Accenture CMT Industry X0 Platform Product Management PoV October 2018

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The passage discusses the differences between managing an application versus managing a platform, and outlines eight key dimensions where a platform product manager needs to operate differently from a traditional product manager.

The eight key dimensions are: empowering different personas in the ecosystem, continuous improvement, collaboration focus, servant leadership, autonomous teams, empowerment and trust, high alignment.

The two main objectives of platforms are acceleration and extended value.

The Eight Key

of Platform

Successful tech companies like Amazon,
Google, and Alibaba are unleashing profound
global macroeconomic changes through their
platform-based business models. But this is
not just a tech industry phenomenon. Industry
leaders across all market segments are building
platforms to seize new opportunities for growth
and capital rewards. In fact, 81 percent of
executives say platform-based business
models will be core to their growth strategy
within three years.1

However, managing a platform is different

than managing an application and the methods,
techniques and skills of product management
in these two environments are distinct.

The two main objectives of platforms are The core responsibility of the
acceleration and extended value. If an platforms is to not just be future
organization wants to achieve these objectives
thinking but to be velocity oriented.
on its platform, it is critical to recognize the
differences and employ the appropriate Ashley Still, Vice President/General
platform product management capabilities. Manager, Adobe Document Cloud and
Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise, Adobe
Successful platforms have product managers
who constantly strive to shift the organization’s
DNA from product to “platform first.”

Accenture interviewed platform product

In a complex business with multiple
managers from successful platform companies point products and cloud-based
such as Adobe, Dropbox, Salesforce and PayPal, solutions at various stages of maturity,
along with our own internal platform product the key issue for us, as platform
teams, to understand the subtle but critical product managers, is to ensure we
nuances between platform and application have “a platform first” or “API first”
product management. Our research revealed
DNA throughout the company.
eight key dimensions where a platform product
manager needs to operate differently from a Vijay Vachani, Director, Partner Platform &
traditional product manager in order to shift to Ecosystem, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe
a “Platform First” approach.

1 Empower the different

types of personas in the
Customers focus and empathy is just
as important as relevant in Platform
product management. Rather than
building platforms because it’s the
Application product managers are highly next cool thing to do, Platform product
focused on crafting the product specifically for managers should develop a laser focus
end-user personas. Whether they are consumers, on what problems they are looking to
enterprise users or enterprise administrators
solve for their developers and partners.
with different usage preferences, the goal of the
application product manager is to maximize the Priya Lakshminarayanan Sr. Dir, Head of
value delivered to these end users. Product, PayPal Platform Services

A platform, however, serves an ecosystem of

different types of personas from end-users
to developers, producers and partners and
We strive to empower the middle tier
generally, the platform’s end-user persona
of the ecosystem (e.g. developers,
is not well known. The goal of the platform
product manager is to focus on the mid-tier— partners, admins). The goal of a
the developers, producers and partner personas platform product manager is to make
in the platform ecosystem—so that they can, in them as powerful as can be.
turn, deliver optimal value and rich experiences
Heather Conklin, VP Product Management–
to their end-users. The multiplier effect is
AppExchange, Salesforce
successful when the platform ecosystem is larger
and more powerful than the company itself.

2 Protect the core interactions and enable the rest
The platform ecosystem necessitates a key question: What are the platform features that the
personas derive value from on a regular basis? These features form the core platform interaction,
which is the company’s key differentiation and should therefore be protected.

As an example, Dropbox’s core interaction and differentiation is high performance ubiquitous

collaboration. Dropbox continues to grow its users and customers while empowering its ecosystem
through a suite of APIs and integrations with popular tools like Microsoft Outlook, Autodesk,
Google, Salesforce, and Atlassian’s JIRA Software.2 There are now more than 300,000 paying
Dropbox business teams3 and more than 75% have linked to one or more third-party applications.4

Only when the core is fully developed, and Our main goal is to keep your content
business model finalized, should the middle safe in Dropbox, while making it
tier of the ecosystem—developers and partners
extremely accessible.
—be empowered to develop complementary
experiences on top of the core interaction. The Doug Summe, Platform Technologist,
platform approach is really an embodiment Dropbox
of a desire to scale and scaling can only be
achieved through a clear distinction between
the platform’s core interaction and its enablers.
If a platform product strategy does not
That means that platform product managers incorporate a “Platform First approach”
have to think about what is core and what with core interaction APIs and enablers,
can be shared. Making mistakes in this area it will be very difficult to scale across
can have consequences. Exposing the core multiple customer segments.
creates competitors. Doing it right creates
complementary experiences. Ramadurai Ramalingam, Managing Director,
Platform Engineering, Accenture

Exposing the core

creates competitors.
Doing it right creates

3 Scale with public APIs while providing premium or
secure access through private APIs
The middle tier of the ecosystem generally consists of developers and these developers are
enabled to create complementary experiences through APIs. This introduces a key dilemma
for the platform product manager. Should the APIs be made public (shared with all 3rd party
developers)? Should they be kept private (shared internally or with select partners)? Or, should
the code be opensource?

Opening up an API externally to the public is a large commitment, and the APIs have to be treated
like a product.

The platform product manager should follow a decision framework to help guide this decision,
similar to the simplified decision tree in Figure 1. It is critical to consider what data should remain
private, what can be exposed to partners and, if appropriate, what data can be exposed to public
developers. As recent newsworthy events have demonstrated, the decision to make an API public
is a significant decision that needs to comply with privacy policies and endure rigorous testing.

Figure 1: Framework for determining API strategy

Private API

The accounting platform

company Xero’s partner APIs
YES restrict access to the user or
developer’s organization only5
Does the API
expose sensitive YES
or private data? Public API
Should the experience
NO externalized by the The ability to filter and derive
API be controlled?
insights from tweets offered
Is the service or
NO through Twitter’s public APIs
data a unique
differentiator? are a unique differentiator
for Twitter6


Uber has open sourced

projects such as Ohana &
Horovod to attract contribution
to their development tools7

Most public APIs are initially introduced as private APIs to ensure they are tested thoroughly
before their broader release. They are initially released as “private internal” for internal teams to
use to create connectors with third party apps. This helps test functionality, performance and
security. If the APIs pass the internal scrutiny, they are published as “private APIs” or “beta APIs”
and released to select ecosystem partners. Once the APIs perform with no issues at external
partner sites, the APIs are released as “public APIs.”

Some companies choose to open source internal platforms to showcase the interesting work they are
doing internally which can serve as a recruiting tool.

4 Influence the microservices architecture

Whether monolithic or microservices, the architecture of an application is designed and managed
entirely by engineering teams. In contrast, platforms are predominantly built using microservices
architecture so that business capabilities can be exposed through APIs and apps can be built on
top of the platform. This distributed microservices architecture can quickly become tangled and
impede scaling if the platform product manager does not get involved.

The platform product manager will need to have

enough technical skills to ensure the architecture is A platform product manager has to
truly a microservices architecture. He or she will also check the microservices support
need to understand the data and interdependencies structure. There is a need to get down
and delineate the micro services based on business
to the weeds of system architecture
capabilities. Additionally, each user story can span
in order to understand the DB table(s)
multiple services, which requires careful dependency
mapping between the different microservices. and what is exposed to the service.
Doug Summe, Platform Technologist,
E-commerce platform example

Presentation Layer

Dependencies between Order,

API Interface API Interface API Interface Shipping & Payment Service will
have to be considered for any new
Business Business Business use case
Logic Logic Logic
Each microservice can build on their own
tech stack and there is no need to get
Data Data Data
Repository Repository Repository locked into a database. However, in reality
maintaining multiple versions of the tech
stack or database will be cumbersome and
Data Storage Data Storage Data Storage expensive. As a result, the Platform Product
Manager will be required to influence a
standard - e.g. all microservices need to
Order Shipping Payment adopt ASP.NET & OracleDB back-end
Service Service Service

Additionally, the key platform success metrics are similar Application product managers
metrics used to monitor microservices. Common platform measure success of their
metrics are: product using engagement and
retention metrics such as DAU/
• Platform availability SLAs measured as 99.95% / MAU. Success of a platform
99.99% / 99.999% should also be deliberate about
• Usage metrics measured as #API calls/day the metrics they choose to
define success. Eg: API calls/day,
• Performance metrics measured through Read/Write/
#Events ingested per day etc.
Query latencies in mico/milli seconds
Priya Lakshminarayanan
• Scale metrics measured as #Events ingested per day,
Sr. Dir, Head of Product, PayPal
#of queries per second, #of notifications sent per day etc. Platform Services

A platform product manager should be deliberate about the metrics they choose to define the
success of their platform and understand the impact that the microservices architcture can have
on their success metrics.

5 Strive for long-term sustainability versus

short-term trade-offs
In traditional application product management, the features prioritized for development are
determined using a matrix of business value versus effort. Generally, the highest priority is
according to features that provide quick wins. However, a platform serves as a foundation on
which many businesses develop their applications and sustain their business model. Hence,
the prioritization of features for a platform requires long-term planning to ensure sustainability,
performance and scalability over time.

The platform product manager needs to understand the long-term strategic vision well enough
to decide on short- and long-term trade-offs. Focusing only on the short-term quick wins may
not encompass requirements specifically for performance at scale and extension of the APIs
for different market segments, which could be disastrous for partners and for platform
growth. There is always a need to appropriately balance quick wins versus long-term platform
investments. Many times, unpopular decisions that hurt the short-term wins are made to make
the platform better over time.

Consider Adobe, where the average platform strategy spans A platform product manager
at least 10 years. Adobe’s transition from packaged software is different. There is no instant
to subscription-based cloud services began in 2013. gratification for the platform
Eighteen months ago, Adobe began investment in building product manager. They need
support for artificial intelligence (AI) and the company is to be patient. Long-term
currently thinking long-term about the next generation requirements are a tough sell and
platform that includes AI, voice, augmented and virtual
can be influenced by discussing
potential total addressable market
reality technologies. This approach does not come easily.
(TAM) expansion and growth in
As Adobe CTO Abhay Parasnis commented, “When we first
product lines.
started thinking about the next generation platform, we had
to think about what do we want to build for. It’s a massive lift Doug Summe, Platform Technologist,
and we have to architect to last a decade.”8 Dropbox

6 Emphasize future-proofing
during platform updates
Traditional packaged software has a very clear upgrade
Platform product managers
need to be able to drive long
term sustainability, scalability
path and is managed by the engineering or support
& performance for “future
teams. The new releases only impact the end-user in
“proofing the platform.
terms of usage. However, a platform product manager
has to be involved in the upgrade strategy in order to Heather Conklin, VP Product
drive long-term performance of the platform. Management – AppExchange, Salesforce

The platform product manager has to have enough

technical knowledge to develop a meticulous upgrade
strategy since there will be developers and partners
that base their businesses on the different versions
of the platform. When the version is changed, the Older technology still has to
platform product manager has to think through the work – the developer eco-system
support of all the applications based on previous will get disengaged if backward
versions and how to ensure older APIs remain intact compatibility is not thought
so that ecosystem developers are not impacted through when defining the
by changes to the platform’s underlying code or platform.
architecture. For example, Salesforce ensures future-
Robert Hiss, Managing Director Products
proofing by making sure that no application written & Platform, Accenture
on the Salesforce platform is rendered obsolete by an
upgrade. When Salesforce upgraded from Salesforce
(classic) to Salesforce1 (lightning), the company
supported Salesforce classic console API methods
in the lightning console API to enable customers to
transition.9 Also consider the simple email protocol –
POP3, IMAP, SMTP. These haven’t changed in decades
and, because of that, there is now a rich ecosystem of
email access methods, apps, tools and services.

7 Optimize by exploring
the distinct platform
monetization models
Companies like Adobe & Netflix
currently do not directly monetize
the platforms. Platforms support
experiences – features are
In packaged software products the monetization flow developed to enable experiences.
is generally one-way. End users pay for the product So, monetization is still through
directly or through advertisements. This is not the the application.
case with platforms where the monetization flow is
complex across the ecosystem of developers, partners Ashley Still, Vice President/General
and end-users. Manager, Adobe Document Cloud
and Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise,

Companies like Adobe & Netflix
do not directly monetize their
platforms. They use the platforms
to enhance experiences on
their applications that improves
customer loyalty and enables
new customer acquisitions.
Sometimes partners or developers can also be paid to use the platform to amplify the network
effect – growing the developer ecosystem to grow the platform. For instance, Slack has set up an
$80 million fund to seed development of the Slack platform.10 There are also instances where the
success of the platform is based on growing user adoption of the core product. (See Figure 2.)
Platform product managers and their organizations must give careful consideration to adopting
the right monetization model to achieve the best return on investment.

Figure 2: Sample platform monetization models

Products built on Salesforce platform pay out around

API revenue share 15 - 25% of revenues as royalty.11 Currently 50% of
Salesforce revenues are through APIs.12

Docusign the #1 e-signature platform prices its APIs based on

a monthly subscription plan with tiering based on document
API subscription
volume. Docusign‘s revenue was $518M this year at IPO and
nearly 60% of the transactions are through APIs.13

Twilio, a real time communication platform charges per API

API call volume call or per user.14 Twilio’s revenues are in the range of ~
$400M with an average YoY growth rate of 50%.15

Premium API access Twitter offers APIs for premium access for elevated access.16

Salesforce has an AppExchange Partner Program that ISV

partners can take advantage of: ISVforce allowing developers
Strategic API partnerships
to build, market, and sell apps only to
customers at 15% reduction.17

Twitter has started allowing enterprises to access

Data monetization APIs that directly provide data insights.18 Data
licensing now accounts for 15% of Twitter revenues.19

8 Inspire the shift to a “platform
first” culture
Companies undergoing a transformation to a platform
Having good working
relationships with developers
& a deep understanding of
the breadth of business and
have to be very purposeful in the architectural
decisions that are made and the order in which the what the customers do is
platform is built. Every single decision needs to very important for platform
encompass a mindset of building for flexibility – this is product managers.
the core of the platform DNA or platform culture.
Ashley Still, Vice President/General
Traditionally product managers provide supervisory Manager, Adobe Document Cloud and
leadership with tight control over features delivered Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise, Adobe
by each scrum team. This approach is sustainable with
a monolithic architecture and internal developers.
However, a platform product is comprised of multiple
microservices with each microservice engineering
team operating independently. The approach of
In platform engineering,
decoupling releases introduced by the platform
microservices architecture is only successful with we allow time for spiking
highly aligned and empowered autonomous teams. - researching and
A platform product manager needs to work with investigating architecture
internal developers as well as external developers in options before beginning
the platform ecosystem. While in application product development sprints.
management the product manager controls backlog,
product approval and releases, in platforms, there Heather Conklin, VP Product
are multiple dependencies and decisions controlled Management – AppExchange,
by autonomous teams. Platform product managers Salesforce
must collaborate, justify objectives through a strong
business case and lead through influence. He or
she is a key influencer in setting the order and
speed of releases so that the platform foundation
remains strong.

Some organizations allow time for “spiking,” or

time to research and think through architecture
in advance of sprints. This is more common
in platform product development.

In addition, general product management principles of continuous improvement and agile
development apply (Figure 3).

Figure 3: The culture of a successful platform engineering team

Spiking Servant leadership

Continuous improvement Autonomous, self-organized teams

Iterative/Agile development Empowerment & trust

Collaboration focused High alignment

A platform first DNA

The movement from a product approach to a platform
approach is a complete organizational transformation,
inclusive of product management. An organization
that does not embed the necessary platform product
management capabilities into its DNA can make poor
strategic decisions about the platform’s evolution that
have unintentional and potentially devastating effects.

By following the above eight

guiding principles, organizations
can ensure they have the best
platform product management
capabilities in place to guide their
future, monetize their investment
and capitalize on the multiplier
effect of having many thriving
businesses whose livelihood sits
on top of their platform.




















Kirthi Vani
Senior Manager
Product Strategy & Management
[email protected]

Key Contributors
Ramadurai Ramalingam
Managing Director
Product Engineering
[email protected]

Steve Roberts
Managing Director
Communications, Media & Technology
[email protected]

Robert Hiss
Managing Director
Products and Platforms
[email protected]

Pankaj Chawla
Managing Director
Products and Platforms
[email protected]

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experience and specialized skills across more than 40 industries and all business functions –
underpinned by the world’s largest delivery network – Accenture works at the intersection of
business and technology to help clients improve their performance and create sustainable value
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