Affidavit of Undertaking: I, - , of Legal Age, - , Filipino, and Resident of Davao City
Affidavit of Undertaking: I, - , of Legal Age, - , Filipino, and Resident of Davao City
Affidavit of Undertaking: I, - , of Legal Age, - , Filipino, and Resident of Davao City
3. In said Authority to Sell, the negotiable selling price of said property is set at
_________________________. However, I agree and undertake to only receive the
amount of __________________________. Thus, should my property be sold by
said persons higher than______________________, they shall be entitled to receive
the excess thereof. I further undertake to give to them the said excess amount;
4. The said excess amount, should there be, is separate and in addition to the 5%
agent’s commission, both of which are payable upon execution of the Deed of Sale
or Contract to Sell;
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ___ day of November 2019, above-named
persons exhibited to the foregoing identification cards.
Doc. No._______
Page No. _______
Book No._______
Series of 2019.