THE Smart School Notes
THE Smart School Notes
THE Smart School Notes
Words Meanings
Man of Upright
Armour/ Armor
Write the following stanzas with reference to the context.
Stanza No.1:-
Whose guiltless heart is free,
From all dishonest deeds,
Or thoughts of vanity.
Reference These lines have been taken from the poem "The man of life upright" by Thomas
CONTEXT: A noble man leads a very perfect and honest life. He is honest and straight forward.
He deals in honest and just way. There is no guilt in his heart. There is not a slightest touch of
vanity in him. He believes in simplicity.
Explanation In this stanza the poet says that a man who leads a contented life in this world has a
heart which is free from sins. He is honest and outspoken. He does not fell proud. He believes
that only honest thoughts will keep him safe. His life is simple and does not like evil things. He
leads a peaceful life.
The man whose silent days ;
In harmless joys are spent
Whom hopes cannot delude ;
Nor sorrow discontent.
Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem "The man of life upright" by Thomas
Context: A noble man passes a peaceful life with no harms. He believes in honest means and is
satisfied with the simple delights of life. He does not think beyond his means. Thus the hopes
cannot betray him and the sorrows cannot discontent him. He believes in small sorrows and
small joys
Explanation: In these lines the poet says that a man who leads a happy and contented life,
spends his days quietly in this world. He enjoys life without causing any trouble to others. He
does not disturb the happiness of his fellow beings. Useless hopes cannot deceive him and
worldly sorrows do not disturb the mind. He is always happy and leads a contented life.
Reference: These lines have been taken from the poem "The man of life upright" by Thomas
Context: A noble man has no lust of money. He does not dream of palaces. He does not need
any weapon for protection. He does not need underground rooms to take refuge from the troubles
of sky. He has the fear of God and so the has no other fear. He does not believe in protective
Explanation: In these lines the poet says that a man leading an honest and pious life in this
world lives fearlessly. He is not afraid of anyone. He does not he does not builds high towers to
protect himself from enemies because he has no enmity with anyone. He does not need weapons
to keep himself safe from his enemies; he does not need underground cellars to hide from the
calamities of nature, like thunderstorms. He lives a peaceful life. He believes that God will
protect him from all troubles.
Explanation: In these lines the poet says that a man of good character leads a calm and quiet life
and does not cause problem for others. He believes that only honest thoughts will protect him
from troubles. He does not care about the worldly comforts because he knows that his stay in this
world is temporary. He therefore lives in this world like a pilgrim. Who has only one aim in life,
which is only to worship God
The poem The Man of Life Upright,carries profound thoughts and feelings of the poet
Thomas Campion. The poem offers the concept of an ideal personality, leading a highly
disciplined and controlled life. According to the poet, the pure and innocent heart of an upright
man is free from evil ideas and intentions. He passes his life in simple happiness. He has perfect
control over his wishes and emotions. As a result, worldly loss and problems fail to disturb him.
He is confident and brave. He does not count on power or material resources. In a battle he
depends upon God and seeks help from him. He does not have strong forts, weapons of war or
secret cellars for his safety. An upright man faces natural calamities such as stormy winds, heavy
rains and tempest, calmly and courageously. His faith in God remains firm and unshaken.
Further the poet says that an upright man shows complete indifference to the happy and
unhappy events of Life. He is aware of that all wordly things and events are temporary and
worthless. He seeks knowledge from the heavenly books and study of the objects of Nature adds
to his wisdom and refines his intellect.
Campion says that the main of upright life considers the world a place for brief stay. It no
more than an inn,without any glamour or charm. He believes that his good deeds are his only
assets and earning. When called upon by God, he will have to embark on the journey to the next
and eternal world.
Answer The following questions.
Unite 11
Sports And Health
Words & Meanings.
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Maintain hardships
Abilities Chin up
Capabilities Thrill
Self-Confidence Spectators
Ensure Engrossed
Physique Vigor
Endure Instinct
Stamina Endurance
Rivalry Excelled
Answer the Following questions.
Unit 13
Words Meanings
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Perches abash
gale extremity
sore crumb
Summary of the poem
“Hope is the thing with feathers” is a short ballad about hope and its role in human life.
Here Emily Dickinson introduces hope as “the thing with feathers which perches in the
soul. As with many of her poems, Emily Dickinson takes an abstract feeling or idea. In this
case she likens hope to something physical, visible, and tangible. Singing bird as a symbol of
Hope, sings its wordless tune and never stops singing it, nothing can faze it. In other words
hope does not communicate by ‘speaking’ to us in a conventional sense: it is a feeling that
cheers us even in dark times of despair. Indeed, hope is sweetest of all when the ‘Gale’ is
busy raging: during turbulent or troubled times, but hope is still there for us. And hope can
withstand just about anything: even in times of cold comfort or in foreign or unfamiliar
climes hope remains. And hope never asks for anything from us in return. It provides comfort
and solace but does not require anything back.
Ans) Hope symbolizes with a free and courageous bird which sings without any fear no
matter what the situations are but the bird sings with its great pace.
Ans) When we are in massive problems such as storm or other havoc which cause
decimation at such disastrous situations hope provides great comfort and ease.
Letter Writing
Write a letter to your father asking him to send you some moneny.
Examination Hall
City A.B.C
17 September 2019
My dear father,
I received your kind letter few days ago. I was busy in my annual examination. The result
has been declared you will be glad to know that I have passed the examination with good marks.
Now I need new books for next class. I also need exercise books and new uniform. Kindly send
me Rs.12000- to meet all these requirements.
Hope you will send me the amount early so that I may not miss my lesson.
Pay my respects to all at home and love to my siblings.
Your loving son,
Wasif Noor
Write a letter to your father informing him about your progress in studies.
Examination Hall
City A.B.C
17 September 2019
My dear father,
I received your kind letter day before yesterday. I was pleased to know that everything is O.K at
home. You have asked me about my progress in studies. You will be glad to know that my mid-term
examination was held last month. I have got its result only yesterday. I have secured 70% marks in all my
subjects. Though I was hoping more marks, owing to my health problem I could not do so.I have started
working hard for next test. I hope I will get 80+ in it. My teachers are also helping us in our studies.
With love and best wishes
Your loving son,
Wasif Noor
Write a letter to your friend inviting him to spend the summer vacations with you.
Examination Hall
City A.B.C
17 September 2019
Dear Friend,
I am well here and hopping the same for you. As you know that our vacations has started.
I’ve written this letter to invite you to spend your vacations with me in Quetta. It will be a great
pleasure for me. We shall be visiting different places in Quetta in which includes Hanna Lake,
Liquat Park, Ziyarat and many other such places. I assure you that this will be an enjoyable
experience for you.
I hope you will think over my request. Give my wishes to your parents.
Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for sending you a gift of camera.
Examination Hall
City A.B.C
17 September 2019
My dear Uncle,
I received your letter along with the valuable gift of wrist watch yesterday which you sent me on
my birthday. The watch is very beautiful and precious one. It delighted me and reflects the love you
have for me. I shall keep it with great care. It will always remind me of your great affection. It will help
me to become regular and punctual in my studies. I am grateful to you for sending me such a beautiful
Pay my regards to great aunt and little Wali.
Yours affectionately
Syed Waleed
Application Writing
The principal
Government High School
Respected sir,
Most humbly and respectfully I beg to say that I am suffering from high fever since last
night. There for I am unable to attend my classes from 2nd September to 4th September . Kindly
grant me leave for two days.
I shall be very grateful for your kind acts.
Yours faithfully
Roll no 1221
The principal
Government High School
Respected Sir,
Most respectfully it is to bring in your kind information that my father is a government
employee with meager income. We have a joint family. Being the sole earner of the family it is
impossible for my father to meet the expenses of the family. Therefore I am unable to pay my
fees. It is my humble request to you kindly grant me full fee concession so that I may be able to
continue my studies without any hindrance. Your quick response will be a source of relief for
I shall be very grateful to you.
Yours faithfully
Roll no 1221
Application for school leaving certificate
The principal
Government High School
Respected Sir,
With due respect I beg to say that I am studying in class 9th. My father has been
transferred to Islamabad. All family is shifting there as father cannot leave us here. I am also
moving with the family. Therefore I may kindly be granted school leaving certificate,so that I
may continue my studies there.
I shall be thankful to you.
Yours faithfully
Roll no 1221