hat was the scenario introduced by the • Acquire the evidence without altering or
Third Forensic Challenge, organized by damaging the original data
the UNAM-CERT (Mexico) in 2006. Based • Authenticate the recovered evidence and
on that scenario and using a live image of the verify that is the same as the originally seized
Windows 2003 Server, which hosted the ERP data
application, we will set up a forensic laboratory • Investigate and analyze the data without
that will be used throughout this article to illustrate modifying it
and practice the methods, techniques and tools • Report the results
used to identify, collect, preserve and investigate • Maintain a Chain of Custody of all evidence
the digital evidence found during the course of a
computer forensic investigation. To envision this process best, we will play the role
of a computer forensic professional in charge of
Introduction the investigation. It is important to understand that
Scenarios like the one described represents just it is not the purpose of this exercise to detail the
one of the countless variety of security incidents solution to this challenge (that is already covered
WHAT YOU WILL that can trigger a computer forensic investigation. by the reports produced by the participants and
LEARN... From employee Internet abuse and unauthorized available on their website), but rather to provide
How to best react to incidents disclosure of corporate data, to industrial hands-on practice using a ready-to-use image that
while collecting volatile and non- espionage and more general criminal cases, anyone can download from the Internet. Besides,
volatile evidence
computer forensics techniques can be valuable the image does not contain any real data, since it
How to investigate security
breaches and analyze data in a wide range of situations, providing insight into was specially built for the forensic challenge.
without modifying it how past events have occurred. One word of caution. Before we begin, it is
How to create event time lines, But, piecing together the puzzle of what necessary to realize that computer forensics is
recover data from unallocated
space, extract evidence from
happened on a system is not a straightforward much more than just a set of techniques and tools.
the registry and how to parse process. It requires the use of advanced techniques It is a complex, technologically fast evolving field that
windows event logs
and tools to collect volatile and non-volatile data, requires the use of a proven, effective methodology
WHAT YOU SHOULD perform data recovery, create event time lines and trained professionals capable of dealing
KNOW... and provide accurate reports, among others. with high-level technical and legal issues. This is
Windows and Linux System Nevertheless, the overall forensic investigation especially true when the investigation results are
Administration methodology will remain the same from case expected to be used in a court of law (which should
Intrusion and hacker techniques to case, regardless of what tools you use. This be assumed in every investigation). Also, keep in
NTFS file system essentials process is often divided into the following phases: mind the possible consequences; make sure you
32 HAKIN9 4/2009
have the proper authority and approval That will mount the disk image into READ- Administrator´s password, available at http:
before initiating any real investigation and ONLY mode, and will let you browse the // )
that the appropriate personnel (i.e., human original filesystem both locally and through Last but not least, we will add a HELIX
resources, legal and even law enforcement, if Samba using a READ-ONLY fileshare. CD to our forensic tool arsenal. HELIX is a
necessary) are notified, as soon as possible As for the Windows environment, all of Knoppix based bootable Linux Distribution
if a crime has been identified. the tools referenced in this article can be CD created to obtain live data and forensic
If in doubt, ask for additional professional downloaded from the links included in the images from running and powered off
assistance. Making one simple mistake On the ‘Net frame. Those tools will work on systems. It contains most of the tools you
can completely nullify the entire case in the off-line image mounted on the Linux might need during an incident response
court. Hiring a qualified third-party expert workstation and shared using Samba. Since phase and it is available from http:
will ensure safe handling of the evidence you already mounted your image into read- // (Note
and will establish a Chain of Custody that only mode, you will be able to examine the that at the time of writing this article Helix
guarantees additional layers of protection. filesystem and run any windows programs changed its licensing model and now the
It will also help to refute accusations of on it (i.e., antivirus, registry viewers, etc...) Helix2008R1.iso file is not available for
evidence tampering or spoliation, which without altering the evidence. download from the e-fense site. However,
may save both you and your employer While instructions on how to set up a this image is still available from other sites
serious trouble. virtual network in VMWare are out of the as well as all the tools that includes which
scope of this article, make sure both of are referenced in the On the Net section. In
Setting the Lab your computers are on an air-gapped any case, always read and adhere to the
You can re-create and do the hands-on network, with the virtual machines network vendor’s license terms before installing and
exercises described in this article using adapters set to Host-only to minimize the using any software to avoid violations.)
the Windows 2003 disk image available risk of altering the evidence.
at Although we will perform most of our I've Been Hacked, Now
reto/windows2003.img.gz (4.9 GB). (Also investigation on the off-line image, it is What? – Initial Response
available at always handy to have a live image available. Being hacked is not a pleasant situation.
reto/3.0/windows2003.img.gz). LiveView ( Our ERP may have been compromised
The image is a bit-for-bit copy of the faq.html) can do this, allowing disk and the last thing we want is to have
main partition (also called a raw image) images or physical drives to be booted our corporate data in the hands of
gathered using ‘data definition’, also known up in a virtual machine and examined our competitors. It is then vital to keep
as ‘dd’, a small utility that reads input files in a forensically sound manner. We will calm and to follow a sound forensic
block by block. When used to acquire a use it to create a bootable image of the methodology, as you do not know whether
disk device, dd also captures the blocks compromised Windows 2003 server, so the evidence you are gathering might be
of data that are marked for deletion by the we can see how to perform initial incident ending up in court or not.
OS. That information is extremely useful in response on live systems, recreate attacks, First thing you need to do is to verify
any forensic investigation. run vulnerability assessments, etc... (You that you really have an incident and try to
To analyze and investigate the evidence, might need to use the Offline NT Password minimize our interference on the suspected
we will use a combined Linux/Windows & Registry Editor utility to reset the local system. I say minimize because you cannot
forensics laboratory environment. As for
the Linux environment, we will use the SIFT
Forensic Workstation, which is a VMWare
Appliance containing pre-configured
forensics tools and freely available
from the SANS Forensic Blog at http:
(1.35 GB) and created by Rob Lee. Linux
is a good choice for a portable forensic
workstation since it supports many different
file systems from different operating systems
(i.e., FAT, NTFS, HFS, UFS, Ext2/3 and others).
To mount the Windows 2003 image on
your forensic workstation, change to the
folder where the image has been copied to
and type the following:
4/2009 HAKIN9 33
interact with a live system without having do not touch the keyboard at all. It is usually course human testimony. Ensuring that you
some effect on it. Ever heard something during this phase when you must not only have access and gather all the available
about Locard's while watching CSI? Locard's verify the incident, but also begin to collect evidence is paramount at this stage.
exchange principle basically states that all the necessary evidence. So what is As our incident is concerned, we do not
when any two objects come into contact, evidence and where can we find it? Evidence have access to any evidence outside the
there is always transference of material is anything you can use to prove or disprove ERP server, so our forensic investigation will
from each object onto the other. System a fact. In the context of computer forensics, be restricted to that one particular system.
logs recording hacker actions and data left evidence can be found at many different
on hard disks in unallocated sectors are layers: network (firewalls, IDS, routers...), Dead or Alive
examples of Locard's principle in action. operating system, system and application The process to gather evidence will depend
Also, while performing incident response the logs, databases, applications, peripherals, on whether the suspect system is actually
system will continue to change even if you removable media (CD/DVD, USB...), and of live and running or has been powered
off during the incident response phase.
Many people would follow the 'traditional'
approach and just pull the plug as soon
as the incident was detected. Though this
method is great to preserve data on the
disk, you will also destroy any chances
to find volatile data or running processes
in memory. This process is no longer
acceptable and today most computer
forensic professionals recognize the value
of volatile data and many are obtaining
memory captures during evidence seizure.
As many attackers these days only
have their tools running in memory, it
becomes crucial to ensure that evidence
is not accidentally erased if you encounter
a live system. Meterpreter, the Metasploit
payload is an example of one of those
attacking tools that does not leave any
traces on the hard drive, but rather runs
exclusively in the computer's memory.
Thus, if the system we are to analyse
is live, we must ensure that the evidence is
collected in order of most volatile to least.
Figure 2. Acquiring physical memory using Helix GU The overall process would be:
34 HAKIN9 4/2009
to capture ongoing network traffic. Also, Though we could have used Window's SSH channel or cryptcat (netcat over SSL).
should your organization have a written built-in commands like netstat, date, time, WFT can also be executed from the GUI
Incident Response Plan or any other at and others like pslist, psinfo and fport thorough the Helix CD.
applicable procedures, make sure you from sysinternals, WFT has automated that
follow them. For example, in certain sectors for us, using a command line tool from a System Memory Acquisition
where ‘pulling the cable’ is not an option, CD like Helix. Other ways to achieve this To acquire the physical memory, start Helix
alternative procedures must be followed. might involve the use of netcat over an from the CD on the suspect machine and
On the other hand, if all you can find is
a dead system ignore the first three steps
Listing 1. Excerpt from running RegRipper on the SYSTEM registry file
and start right off with step 5.
ComputerName = COUNTERS
When the System is up and Running ControlSet001\Control\Windows key, ShutdownTime value
Back to our ERP, we know that the images ControlSet001\Control\Windows
we have available were taken by the LastWrite Time Sun Feb 5 23:44:32 2006 (UTC)
system administrator after the system was ShutdownTime = Sun Feb 5 23:44:32 2006 (UTC)
powered off. So all the information that was ShutdownCount
in memory has been effectively destroyed. ControlSet001\Control\Watchdog\Display
However, for the sake of illustrating how to LastWrite Time Wed Jan 25 21:05:34 2006 (UTC)
4/2009 HAKIN9 35
go to the Acquisition menu. Choose the
Listing 2. Applications listed in the SOFTWARE registry file physical memory as the source. We will
use the shared image folder on our Linux
Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall Forensic workstation as the destination.
Sun Feb 5 21:14:35 2006 (UTC) Before the tool starts the job you will see
a pop up alert showing the command line
Sat Feb 4 22:46:58 2006 (UTC)
PostgreSQL 8.1 that Helix will run, as shown in Figure 2.
Sat Feb 4 02:05:29 2006 (UTC) Make sure you are logged on as
MSN Messenger 7.5 Administrator or the tool will not be able
Sat Feb 4 01:52:54 2006 (UTC)
Mozilla Firefox (
to create the dump. As you can see, Helix
Fri Jan 27 02:43:01 2006 (UTC) uses dd to acquire the physical memory
MySQL Administrator 1.1 too, although you can find other popular
Fri Jan 27 02:39:50 2006 (UTC)
command-line tools like mdd and win32dd
MySQL Server 4.1
Fri Jan 27 02:04:01 2006 (UTC) under the D:\IR\RAM directory.
PHP 4.4.2 Coupled with the ability of sysinternal's
Fri Jan 27 02:00:42 2006 (UTC) psexec to execute programs on remote
Apache HTTP Server 1.3.34
systems these are very powerful tools.
Thu Jan 26 22:02:34 2006 (UTC)
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB905414)
Thu Jan 26 22:02:16 2006 (UTC) Hard Drive Imaging
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB890046) Once you have acquired the most volatile
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB896428)
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB899587)
evidence from the system, it is time to
Thu Jan 26 22:00:38 2006 (UTC) image the hard drive and any other media
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB901017) like floppies, USB drives, etc...
Thu Jan 26 22:00:16 2006 (UTC)
When doing so, there are two things
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB899589)
Thu Jan 26 21:59:39 2006 (UTC) you have to avoid. One is imaging the hard
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB908519) drive of a live system. Remember we are
Thu Jan 26 21:59:17 2006 (UTC) dealing with a machine that is suspected
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB903235)
to be compromised, so you cannot rely
Thu Jan 26 21:58:42 2006 (UTC)
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB901214) on the operating system. Also, imagine
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB902400) an application that modifies an on-disk
Thu Jan 26 21:56:03 2006 (UTC)
file. While it writes partial modified state to
Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB896727)
Thu Jan 26 21:55:11 2006 (UTC)
the file, the rest remains in system RAM,
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB896688) and it is only written to the file system
Thu Jan 26 21:54:22 2006 (UTC) when the application is closed. Thus, while
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB896358)
applications are running and files are
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB896422)
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB896424) being modified on disk, the file system is
Thu Jan 26 06:42:36 2006 (UTC) indeed in an inconsistent state.
DXM_Runtime Second thing you must be aware is
Thu Jan 26 06:42:12 2006 (UTC)
that the hard drive is written to every time a
Thu Jan 26 06:39:34 2006 (UTC) system is gracefully shutdown, cleaning the
PCHealth file system of temporary files. Depending on
Thu Jan 26 06:39:31 2006 (UTC)
the system configuration this can include the
DirectAnimation valuable pagefile.sys file, which stores those
NetMeeting frames of memory that will not fit into physical
OutlookExpress memory. Data stored in the paging file can
Thu Jan 26 06:39:30 2006 (UTC)
include cached passwords, fragments of
Thu Jan 26 06:39:25 2006 (UTC) open files and processes, unencrypted data
DirectDrawEx and even memory resident malware, among
Fontcore others. I bet you agree this is useful for our
forensic investigation, so, if the policies allow,
IEData Following the golden rule of electronic
evidence ensure that first thing that is
Thu Jan 26 06:26:49 2006 (UTC) accomplished, before any analysis starts, is
Connection Manager to have an exact, bitwise copy of the original
media. Once the imaging is completed, a
36 HAKIN9 4/2009
digital fingerprint, typically an md5 or sha1 To do so, follow the instructions on Settings doing so before a judge, a jury and
hash, should be generated on both the the Lab section and ensure that the 'ro' a defense attorney that will question
acquired and original media, to authenticate (read-only) option is specified. Now you everything you have said and done.
that the two images are identical. can browse the Windows disk image from • Remember, the case might not go to
The images can be acquired either your trusted system. court for years, so do not rely on your
with the use of software or hardware OK, so we have a 4.9 GB image to memory, rely on your detailed notes.
tools. The latter often includes hardware examine and a lot of data to look at. The The defending attorney will also have
write blockers and HD duplicators that big question now is... where do we start? the chance to analyze your notes, so
are mostly used by computer forensic make them as accurate as possible.
professionals who seek both reliability and Think as an Investigator
maximum duplication speeds. You have probably heard many times that An investigator will also follow a repeatable
Making use of the tools available in it is necessary to think like a hacker to be a process to ensure that no potential
our lab, we will boot the suspect computer successful penetration tester. Conducting evidence is left unexamined. This typically
from the Helix CD and run dd to image the a successful forensic investigation requires includes:
disk over the network using either netcat, a proper mindset too, that is, to think as an
a fileshare, or an attached USB drive. investigator. It is part of this mindset to: • Initial Reconnaissance
Although several tools like Adepto can use • Time line creation and analysis
compression, make sure you have enough • Identify what data is needed to put • File and Directory Analysis
free space and if everything goes well, the together a complete picture of what • Data Recovery
image will be an exact copy of the original. happened, how it happened and who • String Search
To assist us in complex dd commands, did it?
Helix includes a GUI interface to dd called • Think of what kind of system are you Regardless of what tools you use and the
Adepto. The acquisition is similar to that dealing with, what was it used for, who order you follow, your overall methodology
of the physical memory: select the drive used it and how was it configured? will remain the same and must be focused
you wish to make a dump of and then • Find different ways to prove the same on solving the case. Some investigators
select your destination. Choose your hash things. will start with the time line creation and
algorithm and after the dump is finished, • Take careful notes as you go through analysis phase, while others might try to
go to the Chain of Custody tab to save the investigation processes, especially identify entry points first, doing a string
the dump report as a PDF. Then verify the if it is thought this case might end up in search on known IP addresses, usernames
hashes using md5sum and sha1sum, court. or any other key words.
whichever you used initially. • Validate, sign and encrypt each piece Even though there are many ways to
Now that the volatile and non-volatile of evidence so it can proved that it was get to the same conclusion, it is vital that
evidences have been acquired, the not tampered with and follow the Chain both the results and the process and
system will be turned off and original disks of Custody reporting requirements. tools used to obtain those results are
removed, labeled and kept safe to preserve • Prove all of the hypotheses to yourself. thoroughly documented and familiar to the
their integrity and logged in a Chain of At the end of the day to might end up investigator.
Custody report. The original disks should
be locked away in a sealed, tamper-proof
Listing 3. OS version found in the SOFTWARE registry file using RegRipper
bags to preserve their integrity and the
Chain of Custody. ----------------------------------------
However, as our forensic case is
Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
concerned, we do not have access to LastWrite Time Sun Feb 5 22:29:17 2006 (UTC)
the volatile evidence. Remember we have RegDone :
created a bootable image using the only CurrentVersion : 5.2
CurrentBuildNumber : 3790
evidence that the challenge provides, a raw CSDBuildNumber : 1830
dd image of the suspect hard drive. All the SoftwareType : SYSTEM
volatile evidence was destroyed when the SourcePath : D:\I386
RegisteredOrganization : counters
administrator powered the system off. Thus,
RegisteredOwner : counters
all the analysis will be performed on the SystemRoot : C:\WINDOWS
off-line system only, although we might use PathName : C:\WINDOWS
our bootable image to confirm our findings. CSDVersion : Service Pack 1
CurrentType : Uniprocessor Free
ProductId : 69763-024-0099217-43782
Investigation and Analysis InstallDate : Thu Jan 26 06:56:44 2006 (UTC)
To start with our initial analysis we need BuildLab : 3790.srv03_sp1_rtm.050324-1447
ProductName : Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
to mount the disk image to our forensic
workstation using the loopback interface.
4/2009 HAKIN9 37
Initial Reconnaissance • Environment variables the configuration information, the Windows
Our investigation starts piecing together the • Host firewall configuration and open ports Registry holds information regarding
bits of information you already have and • Installed applications, etc... recently accessed files and considerable
looking at those you might need at various information about user activities, installed
points in your investigation. Those include: It is known that the image we are to analyze applications, system shares, audit policy,
is from a Windows 2003 Server host, as wireless SSID's, mounted devices,
• OS type and build that information was already provided with connections to other systems, etc.
• Date and time settings, including Challenge description, so chances are The registry is a collection of data
timezone that most of the information we need will files that can be accessed either on a
• User accounts be actually stored in the Registry. Besides live system or off-line using regedt32.
38 HAKIN9 4/2009
There will be different files and different To use RegRipper from our forensic We can even see the different USB
locations for these files, depending upon workstation change to the directory where devices that were attached to the computer
the version of Windows, but they are all the off-line system is mounted, select the and when were they attached.
on the local machine. Windows NT-based registry file to parse, the appropriate plugin Next, looking at the SOFTWARE registry
systems store the registry in a binary hive file (i.e., SAM, security, system, software) file, we can extract a list of the applications
format, which is the same format that can and give it a location for the report. installed on the system (see Listing 2).
be exported, loaded and unloaded by the Therefore, to analyze the ERP’s system Now we can see what the Web based
Registry Editor in these operating systems. registry file we run: ERP runs on: Apache 1.34, PHP 4.1 and
The following Registry files are stored in MySQL 4.1. This information is valuable
%SystemRoot%\System32\Config\: • # perl –r /mnt/hack/ because it gives the investigator the
hakin9/Windows/System32/config/ opportunity to check whether these software
• Sam – HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE\SAM system –f system > /images/ packages are vulnerable by searching
• Security – HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE\ hakin9/system.txt vulnerability databases like those from
• Software – HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE\ And here is an excerpt from its output (see others. Also, the list of security updates will
SOFTWARE Listing 1). tell you if the machine is fully patched.
• System – HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE\ Based on the information provided In addition to information related to
SYSTEM by the system registry file, we can start the installed applications, the SOFTWARE
• Default – HKEY _ USERS\.DEFAULT building a system profile. In this example, registry file can also provide valuable
we know that the computer's name is information on the OS version (see Listing 3).
In addition to those, the following file is COUNTERS, it was last cleanly shutdown And particularly interesting is the info
stored in each user's profile folder: on Sunday, 5 Feb at 23:44, that its time we get from the SAM registry hive, a file
zone was set to Pacific Standard Time that holds the usernames and password
• %UserProfile%\Ntuser.dat – HKEY _ (GMT-8) and that used an Intel Pentium III hashes for every account on the local
USERS\<User SID> (linked to by Processor. machine. The following is an excerpt of its
HKEY _ CURRENT _ USER ) The Interfaces key also provides content (See Listing 4).
useful information about the host TCP/IP One account stands out of the rest:
While regedt32 allows you to view and configuration. We know it has two active ver0k. It is the only account that does not
manipulate the registry, a faster, easier network interfaces, one with IP address have either a Full Name or a Description
and better tool is available to the forensic and default gateway and it is the last account created on the
community. That tool is RegRipper which and a second interface system. Also, its spelling suggests that it was
is available at and configured to receive a dynamic address not created by a conventional user. At this
included in your forensic workstation via DHCP. Also, the EnableFirewall key set point in our investigation it is worth to start
toolset. RegRipper is a Windows Registry to 1 indicates that the host firewall was creating a Dirty Word List, one that is to be
data extraction and correlation tool active and allowing traffic on the ports used in a later keyword search, and ver0k
created and maintained by Harlan Carvey, listed under the GloballyOpenPorts\List is no doubt a good candidate for that list.
author of the well-known and highly key. It is interesting to note that port 3389 Do not miss Part II, of this article if you
recommended Windows Forensic Analysis TCP is open in the firewall, but this port is want to learn how to analyze NTUSER.DAT,
book. RegRipper uses plugins to access not enabled by default and allows remote a key file in our investigation, how to use
specific Registry hive files and extracts access to the host via Terminal Services. Autopsy to extract data from the filesystem
specific keys, values, and data, bypassing It will be interesting to further investigate to create a time line of events or how to
the Win32API and dumping the output in a who activated it and when was that service parse Windows Event Logs and Internet
plain text file. activated. Explorer’s Browsing History, among others.
4/2009 HAKIN9 39