IMT Assignments For All Subjects

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IMT Assignments For All Subjects

MKTC 522

Subgroups of people or markets having similar product needs


market place

market segment

market firm

Systematic evaluation of objectives strategies structure and performance is called

marketing audit

annual audit

accounting audit

external audit

The foundation of any marketing plan is the firms


mission statement



form of distribution aimed at covering selective markets

exclusive distribution

integrated distribution

selective distribution

intensive distribution

gauging the extent to which marketing objectives have been achieved in a particular period




constant preference of one brand over others is

brand equity

global brand

brand identity

brand loyalty

governs all corporate bodies

foreign trade development act

environment protection act

companies act 1956


unprocessed extractive or agriculture products are called




raw materials

process of dividing markets into identifiable groups is called


market segmentation

market service

market data

someone’s recommendation for new restaurant is called

internal stimuli

external stimuli

future markets

refers to value of company and brand names

brand equity

global brand

brand loyalty

brand identity

aggressive advertisements and price discounts to customers is called

market mix

market planning

market penetration

market place

researcher selects sample based on personal judgement

judgement sampling

convience sampling

systemic sample

cluster sample

marketing of goods and services to organisations is

consumer marketing

service marketing

business marketing

consumer protection

business customers who consider numerous bids before selection




increased standards of living are a function of increased

musule power

bargaining power

purchasing power

horse power

people in a business house involved in purchase decision

buying centre

business house

business place

business service

Delivering a product of management in an orientation





business mission statements stated narrowly suffer from

marketing myopia

marketing mix

target market

market plan

persons or firms providing goods and services to organisations are called




facilate the exchange of ownership between sellers and buyers




whole sellers

individualized attention to customers is





provides a frame work for seeking environmental clearance

competition act

companies act

patents act

environment protection act

concrete symbol of the service offering

tangible cue

information source

post purchase message


a characteristic that can be assessed after use

credence quality
experience quality

no quality

search quality

one that cannot be copied by the competition


Experience Curve

competitive advantage


marketing several products wider same brand is

brand equity

private brand

brand loyalty

family brand

decision amount of time and effort buyers invest in evaluation of purchase





Demand forecasting helps in the

no markets

future markets

past markets

present markets

the person who first suggests making a purchase



IMTC 632

Set – 1

SOP Stands For

Standard Operating Program

Standard Operating Procedure.

Standard Operations Procedure

Standard Operating Policy

ISO 14001 is a Set of standards adopted by thousands of firms worldwide to certify that they are

Conducting 'Green' business practices

Observing all environmental laws

Conducting business in an environment friendly manner

Doing eco-friendly business

In “Dialectical Enquiry” Approach Requires

One Proposal With Two Assumptions

Two Proposals With Different Assumptions

One Proposal With Different Assumptions

Many Proposals With Different Assumptions

Which Industry Force Might Cause Propitious Niche To Disappear





An Entry Barrier is

An Obstruction That Makes It Difficult For A Company To Enter An Industry

Physical Barrier

Entry Fee Is High.

Initial Investment Is High

The 3rd Phase Of Evolvement Of Strategic Management Was

Financial Planning

Externally Oriented Strategic Planning

Forecast Based Planning

Long Term Planning

Conglomerate Structure Is Appropriate For


Multiple Product Firm

Firm With Many Divisions

Large Firm With Many Product Lines In Several Unrelated Industries

Follow The Leader' Is A Strategy To

Follow The Rival

Imitate The Leader

Follow The Market Leader

Virtual Meetings Have Enabled Firms To

Cut Travel Budget

Increase Speed

Reduce Staff

Save Time

In Hyper competition Can Competitive Advantage Be Sustained?

In Few Cases


May Be

Whistle-blowing refers to policies that require employees to

Report defects in product

Unethical violations

Report workplace romance

Report indiscipline

What Is Hyper competition

Competition In High Investment Industry

Competition In FMCG Industry

An Industry In Which Uncertainty Of Environment Makes Competitive Advantage Only Temporary

Cut-Throat Competition

A Multidomestic Industry is a Collection of Domestic Industries Like




Retailing & Insurance

In Rumelt's Consonance criteria for evaluating strategies there is need for

Matching various objectives

Examining external & internal factors

Examining set of trends as well individual trends

Matching various strategies

Porter's Two Generic Competitive Strategies are of

Acquisition & Merger

Product & Differentiation

Cost & Differentiation

Cost & Diversification

Corporate Strategy Deals With Three Key Issues

Product, Price & Promotion

Business, Functions & Sales

Direction, Portfolio & Parenting

Portfolio, Market & Distribution

The Sixth Force In Porter 's Model Is



Variety of Stakeholders Group


Who is COO?

Chief Operations Officer.

Chief Operating Officer

Chief Operating Office

Central Operating Officer

Ethical Responsibility Means

Should Do

Might Do

Have To Do.

Must Do

Who Are Corporate Stakeholders

Anybody Who Is Affected By The Achievement Of Objectives Of The Firm




Constant dollars are dollars adjusted for

Adjusted for consumer price index

Adjusted for inflation



TQM is an operational philosophy that stresses commitment to

Customer Satisfaction through Six-Sigma Program

Customer Satisfaction with Continuous Improvement

Customer Satisfaction with Quality Control

Customer Satisfaction with Quality Circles Teams

Timing Tactics Means

Duration Of Strategy

When To Implement Strategy

Starting Time Of New Strategy

Time To End Old Strategy

Strategic Management Is That Set Of Managerial Decisions & Actions By Which A Firm

That Determines Long term Performance of a Firm

Appoints New CEO

Makes Future Plans

Makes Profit.

The index of sustainable growth indicates how much of the growth rate of sales can be sustained by

Net cash



Internally generated funds

Number Of Stages In Corporate Development Are

Competitive Scope Is Of Two Types

Broad & Slim

Wide & Narrow

Small & Large

Broad & Narrow

In financial analysis adjusting for inflation is

on case to case basis

Insignificant factor

Depends on state of economy

Significant factor
A Tactic Is A

Action Plan

Short Term Strategy

Specific Operating Plan Detailing How A Strategy Is To Be Put Into Action.

How To Deal With Actual Problems

Common-size statements are income statements & balance sheets in which the dollar figures have been
converted into

A common denominator




Set – 2

Network Structure Is Sometimes Called

Modular Structure

Virtual Organisation

Ce11ular Structure

Matrix Organisation

In Hyper competition Can Competitive Advantage Be Sustained?

May Be


In Few Cases

Competency Is

Cross Functional Integration & Coordination Of Capabilities

Integration Of Activities
Collection Of Activities That A Firm Do Exceedingly Well.

Ability To Work Efficiently

The GDP is used worldwide to measure total output of a firm

From within a country's borders

From one SBU

From all its units worldwide

From within a continent

Slow-Cycle Resources Are Those Which Are

Value , Rareness, imitability, Organisation

Value , Rareness, imitability, Organisation

Value , Rareness, Imitability, Organisation

Value , Rareness, imitability, Organisation

Liquidation Means

Liquidity Ratios

Selling Of A Firm

Cash Liquidity

Piecemeal Sale of the Firm's entire Asset

In Rumelt 's Consonance criteria for evaluating strategies there is need for

Examining set of trends as well individual trends

Examining external & internal factors

Matching various objectives

Matching various strategies

Marketing Mix Variables Are

Product, Place, Price, Priority

Product, Place, Promotion, Price

Money, Material, Men, Machine

Product, Price, Promotion, Profit

Constant dollars are dollars adjusted for

Adjusted for inflation

Adjusted for consumer price index



First Mover Generally Focusses On





What Is Performance?

Actual Outcome

Ability to Work

Way A Firm Works.

Set of Activities

Conglomerate Structure Is Appropriate For


Large Firm With Many Product Lines In Several Unrelated Industries

Multiple Product Firm

Finn With Many Divisions

A bribe is defined as

Coercing some body for some undue favour

A gift bestowed to influence a recipient's conduct

Gifting valuables for some undue favour

Offering money for some undue favour

Virtual Teams Are

Real Teams With Virtual Abilities

Groups Of Employees Using Video Conferencing

Groups Of Geographically Dispersed Coworkers Assembled Through Telecommunications & Information


Artificially Intelligent Teams

TQM is an operational philosophy that stresses commitment to

Customer Satisfaction with Quality Control

Customer Satisfaction through Six-Sigma Program

Customer Satisfaction with Continuous Improvement

Customer Satisfaction with Quality Circles Teams

Demographic trends are which part of Societal Environment





An Entry Barrier Is

Entry Fee Is High.

Initial Investment Is High

An Obstruction That Makes It Difficult For A Company To Enter An Industry

Physical Barrier

A firm following a Concentration Strategy would like a CEO to be

Cautious Profit Planner

Dynamic Industry Expert

Analytical Portfolio Manager

Professional Liquidator

A Tactic Is A

Action Plan

Short Term Strategy

How To Deal With Actual Problems

Specific Operating Plan Detailing How A Strategy Is To Be Put Into Action.

Rumelt 's Feasibility criteria for evaluating strategies means

Without overburdening resources

Within its capabilities

Neither over tax resources nor create unsolvable sub problems

Not judging on past performance

The 3rd Phase Of Evolvement Of Strategic Management Was

Externally Oriented Strategic Planning

Financial Planning

Forecast Based Planning

Long Term Planning

In “Dialectical Enquiry” Approach Requires

One Proposal With Two Assumptions

Two Proposals With Different Assumptions

One Proposal With Different Assumptions

Many Proposals With Different Assumptions

In Altman 's bankruptcy formula a score of 1.5 indicates that the firm is

Moving towards healthy firm

Moving towards profit making

Moving no where

Moving towards bankruptcy

Corporate Strategy Deals With Three Key Issues

Product, Price & Promotion

Business, Functions & Sales

Direction, Portfolio & Parenting

Portfolio, Market & Distribution

Business ethics can be defined as principles of conduct within firms that guide

Decision making & behavior

Decision making & profit

Vision & mission

Strategy & tactics

Guerrilla Warfare Tactic Means

Hide & Attack

Hit & Hide

Hit & Run

Bypass Attack

The Average Size Of The Board Is

9 to 12

5 to 8

10 to 16

3 to 5

Reengineering Is The

Radical Redesign Of Its Business Processes

Renewing Technology
Radical Redesign Of Its Structure

Transfer Of Technology

MBO is a Firm- Wide approach of linking

Individual objectives with individual behaviour

Organisational objectives with functional behaviour

Organisational objectives with organisational behaviour

Organisational objectives with individual behaviour

According to Porter, A Corporation Is Most Concerned With




Intensity Of Competition.

OPMC 632

Set – 1
Difficult performance management conversations focus on three main objectives. Choose the item that
does not belong.

To protect the employees’ rights

To correct performance, not to punish the performer

To project manpower needs for the coming year

To protect you and the organization

Which of the following is an example of a key performance indicator:

Day's cash on hand

All of the above

Operating income

Lead time to fill customer orders

Which of the following product promotional activities would probably help make the supply chain more

An "everyday" low price strategy where prices are not dependent on quantity delivered with a specific

Special packaging for a specific event that occurs one time each year

All of the above

Price promotions that expire on a specific date

A company that can offer on-site repair in only 1 or 2 hours is an example of a company that is
competing on competitive dimension.

Process quality

Delivery speed

Delivery reliability

A breakeven point indicates which of the following:

The point where we are most efficient

The point where cost is minimized

The point where we are indifferent between two options

The point where profit is maximized

A clear hierarchy of objectives in the project definition would NOT normally contain:

Success criteria

Control mechanisms

An End result

The purpose

All of the following statements concerning the characteristics of aggregate planning for services is true

most services cannot be inventoried

labor is the most constraining resource

capacity is easy to predict

demand is difficult to predict

Supply-chain strategy concepts are applicable to what types of companies?



All of the above


The operating system that runs their assembly lines all the time

Handle the products in batch mode

Continuous-Flow operations system

Each team experts process the products

Job production
Income protection programmes include:

medical insurance

all of the above.

pension plans.

social security.

The activities of the operations managers include

Laying out the production facility

Choosing a process for producing the company’s goods or services

Selecting a production site

All of the above

Which of the following statement is NOT true about Class A,B and C items?

Class A items are those 20% of high usage items, which generally account for 80% of total usage value.

Class B items typically account for 40% of total value and 30% of the items.

Pareto's law states that typically 20% of stocked items account for 80% of value.

Class C items usually comprise 50% of total items, but only I 0% of the total value.

A national distribution centre for soft drinks is most likely to use which form of inventory?

Buffet inventory

Cycle inventory

Pipeline inventory

Anticipation inventory

Which of the following statements is not true about operations strategy?

Operations strategy is concerned with setting broad policies and plans for using the resources of the
firm to best support the firm's long-term competitive strategy.

Operations strategy involves a long-term process that must foster inevitable change.

An operations strategy involves decisions that relate to the design of a product and the infrastructure
needed to support the product.
Operations strategy can be viewed as part of planning process that coordinates operational goals with
those of the larger organization .

The type of processing structure that is used for producing discrete products at higher volume is:

Job Shop



Assembly Line

Which one is a continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing performance in

organisations by linking each individual’s performance and objectives to the organisation’s overall
mission and goals.

Reward system

Strategic planning

Performance management

Performance appraisal

Operations Managers

Do the financial planning for the company

Make sure that products are produced efficiently, that products and services are marketed to maximize
sales, and that the company is earning profit

Are responsible for developing the IT operations of the company

Are responsible for marketing the products

Projects with high levels of complexity are likely to be especially difficult to define and set realistic
objectives for.



The Critical Path is an activity (or series of activities) that if delayed will delay the whole project.


The term "assurance " in operations strategy reflects





Which of the following is not an alternative identified in the service-system design matrix?

Face-to-face loose specs

Phone contact

Mail contact

All of the above are identified

Projects are usually in high-volume, low-variety operations.



An operating system consists of

The processes and activities associated with HR

The processes and activities needed to operate the equipment’s

The processes and activities needed to market the products

The processes and activities needed to produce goods or services

The type of processing structure that is used to produce gasoline, chemicals, and steel is:

Job Shop


Assembly Line

Continuous Flow
Who developed the value Matrix


Martinez & Bititci



Which of the following aggregate planning techniques guarantees an optimal solution?

management coefficients model

trial and error with a spreadsheet

linear programming

search decision rule

Which of the following costs decrease as the order size is increased?

Obsolescence costs

Working capital costs

Storage costs

Price discount costs

Which Quality Guru advocated that senior management is responsible for 94% of quality problems?





An example of a business/industry that uses batch flow process structure is:

Automobile assembly

French restaurant

Commercial printer

Heavy equipment
Which one refers to service encounters whose specifications must be developed through some
interaction between the customer and the server.

Mail contact

Phone contact

Face-to-Face total customization

Face-to-face tight specs

Set – 2

The Critical Path is an activity (or series of activities) that if delayed will delay the whole project.



Which of the following is beyond the operations strategy




Core Competence

Testing is an example of:

Appraisal costs

Prevention costs

External failure costs

Internal failure costs

The operating system that runs their assembly lines all the time
Handle the products in batch mode

Each team experts process the products

Job production

Continuous-Flow operations system

Which Quality Guru advocated that senior management is responsible for 94% of quality problems?





A Gantt chart is used to show a project timeline diagrammatically .



The major decision variables in equipment selection are:


Both A and B

Labor requirements


Which of the following statement is NOT true about Class A,B and C items?

Class A items are those 20% of high usage items, which generally account for 80% of total usage value.

Class B items typically account for 40% of total value and 30% of the items.

Pareto's law states that typically 20% of stocked items account for 80% of value.

Class C items usually comprise 50% of total items, but only I 0% of the total value.

The ability to master new technologies, design and introduce new products is an example of.

Systems-based capabilities

Process-based capabilities
Coordination based capabilities

Organization-based capabilities

The item in the list below that is not a major competitive dimension that forms the competitive position
of a company is:


delivery speed

product quality and reliability

coping with changes in supply

A company that can offer on-site repair in only 1 or 2 hours is an example of a company that is
competing on _____ competitive dimension.


Delivery reliability

Process quality

Delivery speed

The main argument against the just-in-time approach lies in the very conditions it seeks to promote,
namely the insulation of stages in the process.



An operating system consists of

The processes and activities needed to market the products

The processes and activities needed to operate the equipment’s

The processes and activities needed to produce goods or services

The processes and activities associated with HR

When a company seeks to match the benefits of a successful competitor position while maintaining its
existing competitive position is called:

Fair competitive response

Strategic fitting

Activity-system mapping

The term "assurance " in operations strategy reflects





Which of the following product promotional activities would probably help make the supply chain more

An "everyday" low price strategy where prices are not dependent on quantity delivered with a specific

All of the above

Price promotions that expire on a specific date

Special packaging for a specific event that occurs one time each year

Which of the following is not an alternative identified in the service-system design matrix?

Phone contact

Face-to-face loose specs

Mail contact

All of the above are identified

Which one refers to service encounters whose specifications must be developed through some
interaction between the customer and the server.

Phone contact

Face-to-face tight specs

Face-to-Face total customization

Mail contact

Income protection programmes include:

medical insurance
all of the above.

social security.

pension plans.

Operations Managers

Do the financial planning for the company

Are responsible for marketing the products

Make sure that products are produced efficiently, that products and services are marketed to maximize
sales, and that the company is earning profit

Are responsible for developing the IT operations of the company

All of the following statements concerning the characteristics of aggregate planning for services is true

capacity is easy to predict

most services cannot be inventoried

labor is the most constraining resource

demand is difficult to predict

A critical path network diagram does NOT:

Calculate earned value.

Identify the particularly important activities.

Calculate the duration of the whole project

Help determine the amount of float

What is the purpose of Operations Strategy

Take Time advantage

Competitive advantage

Paper advantage

None of the above

Which of the following is not an element of a good service guarantee?

Ensures the firm makes a profit


Easy to understand and communicate

Painless to invoke

The best process flow structure to use for making automobiles is?

Batch shop

Job shop

Assembly line

Group technology cell

Inventory used to compensate for the uncertainties inherent in supply and demand is known as:

Pipeline inventory

Anticipation inventory

Cycle inventory

Buffer inventory

De-coupling inventory occurs because one or more stages in the process cannot supply all the items it
produces simultaneously.



Supply-chain strategy concepts are applicable to what types of companies?


All of the above



Inventory used to compensate for differences in the timing of supply and demand is known as:

Buffer inventory

Cycle inventory
Anticipation inventory

Pipeline inventory

SPC tools commonly used for continuous improvement efforts include:

All of the above

Cause and effect diagrams

Process flow chart

Pareto analysis
OPMC 641 (2019)

Set – 1

Warranty cost includes following cost head(s):

Product cost

All of the above

Process Cost

People Cost

Which of the following is a reason that single sourcing is considered bad/risky?

Larger orders make quantity discounts more likely

The buyer’s required ordering quantities very low

The limited capacity of one supplier

Decreases the item to item quality variability of items purchased

The economic functions of distribution centers include


Break bulk

All of these


The following is a term that refers to error-or mistake proofing


Lean layouts



Which of the following is an obstacle to successful process integration?

Lack of supply chain visibility

Passive integration

Collaborative inventory management

Cloud-based supply chain management

The Quick Response program, developed in 19080s was an offshoot of the following supply chain


Cross Docking

Efficient consumer response

Six Sigma

Lean thinking is a philosophy incorporating tool which seeks to economically optimize:

Human Resources


All of these

_____ is a method by which lean principles are applied in the examination of business processes.

Small batch scheduling

Value Stream Analysis

Lean Supply Chain


The following are all examples of lean warehousing capabilities except

Reduced lot sizes and shipping quantities

decreased assembly operations

Greater emphasis on crossdocking

Increased automation

Implementing e-Procurement system has several advantages except

Cost Savings

Benefits to the supplier

None of these


Which of the following are among the MOST important elements of the lean production philosophy?

Fully automated assembly lines and a large supplier base

Quality inspections and a standardized product line

Large inventories and quality inspections

Waste reduction and continuous improvement

_____ is defined as the assurance policy applied to all customers where the purchased goods or services
are (or shall be) as specified and, if not, they will be repaired

None of these



Which of the key supply chain business processes refers to meeting customer requirements by
synchronizing the firm’s marketing, production and distribution plans?

Customer demand organization process

Customer relationship management process

Supply chain synchronization process

Order fulfillment process

Which of the following is NOT consistent with the lean philosophy?

Positioning WIP inventories near each processing center

Increasing batch size to take advantage of economies of scale

Cross-training employees to increase processing flexibility

Developing a culture of continuous improvement within the organization

Which of the following would be a good reason to outsource(buy) versus making?

No competent supplier presently produces the needed item

To have more direct control over the design and production of an end item

To utilize existing capacity within a company's own firm

A firm lacks the technology or expertise to product an item

Which of the following is the contributor of bullwhip effect?


smaller order sizes


Which of the following is not considered as the merit of VMI?

Visibility of buyer's Point of Sale

Increased logistics service level

Lower stock out rates

Switching cost is under control

Which of the following statement is TRUE of many large firms today?

All of these

They are trying to create alliances or strategic partnerships with suppliers

They are paying closer attention to what their direct customers really think of the goods and services

They are selling off business units to focus more on core capabilities

Which of the following can be classified as a 3PL?

A company that offers customs clearing services

All of these

A company that offers warehousing services

A company that offers transportation services

Performance measurements generally _____

Help identify new customer requirements

assist in pricing of products

Help to eliminate non-value creating activities and identify new customer requirements

Help to eliminate non-value creating activities

The primary goals of purchasing include all except

Improve the quality of finished goods produced

secure materials at the lowest cost

maximize customer satisfaction

ensure the highest quality raw materials are purchased

Which of the following is an advantage of a centralized purchasing department?

Better knowledge of unit requirements

More frequent shipments

Closer contact between buyer and user

Quantity Discounts

Distribution provides following utilities to consumers?



All of these


The success of effective and efficient distribution system relies on integration of



None of these


_____ Means doing the right things to create the most benefit for the company





Which of the following modes of cargo transport can be characterized as being the most inexpensive
and very slow, yet good for transporting very heavy goods a long distance?

Rail Carriers

Air carriers
Motor Carriers

Water Carriers

Which one out of the following is NOT considered as key supply chain business processes?

Returns Management

Process Integration

Customer relationship management process

Customer Service Management

The supply chain strategy as cost leadership is a differentiation strategy with following characteristics

Fast and service driven



All of these

Which is clubbed under secondary activities of the Porter’s value chain?


Outbound logistics


Inbound logistics

A warehouse receipt does not have the following

Market value of goods

Declared shelf life of goods

Tax liabilities

Receipt number

Set – 2
Which out of the following steps is not included in RFID implementation?

Distribution center

Supplier Selection

Material management


Economic Value Added stands for

operating profits after taxes - cost of capital

operating profits after taxes + cost of capital

operating profits after taxes/cost of capital

None of these

Which out of the following is a practice aimed at purchasing products that meet environmental

Green Marketing

All of these

Green Sales

Green Procurement

The service contract management is successful if

lots of surprises

expected business benefits are low

None of these

supplier is cooperative
Which of the following is not an assumption of the EOQ model?

Lead time is known and constant

Production and use can occur simultaneously

Quantity discounts are not possible

Demand is known, constant and independent

The supply chain strategy as cost leadership is a differentiation strategy with following characteristics


Fast and service driven


All of these

Which of the following is not a classification of Value Added service?


Problem Solving

Sales Support


Which is clubbed under secondary activities of the Porter’s value chain?


Outbound logistics

Inbound logistics


Which one out of the following is NOT considered as key supply chain business processes?

Process Integration

Customer Service Management

Returns Management

Customer relationship management process

Which of the following modes of cargo transport can be characterized as being the most inexpensive
and very slow, yet good for transporting very heavy goods a long distance?

Rail Carriers

Air carriers

Water Carriers

Motor Carriers

The primary transformation function provided by Hospital can be described as





Which of the following is not considered as the merit of VMI?

Lower stock out rates

Switching cost is under control

Visibility of buyer's Point of Sale

Increased logistics service level

The following are all examples of lean warehousing capabilities except

Increased automation

decreased assembly operations

Greater emphasis on crossdocking

Reduced lot sizes and shipping quantities

Warranty cost includes following cost head(s):

Process Cost

Product cost

All of the above

People Cost

Implementing e-Procurement system has several advantages except

Benefits to the supplier

Cost Savings


None of these

Value added services give ______ advantages to the organizations

unexpected shifts in consumer demand

Changing retailer requirements

Agility to respond to special orders

All of these

Every service contract's starting stage is





In push supply chain

a manufacturer initiates manufacturing only after it has received an order

a manufacturer forecasts demand and produces product and makes them available to customers

either a manufacturer initiates manufacturing only after it has received an order or forecasts demand
and produces product and makes them available to customers

None of these

Which of the following are among the MOST important elements of the lean production philosophy?
Fully automated assembly lines and a large supplier base

Waste reduction and continuous improvement

Large inventories and quality inspections

Quality inspections and a standardized product line

____ is to coordinate and integrate supply, operations and logistics activities among the focal firm and
its key supply chain trading partners

Supply chain management

Supply chin Integration

None of these

Supply Chain Linkages

If an item is ordered at its EOQ, the annual carrying cost should be

slightly less that the annual ordering cost

equal to the ordering cost

the square root of the annual ordering cost

twice the annual purchase prices

Which of the following would be a good reason to outsource(buy) versus making?

To utilize existing capacity within a company's own firm

No competent supplier presently produces the needed item

A firm lacks the technology or expertise to product an item

To have more direct control over the design and production of an end item

Which of the following is a reverse logistics activity

Recycling products and components

Developing a collaborative relationship with your supplier

Managing the quality of products

Delivering finished goods to your customer

_____ is defined as the assurance policy applied to all customers where the purchased goods or services
are (or shall be) as specified and, if not, they will be repaired

None of these




Which of the following is not a part of the order cycle?

Order entry

Order cross checking

Order allocation and picking

Order shipment and delivery

A warehouse receipt does not have the following

Tax liabilities

Declared shlf life of goods

Receipt number

Market value of goods

Lean production emphasizes all of the following except:

Synchronization of material flows

large batch sizes

Reduction of waste

Continuous improvement

______ Means doing the right things to create the most benefit for the company




Which of the following is the reason that small value purchases are handled differently?

To give the buyer additional supplier choices

To control unnecessary administrative cost

To have better tracking of material usage

To obtain a higher quality product

The primary goals of purchasing include all except

maximize customer satisfaction

ensure the highest quality raw materials are purchased

secure materials at the lowest cost

Improve the quality of finished goods produced

OPMC 601

Set – 1

A _____________________ is a form of product that consists of activities, benefits, or satisfactions

offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything



physical object


The following does not represent a service market situation

A fund rising Charity Show for the members of an NGO

A stall distributing Tirumala prasadam in a mandir

A bank run dispensary in its staff quarters

A Meditation Camp of a religious Organization conducted for its members

As per service-quality model, the capacity to complete the promised service accurately and dependably





Increasing customer expectations of what an organization can deliver

Can result in poor perceptions of overall service quality

None of the above

NO change

Can result in improved perceptions of overall service quality

The quality of a service depends on who provides it, as well as when, where, and how it is provided. This
is an example of which characteristic of services





In Banking Services Market can be segmented on the basis of

a & b both



neither a nor b

Successful service companies focus their attention on both their customers and their employees. They
understand ______. which links service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction

interactive marketing

internal marketing

service-profit chains

service differentiation

Which of the following is a combination of different service elements, including products

Communications mix

Service mix

Marketing mix

Product mix

Service firms can increase quality control by

Making investment in good hiring

All of the above

Standardize the service performance process

Monitor customer satisfaction

A Brand name is

Its legal version is trademark

A Symbol or a design for the purpose of identification

It is given legal protection

all the above

Anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might
satisfy a want or need is called a(n)


Demand-based pricing



Which of the following is not one of the distinct characteristics of service





It is difficult to measure the morale of the sales team directly because

It is a tangible state

Employees hide the truth

It is an intangible state

all the above

If a company has a hybrid offer, then its offer may be described as being one where there is
a tangible good with accompanying services

an equal amount of goods and services

a service with accompanying minor goods

a clone service package

A __________ is any performance or act one party can provide to another that is essentially intangible
and doesn't provides ownership of anything

None of the above


Both a & b


The five determinants of service quality in order of importance are

Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles

All of above are false

Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance, Empathy, Tangibles

Tangibles, empathy, assurance, responsiveness, reliability

_____ can be cultivated

Peak demand

Nonpeak demand

Normal demand

None of the above

Dog walking, tax advice, and counselling are examples of what


Product with some services

Pure service

Pure product
A_____ is a name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of these, that identifies the maker or
seller of a product or service



product feature


Services are manufactured and consumed simultaneously; they cannot be stored either prior to or after
the service encounter . This is referred to as


Lack of ownership



This is an organization's systematic attempt to correct a service failure and to retain a customer's

Service processes

Service recovery

Service encounter

Service failure

The fact that services cannot be stored for later use or sale is evidence of their





As per the service quality model, researchers figure out ____ determinants of service quality


Select name of the country having maximum percent of GDP attributed to services




United States

The perceived fairness of the level of economic advantages derived from service usage in relationships
to the economic costs is

Payment debt

None of the above

Payment equity

Payment profits

Standardized and customized flow of activities, simple and complex number of steps and customer
involvement by which a service is delivered is called??..

Place Mix

Physical Evidence Mix

People Mix

Process Mix

As per service-quality model, the willingness to assist customers and offer prompt service is





These types of services try to shape attitudes or behaviour. In order to achieve this, these services have
to be oriented to people’s minds, This is referred to as

Mental stimulus processing

Possession processing
Information processing

People processing

_____ are those characteristics that buyer evaluate the characteristics after the purchase

Search qualities

Credence qualities

Experience qualities

None of the above

The use of sales literature and brochures to give signs about the quality and positioning of the service is
an example of




Physical evidence

Set – 2

Which of the following is not an element of physical evidence?

Employee dress


Employee Training

Facility design

A Brand name is

Its legal version is trademark

A Symbol or a design for the purpose of identification

It is given legal protection

all the above

As per service-quality model. The system of individualized and caring attention to customers is





Which of the following would not be one of the three major groups of industrial products and services

computer software for PCs

materials and parts

supplies and services

capital items

As per service-quality model, the courtesy and knowledge of employees and their ability to instill
confidence and trust is





The service-quality model identifies _____ gaps that results in Unsuccessful delivery

When links between service personnel and service process break down, this is referred to as

Failures in delivery system

Failure in response to customer requests

Service failure

Failure through employee actions

Which of the following is an event that occurs when a customer's expectations of a service encounter
are not met

Service failure

Service encounter


Service mix

It is difficult to measure the morale of the sales team directly because

It is an intangible state

all the above

Employees hide the truth

It is a tangible state

Airplane travel can be categorized wider

Pure Services

Tangible good with accompanying services

Major Service with accompanying minor goods and services

Pure tangible good

The service provided at restaurant is an example of


Pure tangible good

Major Service with accompanying minor goods and services

Tangible good with accompanying services

Once a train pulls out of a station, an Aeroplan takes off or a film starts, those seats are lost and can
never be sold. This is referred to as




Low early-evening movie prices is an example of

Differential pricing

Qualitative pricing

None of the above

Same pricing

Select name of the country having maximum percent of GDP attributed to services




United States

The quality of a service depends on who provides it, as well as when, where, and how it is provided. This
is an example of which characteristic of services





Dog walking, tax advice, and counselling are examples of what


Product with some services

Pure service

Pure product

Which of the following is a combination of different service elements, including products

Communications mix

Service mix

Marketing mix

Product mix

The seat in a theatre, train, plane or ferry is rented on a temporary basis in exchange for a fee. The
terms associated with the rental of the seat determine the time and use or experience to which the seat
can be put. However, the seat remains the property of the theatre owner, rail operator, airline or Ferry
Company. This is referred to as



Lack of ownership


There are in total ____ categories of service mix


None of these



Promotion in Services means

passing an examination

selling the services in specific areas

elevation from one grade to another

selling the services through various means

The perceived fairness of the level of economic advantages derived from service usage in relationships
to the economic costs is

Payment equity

Payment debt

None of the above

Payment profits

This is a characteristic of a service, namely that they do not have physical attributes and so therefore
cannot be perceived by the senses - cannot be tasted, seen, touched, smelt or possessed





Which of the following is not a tangible dominant

Investment Management


Soft drinks


When there is little or no personal contact between customer and service provider, this is classified as

Intense-contact service

Low-contact service

Medium-contact service

High-contact service

The fact that services are sold, produced, and consumed at the same time refers to which of the
following service characteristics





Successful service companies focus their attention on both their customers and their employees. They
understand ______. which links service firm profits with employee and customer satisfaction

interactive marketing

internal marketing
service-profit chains

service differentiation

By lowering prices to attract customers during quieter times and raising prices when demand is at its
highest, demand can be levelled and marginal revenues increased This is an example of

Service-based pricing

Demand-based pricing

Differential pricing

Intangible pricing

The fact that services cannot be stored for later use or sale is evidence of their





Standardized and customized flow of activities, simple and complex number of steps and customer
involvement by which a service is delivered is called??..

Place Mix

Physical Evidence Mix

People Mix

Process Mix

At customer service interface, company intends to manage a relationship with a customer through


Both a and b


None of the above

QTMC 522 (2019)

Set – 1

The variance of a population is known to be 400. At 95% confidence, the margin of error will be

92 or less

4 or less

2 or less

29 or less

The p-value

is the same as the Z statistic

is a distance

is a probability

measures the number of standard deviations from the mean

In a cumulative relative frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative relative frequency
equal to

the total number of elements in the data set



In hypothesis testing if the null hypothesis is rejected,

the sample size has been too small

the alternative hypothesis is true

the data must have been accumulated incorrectly

no conclusions can be drawn from the test

In hypothesis testing, the tentative assumption about the population parameter is

either the null or the alternative

None of these alternatives is correct.

the alternative hypothesis

the null hypothesis

In determining the sample size necessary to estimate a population proportion, which of the following
information is not needed?

the maximum margin of error that can be tolerated

a preliminary estimate of the true population proportion P

the confidence level required

the mean of the population

For which of the following values of P is the value of P(I - P) maximized?

P = 0.99

P = 0.50

P = 0.01

P = 0.90
A 95% confidence interval for a population mean is determined to be 100 to 120. If the confidence
coefficient is reduced to 0.90, the interval for µ

becomes 0.1

does not change

becomes wider

becomes narrower

In a random sample of 100 observations, P = 0.2. The 95.44% confidence interval for P is

120 to 0.280

134 to 0.266

164 to 0.236

122 to 0.278

In general, higher confidence levels provide

narrower confidence intervals

a smaller standard error

wider confidence intervals

unbiased estimates

The level of significance in hypothesis testing is the probability of

None of these alternatives is correct.

rejecting a true null hypothesis

accepting a true null hypothesis

accepting a false null hypothesis

As the number of degrees of freedom for a t distribution increases, the difference between the t
distribution and the standard normal distribution

becomes larger

becomes smaller

None of the above answers is correct.

stays the same

In constructing a frequency distribution, as the number of classes are decreased, the class width

remains unchanged


can increase or decrease depending on the data values


A tabular method that can be used to summarize the data on two variables simultaneously is called:

an o give


a histogram

simultaneous equations

The absolute value of the difference between the point estimate and the population parameter it
estimates is the


error of confidence

sampling error

standard error

If we change a 95% confidence interval estimate to a 99% confidence interval estimate, we can expect

the size of the confidence interval to increase

the size of the confidence interval to decrease

the size of the confidence interval to remain the same

the sample size to increase

A cumulative relative frequency distribution shows

the percentage of data items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class

the percentage of data items with values less than or equal to the lower limit of each class

the proportion of data items with values less than or equal to the lower limit of each class
the proportion of data items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class

The t value with a 95% confidence and 24 degrees of freedom is





The sum of frequencies for all classes will always equal

the number of classes

the number of elements in a data set

a value between 0 and 1

A researcher is gathering data from four geographical areas designated: South = 1; North = 2; East = 3;
Vest = 4. The designated geographical regions represent

either quantitative or qualitative data

label data

quantitative data

qualitative data

In a cumulative percent frequency distribution, the last class will have a cumulative percent frequency
equal to


the total number of elements in the data set


The ability of an interval estimate to contain the value of the population parameter is described by the

degrees of freedom

confidence level
precise value of thepopulation mean m

None of the above answers is correct.

If several frequency distributions are constructed from the same data set, the distribution with the
widest class width will have the

none of these

most classes

fewest classes

same number of classes as the other distributions since all are constructed from the same data

An estimate of a population parameter that provides an interval of values believed to contain the value
of the parameter is known as the

interval estimate

confidence level

population estimate

parameter value

The sum of the relative frequencies for all classes will always equal

any value larger than one

the number of classes

the sample size


A frequency distribution is a tabular summary of data showing the

percentage of items in several classes

fraction of items in several classes

number of items in several classes

relative percentage of items in several classes

In order to estimate the average time spent on the computer terminals per student at a local university,
data were collected for a sample of 81 business students over a one week period Assume the population
standard deviation is 1.2 hours. The standard error of the mean is



Whenever the population standard deviation is unknown and the population has a normal or near-
normal distribution, which distribution is used in developing an interval estimation?

z distribution

standard distribution

beta distribution

t distribution

Fifteen percent of the students in a school of Business Administration are majoring in Economics, 20% in
Finance, 35% in Management, and 30% in Accounting. The graphical device(s) which can be used to
present these data is (are)

only a pie chart

a line graph

both a bar graph and a pie chart

only a bar graph

The confidence associated with an interval estimate is called the


confidence level


degree of association

Set – 2

A histogram is said to be skewed to the left if it has a

longer tail to the right

shorter tail to the right

longer tail to the left

shorter tail to the left

A cumulative relative frequency distribution shows

The proportion of data items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class

the proportion of data items with values less than or equal to the lower limit of each class

the percentage of data items with values less than or equal to the upper limit of each class

the percentage of data items with values less than or equal to the lower limit of each class

A researcher is gathering data from four geographical areas designated :South = I; North = 2; East = 3;
West = 4. The designated geographical regions represent

either quantitative or qualitative data

qualitative data

quantitative data

label data

A frequency distribution is a tabular summary of data showing the

fraction of items in several classes

relative percentage of items in several classes

percentage of items in several classes

number of items in several classes

When the level of confidence increases, the confidence interval

stays the same

becomes narrower

becomes wider

cannot tell from the information given

The most common graphical presentation of quantitative data is a

relative frequency

pie chart

bar graph


A frequency distribution is

a tabular summary of a set of data showing the frequency of items in each of several nonoverlapping

a tabular summary of a set of data showing the relative frequency

a graphical device for presenting qualitative data

a graphical form of representing data

The confidence associated with an interval estimate is called the


confidence level


degree of association

The p-value

measures the number of standard deviations from the mean

is the same as the Z statistic

is a distance

is a probability

In constructing a frequency distribution, as the number of classes are decreased, the class width

can increase or decrease depending on the data values

remains unchanged


We are interested in conducting a study in order to determine what percentage of voters of a state
would vote for the incumbent governor. What is the minimum size sample needed to estimate the
population proportion with a margin of error of 0.05 or less at 95% confidence?





In a random sample of 100 observations, P = 0.2. The 95.44% confidence interval for P is

120 to 0.280

134 to 0.266

122 to 0.278

164 to 0.236

An estimate of a population parameter that provides an interval of values believed to contain the value
of the parameter is known as the

confidence level

population estimate

interval estimate

parameter value

The difference between the point estimate, such as the sample mean, and the value of the population
parameter it estimates, such as the population mean, is known as the

confidence level

interval estimate

parameter estimate

sampling error

Whenever using the t distribution in estimation, we must assume that

the sampling distribution is approximately normal

the finite population correction factor is necessary

the population is approximately normal

the sample size is at least 30

The difference between the lower class limits of adjacent classes provides the

class midpoint

class width

class limits

number of classes

If a hypothesis is rejected at the 5% level of significance, it

Will never be tested at the 1%level

may be rejected or not rejected at the 1% level

will always be accepted at the 1% level

will always be rejected at the 1% level

For which of the following values of P is the value of P(I - P) maximized?

P = 0.01

P = 0.99

P = 0.50

P = 0.90

A probability statement about the sampling error is known as the





In general, higher confidence levels provide

a smaller standard error

wider confidence intervals

unbiased estimates

narrower confidence intervals

In hypothesis testing if the null hypothesis is rejected,

the sample size has been too small

no conclusions can be drawn from the test

the data must have been accumulated incorrectly

the alternative hypothesis is true

Qualitative data can be graphically represented by using a(n)

bar graph

frequency polygon


o give

The t value with a 95% confidence and 24 degrees of freedom is





A 95% confidence interval for a population mean is determined to be 100 to 120. If the confidence
coefficient is reduced to 0.90, the interval for µ

becomes 0.1

becomes wider

does not change

becomes narrower

An interval estimate is a range of values used to estimate

a sample statistic

a population parameter
the shape of the population's distribution

the sampling distribution

After computing a confidence interval, the user believes the results are meaningless because the width
of the interval is too large. Which one of the following is the best recommendation?

Discard the current data and try a different sample.

Increase the level of confidence for the interval.

Reduce the population variance.

Increase the sample size.

In hypothesis testing, the tentative assumption about the population parameter is

the null hypothesis

the alternative hypothesis

either the null or the alternative

None of these alternatives is correct.

A situation in which conclusions based upon aggregated cross tabulation are different from
unaggregated crosstabulation is known as

Simpson's rule

wrong crosstabulation

Simpson's paradox

aggregated crosstabulation

The sum of the relative frequencies for all classes will always equal

any value larger than one

the sample size


the number of classes

As the sample size increases, the sampling error

None of the above answers is correct.


stays the same

ITSC 525

Set – 1 (2019)
In its simplest form, a system consists of all the following except

A group of cooperative users

A set of interrelated components

A clearly defined boundary

A common set of objectives

A(n) _____________ is a Web-based interface and integration of MIS, DSS, EIS, and other technologies
that gives all intranet users and selected extranet users access to a variety of internal and external
business applications and services.

enterprise Resource System

enterprise Information Portal

executive Information System

collaborative Information System

Which of the following is a competitive strategy?

New entries into the market


Bargaining power


Which one of the following should be used to answer the question, "What would happen to sales if we
cut advertising by 25 percent?"





Decision support in business is changing, driven by all of the following except:

Changing corporate spending patterns

Rapid developments in end user computing and networking

Internet and Web technologies

Web-enabled business applications

The information products from an MIS take all the following forms except

scheduled reports.

exception reports.

push reports.

pull reports.

Many companies are using GIS technology along with global positioning system devices to do all of the
following except:

Map customer traffic patterns within each store

Choose new retail store locations

Optimize distribution routes

Analyze the demographics of their target audiences

Which of the following statements is a characteristic of the form dimension of information?

Information is based on past, present, or future time periods.

Information is arranged in a predetermined sequence.

All the information needed is provided.

The information can have a broad or narrow scope, or an internal or external focus.

Decision support systems use _____ to support the making of semi-structured business decisions.

Analytical models

specialized databases

a decision maker's own insights and judgments

All of the choices are correct.

The rapid development of microcomputer processing power, application software packages, and
telecommunications networks gave birth to the phenomenon of ______ .
manufacturer-to-public direct sales

MIS departments

End user computing

electronic monitoring

Decisions made at the tactical management level tend to be more:





Using a decision support system involves all of the following types of analytical modeling activities
except____ analysis.





Instead of focusing on the information processing requirements of business functions, enterprise

software focuses on supporting integrated clusters of ______ involved in the operations of a business.

application software

business processes

customer relationships

all of the choices are correct.

_______ is an example of an unstructured, operational management decision.

Cash management

Program control

Product planning

Capital budgeting
A strategic information system can be any kind of information system that uses information technology
to help an organization ____________ .

gain a competitive advantage

reduce a competitive disadvantage

meet strategic enterprise objectives

all of the choices are correct

_____ is defined as the use of the Internet and other networks and information technologies to support
electronic commerce, enterprise communication and collaboration, and Web-enabled business
processes, both within a networked enterprise and with customers and business partners.

Electronic business

Enterprise collaboration

Cross-functional system management

Supply chain management

Deciding what product lines to develop over the next five years is an example of a(n)____ decision.





Which of the following is one of the most common and useful types of data mining for marketing?

Goal seeking analysis

Market basket analysis

Optimization analysis

Sensitivity analysis

All the following are competitive strategies except

New entries into the market


Cost leadership

Becoming a low-cost producer of products and services in an industry is an example of a(n):

Cost leadership strategy

Differentiation strategy

Innovation strategy

Growth strategy

Internal enterprise information portal applications typically include access to all of the following except:

E-mail and project websites

Human resource Web self- service

Internet news services

Corporate database

Which of the following is a competitive force in the marketplace?

Cost leadership




All of the following can be used to counter competitive forces in the marketplace except:





A weekly sales report is a typical example of a(n) _____ report.

periodic scheduled



____ is an example of a structured, tactical management decision

Program control

Employee performance appraisal

Credit management

Company reorganization

How do information systems aid in decision making?

Information systems help companies determine investments.

Information systems help companies determine which products to sell or discontinue.

Information systems can be used to gain competitive advantage.

All of the choices are correct.

The expanding role of information systems from the 1950s to the present, in sequential order, are:

Management reporting, decision support, electronic business and commerce, data processing, strategic
and end user support

Data processing, management reporting, strategic and end user support, electronic business and
commerce, decision support

Data processing, management reporting, decision support, strategic and end user support, electronic
business and commerce

Electronic business and commerce, management reporting, data processing, strategic and end user
support, decision support

A(n) _______ strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm develops unique products or services
from those of its competitors, or makes radical business changes that may alter the fundamental nature
of the industry.





Which of the following statements most accurately describes the operational level of management?
Composed of a board of directors and an executive committee of the CEO and top executives who
develop overall organizational goals, strategies, policies, and objectives as part of a strategic planning

Composed of self-directed teams and middle managers, who develop short-and medium-range plans,
schedules, and budgets

Composed of self-directed teams or supervisory managers who develop short-range plans, according to
procedures and within the budgets and schedules established for the teams and other workgroups of
the organization

None of the choices are correct.

A(n) _____ strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm seeks to become a low-cost producer of
products and services in the industry.

low cost leadership




Set – 2

Dell, Wal-Mart, and Amazon are a few of the companies using ____ DSS models to stimulate and
optimize supply chain flow and reduce inventory levels.


product and service quality

financial performance
supply chain

Investments in information technology that build valuable new relationships allow a firm to:

Lock in the supplier

Lock in the customer

Lock out competition

All the above

_____ analysis is a more complex form of goal-seeking where the goal is to find the best value for a
target variable given certain constraints.



Market basket


All of the following are attributes of intelligent behavior that AI attempts to duplicate except:

Reasoning and learning


Problem solving

Responding quickly and successfully to new situations

All of the following are competitive forces in the marketplace except





Artificial intelligence is a science and technology based on:

Computer science

Biology and psychology

Linguistics and mathematics

All of the choices are correct

____ is an example of an unstructured, operational management decision.

Cash management

Program control

Product planning

Capital budgeting

The expanding role of information systems from the 1950s to the present, in sequential order, are:

Management reporting, decision support, electronic business and commerce, data processing, strategic
and end user support

Data processing, management reporting, strategic and end user support, electronic business and
commerce, decision support

Data processing, management reporting, decision support, strategic and end user support, electronic
business and commerce

Electronic business and commerce, management reporting, data processing, strategic and end user
support, decision support

All the following are competitive strategies except

New entries into the market


Cost leadership


Many companies are using GIS technology along with global positioning system devices to do all of the
following except:

Map customer traffic patterns within each store

Choose new retail store locations

Optimize distribution routes

Analyze the demographics of their target audiences

A major freight company has several thousand drivers. A report containing information about only those
company drivers who have not taken a mandatory defensive driving course is an example of a(n) _____

periodic scheduled




A firm can survive and succeed in the long nm if it successfully develops strategies to confront the _____
that shape the structure of competition in its industry.

technological innovations

competitive business processes

competitive forces

competitive strategies

Which of the following is an example of an unstructured data source?

ERP database

CRM database

Other databases


A weekly sales report is a typical example of a(n) ___ report.

periodic scheduled




Deciding what products lines to develop over the next five years is an example of a(n) ____ decision.




_____ is an example of a structured, tactical management decision.

Program control

Employee performance appraisal

Credit management

Company reorganization

Which of the following statements is a characteristic of the form dimension of information?

Information is based on past, present, or future time periods.

Information is arranged in a predetermined sequence.

All the information needed is provided.

The information can have a broad or narrow scope, or an internal or external focus.

With ___ , data about sales offices can be rolled up to the district level, and district-level data can be
rolled up to provide a regional-level perspective.




slicing and dicing

AI applications can be grouped wider all of the following areas except:

Cognitive science


Natural interfaces


A(n) _____ strategy is a competitive strategy by which a firm significantly expands its capacity to
produce goods and services, expanding and diversifying in the market




By targeting customers who are already known to be likely buyers, the effectiveness of a given
marketing effort is significantly increased-if the marketing takes the form of ______

in-store displays


a direct offer

The form of the marketing does not matter.

Networked enterprises view _____ systems as a strategic way to use IT to decentralize information

Electronic business

enterprise collaboration

Cross-functional system management

Supply chain management

How do information systems aid in decision making?

Information systems help companies determine investments.

Information systems help companies determine which products to sell or discontinue.

Information systems can be used to gain competitive advantage.

All of the choices are correct.

The type of information required by decision makers in a company is directly related to the level of
management decision making and the amount of ____ in the decision situations they face.

financial risk


variable information


All the following are examples of an information system, except

A paper-based accounting ledger

A cash register

A group of marbles in a box

A paper-based accounting ledger

Becoming a low-cost producer of products and services in an industry is an example of a(n):

Cost leadership strategy

Differentiation strategy

Innovation strategy

Growth strategy

______ is defined as the use of the Internet and other networks and information technologies to
support electronic commerce, enterprise communication and collaboration, and Web-enabled business
processes, both within a networked enterprise and with customers and business partners.

Electronic business

Enterprise collaboration

Cross-functional system management

Supply chain management

Decisions made at the tactical management level tend to be more:





According to the text, most retail stores today use computer -based information systems to support
business processes and operations. This support falls broadly into the categories of.

Business decisions and strategies for competitive advantage.

Operations and support strategies.

Business decisions and operations.

Strategic business decisions and tactical business decisions.

Which of the following is a competitive force in the marketplace?

Cost leadership




HRMC 523

Set – 1

The first discipline to take the modem corporation as the unit of analysis and emphasize the design,
implementation, and coordination of various administrative and organization systems was:




Employee loyalty toward the organization is a significant factor in:

job displacement

employee turnover

continuance commitment

affective commitment

Individuals who make external attributions will be more likely to

develop feelings of incompetence which may lead to depression

provide a supporting environment for followers

rarely quit because they do not feel responsible

achieve higher levels of performance

The motivation theory that holds that employee motivation is determined by the belief that a valued
outcome will result from effort is called:

goal-setting theory

equity theory

two-factor theory

expectancy theory

A technique that is valuable in its ability to generate a number of independent judgments without the
requirement of a face-to-face meeting is:

the nominal group technique


dialectical inquiry

the Delphi technique

The JDI measures:

employee absenteeism
attitude specificity

job satisfaction

job performance

Which of the following is considered a key benefit of diversity?

less thinking that is considered critical

less time in making decisions

flexibility and adaptation


Attribution theory helps to______ behavior in organizations


explain causes of

specify correct or appropriate


As a member of a study group, you feel that others are making minimal contributions. In this situation
you are LEAST likely to:

reduce your contribution

increase your participation and contribution

withdraw from the group

praise the inputs of others

If a manager asks an employee to purchase a gift for his wife, the employee would think this request:

falls within his zone of indifference

falls outside his zone of indifference

should be based on the manager's authority base

is in conflict with the employee’s value system

The dynamic process through which the emotions are transferred from one person to another is called

none of these
Emotional Quotient

emotional adaptability

emotional contagion

According to the Protestant ethic, a person should work hard because hard work and prosperity would
lead to a place in heaven. The organizational scholar who advanced the Protestant Ethic notion was:

Adam Smith

John Calvin

Sigmund Freud

Max Weber

Modern management practices such as employee management recognition programs, flexible benefit
packages, and stock ownership plans emphasize:

psychodynamic theory

intrinsic motivation

external incentives

internal needs

The primacy effect is also known as:

selective perception

first-impression error

a stereotype

self-fulfilling prophecy

Values reflected in the way individuals actually behave are called:

enacted values

behavioral values

observable values

enduring values

The fit perspective is useful in explaining:

why managers make better decisions

long-term performance

how firms can adapt to environmental change

short-term performance

The web like structures that contract some or all of their operating functions to other organisations and
then coordinate their activities through managers and other employees at their headquarters are called

Virtual Organisation

Circle Organisation

Networked Organisation

Traditional Organisation

According to the group development model, which of the following set of issues need to be addressed
as part of a group's authority issues?

expected group outcomes, who is in charge, and management of power and influence

who is in charge, management of power and influence, and security

expected group outcomes, who is in charge, and who has the right to tell whom to do what

who is in charge, management of power and influence, and who has the right to tell whom to do what

In research on styles of conflict management, the ____ style was least effective.





The impoverished manager is one who:

emphasizes efficient production.

exerts just enough effort to avoid being fired.

creates a happy, comfortable work environment.

maintains the status quo.

The set of authority and task relations among group members is known as:


mutual acceptance

control and sanctions

status structure

Crude comments or sexual jokes and behaviors that disparage someone's sex or convey hostility is
considered which type of sexual harassment?

sexual coercion

sexual abuse


gender harassment

Emotional intelligence (EI) relates to the ability to manage


Intelligence Quotient

conceptual skills

technical skills

The Leadership and Strategy Council (LSC) is a feature of

Circle Organisation

Virtual Organisation

Traditional Organisation

Networked Organisation

The establishment of new attitudes, values, and behaviors as the new status quo is consistent with what
stage in Lewin's change model?




An ethical theory that emphasizes the nature and characteristics of an act is:


cultural based



Which of the following is a characteristic of quality teams?

They emphasize the generation of ideas.

They provide advice to managers who still retain decision-making authority.

They operate in parallel fashion to the organization's structure.

They make data-based decisions about improving product and service quality.

Which of the following statements is most correct?

Locus of control has little to do with ethical behavior.

Persons with an internal locus of control make more ethical decisions than others.

Other people control persons who are strong on internal locus of control.

Individuals with an internal locus of control are more likely to exhibit uncontrollable behavior.

Group polarization results in:

group members driving decisions toward consensus

group members moving from extreme attitudes toward more moderate attitudes

the tendency for group discussion to produce shifts toward more extreme attitudes among members

the tendency for group members who were initially more cautious to become significantly less cautious

The study of individual behavior and group dynamics in organizational settings describes the content of
study in:

organization theory

organization design

organizational behavior
organizational development

Set – 2

A "wild turkey' in the top management team is:

one who increases the homogeneity within the executive group

a member of the executive team that retards the executive teams performance

someone who is uncontrollable

a devil's advocate who challenges the thinking of the CEO and other top executives

Which of the following is a characteristic of quality teams?

They operate in parallel fashion to the organization's structure.

They emphasize the generation of ideas.

They provide advice to managers who still retain decision-making authority.

They make data-based decisions about improving product and service quality

Which of the following is considered a key benefit of diversity?


less time in making decisions

less thinking that is considered critical

flexibility and adaptation

According to the MBTI a successful top executive is likely to be a/an:

extrovert, sensor, thinker, and judger

introvert, sensor, thinker, and perceiver

introvert, intuitor, feeler, and perceiver

extrovert, intuitor, feeler, and judger

Which of the following conditions would LEAST encourage political activity?

performance appraisal process

abundant resources

unclear goals

The conflict that develops when a role behavior clashes with individual values is called:





The set of authority and task relations among group members is known as:

status structure

control and sanctions

mutual acceptance


Increasing workforce diversity is likely to reduce ___ as a barrier to social perception.

first-impression error

selective perception


the primacy effect

Denise and Teresa are two students in a course on organizational behavior . Denise outperforms Teresa
on the first exam in OB, and Teresa convinces herself that Denise is not really a good person to compare
herself to because Denise is a psychology major and Teresa is majoring in accounting . Which of the
following is the best explanation for Teresa's reaction?

Teresa probably has an inflated generalized belief of her capabilities.

Teresa's high self-esteem is protecting her from this unfavorable comparison.

Teresa has an external locus of control.

Teresa is a low self-monitor.

The dynamic process through which the emotions are transferred from one person to another is called
none of these

emotional adaptability

emotional contagion

Emotional Quotient

The type of organizational commitment that is based on an individual's perceived obligation to remain in
an organization is called:

affective commitment

attitudinal commitment

normative commitment

intentional commitment

At what stage of group development is the leader 's role primarily one of recognition of the group's





The primacy effect is also known as:

selective perception

first-impression error

a stereotype

self-fulfilling prophecy

The close linkage of ____ to performance wider expectancy theory is crucial for enhancing motivation.




need satisfaction
The two sets of social benefits available to team or group members includes:

recognition and integrated involvement

psychological intimacy and recognition

psychological intimacy and integrated involvement

integrated involvement and achievement

A transnational organization is one where:

a prevalent ethnic viewpoint begins to be held strongly in the consciousness of managers

the global viewpoint supersedes national issues

the global and national interests are linked in an overriding perspective

an organization's nationality is held strongly in the consciousness of managers even though the
organization competes on a global scale

In the case of repeated failure wider expectancy theory, an employee may:

greatly increase input

increase effort when the likelihood of reward has dropped

raise outcome valence

reduce effort

If a manager asks an employee to purchase a gift for his wife, the employee would think this request:

falls outside his zone of indifference

should be based on the manager's authority base

is in conflict with the employee’s value system

falls within his zone of indifference

Authentic leaders are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:




high levels of hope

According to the Protestant ethic, a person should work hard because hard work and prosperity would
lead to a place in heaven. The organizational scholar who advanced the Protestant Ethic notion was:

Max Weber

Sigmund Freud

John Calvin

Adam Smith

Instrumental values includes


all of these


self sufficiency

The development of group cohesiveness is negatively influenced by:

external pressure

prestige of the group

group size when there are only five to eight members

internal competition

Upper echelon theory argues that:

wild turkeys will have a detrimental effect on organizational performance

turnover at the top becomes a vicious cycle

characteristics of the top management team can predict organizational characteristics

executive turnover will usually result in declining organizational performance

Group polarization results in:

group members moving from extreme attitudes toward more moderate attitudes

the tendency for group discussion to produce shifts toward more extreme attitudes among members

the tendency for group members who were initially more cautious to become significantly less cautious

group members driving decisions toward consensus

A key understanding to the relationship between hygiene and motivation factors is:

they are additive

they are positively related

they are interdependent

they are independent

The importance and value placed on a reward in expectancy theory is known as:


need satisfaction



Corporations and business enterprises tend to subscribe to:

rule-based ethics

consequential ethics

cultural relativism

universal moralism

An ethical theory that emphasizes the nature and characteristics of an act is:



cultural based


Equity theory is a/an:

need approach to motivation

process approach to motivation

external approach to motivation

content motivation model

The belief that performance is connected to rewards is known as:

probability or likelihood



FINC 521

Set – 1 (2019)

Why depreciation has to be added back in the calculation of cash-flow as it is a ___ ?

manufacturing expense

Cash expense

Non-cash expense

non-operating expense

Dividend payment linked to profits left-out after meeting the expansion needs is based on ____

Signaling Theory

Residual payout policy

Stable Dividend policy

Constant pay-out policy

Brexit, Greece Crises, Chinese Crises, Sub-Prime Crises are the examples of which of the following?

Systematic Risk

Unsystematic Risk

Total Risk

Specific Risk

The cash flows forecasted at the end of projection period for capital budgeting decisions are known

Initial Cash Flows

Operating Cash Flows

Terminal Cash Flows

Regular Cash Flows

The underlying assumption in IRR method is that all the intermittent cashflows are reinvested at.

Cut-off rate

required rate of return

cost of capital


If the credit period is increased for the customers of the company, operating cycle will___



remain same


Calculate the expected return with the help of following data: p=.3 r=30%, p=.4 r= 16%, p=.3 r=8%



Cost of preference share is ___

Preference Dividend Rate

Pref Dividend/Pref. share market price

Both of the above

None of the above

The internal rate of return generated by an fixed income investment, if held till maturity is known as

Current Yield

Yield Curve

Coupon rate

Current year dividend of Sun Ltd is Rs 5 per share. Expected growth rate is 8% and market capitalization
rate is 10%. Calculate the intrinsic value of stock?



Market interest rate is 9%. A bond with 10% coupon will sell ____ par value?




None of the above

Which of the following is the spontaneous source of financing the working capital requirements?

Commercial Paper

Accounts Payable

Bank Finance

All of the above

Which of the following is ultimate objective of financial management?

Profit maximization

Shareholder's wealth maximization

Leverage Minimization

Funding maximization

Sheela needs Rs 500000 at the end of 5 years. How much amount she should invest right now @ 10%.
Present Value of 1 Rs at 10% for 5 years is .6209




In case of capital budgeting decisions, the projects in which choice of one automatically excludes the
another are known as ___ ?

Dependent Projects

Independent Projects

Mutually Exclusive Projects

Mutually Inclusive Projects

For a firm, weight of equity & debt is 0.6 & 0.4 respectively and cost of equity is 15%, Cost of debt is 9%,
tax rate is 30%. Calculate the WACC for the firm?





Moon Ltd invests Rs 800000 in a paper manufacturing plant This is expected to generate Rs 150000
every year for next seven years. Cost of capital for the project is 10%. PVAF for 7 years at 10% is 5.3349.
Calculate the NPV of the project?





Growth of the company can be expected to be higher when ______ is high?

pay-out ratio

distribution ratio

dividend rate

retention ratio
If business risk of a company goes up than price of stock will.____ ?



remain same


Which of the following instrument is riskiest?


Preference Shares


Fixed Deposit

As per Bird in hand theory, high dividend pay-out is. _____ to low pay-out?


not preferred

irrelevant for investor

None of the above

1/ 10,30 credit term means?

1% discount

1% discount

1% discount for payment within 10 days

1% discount for payment within 30 days

Which of the following AAA debentures will have highest price if YTM is ___?




Increased financial leverage gives rise to ____ volatile EPS?




None of the above

Calculate the standard deviation with the help of following data: p=.3 r=30%, p=.4 r= l6%, p=.3 r=8%





Cost of debt is. ____ ?

Coupon rate

YTM (I-tax rate)


YTM/Bond Price

Discounted payback period is considered an improvement over payback period because it considers.
____ ?

All cash-flows

Time Value of Money

Easy to understand

All of the above

If credit sales is 100000, credit period is 30 days, calculate the average receivables?




The risk which can be reduced by diversification is known as ____ ?

Systematic Risk

Unsystematic Risk

Total Risk

Market Risk

A stock's average return in last 3 years were 12% and Standard deviation is 8%. Calculate the coefficient
of variation?



Set – 2

A company replaces an old machinery with salvage value of Rs I 00000 replaced by a machinery costing
Rs 500000. The relevant cash flows for evaluation of this project is ___ ?





In India, dividend is ____ in the hands of investors?



Heavily taxable

None of the above

Calculate the standard deviation with the help of following data: p=.3 r=30%, p=.4 r= l6%, p=.3 r=8%





Which of the following evaluation techniques for long-term investment decisions doesn't consider the
time value of money?



Pay-Back Period

Profitability Index

Calculate the expected return with the help of following data: p=.3 r=30%, p=.4 r= 16%, p=.3 r=8%



As per liquidity premium theory, interest rates on long term bonds will be than short term bonds?





Increase in the frequency of compounding results into _______ maturity value.




If the cost of capital of a project goes up then NPV will



remain same


Shyam deposits Rs 5000 every year for next 3 years at 6% semiannual compounding . Calculate the
future value if investment? Future value annuity factor at 3% for 3years and 6 years is 3.0909 & 6.4684
respectively and at 6% for 3years and 6 years is 3.1836 & 6.9753 respectively.




Discounted payback period is considered an improvement over payback period because it considers.

All cash-flows

Time Value of Money

Easy to understand

All of the above

For a firm, weight of equity & debt is 0.6 & 0.4 respectively and cost of equity is 15%, Cost of debt is 9%,
tax rate is 30%. Calculate the WACC for the firm?





As per :MM proposition without taxes, value of firm is ____ by changing the capital structure?


not affected


Which of the following method is considered the best evaluation techniques for Long-term investment



Pay-Back Period

Profitability Index

If proportion of debt is increased in capital structure, overall cost of capital will ____?



remain same


The risk which can be reduced by diversification is known as_____ ?

Systematic Risk

Unsystematic Risk

Total Risk

Market Risk

If business risk of a company goes up than price of stock will.



remain same


Moon Ltd invests Rs 800000 in a paper manufacturing plant This is expected to generate Rs 150000
every year for next seven years. Cost of capital for the project is 10%. PVAF for 7 years at 10% is 5.3349.
Calculate the NPV of the project?




In ABC classification of inventory, maximum attention has to be paid on _____ items?

A category

B category

C category

All of them

The internal rate of return generated by an fixed income investment, if held till maturity is known as

Current Yield


Yield Curve

Coupon rate

Dividend declared at 12% means that this % age will be applied on _____ ?

Issue Price

Market Price

Face Value


When interest rates on long term bonds are higher than short term bonds, yield curve will be. ____ ?

upward slopping

downward slopping


none of the above

Dividend payment linked to profits left-out after meeting the expansion needs is based on ___

Signaling Theory

Residual payout policy

Stable Dividend policy

Constant pay-out policy

Sheela needs Rs 100000 at the end of each year in the next 5 years. How much amount she should
invest now @ 10%. Present Value of annuity factor at 10% for 5 years is 3.7908





The cashflows invested in a project at t=O period is known as_________.

Initial Cash Flows

Operating Cash Flows

Terminal Cash Flows

Regular Cash Flows

If growth rate of expected earnings goes up than price of stock will_____ .



remain same


In case of share buy-back, number of outstanding share will_____.



remain same


A stock's average return in last 3 years were 12% and Standard deviation is 8%. Calculate the coefficient
of variation?



_____ method tells the period in which original investment in a project will be recovered.



Pay-Back Period

Profitability Index

After the 2 for 1 share split number of shares will_____?

remain same


be half


If credit sales is 100000, credit period is 30 days, calculate the average receivables?






1.Which of the following is an operating item?

Interest paid

salmy paid

share capital issued

2 . Accounting Standards are issued by which of the following entity, in India?





3 . A business has paid the rent for the period Jan-March 2016 in June'2016, in which year financial
statements this rent expenses will be recorded?




All of the above

4 . Both assets and owner's equity would be increased by __________________

capital brought in

Purchase of an asset on credit.

Payment of creditors.

Proprietors drawings.

5 . Who approves the financial statements of a company?




Board of Directors

6 . Which of the following can be categorized as discretionary Expense



Repair & Maintenance

R&D Expense

7 . The Share Capital of a company is Rs 10 Cr divided in 10 Lac number of shares. Calculate the face
value of share

Rs 100

Rs 1000



8 . Which of the following statement shows the financial position of a business entity as on date?
Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Trial Balance

Cash Flow Statement

9 . Which of the following self-generated intangible asset can be recorded in books of account?


Technical Know-How


All of the Above

10 . If manufacturing expenses are Rs 20000, interest expenses Rs 4000, cash sales is Rs 30000. Increase
in inventory and debtors is Rs 5000 and Rs 7000 respectively. While increase in accounts payable is
9000. Calculate the cash flow from operations?

Rs 9000

Rs 3000

Rs 7000

Rs 12000

11 . Proceeds on the sale of fixed assets will be shown in which part of the cash flow statement, if
indirect method is followed?

Operating Cash Flow

Financing Cash Flow

Investing Cash Flow

None of the above

12 . XYZ Ltd paid Salaries of Rs 200000 in the month of March'2016. Journalize the transaction.
Cash A/c Debited to Salary

Salary A/c Debited to Cash

Employees A/c Debited to Cash

Employees A/c Debited to Salary

13 . Security Premium Reserve is an example of ________________

Revenue Reserve

Capital Reserve

Reserve Capital

Revaluation Reserve

14 . Which of the following can be categorized as Revenue?

Sale of goods

Sale of Old Furniture

Dividend Received

All of the above

15 . In which of the following books, separate account is maintained for each item?


Accounting Equation

Trial Balance

16 . Credit sales for the year is Rs 100000 and closing debtors are Rs10000. Calculate the collection
period of the firms?

10 days

5 days

39 days

None of the above

17 . Capital contributed by owners is recorded as liability as per which of the following concept?

Monetary Unit

Economic Entity

Going Concern

Dual Aspect

18 . ABC Ltd Purchased Machinery on 1st October 2017 at cost price of Rs 5 Lacs. There is no salvage
value and estimated useful life of Machinery is 5 years. How much depreciation should be charged for
Year 2017-18?

1 Lac



None of these

19 . A new firm commenced business on 1st January 20016 and purchased goods costing Rs. 90,000
during the year. A sum of Rs. 6,000 was spent on freight inwards. At the end of the year the cost of
goods still unsold was Rs. 12,000. Sales during the year Rs.1,20,000. What is the gross profit earned by
the firm?

Rs 36000

Rs 30000

Rs 42000

Rs 38000

20 . Loss on the sale of Fixed Assets will be shown in which part of the cash flow statement, if indirect
method is followed?

Operating Cash Flow

Financing Cash Flow

Investing Cash Flow

None of the above

21 . Which of the following is liquidity ratio?

Debt to Equity Ratio

Return on Investment

Total Asset Turnover Ratio

Current Ratio

22 . In which of the following books, transactions are first time recorded?


Accounting Equation
Trial Balance


23 . Operating expenses of Moon Ltd are Rs 18000, Interest expenses Rs 5000, Tax paid Rs 4000. If Sales
is Rs 35000 then calculate the Net Profit Margin?




0 0.0657

24 . Purchase of machinery against issue of shares will be shown in which part of the cash flow

Operating Cash Flow

Financing Cash Flow

Investing Cash Flow

None of the above

25 . A credit sale of goods to Mohan should be debited to

Sales account

Mohan account

Goods account

Purchase account

26 . Which of the following is an financing item?

Interest paid

Salary paid

Dividend received

Share capital issued

27 . While preparing cash flow statements, the repayments of a loan during the year should be included
under the heading of

Operating Cash Flow

Financing Cash Flow

Investing Cash Flow

None of the above

28 . The balance of cash account indicates______________

Net income for the period

Net loss for the period

Net cash on hand

Net worth of the business

29 . Which of the following statement shows the Net Profit/Loss earned by a business entity?

Income Statement
Balance Sheet

Trial Balance

Cash Flow Statement

30 . Every accounting transaction must at least affect -_________accounts?




Part - 2


While preparing cash flow statements. The repayments of a loan during the year should included under
the heading of

Operating cash flow

Financing cash flow

Investing cash flow

None of the above


Which of the following is basic accounting equation?

Capital – liabilities = assets

Assets + liabilities = capital

Assets + capital = liabilities

Liabilities + capital = assets


Operating expenses of Moon Ltd are Rs 18000, Interest expenses Rs 5000, Tax paid Rs 4000. If Sales is Rs
35000 then calculate the Net Profit Margin?



0 0.0657


Decline in the value of intangible assets in a given year is known as____




All of the above


Which of the following self-generated intangible asset can be recorded in books of account?


Technical Know-How


All of the Above


Which of the following is an Operating item?

Interest paid

Salary paid

Dividend received

Share capital issued


A business has paid rent for the period Jan-march 2016 in June 2016, in which year financial statements
this rent expenses will be recorded?




All of the above


Which of the following is a financing item?

Interest paid

Salary paid

Dividend received

Share capital issued


On 1st April 2017 P Ltd sells 100000 shares of dabur India Ltd to Q Ltd at Rs 400 per share (market price
on that day) with an agreement to repurchase the same at Rs 412 per share on 31 Dec 2017. How the
transaction should be presented in financial statements of P Ltd

Sale of investment
Sale of shares




Which of the following can be categorised as Discretionary Expenses



Repair and maintenance

R&D Expense


If total liabilities decreased by rs20000 and stockholders’ equity increase by rs5,000 during of time, then
total assets must change by what amount and direction during the same time period?
Rs 15000 increase

Es 15000 decrease

Rs 25000 increase

Rs 25000 decrease


A credit sale of goods to Mohan should be debited to

Sales account

Mohan account

Goods account

Purchase account


A credit sale of goods to Mohan should be credited to

Sales account
Mohan account

Goods account

Purchase account


There was a fire in M Ltd Godown. It resulted into loss of Rs 5 Cr goods however the insurance company
accepted the claim of Rs 4.5 Cr only. This will result in _____ in equity by Rs____.


Increase,4.5 Cr

Decrease, 0.5 Cr

Increase, 0.5 Cr

Decrease, 5 Cr


In which of the following statement, final balances of all the accounts are prepared in the form of list ?


Accounting Equation

Trial Balance


Which of the following is a Current Assets ?






In which of the following firm structure compliance cost is maximum

Sole proprietorship

Ltd liability partnership

Pvt ltd company

Public ltd company


The share capital of a company is Rs 10Cr divided in 10 lac number of shares. Calculate the face value of

Rs 100

Rs 1000

Rs 10

Rs 1


In which of the following books, transactions are first time recorded?


Accounting Equation

Trial Balance


Advance from Customers is an example of






Accounting Standards are issued by which of the following entity, in India?





Both assets and owner’s equity would be increased by _______________

Capital brought in

Purchase of an asset on credit

Payments of creditors

Proprietors drawings

Q23 . Which of the following statement shows the Net Profit/Loss earned by a business entity?

Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Trial Balance

Cash Flow Statement


A new firm commenced business on 1st January 20016 and purchased goods costing Rs. 90,000 during
the year. A sum of Rs. 6,000 was spent on freight inwards. At the end of the year the cost of goods still
unsold was Rs. 12,000. Sales during the year Rs.1,20,000. What is the gross profit earned by firm?






Credit sales for the year is Rs 100000 and closing debtors are Rs10000. Calculate the collection period of
the firms?

10 days

5 days

39 days

None of the above


In which of the following firm structure liability of owners is unlimited

Sole proprietorship

Ltd liability partnership

Pvt ltd company

Public ltd company


Higher debt- equity ratio indicates

High operating risk

Low operating risk

High financial risk

Low financial risk

ABC Ltd Purchased Machinery on 1st October 2017 at cost price of Rs 5 Lacs. There is no salvage value
and estimated useful life of Machinery is 5 years. How much depreciation should be charged for Year

1 Lac



None of these


Wages paid to workers must be debited to_________ account



Factory Expenses

Office Expenses

Which of the following can be categorized as revenue?

Sale of goods

Sale of old furniture

Dividend received

All of above

ECOC514 SET 1 DEC 2018

Test -1
1.Demand curve slopes downward due to

-income effect

-substitution effect

-diminishing marginal utility

-all of the above

2.An increase in the price of a good normally increases the

-demand for its substitutes

-supply of compliments

-purchasing power of consumer incomes

-purchasing power of consumer divide incomes

3.An isoquant is
-least cost combination

-a locus of input combination that give the same level of output

-a locus of input combination that give different level of output

-a locus of product combination that give the same level of satisfaction

4.If planned spending exceeds planned output, the result is

-a reduction in GDP

-unintended inventory increases

-unintended inventory reduction

-an increase in government purchases

5.Production of an additional unit of output by the firm gives rise to

-Explicit cost
-implicit cost

-incremental cost

-marginal cost

6.If future price changes were perfectly anticipated by both borrowers and lenders ,what would happen
to the real interest rate in the future if the price level changed?

-it would increase

-it would decrease

-it would not change

-it would decrease by the amount of the price increase

7.Negative cross-price elasticity of demand indicates that

-the product is an inferior good

-the product is a necessity

-the product is a luxury

-the two products are compliments

8.when the first stage of law of variable proportions begins to operate the TVC curve

-falls at an increasing rate

-rises at an increasing rate

-falls at a decreasing rate

-rises at a decreasing rate

9.In determining comparative advantage, cost is measured in terms of

-foreign currency

-opportunities forgone
-domestic currency

-gold only actability

-each country consumption possibilities are the same as its production possibilities

-equilibrium is attained with the maximum gains from specialization and trade

-equilibrium is attained with the maximum amount of international trade

-a nation is governed by an individual with absolute authority

11.if an imperfectly competitive firm is selling its 100th unit of output for $35,its marginal revenue

-will be greater than $35

-will be less than $35

-will also be $35

-may be either greater or less than $35

12.the equation for calculation of gross domestic product through expenditure approach is





13.price discrimination refers to

-the differences between the prices a purely competitive seller and a purely monopolistic seller would

-the selling of a given product at different prices that do not reflect cost differences

-any price above that which is equal to minimum average total cost
-selling a given product for different prices at two different points in time

14.As a result of an increased deficit associated with discretionary fiscal policy

-both the interest rate and real output fall

-both the interest rate and nominal output rise

-the interest rate falls and real output rises

-the interest rate rises and real output falls

15.A consumer maximizes utility when the marginal utilities of all goods

-having positive money prices that are equal to zero

-are equal

-are maximized

-are exactly proportional to their market prices

16.when prices increases at a such speed that the value of money falls drastically is called as

-headline inflation

-core inflation



17.If the supply of a product increases, then

-more will be purchased at the same price

-the price of a product must have declined

-demand for the good must have increased

-producers offer less for sale at each possible price

18.The money demand curve describes how the quantity of money demanded varies with

-nominal GDP

-the interest rate

-real GDP

-the price level

19.A purely competitive firm is in short run equilibrium and its MC exceeds its can be conclude that

-firms will leave the industry in the long run

-the firm is realizing an economic profit

-the firm is realizing a loss

-this is an increasing cost industry

20.Which of the following will not increase when net taxes decrease ?


-disposable income


-government expenditure

21.GDP price index is calculated by the formula

-Nominal GDP/Real GDP*100

-Real GDP /nominal GDP*100

-Nominal GDP/real GDP

-Real GDP /Nominal GDP

22.Cross elasticity between a battery and a car will be





23.The firm is a price taker under

-perfect competition


-monopolistic competition

-All of the above

24.Gross domestic product is

-the sum of money value of all intermediate goods and services produced with in the domestic
territories of a country during an accounting year

-the aggregate final goods and services produced during an accounting year

The aggregate intermediate goods and services produced during an accounting year

-the sum of money value of all final goods and services produced with in the domestic territories of a
country during an accounting year

25.Short run cost curves behaviour is explained by

-laws of returns

-economies of scale

-law of variable proportion

-law of increasing returns

26.If total revenue falls ,when price falls ,the demand of the product will be

-unitary elastic


-perfectly elastic

27.For a perfectly competitive firm the average revenue

-coincides with total revenue

-is lower than total revenue

-is equal to marginal revenue

-is higher than marginal revenue

28.In the long run, a monopolistic competitor

-incurs losses

-makes economic profit

-reaps normal profit

-any of the above

29.The percentage change in the demand for film divided by the percentage change in the price of
cameras indicates

-the cross -price elasticity of demand between film and cameras

-the cross-price elasticity of demand for photographs

-the price elasticity of demand for film

-the price elasticity of demand for cameras

30.Marginal utility is defined as the

-average amount of satisfaction gained from consuming a product

-total amount of satisfaction gained from consuming a product

-additional satisfaction gained from consuming one more unit of a product

-total amount of satisfaction gained from consuming a product divided by the number of units

Test – 2



1.A government -imposed price above floor above the market price of milk would increase consumer
expenditure on milk only if

-demand is elastic

-supply is inelastic
-demand falls

-demand is inelastic

2.the equilibrium interest rate is determined by

-both the supply of and demand for money

-demand for money

-supply of money

-reserve bank of india

3.Gross domestic product can be calculated by adding---------- in an accounting year

-adding income earned by all factor inputs

-expenditure approach
-adding output produced by all sectors

-any of these method

4.which of the following is true concerning the relationship between the marginal propensity to
consume and the consumption function?

-the larger the MPC the higher the level of autonomous consumption

-the larger the MPC the steeper the consumption function

-the larger the MPC the larger the MPS

-the smaller the MPC the steeper the consumption function

5.If a pure monopolist is producing a level of output in excess of the MR=MC output

-it will be the interest of the firm and the society to reduce output

-it will be the interest of the firm and society to increase output

-it will be in the interest of the firm but not necessarily of society to reduce output
-the firm may or may not be maximizing profits

6.An arbitrageur in foreign exchange is a person who

-buys foreign currency, hopping to profit by selling it at a higher exchange rate of some later date

-earns illegal profit by manipulating foreign exchange

-causes differences in exchange rates in different geographic market

-simultaneously buys large amount of currency in one market and sells it in another market

7.If future price changes were perfectly anticipated by both borrowers and lenders, what would happen
to the real interest rate in the future if the price level changed?

-it would increase

-it would decrease

-it would not change

-it would decrease by the amount of the price increase

8.A typical situation when stagnation and inflation coexist is called as an




-Headline inflation

9.Point of tangency between isoquant and is cost denotes

-producer equilibrium

-least cost combination

-optical factor combination

-all of the above

10.price are measured in india by

-consumer price index

-wholesale price index

-consumer price index and wholesale price index

-None of these

11.When economist say that people act as rational decision makers, that means

-they gather all relevant information before making their purchases

-once a pattern of behaviour has been established people tend to become set in their ways

-people respond in predictable ways to changes in costs and benefits

-people rarely make errors when they are permitted to make transactions

12.production of an additional units of output by the firm gives rise to

-Explicit cost

-implicit cost

-incremental cost

-marginal cost

13.A firm earns maximum profit when



-Total revenue equals total cost

-TR is greater than TC by the larger amount

14.infaltuon rates differ in metropolitan regions MOSTLY because of

-differences in retail prices

-differences in housing prices

-transportation cost

-all of these

15.Marginal utility is defined as the

-Average amount of satisfaction gained from consuming a product

-total amount of satisfaction gained from consuming a product

-additional satisfaction gained from consuming more unit of a product

-total amount of satisfaction gained from consuming a product divided by the number of units
16.In choosing between burger and shirts, consumer increase their purchases of each until

-the marginal utility from the last rupee spent on one is the same as on the another

-the marginal utility from the last rupee of burger is the same as from the last shirt

-the total utility from one is the same as from the other

-none of the above

17.A movement on the demand curve will take place when there is

-a change in own price of the product

-a change in price of a substitute

-a change in consumer preferences

-an increase in per capita income

18.A firm is in equilibrium when

-marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost

-marginal revenue is more than marginal cost

-marginal cost of the firm is rising

-both conditions 1 and 2 are fulfilled

19.the law of diminishing marginal utility states that

-the total utility falls continuously additional unit of a product

-the marginal utility falls continuously with consumption additional unit of a product

-the average utility falls continuously with consumption additional unit of a product

-the marginal utility falls continuously with consumption total unit of a product
20.An increase in the money supply leads to a(n)

-decline in interest rates ,an increase in investment and an increase in aggregate demand

-decline in interest rate a decrease in investment and an increase in aggregate demand

-decline in interest rate an increase in investment and a decline in aggregate demand

-increase in interest rate an increase in investment and an increase in aggregate demand

21.If the economy experiences a contractionary gap and the RBI stimulates the economy

-The money supply is decreasing because the RBI makes open market sales

-The money supply is increasing because the RBI makes open market purchases

-The money supply is increasing because the RBI prints more money

-The money supply is decreasing because the RBI hoards money

22.when prices increase at a such speed that the value of money falls drastically is called as
-Headline inflation

-Core inflation



23.If marginal product of labour is lesser than average product of labour then average product of labour





24.Cartel is
-a form of overt collusion

-a form of tacit collusion

-used to explain price rigidity

-non collusive oligopoly

25.To close a contractionary gap using fiscal policy, the government can

-Increase government spending by the size of the gap

-decrease government spending by the size of the gap

-increase government spending by less than the size of the gap

-decrease government spending by more than the size of the gap

26.The firm is a price taker under

-Perfect competition

-monopolistic competition

-all of these

27.Demand curve slopes downward due to

-income effect

-substitution effect

-diminishing marginal utility

-all of the above

28.Demand pull inflation is due to

-increase in money supply

-increase in purchasing power

-increasing in income with the population

-all of these

29.which of the following will not increase when net taxes decrease?


-disposable income


-government expenditure

30.Total fixed cost includes cost of

-plant and machinery

-plant and machinery and depreciation cost of plant

-routine maintenance of plant

-plant and machinery and routine maintenance of

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