Math LP Attributes
Math LP Attributes
Math LP Attributes
Students will visually and kinesthetically engage with the content, as is appropriate for a
kindergarten developmental level. These particular students are very active learners, and
will work to master the content through a game involving physical movement.
(CAEP K-6 1.a)
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)
• Students will be able to identify, sort, and classify objects by certain
characteristics into groups.
B. Objective(s)
• Given an object, students will be able to identify attributes about the given object
(size, shape, color, etc.).
• After the lesson, students will be able to identify similarities and differences in
objects based on their attributes.
C. Standard(s):
• K.DA.1-Identify, sort, and classify objects by size, number, and other attributes.
Identify objects that do not belong to a particular group and explain the reasoning
(CAEP K-6 3.c)
II. Management Plan
A. Time
• Anticipatory Set: 5 minutes
• Lesson Presentation: 7-10 minutes
• Check for Understanding: 7-10 minutes
• Review learning outcomes/Closure: 5 minutes
B. Space
• Students will be on the front carpet for the entire lesson. They will begin by sitting at
their seats until they are called to the front during the Anticipatory Set, and will remain
at the carpet during the instruction, and on through the lesson closure. The game
assessment will also take place on the carpet.
C. Behavior
• Students will stand quietly and keep their hands to themselves while in groups for the
Anticipatory Set.
• Students will sit quietly on the rug while I am presenting the content.
• During the game, students will work cooperatively and take turns.
D. Materials
• Attribute blocks
• “Attributes” Anchor chart
IV. Purpose: “Today we are going to be practicing sorting things into categories based on
their characteristics. Just like I put you into different groups based on the clothes that
you’re wearing, we’re going to put different objects into different groups based on
what we see.”