Heritage Building Maintenance Manual

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This manual contains useful information on restoring and preserving heritage buildings, but it
is intended as a general guide only. The Provincial Government has taken all reasonable steps
to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication. However, it recommends that
building owners consult with specialists, such as contractors, builders, plumbers, heating and
air professionals and electricians, when doing any renovations, repairs or construction on their
properties. The province does not assume responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from
reliance on the information in this manual.

4.1 Building Envelope 15
4.2 Foundations 16
4.3 Exterior Walls 18
4.4 Roof 21
4.5 Gutters and Downspouts 24
4.6 Site Drainage 26
4.7 Windows and Doors 28
4.8 Features and Details 30
4.9 Energy Efficiency 33

5.1 Inspection Checklist 36
5.2 Maintenance Checklist 46
5.3 Maintenance Record 54
5.4 Project Worksheet 55
5.5 Budget 56
5.6 Frequently Called Numbers 59

6.1 Toolkit Checklist 63
6.2 The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada 65
6.3 Hiring a Professional 69
6.4 Troubleshooting 72
6.5 Resource List 75

The Historic Resources Branch gratefully acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada through the Historic Places
Initiative, a federal, provincial, territorial partnership.


No building is maintenance-free, so every structure, heritage or new, requires care to limit
Exposure to the elements causes all building materials to wear down eventually. Periodic
inspections can help you find problems early and, along with regular maintenance, will extend the
life of your building. They will also help you avoid the need for potentially expensive and disruptive
repair work, which may damage your building’s heritage value.
It’s a good idea to set up a building maintenance schedule to remind you of any inspections or work
that needs to be done. It will also help you prioritize maintenance, preventing avoidable, costly,
future repairs.

A Maintenance Manual as a Guide

One maintenance manual does NOT fit all because every building is unique. This manual provides
general guidelines on topics common to most buildings.
Starting with the roof and moving through various major building components, the manual focuses
on typical issues of deterioration. There are worksheets included for your convenience. They will
help you do regular inspections of your building to look for deterioration at its earliest stage. The
manual will also help you organize the maintenance and repair jobs that must be done regularly.
This manual will help you:
• plan your building’s maintenance to conserve your heritage building
• maintain the basic parts of your building
• solve common problems of typical building systems
Please note that this manual provides a general overview of building maintenance and does not
replace any operations or maintenance manuals published by the manufacturers of specific
building materials. Ensure any manuals or other publications you consult are appropriate to heritage
buildings in our unique climate. You may find that published advice on building topics such as
insulation or moisture accumulation may not be applicable in Manitoba.
Architectural materials and construction methods used in other areas of North America may be
similar, yet significantly different, from those used in Manitoba. Relying on out-of-province manuals
can lead to inappropriate maintenance practices.
The Heritage Buildings Unit team invites your maintenance-related questions, comments or
suggestions. Please contact:

Heritage Buildings Unit Phone: 1-204-945-2118

Historic Resources Branch Toll free: 1-800-282-8069, ext. 2118
Manitoba Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport Fax: 1-204-948-2384
Main Floor, 213 Notre Dame Ave. E-mail: [email protected]
Winnipeg, MB
R3B 1N3

All building materials decay eventually due to sunlight, rain and wind, and therefore they
require continued attention if a building’s condition is to be maintained. Modest spending on
regular maintenance can reduce the need for costly repairs, protect the fabric of your building
and save you money in the longer term.
As defined by the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada
(2004), MAINTENANCE is:
Routine, cyclical, non-destructive actions necessary to slow the deterioration of a historic place. It
entails periodic inspection; routine, cyclical, non-destructive cleaning; minor repair and refinishing
operations; replacement of damaged or deteriorated materials that are impractical to save.

Maintenance can be broken down into three categories:

• Corrective Maintenance: work necessary to bring a building to an acceptable level (often
recommended by a conservation plan), such as treatment for moisture.
• Emergency Maintenance: work that must be done immediately for health, safety or security
reasons or that may result in the rapid deterioration of the structure or fabric if not done,
such as roof repairs after a storm or repairing broken glass.
• Planned Maintenance: work to prevent problems which can happen predictably within the
life of a building, such as cleaning gutters or painting.

The best type of protection is to do regular and routine maintenance, to prevent extensive and
expensive repairs. Maintenance planning must be consistent with your needs and respectful
of your financial means, while ensuring that your building is evaluated annually. A plan that is
too complicated or onerous will simply not get completed.
Much of the work we are encouraging in this manual is planned maintenance. In the initial
phases of developing a maintenance plan, there may be corrective or emergency maintenance
that must be done before a routine, cyclical approach can be adopted.

The Importance of Maintenance

Given the importance of material integrity in a heritage building, it is obvious that, whenever
the option presents itself, preserving an original building element is preferred to a replica. To
ensure that a building maintains its integrity, it is critical that maintenance takes a leading role
in a building owner’s plans and activities.
By maintaining heritage sites -- repairing, cleaning, or correcting defects -- we are not only
preventing deterioration of precious original materials, we are also ensuring that possible hazards
are avoided. The purpose of maintenance is to ensure longevity, reduce costs and improve value.
So what is the dividing line between maintenance and repair? Basically, if things are let go too long,
you can almost be assured of more serious problems. Occasionally, materials such as roof shingles,
will require replacement. However, the implementation of a diligent maintenance program will limit
the need to repair or replace on a large scale and extend the life of those original materials.


There are several practical questions a building owner should ask before undertaking
maintenance work. Answering these questions will help establish the scope of work and will
allow a building owner to identify the various resources that will make the work a success.

Can you undertake the work yourself?

• To answer this question you need to know exactly what the job will entail. Consider any special
skills required such as turning wood on a lathe or the proper strike when repointing masonry.
• In your day-to-day activities involving family, work and other interests, do you have the time
you will need to commit to the project you are planning? Should you hire someone else to
do the work?
• Is it physically possible for you to carry out the work without the committed assistance of
others? Can you rely on the assistance of others for the duration of the project?
• If you are unable to carry out all the work yourself, you will need to consider where to find
the appropriate trades required for the job.

Can you undertake the work safely?

• Are you aware of all the necessary precautions that must be observed with all aspects of
the job? For example, it’s not unusual for people to be unaware of dangerous compounds
that form when mixing chemicals. And that materials such as asbestos siding and urea-
formaldehyde foam insulation (UFI) require specific protective equipment and disposal.
• Safety harnesses, headgear, footwear and breathing equipment are just a few of the pieces
of items required for building-related work. Are these items available to you and do you
know how and when to use them?
• The safety of occupants, visitors to the site and the general community must be considered
when any project is planned. Be aware of Health and Safety regulations. Even as a
volunteer organization, you will be held responsible in the case of an accident. Proper
signage and fencing of the worksite are just a few considerations for the safety of others.

Will the planned tasks affect other parts of the site?

• Often, a maintenance project can affect other parts of a building. For example, applying
a waterproof coating to prevent moisture penetration could damage the masonry. If these
byproducts of your work are not anticipated, then you may not budget the right amount of
resources to ensure a satisfactory outcome.
• If you are undertaking a project that requires the placement of heavy equipment outside
the building, consider the damage the equipment may make to your grounds, fencing or
neighbouring properties.
• Whenever you are planning a project, think about how your work activities, or the activities
of others on the project, may affect areas that are not within the scope of the project.

Is your budget realistic?
• The potential for unforeseen events or delays during the course of a renovation project are
always present and can greatly affect the final cost of the work. Unwelcome surprises in the
building itself (especially in walls, where shoddy work may have been masked, or where an
unusual procedure has been employed) can also escalate costs.
• Thoroughly investigating the area to be worked on, checking for hidden or unused building
elements within walls (such as radiant heat lines in a building converted to forced air) will
reduce the element of surprise in a project, in turn making cost estimates more accurate.
• Plan for cost overruns. Apply a contingency element in your budget that, if necessary, can
be made available to bring your project to completion.
• After factoring in the potential for surprises, is the project still within your budget?

Do you require heritage and/ or building permits?

• It is important to realize that once a building has been designated under the Heritage
Resources Act, a heritage permit must be granted by the municipal and/or provincial
government before any major physical alterations take place. However, most of what
would be classified as maintenance should not need a heritage permit, as it should not
dramatically interfere with the physical integrity of the building.
• One of the primary intents of building permits is to ensure that a project is conducted in
a safe manner, using appropriate standards and materials, thereby reducing the risk of
hazardous environments for occupants, now and in the future.
• Be sure to ask staff at the Historic Resources Branch and/or your municipal office to find
out what permits you require.

This is a familiar question to anyone who has faced the sheer volume of work to be done
and tried to prioritize the needs of a conservation project. This next section identifies five
steps of the conservation process. These steps will apply to any conservation project, not just
maintenance tasks, and may be useful for you to review whenever you are considering work to
your historic place.

STEP 1: Identify the heritage value and character-defining elements

Before planning any maintenance to a historic place, it is
essential to understand its heritage value and to recognize
its character-defining elements, so you know what’s
important to protect.
For most designated sites, a Statement of Significance
(a brief report on what makes the site important,
used on the Canadian Register of Historic Places,
www.historicplaces.ca) will provide details on why a
Manitoba’s Statement of place is important and what physical elements are most
Significance Certificate important. Pay particular attention to the character-defining
elements. These building features will give you clearer
direction on the most significant physical aspects of your building, and help you prioritize
your conservation efforts.
If your property is not designated, you can conduct your own physical survey so you have list of
building features that will need to be considered in your conservation planning.
• Start with the building’s overall features such as the form, scale and massing.
• Look at the immediate site, gardens and landscaping that may directly affect the building.
• Look more closely at the exterior and record the materials used.
• Finally, it is important to look inside your building and record the interior features, finishes
and notable details.

STEP 2: Review the Standards and Guidelines

The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada is the
first-ever pan-Canadian benchmark for heritage conservation practice in this country. It offers
results-oriented guidance for sound decision-making when planning for, intervening in and using
historic places. These guidelines are not intended to replace the role of conservation specialists
or to provide detailed technical instructions, but can help you through the process of making
decisions about your property.
The Standards are the fundamental principles of conservation applicable to all types of heritage
resources, including archaeological sites, landscapes, buildings or engineering works.
According to Standard #8, maintenance is an essential task in the conservation process and
should be undertaken regularly:
Standard #8:
• Maintain character-defining elements on an ongoing basis. Repair character-defining
elements by reinforcing their materials using recognized conservation methods. Replace
in-kind any extensively deteriorated or missing parts of character-defining elements, where
there are surviving prototypes.
The Guidelines provide practical advice for decision-making when interventions are undertaken
on historic places. Recommended and not-recommended interventions to historic places
are detailed in ascending sequence from minimal to major interventions. There are several
recommended guidelines that refer to “protecting and maintaining,” and should be reviewed
before intervening on any historic place. These have been included in section 6.2 of this manual.

STEP 3: Do an inspection
The purpose of an inspection is to get an overall, accurate view of the entire property. This will
help you set goals and objectives to fulfill your needs. Begin with a complete inspection, which
will give you a detailed critical review of all parts of the building and grounds. This should be
done by someone who has a broad and detailed knowledge of the building trades, both past
and present. An understanding of how the building was meant to work when it was built and a
knowledge of modern technologies are both necessary to accurately determine conditions.
It may be valuable to hire a professional for your first maintenance cycle. Once the initial
assessment has been done, the cyclical plan should be manageable for you to handle.
Additionally, past records or reports can be very useful in understand your building and its
maintenance needs. Inspection and/or condition reports or structural assessments from the
past (if available) pinpoint chronic problems or areas that should be monitored.
Inspections for each building part are discussed more thoroughly in Part 4. Maintaining the
Parts. Examine each part of the building and make notes on the current condition. Records will
not only help you decide what needs to be done immediately, it will also help you understand
the changes that may occur to your building over the years. There is an inspection checklist
template in Part 5. Worksheets of this manual for your use. You may want to add items specific
to your building so you ensure a thorough inspection every year.

STEP 4: Complete corrective or emergency maintenance (if necessary)

After your initial inspection is complete, it will be important to prioritize what needs immediate
attention and what can be included in your regular maintenance planning cycle. The
immediate needs can be categorized as corrective or emergency maintenance.
Corrective maintenance includes tasks that stabilize the building to stop deterioration. To
repair is to take it a step further to eliminate previous damage. Decide in every case whether to
stabilize only and defer repair – or whether it makes more sense to go ahead with a complete
and proper repair.


Corrective maintenance may include:
• inspecting the exterior for suspected water penetration -- exterior leaks eventually cause
interior damage
• fixing obvious leaks and water penetration, including downspout problems
• inspecting for and exterminate termites and other wood-destroying insects
In developing a treatment for a specific condition, be sure to address all of the causes of the
deterioration and not just the symptoms.

Treat the Cause Not the Symptom

When you find poor conditions, determine the fundamental cause. Ask the five “W” questions (who, what,
where, when and why). Begin with the obvious and let the questions lead you to the unknown.
Why did the cornice fall off? It was weak and the ice pulled it down.
Why was it weak? Excessive moisture and decay caused the weakness.
Where was the moisture? It was found in the cornice and the gutter.
Why was the moisture in the gutter? Debris buildup trapped it there.
Where did the debris come from? Trees overhanging the roof.
So debris buildup is the cause. A corrective treatment to rebuild the cornice and a preventative treatment
to clean the gutters regularly should take care of it.
But, if you ask a few more questions, you will see you have not found the fundamental cause.
What other moisture problems are there? Just inside the cornice, water condensed on the inside of the
bathroom walls due to heat loss.
Why was there so much ice buildup? The lack of insulation let heat rise to the roof, melting the snow and
forming an ice dam.
Without these additional facets, the problem would have cropped up again because a fundamental
cause, heat loss, was left untreated. A more effective treatment would control the heat loss with
insulation, and the moisture with vapor retarders and ventilation of the cornice. Be certain you find the
most fundamental cause for poor conditions or you will only be treating the symptom.
It is important to separate determining conditions from developing treatments. It is tempting and common to
look at an obviously damaged cornice and specify a treatment, without determining the cause. The danger is
in treating single symptoms, such as a decayed hole in the gutter, rather than an underlying cause, such as an
overhanging tree that drops leaves in the gutter or lack of regular cleaning. Standard treatments which come
to mind quickly may not be adequate and can even cause harm, such as treating wooden gutters with tar.
*Courtesy of John Leeke (2000):

Emergency maintenance includes those tasks which require immediate attention to prevent
personal injury or serious deterioration. After your initial assessment, if there appears to be
tasks that cannot wait for routine maintenance, you should do the work as soon as possible.

Part 3. WHERE DO I START? 11

Emergency maintenance may include:
Eliminating fire hazards:
• exposed or otherwise improper wiring
• overloaded electrical circuits
• thorough electrical inspection by a licensed electrician
• inspect and repair boiler and chimney.
Eliminating additional personal injury hazards such as:
• broken steps
• electrical shock hazards
• loose building elements
• immediate, obvious health hazards such as loose, crumbly asbestos, airborne lead dust
from chipped paint

Determine Primary Treatment: Preservation, Rehabilitation or Restoration?

When conducting corrective or emergency maintenance ensure that you are doing minimal
work to stabilize the immediate problem. According to The Standards & Guidelines for the
Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, it is recommended that any intervention, including
temporary repairs or stabilization, should involve the least intervention possible, and should be
reversible. Be sure that a temporary repair does not cause more damage than it prevents. If the
temporary repair will be expensive or if it could cause additional damage, it would be better to do
a proper repair immediately.

“The action or process of protecting, maintaining and/or stabilizing the existing materials, form and
integrity of a historic place, or of an individual component, while protecting its heritage value.”
• materials and features are essentially intact and no extensive repair or replacement is necessary

“The action or process of making possible a continuing or compatible contemporary use for a
historic place, or of an individual component, through repair, alterations and or additions, while
protecting its heritage value.”
• more than just minor repairs are needed
• may include the replacement of missing elements and/or the introduction of new features

12 Part 3. WHERE DO I START?

“The action or process of accurately revealing, recovering or representing the state of a historic
place, or of an individual component, as it appeared at a particular period in its history, while
protecting its heritage value.”
• the depiction of a particular period of the historic place outweighs the potential loss of material
• may include the removal of features and/or the reconstruction of missing features

Level of Intervention: Low Moderate High

Preservation Rehab Restoration

Most maintenance tasks will be classified as preservation because the planned work is typically
about stabilization, with no major replacement of original material. The level of intervention is a
sliding scale depending on the type of work being completed.

STEP 5: Develop a cyclical plan for maintenance

Finally, develop your routine for planned maintenance.
The maintenance cycle diagram is one method to seasonally develop your regular maintenance
plan. It is divided into incremental tasks that you may be able to tackle yourself, or at least plan
for, on a regular basis.
In the fall, before the first snowfall is a good time to do a general site inspection, including
walking around the building and recording the physical elements that need attention. It can
be especially valuable to inspect your building in the rain, so you can see how water falls onto
the building, and how it drains away from the building, which may help identify any potential
moisture problems. If you identify conditions that need immediate attention, get the work done
before the next season so the conditions don’t get worse over winter.
During the winter, review your inspection report and make a plan for the spring. This may
include researching funding opportunities, getting quotes on tasks that are beyond your scope
of knowledge or availability, and recruiting partners and/or volunteers to help you with the work.
The Historic Resources Branch has a list of grants available to historic places in Manitoba at:

Part 3. WHERE DO I START? 13

In the spring, put your plan into action. This will likely be your best opportunity and busiest
season for maintenance, so ensure that you prepare accordingly. Finally, in the late summer,
evaluate your plan and make note of any adjustments you may want to make for the following
year. Over time, the annual plan will become easier, more routine, and will result in fewer
surprises. In general, consider the following questions when making your maintenance plan:

What needs to be done? Make a list of the

problems you see during inspection. Use a
camera to record any identified problems. INSPECT &
When should it be done? Prioritize the
Late Summer (prep for winter)
tasks. Problems that raise safety Fall
issues, suggest structural instability
or that allow water to enter the
building need to be dealt with first.
Who will do the work? You may be able
to do some of the work yourself, but
recognize when it might be best to
bring in a professional. REPAIR &
How much will it cost? In the long run, the Spring Winter
costs associated with regular maintenance
will be less than waiting to do repairs,
which may also be more disruptive.

14 Part 3. WHERE DO I START?

While every part of your building needs ongoing maintenance, some parts need more constant
care than others. The exterior of your building is subject to constant deterioration due to the
rain, sun, wind and snow. The exterior elements often have the most heritage value, so they will
likely be the focus of your maintenance efforts.
Specific areas and components to consider include roof, gutters and downspouts, site
drainage, foundations, exterior walls, windows, doors, features and details. The following
section will provide you with more specific information about these parts, including checklists
which can be adapted for your property.


Buildings are made up of a series of connected parts that fit together to make a strong and
comfortable structure. The building envelope is generally the shell of the building that separates
the interior from the exterior. The finishes are those final touches that make your building
functional, comfortable and attractive.
The main function of the building envelope is to keep water out of the building, which is the
single most damaging element to a heritage building.
Signs of moisture problems:
- stains on drywall or plaster
- mold or mildew (especially in corners)
- damp or wet insulation
- damp or rotted wood framing members
- rust and corrosion stains on metal elements
- paint that’s peeling or blistering
- rotten wall sheathing or siding
- efflorescence (salt deposits) on interior or exterior surfaces
- dank, musty smells, particularly in the basement or other poorly ventilated spaces
The frame of the building is the skeleton which supports the body of the building. Typical
elements include beams, floor joists, the sub-floor, studs and trusses. Together with the
foundation, the frame bears the load of the building. The frame is generally completely
enclosed by other materials and therefore does not usually require any maintenance, unless
there is water penetration because another system has failed.


Foundations provide a stable surface on which buildings are constructed, allowing weight to be
transferred evenly into the ground and anchoring the building in the face of lateral forces such
as high winds. Without a proper foundation, buildings are prone to large amounts of movement
and shifting due to settlement or frost heave. Movement in a building often results in cracked
walls and window panes, heaving floors, and stuck doors.
Heritage structures will have foundation types that range from boulders at the corners of a
log structure to full basements under multi-storey buildings. Often, the more elaborate the
foundation the more stable, but if there are problems, the more extensive will be the repair
needs. Foundations should be inspected at least annually, with additional checks following any
severe rainstorms or nearby construction or excavation.
For many older buildings, most of the settlement has long since stopped. However, some
changes to a building’s surroundings can bring about more shifting. Changes are often gradual
and not noticeable over a short period of time. Monitoring movement of a structure typically
takes an extended period of time. Some events that may lead to renewed settling of the
foundation include:
• change in the amount of ground and surface water around the foundation
• new construction or excavation close to the building
• significant increase in the load that a floor must carry, often occurring when the use of a
building is changed
• installation of an HVAC (heating, ventilation, air-conditioning) system requiring new loads on
the floors; new HVAC may also require cutting into the existing wall and floor system, which
may affect the load capacity of the structure and the foundation’s stability
• introduction of air conditioning and humidification may result in an increase or decrease
of the normal moisture content in foundation or structural materials leading to shifting in
the foundation
• tree roots in clay soils will extract moisture, producing voids in the soil, which the
foundation needs for lateral support

Without knowing if this crack has changed over time, it is

difficult to assess its severity. Inspect the crack for changes
and consult a professional if necessary.


Common Signs of Shifting Foundations
Interior Exterior
• misaligned doors and windows • cracks in the brick
• cracks in the plaster or drywall • gaps around the doors and windows
• doors and windows that stick • cracks in the foundation
• sloping or cracks in the floor • fascia board pulling away

Inspecting Foundations
Check for signs of recent building settlement.
o Are any serious cracks visible?
o Are there any signs of movement -- patched cracks re-opening, cracks in walls, bulging
siding, windows or doors out of square?
o Is the roofline straight and horizontal?
o Are beams, columns, posts and joists sound?
o Are posts vertical and stable?
o Are the foundation walls plumb?

o Are there any signs of leaking?
o Are there any signs of excessive moisture -- musty smell, corrosion?
o Is there any efflorescence or peeling paint on the walls or floor?
o Is there any condensation forming?
o Are there water stains or rotted wood near the floor?
o Are the wood posts, beams or floor joists damp or soft?

o Is the parging in good condition? Are there any new cracks or flaking?
o Is the ground properly sloped away from the building?
o Are there any trees or saplings growing near the foundation?

Bowing of an exterior wall, likely due

to foundation issues, will eventually
collapse if not repaired.


4.3 Exterior Walls
Along with the roof, it is a building’s exterior walls that produce its overall character, giving it
colour, texture and detail. It is important to undertake regular site inspection and maintenance
of the exterior walls in order to preserve their structure and character.
When inspecting the condition of the exterior walls, not only is it important to identify areas of
deterioration, it is also important to recognize potential sources of problems in the future. This
preventive approach to evaluating the building enables you to take action early, minimizing both
damage and cost of repair or maintenance. There are three principal causes of wall deterioration:
organic, mechanical or chemical.
Causes that are classified as organic result from the direct impact of a living organism on
the physical structure. Deterioration from mechanical causes can often be recognized by
breakage or crumbling of materials. The source of the problem is either an object striking the
building or of water forcing building materials apart through expansion - an especially harmful
process during the winter’s freeze/thaw cycle. Chemical deterioration results from localized
contamination of the air or moisture, or from material incompatibility.

Inspecting Walls
o Have the roots of ivy, creepers or over-growth penetrated the surface of the walls? These
encourage moisture and insect intrusion.
o Are there lichens and mosses present? These retain moisture and can stain wall surfaces.
o Is there damage from wind? After any windstorm, inspect the walls to ensure that there was
no damage as a result of objects striking the exterior.
o Are there bird droppings? Acids in droppings can severely damage stone.
o In masonry walls, is there evidence of anchor corrosion? Cracking or spalling of masonry
can occur as a result of corroding metal set into masonry. Corrosion can also lead to
staining via water runoff.
o Is there evidence of moisture penetration? In buildings whose walls are sheathed with wooden
siding this will be expressed as peeling or blistered paint. In masonry and stucco-covered
buildings this will be expressed through efflorescence (deposits of white or grey powdery salts
left by moisture that travels through building materials), or more often, through cracks.
o Cracks are the most obvious expression of a failure in a masonry wall. Some forms of cracking
are more serious than others. The level of concern depends on: the size of the crack, the
location and direction of the crack, and the rate of change in the crack. Keep in mind that it
is not unusual for a masonry building to have some cracking. However, it is also important to
recognize and monitor closely those cracks that change in length and gap, run horizontally
or through building materials, or are large enough to insert a pencil. If possible, cracks of this
nature should be examined by a qualified assessor of structures (e.x. an engineer or architect).
o In masonry walls, is there evidence of mortar deterioration (e.x. no mortar present in the joint
within 4 cm of the wall surface, mortar that can be easily scraped from the joint, mortar that has
taken on a sand-like texture and crumbles, or mortar that cleanly separates from the brick). In
such cases a repointing project, in which mortar is removed and replaced, will be necessary.


Log Buildings
Water, incompatible materials, and lack of maintenance are the major causes of damage to log
buildings. Water damage is usually the result of the incorrect use of materials and the lack of
maintenance; 95% of all deterioration can be linked to water.
To preserve the natural beauty of a log building, routine maintenance is essential. The natural
elements (rain, wind, sun) and your building’s location affects how often you will need to
refinish or reseal, as well as, the quality of product needed. Regular exterior maintenance,
inspecting logs for large cracks that catch water, etc. will help prevent costly repairs.
Important features of log buildings include large overhangs to help protect the logs from sun
and rain. Rain gutters are important to keep water from splashing back onto the lower logs,
especially where decks are involved. Keeping logs dry and off the ground as well as directing
water away from log structures are critical.

This log has been damaged by water. Investigate the source of the water and
address the cause of deterioration before replacing the log.


The reasons for cleaning any building must be considered carefully before making a decision
to clean. Abrasive cleaning methods can damage historic building materials, and generally
are not acceptable conservation treatments for historic structures. The Standards and
Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada recommends “using the gentlest
means possible” when cleaning a historic building. Sandblasting and water blasting are NOT
recommended treatments as they can permanently and severely damage exterior surfaces. A
detergent solution, a medium soft bristle brush and a garden hose for the purpose of rinsing, is
the gentlest method involving water and is recommended when cleaning historic surfaces.
Before starting any cleaning program, ask yourself:
Is the cleaning being done to improve the appearance of the building or to make it look new?
The so called “dirt” actually may be weathered masonry, not accumulated deposits. A portion
of the masonry itself thus will be removed if a “clean” appearance is desired.
Is there any evidence that dirt and pollutants are having a harmful effect on the exterior?
Improper cleaning can accelerate the deteriorating effect of pollutants.
Is the cleaning an effort to “get your project started” and improve public relations? Cleaning
may help local groups with short term fund-raising, yet cause long term damage to the building.

Peeling or flaking paint is often a sign of heat or water damage. The best treatment is The missing downspout has created a build
to remove as much loose paint as possible; identify if the existing layer is oil-based or up on the exterior wall. Cleaning may do more
latex paint; prime with appropriate exterior primer; and apply a fresh coat of paint. damage, so it may be better to just leave it there.

The restoration of heritage buildings can involve the removal of materials that may be hazardous to your
health. Before sanding or removing old paint, it is best to ensure that proper safety equipment is being
used. We recommend reading Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s pamphlet “Lead in Your
Home”. A copy can be obtained by http://www.cmhc.ca/en/co/maho/yohoyohe/inaiqu/inaiqu_007.cfm


4.4 The Roof
The roof is the first line of defence in preventing water from entering a building. Effective water
drainage from roof to gutters and downspouts minimizes the possibility of seepage. A roof is
designed to withstand the harsh climatic extremes that a building may face in any given year - direct
sunlight, scorching heat, extreme cold, high winds, hail, freeze/thaw cycles, and debris from trees.
However, when the surface of a roof is pierced for the installation of roof vents, vent stacks, chimney
stacks and skylights, there are naturally opportunities for water to penetrate at those points.
The roof requires regular inspection to guard against deterioration and water damage. Visual
inspections can be helpful, particularly after any major storm, but only an up-close rooftop
inspection will prove reliable in deeming a roof weather-tight. A rooftop inspection should be
conducted at least annually.
Generally, where a third or more of the shingles are missing or have deteriorated, the entire roof
will need to be replaced. It is recommended that Grade 1 red cedar shingles be used during

Inspecting A Roof
o Check the covering over the ridge or hip of a roof to make sure it is tight, without gaps.
o Where ventilation is introduced to a roof system (ridge vent, soffit vent, gable end vent)
ensure that the sealing details (screens, flashing, caulking) are visually inspected.
o Check for loose or missing shingles. Look for moss growth, overhanging branches, levelness
of roof.
o Check the roof at changes in pitch or direction (gambrel roof or at the valleys) for failing
materials or gaps.
o Look at flashing for cracks, holes and looseness.
o Search roofing materials for deterioration - cracks, blisters or curling, and for any loose or
missing parts.
o Inspect soffits and fascia for deterioration (sagging) or openings where animals/insects
could find access or where they could nest.
o Inspect the joints where roof and siding meet for cracks.
o Look for evidence of decay in the rafter ends and for water damage on a cornice.
o Look for signs of clogging, inadequate slopes, or defects in the gutters and downspouts.


Traditionally, chimneys have been built of brick and
mortar, lined with fireproof flue tiles and capped to seal
the top against the weather. Often the chimney is the
least maintained part of a building, as it is inaccessible,
is exposed to the severest weather elements, and is
attacked by sooty acids internally. It’s recommended that
chimney inspections be done at the beginning of each
heating season.

Inspecting a Chimney
o Is the chimney leaning above the roof line?
o Are the bricks near the top of the chimney deteriorated?
o Is the chimney free of obstructions and soot build-up?
o Is the mortar crumbling or are there loose or
missing bricks?
o Is the flashing rusted or pulling away from the roof This chimney has been neglected for many
and chimney? years. A mason will have to rebuild the
chimney with new bricks because of the
degree of deterioration.
Flashing protect your roof’s most vulnerable points from water penetration. It is used as a
sealant around roof and plumbing vents, chimneys, and anywhere water can seep through
open joints into the roof sheathing. Also vulnerable are surfaces where water runoff can be
heavy, such as roof valleys and eaves. Flashing is key to keeping your roof watertight.

Maintenance Tips:
• Call a professional to install new flashing; usually when the roof is being replaced is the best.
• Check yearly for gaps, cracks or missing flashing, around any change in plane of the roof or
protrusions in the roof.
• Chimney flashing should be installed into the mortar joint.
• Do not depend upon caulks, sealants or “goop” to do what metal flashing can do better.


Ice Dams

Water building up behind

ice dam may leak under
No ventilation of roof shingles or over flashing
cavity as rafters are into roof cavity. Surface temperature
filled with insulation. of roof deck may
rise above freezing
Snow as depth of snow

Ice dam

Water trapped in root

cavity may eventually
cause plywood deck
to delaminate and cause
decay of rafters.

Water leaking into roof cavity

may eventually seep through the
vapour diffusion retarder and
stain ceiling.

The ice has been allowed to build up at the eaves, potentially

damaging the roof line. The best remedy is to improve the
insulation in the attic and seal any leaks.

Ice damming occurs when melting snow freezes and accumulates at the overhang of a
building, preventing water from draining off the roof. When this happens, the accumulated
water can flow back under the shingles and into the interior space below. This occurrence is
often a shared failure of the eavestroughs and the attic insulation. Attic spaces that are poorly
insulated and/or poorly ventilated are unable to prevent the warmth of the interior from rising to
the exterior surface. This allows the accumulated water on the roof to stay fluid and enter under
the shingles.
The basic fix for ice damming is to seal all attic leaks and insulate thoroughly. Some attics
don’t have space for proper ventilation at the edge of the attic floor. Attempt to put the best
insulation possible at the edge to reduce heat loss. Consider blown foam insulation, which seals
and insulates.


4.5 Gutters and Downspouts
Gutters and downspouts (eavestroughing) make up a significant part of a building’s water
removal system, strategically directing all water accumulated from rain, ice and snow towards
specific areas around the base of a building. Neglected or deteriorated eavestroughing will
promote damage to various parts of a building’s exterior and interior elements.
The gutters and downspouts of a building require regular inspection to guard against damage
from debris accumulation and ice damming. A significant contributor to faulty eavestroughs
is accumulated debris. Leaves, branches, birds, toys and insect hives will impede the flow of
water, causing slow drainage and overflow. This can lead to rot of the fascia and ultimately to a
breakdown of the fastening points of the gutters.
Much like inspecting a roof, visual inspections of gutters and downspouts can be helpful,
particularly after any major storm, but only an up-close inspection will be able to detect
accumulation or blockages. The gutters and downspouts should be inspected at least twice a
year; once in the spring and then in the fall.

The gutter has fallen off, onto a power line. This is now more than A good paint job would improve the architectural detail, and overall
a maintenance issue, but a fire hazard. image of this site.


Inspecting Gutters
o Check for blockage, clogging, corrosion, and leaks.
o Remove all leaves and debris from gutters and check for loose joints.
o Check for corroded, broken and loose fasteners.
o Check fascia boards for rot.
o Check for cracked soldering at all joints.
o Check gutter outlet where water flows to downspout. It should have a screen to prevent large
debris from entering.
o Check for proper pitch of the gutter for adequate drainage. If water does not drain properly
the pitch will require adjusting.
o Any leak in a gutter may be patched (if from puncture or corrosion) or soldered (if located
at a joint).

Inspecting Downspouts
o Ensure all outlets from the gutters have downspouts to direct the water to extensions or
o Check downspouts for water flow and leaks.
o Auger any blockage from the outlet.
o Check all joints in the downspouts,
ensuring no breaks.
o Check hanging brackets of downspouts,
ensuring they are tight.
o Make sure that no tree limbs are within striking
distance of the downspouts.
o Ensure laterally hung downspouts have
sufficient pitch, without sags.
o Splashbacks, or extensions should be installed
to direct water at least one metre away from
the foundation.
o Ensure that the splashbacks have not settled,
allowing water to run back to the building.
o Ensure the slope of the ground around the
downspout runs away from the foundation.

This downspout has come detached between the first

and second floors making it completely ineffective.
Also it is missing a leader to direct the water away from
the building, which would cause foundation damage.


4.6 Site Drainage
Anyone who has experienced a heavy Manitoba rain can appreciate how important proper site
drainage is in keeping a building free from flooding and seepage. When water pools around the
perimeter of a building it will drain alongside the foundation and possibly enter through cracks
in the foundation walls or basement slab. It may also cause sewer back-up through the floor
drain and heaving of foundation systems. By applying relatively simple site drainage techniques
through proper landscaping and drainage systems, a building owner can dramatically reduce
the risk of flooding or seepage.
Gutters and downspouts are essential for reducing water damage to a building. However, simply
moving water off the building does not mean that problems will not occur at a lower level, such
as the foundation. In an average rainfall, gallons of water can be funnelled by a gutter system
to the base of the foundation. Weeping tiles, a drainage system located at the base of the
foundation, collects this water in the ground and channels it to a sewer line. However, many
older buildings do not have a weeping tile system or the one present has become congested
with silt and mud. Instead, such buildings rely largely on the absorption of water in the ground
and proper grading away from the building.
The first line of defence in any drainage system is
proper grading away from the foundation. Grading
may require building up the ground around the
foundation, making sure not to get within 150
mm of siding or other exterior cladding in order to
prevent rot, due to splashback.
If the ground is already high against the building,
then the site may need to have a more aggressive
slope carved into the ground, away from the
building. Digging a channel, or swale, through
a high area and seeding it will provide adequate
drainage away from the building when rainfalls are
particularly heavy.

With a missing downspout and inadequate grading,

water is allowed to collect at the base of the building
and can cause significant damage.


Sewer Back-up Valves
Where a public drainage system experiences a short-term demand that is greater than its
capacity, the result can be water back up through low-lying drains, such as floor drains in
basements. Sewer back-up can be alleviated by installing a back-up valve, either in-line or at
the floor drain. An in-line valve is placed in the main sewer line, located in front of any drainage
lines from the building, protecting back-up from occurring at any location in the building. A
floor drain back-up is installed at the floor drain and is more economical. However, it provides
protection from back-up only at the floor drain, allowing spillage at higher levels (such as a
washer or toilet in the basement).

Sump Pumps
When a back-up valve has been activated, and the weeping tile is congested with water, the
basement may experience flooding due to seepage from the tile. The weeping tile water is
drained via the sewer line. However, when the sewer line is closed by the back-up valve, the
water can seep into the basement. This is the primary reason for installing a sump pump in
your building’s basement.
A sump pump is installed in a sump hole, which collects any water that is building up in the
weeping tile and is unable to be channeled through the sewer line. The sump pump then moves
the water from this pit out of the basement, through the foundation, to a low lying area or swale
that moves the water away from the building.


4.7 Windows and Doors
The openings into a building — the doors and windows — are often subject to harder use than
other parts of a building, so they require more frequent and careful examination.

Windows in historic buildings are typically constructed with wooden frameworks (main frame,
mullions and muntins). As such, they require periodic sealing and painting and if applicable,
puttying and even reglazing.
Like other building components, a window’s primary enemy is water. Everything should be done
to limit its deleterious effects:
• Window sills should be examined frequently for signs of softness or rot.
• In those buildings where wooden window frames meet a masonry wall, that connection
should be examined. If there are openings that have developed, caulking should be applied
between wood and masonry.
• Windows can become misaligned when a building shifts on its foundation. Check where
they have sagged, shifted or settled, or where hardware is out of line, allowing openings for
rain and air, even animals and insects.
• Examine the elements of the window frame, looking for signs of rot (softness) and for places
where paint or lacquer has blistered, cracked or has worn off. Because paint is a protective
covering, every effort should be made to ensure that affected areas are repainted as soon
as possible. Where it is necessary to repaint, use a wood preservative and good primer
coat prior to painting.
• Watch for cracks and holes in
window panes -- water seeping in
will rot the sills.
• Windows sweat -- where possible,
decrease interior humidity and
improve weather stripping.
• If the building has storm
windows, ensure that channels
or holes are drilled at sill to allow
driven rain to drain out.
• Do not caulk storms across the sill.

Water sitting on the sill has caused the paint to flake and the wood to
deteriorate. The window sash and frame will have to be repaired with
epoxy, or replaced depending on the severity of the rot.


Doors that are subject to constant use (even abuse) need frequent attention. Most doors on historic
buildings are of wooden construction, and are subject to shrinkage, warping, swelling, cracking and
decay. Some key things to be aware of with your building’s doors include the following:
• Doors need to be painted to create a secure barrier. They should be painted on all sides,
including tops and bottoms and sides. Unpainted parts invite moisture (and problems
inherent with water wicking into wood). They must also have good weather-stripping to keep
water and snow out.
• Hinges and hardware should be periodically checked for tightness.
• Doors can become misaligned. Note where they have sagged, shifted or settled, or where
hardware is out of line, creating openings for rain and air, even animals and insects.
• Check the door for lost or damaged seals.

This door needs a new coat of paint to retain the original

integrity. The weatherstripping should also be inspected.


4.8 Features and Details
The various features and details on a building — porches and verandahs, steps, entrance
roofs — are often either heavily used or are constructed in such a way to make them more
susceptible to damage or decay than other parts of a building.

Steps And Rails

These elements require close attention because of safety concerns and also because of their
constant exposure to elements and use.
• Masonry steps are subject to the
freeze/thaw cycle, which causes
spalling and cracking in the materials.
Because of their weight they are also
subject to settlement, and thus to
falling out of level.
• Wooden steps are subject to water
pooling and rot. It is necessary to drain
them of water. Decay from contact
with ground is also a possibility, so
proper drainage is important. It is not
advised that wooden steps be painted.
This creates a slippery surface that These steps need to be inspected as the freeze/thaw cycle is
is almost impossible to maintain. It is causing some lifting. A mason may have to re-level them.
also a hazard in winter when these
steps become icy.
• Steps need to be periodically inspected to ensure treads are securely screwed in place.
• Wooden rails and spindles are subject to rot -- paint is the best preventive measure to deal
with this problem.

Porches And Verandahs

Because they are often built on separate and less substantial foundations, porches and
verandahs tend eventually to move away from a building. Look for the following signs:
• Is the roof detached from the main building?
• Is there water penetration into the porch?
Also look for evidence of insect or animal habitation under the porch.
If there are columns or other delicate woodwork (spindles, balusters, railings), are these intact
(painted, dry, etc.)?


Bay Windows
Is there any sign of movement away from the main building?
Are roof shingles intact?
Are window panes in good condition (glass, putty, window frames, etc.)?

Minor Roofs
Many buildings feature small protective roofs over their entrances which can be subject to the
same kind of problems associated with porches:
• Is the roof detached from main building?
• Is there water penetration visible under the roof?
Also look for evidence of insect or animal habitation under the roof.
If there are decorative brackets or other woodwork present, are these intact (painted, dry, etc.)?

Other Details
Any other details on a building (ex: window boxes) should be examined for water penetration
and for secure connections.

This eave bracket needs to be painted to prevent further

deterioration by rust.


Existing buildings have the potential to be brought up to contemporary standards of energy
efficiency, without compromising the heritage value of the building. The following are just a few
ways that the energy efficiency of a heritage building can be improved.

Air sealing
• Comprehensive air sealing is one of the least obvious and most effective retrofit projects for
older buildings.

Heating system
• A total tune-up of the heating system is another inexpensive, effective and invisible
measure for older buildings.
• Sealing your chimney if it is not used, can be an effective way to eliminate drafts.

• Preserving the structure is especially important. Provide a vapour barrier and air barrier when
insulating. Basements and attics can often be reinsulated without affecting the appearance
or historic character of the building. Where it is desirable to preserve both the interior and
exterior wall finishes, blowing insulation into the cavity of a wood-frame wall is an option.

• Weatherstripping prevents air from leaking through gaps around doors and the moving
parts of an operable window.
• Weatherstripping should be easy to replace. To be effective, it must seal gaps completely.
• Weatherstripping should be flexible and spring back to its original shape. It should allow
you to open and close windows and doors easily.

• Windows are one of the most important aspects of a building’s historic character. Careful
weatherstripping of older, single-pane, wood-frame windows will do much to improve their
energy efficiency. If the original wood storm windows are not salvageable, it’s possible to
have custom wood storms made to order. If the object is to preserve the appearance of the
building, avoid metal storms or storm-and-screen combinations.
• Interior storms are also a good alternative. These are less noticeable than exterior metal
storms, and they can be made to fit on the sash or the window trim. If the window sash is
badly deteriorated, replacement units can be made to fit the existing frame.
• A traditional single-glazed, double-hung window has an R-value of 1, compared to R3 for
a new double-glazed, low-e, double-hung window. If the historic wall assembly has an R-
value in the teens, taking a window from R1 to R3 will not provide sufficient energy savings
to offset the cost of replacement windows and associated waste. The primary cause of
infiltration can be addressed with jamb insulation, weatherstripping, and trim repair.

• Preserving the original doors is important to the overall appearance of an older building.
Careful weatherstripping will improve their performance. As with windows, avoid
aluminum storms.
• Weatherstripping can be applied to the tops and sides of any door frame.
• V-shaped weatherstripping creates an excellent seal by making contact with the edge of the
door. It maintains a good seal even if the door warps.
• At the bottom of the door, apply weatherstripping to either the sill or the door itself.
• When weatherstripping your door, use a durable material that can withstand traffic but is
flexible enough to adapt to changes caused by humidity and temperature.
For more information, see:
• National Parks Service’s Preservation Brief 3: Conserving Energy in Historic Buildings
• Natural Resources Canada
• Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada (energy
efficiency section)


Documenting maintenance and repair work is an essential part of any maintenance program.
Details of all inspections, the work done as a result of the inspection, contact information of the
person, craftsman or company that did the work, and the costs associated with those tasks is
useful information. It ensures that current and future stewards of Manitoba’s historic places are
aware of the work that has been done, when it was done, and what is due to be done again.
Additional information may include any professional reports from architects or contractors,
warranties, estimates, plans, etc.
The worksheets provided in this manual may be useful when compiling your records.
These worksheet templates are available online at: www.manitoba.ca/heritage for you to adapt
and reprint annually.

Date__________ Inspector____________________ Weather Conditions____________________


Is there adequate site drainage around the building?

To prevent the possibility of arson, ask the following questions:

o Is there overgrowth that obscures vision of any activity adjacent
to your building?
o Are dark corners or pockets of your site illuminated at night?
o Could someone gain access to the roof or an upper floor window?
o Are there any flammable items visible on the site?
o Are trash receptacles kept next to your building?
o Are there combustibles (ex: boxes, lumber) stored unsecured or
next to the building?
o Is there accumulation of debris on your site?


o shingles ___ cedar ­­­___ asphalt

o chimney
o flashing
o gutters


Are shingles warped, curled, cracked; have they lost their grit?
Are there loose or missing shingles?

Is the ridge covering tight, without gaps?

Is the ridge of the roof level, or does it sag?


Are fascia boards and soffits intact, secured to structure?

Is the chimney sagging, leaning or bowing?

Is the chimney intact and protected with a cap? Is the chimney

cap rusting?

Are bricks or stones cracked, loose or missing? Are the mortar

joints tight?

Is flashing and caulking around the chimney secure? Is the

flashing loose, missing or rusted?

Are vents and other openings caulked and secure, without cracks
or holes?

Are rafter ends dry?

In winter, are ice dams forming?

Is paint peeling or blistering at the cornice (eaves), especially on

the underside? (Check the edge of the roof overhand for evidence
of ice dams and water damage)


Are gutters and downspouts clear of leaves and debris?

Are there loose, rotted or missing gutters or downspouts?

Is there rust or paint loss?

Are joints in downspouts secure from leaks?


Do all outlets from downspouts have extensions and splashbacks? Are
gutters secure and appropriately angled to drain?

Are there tree limbs within striking distance of gutters or


Are splash-backs above grade, allowing water to drain away from




o shingles
o cornerboards
o stucco
o clapboard
o paint

Is the wall out of plumb or unlevel? Is the wall leaning, bowing or


For wood-sheathed walls, is paint chipped, blistered, etc.?

For wood-sheathed walls, is wood trim dry and solid to the touch?
Are the walls water stained?

Are there any creepers, ivy or overgrowth directly on the walls (ex:
not on trellises)?

Are there lichens or mosses on the walls?

Is there any mold or mildew on the wall surface?

Are there bird droppings on the walls?

On masonry walls, are there cracks, gaps or holes?

On masonry walls, is mortar loose or easily scraped out?

On masonry walls, are there signs of efflorescence?


On masonry walls, are there signs of spalling (brick face falling off) or

o concrete
o masonry

Are there any cracks visible? (Vertical or diagonal cracks through

masonry units and joints in particularly can signal problems.)

Have any patched cracks re-opened?


Is the foundation wall bulging or bowing?

Is masonry missing, loose, flaking, crumbling or cracking? Is the

mortar loose or crumbling?

Are doors or windows out of square?

Inside, are posts, beams, joists sound?

Inside, are there any signs of leaking? Any musty smell,

efflorescence or peeling paint?

Is the ground properly sloped away from building? Does water
collect excessively in any areas?

Are there any trees or saplings growing near the foundation?

Is vegetation growing on the foundation, causing water infiltration?


o steps and rails

o porches and verandahs
o window bay
o minor roofs
o other:

Are steps level?

If the steps are masonry (concrete or brick), are cracks or

spalling visible?


If the steps are wooden, are there signs of water pooling?
If the building has a porch or verandah, is that feature securely
attached to the main building?

Are there gaps between the porch wall and the main building?

Are there signs of water penetration into a porch or verandah?


Is the roof of a porch or verandah in good shape?

If there is detailed woodwork on a porch or verandah, is it dry

and painted?


o wooden sash ___ number of windows

o aluminum sash
o double-hung
o casement

Are there any missing panes?

Are there any cracks or holes in any panes?

Has putty or caulking cracked or fallen out?

Do windows open and close smoothly? Do they stick due to

excessive paint buildup?

Is there any moisture build-up in the window cavity? Is there

evidence of excessive moisture penetration around the sash or at
the sills on the interior?

Does condensation build up on interior or exterior storm sash during

winter months? (some condensation is normal, but high amounts of
condensation can deteriorate wood quickly)

Are window sash cords broken or missing?

Is the putty around the panes of glass firm and painted? Do the
glass panes fit securely?


Are storm windows available for use during the winter months? Is
so, do they fit tightly?

___ number of doors

Are doors in good alignment?

Are seals intact and effective?


Is paint or protective coating damaged, blistered?

Is hardware (ex: hinges, passage sets) in good working order? Is

the door securely fastened?

Is the door’s threshold rotted?

Date__________ Inspector____________________ Weather Conditions____________________


Check gutters and downspouts for debris; touch up paint.

Inspect exterior walls and roof and flashing for winter and
seasonal storm damage.

Check the foundation walls for cracks. Caulk and patch all
exterior cracks and openings.

Clean the roof and oil wood shingles.

Repair holes and tears in window and door screens and

wash them.

Replace storm windows with screens. Repair storm

windows as necessary and store them for the off-season.

Inspect weatherstripping around doors and windows.

Caulk window trim and door frames if necessary.

Check for efflorescence, fungus and mold in the

crawlspace or basement.


Brick walls may need to be repointed if the mortar joints
between the bricks show gaps or dissolve into sand when
With stucco, small cracks around doors and windows
should be repaired so that moisture doesn’t seep into the
frame of the house.

Do any exterior paint touchups as needed.

Inspect the attic for signs of roof leaks.

Inspect railing and ornamental iron for rust and touch up



Adjust sticking doors.

Tighten and lubricate door knobs, locks and latches.

Have a chimney sweep clean and inspect the chimney.

Clean lint from dryer duct and from the interior of dryer

Check indoor and outdoor vents for blockage and clear

them if necessary.

Change the batteries in your smoke detector (twice a year).

Inspect the grading around the house to be sure water

drains away from the foundation on all sides

Date__________ Inspector____________________ Weather Conditions____________________



Date__________ Inspector____________________ Weather Conditions____________________


Check gutters and downspouts for debris;

touch up paint.

Repair (tuckpoint) mortar joints around

masonry surfaces.

Check for efflorescence, fungus and mold in

the crawlspace or basement.

Inspect the roof. Prepare for and prevent roof

ice dams.

Look for loose shingles, siding, trim or anything

else that could become airborne in a winter

Caulk and patch all exterior cracks and


Caulk window trim and door frames if necessary.

Check the condition of heat duct and water

pipe insulation.

Change the batteries in your smoke detector


(twice a year).

Replace screens with storm windows. Clean

and repair screens as necessary, then store
them for the off-season.
Drain outside hoses and close the shutoff
valves to outside faucets and waterlines.

Check the weather-stripping and caulking on all

windows and doors for damage and tightness of
fit. Replace if you see gaps or cracks.


Date__________ Inspector____________________ Weather Conditions____________________


Check your roof for any ice damming.









PROJECT: ____________________________________________________ DATE: __________________



1 $ $ $

2 $ $ $

3 $ $ $

4 $ $ $

5 $ $ $

6 $ $ $

7 $ $ $

8 $ $ $

9 $ $ $

10 $ $ $


5.5 BUDGET 57

58 5.5 BUDGET















The toolkit checklist provides you with a list of useful tools and gear. For information on
specialized jobs and tools, ask for guidance at your local hardware store or consult a
professional. Often tools – especially expensive or specialized ones – can be rented from your
local home improvement store.

Inpsection Toolkit: Basic Tool Kit:

o binoculars o safety goggles
o flashlight o an 8- or 16-ounce (225-250 grams)
o level claw hammer for installing and
o Swiss army knife or removing nails
small screwdriver o an adjustable wrench for tightening
o clipboard, pen and and loosening bolts
inspection checklist o a screwdriver with assorted tips for
o camera tightening and loosening screws
o shoulder bag o long-nose and slip-joint pliers for
holding or turning things
o raincoat
o retractable-blade utility knife for
cutting softer materials
o 5 metre tape measure
o a carpenter’s level
o putty knife
o caulking gun
o restoration pry bar
o wood chisel
o handsaw
o sandpaper
o paint scraper


Helpful Extras:
o duct, masking, painters and electrical tape
o carpenter’s glue
o cordless drill
o assorted drill bits
o assorted nails and wood screws
o utility vacuum cleaner
o wood epoxy

Here are a few maintenance tips that will make your tools last longer.
• Keep your tool box away from humidity (in a cupboard instead of a basement).
• Keep your tools clean and functional by oiling and sharpening them when necessary.
• Always keep the blades of your cutting tools, such as saws, in a protective guard.


6.2 The Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic
Places in Canada

The Standards
Following are the 14 standards from the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of
Historic Places in Canada. They are intended as general guidelines only.
These are explained more fully in the full document, available online at www.historicplaces.ca.
Hard copies are available upon request from the Historic Resources Branch at 945-2118 in
Winnipeg or toll free: 1-800-282-8069, extension 2118.
1. Conserve the heritage value of a historic place. Do not remove, replace, or substantially alter
its intact or repairable character-defining elements. Do not move a part of a historic place if
its current location is a character-defining element.
2. Conserve changes to a historic place which, over time, have become character-defining
elements in their own right.
3. Conserve heritage value by adopting an approach calling for minimal intervention.
4. Recognize each historic place as a physical record of its time, place and use. Do not create a
false sense of historical development by adding elements from other historic places or other
properties or by combining features of the same property that never coexisted.
5. Find a use for a historic place that requires minimal or no change to its character-defining
6. Protect and, if necessary, stabilize a historic place until any subsequent intervention is
done. Protect and preserve archaeological resources in place. Where there is potential for
disturbance of archaeological resources, take mitigation measures to limit damage and
loss of information.
7. Evaluate the existing condition of character-defining elements to determine the appropriate
intervention needed. Use the gentlest means possible for any intervention. Respect heritage
value when undertaking an intervention.
8. Maintain character-defining elements on an ongoing basis. Repair character-defining
elements by reinforcing their materials using recognized conservation methods. Replace
in-kind any extensively deteriorated or missing parts of character-defining elements, where
there are surviving prototypes.
9. Make any intervention needed to preserve character-defining elements physically and
visually compatible with the historic place, and identifiable upon close inspection. Document
any intervention for future reference.

6.2 The Standards and Guidelines 63

10. Repair rather than replace character-defining elements. Where character-defining
elements are too severely deteriorated to repair, and where sufficient physical evidence
exists, replace them with new elements that match the forms, materials and detailing of
sound versions of the same elements. Where there is insufficient physical evidence, make
the form, material and detailing of the new elements compatible with the character of the
historic place.
11. Conserve the heritage value and character-defining elements when creating any new
additions to a historic place or any related new construction. Make the new work physically
and visually compatible with, subordinate to and distinguishable from the historic place.
12. Create any new additions or related new construction so that the essential form and
integrity of a historic place will not be impaired if the new work is removed in the future.
13. Repair rather than replace character-defining elements from the restoration period. Where
character-defining elements are too severely deteriorated to repair and where sufficient
physical evidence exists, replace them with new elements that match the forms, materials
and detailing of sound versions of the same element.
14. Replace missing features from the restoration period with new features whose forms,
materials and detailing are based on sufficient physical, documentary and/or oral evidence.

64 6.2 The Standards and Guidelines

Following are excerpts from the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic
Places in Canada for protecting and maintaining specific materials. They emphasize
non–destructive methods and daily, seasonal and cyclical tasks such as maintenance.
Protection generally represents the least degree of intervention. For example, protection
includes the maintenance of historic material through treatments such as rust removal, limited
paint removal and the re–application of protective coatings; cyclical pruning, top–dressing
and cleaning of drainage inlets or outlets; or installation of fencing, alarm systems and other
preventive measures. The full document can be found at www.historicplaces.ca.
The guidelines’ approaches to work, treatments and techniques that are consistent with the
Standards for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada are listed in the Recommended
column on the left. Those that are not, appear in the Not-Recommended column on the right.
The guidelines are not meant to give case specific advice or to address exceptions or rare cases.

6.2 The Standards and Guidelines 65


Protecting and maintaining exterior wood Failing to identify, evaluate and treat the causes
elements by preventing water penetration and of exterior wood deterioration, including faulty
by maintaining proper drainage so that water or flashing, leaking gutters, cracks and holes
organic matter is not allowed to stand on flat, in siding, deteriorated caulking in joints and
horizontal surfaces or accumulate in decorative seams, plant material growing too close to wood
features. surfaces, or insect or fungus infestation.
Removing paint that is firmly adhering to and
thus protecting exterior wood surfaces.

Inspecting painted exterior wood surfaces to Stripping paint or other coatings to reveal bare
determine whether repainting is necessary or if wood, thus exposing historically coated surfaces
cleaning is all that is required. to the effects of accelerated weathering.

Retaining coatings such as paint that help Using destructive paint removal methods such
protect the exterior wood from moisture as propane or butane torches, sandblasting
and ultraviolet light. Paint removal should or water–blasting. These methods can
be considered only where there is paint irreversibly damage exterior woodwork or cause
surface deterioration and as part of an overall catastrophic fires.
maintenance program that involves repainting or
applying other protective coatings in kind.

Removing damaged or deteriorated paint to

the next sound layer using the gentlest method
possible (scraping and sanding by hand), then
repainting in kind.

Protecting and maintaining masonry by preventing Failing to evaluate and treat the various causes
water penetration and by maintaining proper of mortar joint deterioration such as leaking
drainage so that water or organic matter does not roofs or gutters, differential settlement of the
stand on flat, horizontal surfaces or accumulate in building, capillary action, failed flashings or
curved decorative features. extreme weather exposure.

Cleaning masonry using recognized preservation Applying water–repellent coatings to stop


methods and only when necessary to halt moisture penetration when the problem
deterioration or remove heavy soiling or graffiti. could be solved by repairing failed flashings,
deteriorated mortar joints or other mechanical

Cleaning masonry surfaces when they are

not heavily soiled in order to create a new
appearance, thus needlessly introducing
chemicals or moisture into the materials.

66 6.2 The Standards and Guidelines

Protecting and maintaining architectural metals Failing to identify, evaluate and treat the causes

from corrosion by preventing water penetration of corrosion such as moisture from leaking roofs
and by maintaining proper drainage so that or gutters.
water or organic matter does not stand on flat,
horizontal surfaces or accumulate in curved, Placing incompatible metals together without
decorative features. providing a reliable separation material. Such
incompatibility can result in galvanic corrosion
of the less noble metal, e.g., copper will corrode
cast iron, steel, tin and aluminum.

Protecting and maintaining a roof by cleaning Failing to replace deteriorated flashing or to

and maintaining the gutters and downspouts clean and maintain gutters and downspouts
and replacing deteriorated flashing in kind. Roof properly so that water and debris collect and
sheathing should also be checked for proper cause damage to roof fasteners, sheathing and
venting to prevent moisture condensation and the underlying structure.
water penetration; and to ensure that materials

are free from insect infestation.

Providing adequate anchorage for roofing Allowing roof fasteners such as nails and clips
material to guard against wind damage and to corrode so that roofing material is subject to
moisture penetration. accelerated deterioration.

Protecting and maintaining the wood and Failing to provide adequate protection of
architectural metals that comprise the window materials on a cyclical basis, which results in
frames, sashes, muntins and surrounds through deterioration of the window.
appropriate surface treatments such as cleaning,
rust removal, limited paint removal and re–

application of protective coating systems in kind.

Making windows weathertight by re–puttying

and replacing or installing weatherstripping. Retrofitting or replacing windows rather than
These actions also improve thermal efficiency maintaining the sash, frame and glazing.
(see also section 4 ENERGY EFFICIENCY

Identifying the historic place’s heritage value Undertaking energy efficiency modifications
and character-defining elements (materials, before identifying the elements that define the
forms, location, spatial configurations, uses overall heritage value of the historic place.
and cultural associations or meanings) so that
energy efficiency modifica­tions will not damage
or eliminate them.

Complying with energy efficiency objectives so Damaging or destroying character-defining

that character-defining elements are conserved elements, or undermining the heritage value
and the heritage value is maintained. while modifying a historic place to comply
with energy efficiency objectives.

Working with energy efficiency and conservation Making changes to historic places without first
specialists to determine the most appropriate exploring equivalent energy efficiency systems,
solution to energy conservation problems to methods or devices that may be less damaging
minimize the impact on character-defining to character-defining elements and heritage
elements and the overall heritage value. value.

6.2 The Standards and Guidelines 67

Some projects require professional assistance to guide you through the conservation process.
Hiring an architect to plan the work and a contractor to execute the plans eliminates many
of the pitfalls and risks associated with heritage building renovations. Professionals have the
experience to save you money in the long term by identifying the priorities and providing the
best solutions for your particular situation.

Define the Scope of Work

When making maintenance or repair decisions, ensure you are not removing or altering any
significant heritage characteristics. Any alteration should be reversible and make as little an
impact on the building as possible. Any alterations should be done to protect buildings from
deterioration, and ensure their long-term viability and the safety of users. The Statement of
Significance, as well as archival images of your building can aid you in making decisions that
respect its heritage value.
The following questions may help you determine the building’s future viability.
• Can you maintain the original function of the building (the preferred option)?
• If you can’t maintain the original function, can you introduce a new function that would
have the minimum impact on the building’s original character (room layouts, finishes, etc.)?
• Is the proposed re-use a reasonable, economically viable option?
• Is the use one which will ensure the building is well used and well maintained over the
long term?
• If the new use requires visitation for its success, either from tourists or customers, is the
building in an advantageous location? Is it in or near an urban centre? If not, can you make
the public aware of the building’s existence and location?
• Have you done a complete inspection of the building to identify all necessary work to
prolong its life?
• Have there been major interior or exterior alterations to the building (additions or removals)
that adversely affect its original character? Can they be reversed as part of this project?
• Does your proposed project remove or replace any original features? Are there ways to
repair those features instead?
• Have you considered the gentlest means of treatment?
• Will your new work be clearly distinguishable from the original features?
• Is the new work appropriate and respectful of the original building (ex: accurate colours
and features?)
• Does the work repair an ongoing issue, or will the situation arise again (ex: water damage,
shifting foundation, etc)?
• Are your repairs reversible and easily maintainable?
• Does your building meet current building code?


• How much will the renovation and repair work cost?
• Can you afford those costs, or will they be recouped in the new business venture?
• If you cannot afford these costs, have you investigated other funding sources?
• Does your proposal include plans for ongoing maintenance?
• Have you recorded the condition and materials of the original building?

Selecting a Contractor
Finding a qualified and reliable contractor can be difficult, especially in smaller communities.
Try some of the following suggestions to select the right person for the job:
o ask for recommendations from friends, relatives, co-workers, and at your local building
supply store
o consult professional organizations
o phone the Better Business Bureau for any records of complaints
o check the phone book
o talk to the Historic Resources Branch or your local Culture, Heritage, Tourism and Sport
Regional Office
If possible, try to get two to four contractors to bid on the work.

Questions for Prospective Contractors

• Does the contractor have extensive experience with heritage buildings or does he/she
specialize in new construction?
• Does the contractor carry Workmen’s Compensation and general liability insurance? What
are the limits? Can you be named “additionally insured”?
• Can the candidate supply a list of at least three references for you to call or previous work
sites you can visit to evaluate the quality of his/her work?
• Does the contractor have a license?
• How long has the contractor been in business?
• Is the candidate willing to supply credit references from suppliers, such as lumber
stores, sheetrock vendors, and others so that you can be confident that he/she is
financially solvent?
• Is the contractor comfortable working with architectural drawings and partnering with
• Is your contractor skilled at getting your project through the permitting process?
• Will the contractor be able to adapt the draw schedule that your lender may dictate?
• When will the contractor be able to start your project? How long does he expect your project
to take?
• How many other projects does your contractor have in progress? How often does he/she
expect to be on site at your project?


Questions for Prospective Architects
• Is the architect familiar with the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic
Places in Canada?
• Does the architect have experience designing for old buildings? Or does he/she prefer to
work on new construction?
• What services does the architect offer? A full range of services include schematic design,
working drawings, specification of materials, bidding and negotiations with contractors,
and supervision of the construction phase. If you wish to work with the architect on just the
preliminary phases of the process, will the architect agree to such an arrangement? The
scope of the project may determine the extent of services you’ll need an architect to provide.
• Is the architect knowledgeable about the requirements of the municipal departments?
• Does the architect charge based on a percentage of the construction costs, on an hourly
basis, a flat fee, or a combination?
• Is the architect able to show you a portfolio of his or her work and supply references you
can talk to?
• When will the architect be able to start work on the project? How long will the various
phases take?



Drafts • Review the Windows and Doors section of this manual.

• Check windows and doors for drafts; these may be caulked
to improve energy efficiency.
• Inspect weatherstripping, which needs to be replaced
• Check insulation.

Cracks – foundation • Review the Foundation section of this manual.

Hairline cracks are generally not a • Regularly inspect the cracks to observe changes in length
problem, unless water is leaking in or width. Record changes, both written observations and
through them. However, large cracks with photos.
or bulges need to be watched, and in • Consult a structural engineer for assistance.
some cases should be examined by a
structural engineer. • Ensure the grading around the foundation is sufficient to
take water away from the building.
• Maintain minimal heat in the basement to prevent shifting.

Cracks or gaps – exterior cladding • Review the Exterior Walls section of this manual.
Minor cracks or gaps may not be a • Regularly inspect the cracks to observe changes in length
problem if the siding continues to shed or width. Record changes, both written observations and
water. Similarly, hairline cracks in stucco with photos.
or the mortar between bricks or stones • Consult a structural engineer for assistance.
are common and not generally a cause
for concern. Larger cracks, or cracks
causing leaks, deserve attention.

Doors or windows jamming, rubbing or • Review the Windows and Doors section of this manual.
refusing to close
• Examine foundation for major shifting.
Changes in humidity can affect wooden
doors. Shifts in the foundation may
also cause doors or windows to be “out
of square.”

Basement leaks • Review Foundation, Exterior Walls, Gutters and Downspouts

and Site Drainage sections of this manual.
Many things can cause a basement
to leak. To prevent structural or other • Install backwater value and sump pit drainage system.
damage, address the problem quickly. • Check and maintain the drainage system regularly.
• Ensure the gutters and downspouts are free of debris and
take the water well away from the building.
• Use a clay-based soil any time soil is replaced around the

Roof leaks • Review Roofing section of this manual.
Many things can cause a roof to leak, • Inspect roof regularly with binoculars and record any changes.
including damage to roofing materials
or flashing, deterioration of caulking or • To prevent future leaks and solve current ones, check the
ice dams. slope of the roof make sure water is not pooling.
• Replace any missing shingles promptly.

Roof damage • Review Roofing section of this manual.

A severe wind storm can tear shingles • Inspect roof after any major storms for damage. Record and
loose, even from a new roof. Over the repair immediately if necessary.
years, roofing material will age and
deteriorate. • For cedar shingle roofs, replace missing or damaged
shingles using Grade 1 western red cedar shingles.

Deteriorated mortar • Review the Exterior Walls section of this manual.

• Inspect the mortar and identify why the mortar has
• Repaint as necessary, ensuring consistency of colour, texture
and style (which may require the services of a professional
– see Hiring a Professional section of this manual)

Exterior dirt • Review the Exterior Walls section of this manual.

• Decide whether cleaning is necessary, as it may be more
damaging to the historic fabric than it’s worth.

Peeling paint • Review the Exterior Walls section of this manual.

TIP: It’s best to paint in dry weather • Before repainting, diagnose the cause of the problem to
with temperatures between 15 and 25 determine if repair is required before repainting.
degrees Celsius for at least 10 hours.
• Remove flaking paint and repaint.
• Record the paint type, brand and product, and stockpile two
unopened gallons for future spot paint maintenance needs.

This resource list in not intended to be exhaustive, and is only a list of some of the sources that
may be useful to the users of this manual.  New sources are continually being developed, so
this list is only a starting point for developing your maintenance strategy.

National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. Preservation Briefs, 2007.
National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. Online Education, 2007.
Sears. Manage My Home, 2007. www.managemyhome.ca/index_b.asp
Old House Journal, 2007. www.oldhousejournal.com
This Old House, 2007. www.thisoldhouse.com
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 2007. www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca
Manitoba Historical Society. Online Forum, 2008. www.mhs.mb.ca/forum

Carey, James and Morris Carey. Home Maintenance for Dummies. For Dummies. New York, 2000.
Fram, Mark. Well-Preserved: The Ontario Heritage Foundation’s Manual of Principles and
Practice for Architectural Conservation. Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited, Toronto, 1992.
Leeke, John. Managing Maintenance for Older and Historic Buildings. Historic HomeWorks,
Portland, ME, 1996.
Leeke, John. Save Your Wood Windows. Historic HomeWorks, Portland, ME, 2000-2004.
London, Mark. Masonry: How to Care for Old and Historic Brick and Stone. The Preservation
Press, Washington, D.C., 1988.
Nash, George. Renovating Old Houses. Taunton Press, Newtown, CT, 1996.
Ramsey, Dan and the Fit-It Club. The Home Owner’s Manual. Quirk Books, Philadelphia, PA, 2006.
Weaver, Martin E. Conserving Building: A Manual of Techniques and Materials. John Wiley &
Sons, Inc., New York, 1997.
Parks Canada. Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2003.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation. Home Care: A Guide to Repair and Maintenance.
CMHC, Canada, 2003.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Homeowner’s Manual. CMHC, Canada, 2006.
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Homeowner’s Inspection Checklist. CMHC,
Canada, 2000.
Heritage Preservation and National Parks Service. Caring for Your Historic House. Harry N.
Abrams, Inc., New York, 1998.




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