ENG 301 - Transformational Grammar
ENG 301 - Transformational Grammar
ENG 301 - Transformational Grammar
Beginning in 1957, Chomsky introduced two central ideas relevant to grammatical theories. The
first was the distinction between competence and performance, which we've already looked at in
module 1. Central to his theory was explanation of knowledge that underlies the human ability to
speak and understand. One of the most important of his ideas is that most of this knowledge is
innate, with the result that a baby is born wired to acquire language and needs only actually learn
the idiosyncratic features of the language's he or she is exposed to. Perhaps more significantly, he
made concrete and technically sophisticated proposals about the structure of language.
The second idea related directly to the evaluation of theories of grammar. Generative
transformational grammar tries to explain language creativity: how we are able to utter and
interpret sentences we have not heard before. Creativity is made possible by the generative nature
of transformational grammar. In order to create and understand newly generated sentences, we
must depend on our language competence. Our competence derives from our knowledge of
grammar: grammar shapes each of our utterances, setting the boundaries for what is acceptable
and ensuring that we will be understood. We compose and structure each of our utterances
based on our knowledge of what is acceptable according to the grammatical systems.
1. there is a limited number of rules which serve to reflect the linguistic competence and
knowledge of a native speaker
2. these rules are arranged in an order: rule 1 must preceded rule 2, which must precede rule
3, etc.
3. the rules can be illustrated in phrase structure trees
4. these rules can be equated mathematically in phrase structure rules.
According to this theory, you can take a sentence and mathematically divide it into parts.
Chomsky explains that phrase structure rules are are basically "rewriting" rules. For instance, a
sentence can be rewritten as a noun phrase plus a verb phrase. In the notation of transformational
grammar, this rule is written as:
Starting with this base, we can begin to build rules which will allow us to generate an infinite
number of sentences.
Building a grammar
Our Goal: to build a grammar that generates all of the possible sentences of (English, German,
Swahili) and none of the impossible sentences.
Before we begin, we need to recognize that the individual words in a sentence are organized into
naturally coherent groups call constituents.
We've already looked at constituents in our activity on identifying subjects and predicates. In these
sentences, the subject and predicate are marked:
John snores.
Everyone likes the show.
A book lay on the table.
The dogs chased after the children.
Seen another way, the constituents in these sentences consist of a noun phrase (NP) and a verb
phrase (VP):
John snores
Everyone likes the show
A book lay on the table
The dogs chased after the children
The first rule we created above is S --> NP + VP "a sentence consists of a noun phrase + a verb
phrase". This rule can be illustrated in this chart:
John snores
Everyone likes the show.
A book lay on the table.
chased after the
The dogs
In the system of rules, S stands for Sentence, NP for Noun Phrase, VP for Verb Phrase, Det for
Determiner, Aux for Auxiliary (verb), N for Noun, and V for Verb stem.
Look at the noun phrases in the examples. Some consist of a single noun (John, everyone):
Let's look at verb phrases in the examples (pasted here again for your convenience):
John snores
Everyone likes the show.
A book lay on the table.
chased after the
The dogs
But the VP rule doesn't explain lay on the table or chased after the children. We need a new VP
rule to explain these phrases:
VP --> V + PP "a verb phrase consists of a verb and a prepositional phrase" (lay on the table)
PP--> Prep + NP "a prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and a noun phrase" (on the table)
NP --> Det + N "a noun phrase consists of a determiner and a noun" (the table)
S --> NP + VP
NP --> N
NP --> Det + N
VP --> V
VP --> V + NP
S --> NP + VP
NP --> Det + NP
NP --> N
VP --> V + NP
1. they show how sentences can be broken down to illustrate their structure
2. they show a general manner of creating sentences
3. they provide a way for us to compare languages
Thus phrase structure rules were formulated in order to construct unlimited sentences with a small
number of rules.
There is much more to generative-transformational grammar than we've covered in this lesson,
including displaying complex sentences and then taking the rules a step further to form another set
of rules, called transformational rules, which enable more flexibility and to explain how
statements can be transformed into questions or negations. In addition, Noam Chomsky's theories
are not without their critics. Still, all linguists owe a debt of thanks to Chomsky for showing us how
to illustrate how languages put sentences together.
1. Reread all the lessons regarding syntax, especially word order typology and
phrase structure rules.
2. Download, print, and work on Mod 4 Activity 8 (.doc) on Apinaye syntax. You will
have just one chance to submit your answers in the TTS quiz tool.