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V For Valentine: by Olivia Arieti

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V For Valentine

by Olivia Arieti

(The school gym. A table and chairs Onstage. Time is the present. Miss Daisy enters with the box and
places it on the table. She is followed by the Children.)

Daisy: Now you girls put those cardboards against the wall, and you boys help me place the chairs
around; everything must be ready when your moms and dads arrive.

Polly: Our school has the best Valentine's parties there are.

Susan: My sister, too, is going to a sweethearts' ball this evening.

Daisy: They're celebrating Valentine's Day all around the globe, Susan. -

Ralph: Is it true that the Empire State Building turns on red lights tonight

Daisy: The London Eye too. Ralph. February the fourteenth is a very special day all those who love and
care for their dearest.

Tommy: My mom said that also birds choose their mates today.

(Valentine, Oh, Valentine nursery rhyme.)

Girls: Valentine, oh, Valentine,

Curl your locks as I do mine,

Two before and two behind.

Good-morrow to you, Valentine.

Daisy: That was very good, girls, your moms and dads will be delighted.

(Rose and Violet enter arm in arm.)

Rose: } (Together)

Violet: } Roses are red

Violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet,

And so are you.

Daisy: Miss Rose, Miss Violet, how nice of you to come.

Kate: You're my mommy's favorite flowers.

Rose: Oh yes. we're being delivered all around the world today.

Violet: You know, say it with flowers…

Tommy: I prefer when they say it with chocolates.

Rose: There are so many ways to say, I love you.

Georgie: I know one too.

Daisy: Go ahead Georgie.

Georgie: Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

Onions stink...

(Children laugh.)

Daisy: (Hurriedly) That’s enough, that's enough, no need to go further.

(Cupid enters.)

Cupid: Love, love, love! Everybody wants to fall in love today and I need extra hands. with all these
arrows to shoot

Daisy: Cupid, you too, here?

Cupid: Couldn't miss the date.

Tommy: Hey, where are your arrows?

Cupid: Right here, sonny, in my quiver.

Ralph: I don't see any arrows there.

Cupid: You can't, they're invisible. (Mimes shooting an arrow.) Guys will find out they've been shot only
when they fall in love.
Polly: Will you shoot an arrow at Miss Daisy's heart too?

Kate: That would be cool; she doesn't have a boyfriend yet.

Daisy: Girls. please!

Cupid: Who knows. there're so many going out today.

(Valentine enters.)

Valentine: Most true, most true, indeed.

Daisy: Saint Valentine! What an honor to have you with us.

Valentine: Well, today's my day. isn't it?

Daisy: Absolutely, Valentine belongs to a very long time ago, but we all recall and celebrate him today.

Valentine: I was once a priest who married couples. (lowly) I had to do it secretly because Claudius the
Second, an evill Roman Emperor, didn't allow it.

Rose: He was also called "Claudius the Cruel", if I’m correct.

Violet: He thought that marriage made bad soldiers, imagine that.

Valentine: I celebrated weddings all the same; couldn't let down the poor lads and lasses wishing to tie
the knot.

Daisy: It's not for no reason you're the patron saint of lovers.

(Love Your Friends song.)

Children: } (Together)

Love, love, love your friends,

Love them all year long.

Especially on Valentine's Day,

As we sing this song!

Cupid: (To Children.) Do you know what the Emperor did when he found out?

(Children shake their heads.)

Cupid: He sent poor Valentine to jail. That's where he met Julia. the jailors daughter.

Valentine: Oh yes she brought me a piece of bread every day and we became friends.
Rose: The girl as blind- but Valentine restored her sight.

Violet: And his last message was for her signed...

Cupid: That's an easy guess children.

Children: From your Valentine.

Daisy: That's why we all sign our love messages like our friend here did centuries ago.

(Children hold hands and skip in a circle. The Postman Brings a Valentine song.)

Children: The postman brings a Valentine. a Valentine, a Valentine.

The postman brings a Valentine; it says that I love you!

Susan: I've sent cards also to my, granny, cousins and all my friends.

Tommy: Me too; the prettiest was for my mom.

Daisy: A special Valentine from the ones you love is the most precious gift.

Valentine: Indeed, well, I have to go now, but you just keep on loving; nothing more than love warms up
the hearts, trust me.

Children: Bye, bye Valentine.

(Valentine exits. Miss Lollipop enters.)

Lollipop: Hearts, hearts? Did someone mention hearts?

Daisy: So here is our dear Miss Lollipop all in red.

(Red Heart song.)

Lollipop: I have a red heart, a red heart, a red heart.

I have a red heart

That I will give to you.

Children: I have a red heart, a red heart, a red heart.

I have a red heart

That I will give to you.

Lollipop: (Throbs) I've been throbbing all day long. So much love makes my heart beat fast.

Kate: You look so sweet, Miss Lollipop.

Lollipop: And I am. all strawberry and sugar.

Children: Yummy. yummy, yummy.

Susan: My brother loves chocolate ones too.

Lollipop: Chocolate, marshmallow or jelly candies are everyone's favorites today, as long as they're red,
pink or white and have the shape of a heart. Some also have such romantic messages.

Tommy: Yeah. I got one with “kiss me”.

Kate: Mine was “call me”.

Susan: And yours. Miss Daisy?

Daisy: Well…

Lollipop: Do you know what we're called when we carry a message?

Children: Sweethearts, sweethearts!

(Mrs Teapot enters.)

Mrs Teapot: Hey, I'm here too guys.

Daisy: No Valentine's Day without Cupid's love tea.

Teapot: Cold water, apple juice, honey, cinnamon and (takes out three tea bags) rosehip tea bags are all
you need to make your sugarplum fall for you.

Rose: A true delight.

Teapot: Got to drink it with your sweetheart if you want it to work.

Polly: Mommy drank it with my dad and they tied the knot the following year right on Valentine's Day.

Rose: Bet they married at Gretna Green.

Polly: How do you know?

Rose: Folks love getting married in that little Scottish village.

Cupid: The blacksmith used to celebrate the weddings over his anvil.

Lollipop: For sure the newlyweds had a lucky life with all those horseshoes around.

Daisy: Time for our valentine box, children. I believe all your sweethearts’ names are in there.

Children: Yes. Miss Daisy.

Violet: No game more romantic than that.

Rose: The Romans were the first to play it.

Cupid: At the festival of Lupercalia.

Daisy: That's a rather difficult word let’s repeat it together.

Daisy: }(Together)

Children: } Lu-per-ca-lia.

Teapot: Very good.

(If You Love Me And You Know it song.)

Children: If you love me and you know a, blow me a kiss.

If you love me and you know it, blow me a kiss.

If you love me and you know it.

Cupid: } (Together)

Lollipop: } Then your face will surely show it.

If you love me and you know it, blow me a kiss.

(Children blow kisses.)

Daisy: (Takes the box.) Who's going to be the first, boys?

Ralph: Me, Miss Daisy. (Draws out a scrap of paper.)

Giris: Well?

Ralph: Polly! (Takes her hand.) You're my Valentine, sweetie.

Tommy: My turn. (Draws out a scrap.) Wow, it's Susan! (Takes Susan’s hand.)

Susan: Quick, Georgie, your turn.

Georgie: (Draws out his scrap, frowns.) Seems Kate is my Valentine.

Kate: For this year only.

Georgie: Thank heavens …

Daisy: No fighting kids.

(Mr Clark enters.)

Daisy: Our principle has arrived, children.

Children: Good morning, Mr Clark.

Mr Clark: Hello there. (Looks around.) I see we have some truly special guests today. So pleased to have
you at our party guys.

Rose: Thank you, Mr Clark.

Clark: (Sees the box.) Hey, am I still in time to draw out a Valentine too? I love this game.

Daisy: I believe the box is empty by now.

Girls: (Giggle) Please. Mr Clark.

Clark: Never can tell... (Draws out a scrap, reads it.) Daisy…

Daisy: It can’t be.

Georgie: (To Cupid, lowly.) You got them!

Cupid: You bet.

Clark: (Takes her hands.) Miss Daisy, will you do me the honor to be my Valentine?

(Be My Valentine song.)

Children: (All together.)

Will you be my Valentine?

Valentine? Valentine?

Will you be my Valentine,

On this special day?

All: Happy Valentine, folks!

Miss Daisy - Teacher

Mr Clark - Principle

St Valentine


Miss Rose

Miss Violet

Mrs Teapot

Miss Lollipop

Georgie - Child

Tommy - Child

Ralph - Child

Polly - Child

Kate - Child

Susan - Child

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