CSS Essay - Free Speech Should Have Limitations

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CSS Essay: Free speech should have limitations

Outline: Free speech should have limitations

1. Introduction
1.1) Hate speech adds fire to the fuel as it brings global chaos through blasphemy and cultural

2. Ideology and the historical perspective of the free speech(in western context)
2.1) In the constitution of US, UK and other western states.
2.2) Hate speech of anti-Islam brings turmoil. i.e; (new US president) Trump’s Islamophobia.

3. Why should free speech have limitations?

3.1) Global chaos- A direct fall out of the unbridled speech
3.1.1) Political unrest across the world owing to violation of the human rights. 3.1.2) Anti-Muslim speeches
and ill-will among countries and religious community 3.1.3) Sectarian gaps by refusing privileged rights to
The incidents of controversial statements for sacred religious personalities and resultant issues have been
created in Pakistan from 2010 to 2016.
3.2) Eruptions of the extremism as the corollary of free speech
3.2.1) Clash of civilization.
3.2.2) Distrust and Hostility deteriorating the social fabric
3.2.3) Violent public reaction at derogatory remarks and the reciprocity goes on e.g. two people attack the
French Magazine for publishing blasphemous carricatures rendering 12 staff members dead. In return
there began another series of offensive acts.
3.3. ‘Free speech’ serving as a tool for the western agenda
3.3.1) Bias against the Islamic norms and preaching.
3.3.2) Contradictory reaction towards the ‘Free speech’ demonstrated by Western powers e.g:-
i) Favouring Satanic verses by Sulman Rushdi
ii) Blasphemous movie ‘Innocence of Muslims’ in 2012

iii) Blasphemous carricatures with derogatory remarks published in Denmark in 2008 and by ‘Charlie
Hebdo’ now – all in the pretext of freedom of speech but intolerance at demonstrations against these acts
taking place all over the world.

4. Measures to redeem the belligerence

4.1) Well-defined law making by the UN to protect the religious sentiments. 4.2) Promoting dignity and
peace ‘for all’

5. Conclusion

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CSS Essay: Free speech should have limitations

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Essay for CSS: Free Speech Should have


Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate ones opinion and ideas. It is the cherished desire
of every individual living in a civilized society but there should be a very common and general rule of right
and freedom; “my right stops when it infringes upon your right”. The question that why free speech should
have limitations is the globally echoed question for which the answer is quite absolute. Words have
consequences and they frequently inspire actions. A primary function of language is to communicate with
others in order to influence them. If speech does have an influence than free speech should have
limitations. Despite the global democracies speak eloquently about the protection of human rights and
dignity their unbridled freedom of speech has triggered potential issues of religious and cultural prejudices
stirring the violent riots across the globe. Free speech should not put the world’s peace and an individual’s
dignity at stake, and for this the international organizations have a decisive role to play. On the
objectionable You tube video the then UN secretary Ban Ki Mon was of the view “My position is that
freedom of expression which is a fundamental right should not be abused by such disgraceful, such
shameful acts”

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The apparent assumption of free speech defenders is that offensive speech is essentially harmless- that is
just words with no demonstrate able link to consequences. But question whether speech can really incite
someone to bad behavior seems irresponsibly obtuse. Speech created an impact. If that weren’t so, there
would be no multibillion dollar advertising industry, no campaigns for political office, no motivational
speakers or books, no citizen-led petitions, no public service announcements and no church sermons.
Along with a myriad of other proven examples where speech leads others to act. The vitality of imposing
restrictions to restrict and manage free speech can be from the ‘Rwandan Genocide’ in 1994. Rwandan
radio station, RTLM (1993-19940 played a critical role in provoking the Rwandan genocide. It projected the
racist propaganda, charging the racial hostility, which ultimately led to the butchery. As per the estimate
of the Harvard University approximately 50,000 of the deaths were caused by the stations broadcasts.
Although the views in all the transmissions, were mere expositions of the opinions held by the tellers, but

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CSS Essay: Free speech should have limitations

they were in open contradiction of the greater good. Hence limiting and keeping checks on the free speech
is crucial.

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Challenges to Democracy in Pakistan
Free speech is supposed to follow certain socio-religious and political restriction hence a word spoken out
triggers retaliation. The repeated saga of free speech has erupted issue of clash of civilization. This head
on collision of both ideologies has depleted the qualities of tolerance and sensibility from the societies. As
in September 2012, the reaction of the Muslims on the profane movies explained the emotional state of
the Muslims. The claimants of the free speech manipulate the idea of freedom of their vested interests.
Even BBC critiques these movies to be an obnoxious production in which certain blasphemous dialogues
have been dubbed .Unless the legal actions to prosecute the producer strong and furious demonstrations
were observed in the whole world. In a Libyan city Bin Ghazi, furious demonstrators attacked the US
embassy killing 3 workers along with the US ambassador. In Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sudan, UK and
Germany were also the countries where Muslim extremist retaliation was witnessed. This extremist
reaction has yielded nothing but has further sharpened the gap between Islam and West aggravating the
“Clash of Civilization”, between Islam and the Western societies.

Free speech restricts the growth of values of peace and mutual harmony in the globe. Free speech, when
taken in terms of hate speech, is destructive to the world communities at large because it is divisive and
promotes intolerance and discrimination. In democratic societies that stand for equality and freedom, it
makes no sense to tolerate hate speech that actively works to oppose values. Further hate speech violates
the spirit of the human right codes and laws, diminishing their purpose and effect. Taking the example
from the history that how free speech stirred the peace of the world by violating the democratic values,
Satanic verses; known as ‘Selman Affairs’ were first published in the UK in 1988. Many Muslims accused
the author of blasphemy and in 1989 Khomeini of Iran issued a fatwa ordering his assassination. Numerous
killings, attempted killings and bombings resulted from the Muslim anger over the blasphemous novel.
Conclusively free speech that is intemperate in nature and rampant is usage piques certain issues for
human dignity and values. In this regard free speech should be bridled with certain limits.

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towards Growing Abuse of Human Rights
Western world has essentially developed a lopsided and prejudiced stance on the ‘free speech’, which
provokes disaccord when it comes to term with religion Islam. The skirmish it creates is really hostile in
nature. Generally west defends the free speech but its advocacy comes to an end when the subject of
certain ideologies related to Christianity or holocaust. An ice cream company of UK used the idea of

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CSS Essay: Free speech should have limitations

featuring a pregnant nun enjoying the ice cream to satirically convey the message about the quality of
their product. The publication of that advertisement ignited and enkindles the chord of many catholic. The
magazine was compelled to shrug off the advertisement and to apologize on the eve of Pope’s visit to
United Kingdom. The authorities construed that no such advertisement could be placed hurting the
religious sentiments of the population. But it is the case only with Christianity that their beliefs cannot b
poked. No other religion enjoys the same protection in UK according to their laws in constitution. Such is
the case of ‘Free speech’ which reveals a derisive dissimulation of the west with the rest of the
communities of the world.

Conclusively free speech should be delivered with predefined fundaments. The challenge of the time is
that all religious parties of the world should sit on a table to articulate a comprehensive law against
offending the religious sentiments. The law should be drafted in such a manner that it may provide
protection to sacred personalities, places and beliefs without curbing the freedom of speech. People should
be allowed to differ in their opinion but they shouldn’t be allowed to insult each other’s beliefs. In United
Nations, Pakistan had tried many times to articulate a law against blasphemy, but it has received criticism
from western democratic and human-right organizations. For instance in 2006, after publication of
caricatures and then in 2009 Pakistan tabled the suggestion. In 2012, Pakistan again urged the western
countries to find a peaceful solution. A well-defined law is the only way to prevent such events in the
future. Moreover Muslim Ummah needs to shun the extra sensitivity and have to show some patience.

Muslim world should cultivate tolerance and patience against such activities. As Quran Majeed has showed
the Muslims the right way to react: “For sufficient are we unto thee against those who scoff”. This ayah
illustrates that God has told the scheme of reaction to Muslims. It is also evident from the Sunnah of Holy
Prophet (S.A.W) that he never answered the insulting speeches and acts against him. So ullema should
preach the virtues of patience and tolerance to the Muslim masses setting aside their political interests.
Muslims should record their protests peacefully and sensibly.

In the nut-shell, it can be said that west has used the freedom of law in favor of its vested interests.
Although West protects its own religious beliefs and sentiments yet it hesitates to provide the same right
to the Muslims. This act of the western democracies negates their own claim of equality and justice for all
human beings. One can find many examples of this injustice to Muslim community in modern democracies
of the West. This conflict between Islam and west has damaged the social fabric of the society hence
hampering the social and economic growth of the world. But with constructive approach and consistent
efforts from both civilizations, they can form a feasible agreement in the best interests of the world.
According to the UN secretary Ban Ki Moon “All of this freedom of expression should not be abused by
individuals… some people abuse this freedom. This effort to provoke, to humiliate others by using
(religion) beliefs cannot be protected in such a way “

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