Standard Licence Agreement

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This License Agreement (the "Agreement") sets forth the terms and conditions governing purchases of
Software from Highsoft AS.

By installing or using Highsoft Software, Licensee agrees to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not
agree to this Agreement, you are not allowed to install or use any Highsoft Software made available through
the Highsoft Website.
1 Definitions
Agreement shall mean this document including its appendices;

Affiliate(s) shall mean any entity that directly, or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common
control with the subject entity. “Control”, for purposes of this definition, means direct, or indirect ownership,
or control of more than 50% of the voting interests of the subject;

Confidential Information shall mean any and all written, verbal, or demonstrated information provided by
one Party to the other in connection with this Agreement;

Confidential information includes, without limitation, information relating to inventions, trade secrets, know-
how, methods, processes, creations, conceptions, technologies, algorithms, other intellectual property,
products, improvements, product formulas, services, finances, business plans, marketing plans, legal
affairs, supplier lists, customers, customer lists and related data, potential customers, business prospects,
business opportunities and the like, which relate in any manner to a Party’s actual, or anticipated business,
its Affiliates, subsidiaries, or divisions, or to its actual, or anticipated areas of research and development;

Customer Installation shall mean any distribution or installation of the Software, as integral part of a
Licensee Product, to/on a server operated by Licensee’s customer, as authorized under an OEM License
only, purchased pursuant to section 3.3 below.

Delivery Date shall mean the date that Licensee is invoiced by Highsoft for the applicable Software;

Highsoft shall mean Highsoft AS, a Norwegian corporation with organization no. NO996840506MVA;

Highsoft Website shall mean;

The License shall mean the license granted to Licensee by Highsoft through this Agreement, in the form
of a Single Website License, a Developer License or an OEM License, as set forth in this document
including its appendices. The usage rights granted under each of the three mentioned licenses types,
among which Licensee must choose one when entering into this Agreement, is set out in section 3 of this

License Fee shall mean the fee payable by Licensee to Highsoft for utilization of the Software in
accordance with the License;

Licensee shall mean the contracting party to the Agreement;

Licensee Product(s) shall mean any proprietary software product(s), application(s) or other software
solution(s) marketed by Licensee, in which the Software has been incorporated pursuant to an OEM-license or
other valid authorization from Highsoft, and which Licensee according to the same license is authorized to make
available to its own customers, or use for Licensee’s internal purposes. Licensee products shall be listed
in the License Statement;

License Statement shall mean a purchase confirmation document sent to Licensee by Highsoft; which
states what License has been purchased, what Software has been purchased, and if applicable also for
what Licensee products;
Major Release shall mean any release of substantial news and improvements, possibly redesign, and
refactoring of the API. Such a release is marked by a new number in the first position of the version number,
e.g. from 2.x. to 3.0. To gain access to Major Releases, Licensee must enter into a Extended Maintenance
and Support agreement, in accordance with section 8.2;

Minor Release shall mean any release of minor news, and bug fixes. Such a release is marked by a new
number in the second position of the version number, e.g. from 3.0.x to 3.1.0;

Party shall mean Licensee and Highsoft individually;

Parties shall mean Licensee and Highsoft jointly;

Single Website shall mean a traditional website that does not provide client specific data by a login or a
unique URL, or charges a fee for its use.

Software shall mean the software, in the form of Highcharts JS, Highstock JS, Highmaps JS and/or
Highcharts .NET, to which the Licensee is granted usage rights through this Agreement and in the version
applicable at the time of commencement of this Agreement, and including Minor Releases released during
the first 12 months after Delivery Date. To gain access to Major Releases, Licensee must enter into a
Extended Maintenance and Support agreement, in accordance with section 8.2. Any Major- and Minor
Releases after the end of the first 12 months period are not included. To gain access to such, Licensee
must enter into a renewal of extended maintenance and support, in accordance with subsection 8.3 below;

Third Party/Third Parties shall mean any other party/parties than the Parties, including but not limited to
any person or entity to which Licensee distributes any Licensee Product(s);

2 Copyright
The Software is the property of Highsoft, and is protected by copyright laws and international copyright
treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.

3 Grant of License
When entering into this License Agreement, the Licensee must choose between three different license
models. Each model grants Licensee a specific set of usage-rights to the Software, as described
respectively in section 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 below.

Depending on the type of license purchased, section 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3 below shall apply. Section 3.4 is
applicable for all license models and shall hence apply regardless of the chosen license type.

3.1 Single Website License

Subject to the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement, a Website License grants
Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to install and utilize the Software on
Licensee’s own website. The Single Website License does not grant Licensee any right to
carry out a Customer Installation, or to use the Software in web applications, intranets, or
SaaS applications.
Licensee and its Affiliates are under no circumstances allowed to transfer, rent, lease, lend,
sell, copy, redistribute, sublicense the Software by itself, or with other software, or in any
other way make the Software available, to any Third Party. Any attempt to do so is
considered a breach of this Agreement.

3.2 Developer License

Subject to the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement, a Developer License grants
Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to install and utilize the Software on
Licensee’s websites, web applications, intranets and in SaaS applications, and to use it for
permitted internal purposes (for example testing, development and demonstrations). A
Developer License does not include any right to carry out a Customer Installation.

Licensee and its Affiliates are under no circumstances allowed to transfer, rent, lease, lend,
sell, copy, redistribute, or sublicense the Software, by itself or with other software, or in any
other way make the Software available to any Third Party. Any attempt to do so is
considered a breach of this Agreement.

3.3 OEM License

i. Subject to the terms and conditions specified in this Agreement, an OEM License grants
Licensee a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to sublicense the Software as an integral
part of the Licensee Product, carried out as a Customer Installation. Licensee has the right
to install and utilize the Software for internal purposes (for example testing, development and

ii. The right to sublicense the Software as an integral part of a Licensee Product, granted
through an OEM License, is limited to specific Licensee Product(s) and to a certain number
of Customer Installations, both to be specified in the License Statement.

iii. Licensee undertakes not to resell any Licensee Product(s) in any way that will infringe this
License Agreement.

iv. Highsoft acknowledges and agrees that (i) Licensee retains all rights, title and interest in and
to any Licensee Product(s), and Highsoft does not acquire any right, title, or interest in or to
such product(s); and (ii) any integration of the Software with a Licensee Product shall not
affect or diminish Licensee’s rights, title, and interest in and to such Licensee Product.

Licensee and its Affiliates are under no circumstances allowed to transfer, rent, lease, lend,
sell, copy, redistribute or sublicense the Software by itself, or with any other software than the
agreed Licensee Product(s). Any attempt to do so is a considered material breach of this

3.4 General Grants and Limitations

i. Licensee may obtain the Software source code by downloading the source code from
GitHub, and to make own edits, and keep its own repositories with the modified source code.

ii. Licensee undertakes not to use the Software as part of any offerings comprising functionality
that is substantially similar to that of the Software during the term of this Agreement, and for
a period of three (3) years after termination. Nothing in this Agreement shall, however, be
construed to preclude either Party from developing, using, marketing, licensing and/or selling
independently software which has the same or similar functionality as the Software or any
other products, as long as such activities do not infringe the intellectual property rights of the
other party.

iii. Highsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted to Licensee in this Agreement. Without
limiting the generality of the foregoing, Licensee acknowledges and agrees that: (i) except as
specifically set forth in this Agreement, Highsoft retains all right, title, interest in and to the
Software, and Licensee does not acquire any right, title or interest to the Software except as
set forth herein; (ii) any configuration or deployment of the Software shall not affect or
diminish Highsoft’s rights, title and interest in and to the Software. Except as stated in the
foregoing subsection, nothing in this Agreement shall limit in any way Highsoft’s right to
develop, use, license, create derivative works of, or otherwise exploit the Software, or to
permit Third Parties to do so.

iv. Licensee shall not modify, delete or obscure any notices of proprietary rights or any Software
identification or restrictions on or in the Software found in the license-header of the code files.

v. The export server running at Highsoft Website is based on a fair usage policy. Highsoft does
not gather, or use for commercial purposes, any information sent to the export server. The
software available for on-premise installation of the export-server is available under the MIT

4 Marketing
Licensee may use Licensee’s own descriptions of the functionality provided by the Software for the
purposes of marketing Licensee Product(s) insofar as the descriptions are not misleading.

Licensee shall not do anything that might misrepresent the ownership of the Software.

5 License Fee
In consideration of the License(s) granted to Licensee under this Agreement, the Licensee shall pay a License

Highsoft shall invoice Licensee for all payments due, and Licensee shall pay all invoices by the agreed
payment method. Each Party is responsible to pay any local taxes imposed by law of the Party's home
country related to the purchase of ordered Items. Invoices from Highsoft do not include taxes, except VAT in
the case of Norwegian customers, and Licensee cannot withhold any part of the invoiced amount as
payment of taxes.

6 Term and Termination
The License granted under this Agreement gives Licensee a right to use the particular version of the
Software that was acquired for as long as the Licensee may choose. However, Licensee may only receive
and utilize updates and new versions of the Software for as long as Licensee keeps a running Maintenance
and Support agreement in accordance with sections 8.2 and 8.3 below. Upon expiration or termination of
such Maintenance and Support period, Licensee will keep the usage rights set forth in this Agreement but
limited to the version of the Software current at the time of such expiration or termination.

Either Party may terminate this Agreement in the event of a material breach of this Agreement by the other

On termination of this agreement section 2, 10, 12, and 17 shall survive.

The termination or expiration of this agreement shall not impair any license, sublicense or maintenance
obligations already granted or undertaken by Licensee towards Third Party regarding the Software as
incorporated into a Licensee Product pursuant to an OEM-License. In such case, upon termination, or
expiration of this Agreement, Licensee may continue to exercise the rights granted hereunder to the extent
necessary to fulfill Licensee’s existing contractual obligations towards such Third Party.

On termination of this Agreement each Party must remove, delete or otherwise destroy any of other Party‘s
material that it has received, copied or otherwise obtained, including but not limited to Confidential
Information cf. section 12.

7 Delivery
During the term of this Agreement, and provided that the Licensee is not in breach of any of its terms, or
conditions, the Software shall be made available by Highsoft, and Licensee shall be authorized to download
the Software via Highsoft’s website. As set forth in sections 8.2 and 8.3 below, Licensee may download
updated versions of the Software, for as long as Licensee holds a valid and running Maintenance and
Support agreement.

8 Maintenance and Support

8.1 Included in the License

Included in the purchase of any license in accordance with section 3 above, Licensee shall

- have full access to Highsoft’s online support forum as set forth on Highsoft’s website, and as
modified from time to time;

- have the right to receive one (1) hour of technical support by e-mail;

- be allowed to deploy all Minor Releases of the Software for twelve months after Delivery

Major Releases are not included. Licensee may, at an additional fee and through separate order, opt for
extended Maintenance and Support, as set forth in section 8.2.
The maintenance and support included in the License, as set forth in this subsection 8.1, shall not extend to
Third Parties to which Licensee distributes a Licensee Product containing the Software or any part thereof .
Maintenance and support to Licensee’s own customers shall hence be Licensee’s full and sole

8.2 Extended Maintenance and Support (optional)

Licensee may choose to enter into an Extended Maintenance and Support agreement with Highsoft, which
gives access to extended maintenance and support, beyond the services included in the License, as set
forth in subsection 8.1 above. In such case, the following shall apply:

A maintenance and support agreement must be entered into for a time period of twelve (12) months at the

During the term of a valid and running maintenance and support agreement, Licensee shall have access to,
and be allowed to deploy all issued new, corrected a n d / or enhanced versions of the Software, including
all Minor and Major Releases.

Under an Extended Maintenance and Support agreement, Licensee shall further have the right to receive
up to ten (10) hours of technical support per twelve months period. Technical support shall be limited to e-
mail support, and online chat support as specified on Highsoft’s website. Technical support will be executed
from Highsoft’s offices during normal business hours based on Central European time. Any unused hours
will be annulled at the end of each twelve months period.

During the term of a valid and running maintenance and support agreement, Highsoft will upon Licensee’s
request investigate any claimed error/malfunction/nonfunctioning of the Software, and when possible
suggest corrective- or work-around solutions to the problems. Highsoft shall commence such work as soon
as possible, but not later than 36 hours on working days after such request was received.

Highsoft will support the foregoing Major Release of the Software for one (1) year after release of a new
Major Release.

Highsoft will on Licensee’s request supply emergency hot fixes to the software. This will be available as
patches to the latest stable source code, available for download as commits from GitHub, and be included in
the subsequent Minor Release.

Highsoft will provide guidance and advice on implementing Highcharts with any Third Party systems and
platforms where such implementation is allowed under the Agreement. This includes tips on best practices,
code review and guidance on parts of the code that is directly related to using Highcharts. The guidance and
advice from Highsoft will not include general usage of the third party system, platform or actual coding work.

8.3 Renewal of Extended Maintenance and Support (optional)

At the end of the initial and any subsequent twelve (12) months period, Licensee may renew the
maintenance and support agreement with additional twelve (12) months of extended maintenance and
support as set forth in section 8.2.

The fee for such maintenance and support license shall never be increased with more than five (5) %
compared to the preceding twelve (12) months period.
Highsoft may, at its own discretion, and at any time, choose to discontinue the supply of maintenance and
support upon notice to Licensee, with or without cause, and shall in such case refund any unearned
maintenance and support fee(s).

9 Warranties and representation

9.1 Scope
Highsoft's warranties and representations in this section 9 are limited to the Software provided to Licensee
under this Agreement, and warranties and representations shall under no circumstances be deemed to
cover the Map Collection, which is made available to Licensee by Highsoft.

9.2 Highsoft's warranties and representations

Highsoft warrants and represents that:

For a period of ninety (90) days following Delivery Date of the Software (the “Warranty
Period”), Highsoft warrants that the Software will perform substantially in accordance with
Highsoft’s written specifications, provided that it has been used in accordance with all
documentation and specifications made available on Highsoft's Website.

ii. Highsoft will perform its obligations under this Agreement in accordance with all applicable
laws and regulations;

iii. Highsoft has the full and unconditional ownership of the Software;

iv. This Agreement does not infringe intellectual property rights of any Third Party;

v. The Software does not include any Third Party software.

vi. Licensee may make full use of the License granted to it in full knowledge of the above.

vii. Highsoft has the requisite knowledge, personnel, resources and know-how to fully perform
and deliver the Software and associated services as contemplated by this Agreement in a
professional manner in accordance with Licensee’s requirements and specifications as set
forth herein;

viii. Highsoft has not intentionally placed, and will use its best efforts to avoid the placement of
any Harmful Codes into the Software provided under this Agreement. For the purpose of this
section 9.2 "Harmful Codes" is defined as any program that infects, damages and/or impairs
another program or data, disables hardware or software, or permits or assists in the breach
of data.

9.3 Licensee's remedies

In the event of breach, or alleged breach of any of the warranties in section 9.2, Licensee shall promptly
notify Highsoft and return the Software to Highsoft at Licensee’s own expense. Licensee’s sole remedy in
such an event shall be that Highsoft shall correct the Software so that it operates according to the
warranties set out in section 9.2. The warranties shall not apply if Licensee has modified, or used the Software
improperly, or on an operating environment not approved by Highsoft. Licensee is not entitled to any
damages, including but not limited to consequential damages, if the Software does not meet the limited

10 Limitation of Liability
All Software and maintenance and support services supplied by Highsoft are provided ‘as is’ and may have
errors and omissions. Thus remedies are only available to the Licensee in the event of any breach of the
warranties set out in section 9.



In all events, either Party’s liability for damages to the other Party for any cause whatsoever related to this
Agreement, shall be limited to the License Fees paid or due by Licensee for a twelve (12) month period
under this Agreement.

11 Intellectual Property Infringement

Highsoft will defend, indemnify and hold the Licensee harmless against any claim stating that the Software is
violating any Third Party copyright provided that:

The Licensee promptly notifies Highsoft of the claim, such notice to be provided no later than
ten (10) business days after receipt of said claim(s);

ii. A hardcopy of the notices of copyright infringement is sent to:

Highsoft AS, Sentrumsgata, 6893 Vik i Sogn, Norway.

iii. The Licensee in good faith uses its best effort to stop any claim that is unfounded;

iv. Notwithstanding subsection iii above, Highsoft shall have sole control of the defense and any
related settlement negotiations in the case of legal proceedings;

v. The Licensee timely provides Highsoft with all necessary assistance, information and
authority to perform the above.

If the Software is held by a final court ruling to be infringing any Third Party intellectual property rights
Highsoft will at its option: (i) obtain the right for Licensee to continue to use the Software consistent with
this Agreement; (ii) modify the Software so that it is non-infringing; or solely in the event that (i) and (ii) are
not feasible, (iii) refund any and all invoiced amounts to Licensee and all of Highsoft’s obligations under this
Agreement shall terminate upon written notice.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Highsoft's indemnity obligations under this section 11 shall under any
circumstances be limited to the total amount invoiced to Licensee by Highsoft under this Agreement during
the last twelve (12) months prior to the day when Company provided notice to the Company of claim subject
to this section 11.

12 Confidentiality
Each Party acknowledges that Confidential Information is proprietary, that it is valuable to the disclosing Party
and that any disclosure or unauthorized use thereof may cause irreparable harm and loss to the disclosing

Confidential Information shall not include information that (i) is generally known to the public at the time
of disclosure; (ii) is legally received by Receiving Party from a Third Party, which Third Party is in rightful
possession of Confidential Information, (iii) becomes generally known to the public subsequent to the time
of such disclosure, but not as a result of disclosure by Receiving Party, or (iv) prior to signing of this
Agreement, is already in the possession of Receiving Party.

Obligations of Receiving Party in Regards to Confidential Information:

In consideration of the disclosure to Receiving Party of Confidential Information, Receiving

Party agrees to receive and to treat Confidential Information on a confidential and restricted
basis and to undertake the following additional obligations with respect thereto;

ii. To use Confidential Information for the sole purpose of fulfilling this Agreement unless
otherwise agreed to in express writing by the Parties.

iii. Not to duplicate, in whole or in part, any Confidential Information.

iv. Not to disclose Confidential Information to its members, officers, employees, Affiliates,
counsel or consultants except on a need-to-know basis, and each such person receiving
Confidential Information shall be notified of and required to abide by the terms and
conditions of this Agreement.

v. Not to disclose Confidential Information to any Third Party entity or individual, corporation,
partnership, sole proprietorship, customer, advisor or client without the prior express written
consent of Disclosing Party.

vi. This confidentiality section 12 shall survive any termination of the Agreement however

13 Relationship Between the Parties

The Parties are independent contractors, and this Agreement will not be construed as constituting either
Party as partner, joint venture or fiduciary of the other, as creating any other form of legal association that
would impose liability on one Party for the act, or failure to act, of the other, or as providing either Party with
the right, power, or authority (express, or implied) to create any duty or obligation of the other. Neither Party
shall directly or indirectly represent to the public that it has the right or the authority to create or accept
obligations on behalf of the other Party. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, each
Party has the sole right and obligation to supervise, manage, contract, direct, procure, perform or cause to
be performed all work to be performed by it under this Agreement.

14 Severability
In the event any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining
provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force.

15 Waiver
The waiver by either Highsoft, or Licensee of any default or breach of this Agreement shall not constitute a
waiver of any other or subsequent default or breach. Except for actions for non-payment or breach of
Highsoft’s intellectual proprietary rights in the Software, no action, regardless of form, arising out of this
Agreement may be brought by either party more than one (1) year after the cause of action has occurred.

16 Non-assignment
Neither Party shall assign or transfer all, or any part of its rights under this Agreement without the other
Party’s prior written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may assign this Agreement in its
entirety to its Affiliate(s), or in connection with a merger, acquisition, corporate reorganization, or sale of all
or substantially all of its assets. In such case, Licensee shall notify Highsoft in writing without undue delay,
and unless otherwise agreed upon in writing, this Agreement shall bind, and inure to the benefit of the
Parties, their respective successors, and permitted assigns.

17 Applicable Law and Legal Venue

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Norway.

Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach, termination, or
invalidity thereof, the Parties shall seek to solve amicably through negotiations. If the Parties do not reach
an amicable solution within two (2) weeks, any dispute, controversy or claim shall be finally settled by the
regular courts of Norway. Both Parties hereby agree to and accept Sogn District Court (Sogn tingrett) as
exclusive legal venue.

18 Amendments
No amendment to, or modification of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by the
Parties. In case of contradiction between the License Agreement and its Amendments, the latter shall


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