br2 , I2 and producing
hypohalites and halides. Concentrated, hot alkalies produce halides and halates with
halogens Cl2, Br2 and I2.
Cl2 + 2NaOH  NaCl + NaOCl + H2O
sodium hypochlorite
3Cl2 + 6NaOH  5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O
sodium chlorate
However, when chlorine is passed over dry slaked lime, bleaching powder is obtained
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2  Ca(OCl)Cl + H2O
Bleaching powder
(iv) Oxidation reactions of chlorine are:
2CaO + 2Cl2  2CaCl2 + O2 
8NH3 + 3Cl2  6NH4Cl + N2

NH3 + 3Cl2  NCl3 + 3HCl
H2S + Cl2  2HCl + S
Moist sulphur dioxide is oxidized to sulphuric acid
SO2 + Cl2 + 2H2O  2HCl + H2SO4
2K2MnO4 + Cl2  2KMnO4 + 2KCl
2K4[Fe(CN)6] + Cl2  2K3 [Fe(CN)6] + 2KCl
2KBr + Cl2  2KCl + Br2
2KClO3 + I2  2KIO3 + Cl2 
SO2 bleaches by reduction as shown below:
2H2O + SO2  H2SO4 + 2[H]
This is the main difference in bleaching action between Cl2 and SO2. Also bleaching
by SO2 is temporary but Cl2 bleaches permanently.
Ca(OCl)Cl + H2SO4  CaSO4 + CaCl2 + 2HOCl
HOCl  HCl + [O] 
Ca(OCl) Cl + Na3AsO3  Na3AsO4 + CaCl2
Ca(OCl) Cl + 2FeSO4 + H2SO4  Fe2(SO4)3 + CaCl2 + H2O

(v) Addition reactions of chlorine are:

Chlorine reacts with SO2, CO and unsaturated hydrocarbons forming addition
SO2 + Cl2  SO2Cl2
CO + Cl2  COCl2(carbonyl chloride)
CH2=CH2 + Cl2  CH2ClCH2Cl
(a) Preparation of Bromine
Starting raw materials are
(i) KBr (ii) MnO2 (iii) H2SO4 (concentrated)
2KBr + MnO2 + 3H2SO4  2KHSO4 + MnSO4 + Br2  + 2H2O
This Br2 is purified by distilling it over a mixture of KBr and ZnO.
(b) Properties of Br2
Physical properties
It is a dark red, dense, heavy liquid at ordinary temperature, which boils at 59° C. And its
vapours attack skin, eyes, nose and throat.
Chemical properties
Oxidising properties
Br2 + H2S  2HBr + S
Na2SO3 + Br2 + H2O  Na2SO4 + HBr + H2SO4
2HI + Br2  2HBr + I2
6FeSO4 + 3Br2  Fe2 (SO4)3 + 2FeBr3

8NH3 + 3Br2  6NH4Br + N2
KNO2 + Br2 + H2O  2HBr + KNO3
Change of red colour of Br2 taken place when C2H2 or C2H4 (unsaturated compounds) are
reacted with
C2H4 + Br2 (red)  C2H4Br2 (colourless)

Reducing properties
Br2 + 3F2  2BrF3
Br2 + 5F2  2BrF5
Br2 + Cl2  2BrCl
(a) Preparation of I2
1. Starting materials :
(i) KI (ii) MnO2 (iii) concentrated H2SO4
Reaction: (KI + H2SO4  KHSO4 + HI)  2
MnO2 + H2SO4  MnSO4 + H2O + O
2HI + O  H2O + I2
2KI + MnO2 + 3H2SO4  2KHSO4 + MnSO4 + 2H2O + I2
I2 may be contaminated by ICl, IBr.
These are removed by KI by the following steps:
ICl + KI  KCI + I2
IBr + KI  KBr + I2
2. From chile saltpetre (caliche)
2NaIO3 + 5NaHSO3  2Na2SO4 + 3NaHSO4 + H2O + I2
(b) Properties of I2
Physical properties
It is a deep brown crystalline solid having specific gravity 4.9. It is almost insoluble in water
but dissolves in nonaqueous solvents like chloroform and carbon tetrachloride.
However, it dissolves in an aqueous solution of potassium iodide because it reacts with
KI forming KI3
Chemical properties
Iodine reacts with nonmetals like phosphorus, arsenic and antimony forming their
respective triiodides.
2P + 3I2  2PI3
2As + 3I2  2AsI3
2Sb + 3I2  2SbI3
Burning of I2 vapour takes place in the above reaction.
2Na2S2O3 + I2  Na2S4O6 + 2NaI
Oxidising properties
KI + I2  KI3

H2S + I2  2HI + S 
Reducing properties
I2 + 10HNO3  2HIO3 + 10NO2 + 4H2O
I2 + Cl2  2ICl
I2 + 3Cl2  2ICl3
Electron affinity is the tendency of the atoms to gain electrons. This reaches a maximum at
chlorine. Oxidation may be regarded as the removal of electrons, so that an oxidizing agent
gains electrons. Thus, the halogens act as oxidizing agents. The strength of an oxidizing
agent (that is, its oxidation potential) depends on several energy terms and is best
represented by a BornHaber type of energy cycle. The oxidation potential is the energy
change between the element in its standard state and in its hydrated ions. Thus, for iodine
the change is from I2(solid) to I(hydrated). Thus the oxidation potential is equal to the sum of the
energy put in as the enthalpies of fusion, evaporation and dissociation, less the energy
evolved as the electron affinity and free energy of hydration.
X (g)
Electron affinity
½ x2 (g) X (g)

½ x2 (l)
Energy Free energy of
½ x2 (s) Oxidation potential Oxidation potential hydration
for bromine for chlorine
Oxidation potential
for iodine
X (hydrated)

In a similar cycle the oxidation potential for bromine can be calculated for the change from
Br2(liquid) to Br(hydrated). (Note that since in its standard state bromine is liquid, the free
energy of fusion must be omitted. Similarly in calculating the oxidation potential for chlorine
and fluorine, since they are gases, both the free energies of fusion and evaporation must
be omitted).
Though the electron affinity of chlorine is the highest, it is not the strongest oxidizing agent.
When all the terms in the energy cycle are summed, fluorine has the most negative G°
value, so fluorine is the strongest oxidizing agent. There are two main reasons for this:
1. F2 has a low enthalpy of dissociation (arising from the weakness of the FF bond).
2. F2 has a high free energy of hydration (arising from the smaller size of the F ion).
Fluorine is a very strong oxidizing agent and it will replace Cl both in solution and also
when dry. Similarly, chlorine gas will displace Br from solution. (This is the basis of the
commercial extraction of bromine from sea water.) In general any halogen of low atomic
number will oxidize halide ions of higher atomic number.
Iodine can replace Cl from KClO3 because in ClO 3 , Cl is in +7 oxidation state. Being
strong electronegative element Cl cannot hold +7 oxidation state. Iodine being less
electronegative it can hold the +7 charge very easily.
It is at first paradoxical that HF is the weakest acid in water, since HF has a greater
electronegativity difference than the other hydrides and therefore ahs more ionic character.
However, acidic strength is the tendency of hydrated molecules to form hydrogen ions:
 
HX(hydrated)  H(hydrated ) + X (hydrated )

This may be represented in stages: dissociation, ionisation and hydration in an energy


H (g) + X(g)

Ionisation energy Electron affinity

H (g) + X(g)
Enthalpy of H(g) + X(g)
HX (g) Enthalpy of
Enthalpy of
Energy dehydration HX (hydrated)

Acidic strength

The acid strength is equal to the sum of all the energy terms round the energy cycle in
given above figure.
Acid strength = Free energy of dehydration
+ Free energy of dissociation
+ Ionisation energy of H+
+ Electron affinity X
+ Free energy of hydration of H+ and X
The factors, which make HF the weakest halogen acid in water, become apparent
if the various thermodynamic terms are examined in more detail. The dissociation
constant k for the change
 
HX(hydrated) H(hydrated) + X (hydrated )

is given by the equation:

G° = RT ln k
(where G° is the Gibbs standard free energy, R the gas constant and T is absolute
temperature). However, G depends on the change in enthalpy H and the change in
entropy S
G = H  TS

Consider first the total enthalpy change H for the dissociation of HX(hydrated) into H(hydrated )

and X (hydrated ) . The H values for the various halogen acids are all negative, which means
that energy, is evolved in the process, so the change is thermodynamically possible.
However, the value for HF is small compared with the values for HCl, HBr and HI (which
are all similar in magnitude). Thus, HF is only slightly exothermic in aqueous solution
whereas the other evolve a considerable amount of heat.
The low total H value for HF is the result of several factors.
1. The enthalpies of dissociation show that the HF bond is much stronger than the HCl,
HBr or HI bonds. Thus, the dissociation energy of HF is nearly twice that required to
dissociate HI. (The strength of the HF bond is also shown by the short bond length of 1.0 Å
compared with 1.7 Å in HI.
2. The heat of dehydration for the step HX(hydrated)  HX(gas) is much higher for HF than for
the others. This is because of the strong hydrogen bonding which occurs in aqueous HF
3. The unexpectedly low value for the electron affinity of F also contributes and though
the enthalpy of hydration of F is very high, it is not enough to offset these other terms.
Chemical Properties:
CaF2 + H2SO4  CaSO4 + 2HF 
HF etches glass. The reaction is
SiF4 + 2HF  H2SiF6
Hence HF is stored in polythene coated bottle.
HF H+ + F
F + HF HF2
Conjugate base F bonds with HF by Hbonding thus statistically the effective number of
molecules of H drops and registers acidity Ka = 7.2  104.
H2F2 + KOH  KHF2 + H2O
H3BO3 + 4HF  HBF4 + 3H2O
SiF4 + 2HF  H2SiF6
BF3 + HF  HBF4
BaCl2 + 2HF  BaF2 + 2HCl


Preparation of HCl
Starting materials: NaCl, concentrated H2SO4 ; temperature ; 150°C
Reactions: NaCl + H2SO4  NaHSO4 + HCl 
NaCl + NaHSO4  Na2SO4 + HCl 
Purification of HCl is done by conc. H2SO4 not by CaO or P2O5 because both of
them react with HCl.
Physical properties: Colourless gas with pungent smell. It is heavier than air, highly soluble
in water.
Chemical properties
MnO2 + 4HCl  MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O
PbO2 + 4HCl  PbCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O
ordinary test
K2Cr2O7 + 14HCl 
 2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 3Cl2 + 7H2O
ordinary test
2KMnO4 + 16HCl 
 2KCl + 2MnCl2 + 5Cl2 + H2O
AgNO3 + HCl  AgCl + HNO3
curdy white
Hg2(NO3)2 + 2HCl  Hg2Cl2 + 2HNO3
curdy white


Preparation of HBr :
(Red) 2P + 3Br2  2PBr3
PBr3 + H2O  HBr + H3PO3
Reaction of NaBr with H2SO4 does not give HBr because of the following reaction:
NaBr + H2SO4  NaHSO4 + HBr
H2SO4  H2O + SO2 + O
2HBr + O  H2O + Br2 
Purification of HBr is done by CaCl2 from moisture.

HBr is colourless and having pungent odour shows the following reactions
Zn + 2HBr  ZnBr2 + H2
Na2CO3 + 2HBr  2NaBr + CO2 + H2O
NaHCO3 + HBr  NaBr + CO2 + H2O
Reducing action:
16HBr + 2KMnO4  2KBr + 2MnBr2 + 5Br2 + 8H2O
2HBr + H2SO4  Br2 + SO2 + 2H2O
K2Cr2O7 + 14HBr  2KBr + 2CrBr3 + 3Br2 + 7H2O
HBr + O2  Br2 + H2O


Preparation of HI:
1. (Red) 2P + 3I2 + 6H2O  6HI + 2H3PO3
2. NaI + H2SO4  NaHSO4 + HI
2HI + H2SO4  I2 + SO2 + 2H2O
3. SO2 + 2H2O + I2  H2SO4 + 2HI
H2SO4 + BaI2  BaSO4 + 2HI
Chemical properties:
4HI + O2  2H2O + I2

Reducing properties:
1. 2KMnO4 + 3H2SO4 + 10HI  K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 5I2 + 8H2O
Pink colourless
2. K2Cr2O7 + 6HI + 4H2SO4  K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + 3I2 + 7H2O
3. H2O2 + 2HI  2H2O + I2
4. 2HNO3 + 2HI  I2 + H2 + 2H2O + 2NO2
5. 2FeCl3 + 2HI  2FeCl2 + 2HCl + I2
6. 2CuSO4 + 4HI  Cu2I2 + 2H2SO4 + I2
7. Pb(CH3COO)2 + 2HI  PbI2 + 2CH3COOH
Reaction with KI in acid medium gives the detection test I.
2KI + 2H2SO4  K2SO4 + SO2 + I2 + 2H2O

Reducing Property of hydrogen halides

The stability of hydrogen halides decreases as we move down the group. The reducing
property is in the order HF < HCl < HBr < HI. The ease of oxidation of halide ion is
expected to increase in the order of increasing size of the halide ions F, Cl, Br and I.
The electron to be removed from F is very near to nucleus and therefore it is most difficult
to remove and easy for I. Therefore, HI should be strong reducing agent.


HClO4 is an extremely strong acid, whilst HOCl is very weak acid. The dissociation of
an oxoacids involves two energy terms:

1. Breaking an OH bond to produce a hydrogen ion and an anion.
2. Hydrating both ions

Plainly the ClO 4 ion is larger than the OCl ion, so the hydration energy of ClO 4 is less
than that of OCl. This would suggest that HOCl should ionise more readily than HClO4.
Since, we know the reverse to be true, the reason must be the energy required to break the
OH bond.
Oxygen is more electronegative than chlorine. In the series of oxoacids HOCl, HClO2,
HClO3, HClO4, an increasing number of oxygen atoms are bonded to the chlorine atom.
The more oxygen atoms that are bonded, the more the electrons will be pulled away from
the OH bond and the more this bond will be weakened. Thus, HClO4 requires the least
energy to break the OH bond and form H+. Hence, HClO4 is the strongest acid. In general,
for any series of oxoacids, the acid with the most oxygen (that is the one with the highest
oxidation number) is the most dissociated. Thus, the acid strengths decreases in the order
HClO4 > HClO3 > HClO2 > HOCl. In exactly the same way, H2SO4 is a stronger acid than
H2SO3 and HNO3 is a stronger acid than HNO2.


A few ions are known, consisting of two or more atoms of which at least one is N, that have
properties similar to those of the halide ions. They are therefore called pseudohalide ions.
Pseudohalide ions are univalent, and these form salts resembling the halide salts. For
example, the sodium salts are soluble in water, but the silver salts are insoluble. The
hydrogen compounds are acids like the halogen acids HX. Some of the pseudohalide ions
combine to form dimmers comparable with the halogen molecules X2. These include
cyanogens (CN)2, thiocyanogen (SCN)2 and selenocyanogen (SeCN)2.

Anion Acid Dimer

CN– cyanide ion HCN hydrogen cyanide (CN)2 cyanogen

SCN thiocyanate ion HSCN thiocyanic acid (SCN)2 thiocyanogen

SeCN selenocyanate ion (SeCN)2 selenocyanogen
OCN– cyanate ion HOCN cyanic acid
NCN cyanamide ion H2NCN cyanamide
N3– azide ion HN3 hydrogen azide

The best known pseudohalide is CN–1. This resembles Cl–1, Br– and I– in the following
1. It forms an acid HCN.
2. It can be oxidized to form a molecule cyanogen (CN)2.
3. It forms insoluble salts with Ag+, Pb2+ and Hg+.
4. Interpseudohalogen compounds CICN, BrCN and ICN can be formed.
5. AgCN is insoluble in water but soluble in ammonia, as is AgCl.
6. It forms a large number of complexes similar to halide complexes,
e.g. [Cu(CN)4]2– and [CuCl4]2– and [Co(CN)6]3– and [CoCl6]3–


We know that halogen atoms have different electronegativity. Due to this difference in
electronegativity the halogen atoms combine with each other and give rise to the formation

of binary covalent compounds, which are called interhalogen compounds. These
compounds are of four types: (i) AB type (+1), e.g. CIF, BrF, IF (detected
spectroscopically), BrCl, ICl, IBr (ii) AB3 type (+3), e.g. CIF3, BrF3, IF3, ICl3 (iii) AB5 type
(+5), e.g. CIF5, BrF5, IF5 (iv) AB7 type (+7), e.g. IF7. The number given in the bracket
indicates the oxidation number of A atom. A halogen atom is larger than B halogen atom,
i.e. A atom is less electronegative than B atom. In interhalogen compounds, the halogen
atoms having less electronegativity show positive oxidation state. It is for this reason that
interhalogen compounds are named as the halides of less electronegative halogen atom.
Thus CIF is called chlorine monofluoride and not fluorine monochloride, since the
electronegativity of Cl atom is less than that of F atom.
Halogen atom A acts as the central atom with which odd number of B atoms are covalently
bonded. The central atom A may be Cl, Br or I but never F, since F atom seldom achieves
a positive oxidation state and also it can not expand its coordination number beyond 4.
With the exception of BrCl, ICl, IBr and ICl3 all the remaining interhalogen compounds are
halogen fluorides. Greater is the electronegativity difference, (xF – xA) (A may be I or Br),
greater is the number of fluorides given by atom A. For example iodine (xF – xI = 4.0 – 2.5 =
1.5) gives four fluorides viz. IF, IF3, IF5, and IF7 while Br atom (xF – xBr = 4.0 – 2.8 = 1.2)
gives only three fluorides namely BrF, BrF3 and BrF5. The formation of three fluorides by
Cl-atom (xF –xCl = 4.0 –3.0 = 1.0) is taken to be an exception. Actually Cl-atom should give
less than three fluorides.
It has not been possible to prepare the inter-halogen compounds containing more than two
halogen atoms (ternary inter-halogen compounds). The non-formation of ternary
interhalogen compounds is due to the fact that these compounds so formed get
decomposed into a mixture of stable binary interhalogen compounds and/or elemental
halogens. Polyhalides such as MIBrF, MIClBr, MIFCl3 etc, which contain three different
halogen atoms have, how ever, been prepared.
General Methods of preparation
Following are the important general methods by which interhalogen compounds can be
(i) By the direct combination of halogens
All the interhalogens, except IF7, can be prepared by the direct combination of
the halogens under appropriate conditions. The following examples are noteworthy. For the
preparation of AB3 and AB5 interhalogen compounds excess of halogen atom must be
used in the reaction mixture.
Cl2 + F2 (equal volumes) 2ClF
Cl2 + 3F2 (excess) 2ClF3
I2 + Cl2 (liquid) (in equimolecular amount)  2ICl
I2 + 3Cl2 (liquid and in excess)  2ICl3
Br2 (vapour) + 3F2 (diluted with N2)  2BrF3
I2 + 3F2 (in freon) 2IF3
Br2 + 5F2 (excess)  2BrF5
(ii) From lower interhalogens
Higher interhalogens can be prepared by the interaction of lower interhalogens with
halogens. This method is particularly used for the preparation of halogen fluorides. The
following examples illustrate the method.
ClF + F2  ClF3
ClF3 + F2 (excess) CIF5
BrF3 + F2 (excess) BrF5
IF5 + F2 IF7
(iii) Miscellaneous methods
Some miscellaneous methods have been illustrated by the following examples.
6HCl + KIO3 + 2KI  2KCl + 3H2O + 3ICl
Cl2 + CIF3 3CIF
KCl + 3F2 KF + ClF5
3I2 + 5AgF  5AgI + IF5
8F2 + PbI2  PbF2 + 2IF7

General Properties
(i) Physical state
The interhalogen compounds may be covalent gases (e.g. CIF, BrF, CIF3, IF7), liquids
(e.g. BrF3, BrF5) or solids (e.g. ICl, IBr, IF3, ICl3).
(ii) Colour
Although many of the interhalogen compounds containing fluorine are colourless, yet those
made up of heavier halogens are coloured. The colour becomes deeper with the increase
of the molecular weight of the compound. In this behaviour these compounds resemble the
halogens themselves.
(iii) Dimagnetic nature
Since all the valence electrons in interhalogen compounds are present as bonding or non-
bonding (i.e., lone pairs) electron pairs, these compounds are diamagnetic in nature.

(iv) Heats of formation

All these compounds have low heats of formation. For example, these values for IBr and
BrCl are –2.5 and –0.34 kcal/mole respectively. These are extremely volatile compounds.
In general compounds containing fluorine are more volatile than those containing chlorine,
bromine or iodine.
(v) Boiling points
For each type of interhalogen compounds, the boiling points increase with the increase in
the electronegativity difference between A and B atoms.
(vi) Thermal stability
Thermal stability of AB type interhalogen compounds decreases with the decrease in
electronegativity difference between A and B atoms. Thus the order of stability of some AB
compounds is as
IF (=1.5)  BrF (1.2)  CIF (1.0)  ICI (0.5)  IBr (0.3)  BrCl(0.2)
In parentheses are given the electronegativity difference between A and B atoms.
The above order is also explained by saying that greater is the difference between the
electronegativity values of A and B, the more polar is the A–B bond and hence greater is
the thermal stability of AB compound.
(vii) Reactivity
AB type compounds are more reactive than A2 and B2 molecules, since A–B bond in AB
compounds is weaker than A–A and B–B bonds in A2 and B2 molecules respectively. Thus
AB type compounds convert the metals into a mixture of two halides. For example
ICl + 2Na  NaI + NaCl
The order of reactivity of some interhalogen compounds has been found as CIF3  BrF3 
IF7  BrF5  BrF.
(viii) Hydrolysis
Hydrolysis gives halogen acid and oxy-halogen acid. The oxy-halogen acid is of larger
(i.e., central) halogen atom. Examples are
BrCl + H2O  HCl (halogen acid) + HOBr (oxyhalogen acid)
ICl + H2O  HCl + HIO
ICl3 + 2H2O  3HCl + HIO2
IF5 + 3H2O  5HF + HIO3
BrF5 + 3H2O  5HF + HBrO3
IF7 + 6H2O  7HF + H5IO6

It may be noted that the oxidation state of A atom does not change during hydrolysis.
(ix) Reaction with non-metallic and metallic oxides
Nonmetallic and metallic oxides are fluorinated by halogen fluorides to give the
corresponding fluorides.
4BrF3 + 3SiO2  3SiF4 + 2Br2 + 3O2
4BrF3 + 2WO3  2WF6 + 2Br2 + 3O2
(x) Addition reactions
The diatomic interhalogens (AB type compounds) add at olefinic double bond sites.
–CH = CH– + ICl  – CHI – CHCl–
CH2 = CH2 + BrCl  CH2Br–CH2Cl

(xi) Reaction with alkali metal halides:

Reaction with alkali metal halides gives polyhalides like NaIBr2, CsIBrCl, KICl4 etc.
IBr + NaBr  NaIBr2; ICl + KCl  KICl2
BrCl + CsI  CsIBrCl; ICl3 + KCl  KICl4

The molecular structures of interhalogen compounds are very interesting and can be
explained on the basis of VSEPR theory. The structure of some of these compounds are
shown below.



F 
X = Cl, Br, I X = Cl, Br, I F
(XF3) (XF5)
3 3 2 3 3
Hybridisation of X: sp d sp d sp d
Geometry Tshaped square pyramidal pentagonal bipyramidal

Structures of some interhalogen compounds

Bleaching powder is also called calcium chlorohypochlorite because it is considered as a
mixed salt of hydrochloric acid and hypochlorous acid.
40o C
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2  Ca(OCl)Cl + H2O

(a) It is a pale yellow powder. It has a strong smell of chlorine. It is soluble in water but a
clear solution is never formed due to the presence of impurities.
(b) On long standing, it undergoes autooxidation into calcium chlorate and calcium
6CaOCl2  Ca(ClO3)2 + 5CaCl2
(c) 2CaOCl2 

 2CaCl2 + O2

(d) In presence of a slight amount of a dilute acid, it loses oxygen.
2CaOCl2 + H2SO4  CaCl2 + CaSO4 + 2HClO
HClO  HCl + O
On account of the formation of nascent oxygen, it shows oxidising and bleaching

(i) Oxidising properties

CaOCl2 + H2S  CaCl2 + H2O + S
CaOCl2 + 2FeSO4 + H2SO4  Fe2(SO4)3 + CaCl2 + H2O
CaOCl2 + KNO2  CaCl2 + KNO3
3CaOCl2 + 2NH3  3CaCl2 + 3H2O + N2
CaOCl2 + 2KI + 2HCl  CaCl2 + 2KCl + H2O + I2
Na2AsO3 + CaOCl2  CaCl2 + Na3AsO4

(ii) Bleaching action

Coloured matter +[O]  colourless product.
(e) It loses its chlorine by the action of dilute acids (in excess) or CO2.
CaOCl2 + 2HCl  CaCl2 + H2O + Cl2
CaOCl2 + H2SO4  CaSO4 + H2O + Cl2
CaOCl2 + CO2  CaCO3 + Cl2
The amount of chlorine obtained from a sample of bleaching powder by treatment with
excess of dilute acids or CO2 is called available chlorine. A good sample of bleaching
powder contains 3538% of available chlorine.
(f) Bleaching powder converts acetone or ethyl alcohol into CHCl3
CaOCl2 + H2O  Ca(OH)2 + Cl2
CH3COCH3 + 3Cl2  CCl3COCH3 + 3HCl
2CCl3COCH3 + Ca(OH)2  (CH3COO)2Ca + 2CHCl3


The elements helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe) and radon (Rn)
belong to group 18 of the periodic table. All these elements are gaseous under ordinary
conditions of temperature and pressure. The last member of the group i.e. radon is
obtained from radioactive disintegration of radium. All others are present in air in traces.
They are also known as rare gases because they are found in very small amounts in
nature. They are highly nonreactive and baring few exceptions, they don‟t take part in
chemical reactions and are therefore, called inert gases or noble gases. They always
occur in free state because of the inert nature.
The valence shell electronic configuration of helium is 1s2 and for other members of this
group is ns2np6. Thus, except helium, other noble gases have a closed octet of electrons in
their outermost shell. This electronic configuration is very stable and is related to their
chemical inertness.
Their physical properties show a regular gradation. Some of the physical properties are
given in the following table:

Elements Ionisation Density at STP Melting point (K) Boiling point (K)

energy (kJ mol1) (g cm3)
Helium 2373 1.8  104  4.2
Neon 2080 9.0  10 24.6 27.1
Argon 1520 1.8  103 83.8 87.2
Krypton 1351 3.7  103 115.9 119.7
Xenon 1170 5.9  10 161.3 165.0
Radon 1037 9.7  10 202 211


(i) State
All of them are mono atomic, colourless, odourless and tasteless gases.
(ii) Solubility
They are sparingly soluble in water. The solubility generally increases with increase in
atomic number.
(iii) Boiling point and melting point
Due to weak intermolecular vander Waal‟s forces between them they possess very low
boiling point and melting point in comparison to those of other substances of comparable
atomic and molecular masses. However, the boiling point and melting point increase with
increase in atomic number because vander Waal‟s forces become stronger with increase in
size of the atoms or molecules. Therefore, among noble gases radon has the highest
melting point and boiling point whereas helium has the least melting point and boiling point.
(iv) Liquefication
It is extremely difficult to liquefy these gases as there are only weak vander Waal‟s forces
which hold atoms together. Since these forces increase with the increase in atomic size
and population of electrons, ease of liquefication increases down the group from He to Rn.
(v) Atomic radii
It the case of noble gases, the atomic radii corresponds to vander Waal‟s radii. Therefore,
these are quite large as compared with atomic radii of the other atoms belonging to the
same period. As we go down the group, the vander Waal‟s radius increases due to the
addition of new electronic shells and increase in screening effect.
(vi) Ionisation energies
The ionisation energies of noble gases are very high. This is due to the stable
configurations of noble gases. However, the ionisation energies decrease with increase in
atomic number from He to Rn due to increasing atomic size and decrease in effective
nuclear charge.
(vii) Electron affinities
Due to the stable ns2np6 electronic configurations, noble gas atoms have no tendency to
accept additional electron. Therefore, their electron affinities are almost zero.
(viii) Enthalpy of fusion and enthalpy of vapourization
In general, the enthalpies of fusion and the enthalpies of vaporization are low and increase
down the group.


The noble gases are generally inert and do not participate in chemical reactions due to
(i) very low electron affinities,
(ii) exceptionally high ionisation energies and
(iii) stable electronic configuration.

Prior to 1962, it was thought that the noble gases do not combine at all with other
elements. However, in 1962 N. Barttlet used the highly oxidising compound PtF6 to oxidise
O2 + PtF6  O 2 [PtF 6 ]

Moreover, the first ionisation energy for O2  O 2 is 1165 kJ mol1 which is almost the
same as the value of 1170 kJ mol1 for Xe  Xe+. It was predicted that xenon should
react with PtF6 in an analogous manner. Experiments revealed that when deep red PtF6
vapour was mixed with equal volume of xenon, the gases combined immediately at room
temperature to produce a yellow solid. Initially the yellow solid was wrongly formulated
as Xe+ PtF 6 . Subsequently, it was found that the reaction is more complicated and the
product was actually [XeF]+ [Pt2F11].
Xe + 2PtF6  [XeF]+ [Pt2F11]
Once the reactivity of xenon was established, many more attempts were made to
synthesize other compounds of noble gases. Now, many compounds of xenon and krypton
are known with the fluorine and oxygen. The compounds of krypton are fewer, only the
difluoride, KrF2, has been synthesised. Compounds of He, Ne and Ar are not known.
However, compounds of radon have been identified by radiotracer techniques but not
isolated so far.


Xenon reacts directly only with F2 forming three fluorides namely, XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6.
These can be obtained by the direct combination of xenon and fluorine at 400°C in a
sealed nickel vessel and the products depend on the Xe/F2 molar ratio.
Ni tube
Xe + F2 
 XeF2
400o C
(2 : 1)
Ni tube, 400o C
Xe + 2F2 
 XeF4
5  6 atm

(1 : 5)
Ni tube, 400o C
Xe + 3F2 
 XeF6
50  60 atm

(1 : 20)
The compounds XeF2, XeF4 and XeF6 are all white solids, which sublime at room
temperature. The lower fluorides form higher fluorides when heated with F2 under pressure.
They are extremely strong oxidising and fluorinating agents.
(i) They react quantitatively with hydrogen as follows
XeF2 + H2  2HF + Xe
XeF4 + 2H2  4HF + Xe
(ii) They oxidize Cl to Cl2, I to I2 and cerium(III) to cerium(IV)
XeF2 + 2HCl  2HF + Xe + Cl2
XeF4 + 4KI  4KF + Xe + 2I2
SO 24 + XeF2 + Ce 2III (SO4)3  2CeIV(SO4)2 + Xe + F2

(iii) They fluorinate compounds:

XeF4 + 2SF4  Xe + 2SF6
XeF4 + Pt  Xe + PtF4

(iv) The fluorides differ in their reactivity with water. XeF2 in soluble in water, but undergoes
slow hydrolysis. Hydrolysis is more rapid with alkali.
2XeF2 + 2H2O  2Xe + 4HF + O2
XeF4 reacts violently with water, giving xenon trioxide XeO3.
3XeF4 + 6H2O  2Xe + XeO3 + 12HF + 1½O2
XeF6 also reacts violently with water, but slow hydrolysis by atmospheric moisture gives
the highly explosive solid XeO3.
XeF6 + 6H2O  XeO3 + 6HF
With small quantities of water, partial hydrolysis occurs, giving a colourless liquid xenon
oxofluoride XeOF4. The same product is formed when XeF6 reacts with silica or glass:
XeF6 + H2O  XeOF4 + 2HF
2XeF6 + SiO2  2XeOF4 + SiF4
(v) XeO3 is an explosive white hygroscopic solid. It reacts with XeF6 and XeOF4.
XeO3 + 2XeF6  3XeOF4
XeO3 + XeOF4  2XeO2F2
XeO3 is soluble in water, but does not ionize. However, in alkaline solution above pH
10.5 it forms the xenate ion [HXeO4]
XeO3 + NaOH  Na+ [HXeO4]
Sodium xenate
XeF2 is a linear molecule F – Xe – F. Valence bond representation of XeF2 may be
explained, if one of the 5p electrons is promoted to the 5d orbital.
F ..
5s 5p 5d
Xe in ground state
.. Xe

Xe in excited state ..
sp d The structure of XeF2

One 5s, three 5p and one 5d atomic orbitals hybridise to give five sp3d hybridised orbitals.
The two orbitals, which are singly occupied are used by two fluorine atoms to form bonds
with xenon and the rest of the three are occupied by the lone pairs as shown.
400°C, 5 – 6 atm.
Xe + 2F2 XeF4
It reacts violently with water
3XeF4 + 6H2O  2Xe + XeO3 + 12HF + 3/2 O2
– 130°C
XeF4 + O2F2 XeF6 + O2(g)
It is white solid, which sublimes at room temperature. It melts at 49.5°C to give yellow
2XeF6 + 3SiO2  3SiF4 + 2XeO3

XeF6 + 3H2O  XeO3 + 6HF

2XeF6 XeF2 + XeF4 + 3F2
Structure of XeF6
The Lewis structure of XeF6 is given in figure. Xe uses F
six of its valence electrons in forming six -bonds with
six F-atoms, while the remaining two electrons form a F
.. F
lone-pair. To accommodate, 7 electron-pair, therefore,
Xe should exhibit sp3d3 hybridisation as shown below. Xe

Structure of XeF6:
distorted octahedral


Xenon trioxide (XeO3) may be prepared by the hydrolysis of XeF4 or XeF6.
XeF6 + 3H2O  XeO3 + 6HF
6XeF4 + 12H2O  2XeO3 + 4Xe + 3O2 + 24HF
Structure of XeO3
In XeO3 , Xe exhibits sp3 hybridisation. One of the 
hybrid orbitals is occupied by a lone pair, while other
three are involved in the bond formation. This leads to a Xe
trigonal pyramidal structure of XeO3.
Structure of XeO3
(trigonal pyramidal)


Example 1:
Which one of the following oxides is neutral?
(a) CO (b) SnO2
(c) ZnO (d) SiO2
CO is neutral, SnO2 and ZnO both are amphoteric while SiO2 is acidic.
 (a)
Example 2:
The number of POP linkages in pyrophosphoric acid is
(a) zero (b) one
(c) two (d) three

The of pyrophosphoric acid is HOPOPOH .


 (b)
Example 3:
The correct order of acidic strength is
(a) Cl2O7 > SO2 > P4O10 (b) CO2 > N2O5 > SO3
(c) Na2O > MgO > Al2O3 (d) K2O > CaO > MgO
Cl2O7, SO2 and P4O10 are the anhydrides of HClO4, H2SO3 and H3PO4 whose strengths are in
the order HClO4 > H2SO3 > H3PO4.
 (a)
Example 4:
The number of SS bonds in cyclic trimer of sulphur trioxide (S3O9) is
(a) three (b) two
(c) one (d) zero
The structure of cyclic trimer of SO3 is given below

 (d)
Example 5:
The true statement for the acids of phosphorus,
H3PO2, H3PO3 and H3PO4 is
(a) The order of their acidity is H3PO4 > H3PO3 > H3PO2
(b) All of them are reducing in nature.
(c) All of them are tribasic acids.
(d) The geometry of phosphorus is tetrahedral in all the three.
The correct order of acidic strength in phosphorus oxo acid is H 3PO4 < H3PO3 < H3PO2.
The oxidation state of P in H3PO4 is +5 and hence H3PO4 is not reducing in nature. The basicities of
H3PO2, H3PO3 and H3PO4 are respectively one, two and three. The hybridization of P in all the three
oxoacids of P is sp .
 (d)
Example 6:
Identify the correct order of acidic strengths of CO2, CuO, CaO, H2O.
(a) CaO < CuO < H2O < CO2 (b) H2O < CuO < CaO < CO2
(c) CaO < H2O < CuO < CO2 (d) H2O < CO2 < CaO < CuO
Nonmetallic oxides are acidic and metallic oxides are basic. Hence, the correct order of acidic
strength is CaO < CuO < H2O < CO2.
 (a)
Example 7:
Which among the following is Peroxo acid of sulphur?
(i) H2SO3 (ii) H2SO5
(iii) H2S2O8 (iv) H2SO4
(a) only (i) (b) only (ii)
(c) both (ii) and (iii) (d) only (iv)

Structure of peroxomonosulphuric acid (H2SO5) is HO–S–O–OH.

Structure of peroxodisulphuric acid (H2S2O8) is HO–S–O–O–S–OH .
 (c)
Example 8:
Amongst H2O, H2S, H2Se and H2Te, the one with highest boiling point is
(a) H2O because of hydrogen bonding.
(b) H2Te because of higher molecular weight.
(c) H2S because of hydrogen bonding.
(d) H2Se because of lower molecular weight.
H2O has hydrogen bonding and hence has the highest boiling point.
 (a)
Example 9:
Bond energy is highest for
(a) SnSn (b) CC
(c) SiSi (d) GeGe

As we move down the group, the atomic size increases and hence, breaking the bond becomes
 (b)

Example 10:
Aluminium(III) chloride forms a dimer because aluminium
(a) cannot form a trimer. (b) has high ionisation energy.

(c) belongs to third group. (d) can have higher coordination number.

Aluminium(III) chloride forms a dimer because aluminium can have higher coordination number.
 (d)


Example 1:
An inorganic Lewis acid (X) shows the following reactions:
(i) It fumes in moist air.
(ii) The intensity of fumes increases when a rod dipped in NH 4OH is brought near to it.
(iii) An acidic solution of (X) on addition of NH 4Cl and NH4OH gives a precipitate, which
dissolves in NaOH solution.
(iv) An acidic solution of (X) does not give a precipitate with H2S.
Identify (X) and give chemical reactions of step (i) to (iii).
(X) is a Lewis acid and fumes in air, it may be anhydrous AlCl3.

(i) AlCl3 + 3H2O  Al(OH)3 + 3HCl

The fumes intensify as HCl and NH4OH react to form NH4Cl.
(ii) NH4OH + HCl  NH4Cl + H2O
(iii) Al(OH)3 is precipitated on addition of NH4Cl and NH4OH.
This dissolves in NaOH forming sodium metaaluminate
AlCl3 + 3NH4OH  Al(OH)3 + 3NH4Cl
Al(OH)3 + NaOH  NaAlO2 + 2H2O
Passing H2S through solution forms no precipitate.
 (X) is anhydrous AlCl3.

Example 2:
(i) A white precipitate (B) is formed when a mineral (A) is boiled with Na 2CO3 solution.
(ii) The precipitate is filtered and the filtrate contains two compounds (C) and (D).
The compound (C) is removed by crystallization and when CO 2 is passed through the
mother liquor left, (D) changes to (C).
(iii) The compound (C) on strong heating gives two compounds (D) and (E).
(iv) (E) on heating with cobalt oxide produces blue coloured substance (F).
Identify (A) to (F) and give chemical reactions of the reactions at step (i) to (iv)
(i) The mineral (A) is colemanite, Ca2B6O11.5H2O.
Ca2B6O11 + 2Na2CO3(aq)  2CaCO3 + Na2B4O7 + 2NaBO2
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Insoluble soluble
(ii) (C), the borax is crystallised. The mother liquor consisting of sodium metaborate is treated
with CO2.
4NaBO2 + CO2  Na2B4O7 + Na2CO3
(D) (C)

(iii) Na2B4O7.10H2O 
 2NaBO2 + B2O3 + 10H2O

(C) (D) (E)

(iv) CoO + B2O3  Co(BO2)2
Example 3:
Identify (A) and (B) (compound/reaction condition)
PbS  (A) + PbS 
 Pb + SO2
in air

(A) = PbO or PbSO4
(B) = high temperature with air supply cut off.

Example 4:
Write the balanced equation for reaction of Al4C3 and CaNCN with water.
Al4C3 + 12H2O  4Al(OH)3 + 3CH4
CaNCN + 3H2O  CaCO3 + 2NH3

Example 5:
Starting from SiCl4 prepare the following in step not exceeding the number given in
parentheses (give reactions only):
(i) Silicon(1)
(ii) Linear silicone containing methyl groups only(4).
(iii) Na2SiO3 (3)
(i) SiCl4 + 2Mg  Si + 2MgCl2
(ii) (a) SiCl4 + 2Mg  Si + 2MgCl2
Cu Catalyst
(b) Si + 2CH3Cl o
 (CH3)2SiCl2
280  300 C

(c) ClSiCl + 2H2O HOSiOH + 2HCl
CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 (CH3)2Si CH3 CH3 CH3
(d) OHSiOH + HOSiOH HOSiOSiOH HOSiOSiOSiOH

The chain propagates in this manner and a linear polymer is obtained.

(iii) (a) SiCl4 + 4H2O  Si(OH)4 + 4HCl

(b) Si(OH)4  SiO2 + 2H2O


(c) SiO2 + Na2CO3  Na2SiO3 + CO2

Example 6:
In the following reaction,
(A) + 2(B) + H2O  (C) + 2(D)
(A) = HNO2, (B) = H2SO3, (C) = NH2OH. Identify (D).

HNO2 + 2H2SO3 + H2O  NH2OH + 2H2SO4
(A) (B) (C) (D)

Example 7:
A black powder when heated with NaCl and conc. H 2SO4 gives off a greenishyellow gas.
The gas on passing through liquor ammonia liberates N 2 and on passing through boiling
KOH yields compounds one of which when heated with the black powder evolves oxygen.
Name the gas and the black powder. Explain the chemical reactions involved with equations.
The black powder is MnO2 and greenishyellow gas is chlorine.
MnO2 + 2NaCl + 3H2SO4  2NaHSO4 + MnSO4 + Cl2 + 2H2O
3Cl2 + 8NH3  N2 + 6NH4Cl
3Cl2 + 6KOH  KClO3 + 5KCl + 3H2O
2KClO3 + [MnO2]  2KCl + 3O2 + [MnO2]

Example 8:
A colourless inorganic compound imparts a green colour to flame. It’s solution doesnot give
any precipitate with H2S. It’s solution gives white precipitate with H2SO4. When it is heated
with K2Cr2O7 and conc. H2SO4, a red gas is evolved. The gas when passed through aqueous
NaOH solution turns it yellow. Identify the compound and give chemical reactions.
The compound is BaCl2.
BaCl2 + H2SO4  BaSO4 + 2HCl
White ppt.
2BaCl2 + K2Cr2O7 + 3H2SO4  K2SO4 + 2CrO2Cl2 + 2BaSO4 + 3H2O
Red gas
CrO2Cl2 + 4NaOH  Na2CrO4 + 2NaCl + 2H2O
Yellow soln.

Example 9:
Compound (X) on reduction with LiAlH 4 gives a hydride (Y) containing 21.72% hydrogen
along with other products. The compound (Y) reacts with air explosively resulting in boron
trioxide. Identify (X) and (Y). Give balanced reactions involved in the formation of (Y) and its
reaction with air. Draw the structure of (Y).
4BCl3 + 3LiAlH4  2B2H6 + 3AlCl3 + 3LiCl
(X) (Y)

% of hydrogen in B2H6 =  100 = 21.72
exp losion
B2H6 + 3O2  B2O3 + 3H2O
Structure of B2H6 B B

Example 10:
A colourless solution contains a metal nitrate. A little solution of sodium chloride is added to
it when a cloudy white precipitate appears. How you will ascertain about the metal ion?

The chloride ions have combined with the metal ions to give the precipitate of a chloride as sodium
nitrate is soluble.
Metal nitrate + NaCl  Metal chloride + NaNO3
(Insoluble) (Soluble)

The metal chloride may be PbCl2 or AgCl or Hg2Cl2. The following tests can be used to ascertain the
metal chloride.
(i) If the precipitate dissolves in hot water, it is PbCl 2
(ii) If the precipitate dissolves in NH4OH, it is AgCl.
(iii) If the precipitate turns black with NH4OH, it is Hg2Cl2.



1. Sodium thiosulphate is used in photography because of its

(a) reducing behaviour (b) oxidizing behaviour
(c) complex forming behaviour (d) reaction with light

2. Nitrogen(I) oxide is produced by

(a) thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrate
(b) disproportionation of N2O4
(c) thermal decomposition of ammonium nitrite
(d) interaction of hydroxylamine and nitric acid

3. There is no SS bond in

(a) S 2 O 24 (b) S 2 O 52
(c) S 2 O 32 (d) S 2 O 72

4. The species that does not contain peroxide ions is

(a) PbO2 (b) H2O2
(c) Na2O2 (d) BaO2

5. Which one of the following is purely reducing agent?

(a) Hydrogen sulphide
(b) Hydrogen peroxide
(c) Sulphur dioxide
(d) Ozone

6. Which of the following statement regarding N2O4 is not correct?

(a) The molecule of N2O4 is planar.
(b) The molecule of N2O4 contains weak NN bond.
(c) In liquid N2O4, NOCl acts as a base.
(d) The dipole moment of N2O4 is zero.

7. Which of the following carbide is a methanide?

(a) Be2C (b) CaC2
(c) Al2C6 (d) Mg2C3

8. Which of the following statement is correct?

(a) All compounds of silicon are collectively known as silicones.
(b) Silicon hydrides are known as silicones.
(c) Silicon halides are known as silicones.
(d) Silicones are polymeric organosilicon compounds.

9. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is a white solid?

(a) NO (b) NO2
(c) N2O3 (d) N2O5

10. Which of the following statement regarding nitric oxide is not correct?
(a) Nitric oxide dimerizes under ordinary conditions.
(b) The bond order of nitrosonium ion is 3.
(c) There is a decrease in nitrogenoxygen bond length in going from NO to NO+.
(d) In nitrosyls, nitric oxide is attached to the metal through nitrogen atom.

11. Which of the following statement regarding nitrous oxide is not correct?
(a) The solubility of N2O is more in cold solution as compared to a hot solution.
(b) The solubility of N2O is more in hot solution as compared to a cold solution.
(c) The gas N2O is known as laughing gas.
(d) Nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen is used as an anaesthetic.

12. With excess of Cl2, ammonia forms

(a) NH4Cl (b) N2
(c) NCl3 (d) NH3.NCl3

13. Which one of the following acids is a dibasic acid?

(a) H3PO3 (b) H3PO2
(c) HPO3 (d) H3PO4

14. Hypophosphorous acid is

(a) monobasic (b) dibasic
(c) tribasic (d) neutral

15. Which of the following statement regarding pyrophosphoric acid is not correct?
(a) It is obtained by heating equimolar mixture of ortho and metaphosphoric acid at 100°C.
(b) On boiling with water, it produces orthophosphoric acid.
(c) On strong heating, it produces metaphosphoric acid.
(d) It forms four series of salts, e.g. NaH3P2O7, Na2H2P2O7, Na3HP4O7 and Na4P2O7.

16. Which of the following statements regarding sulphur dioxide is not correct?
(a) SO2 is an angular molecule.
(b) SO2 is an anhydride of sulphuric acid.
(c) SO2 is an acidic oxide.
(d) The SO bond length is smaller than the expected value.

17. Which of the following compound produces SO3 as the only gas on heating?
(a) Na2SO4 (b) CaSO4
(c) CuSO4 (d) Fe2(SO4)3

18. Which of the following regarding sulphurous acid is not correct?

(a) Sulphurous acid can be isolated in the crystalline form.
(b) In alkaline solution, reducing action of sulphurous acid is due to sulphite ion.
(c) In acidic solution, reducing action of sulphurous acid is due to SO2.
(d) The structure of sulphurous acid is tetrahedral including the lone pair of electrons on

19. Which of the following statement regarding sodium thiosulphate is not correct?
(a) Sodium thiosulphate is used in photography for fixing films and prints.
(b) Sodium thiosulphate has five molecules of water of crystallization.
(c) The reaction of Cl2 and I2 with sodium thiosulphate is
2Na2S2O3 + X2  Na2S4O6 + 2NaX
(d) The equivalent mass of sodium thiosulphate when it reacts with iodine is equal to its
molar mass.

20. The dissolution of AgBr in S 2 O 32 produces

(a) [Ag(S2O3)] (b) [ Ag(S 2 O 3 ) 2 ] 3
(c) [ Ag(S 2 O 3 )3 ] 5 (d) [ Ag(S 2 O 3 ) 4 ] 7

21. Which of the following sets contains oxides in the sequence of basic, amphoteric and acidic
in nature respectively.

(a) SO2, P2O5, CO (b) BaO, Al2O3, SiO2
(c) CaO, SiO2, Al2O3 (d) Al2O3, CO2, SiO2

22. NH3 + O2  A + H2O

A + O2  B
B + O2 + H2O  C.
A, B and C are
(a) N2O, NO2 and HNO3 (b) NO, NO2 and HNO3
(c) NO2, NO and HNO3 (d) N2O, NO and HNO3

23. Which of the following statements is correct for CsBr3?

(a) It is a covalent compound (b) It contains Cs3+ and Br ions
(c) It contains Cs+ and Br3 ions (d) It contains Cs3+, Br molecule lattice

24. Which of the following statements is incorrect about ozone?

(a) Ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere by a photochemical reactions involving
(b) Ozone is more reactive than dioxygen.
(c) Ozone is diamagnetic while dioxygen is paramagnetic.
(d) Ozone protects earth‟s inhabitants by absorbing gamma radiations.

25. Electron affinity of chlorine is greater than that of fluorine; fluorine is a better oxidising
agent than chlorine. Pick up the appropriate answer.
(a) H (dissociation) of F2(g) < H (dissociation) of Cl2(g)
(b) H (Hydration) of F ion > H (Hydration) of Cl ion
(c) net energy released for F2 (g)  F (aq) is greater than that for
Cl 2 (g)  Cl (aq.)
(d) fluorine is more electronegative than chlorine



1. Which of the following facts regarding boron and silicon is not true?
(a) Boron and silicon are semiconductors.
(b) Boron and silicon form halides which are not hydrolysed.
(c) Boron and silicon react with magnesium to form magnesium boride and magnesium
silicide which are decomposed by acids to give volatile borane and silane, respectively.
(d) Both boron and silicon react with alkali to form borates and silicates containing BO4 and
SiO4 tetrahedral units, respectively.

2. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(a) All the elements of group 14 form tetrahalides with the exception of PbI4.
(b) All tetrahalides of elements of group 14 are tetrahedral.
(c) The stability of the halides of elements of group 14 increases down the group.
(d) SiCl4 exhibits the phenomenon of hydrolysis.

3. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Organosilicon polymers are known as silicones.
(b) Silicones have the general formula (R2SiO)n where R = CH3, C2H5, C6H5, etc.
(c) Hydrolysis of dialkyldichlorosilane produces crosslinked silicon polymer.
(d) Hydrolysis of alkyltrichlorosilane produces crosslinked silicon polymer.

4. In which of the following acids, PP bond is present?

(a) Hypophosphoric acid (H4P2O6) (b) Pyrophosphoric acid (H4P2O7)
(c) Orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4) (d) Polymetaphosphoric acid (HPO3)n

5. In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by the contact process, SO3 is not added to water
directly to form H2SO4 because
(a) the reaction does not go to completion.(b) the reaction is exothermic.
(c) the reaction is quite slow. (d) SO3 is insoluble in water.

6. Which of the following allotropes represents prismatic sulphur?

(a) Rhombic sulphur (b) Monoclinic sulphur
(c) Plastic sulphur (d) Colloidal sulphur

7. Which of the following statements is not correct?

(a) Halides formed with nonmetals are covalent in nature.
(b) The reactivity of halogens decreases with increasing atomic number.
(c) Hydrogen halides are ionic molecules in the gaseous phase.
(d) Metals with low ionisation energies form ionic halides while those of high ionisation
energies form covalent molecules.

8. The first noble gas compound ever synthesized is

(a) XePt F6 (b) Xe(RuF6)2
(c) XeOF4 (d) XeOF2

9. What is bond angle PPP in P4?

(a) 60° (b) 90°
(c) 30° (d) 120°

10. Which of the following statement is correct?

(a) In acid solution HClO2 disproportionates to ClO2 and Cl.
(b) In warm acid solution ClO disproportionates to yield Cl and ClO 3 .
(c) Both ClO 4 and ClO 3 are powerful oxidising agents.
(d) All of them.

11. For naming the oxoacids of phosphorus, the prefix, „pyro‟ is used for
(a) the acid obtained by loss of H2O molecules.
(b) the acid having lower oxygen content than the parent acid.
(c) the acid obtained from two molecules with the loss of a water molecule.
(d) the substance obtained on heating the acid.

12. An element was burnt in limited supply of oxygen. The oxide (A) was formed which was
treated with water to yield, an acid (B). The acid, (B) was oxidised to give another acid (C).
The acid (C) gave yellow precipitate with AgNO3 solution. The oxide (A) is
(a) SO2 (b) NO2
(c) P4O6 (d) SO3

13. Which of the following statements is wrong?

(a) In (CH3)3N, N atom involves sp3 hybridisation.
(b) In N(SiH3)3, N atom involves sp2 hybridisation.
(c) (CH3)3N and N(SiH3)3 are tetrahedral.

(d) Geometry of (CH3)3N is tetrahedral.

14. Na2B4O7.10H2O   (X) + NaBO2 + H2O


(X) + Cr2O3  
(Green coloured)
(X) and (Y) are
(a) Na3BO3 and Cr(BO2)3 (b) Na2B4O7 and Cr(BO2)3
(c) B2O3 and Cr(BO2)3 (d) B2O3 and CrBO3

15. NH3 + I2  „A‟ + HI

„A‟  „B‟ + N2 + NH4I

A and B are
(a) NH2NI4 and I2 (b) NH3NI3 and H2
(c) NH3NI3 and I2 (d) NH2NI4 and H2

16. Which one of the following is a tetra basic acid?

(a) Hypo phosphorus acid
(b) Ortho phosphoric acid
(c) Metaphosphoric acid
(d) Pyrophosphoric acid
17. H2O2  H2O + ½ O2 ; G = –122.6 KJ/mole. The free energy of hydrogen peroxide
decomposition is highly negative. This is because of the fact that
(a) stability of –O–O– bond is less because of lone pair– lone pair repulsion
(b) it easily oxidises any species
(c) oxygen atom posses –1 oxidation state in H2O2
(d) oxygen atom possess zero oxidation state in O2 molecule

18. Which one is correct about borazole?

(a) It can be prepared by heating borane diammonia.
(b) possess 3centre2electron bond
(c) possess structure like benzene
(d) (a) and (c) both

19. Oxalic acid and formic acid both are the producer of
(a) CO2 (b) C3O2
(c) CO (d) CH4

20. What products do you expect in the following reaction?

AlN + NaOH + H2O  A + B
(a) (A): Na2AlO2, (B): N2H4 (b) (A): NaAlO2, (B): NH3
(c) (A): Al2O3, (B): NH3 (d) (A): Na3AlO2, (B): N2H4

21. A large number of polyphosphoric acids and salt arise by

(a) dimerising acidic PO 43 units
(b) polymerising acidic PO 43 units
(c) sharing the O atoms at one or two corners of PO 43 units
(d) (b) and (c) both

22. Which of the following carbides is an allylides?

(a) Be2C (b) Al4C3
(c) CaC2 (d) Mg2C3

23. The product obtained in the reaction of diborane with excess of ammonia is
(a) B2H6.NH3 (b) B2H6.2NH3
(c) (BN)x (d) Borazine

24. Sodium thiosulphate is prepared by

(a) reducing Na2SO4 solution with H2S
(b) boiling Na2SO3 solution with S in alkaline medium
(c) neutralising H2S2O3 solution with NaOH
(d) boiling Na2SO3 solution with S in acidic medium

25. Wittig reagent contains

(a) Nitrogen (b) Phosphorus
(c) Xenon (d) Sulphur



1. Which of the following substances are insoluble in NaOH solution

(a) Cr(OH)3 (b) Al(OH)3
(c) Cu(OH)2 (d) As2O3

2. PbO2 is
(a) Acidic (b) Basic
(c) Reducing agent (d) Oxidising agent

3. Which of the following reaction(s) can give H3BO3?

(a) B2H6 + H2SO4  (b) Na2B4O7 + CO2 
(c) Ca2B6O11 + HNO3  (d) BCl3 + H2SO4 

4. SiO2 reacts with

(a) NaOH (b) CO2
(c) HF (d) HCl

5. The correct acid strength order(s) is/are

(a) HNO3 > H3PO4 (b) H3PO4 > H3AsO4
(c) H3AsO4 > H3SbO4 (d) HNO3 > H3SbO4

6. Which is true about N2O5

(a) it is anhydride of HNO3
(b) in solid state it exists as NO2+ NO 3
(c) it is structurally similar to P2O5.
(d) it can be prepared by heating HNO3 over P2O5.

7. In which of the compounds oxygen does not exhibit oxidation state of 2

(a) CsO2 (b) K2O2
(c) OF2 (d) Cl2O

8. SO2 on reacting with Fe gives

(a) Fe2O3 (b) FeO
(c) FeS (d) FeSO3

9. Cl2 + KOH  product/s is

(a) KCl (b) KClO3
(c) KOCl (d) KClO4

10. Cl2O6 + NaOH  ?

(a) NaClO4 (b) NaOCl
(c) NaClO2 (d) NaClO3

11. Select the correct statements about oxygen molecule

(a) It is paramagnetic (b) Its bond order is two
(c) In liquid state it is blue coloured (d) It has two unpaired electrons.

12. Which reagent does not give oxygen as one of the product during oxidation with ozone?
(a) SO2 (b) SnCl2/HCl
(c) H2S (d) PbS

13. Which of the following are pseudohalide ions?

(a) CNO (b) OCN
(c) RCOO (d) N 3

14. Which of the following compounds can not be prepared by direct reaction between the
constituent elements?
(a) XeF2 (b) XeF4
(c) XeOF4 (d) XeO3

15. XeF6 on hydrolysis gives

(a) XeOF4 (b) XeO2F2
(c) XeO3 (d) XeO4



Note: Each statement in column I has one or more than one match in column II.


Column I Column II
I. AlCl3 (A) Reducing agent
II. SnCl4 (B) Ionic in aqueous solution
III. SnCl2 (C) Dissolves in KOH (excess)
IV. PbO2 (D) Oxidising agent


Column I Column II
I. SiO2 (A) React with HF gives complex
II. CN (B) Pseudo halide

III. I (C) Gives compound with Cu2+

IV. SnO2 (D) Dissolves in alkali

Note: Each statement in column I has only one match in column II.


Column I Column II
I. Na2B4O7 (A) does not decomposes on heating.

II. Na2CO3 (B) …… + NaNO2 
 N2
III. K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3 (C) Alum
IV. NH4Cl (D) White crystalline, needle like
(E) Colored solution


Direction: Read the following questions and choose

(A) If both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of the
(B) If both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not correct explanation of the
(C) If Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(D) If Assertion is false but Reason is true.

1. Assertion: Al(OH)3 and Fe(OH)3 both are insoluble in water but NaOH can be used to
separate them.
Reason: Al(OH)3 is soluble in NaOH.
(a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)

2. Assertion: The boiling point of hydrides of Nfamily shows the order:

NH3 > BiH3 > SbH3 > AsH3 > PH3
Reason: The abnormality in boiling point of NH3 in hydrides of Nfamily is due to
(a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)

3. Assertion: Among nitrogen halides NX3, the dipole moment is highest for NI3 and lowest for
Reason: Nitrogen halides NX3, have trigonal pyramidal structure.
(a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)

4. Assertion: Caro‟s acid has S atom in +6 oxidation state.

Reason: Caro‟s acid contains one peroxo O 22 group.

(a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)

5. Assertion: HOF bond angle in HFO is higher than HOCl bond angle in HClO.
Reason: Oxygen is more electronegative than halogens.
(a) (A) (b) (B) (c) (C) (d) (D)


Nitrogen forms various oxides such as N2O5, N2O4, NO2, N2O3, NO, N2O etc. N2O is
prepared by decomposition of ammonium nitrate. It is used as local anaesthetic. NO is prepared
by the action of copper on moderately concentrated nitric acid. It is used as a catalyst in lead
chamber process. N2O3 is prepared by warming of nitric acid with Arsenious oxide. It is a pale
blue liquid used as a solvent N2O4 is dimer of NO2. NO2 is prepared by heating nitrates of heavy
metals. It is used in the manufacture of nitric acid. N2O5 is prepared by dehydration of nitric acid
with P4O10. It is used as an oxidising agent.

1. Which compound is known as nitrogen sesquioxide?

(a) N2O3 (b) N2O5
(c) N2O (d) NO2

2. The products of heating Pb(NO3)2 are

(a) PbO (b) NO2
(c) O2 (d) all of them

3. Reaction of HNO3 with P4O10 gives:

(a) H3PO2 (b) H3PO3
(c) H4P2O7 (d) N2O5

4. Which of the following is better oxidizing agent?

(a) N2O5 (b) SO2
(c) CO (d) N2O



1. Identify the element (X) in each of the following:

(a) (X) forms a chloride XCl3 which is planar.
(b) The oxide of (X) is amphoteric.
(c) Addition of fluoride to XF3 gives only XF4 .
(d) The hydride X2H6 has only recently been discovered and (X) has a low melting point.
(e) The chloride XCl3 is oxidizing, but XCl is stable and insoluble in water.

2. Explain why aluminium fluoride is a solid with a high melting point, but aluminium bromide
has a low melting point (97°C) and dissolves readily in benzene.

3. Explain why an aqueous solution of aluminium(III) nitrate is acidic, but an aqueous solution
of thallium(I) nitrate is not.

4. The melting points of diamond and graphite are greater than 3550°C, but C60 sublimes
between 450°C and 500°C. Explain this observation.

5. Lead forms the mixed oxidation state oxide Pb3O4 („red lead‟). Calculate the theoretical
yield of lead(IV) ethanoate, Pb(OAc)4, by reaction of 1 gram of Pb3O4 with excess pure
ethanoic acid (AcOH) containing some Ac2O to remove water [Note: PbO and PbO2 react
with AcOH to form Pb(OAc)2 and (Pb(OAc)4, respectively].
6. Heavy metal compound (A) with a +2 oxidation state on the central metal on heating
produces a gas (B). The element of gas (B) forms a paramagnetic oxide (C). (A) on
treatment with a chromate salt produces yellow crystalline ppt (D). (B) on reaction with
water produces two acids (E), (F). (F) on heating gives (B). Identify compounds (A) to (F).

7. A colourless gas (A) when reacts with ammoniacal cuprous chloride produces an addition
compound (B). (A), when reacts with alkali produces a fatty acid salt (C). If (B) is heated,
gas (A) comes out and with halogen member of yellow colour produces (D) a
poisonous compound (E) and with S vapour produces a compound (F). Identify
compounds (A) to (F).

8. An element (A) of group VB on reaction with concentrated H2SO4 gives an acid (B) and
an oxide (C). (C) on reaction with acidified dichromate produces acid (D). (D) is having very
strong affinity to water. A compound of (A) with metal (E) of group IIIB on hydrolysis
produces a gas (F) of odour of decaying fish. Identify compounds (A) to (F).

9. An oxide (A) on reaction with an acid (B) produces two gases (C) and (D). (D) on reaction
with a gas (E) of obnoxious odour gives an element (F) dispersed in the solvent, (F) is
soluble in the solvent CS2. Identify compounds (A) to (F).

10. An orange colour compound (A) when reacts with a liquid (B) produces a compound (C).
(C) on reaction with H2SO4 produces a gas (D) and (E), where E is a green coloured
compound. (B) on reaction with an insecticide (F) produces the same gas (D). Identify
compounds (A) to (F).

11. Identify (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (G) in the following reaction
Bauxite + Cryolite + CaF2 (A) + (B).

(A) + N2 (C)
(C) + H2O  (D) + (E)
(D) + HCl  (F) + H2O
(F) + KOH (excess)  (G) + H2O

12. A metal (A) with melting point 232°C when reacts with acid dil. HNO3 produces (B) and a
gas (C). (C) is brown coloured gas. (C) on reaction with water produces two acids (D), (E).
(B) on heating decomposes to its oxide (F), white colour compound. Chloride of (A) will
produce grey precipitate (G) with mercurous chloride.

13. A yellow lustrous metal (A) on reaction with dil HNO 3 produces a gas (B) which is
paramagnetic and (C). (C) with iodine produces (D), a white precipitate.
(C) on reaction with Na2S2O3 produces (E).
(E) on hydrolysis gives black ppt. (F). Identify compounds (A) to (F).

14. A pale yellow solid (A) when reacts with excess ammonia produces complex (B) whose
structure of the co-ordination sphere is linear. (A) while reacts with (C) gives a white ppt (D)
but in excess of (C) gives soluble complex (E). Bromide of the metal has use in
photographic film. Identify compounds (A) to (E).

15. Oxide (A) of white metal (A) when reacts with glucose produces metal (B) and an organic
acid (C) of empirical of formula C6H12O7. Halide (D) of (B) when reacts with washing soda
produces two gas (E), (F). (F) being a strong oxidant produce a sulphate (G) with the
sulphide of metal (B).




1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (a)

6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (a)

11. (b) 12. (c) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. (a)

16. (b) 17. (d) 18. (a) 19. (c) 20. (c)

21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (d) 25. (c)



1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (c)

6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)

11. (c) 12. (c) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (c)

16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (b)

21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (b)



1. (a, c) 2. (a, b, d) 3. (a,b,c,d) 4. (a, c) 5. (a,b,c,d)

6. (a, b, d) 7. (a, b, c) 8. (b, c) 9. (a, b) 10. (a, d)

11. (a,b,c,d) 12. (a, b) 13. (a, b, d) 14. (c, d) 15. (a, b, c)



1. I  (B), (C) ; II  (B), (C) ; III  (A), (C) ; IV  (C), (D)

2. I  (A), (D) ; II  (B), (C) ; III  (C) ; IV  (D)
3. I  (D) ; II  (A) ; III  (C) ; IV  (B)


1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (d)


1. (a) 2. (d) 3. (d) 4. (a)


1. (a) B (b) Al, Sn and Pb (c) B ( BF52 cannot form) (d) Ga (e) Tl

2. The fluorides of many elements tend to have high melting points because they have a
significant degree of ionic character compared to the other halides of the same element.
AlF3 is a polymeric solid built up from AlF63 octahedra, containing AlFAl bridges.
In contrast, aluminium bromide is a molecular substance, Al2Br6. The attraction between
molecules is relatively weak, so the compound has a low melting point and is soluble in the
low polarity solvent benzene.

3. In solution the Al3+ is solvated: [Al(H2O)6]3+. Owing to the high charge density of the ion,
hydrolysis occurs, to reduce the charge, by conversion of a coordinated H2O ligand into a
coordinated OH ion and free H+ (which makes the solutions acidic). The Tl+ ion has a
much lower charge density, is less strongly solvated and there is no driving force for the
hydrolysis reaction to proceed.

4. C60 is a molecular substance, so to convert it from the solid state to the gaseous state
the relatively weak intermolecular forces must be broken (the intramolecular bonds within
the C60 molecule are strong). In contrast, diamond and graphite have polymeric structures
built up from strong CC bonds. To melt diamond and graphite, some of these CC bonds
must be broken, which requires a lot of energy.

5. The composition of Pb3O4 is (PbO2) (PbO)2, so the reaction with AcOH is:
2PbO + 4AcOH  2Pb(OAc)2 + 2H2O
PbO2 + 4AcOH  Pb(OAc)4 + 2H2O
Thus, Pb3O4 + 8AcOH  2Pb(OAc)2 + Pb(OAc)4 + 4H2O (removed by Ac2O),
so 1 gram (0.0015 mole) of Pb3O4 will give 0.0015 mole (0.66 grams) of Pb(OAc)4.

6. (A): Pb(NO3)2 (D): PbCrO4

(B): NO2 (E): HNO2
(C): NO (F): HNO3

7. (A): CO (D): Cl2

(B): CuCl CO H2O (E): COCl2
(C): HCOONa (F): COS

8. (A): P (D): H2SO4

(B): H3PO4 (E): Al
(C): SO2 (F): PH3

9. (A): CO (D): SO2

(B): H2SO4 (E): H2S
(C): CO2 (F): S

10. (A): K2Cr2O7 (D): O2

(B): H2O2 (E): Cr2(SO4)3
(C): CrO5 (F): Ca(OCl) Cl

11. (A): Al (D): Al (OH)3

(B): O2 (E): NH3
(C): AlN (F): AlCl3
(G): KAlO2

12. (A): Sn (D): HNO2

(B): H2Sn5O11 4H2O (E): HNO3
(C): NO2 (F): SnO2
(G): Hg

13. (A): Cu (B): NO2 (C): Cu(NO3)2

(D): Cu2I2 (E): Cu6S2O3 (F): Cu2S

14. (A): AgBr (D): Ag2S2O3

(B): [Ag(NH3)2]Br (E): Na3[Ag(S2O3)2]
(C): Na2S2O3

15. (A): Ag2O (F): O2

(B): Ag (G): Ag2SO4
(C): C5H11O5 COOH (gluconic acid)
(D): AgCl
(E): CO2


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