Final Proyect Spirituality vs. Religion: Uncertainty Avoidance
Final Proyect Spirituality vs. Religion: Uncertainty Avoidance
Final Proyect Spirituality vs. Religion: Uncertainty Avoidance
Intercultural Managent
Theoretical Framework
Methodological Framework
Uncertainty Avoidance
Avoidance is not the same as risk avoidance; it deals with a society's tolerance for ambiguity. It
indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or
comfortable in unstructured situations. Unstructured situations are novel, unknown, surprising,
and different from usual. Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of such
situations by strict behavioral codes, laws and rules, disapproval of deviant opinions, and a belief
in absolute Truth; 'there can only be one Truth and we have it'.(
The culture has been defined in different ways, the authors refers as the “Culture is the
collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the members of one group or
category of people from others” The term can also be applied to the genders, to
generations, or to social classes. However, changing the level of aggregation studied
changes the nature of the concept of ‘culture’. Societal, national and gender cultures,
which children acquire from their earliest youth onwards, are much deeper rooted in the
human mind than occupational cultures acquired at school, or than organizational cultures
acquired on the job. The latter are exchangeable when people take a new job. Societal
cultures reside in (often unconscious) values, in the sense of broad tendencies to prefer
certain states of affairs over others (Hofstede, 2001, p. 5)
General Objetive
This project is focused on knowing the richness of culture by deepening religion as a field
of research that at the same time allows us to address the different visions and behaviors
at present, identifying and analyzing each of these cultures.
Specific Objectives
1. Identify the presence of religions, and their behavior regarding their culture.
2. Analyze the extent to which religion and other practices have affected the
international level of society.
The survey found that Buddhism, Taoism, Catholicism, Christianity and Islam are the
country's five major religions - China considers Catholicism as separate to Christianity,
which covers Protestantism. About 200 million believers "are Buddhists, Taoists or
worshippers of legendary figures such as the Dragon King and God of Fortune", the
China Daily reported.
The survey also found a significant rise in Christianity - accounting for 12% of all
believers, or 40 million, compared with the official figure of 16 million in 2005 (BBC,
During the last decades, spirituality and religion have been retaken as important aspects
on patient's care, not only for decision making but as one of the elements that impact
positively or negatively in clinical outcome and quality of life of patients.
But what is the meaning of spirituality being the idea that is becoming stronger, it
makes sense in the life of the believer and the indifferent: spirituality has to touch life
and reality. The human being who attends the expansion of culture, of the senses, of
interpretations, does not support a static and cold structure where no demonstrations are
evident in the way of being and making life; and spirituality as the center of the believer
allows the emergence of love, the one that is stronger than death, the one that touches
the bottom of human existence. (Tamayo, 2005, p. 66)
Spirituality is also the possibility of education; from her the human being advances in
the way he understands the world, as he assumes culture, as he understands his own life.
There are those who pass life without finding the status quo of its existence, because the
self-knowledge is also an act that demands the union of reason and spirit. As you grow
in the spirit, you can transcend existence at a higher level, personally, emotionally, in
the relational, in the professional.
Religious influence in society
It is important to understand that bad conditions do not happen suddenly. The cultural
decline we see around us is not fortuitous. It was caused. Unless one understands this,
one will not be able to defend oneself or reach society effectively.
“Religion is the first sense of community. Your sense of community occurs for the
reason of mutual experience with others.” Probably the most critical point of attack on a
culture is its religious experience. Where one can destroy or minimize religious
institutions then the entire fabric of society can be quickly subverted or ruined.
Religion is the first sense of community. Your sense of community occurs for the
reason of mutual experience with others. Where the religious sense of community can
be destroyed, and with it, true trust and integrity.
When cultures have totally deviated from the search for the spiritual and have fallen into
materialism, one must begin by demonstrating that each is a soul, not a material animal.
By realizing their own religious nature, individuals can once again become aware of
God and become more human again.
BBC. (2007, 02 07). BBC NEWS. Retrieved from