Contemporary World Quiz 2 10 - 10 PDF
Contemporary World Quiz 2 10 - 10 PDF
Contemporary World Quiz 2 10 - 10 PDF
from his roadside restaurant in Corbin, Kentucky during the Great Depression. Sanders
identified the potential of the restaurant franchising concept, and the first "Kentucky Fried
Chicken" franchise opened in Utah in 1952. By 1963, Sanders was fielding franchise requests
without having to put in the legwork, and had more than 600 restaurants across the US and
Canada selling Kentucky Fried Chicken. Years later, Kentucky Fried Chicken would establish its
own restaurants around the world, and the rest is history. The success of KFC as a business is
what attribute of global corporations?
- Value opportunity to expand
In his book, The Modern World System, American sociologist Immanuel Wallerstein described
high-income nations as the ____ of the world economy.
- Core
The Millennium Development Goals were the eight international development goals created by
the United Nations for the year 2015 to address the different problems in the world. Which of
the following ranked first in the eight development goals?
- Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty
The United Nations defines _____ as a condition characterized by severe deprivation of basic
human needs including food, safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, health, shelter, education
and information.
- Extreme poverty
The level of personal or family income below which one is classified as poor according to
governmental standards:
- Poverty line
The term international financial institution typically refers to the International Monetary Fund,
the World Bank Group, the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Inter-
American Development Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
The last five banks are considered MDBs. What does MDBs stand for?
- Multilateral Development Banks
With around 20,000 stores in 63 countries, Starbucks, the world's most popular coffee house
has made its mark from Brazil to China, where many thought it would fail to take off due to the
cultural importance of tea drinking. The company has gone to great lengths to make sure that
every Starbucks feels like a local coffee house, without losing brand consistency. For example,
in China, a regional dislike for coffee was combatted with coffee-free drinks, whilst stores in
Asia feature more adaptable seating arrangements to cater for larger groups. This effort is what
attribute of a global corporation?
- Understand different cultures
Which of the following is not true about the history of global market integration?
- The high costs of and the risks associated with long voyages did not limit trade to a relatively
small set of commodities of high value relative to their weight and bulk.