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Gumpy: a Python toolbox suitable for hybrid brain-computer interfaces

Article  in  Journal of Neural Engineering · September 2018

DOI: 10.1088/1741-2552/aae186

6 1,276

11 authors, including:

Zied Tayeb Nicolai Waniek

Technische Universität München Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence


Juri Fedjaev Nejla Ghaboosi

Technische Universität München Integrated Research


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EU-FoF Factory-in-a-Day View project

An embedded neuromorphic controller for a neuro-prosthetic hand View project

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Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid
Brain-Computer Interfaces
Zied Tayeb 1,2 , Nicolai Waniek 1 , Juri Fedjaev 1 , Nejla
Ghaboosi 3 , Leonard Rychly 1 , Christian Widderich 1 ,
Christoph Richter 1 , Jonas Braun 1 , Matteo Saveriano 4 ,
Gordon Cheng 2 and Jörg Conradt 1
Neuroscientific System Theory, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Institute for Cognitive Systems, Technical University of Munich, Germany
Integrated Research, Sydney, Australia
Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics, German Aerospace Center (DLR),
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Objective. The objective of this work is to present gumpy, a new free
and open source Python toolbox designed for hybrid brain-computer interface (BCI).
Approach. Gumpy provides state-of-the-art algorithms and includes a rich selection
of signal processing methods that have been employed by the BCI community over
the last 20 years. In addition, a wide range of classification methods that span from
classical machine learning algorithms to deep neural network models are provided.
Gumpy can be used for both EEG and EMG biosignal analysis, visualization, real-
time streaming and decoding. Results. The usage of the toolbox was demonstrated
through two different offline example studies, namely movement prediction from EEG
motor imagery, and the decoding of natural grasp movements with the applied finger
forces from surface EMG (sEMG) signals. Additionally, gumpy was used for real-time
control of a robot arm using steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEP) as well
as for real-time prosthetic hand control using sEMG. Overall, obtained results with the
gumpy toolbox are comparable or better than previously reported results on the same
datasets. Significance. Gumpy is a free and open source software, which allows end-
users to perform online hybrid BCIs and provides different techniques for processing
and decoding of EEG and EMG signals. More importantly, the achieved results reveal
that gumpy’s deep learning toolbox can match or outperform the state-of-the-art in
terms of accuracy. This can therefore enable BCI researchers to develop more robust
decoding algorithms using novel techniques and hence chart a route ahead for new BCI

Keywords: Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces, Python toolbox, Deep Learning, EEG,


Submitted to: J. Neural Eng.

Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 2

1. Introduction

Paralyzed people wish to control assistive devices such as wheelchairs, spellers,

prosthetics, or exoskeletons in order to improve their quality of life and
ensure their independence [1]. One way to infer their desired actions is to
measure their cortical activity, for instance by functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI), magnetoencephalography (MEG), electrocorticography (ECoG), or
electroencephalography (EEG) and subsequently decode the intended movement from
the measurements. Of these methods, EEG has become the most frequently used
technique for BCIs, because it is non-invasive and comparably inexpensive. Although
BCI technology has seen significant improvements over the last few years [2, 3], it
still lacks reliability and accuracy. Hybrid BCIs in general [4], and particularly those
which combine EEG and EMG signals are promising significant improvements [5].
Despite the successful multidimensional EEG-based BCI control achieved using simple
classifiers [6, 3], reliable decoding of complex movements from brain signals is still
challenging and requires advanced algorithms [7]. Recent developed techniques such
as deep neural networks [8] could represent a promising solution to develop more robust
decoding algorithms [7]. In order to make such algorithms readily available to a wide
BCI community we developed gumpy, a Python library along with well documented
application examples that we introduce in this paper. Gumpy is an easy-to-use, robust,
and powerful software package for EEG and EMG signal analysis and decoding that
tightly incorporates different recording paradigms, essential signal processing techniques,
and state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. Gumpy can be used for offline as well
as for online processing of electrophysiological signals. Several similar BCI software
packages exist and are widely used by the community [9]. Gumpy is free of charge,
permissively licensed and written in Python, an open source programming language
that is not only backed by an extensive standard library, but also by vast scientific
computing libraries. Moreover, it is widely used by many machine learning experts,
engineers and neuroscientists. Gumpy offers users the opportunity to reproduce results
previously achieved by other BCI researchers through implementing a wide range of
signal processing and classification methods for time series signal analysis. Furthermore,
the toolbox features several deep learning models such as deep convolutional neural
networks (CNN) [10], recurrent convolutional neural networks (RCNN) and Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) [11]. Those approaches have hitherto been rarely investigated
by BCI researchers [12] and to the best of our knowledge no existing BCI software
integrates similar techniques. This paper introduces the basic concept of gumpy, its
main features and three successful BCI applications. The remainder of this paper
is structured as follows: Section 2 provides an overview of related work and reviews
existing BCI toolboxes. Section 3 describes gumpy’s design and its main features and
functions. Section 4 and 5 demonstrate, respectively, the basic offline and online usage
of gumpy on different tasks, such as motor imagery (MI) movements decoding from
EEG, and the prediction of hand gestures from sEMG. Finally, Section 6 enumerates
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 3

gumpy’s strengths and weaknesses and proposes possible future developments.

2. Related work

This section provides an overview of the most widely-used open source BCI platforms for
research and highlights the distinctive features of gumpy with respect to them. Table 1
summarizes their main functions and limitations. References [9, 13] provide a more
comprehensive survey. The discussion focuses on a particular feature set that we deem
essential for the successful development of future hybrid BCI systems.

BCILAB [14] is among the earliest publicly available BCI software packages for research
purposes. It is a free, open source toolbox developed in Matlab. BCILAB is built
to emulate the plugin concept where various components can be added ”on the fly”
during the runtime. BCILAB was designed as an extension of EEGLAB [15] to
support both offline and online analysis of electrophysiological signals. Besides various
feature extraction methods and experimental paradigms supported by the toolbox, an
end-user can choose between three different classifiers (Linear Discriminant Analysis
(LDA), Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM)).
In addition, BCILAB obliges users to design their scripts in Matlab [14].

2.2. BCI2000
BCI2000 [16] is an open source and free of charge BCI software package developed in 2000
to advance real-time BCI systems. It includes different modules such as data acquisition,
signal processing and stimulus presentation. The toolbox is written in C++ and does
not directly support other programming languages such as Matlab or Python, so in this
regard it is difficult to extend and integrate with other toolboxes. Furthermore, some
important processing methods such as discrete wavelet transform and some classification
techniques such as deep learning are not included [16].

2.3. MNE
MNE is an open source Python package for MEG/EEG data analysis. MNE implements
a wide range of functions for time-frequency analysis and connectivity estimation as well
as simple decoding algorithms [17]. Similar to gumpy, it is built on top of widely used
scientific computing libraries such as NumPy [18], SciPy [19], pandas and scikit-learn
[20]. Moreover, MNE offers functions for neuroimaging data interpretation such as fMRI
analysis. Despite recent developments, the toolbox still lacks some important functions
and methods, such as common spatial pattern algorithm (CSP) [21] and various popular
machine learning classifiers.
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 4

2.4. Wyrm
Wyrm [22] is an open source BCI package written in Python. The toolbox implements
several functions for processing and visualization of electrophysiological data such as
EEG and ECoG signals. Moreover, Wyrm is suitable for both offline processing and
real-time applications. Furthermore, the toolbox integrates Mushu [23] a free software
for signals acquisition, and Pyff [24], which is a framework for BCI feedback applications.

2.5. OpenViBE
OpenViBE [25], another open source BCI platform, is designed in a modular fashion and
incorporates an elegant graphical user interface for novice users. Moreover, it provides
a wide range of signal processing techniques and supports many acquisition and BCI
paradigms such as P300 [26, 27] and SSVEP [28]. One of OpenViBE’s advantages with
respect to the previously mentioned toolboxes is that it can be scripted using both LUA
and Python. In addition, it offers a direct interface to Matlab. OpenViBE currently
provides three classifiers: LDA, SVM as well as a combined classifier for a multi-class
problem classification.

Table 1: General Overview of Existing BCI toolboxes.

Software platform Programming language Features
Wide range of algorithms
Well-designed GUI
Simple and Robust
BCI2000 C++ Wide usage by BCI community
Modular programming
EEG, MEG and fMRI data analysis
MNE Python
Good documentation
EEG and ECoG signals
Wyrm Python Real-time capabilities
Integration with other platforms
Modular API
OpenViBE LUA, Python
Supports many acquisition devices
Hybrid BCI
Real-time capabilities
Gumpy Python
Offline and online analyses
Deep learning toolbox

2.6. Distinctive features of gumpy

Despite the tremendous number of features that current BCI toolboxes offer, they still
exhibit some limitations [13] such as a lack of important processing and classification
methods, limited real-time performance, or lack of experimental paradigms to conduct
online BCI experiments. More importantly, none of the existing packages combine classic
machine learning algorithms and deep learning techniques for signals decoding. However,
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 5

gumpy covers a wide range of classification methods including several machine learning
classifiers, voting classifiers, feature selection algorithms and different deep learning
architectures such as LSTM, CNN and RCNN. Additionally, we provide many showcase
examples of the usage of gumpy for EEG and EMG signals decoding, thereby facilitating
the design of hybrid BCI systems. Furthermore, gumpy integrates different experimental
paradigms for motor imagery, EMG, SSVEP, EEG reach-to-grasp movements recording
and hybrid BCI, which can be easily used and extended by end-users. Importantly,
gumpy supports offline analysis as well as online BCI applications. With the lab
streaming layer (LSL) [29] for data acquisition, the provided experimental paradigms
for biosignals recording and gumpy package for EEG and EMG data processing and
decoding, we envision gumpy to be a suitable toolkit for conducting online hybrid BCI

3. Gumpy toolbox: design, main functions and features

3.1. General overview of gumpy’s modules

Gumpy comprises six modules for plotting, processing, and classification of EEG
and EMG signals. Moreover, gumpy incorporates different deep learning models and
experimental recording paradigms. This section provides a condensed overview of
gumpy’s modules and its main functionality, which are summarized in Figure 1. Some
of the modules are described in more detail in the following section on exemplary use-
cases. Particularly, subsection 3.3 covers the available deep learning classifiers. Where
possible, gumpy leverages existing and well established scientific and numerical libraries
such as NumPy [18], SciPy [19] and scikit-learn [20] to compute the classification results
or to perform signal analysis. For instance, gumpy’s SVM classifier utilizes scikit-
learn. However, gumpy preconfigures its classifiers with default parameters that were
found to be suitable in typical BCI applications. In addition, gumpy can perform a
grid search to tune their settings. One of gumpy’s core design principles is to allow
users to easily extend its functionality, thereby facilitating usability, customizability
and collaborative development. The latter is further enabled using our public git
repository at https://github.com/gumpy-bci through which we solicit the community
to contribute feedback and code. In addition, the website http://gumpy.org/ provides
an API reference and usage examples in the form of Jupyter notebooks.

3.2. Gumpy’s experimental paradigms

3.2.1. Classic motor imagery movements Gumpy provides a cue-based screening
paradigm to record classic motor imagery; namely the imagination of the movement
of left hand, right hand or both hands as shown in Figure 2. At predefined times, the
screen displays a cue in the form of an arrow pointing either left, right or both ways.
The participant has to perform a hand movement imagination accordingly.
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 6

gumpy toolbox
import gumpy

CNN with STFT Classic motor imagery

Deep learning Experimental
LSTM/Vanilla RNN models paradigms Reach-to-grasp for EEG
Deep/Shallow CNN import models python paradigm.py Hybrid BCI (EEG + EMG)
Online hybrid
Real-time BCI
Main Modules

Signal Feature
Dataset Plotting Splitting Classification
processing extraction
gumpy.data gumpy.signal gumpy.plot gumpy.features gumpy.split gumpy.classify

Graz 2B EEG, Butterworth filters, ROC curves, Common spatial Normal split, SVM, LDA, QLDA,
NST MI EEG, Normalization, Confusion matrix, patterns, PCA Cross validation, KNN, MLP, Random
NST Grasp EMG, ICA, Discrete FFT, Accuracy methods, Power Timeseries split, Forest, Naive
Implement custom Wavelet, Bootstrap results, ICA, PCA features, Wavelet Stratified K-fold bayes, LDA with
formats through methods, Compute Wavelet details, features, Feature split, Stratified shrinkage, Logistic
class inheritance correlations PSD using selection, RMS shuffle split Regression, Voting
Welch‘s method classifiers

Figure 1: Overview of gumpy toolbox modules and functions.

Figure 2: Illustration of recording paradigm for three motor imagery EEG data
acquisition. (a) Photograph of a recording session. (b) Outline of the designed recording

3.2.2. Reach-to-grasp motor imagery movements Gumpy incorporates a paradigm to

record EEG reach-to-grasp movements imagination of six different objects placed on
a shelf with fixed positions as shown in Figure 3. The subject is asked to imagine
a reach movement by bringing the cursor (square) toward one of the six center-out
target locations (up-left, up-right, center-left, center-right, down-left, down-right). Once
the square hits the target, it turns red which triggers the participant to now imagine
performing a grasping movement on that specific target.
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 7

Figure 3: Illustration of recording paradigm for reach-to-grasp movements. (a) Display

requests subject to imaginatively reach for the mid-left cup in the shelf. (b) Subject is
requested to imagine grasping the center-right cup.

3.2.3. Grasp poses and related finger forces from surface EMG signals A special
experimental paradigm was designed to record sEMG signals from the forearm during
four different hand movements (2-digit grasp, 3-digit grasp, fist, hand open) as shown
in Figure 4 with two possible force levels (high, low). Strain gauge sensors placed on
the fingertips measured the applied grasping force [30] .

Figure 4: EMG recording paradigm. (a) Different hand gesture renderings prompting
subjects. (b) Recording setup of EMG signals during grasp movements.

3.2.4. Gumpy-SSVEP paradigm The SSVEP paradigm consists of four flickering

checkerboards blinking at different frequencies (13, 15, 17 and 19 Hz), as shown in
Figure 5. The subject has to focus on one of the flickering checkerboards in order to
evoke an SSVEP response. Simultaneously, EEG signals recording from O1, OZ and
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 8

O2 electrodes were performed. The paradigm was implemented using PyGame [31],
a gaming-oriented Python library for graphical user interfaces. It requires a monitor
supporting sufficiently high (or dynamic) refresh rates.

Figure 5: Illustration of the recording paradigm for SSVEP.

3.2.5. Gumpy’s experimental paradigm for real-time hybrid BCI The hybrid BCI
paradigm allows end users to perform online hybrid BCI experiments. For instance,
this paradigm was used to perform a sequential hybrid BCI task, where the subject
was asked to imagine left or right hand movement imagination and execute thereafter
the same imagined movement. For that, a simultaneous recording of EEG and sEMG
signals was performed using two synchronized g.USBamp devices. Signals were sampled
at 512 Hz and the LSL was used for data acquisition in a master-slave communication
fashion. It should be noted that the developed paradigm could be used to simultaneously
collect data from other devices (e.g. Myo armband [32] and the g.USBamp) and could
be easily modified to acquire other types of biosignals. A detailed documentation of
the hybrid paradigm as well as the developed code are made publicly available within
gumpy under https://github.com/gumpy-bci.

3.3. Gumpy’s deep learning module

Despite the numerous successful applications of deep neural networks [10], the
development of deep learning methods in the BCI field is still quite rare [12]. In this
section, we describe gumpy’s deep learning module, which is based on Theano [33] and
Keras [34], as well as different implemented and available network architectures.
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 9

3.3.1. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) Recurrent neural networks and particularly
long short-term memory (LSTM) have been used successfully to model the temporal
characteristics of diverse non-stationary and non-linear time-series signals. Likewise,
such methods should be applicable to EEG data as well [35]. Gumpy makes LSTMs
and other recurrent architectures like vanilla RNN and recurrent convolutional neural
networks (RCNN) readily available and provides well-documented example code. The
architecture of the LSTM algorithm distributed with the initial gumpy release is shown
in Figure 6. It consists of one LSTM layer consisting of 128 cells and an input layer
where E represents the electrode channels, T represents the number of samples in every
channel and K the number of output classes.

Figure 6: Implemented LSTM architecture.

3.3.2. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) The proposed CNN model architecture
is illustrated in Figure 7. The network architecture is inspired by CNNs used in
the ImageNet competition, such as VGGNet [36] and AlexNet [37]. It uses stacked
convolutional layers with decreasing size and increasing number of filter kernels in deeper
layers. After each convolutional layer, batch normalization is applied to reduce covariate
shift in intermediate representations and improve robustness. The actual spectrogram
representation of the EEG signal is computed in the first layer and used as an input to
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 10

the model. A more detailed description of the CNN architecture and its implementation
will be provided elsewhere [38].

Figure 7: The proposed CNN architecture, where E is the number of electrodes, T is

the number of timesteps and K is the number of classes.

4. Offline analysis case studies

In this section, we show how to use gumpy to perform offline analysis of EEG/EMG data.
As a result, researchers can easily reproduce the obtained results using our provided
Jupyter notebooks, our freely available EEG/EMG recorded data or the EEG dataset
2b from BCI competition IV [39] as well as gumpy’s available experimental paradigms.

4.1. Decoding of two motor imagery movements from Graz 2b EEG signals
We used gumpy’s signal and classification developed modules to process and classify an
existing EEG dataset known as 2b EEG dataset from ”BCI Competition IV” [40]. The
source code (Jupyter notebooks) utilized in these offline examples are freely available
under http://gumpy.org/.

4.1.1. Standard Machine learning techniques Three feature extraction methods, i.e.
logarithmic band power (BP) [41], common spatial patterns (CSP) [42, 43] and discrete
wavelet transform [44], have been investigated and tested. In general, CSP features
maximize the pairwise compound variance between two or more classes in the least
square sense, whereas wavelet features provide an effective time-frequency representation
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 11

of non-stationary signals [44]. We wish to emphasize that those feature extraction

methods have been advocated by BCI researchers in [7]. After extracting discriminative
features, gumpy.features.sequential feature selector was used to automatically
select a subset of features in the feature space using the sequential feature selection
algorithm (SFSF) [45]. The gumpy.split module provides several methods for splitting
data. Herein, we used the hold-out strategy by splitting the dataset into 80% for
training and 20% for test using the gumpy.split module. A 10-fold cross validation
was performed on the training set to select the best features using six different classifiers
from the gumpy.classification module. Afterwards, the new generated subsets based
on the selected features were fed into each classifier and new predictions were made on
the testing dataset. Furthermore, we wish to mention that the classification module
incorporates a voting classifier, which employs an ensemble of classifiers to ”vote” using
their respective results. Finally, it should be noted that gumpy.classification can
also perform a grid search to select the best hyper parameters for SVM and random
forest classifiers for a given k-fold cross validation. Noticeably, BP slightly outperforms
the other two feature extraction methods and provides overall better results across
the different nine subjects. The obtained classification results with the BP feature
extraction method with six different algorithms including the voting classifier are shown
below in Figure 8. Overall, the obtained results from individual subjects show inter-


Accuracy (%)

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9

Figure 8: Accuracy results obtained for individual participants using the BP features
and six different machine learning classifiers, namely quadratic LDA (QLDA), logistic
regression (LR), naive bayes (NB), k-nearest neighbors (KNN), random forest (RF) and
the voting classifier (VotingC).

and intra-subject variability. According to their performance, the nine participants

could be classified into three categories: Bad participants are S1, S2, S3 and S7 with
a classification accuracy between 60 to 70%, good participants are S5, S6, S8 and S9
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 12

with a classification accuracy between 70 to 82%, and an excellent participant S4 with

an average classification accuracy of 93.75%. It is worth noting that a comparable
performance was obtained with the CSP features. A Jupyter notebook showing how to
use the three different feature extraction methods with the different available classifiers,
is made publicly available under https://github.com/gumpy-bci.

4.1.2. Deep learning techniques Two deep neural network algorithms for motor
imagery classification using the gumpy.deep learning module were investigated and
tested: convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Firstly, an LSTM model with
only one hidden layer consisting of 128 LSTM memory cells was tested. To assess
the model’s capability of autonomously learning discriminative features, only raw EEG
signals were fed into the algorithm. The large number of parameters of the LSTM model
makes the model prone to overfitting. A dropout layer with a deactivation rate of 0.05
between the output and the LSTM layer partially mitigates this problem. Second, a
CNN algorithm was implemented and tested. Recorded EEG signals were first cropped
into short, overlapping time-windows. Thereafter, a fast Fourier transform (FFT) was
performed on each crop, assuming stationarity in short time-frames. Spectrograms from
three electrodes C3, C4 and Cz in the frequency band of 25-40 Hz were computed and
used as inputs to our proposed CNN algorithm. Parameters were set to n = 1024 FFT
samples and a time shift of s = 16 time steps between STFT windows. For each of the
nine participants, a stratified 5-fold cross-validation was applied. Four folds were used
for training and validation (90 % training, 10 % validation) and the last fold was used
for testing. Finally, we point out that early stopping [46] was used to avoid overfitting.
That means the model is trained until the minimum of the validation loss is found and
then tested on the test data to measure its generalization capabilities. Interestingly, the
obtained results with the CNN model outperformed the state of the art results on the
same dataset, which were obtained with classic methods. However, LSTM results were
similar to those obtained with traditional methods (e.g. quadratic LDA) as shown in
Figure 9. An intuitive reason of that could be the limited amount of training data. As
a result, reducing model complexity by decreasing the number of cell memories would
be a promising solution to improve the developed algorithm. After validating the offline
results, we wish to mention that the testing phase was done online and a successful
real-time control of a robot arm was performed using the trained proposed CNN model
as shown in the supplementary video in the supplementary materials section 7.

4.2. Decoding of natural grasps from surface EMG signals

Making a prosthetic hand grasp an object precisely and effortlessly is a crucial step
in prostheses design [47]. Additionally, dexterous grasping of objects with different
shapes and sizes seems to be a big challenge in today’s prostheses. In this section, we
demonstrate the usage of gumpy to classify four movements (Fist grasp, 2-digit grasp,
3-digit grasp, hand open) with two different force levels (low, high). Data used in this
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 13

QLDA Proposed CNN Proposed LSTM

Accuracy (%)

S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9

Figure 9: Accuracy results obtained for individual participants with QLDA, CNN and
LSTM models.

example study were recorded at our lab and are made publicly available at gumpy’s
website. Different steps for EMG processing using gumpy are described below.

Filtering EMG signals were band-pass filtered between 20 and 255 Hz and notch filtered
at 50 Hz using the gumpy.signal module. Feature extraction and normalization:
Filtered EMG signals were analyzed using 200 ms sliding time windows with 50 ms
overlapping [48]. The length of the sliding window was chosen for the purpose of allowing
real-time control. For each interval, the computed mean of the signal was subtracted and
divided by the standard deviation. Besides, the resulting EMG signals were normalized
by the maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) magnitude. Thereafter, the
root mean square (RMS) was computed in each time window and fed into the classifier.
We wish to stress that we used the same feature extraction method to classify each type
of the associated force level (low, high).

Feature selection and Classification Herein, the SFFS algorithm was used to select a
certain number of features in the k range (10, 25). Different classifiers were used to
predict one of four possible hand poses and one of the two force levels. Offline results
using SVM with 3-fold stratified cross validation are illustrated in Figure 10. Obtained
prediction results during the real-time test, are presented in the next section. The
validation accuracy for three different subjects were 82% (±4%) for posture classification
and 96% (±3%) for force classification. It should be noted that those results were
obtained after performing three-fold cross validation using gumpy’s validation module.
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 14

Force Hand gesture

Accuracy (%)

S1 S2 S3

Figure 10: Obtained results for hand posture and force classification with 3-fold cross-

5. Gumpy real-time applications

Aside of the offline capabilities, gumpy can be used in an online fashion to perform
real-time experiments such as robot arm control using SSVEP, online EMG decoding
and real-time control of robots using EEG signals. All the real-time gumpy case studies
as well as the developed real-time experimental paradigms are made available under
https://github.com/gumpy-bci/gumpy-realtime. Importantly, these case studies
can be easily modified or extended by gumpy end-users to suit their specific applications.

5.1. Real-time Robot Arm Control using SSVEP-based BCI

In this section, we further test and validate gumpy’s real-time capabilities by online
detection and classification of SSVEP signals for a robot arm control. SSVEP are brain
events measured after a visual flickering stimulation of a frequency between 3.5 Hz and 75
Hz. They appear as a peak in the frequency spectrum of the EEG signals recorded over
the primary visual cortex at the respective stimulus frequency [28]. The gumpy SSVEP
paradigm described previously in section 3.2.4 was used for data recording. During the
live experiment, the subject had to focus on one of the four displayed checkerboards
flickering at different frequencies. Power spectral density (PSD) features from the
electrodes O1, O2, and Oz over the occipital lobe were extracted, normalized and a
principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to reduce the dimensionality. A
random forest classifier was trained offline on recorded data collected from four different
subjects (3 male, 1 female). A 5-fold stratified cross validation was performed to evaluate
model performance and to tune hyper-parameters. Afterwards, the trained random
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 15

forest classifier was used in the testing phase to perform an online classification, where
new predictions on the test data were performed. Thereafter, a command was sent to
move a six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) robot arm in four different directions according
to the position of the detected flickering object. A flowchart of this SSVEP project
is shown in Figure 11. In addition, a supplementary video of this work, which shows
a successful real-time robot arm control using SSVEP-based BCI is available in the
supplementary materials section 7.

Figure 11: SSVEP project flowchart.

5.2. Real-time prosthetic hand using surface EMG signals

Herein, we describe the online decoding of three grasp poses, namely fist grasp, 2-digit
grasp and 3-digit grasp. The offline analysis and processing described previously in
section 4.2 were used. The developed algorithm was tested on two healthy subjects. 72
trials (24 for each posture) were first acquired to train the model. Thereafter, new 30
online trials (10 per posture) were used for online testing. The number of offline trials
used for model training has been reduced in retrospective analysis to evaluate the effect
of the training data size on the online classification accuracy as shown in Figure 12. It
should be noted that a 3-fold cross validation was used to train the (offline) model in the
first place. Figure 12 shows that with 72 offline trials, an accuracy of 82% and 92% was
reached for S1 and S2, respectively. Overall, it is clear that the accuracy could be even
further improved by increasing the number of training trials. However, by using 24 trials
for each posture, a good compromise between duration of training time and accuracy of
training was found. A supplementary video of this work, which shows a successful real-
time prosthetic hand control using sEMG is available in the supplementary materials
section 7.
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 16

S1 S2
Accuracy (%)

5 10 15 20 24
Number of offline trials per posture

Figure 12: Online Accuracy of EMG classification without force.

5.3. Online hybrid BCI using EEG and surface EMG for reach-to-grasp movements
In this section, we present a case study for the hybrid BCI approach, where the
decoding of motor imagery (MI) movements from EEG (Section 4.1) was combined
with posture classification from sEMG (Section 5.2) in a sequential fashion. For that,
2-MI movements, namely left and right imagined hand movements and three classes of
hand postures (fist, 2-finger pinch and 3-finger pinch) were decoded. Classic machine
learning and deep learning approaches were combined to perform an online decoding. In
this example study, the online mode was designed to perform reach-to-grasp movement
decoding, where a KUKA robot arm [49] was controlled by MI signals (reach movement)
whereas a prosthetic hand was controlled using sEMG signals (grasp movement) in a
single online experiment. One benefit offered by combining EEG and EMG [50] is the low
latency provided by EEG when decoding reach movements as well as the rich spectro-
temporal information that can be decoded from sEMG when classifying complex grasp
movements [50, 48]. In this example study, the LSL was used to synchronize different
data streams (EEG, EMG) and the temporal procedure was arranged as a state machine.
During the offline recording, the program alternates between two states, which execute
the tasks related to EEG and EMG experiments. This means the participant performed
the EEG experimental paradigm first. Thereafter, the EMG experimental paradigm
was performed. This procedure was repeated for a defined number of offline trials,
for instance 72 as was shown in the online EMG experiment in section 5.2. After
completion of the offline experiments, the program enters a state, where the model of
posture detection was trained based on the offline recorded EMG data whereas the MI
pre-trained model was retrained based on the offline EEG data. It should be noted that
the pre-trained model can be either a CNN or a standard machine learning classifier,
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 17

depending on the end-user’s configuration. Afterwards, the program enters the online
phase, which consists of three states (EEG, EMG and classification). These states are
performed sequentially for a defined number of online trials. Likewise, the EEG state
was first performed and was followed by the EMG state. As a result, data were classified
and the robot arm as well as the prosthetic hand were controlled to perform a reach-to
grasp movement as shown in Figure 13. It is worth noting that different experiments
investigating the aforementioned hybrid approach are currently conducted and results
will be reported in another scientific paper.

EEG signal
Imagine Decoding
left/right hand acquisition & algorithm
movement processing

Reaching direction

Simultaneous recording of movement
EEG and EMG signals
Grasp posture

EMG signal
acquisition & algorithm

Gumpy Toolbox

Figure 13: The proposed hybrid BCI experiment for reach-to-grasp movements decoding.

5.4. Live generation of spectrograms

In this section, we show how to use gumpy to generate and stream spectrograms, which
could be used later on for different online applications. Generally, spectrograms are
generated from data within a circular buffer that stores a predetermined number of
samples up to the most recent one. The capacity of this buffer depends on the parameters
used for the short-time Fourier transform (STFT), namely the window length and the
overlap between consecutive windows. The window length is chosen as a compromise
between frequency resolution in lower frequency bands and time resolution in higher
ones. Prior to the STFT’s application, the data are passed through the filter bank to
ensure consistency in the signal range over all spectrograms. The training of a suitable
network is realized with data augmentation methods, which mimic the live processing,
so that the network is presented with similar data throughout training and real-time
application. The live generation system has been tested for frame rates up to 128 Hz on
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 18

a PC with a 2.8 GHz quadcore CPU, showing a stable performance throughout. The
source code of this live interface is available in the gumpy-realtime repository. Figure
14 and 15 summarize the whole process of live spectrograms generation. As shown in
the video, a noticeable delay (∼ 1.4 sec) was experienced when performing the real-
time experiment. This delay can be attributed almost entirely to the CNN processing.
Hence, modern hardware accelerators like NVIDIA TensorRT [51], Intel Movidius NCS
[52] or even IBM TrueNorth [53] could reduce the latency drastically and provide much
higher throughput for our developed deep learning models than the standard PC we
have employed.

Figure 14: Data streaming via LSL.

6. Discussion and Conclusion

6.1. Gumpy toolbox advantages

In this paper, we unveiled gumpy, a free and open source Python toolbox for BCI
applications. Gumpy includes a wide range of visualization, processing and decoding
methods including feature selection algorithms, classic machine learning classifiers,
voting classifiers and several deep learning architectures. Additionally, the toolbox
is not only limited to EEG signals, but it can be used to interpret sEMG signals as
well, hence spurring the usage of hybrid BCI concepts. Furthermore, gumpy provides a
turnkey solution to perform online BCI experiments by providing several experimental
paradigm examples including SSVEP, classic motor imagery movements, reach-to-grasp
movements, EMG grasping tasks and online hybrid BCI experiments. In the previous
sections, we demonstrated the usage of gumpy with two showcase examples for offline
analysis using an existing EEG dataset and new EMG data recorded at our lab.
Similarly, gumpy’s real-time capabilities were shown through the control of a robot arm
using SSVEP-based BCI and the real-time control of a prosthetic hand using sEMG.
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 19

Figure 15: A frame of a live stream. Top: Filtered signal during a trial. Blue and
red traces illustrate channel 1 and channel 2, respectively. Vertical lines indicate visual
(orange, arrow at t = 0 s) and acoustic cues (red). Bottom: Generated spectrograms
from data within the grey rectangle shown above.

More relevantly, gumpy includes different deep learning models such as CNN, RCNN
and LSTM which were developed and tested in this paper to classify sensory motor
rhythms from EEG signals. Interestingly, not only a reproducibility of previous results
was achieved with gumpy but also some of the results (e.g. section 4.1) outperformed
state-of-the art results on the same datasets. Thus, gumpy could foster the development
of more robust EEG/EMG decoding algorithms and open new avenues in ongoing hybrid
BCI research. Finally, it is important to highlight that different BCI research groups
are now testing the toolbox and many students have already worked with it. Most of
the students managed to master the use of the toolbox in less than a week.

6.2. Future development of gumpy toolbox

Despite the considerable number of functions, algorithms and experimental paradigms
that gumpy provides, further processing methods are under development. Particularly,
developing an experimental paradigm for error-related potential (ErrP) recording as well
as providing a case study for ErrPs decoding would be of utmost importance for BCI
researchers [54, 55]. Likewise, a P300-based BCI speller paradigm is still missing and
should be added to gumpy’s experimental paradigms. Moreover, some of the widely-used
techniques in BCI research, such as source localization [56] and connectivity analysis
[57] should be integrated within the gumpy toolbox in future developments. Aside
from that, it would be important to include channel selection techniques [58] as well
as other classification methods to the toolbox, such as Riemannian geometry-based
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 20

classification [59] and restricted Boltzmann machines [60], which have been advocated
by BCI researchers [7]. Moreover, in addition to the proposed sequential architecture in
section 5.3, it would be important to test the simultaneous hybrid BCI, where EEG and
EMG are fused to yield one control signal. This can be done by merging classification
probabilities of EEG and EMG using Bayesian fusion techniques [5]. Furthermore, as
gumpy was solely tested with EEG and EMG signals, performing more analyses with
other human data, such as fMRI, ECoG or MEG could further validate the usefulness
as well as the applicability of the toolbox, thereby spur the use of gumpy in other BCI
applications. Last, we wish to highlight that some other example studies investigating
the fusion of different multimodal signals [58] are now under development. Interesting
works proposed before by Y. Li et al. about combining P300 and motor imagery [61]
as well as combining SSVEP and P300 [62] present good sources of inspiration for
developing and testing new multimodal BCI case studies. Along these lines, it would be
undoubtedly important to investigate the combination of ErrP and EMG as has been
recently proposed by J. DelPreto et al. in their novel work [63].

6.3. Conclusion
This paper presents and thoroughly describes gumpy, a novel toolbox suitable for hybrid
brain computer interfaces. The overarching aim of gumpy is to provide a libre BCI
software, which includes a wide range of functions for processing and decoding of EEG
and EMG signals as well as classification methods with both traditional machine learning
and deep learning techniques. The offline usage of gumpy is demonstrated with two
different showcase examples. Firstly, gumpy is used to decode two motor imagery
movements using a publicly available EEG 2b dataset from the BCI competition IV.
Different feature extraction and classification methods have also been implemented and
tested. Importantly, the obtained results using the gumpy CNN algorithm showed
some improvement compared to obtained state-of-the art results on the same dataset.
Furthermore, gumpy is also used to decode different grasp poses from our recorded
gumpy signals. Additionally, we show gumpy’s real-time capabilities within a successful
robot arm control using SSVEP signals and a prosthetic hand control using sEMG.
Last, we provide a case study where gumpy can be used to perform online hybrid
BCI experiments. Overall, there are promising future trends for its use in various BCI
applications. With gumpy, we envision to pave the way for a new phase of open source
BCI research.

7. Supplementary Materials

• Supplementary video 1 about real-time robot arm control using SSVEP-based

BCI: http://youtu.be/Dm-GGcImKjY
• Supplementary video 2 about EEG signals decoding using CNNs: http:
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 21

• Supplementary video 3 about prosthetic hand control using surface EMG

signals: http://youtu.be/igOEXpwfBZA

8. Source code and documentation

The source code of gumpy toolbox is released under the MIT license and available with
a detailed documentation at http://gumpy.org. In addition, we provide a tutorial-like
overview of the toolbox using the python documentation generator Sphinx. With our
provided Jupyter notebooks, we facilitate the usage of the toolbox and we give end-users
insightful information how to adjust parameters in the toolbox.

9. Funding

This work was supported in part by Ph.D. grant of the German Academic Exchange
Service (DAAD) and by the Helmholtz Association.

10. Acknowledgments

The authors would like to thank Othmane Necib, Rémi Laumont, Maxime Kirgo,
Bernhard Specht, Daniel Stichling, Azade Farshad, and Sebastian Martinez, Constantin
Uhde, Jannick Lippert and Chen zhong for technical assistance. We gratefully
acknowledge the developers of Python, Theano, Keras, scikit-learn, NumPy, SciPy, LSL
and other software packages that gumpy builds upon. Furthermore, we would like to
thank Stefan Ehrlich for his helpful comments on the manuscript. Last, the authors
would like to thank Prof. Dongheui Lee and Dr. Pietro Falco for fruitful discussions
and for providing the prosthetic hand and the KUKA robot arm.

11. Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial
or financial relationships, which could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Gumpy: A Python Toolbox Suitable for Hybrid Brain-Computer Interfaces 22

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