Part A: Literature Review
Part A: Literature Review
Part A: Literature Review
in the classroom?
Individual question: How does a teacher expectation with clear instructions and
In the teaching sector, behavioural issues are often heard of and is a challenge
to control and is a worry for both pre-service teachers and full-time teachers across
the world as it creates further issues surrounding their behaviour. In order to create a
classroom environment that is safe for students’ teachers are required to build on their
stable classroom for students to learn in and reduce behavioural issues from disrupting
lessons throughout the teaching period (Lester, Allanson & Notar, 2017). This essay
will focus on various researches conducted on clear expectations and the effects of it
Rischer (as cited in Lester et al., 2017) states that when expectations are
with their students’ and to further ensure the stability of the instructions, parents
should be informed about the rules that are being implemented. In addition to that,
when teachers set out classroom rules, they should make it into a routine to show
students that it will be a constant rule in their learning environment. As to how each
student differs from another, the same rule applies to instructions in different classes
as each class will have their own set of rules, routines and consequences of breaking
those rules. The rules should usually be written and spoken regularly to ensure
students' are able to enter the classroom with certain expectations and familiarity
which increases their learning outcomes (Lester et al.; Marzano, Pickering & Pollock,
differentiating for students with additional needs to allow for these students to
participate in activities and discussions with their fellow peers without feeling left out.
However, having students with disruptive behaviours can cause interference which
reduces the chances of teachers being able to accommodate all the students in the
able to work on creating an inclusive environment that is beneficial for all students’,
even students with additional needs (Boyle, Scriven, Durning & Downes, 2011).
language). By doing so, students’ are seen to be completing their assigned class
activities with more accuracy which increases the level of a positive learning
environment for all students’. In an article by Huang (2011), the researcher explains
the connection of breaking down instructions step by step to assist students with a
diverse background, including students’ whose English is not their first language. The
book by Marzano et al. (2001) also agrees with the statement above that with
learning environment.
Generally, rules were created for the reason to ensure students are able to be
in a safe environment without worry and to ensure students are acting in a way that is
acceptable when they are in public. However, with many rules intact, students’ tend to
lose focus on which rule to follow constantly. Bowman’s (2016) article focuses on the
issues of the consequences of not presenting rules in a direct manner. For example,
the instruction of “eyes up here” is often said to capture students’ attention in the
classroom. The issue shown in the example is that students might not find the content
to be engaging enough to pay attention to what is being mentioned. On the other hand,
able to understand by themselves on what is right and wrong instead of just being told
instructions for students to follow without relevance allows students to find excuses to
instructions which are “coerce, motivate, or inspire” (p. 102). Coercing and
consequences it is not followed. Pink (as cited in Bowman) states that inspiration
from people, especially teachers, is one of the most effective methods to implement
that would encourage students to perform positively academically and socially. This
students with a sense of purpose that they are responsible for attaining their rewards
Additionally, Jackson, Simon and Davidson (2013) article agrees with the
the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers that one must be able to provide
“clear learning goals, lesson overviews and clear directions for her students”
(Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL], 2017). Therefore,
in order to achieve this standard, praising and mentioning the positive behaviours of
the student to other students’ helps promote the concept that one would be rewarded
when they have done the right action. This correlates to the paragraph above by
Bowman (2016) and is seen in Jackson et al.’s article, that this instruction can also be
known as a “preventive strategy” rather than simply correcting the wrong action
teachers need to be given exposure to dealing with such issues. A research conducted
in 2003 showed that a high percentage of first-year teachers and pre-service teachers
behavioural issues in classrooms (Jackson et al.) Which is why the requisites in order
crucial strategy to gain with the constant cases of behavioural issues within the
classroom environment. As this disrupts the rest of the students’ learning environment,
the classroom would not be seen as a safe place for those students’ who wish to show
their potential. With direct instructions that are value-based and meaningful, teachers
are able to see the changes not only in students’ behaviour but also in their social and
researchers to investigate a range of social issues “in order to improve the quality of
life” and is frequently used by teachers (Riding, Powell & levy, 1995, p.1). The term
teacher-researcher was formed using action research in order to discover the concerns
surrounding education and methods to overcome those concerns. Kolb (as cited in
Riding et al.) draws upon the idea of an action research is to observe their actions and
reflect on it to improve on the issues that was observed during the action. For that
reason, the methodology chosen to gather data for this research will be by observation.
teaching qualities and other educational evaluations and is used for a specific purpose
to build on the original theme that is stated for a research (Bell et al., 2012). With that
in mind, this research will be focusing on how does a teacher expectation with clear
and the theme will be on how the teacher will structure the instruction and how
students’ react to the instruction given. Additionally, the theme will discover the
underlining reason for the reaction of the student and how it can help to promote a
Newton and Burgess raises a question on the validity of the results as it has the
potential to be biased due to the researcher’s own interest in the research topic.
However, as this is a group action research, the results of the data collected will be
shown and discussed in a group to ensure the stability of the final results.
Furthermore, this research will be conducted in the span of two weeks during
the immersion days in the practical and will adhere to the observation protocol
whereby a teacher and student is observed over a number of lessons and in the same
class (Bell et al., 2012). Doing so will increase the ability to strongly assess the theme
chosen for this research project as it requires to focus on one target student.
attaining a more concrete observation (Bell et al.). Conversely, as the immersion days
are set out over the period of two weeks, there is a time constrain on this research
project. Another factor that will be considered is the time the observation will be
recorded as students’ level of concentration will differ across the class periods (Bell et
al.). Therefore, with critical thinking and discussion with the group and teacher in the
This research will be conducted using the observation protocol method that will
concise of using the field notes method throughout the 78 minute teaching period
across various classes and days as this would be able to assist in gathering a more
detailed data. The field notes will concise of a summary of each lesson conducted, the
performance of students’ behaviour and overall achievement in the lessons after being
be easier navigate when recording the field notes as to which student reacts to the
the teacher’s instructions, the participating students will be numbered accordingly and
will be marked in the seating plan. An example of the seating plan is shown below
with using alphabets and numbers to differentiate the male and female students
without giving out their personal information. The teacher will be identified as T(f/m)
Class: Period:
M1 M2 F1 F2 F3 F4
M3 M4
As for the ethical issues surrounding this research, the consent form will concise of
gaining the approval from students’ and teachers to participate in the research and will
I am working on a project titled ‘How can teachers foster a positive learning environment in the
classroom?’ for the class, ‘Researching Teaching and Learning 2,’ at Western Sydney University. As part
of the project, I am collecting information to help inform the design of a teacher research proposal.
The research topic introduces various factors that affect students learning environment and my specific
research will be focusing on assessing students’ behaviour and academic achievement through an
observation method. A selected class of students will be observed when given specific instructions by the
teacher throughout the selected teaching period. To achieve this, the selected students and teacher will
be asked for their consent to participate in the research and will be de-identified. Also, students and
teachers who participate in this research will be asked to provide their in-class work samples or
homework or lesson plan outline in order to gain a more detailed data to assure the level of accuracy of
this research.
I have read the project information and have been given the opportunity to discuss the
information and my involvement in the project with the researcher/s.
The procedures required for the project and the time involved have been explained to me, and
any questions I have about the project have been answered to my satisfaction.
I consent to providing my samples of lesson plans/ work/ discuss that will be gathered for the
I understand that my involvement is confidential and that the information gained during this
data collection experience will only be reported within the confines of the ‘Researching Teaching
and Learning 2’ unit, and that all personal details will be de-identified from the data.
I understand that I can withdraw from the project at any time, without affecting my relationship
with the researcher/s, now or in the future.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I am 18 years of age or older, or I am a full-time university student
who is 17 years old.
Signed: __________________________________
Name: __________________________________
Date: __________________________________
By signing below, I acknowledge that I am the legal guardian of a person who is 16 or 17 years old and
provide my consent for the person’s participation.
Signed: __________________________________
Name: __________________________________
Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership [AITSL]. (2017). Sound
Bell, C.A., Gitomer, G.H., McCaffery, D.F., Hamre, B.K., Pianta, R.C. & Qi, Y.
Bowman, R.F. (2016). Why school rules fail: Causes and Consequences. Kappa Delta
Boyle, C., Scriven, B., Durning, S & Downes, C.(2011). Facilitating the learning of
Jackson, C., Simoncini, K., & Davidson, M. (2013). Classroom Profiling Training:
Newton, P., & Burgess, D. (2016). Exploring types of educational action research:
Lester, R.R., Allanson, P.B. & Notar, C.E. (2017). Routines are the foundation of
Marzano, R.J., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J.E. (2001). Classroom instruction that
Riding, P., Fowell, S., & Levy, P. (1995). An action research approach to curriculum