Chapter-1 Introduction:-1.1: General

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1.1 General
Low-power wireless distributed sensor networks are becoming attractive for monitoring
different variables – such as temperature, strain in a material, or air pressure over a wide area.
However, one drawback of these networks is the power each node draws, though recent work has
shown this can be lowered considerably. Batteries can be used to power nodes for extended periods
of time, but they have a limited life cycle and eventually need to be replaced. As this can be a costly
and time consuming procedure for networks with many nodes, a means of powering the devices
indefinitely would be a more practical solution.
Solar power provides a considerable amount of energy per area and volume, but
unfortunately is limited to applications that are reliably sunlit. A promising alternative takes
advantage of the energy in ambient vibrations and converts it to electrical power. This approach
compares very favorably with batteries, providing equal or greater power per unit volume. [1]
There are multiple techniques for converting vibrational energy to electrical energy. The most
prevalent three are electrostatic, electromagnetic, and piezoelectric conversion. A majority of current
research has been done on piezoelectric conversion due to the low complexity of its analysis and

1.2 The Piezoelectric Effect

The piezoelectric effect, in essence, is the separation of charge within a material as a result of
an applied strain. This charge separation effectively creates an electric field within the material and is
known as the direct piezoelectric effect. The converse piezoelectric effect is the same process in
reverse: the formation of stresses and strains in a material as a result of an applied electric field. The
IEEE standard on piezoelectricity lists several different forms for the piezoelectric constitutive
equations [2]. The form used here is known as the d-form, and the equations are as follows:
S = sET + dE

D = dT +εT E

These equations, known as the “coupled” equations, reduce to the well-known stress-strain
relationship at zero electric field, and the electric field and charge displacement relationship at zero

Figure1.1: piezoelectric effect cause crystal materials like quartz to generate electric charge
when the crystal material is compressed, twisted, or pulled.

1.3 Piezoelectric Material

ZnO is the most attractive since it exhibits the coupling of piezoelectric and semiconducting
properties as well as the formation of a barrier at the electrode contact to draw higher power from the
ambience. The ZnO has a non-Centro symmetric structure, which naturally exhibits a piezoelectric
effect when subjected to a strain due to the displacement of Zn+2 cations and O−2 anions in its
tetrahedral configuration. Self-powered MEMS systems demand sustainable low voltage, high
current characteristic inputs, and easy integration with the MEMS device, and the ability to be
controlled with reliable transduction mechanisms. As miniaturized piezoelectric transducers have a
high resonant frequency, they cannot be used for harvesting ambient vibrations. Low resonance
frequency structures have macro dimensions that impose integration challenges on MEMS systems.

The following components are required to build the whole setup of energy harvesting through

1. Piezo-plates

2. Electrical wires

3. Structural steel bars( hollow square)

4. AC-DC Converter

2.1-Description of the components:-


Fig-2.1.1 piezo-plate

Piezoelectricity, also called the piezoelectric effect, is the ability of certain materials to generate
an AC (alternating current) voltage when subjected to mechanical stress or vibration, or to vibrate
when subjected to an AC voltage, or both. The most common piezoelectric material is quartz. Certain
ceramics, Rochelle salts, and various other solids also exhibit this effect..

A piezoelectric transducer comprises a "crystal" sandwiched between two metal plates. When a
sound wave strikes one or both of the plates, the plates vibrate. The crystal picks up this vibration,
which it translates into a weak AC voltage. Therefore, an AC voltage arises between the two metal
plates, with a waveform similar to that of the sound waves. Conversely, if an AC signal is applied to
the plates, it causes the crystal to vibrate in sync with the signal voltage. As a result, the metal plates
vibrate also, producing an acoustic disturbance.

2.1.2-Electrical wires:

Fig-2.1.2 electrical wires

An electrical cable is an assembly of one or more wires running side by side or bundled, which is
used to carry electric current.

A cable assembly is the composition of one or more electrical cables and their
corresponding connectors.[1] A cable assembly is not necessarily suitable for connecting two devices
but can be a partial product (e.g. to be soldered onto a printed circuit board with a connector mounted
to the housing). Cable assemblies can also take the form of a cable tree or cable harness, used to
connect many terminals together.

This cable serves specific application areas accounting to its PVC coating.
The use of PVC coating blends these wires with special properties such as self – extinguishing and
flame retardant, also Conditionally resistant to oils, solvents, acids, and dyes.
The UL1007 20AWG PVC Wire is used in household wiring application such as switchboards,
electronic and electrical equipment.
This PVC wire comes with Annealed plain or tinned stranded copper conductor. So, the conductors
remain same as found in our silicon coated wires.
These wires are used in low current, low voltage (under 1000 V) applications within enclosed
electronic equipment. Its also used in control panels, meters, computers, business machines, and

2.1.3-Structural Steel bars(hollow square):

Fig-2.1.3 Structural steel bar

The A36 carbon steel square tubing has been hot rolled and meets American Society for Testing and
Materials International ASTM A36 specifications. The A36 carbon steel grade is a structural steel
that has better formability than 1018 carbon steel. The tubing has been hot rolled, a method of
compressing metal between two rollers at a temperature above the material’s recrystallization
temperature to attain the specified dimensions.

Steel is an iron alloy with carbon and other elements that modify the steel to achieve specific
properties. In general, steels with higher carbon content have greater strength, hardness, and wear
resistance, while those with lower carbon content have more formability, weldability, and toughness.
Carbon steels, which include most AISI-SAE grades in the 1000 range, are classified by their level of
carbon content as low (below 0.3%), medium (0.3% to 0.6%) and high (0.6% and above). Alloy
steels, which include AISI-SAE grades in the 1300 and 4000 ranges and above, incorporate elements
such as chromium, molybdenum, and nickel to modify properties like machinability and corrosion
resistance. Tensile strength, used to indicate a material’s overall strength, is the peak stress it can
withstand before it breaks. Wear resistance indicates the ability to prevent surface damage caused by
contact with other surfaces. Toughness describes the material's ability to absorb energy before
breaking, while hardness (commonly measured as indentation hardness) describes its resistance to
permanent surface deformation.

2.1.4-AC-DC Converter:

Fig- AC-DC Converter

Fig- AC-DC Circuit

AC to DC converter namely rectifier is used for converting the 17V AC into DC and there are
different types of rectifiers, such as half-wave, full-wave, and bridge rectifiers. Bridge rectifier is
mostly preferred compared to the half wave, full wave, and bridge rectifiers


Working Principle:-
Fig-3.1- Working of piezo-plate

3.1 piezoelectric effect:

The piezoelectric effect, in essence, is the separation of charge within a material as a result of an
applied strain. This charge separation effectively creates an electric field within the material and is
known as the direct piezoelectric effect. The converse piezoelectric effect is the same process in
reverse: the formation of stresses and strains in a material as a result of an applied electric field
3.2 Anisotropic effect and coupling modes
Piezoelectric materials have a built-in polarization, and therefore respond differently to stresses
depending on the direction. There are two primary modes of electromechanical coupling for
piezoelectric materials: the 3-1 mode and the 3-3 mode. In the 3-1 mode (Figure 2.1a), the electric
field is produced on an axis orthogonal to the axis of applied strain, but in the 3-3 mode (Figure 2.1b),
the electric field produced is on the same axis as the applied strain.
Figure 3.2.1 mode, the electric field is produced on an axis orthogonal to the axis of applied strain

Figure 3.2.2 modes, the electric field produced is on the same axis as the applied strain

While the piezoelectric coefficient is higher in the 3-3 mode for most materials, taking
advantage of the larger coefficient requires a much more complex design. Instead of simple planar
electrodes, a series of interdigitated electrodes (IDE) can be used to take advantage of the 3-3
coupling mode.


The whole assembly of the required components are designed and assembled in CATIA V5 3d
modelling software.

4.1 Introduction to CATIA V5: CATIA (Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive

Application) is a multi-platform CAD/CAM/CAE commercial software suite developed by the
French company Dassault Systems and marketed worldwide by IBM. Written in the C++
programming language, CATIA is the cornerstone of the Dassault Systems product lifecycle
management software suite. Through its exceptionally easy –to- use state of the art user interface,
CATIA delivers innovative technologies for maximum productivity and creativity, from concept to
the final product. CATIA reduces the learning curve, as it allows the flexibility of using
feature-based and parametric designs.

4.2 CATIA provides three basic platforms: P1, P2, P3. P1 is for small and medium sized
process-oriented companies that wish to grow the large-scale digitized product definition. P2 is for
advanced design engineering companies that require product, process and resources modelling. P3 is
for high end design application and it is basically for Automotive and Aerospace industry, where
high quality surfacing or Class-A surfacing is used for designing.
Fig-4.1Assembly model

Fig-4.2-Drafting of the 3d model

Fig-4.3-Drafting of the model with GD&T

Fig-4.4 Model with meshing


4.2.1 Introduction To ANSYS: ANSYS is a general-purpose finite element modeling package for
numerically solving a wide variety of mechanical problems. These problems include: static/dynamic
structural analysis (both linear and nonlinear), heat transfer and fluid problems, as well as acoustic
and electro-magnetic problems. In general, a finite element solution may be broken into the
following three stages. This is a general guideline that can be used for setting up any finite element

4.2.2 Preprocessing: defining the problem; the major steps in preprocessing are given below:

• Define Key-points/lines/areas/volumes

• Define element type and material/geometric properties

• Mesh lines/areas/volumes as required

The amount of detail required will depend on the dimensionality of the analysis (i.e. 1D, 2D,
axisymmetric, 3D).

4.2.3 Solution: assigning loads, constraints and solving; here we specify the loads (point or pressure),
constraints (translational and rotational) and finally solve the resulting set of equations. 4.2.3.

Post-processing: further processing and viewing of the results; in this stage one may wish to see:

• Lists of nodal displacements

• Element forces and moments

• Deflection plots

• Stress contour diagrams

ANSYS is a general-purpose software, used to simulate interactions of all disciplines of physics,

structural, vibration, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and electromagnetic for engineers.
So ANSYS, which enables to simulate tests or working conditions, enables to test in virtual
environment before manufacturing prototypes of products. Furthermore, determining and improving
weak points, computing life and foreseeing probable problems are possible by 3D simulations in
virtual environment.

ANSYS software with its modular structure as seen in the table below gives an opportunity for
taking only needed features. ANSYS can work integrated with other used engineering software on
desktop by adding CAD and FEA connection modules.

ANSYS can import CAD data and also enables to build a geometry with its "preprocessing"
abilities. Similarly, in the same preprocessor, finite element model (a.k.a. mesh) which is required for
computation is generated. After defining loadings and carrying out analyses, results can be viewed as
numerical and graphical.

ANSYS can carry out advanced engineering analyses quickly, safely and practically by its
variety of contact algorithms, time-based loading features and nonlinear material models.
4.2.4 Material properties (Stainless steel)
Structural steel

5.1 Load
5.2 Solutions

Fig-5.2.1 Total deformation

Fig-5.2.2 Maximum shear stress

Fig-5.2.3 Equivalent elastic strain

Fig-5.2.4 Maximum principle stress



The piezoelectric based energy harvesting floor tile that harvests energy from foot strikes was
implemented almost to the full extent as stated in the interim report this semester. The designed
prototype for this project consisted of a floor step made out of steel bars in which six piezoelectric
strips were mounted inside in each step using an adjustable aluminum mounting block, electrical
components were mounted to the sidewall of the floor step.

The project was completed based on the principle of proving a concept. This was to show that
piezoelectric material when combined efficiently with the right mechanical and electrical
components can power a self-sustained surveillance system. For this project, performance, cost, and
commercial applicability were not taken into account to the full extent. The functionality and
performance of the prototype can greatly improve by using low powered diodes and circuitry and
creating mechanical ways of fine tuning the piezo strips to vibrate at the most efficient frequencies.
The cost of the product itself would have to be analyzed taking into account the market demand and
how price varies when manufacturing mass quantities as opposed to making a single prototype. For
future development, the floor tile should be created with cost efficient parts such that it is an
attraction in the market of security devices for high traffic areas.

Based on the results obtained, the project was a technical success in terms of effectively getting
individual parts of the piezo based floor tile working. The group was successful in creating and
understanding how an energy harvesting circuitry, programming a microprocessor, and sending point
to point wireless signals. In addition to this, the group was able to integrate the piezoelectric strips
with the harvesting circuitry and with the microprocessor by using the energy harvesting circuitry as
a power source

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