Practice GD Topics: Placement Preparation Committee

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Placement Preparation Committee

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1. Is privatisation of Government banks the road ahead?

2. Should a country like India host Olympics?
3. Only educated people should be given the right to cast vote
4. Voting should be made mandatory in India
5. Current education system leads to dogmatic thinking
6. Is Donald Trump leading the world towards World War 3?
7. Democratic country like India should hold referendums for major decisions
8. Is management an art or science?
9. Corporate Social Responsibility is hypocrisy
10. Has the judiciary been over reaching in recent times?
11. Is India's foreign policy working?
12. Should army training be made mandatory?
13. Do NGOs in India Really Work for Others OR Work for their Own Vested Interests?
14. Are Ethics just Business Pretence?
15. Just as we have smoke free zones, we should have child free zones
16. Freedom of expression versus freedom to take offence
17. Are Trade Policies threatening globalization?
18. Online User Data Collection is good or bad?
19. How can innovation be made the DNA of an organization?
20. Can India transform completely from brick and mortar to digital banking model?
21. Commercialisation of healthcare – Good or Bad?
22. A recent report suggested that only 47% of MBA students are employable. How true is
this statement? Discuss and suggest methods to improve the system?
23. Scenario of cashless payments in India and possible impact on Indian economy


1. Religion is the opium of the people

2. Business of business is business
3. Food Comes First, Ethics Later
4. Bharat vs. India
5. Morality is subjective
6. No man is an island
7. Loose lips sink ships
8. Nothing is right, nothing is wrong, everybody has a different opinion
9. To be or not to be
10. Ignorance is Bliss

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11. YOLO
12. Life is either a comedy or a tragedy
13. Leadership is inherent from birth, it cannot be developed


1. 2 of Promino's employees posted a video about making a sandwich using disgustingly

dirty ways. The video gets famous. What needs to be done?

2. You are the members on the board of a major consulting firm. One of your senior
executives has made controversial statements about one of your competitors during an
interview and is now being targeted on most forms of news media. This incident has had a
severe impact on the company's reputation as well and your share prices have plummeted
since the incident. However, the executive has been responsible for getting a majority of
your biggest clients and made huge profits for the company over the last few years. And
there's a significant proportion of your clients who would follow the executive should s/he
be poached into joining one of the competitor firms. Discuss how to handle this situation

3. All of you are part of the President's advisory committee. There has been a deadly viral
outbreak in a small, secluded town with a population of 10,000 people. The virus always kills
anyone who is infected. You have quarantined the town with a fence and military patrol.
There is a 20% chance that the virus has already spread beyond the town. You have 3
options - You can destroy the town right now (killing everyone), do nothing (increasing the
probability of the virus spreading further by 5% and killing 80% of the town population) or
attempt a rescue operation (increasing the probability of the virus spreading by 20% and
saving 50% of the people). The president would make his decision according to your

4. You are the executive committee of a fast food chain. There has been a steep decline in
demand for your products over the past few years due to people becoming more health
conscious. However, when you tried introducing a new line of healthy products in the
market, the response was even worse than the earlier product lines. Discuss the possible
course of action.

5. You are the executive committee at one of the biggest soft drink manufacturers in the
world. One of the employees at your biggest competitor has contacted you and offered to
reveal the secret formula for your competitor’s product for $10 million. The formula isn't
patented as it has never been revealed. What should you do?

6. You are the executive committee of a pharmaceutical company. You have just launched a
new drug for a deadly disease that was earlier incurable and killed people within 1 year of
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being infected. Soon after it was launched, you started discovering cases of people
developing paralysis after using the drug. Further research from your internal scientists
revealed that 1 out of 500,000 people who use the medicine develop paralysis. You have
spent several billions of dollars in research for developing the medicine and there is
currently no other cure for the disease. Revealing the side-effects of the medicine will result
in it being taken off the market

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