Online Learning Resources: e - Library, Websites, Apps, and Web Technology

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Topic Name - Online Learning Resources: e- Library, Websites, Apps, and Web

Name – Sharmistha Chakraborty

M.Ed Trainee – 2018-2020

Gangadharpur Sikshan Mandir

e- Library:

It’s an electronic or online library where one can have access to books, journals, novels, articles
or any other information over net. It is also called Digital library. According to arms a digital
library is a managed collection of information of with associated services where the information
is stored in digital format an accessible over a network. A digital library is an organized collect of
digitized material or its holding in the digital form. Which can be accessible by a computer of
the network by using TCP/IP or other protocol.

Some of the requirement for e-libraries is:

 Audio visual color T.V., V.C.R., D.V.D., Sound box, telephone etc.
 Computer : Server, P.C., with multimedia, U.P.S. Etc
 Network : LAN, MAN, WAN, Internet etc
 Printer: Laser printer, Dot matrix, Barcode Printer, digital graphic printer etc.
 Scanner: H.P. Scan jet, flatbed, sheet feeder, drum scanner, slide scanner, Microfilming
Scanner, digital scanner, barcode Scanner etc.

Characteristics of Digital/e-library:

Cleveland (1998) describes some characteristics of digital libraries that have been gleaned
from various discussions about digital libraries (Ls), both online and in print:

 DLs re he digital face of traditional libraries that include both digital collection and
traditional, fixed media collections. So they encompass both electronic and paper
 DLs will also include digital materials that exit outside the physical and administrative
bounds of any one digital library.
 DLs will include all he processes and services that are the backbone and nerves system of
libraries. However, such traditional processes, through forming the basis digital library
work, will have to be revised and enhanced to accommodate the difference between
new digital media and traditional fixed media.
 DLs ideally provide a coherent view of all of the information contained within a library,
no matter its form of format.
 DLs will serve particular communities or constituencies, as traditional libraries do now,
true those communities may be widely dispersed throughout the network.
 DLs will require both the skills of librarian and well as those of computers scientist to be
Advantage of the e- library:
 No physical boundary: The user of a digital library need not to go to the library physically
people from all over the world could gain access to the same information, as long as an
Internet connection is available.
 Round the clock availability: Digital libraries can be accessed at any time, 24 hours day an
365 days of the year.
 Multiple accesses: the same recourses can be used at the same time bye number of
 Structured approach: Digital library provides access to much richer contained in a more
structured manner i.e. we can easily move from the catalog to the particular book then
to a particular chaptered and so on.
 Information retrieval: The user is able to use any search term bellowing o the word or
phrase of the entire collection. Digital library will provide very user friendly interfaces
giving click able access to it resources.
 Preservation and conservation: An exact copy of the original can be made any number of
times without any degradation in quality.
 Networking: A particular digital can provide the link to any other resources of other
digital library very easily thus a seamlessly integrated resources sharing can be achieved.

Disadvantages of e-Library:

 Copyright: - Digitization violates the copyright law as the thought contained of one
author can be freely transfer by other without his acknowledgement. So One difficulty to
overcome digital libraries is the way to distribute information.
 Initial cost is high: - The infrastructure cast of digital library i .e. the cast of hardware,
software; leasing communication circuit is generally very high.
 Efficiency: - with the much larger volume of digital information, finding the right material
for a specific task becomes increasingly difficult.
 Environment: - Digital libraries can reproduce the environment of a traditional library.
Many people also find reading printed material to be easier than reading material on a
computer screen.
A website, also written as web site is a collection of related web pages, including
multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on
at least one web server. A web site may be accessible via public internet Protocol (IP)
network, such as Internet, or a private local area network (LAN), by referencing a uniform
resource locator (URI) that identifies the site.

There are two types of websites. Hey are as follows-

1. A static website is one that has web pages stored on the server in the format that is
sent to a client web browser. It is primarily coded in Hypertext Markup Language
(HTML) ; Cascading Style sheets (CSS) are used to control appearance beyond basic
HTML . Images are commonly used to affect the desired appearance and s part of the
main content. Audio or video might also be considered “static” content if it plays
automatically or is generally no interactive.
2. A dynamic website is one that changes or customizes itself frequently and
automatically. Server –side dynamic pages are generated “on the fly “by computer
code that produces the HTML (CSS are responsible for appearance and thus, are
static files). There are a wide range of software systems, such as CGI, Java Servest and
Java Server Pages (JSP), Active Server Pages and ColdFusion (CFML) that are available
to generate dynamic web systems and dynamic sites.

Features of a goo website:

1. Easy to read: If background colors or images are used, the text on top of the background
should be in color that can easily be seen. Use a color scheme that complements and is
pleasing to the eye. White space between images and sections of text make a page
easier o view.
2. Easy to navigate: a visitor should be able to find the information they are looking for
without hassle and frustration. The site navigation buttons should be grouped together.
If image links are used, text links should also be provided for those people who have
images turned off on their browser or are using an using n older browser that doesn’t
support images.
3. Quick to download: Graphics and sound ad download time to a web page. Use them
sparingly. Don’t make your visitors wait too long for your site to download or they will
click away an probably won’t return. It is a good idea to find out what the approximate
download times are for people who are using 28k and 56k telephone modems. Not
everyone has SL or cable Internet.
4. Avoid dead links: Make sure that links on all your pages are working, whether they are
internal links to pages within your site, or links to external web sites .
5. Keep the content fresh: People are more apt to return to your web site if they find new
an interesting material. Post articles on your site, offer a newly updated “ Internet
special” or provide fresh, helpful links. All these things cause visitors to bookmark your
site as a reference tool.


 The information is available to be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime.

 The information within a site can be quickly accessed. There is no need to sift through
several pages.
 The site may provide links to other sites on the same topic.
 The site can be updated to always provide the latest information.
 The site creator / author don’t need to be present when someone is retrieving
 The author can usually be contacted through an emailing address or a message board
connected to the site.


 It may be difficult for researchers to locate, especially if there are ma ny similar sites.
 Because it is not “published “or authorized by a reputable source, the site may be
disregarded as inaccurate.
 The information on site may not be reliable.
 Information may be interpreted incorrectly or used inappropriately.
 A connection to the web is needed to access the information, which will be impossible if
a computer and connection is not available.
Education apps:
Educational apps or educational software, or computer applications developed for the
purpose of teaching and learning, arrived with virtually the first desktop computers.
Education professionals recognized this potential early, and many schools acquired
computers long before they were found in most American homes. Educational
applications than greatly increased.
1. Plain and simple interface: Navigation of the program me should be intuitive for at
the grade level the software is designed for, and icons should be intuitive.
2. Easy exits: Most software contains far more information than a student can process.
Make sure it’s easy for the student o exit a specific task—or even the entire
programmed —before frustration sets in.
3. Intelligent interactivity: Drag-and-drop ability and other things that students to do
something can enhance interaction of information greatly.
4. Speed: Students have short attention spans and enjoy fast-paced video games and
television shows. Slow educational software will lose them, especially for schools that
do not have superfast internet connections.
5. Personalization: Students should be able to log into a system under their own name
and retrieve their previous scores. Software also should perform some type of pre-
screening of a student’s achievement level, so that subsequent work will be at an
appropriate level.
 Educational software makes teaching-learning more interesting and goal oriented.
 Educational software develops interest and curiosity among the learners.
 Educational software can save the teaching and learning time of teachers an students.
 Educational software can save the efforts, time and resources of the schools.
 Educational software can school subject areas.
Web 2.Technology:
Web 2.0 is the current state of online technology as it compares to the early days of the
Web, characterized by greeter user interactivity and collaboration, more pervasive
network connectivity and enhanced communication channels. One of the most
significant difference between Web 2.0 and the traditional World Wide Web (WWW,
retroactively to as Web 1.0 ) is greater collaboration among internet users, content
providers and enterprises, Originally , data was posted on Web sites, and users have
more input into the nature and scope of web content and in some cases exert real-time
control over it .
Elements of Web 2.0 Wikis:
 Wikis: Websites that enable users to contribute collaborate and edit site content.
Wikipedia is one of the oldest and best-known wiki-based sites.
 The increasing prevalence of software as a service (SaaS), web and cloud computing
rather than locally-installed programs and services.
 Mobile computing, also known as nomad city, the trend toward users connecting from
wherever they may be. That trend is enabled by the proliferation of smart phones, tables
and other mobile devices in conjunction with readily accessible Wi-Fi networks.
 Mash-ups: Web pages or applications that integrate complementary elements from two
or more sources.
Advantages of Web 2.0:
 Web 2.0 provides large varieties of information just in one click.
 Ability to search data and information appeared recently.
 Web 2.0 is easy to handle.
 Easy to search information in various languages.
 Allows people to participate in discussion and forums to share their views and ideas,
 Social media sites to things happening around he world.
 Web 2.0 allows people to complete and correct wrong information.
 Easy and fast method to communicate with people via email and other services.
 Ability to share files or documents with friends and family.
Disadvantages of Web 2.0:
 Sometimes results shown are different from what is asked.
 Sometimes Translation of results is not of good quality.
 Sometimes it takes too long to get answer to what is asked.
 Risk of getting wrong information.
 Not able to contact people if you don’t know the email address or website address.


 www.imom.wm

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