Infographic Rubric 1

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5 Skills to Being a Great Scientist 

Infographic Rubric 

Criteria  EE  FM  MM  NYM 

Visual/  Information is Sufficiently Uses space, lettering Missing visual

Overall   enhanced through communities and colour that requirements to
(4 the use of space, information through confuses information communicate
lettering, and space, lettering, and or does not clearly or information
colouring colour. accurately
● 3+ colours communicate.
● Main title
● headings

Graphics   Information is Infographic includes The requirements of The infographic does

(4 points)  enhanced through graphic design in 5 graphics was not not contain graphics
the use of graphics communication of met OR the graphics OR contains
design. Includes a material. Includes a were not clearly graphics that are
minimum of 5 minimum of 5 relevant to the topic. unrelated to the
graphics graphics topic.

Content  Infographic Infographic includes Infographic includes Infographic does not

Informat includes accurate accurate and some inaccurate fast include required fast
ion   and carefully carefully chosen or incomplete and explanations.
chosen facts facts. May not have explanations
● 5 skills included thorough
● Carefully enough of
chosen explanations
s of each

Conventi Demonstrates Demonstrates few Demonstrates a Demonstrates

ons of  effective grammar, errors in grammar, number of mistakes numerous
Gramma mechanics, mechanics, spelling, in grammar, mistakes in
spelling, and or usage. mechanics, spelling, grammar,
g (4 
usage, with no or usage that affect mechanics, spelling,
errors. the overall or usage that affect
presentation. the readability and
presentation of the

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